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To:<br />

The Superintending Engineer (VC)<br />

MSEDCL<br />

<strong>Vashi</strong> Circle<br />

Navi Mumbai.<br />

On the understanding based on the explanation and briefing given to us, the requirement of this<br />

assignment is to calculate the power / units procured for the purpose of mitigating load shedding<br />

in the areas which were declared ZLS zones so as to fmd the cost of those units.<br />

It is also given to understand that Franchisee is expected to supply everyday for 12 Hours at a<br />

mutually agreed rate and in the event of non-performance of the expected condition; the actual<br />

supply time will have to be considered.<br />

Further it is given to understand that, in the event of the total power regularly ordered from the<br />

Franchisee is in excess of the requirement in the ZLS then in that event, such power shall not be<br />

accounted for as units used for mitigating load shedding in ZLS area and accordingly such units<br />

shall be at the cost of the Distribution Company and not to' be charged to the Consumers of ZLS<br />

area.<br />

Further it is explained to us and as per our understanding, the energy used for mitigating load<br />

shedding in the said area is calculated on the basis of average load and the duration of the planned<br />

load shedding, where the planned load shedding means the proposed load shedding if the ZLS is<br />

not proposed for any area.<br />

Further it is understood that the "average load" referred to in the calculation is in fact not exactly<br />

the "average load" as computing the same is highly complicated and complex process and hence<br />

the average load is considered as the general running load during the period in which the load<br />

shedding is avoided under ZLS.<br />

We have relied on the expert for the technical verification and the appropriateness and<br />

reasonableness of assumptions and methods used and their application are the responsibility of<br />

the expert however we have obtain an understanding of those assumptions and methods to<br />

determine that they are reasonable b~sed on our knowledge of your business and on the results of<br />

our review process.<br />

Page 1 of2<br />


TELEPHONE: 022 30686900 FAX: 022 30686904



Disclaimer:<br />

1) Timings, factors, figures and parameters provided by various units like Corporate<br />

Office, field units are taken as correct at their face value and their authenticity is not<br />

verified.<br />

2) Actual Quantities used from the Grid or given to the Grid are assessed ones and not<br />

actually measured. However the method adopted is the possible one to arrive at the<br />

nearest to the actual figures. Under the circumstances, the factors and figures are not<br />

as accurate but are nearest to the actuals.<br />

3) Average load of feeders were taken as the loads established during previous year<br />

2009-10. Similarly Base losses are taken as observed during the year April 2010 -<br />

March 2011.<br />

1) % distribution and collections losses based on the performance during the year 2009<br />

-2010 for grouping the areas.<br />

2) Average loads of areas concerned<br />

3) Load profile statement<br />

4) MW and MUs requirement sheet to mitigate load shedding as per individual<br />

circulars from Corporate Office and the consolidated statement<br />

5) Statements showing Units purchased, power purchase cost, reliability charges.<br />

6) Calculation of financial implication of Zero Load Shedding Program wherein as per<br />

the information provided, the amount burden for mitigating Load shedding is<br />

Rs.(6.25)Cr, Rs. (6.10) Cr and Rs. (4.99) Cr for the months of January, February<br />

and March 2011 respectively. The total burden for this quarter being Rs.(17.34) Cr.<br />

Based on the above, we state that the documents produced before us does not contain material<br />

arithmetic discrepancies.<br />

Proprietor.<br />

Mumbai<br />

Page 2 of2<br />


TELEPHONE: 022 30686900 FAX: 022 30686904

Sr. No Particulars<br />

1<br />

MU requirement as per LSprotocol and considering effective load<br />

shedding days in a month at Transmission periphery<br />

Data to be<br />

obtained from:<br />

Units legends Jan-ll Feb-ll Mar-ll<br />

LM MU a 38.46 34.48 30.32<br />

2<br />

Monthly support from additional<br />

) at MSETCLBoundry<br />

PPfor ZLS(As per CE(PP)statement<br />

pp<br />

MU b 38.46 34.48 30.32<br />

3 Cost of Power Purchase for ZLS Rs.Cr c 16.12 15.10 13.46<br />

4 Annual Sliding Distribution loss ending quarter IR % d 8.69% 8.69% 8.69%<br />

Average Billing Rate of Zl.SArea<br />

5<br />

ABR = {total revenue billed in the month - (electricity duty + TOSE+ IT & respective<br />

