03.06.1945 thru 01.24.1947.pdf - The Lowell
03.06.1945 thru 01.24.1947.pdf - The Lowell
03.06.1945 thru 01.24.1947.pdf - The Lowell
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KASTKIt<br />
"WHKK"<br />
Volume K.'i. X'». 1<br />
Sjin KriiiH'isrn, {..'utiforriin, Titusdity, March B, 19 IS ^f 1/<br />
IXJUNS<br />
vs. imsn<br />
Founded January, 1898<br />
New Student Body Officers Beginning Work<br />
• Scratchin'<br />
the Surface<br />
It) llarlnn KPHJWI<br />
If this cupy of <strong>The</strong> IfOWfll<br />
duLsn't reach y»u jt• time for tin 1<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>-Sacred Heart iranii', yon<br />
may un well blame it on the war<br />
lUiif the difficulties uhkh it ha*<br />
vaulted. However, if thi* ciili'tilalinm<br />
of Tin 1 I«o\vell (jtaff nie correct,<br />
you win HI'11 iwvivt- tliit. i.^Hiit 1<br />
In time t" in:iki' von cdiiith up two<br />
bits to atti-iiii today's i:nim\ Tinname<br />
fxlay is an important urnheuuinv<br />
[.iiwll stilt has « rhiuice<br />
for tun hiMwrs. #Thc team twi'ds<br />
your support thU xcn^ni numthan<br />
!t luw in many a u-n».<br />
Perhaps the <strong>Lowell</strong> jttsdriil liuily<br />
is tired of the neatly repented<br />
pica, "U't's all jrpt In-hind our basket<br />
hall team" or "Cumc out to that<br />
Kamc today," I*»>wi-HV buskcllinll<br />
team li,ia shown by its first few<br />
jj.'iuics thin it's a team to lie iirout!<br />
of.<br />
It's tip to ouch f.mvollite to see<br />
that <strong>The</strong> Ax is victorious toddy<br />
by colnjr to Kuwir Pavilion and ;<br />
yelliatr himsulf. hoarse. <strong>The</strong>re is<br />
/>iill time to tft-t it ticket: su dtjr<br />
up u-oiiKh to attend the |{iimo and<br />
keep .l,owell's spirit on the t.ip.<br />
Don't lut Luwell down:<br />
With no v.'-.catton except Saturday<br />
and Sunday, LowdliU-s beiruu<br />
the H|>riutr term of l!M. r > in the red<br />
brick hiu.lt school, at the ciu'iior of<br />
llaycs and Asbbtiry streets. Ilnvinir<br />
completed their secondary cduirutiun.<br />
1<br />
ike ran!:<br />
into<br />
steud<br />
omurus<br />
IIU<br />
their KtiiiL _ ... - -<br />
rooms, enrolled in the school rfcli r workfii out._ Mrs. Itcideman<br />
SE oSnfinS of ttse .lathes who<br />
pj.- 1 IJUVCII cssentiallv is the same in<br />
l.'revery respect, althouKh a larBe siirn|ryiIli: ,0o ))cr cent pnrtlclpa^<br />
•nart of the tcuehinv profession t|()II in tIlt, rmrt.I)HSL, of ^omy niu]<br />
has bceit taken over by student., 8tmm)S foi. t'hllt month \VUft ]o'3t ^<br />
J he teachers;who formerly guarded lho first time in fourteen months,<br />
the halls between fourth and fifth tll4! j I 1 I I U,, r y {\a]S WII(I recHined. If<br />
periods have been replaced by ca- you WHIlt \a k^c|( it Knmk Mc-<br />
TODAY<br />
Jim Duvaras,<br />
Ann Bartlett<br />
Head Board<br />
<strong>The</strong> elections have been over for<br />
a month, the victor.-) hnvo been<br />
known, anil now, as the dtiat of.<br />
battle settles over n new term, a<br />
tpiiuk look of whom the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
j .students have elected for their now<br />
I iificcrs is jriven.<br />
i First in everybody's mind is<br />
! President Jim Duvaras. nhi> kcown<br />
i ax a .star of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s hoop kids.<br />
1<br />
Serving n.s muretary last term,<br />
Jim made himself well known and<br />
| well liked throughout <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
• Ann Hitrtlett. with her cheery<br />
smile and her willingness to work,<br />
; is thfi Kh'l who has replaced Cont<br />
nit- Cook as vice-prexy. Ann has<br />
: held, in hoi* years at <strong>Lowell</strong>, the of-<br />
, fii-es of tt'tfls<br />
<strong>The</strong>se lowly people, rending in the usual 11<br />
Niu't Krlly. Nanc-.v l.owc. Ann liar<br />
xfory at riRlil.)<br />
1 cheer leader and<br />
} Inch-;! vice-president, and is a<br />
member of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s hiir sisters.<br />
<strong>The</strong> rumfeil hody, immediately<br />
j followed by n man, is Jnck "<strong>The</strong><br />
1<br />
Chest" Kirmid, the new treasurer.<br />
' who is aiming now for the goal of<br />
100 t l f d<br />
: m.. ,111 11,-111 ^mu ui. Hiiiuetit aoay<br />
naiiner, nreSdiilenl Itiidv Offirvr** Ilarlan KOMMVI. .Irck Struitd,: cards. .lack's services to the<br />
rtk'tt. I tub KiT.-hi'iunv. Jim Ihivnms, and (•cor^t* SaliiiKer. (See' .school include traffic squad, Scroll<br />
; and L. and Ulock L.<br />
Hob HerKhenow, lonjr renowned<br />
l.able students who do the j«b, ConI „„,, ,;„,, Mt.KeevW are ready<br />
eciuaily well.<br />
* • • • •<br />
Once every two or three weeks<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Letter Box is opened.<br />
Everything from cut lips ami -<br />
waste paper to sandwiches and<br />
broken niirmrs are found here, but<br />
what is most surprising of all arc<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Reaches jj ciean-up committee <strong>Lowell</strong> Welcomes<br />
Bomber Quota I Be e ins New Term 137 Newcomers<br />
<strong>The</strong> work of the clean-up comitttfi-<br />
i.* not to pick up the pajiers<br />
A dt-cal dupliLMtiiij- the one to be' «m! l«" L ''i ''»»»• ll "t rather to pre- With the number of<br />
to be secretary of<br />
the L. H. S. S. A. Bob received<br />
his pre-election tralninc- while acting<br />
as low-i sccretarj'.<br />
N'oel Kelly, whose services to the<br />
school would fill the wa^e, Is the<br />
, now. encrpctic yell lender. Amonsr<br />
students "Rod's" jobs have been those of<br />
the usual iw «tated..,»d. Secretaries Lois Hertin,: of <strong>The</strong> low threes, who will hold<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Littler Box is the same ' "<br />
, 'thiiii* us a iiitf Krecu box on the<br />
liatroet..<br />
IS NOT A POST UOX. It U for<br />
messaKes to the editor, comments,<br />
"criticisms, etc., about <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
!'In hearing of those who've »uc-<br />
„ -couded<br />
Have you ever wondered why<br />
Tho fact is so often mentioned<br />
Tlint thev studied at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Hih"<br />
£?•-Since "186G, <strong>Lowell</strong> has been n<br />
f reut-school, ». crnndachool of trallqpn<br />
and .honor. But just what<br />
Bp« the word <strong>Lowell</strong> mean to you?<br />
'it i." more tni <strong>The</strong> Lions Club of California and, _ . . n<br />
Nevada holds its annual spcocitj Injun n PatTott<br />
m arious<br />
mutest next month, with tho topic<br />
schools are Kurtis Slayer, Alan<br />
, p<br />