RCbilled in the month + Additional RC)}/ total units billed in that O&M circle<br />

Rs./ kWh e 5.484 5.724 5.358<br />

month<br />

6 Recovery through Reliability Charges IT RsCr f 4.0465 4.0531 4.3389<br />

7 Consumption on which RCis to be levied IT MU g 175.9380 176.2226 188.6490<br />

Exe. Engineer (Ve)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. <strong>Vashi</strong>



Sr. No Particulars Units Formulae Jan-ll Feb-ll Mar-ll<br />

1<br />

2<br />

MU requirement as per LS protocol and considering effective<br />

load shedding days in a mortth at Transmission periphery<br />

Monthly support from additional PP for ZLS (As per CE(PP)<br />

statement) at MSETCL Boundry<br />

\<br />

MU a ~I 38.46 'V 34.48 "" 30.3;'<br />

MU b •<br />

"'-..I<br />

38.46 '" 34.48<br />

"J<br />

Total (Jan<br />

2011 to<br />

Mar-<br />

2011)<br />

"'103.2582<br />

30.32 J103.2582<br />

3 Cost of Power Purchase for ZLS Rs. Cr c " 16.12 .," 15.10 , V13.46 ,,44.68<br />

4 Additional Energy available at the TD interface MU d= b * (1- 0.0485) ~ 36.60<br />

......,32.81 ......., 28.85<br />

"" 98.25<br />

--.......8.69% ..•....8.69% .......•8.69%'<br />

5 Annual Sliding Distribution loss ending quarter % e<br />

-48.69%<br />

6 Additional sales after accounting dist loss MU f=d*(l-e) " 33.41 "" 29.95 " 26.34' ""'" 89.71<br />

7<br />

Average Billing Rate of ZLS Area<br />

ABR = {total revenue billed in the month - (electricity duty +<br />

TOSE + RC billed in the month + Additional RC)} / total units<br />

billed in that month<br />

Rs./ kWh g "'" 5.48 \" 5.72 'v 5.36 '\" 5.53<br />

8 Revenue generated through additional sale Rs.cr h = (f * g )/10 ~18.32<br />

-......,,17.14<br />

"<br />

'" 14.12 -- 49.58<br />

9 Recovery through Reliability Charges Rs Cr i I 4.05 v 4.05 "" 4.34 ~ 12.44<br />

10 Consumption on which RC is to be levied MU j .~ 175.94 1176.22 ""v- 188.65 "" 540.81<br />

11 Total Revenue.Generated Rs Cr k=h+i ......,22.37<br />

'" 21.20 v 18.45 '" 62.02<br />

12 Under / (Over) Recovery of ZLS PP cost Rs Cr I=c-k "'" (6.25) """ (6.10) ,",(4.99) ......,(17.34)<br />

13 Incremental Reliability Charge to be recovered / refunded Rs/kWh m=i/j (0.36) (0.35) (0.26) (0.32)<br />

([~<br />

\}~ Exe. Entnecr lVC)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. <strong>Vashi</strong>

Annexure-B Summary of Reliability Charges Charged to<br />

Consumers under ZLS of <strong>Vashi</strong> Circle<br />

Month Units Amount<br />

Mus Cr.<br />

Jan-11 "' 175.9380 -=J 4.0465<br />

--.....I<br />

Feb-11 176.2226 4.0531<br />

Mar-11 188.6490 ~ 4.3389<br />

Total 540.8096 12.4385<br />

Exe. Engineer (Ve)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. <strong>Vashi</strong>