Sheets Exchanged L Ln«inw. . Phyllis Phlli ys Ck Cook, Cook, Eleanor Eleanor<br />
of "What My Parents Mean to<br />
° I Dicker, Dicker Joan Sawyer. Sawyer Wavy Wavy Ann<br />
Me." .ue." Topics of oc California California, form j with the sollinir of 1000 copies; Slonnc. ElefteHa Dales. Kdmund<br />
the basis of the oration* in the o£ tll[s e.!:ttort of <strong>The</strong> Lowull at i Orton. Diane Greenly, a" * Barbara<br />
Xativo Sons contost. <strong>The</strong> Ameri- po]vtcchnic today, two rival! Flor<br />
cjiti LOKI'MI will base Its speeches st.hnols. Poly nml <strong>Lowell</strong> are beon<br />
the '•Amendments to.thoi Con-i,com\ng better acquainted.<br />
atlLuLiMi. "Alunrun and the Monroei TnL. j(i0II of promotin(r better re-<br />
J oct 1S<br />
i /.lm tbo .topic choson for; \ationB -between- the - t\vi» Behools<br />
the William Randolph Hearst con- wa8 nro,,OS0(| by the stiff of the<br />
>" tho name of a <strong>The</strong><br />
Poly'Pn'rrot,<br />
tournaments will be Pl Hih<br />
nipn school,.for a diploma from d<br />
A<br />
Lowll has an intangible quality<br />
nn not bo duplicated. tournament will take place In I.<br />
at <strong>Lowell</strong> for five cents<br />
Anriiri.: San Francisco. '<strong>The</strong>Vw^*-, Bv simple multiplication!<br />
' <strong>Lowell</strong> nneds the aupport of<br />
very student, from little gun to<br />
officers of the debatinir society «ml subtraction it la found that,<br />
jjic ffun. to live up to Ita eminent<br />
huve made plans for a b-Ij-lit and <strong>Lowell</strong> makes a profit on the ex-<br />
Ijatandnrdg.<br />
profitablc' future. <strong>The</strong>y are Ron- chanRO. It Is hoped that when the<br />
aid Klein, nresiden.f.: Ruth Schwa- t<br />
up to you to keen <strong>Lowell</strong> on<br />
n..t.. n i. Q^ )<br />
.* <strong>Lowell</strong> has never failed you. Mitchell, secretary; Bob Bennett. P<br />
't you lot <strong>Lowell</strong> down.<br />
rcsa <strong>The</strong> high threes, up another step<br />
on the stairs that lend to high.<br />
soniorshii), held their second election<br />
In the upper division, and Ravo<br />
their presidency to Dave Holmnn,<br />
vice-]•residency to Phyllis Carrciro,<br />
and secretaryship to Tom Trowbridge.<br />
_ , ^<br />
<strong>The</strong> la«t in-school dance of tho "<br />
term will be presented by the low__<br />
seniors; who elected"to-Ruiae'thoni •-<br />
CALENDAR Claude Rosen bore as president, ;.-<br />
Beverly Huff'as secrtary, and Bob<br />
Today—Sncred Ileart basketball Xolan as sccrotary.<br />
name.<br />
March 15—Sixth period, room<br />
30(1, boys' nrelnductlon talk.<br />
March lfi—Lincoln vs. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
(ih (ff Kme).<br />
Mnrch 19—Report cards.<br />
March 2'1—Stanford aptitude<br />
test. '<br />
*|«on» will be an even creator April 2—Na\-y talk. :<br />
treasurer. demand for the paper.<br />
;<br />
<strong>The</strong> all-important Honior prom,<br />
THE bi-annual event nt <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />
will he given an added jboost by "<br />
Bill Evers, Norma Elkin^ton, and -'<br />
Secretary .Too Kohlhcckcr, nil of<br />
whom have served the school well<br />
before. ' - '<br />
With four dances in prospect,<br />
these twelve class officers hope anrf '"<br />
plan to present the best dance's<br />
I <strong>Lowell</strong> has ever seen.
•- 1 ! -V--<br />
ft-<br />
• erz--. .-<br />
§':V<br />
TWO<br />
UOWE.LL<br />
rffic tounlci.a« IDink/Vnd FIuwerjYoti van both act as chuperones<br />
and Curley and Flint,|i.htl so with: nt.the i; prom."<br />
LowelJ Diploma<br />
Wins High Praise<br />
. A (Uplotna from Ii<br />
Dick Warren. "P. F. C." in thi» Army, is iww^(<br />
ser\*ing overseas. ' ° "^<br />
Fletcher M. Meriwether, December, 10S7. ls A a r a-*'<br />
private in the Infantry, stationed: at Canil^--<br />
RohertK. California. -i<br />
Bill Hendricks is a corporal In the U, S. Armj*,J_<br />
stationed at'S.'in Luis Obis po. Billts a KTacr^uate<br />
of 1941. J vidVng th*<br />
Flahaven<br />
Duvnrcs<br />
Thurston<br />
Miilrcady<br />
Moore<br />
-• . _ . f__. . .fl8i<br />
C'hnrles K.-Auerbach, captnin in the Coast""Ar*"*""<br />
tlllory :Corps, riH:eivod the Bronze Star<br />
nioritutious service in connection with<br />
tnry operations against the enemy in F -<br />
from June to December of last year. Charles,^<br />
attended <strong>Lowell</strong> and the University of<br />
; .<br />
Colgate University's Navy Academy Refresher,<br />
• Unit (V-7)), nnd has rv|tat-te
Indians Chase After Irish in<br />
Tough Prep 'Crucial' Today<br />
Poly Drops 'Big Game';<br />
Indians Make Title Bid|Papooses Stay in Race<br />
By Victory Over Poly<br />
With a blistering second half attack that nearly blasted Poly eff the -<br />
court. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s fast-breaking Indian. 1 ) last week continued their bid for<br />
the title by dropping the Parrots by tho wayside, JJ6-25, in n came that<br />
turned from a tight struggle in unu half to a walkaway in the other.:<br />
With Dick Mulready tanking ton points and dendeye Jim Duvaras com-<br />
ing- through for nine, <strong>Lowell</strong> was clearly the superior ball club from 1<br />
A. great den) of the Indians' success this season must go to high<br />
scoring Pick Mulready, who has made the difference between a ball<br />
club good fundamentally, hut lacking in drive and scoring ability, and<br />
one which can run up scores Mich as the Indians have done up to now.<br />
"Mo." who got (iff to rather a poor start, has been coming through with<br />
the chips down in th« past few games to average around ten points per<br />
tilt.,.is well as being.strong.defensively and jrubounding.with the borit<br />
of them. But he hasn't been iJnnu by any monns. <strong>The</strong> two Joes, Thurston<br />
and Flnhavcn, each have ."7 points to their credit, followed by Jim<br />
Swimmers<br />
j Led by sensational Johnny Frac-<br />
! chin's 11 points, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s greatly<br />
tremely "rosy." Vanity holdovers l was constantly intercepting Poly i<br />
are Don Fisher, Tom Gitchell. Ed! pn^ nnd playing s haiiulf.il 1<br />
Toner, and John Kosekmns. TlH'j i.<br />
This Game<br />
Should Sizzle<br />
start to finish. If the team ran continue playing that brand of ball, it<br />
.should have better than avcrngu chance against the league-leading<br />