Annexure-C- Power Purchase Data, MUS<br />

available and its Cost for <strong>Vashi</strong> Circle<br />

Month Mus Rs.Cr<br />

Jan-11 ,38.4600 .J 16.1200<br />

Feb-11 34.4800 15.1000<br />

Mar-11 30.3200 13.4600<br />

Total 103.2600 44.6800<br />

~<br />

Exe. Engineer (Ve)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. <strong>Vashi</strong>

KellaDlllty Llemana excluamg<br />

ELECTRICITY DUTY TAXON SALE Demand Excluding Charges per Reliability Charges Units Billed per Rate of<br />

MONTH DEMAND in Rs ..Cr •. Rs.Cr RsCr. EO+Tax on sale TOSE & EO Cr. month Rs. Cr Rs. Cr. Month in Mus Realization<br />

A B C D=B+C E=A-D F H=E-F I J=H/I<br />

Jan-11 178.77 17.96 1.690 19.650 159.119 4.047 155.072 282.787 ...••. ~ 5.48<br />

Feb-11 187.23 16.90 1.700 18.600 168.635 4.053 164.582 287.553 -....15.72<br />

Mar-11 192.08 19.40 1.860 21.260 170.824 4.339 166.486 310.695 V 5.36<br />

Month Distribution Losses LT Losses<br />

FY 2010-11<br />

"<br />

Maharashtra State Electricity Dist.Co.Ltd.<br />

<strong>Vashi</strong>, Circle<br />

Collection Efficiency<br />

LT)<br />

( HT+<br />

Collection Efficiency ( LT)<br />

Input HT Sale LT Sale Total sale Demand Collection Demand Collectic!O<br />

% Loss LT Input<br />

% LT<br />

Loss<br />

% Efficiency % Efficiency<br />

ATCE Eft<br />

MUs MUs MUs MUs Crores Crores Crores Crores ( HT+LT) LT<br />

Apr·10 347.6 190,8 119.8 310.6 10.6 150.9 20.6 192.23 178.48 92.8 73,9 61,6 83.4 83.0 66.2<br />

fv1ay-10 359.4 188.6 126.1 314.7 12.4 164.9 23.6 185.33 177.52 95.8 73.2 71,6 97,9 83.9 74.8<br />

-<br />

Jun-10 336,7 197,6 129,8 327.4 2.7 133.0 2.4 190.77 186.46 97.7 74.6 no 96.5 95.1 94.2<br />

Jul-10 328.1 185.2 113.6 298.7 8,96 137.2 17.25 177.26 187.71 106,90 66.5 71.9 108.13 96.41 89.48<br />

Aug-10 329.8 187.8 109.9 297.7 9.72 136.2 19.28 187.47 187.13 99.82 66.2 67.9 102.56 90.12 82.79<br />

'.<br />

Sep-10 333.7 190.4 114.6 306.0 8.61 137.5 16:63 165.77 155.24 93.66 64.0 62.2 97.19 85.58 81.03<br />

Oct·10 348.7 194.6 113.0 307.7 11.78 148.1 23.68 200.23 197.58 98.68 70.3 76.1 108.31 87.05 82.66<br />

Nov-10 . 330.4 19004 121.0 311.4 5.76 134.1 9.81 200.06 196.18 98.06 74.7 70.7 94.67 92.41 85.39<br />

Dec-10 314.7 185.9 114.1 300.0 4.68 123.1 7.28 195.66 206.17 105.37 71.9 78.0 108.40 100.44 100.51<br />

Jan-l1 309.6 182.4 100.3 282.8 8.66 121.5 17.42 175.45 188.88 107.65 59.8 69.4 116.02 98.33 95.80<br />

Feb-ll 301.0 183.2 104.4 287.6 4.46 112.1 6.91 166.01 176.98 106.61 57.6 59.4 103.20 101.86 96.07<br />

Mar·11 362.2 199.8 110.9 310.7 14.21 156.2 29.00 185:77 191.81 103.25 61.5 67.2 109.17 88.58 77.50<br />

TOTAL 4001.9 2276.7 1377.5 3654.2 8.69 1654.8 16.8 2222.0 2230.1 100.4 814.3 . 828.1 101.7 91.65 84.66<br />