_, -_ -# improved K10 pound bnskctcersj<br />
Sacred Heart Irish today.<br />
T r t \A/lfl toppled the title contending Poly<br />
'<strong>The</strong> main factor for the Injuu's recent successes seems to he the fast<br />
*<br />
break installed by Cnncli NVff after the dinstrous "ch^ke" to Uaiboa.,<br />
fm sir.ce then, the Indians have been able to boast of a 20- point per<br />
gume iiverage, second highest in the city.<br />
<strong>The</strong> way the prep casaha chase is knotted up now, yourguchs" is an'<br />
good nomine, hutjt looks as if Sacred Heart is definitely the team to<br />
V T ¥ In what should develop into one<br />
"I* tile season's top encounters.<br />
Jewell's title-seeking Indians meet<br />
*** j lightweights 30 tc 2.1 in u .Inntmcdl S:icred Ileart's lengue-iuadinieTrfim<br />
t Kcznr pavilion, February 23. De- on Keznr's battte-ficarrKd hard-<br />
little 7.il7y WonK'3lV<br />
l woods<br />
Apuari>nUy_destined to<br />
thn city crown, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />
the ball<br />
heat., With "two forwards like Breen and Gnlvfn, any team couldgo; mermen nre rounding into shapei £ c shot into an early and complaccB,<br />
and that Ht-ems to be. just what the Irish have bocn doing. Lin- wfth the siiring "titular fottivnl"!<br />
coin, with a hit of luck, could also get tin them, as could <strong>Lowell</strong>, providing<br />
thoy whip the previously mentioned pair. A victory over Sacred<br />
Heart today would make next week's clash with the Mustangs a "nat<br />
urnl," just a? last year's S. I.-Loowcll was, whrn the Injuns, on big last season's championship varsi- 1<br />
deadly accuracy<br />
nrms of Jim ;<br />
Miring<br />
manding lead.<br />
haven, backboard control from<br />
fast appoarching.<br />
lanky Jo one . of the ' •nnUIcat.mon in<br />
" * the already strong varsity gumes as he is an excellent team! lnc "WOWi w a»<br />
rreestylorn. HUM Rodenbaugh., player with a deadly eye. Atccn-| H! * W .?W n* bHwr-an ^<br />
second place winner to GenyonCtcr ( Toam; -.- -. defoii'-iU,*,- . • •..<br />
to HamV^the light-'<br />
, .. -, . _ion, which Is always<br />
rcen aecauso It will consist main- [tc<br />
^efr-lower'division •boyfi^Ant-'for-tftle Lit<br />
! '- : rite ho?|i-- 1 iramoVaH olrajr until<br />
'- ..ilie midcMfl of the third J quarter<br />
•*ft[hnn ithe J Indian<br />
' .rcinntttiii!fnir'' I rrintheihatiial cbansg of coppiiig "'""<br />
'lcnd on. by<br />
•.j.Thnrfltnnr.Duyara aj^ahaSen .arid<br />
re v"',;'' 1 ;'; 1 " -V--p-. s-..-.j5g|<br />
th(?.:tltle-l»y wlnn'iig allthottre- Wtilrendy (W .-^.»— 4-*T. G - '!'<br />
mainlng names. >Tho UwelPrecord ^.••••; Sncni Heart '••'•Jff*¥&^'''.'^<br />
olSO Cmnmmef sllOWS -Wlns^Ve^StiJgnntiUS, nnd^i5(lon"-OT'onef ^ Croon " (0) : oin.ri.ii.ncar* _. _^ -^ ^.f'
frOUR<br />
THE I.OWEIX, Tl'ESIlAY. MARCH fi. 1915<br />
Lee Falk New |"One of the Finest" 'Library Staff<br />
Prexy of C.S.F. JournaIs To A PP ear | Not at Leisure 1<br />
California Scholarship Pcdurution<br />
officers recently elected nre<br />
Lee' Fnlk. president; Lorraine<br />
that.tho students co-iperotoi<br />
them tu avert accident!, He!<br />
it^;,A^ croup -; of. ramallevdeclania<br />
'tf in -honor of /"Brothorhpod<br />
' w a s c t d b l i eia<br />
ffsoeioy fci tho<br />
tbriurii?Februnry J 23. ^"'"^"'<br />
.;--.•; ".Topics-were/; all 1 -- original oiies<br />
'•' - rt " -'cbncerfilriff * Tirothernood and _ tb J<br />
FW 5?r : problomi"-th»t-wlH ariac'before it<br />
r?-rc'tidn. bc-^aehievwli- • <strong>The</strong>-speakers<br />
r.were.'-Ronald 'Klein, who intri><br />
,duced?the program and acted as<br />
: rmastorrdf ceremonies;- Joanne •Be"rcusirtto;Ppteraou^;D interesting; sport of tumbling '<br />
b e "of f tli« l finest," fit" says-; y m(ire-resiwctnil tl tlie-lilirary tlllry .staff, .tuthful <strong>Lowell</strong> bloomer^ gifls of I which is thej pnpoose this, term! 1<br />
to! Miss Erb's aim will be to teach the<br />
the: girls acrobatics, pyramids, and<br />
week 1 tumbling. Miss Krli says possibly<br />
weVe will [<br />
-tnl of ton honor points is EILOU , uj-nw<br />
ifid ith h l f<br />
ed to qualify for membership. An<br />
"A" equals three points, 11 "B"<br />
oiuials two points, "C" equals 0,<br />
and "D" disqualifies in prepared<br />
subjects. In an unprepared subject,<br />
"A" cqm.ls one and a hnlf,<br />
"D" equals one hnlf, "C" equals 0,<br />
and it "D" disqualifies. If meml».T«hip<br />
Is kept up four terms out<br />
of six, students m«y become life<br />
members at graduation. <strong>The</strong> following<br />
is a list of the members<br />
>this term.<br />
Robert Adam, '103; LaVernu<br />
Bcnslock, 403; Donald Xoonan,<br />
201; Jtoderlc Huake, l!01; Kutli<br />
Schwiihncher, U01; Roliert tfonnet,<br />
'Ml; Krank Unchelor, 201; Marylyn<br />
Seil, 201!; Jackwoild. Ii(l2;<br />
George Stevens, 202; BUI Smith,,<br />
202; Itonuld Klein, 20: 1 would be prompt for their appoint- Oatlu>rine ' Chapman, IJ nrot hea j satisfied with the lance turnout of • given at the end of tho term. And<br />
those cwlng money for Clark. Jean .Mt-mlierger, . Olga<br />
; Joan Marie<br />
Isaacs, 207-b; Rotte-Maric Ko-j<br />
Mini's, 20H-a: Mniy McDonald,<br />
"207-b: Dee Keatly, 2U7-:i; I)tvW<br />
Ilolman, 2ng; Joanne Kcllehcr/20S;,<br />
OlRii Smirnoff. :t'JS; Jerry Pruott,<br />
208; Joanne Benin, 2M; Khoda<br />
l ' IllhU( " n . st ,!° l« i . rls --., Ti?'*_ " ^ S^_ S P O ^ ( . whi « h is . n °t well<br />
iSiV'iirof"iilcturcfl > , >K woaU* p'ay - HmirtioffTcaioliVie'"SotiThiVnl. v and M|>«rtn will start off with a bang, known, is life Having, a branch o'f .<br />
1 1<br />
• • ' • -* tVi.* -, ... .... Thn schedule for, this fcjrm has, swimming for ice advanced fiwlni-^m.rinil-<br />
l-.ii.-tl.. Ilmirini ' IlCL '» l'n*l««I: Monday, swimming. -morn. <strong>The</strong> i.rlnciplos of life sav. T<br />
loan Gu-nl 3 t 4 m erit" fo v- »'»"»K coOh them.<br />
_Tlie,Bijr Sistci-s this term nip, 1 the, history<br />
Although<br />
teredrthis w|<br />
i'io».;they<br />
tory must l{<br />
which would!<br />
possible, me|<br />
must,come<br />
the use nf {J<br />