(Cf<br />

Exe. Engineer (Ve)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. <strong>Vashi</strong><br />


MW & Mus requirement for <strong>Vashi</strong> Circle to mitigate Load shedding as per Circular No. 33 dated<br />

19.11.2010<br />

Average load<br />

Division<br />

"<br />

DCl Group<br />

of MIDC/<br />



DAY<br />


G<br />

Protocol as per<br />

CIR_33_19.11.2010<br />

Average<br />

load of<br />

Urban<br />

feeder<br />

Protocol as per<br />

CIR_33_19.11.2010<br />


MW LS hrs. MWH MW LS hrs. MWH<br />

Nerul 13 A 9.00 2.29 21 75.71 2.00 151 172<br />

<strong>Vashi</strong> 14 . A 143.71 2.29 329 106.70 2.00 213 542<br />

Panvel 28 C 64.34 2.29 147 90.95 3.50 318 466<br />

Total 217.05 497 273.36 683 1180<br />

MW / MUs<br />

Mwh, requirement 497 683 1180<br />

REQUIREMET wrto 12<br />

hrs at Vashl Circle<br />

Periphery<br />

MW req uIrement 41 57 98<br />

MUs requirement at<br />

MSETCL Peripheri<br />

(Trns. Loss 4.85%)<br />

Mwh requirement 522 718 1240.35<br />

MW requirement 44 60 103<br />

MW Requirement<br />

IMSETCL Periphery @<br />

Exe. Engineer (Ve)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. Vash:

Monthwise power req MSETCL peri_2<br />


Jan-2010 Feb·10 Mar-10<br />

%LS<strong>Vashi</strong><br />

MU<br />

requireme<br />

ntas per<br />

.Drotoeol<br />

Actual MU<br />

requireme<br />

nt<br />

%LS<strong>Vashi</strong><br />

MU<br />

requireme<br />

ntas per<br />

Drotocol<br />

Actual MU<br />

requireme<br />

nt<br />

%LS<br />

<strong>Vashi</strong><br />

MU<br />

requireme<br />

nt as per<br />

nrnt""nl<br />

Actual MU<br />

requireme<br />

nt<br />

1 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

2 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

3 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

4 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

5 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

6 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

7 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

8 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

9 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

10 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

11 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

12 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

13 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

14 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

15 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

16 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

17 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

18 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

19 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

20 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

21 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

22 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

23 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

24 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

25 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

26 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

27 103 1.24 1.24 103 1.24 1.241 82 0.98 0.980<br />

28 103 1.24 1.24 82 0.98 0.980 82 0.98 0.980<br />

29 103 1.24 1.24 100 0.00 0.000 82 0.98 0.980<br />

30 103 1.24 1.24 100 0.00 0.000 82 0.98 0.980<br />

31 103 1.24 1.24 100 0.000 82 0.98 0.980<br />

Total MU<br />

requirement<br />

for the ---...<br />

'"' 38.4&60 ~ 34.478<br />

month at<br />

MSETCL<br />

oheriDherv<br />

ReqUirement of Vashl Circle to mrtlgate load<br />

shedding as per Load Management Section<br />

Circular No. 33 dl<br />

19.11.2010<br />

MW MUs<br />

Requirement Requirement<br />

for 12 hrs to for to<br />

mitigate load mitigate load<br />

shedding shedding<br />

MW MUs<br />

30.380<br />

Exe. . eer (Ve)<br />

M.S.E.D.C. Ltd. <strong>Vashi</strong>

Sr.No Particulars<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Detailed Calculation of Financial Implication of Zero<br />

Load Shedding Programme in <strong>Vashi</strong> Circle<br />

Summary of Reliability Charges Charged to<br />

Consumers<br />

3 Monthly Power Purchased, its cost<br />

4 Rate of Realization<br />

5 Power requirement<br />

6 Requirement of Power as per Circular No. 32.33<br />

7 Summarised IT report for Reliability Charges<br />

8<br />

Distribution Loss for year during the period from Jan-<br />

2011 to Mar 2010

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