i;« or spit<br />
founders of<br />
Mrs. Clorift -- has received many • special work for the* Chest.<br />
under/the cbairmanshrp of Elleti: -Wlien a boy rofus&s a date, hej wonderful d l reports from Europe.I Contributiond.such'nsuscd*"<br />
D T ~' .-,' j Mamiin and Vivc-Chnirman Gin-j luis to. , . . , , <strong>The</strong> mony collected in tho fall drive or cards d stickers i m'*eut mifB-nf^<br />
East-<br />
DOyS lemnCI rla C,«utoney. <strong>The</strong> oncanluitlon'L-il When n<br />
- <strong>Lowell</strong>'s traffic squad of thirty-1 /<br />
five boys is doinjr, an excellent //,<br />
and Empurtnnt job. according to the: // '<br />
San Frnncisco PoHce Department.! /<br />
Dctirmtr this" pralso in their hoartn,:<br />
L'wli''ud of white-bld b<br />
Even<br />
1 "<br />
Compiled by<br />
Iow 3<br />
"<br />
uhiuhig the too socially-minded "T ff"' u" l - th _ 0 used to sup!<br />
lem of the<br />
of thin forcrJ<br />
Nations, will<br />
important pJ<br />
Ronof the<br />
n. !'il.-li:i<br />
.,<br />
II. K. .-itlUL'.<br />
j1<br />
, <strong>The</strong> pix,b.,<br />
disarrhanieni<br />
jion will be<br />
• to the, world<br />
tconowic reel<br />
To establiJ<br />
national ordtl<br />
'ence and „<br />
nntioi<br />
^•;;Th8 <strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra,<br />
.^dlrection-ot-Mr.rKrieBer, played a<br />
" medleV'rtfAmarican tunes in^hd'n<br />
It. Johiu-on.<br />
vt-r. J. il.-rl, J. • HWt-«''. llnrin-tl. J. lli.wd. V. Sli.-f-<br />
Illntlnii. ft. Hunt.! fry. ,C. V..^.t.:,-, J. lt»II. V. IK.yl. I:.<br />
t II H : * , I KIIII1I'I:M M J!-l>(itii1l<br />
IE. I.. 1-k-flli.<br />
A. ltiii>|>iv(.>:u. 1. hli.-tnnno. c,<br />
I.. »Kil.:.iKiif, .f...MIU:lK.l|, .(,{. l:.<br />
cuwu.<br />
V. .NVUIIck. ». Hen. M. ICin:<br />
nli'trsr. K. Sulfrrt. It Slmi.ir...<br />
I-:. Itittl.-r. J. ICflIi.|i.T.<br />
—H. Aitiiinti, S. Alltito. -I. llnrm<br />
Al'im-r. .1. Kli-litirilnon,<br />
fitock: T". Hiirwlek.<br />
•y tr ;V »• I-'Wiu-y. \v, Si'tt. P. Pntton.<br />
M. H.-iltpiirn, K. J'.tl-iijnn. SI. Kins; H-j<br />
rjiii*>. Jt. Ludcman. M. 3Ierate£ ^<br />
Stiirtlmer. • .-<br />
JiOilt:—It, Tolli'frfti. M. XlturhA. Cl<br />
I'BMiik. A. I'lmi. j.-suilzmnn, S.'Shoi»."3<br />
IT: VliM-Kli>r. u. Wnll. •-J<br />
3IB—J1. ].,,n,i. i, uniiler, X. Aikeh.<br />
^ M l<br />
it. r»c.<br />
sciio<<br />
structure nnJ<br />
educ ""<br />
and count 1<br />
n the<br />
JL<br />
ine COIIL<br />
*|O'IS Will ,,g<br />
f/olds of-this<br />
J've to lay tr<br />
rid un<br />
d de<br />
•pence and fr<br />
. T °-thi8
Volume 85. No. *J San Francisco, California, Wednesday. April 18, 1945<br />
HELP<br />
LOWELL<br />
OBTAIN<br />
BLOOD<br />
Pounded Jnnunrv. 1S9R<br />
World Peace Conference Starts Next Wednesday<br />
Ily Hurinii ICc«sel<br />
<strong>The</strong> denih of out' President<br />
Franklin 1). Koosevelt, stunned<br />
all of Lowvl] last TliurMt]uy aft-<br />
•"*«*.,-. «5Bfc-iX-/ "noon. <strong>Lowell</strong> regrets that bel^L<br />
.Wflffi'Jr- cause <strong>The</strong> l.tiwell paper was nl-<br />
«l..i*lfliS5* .tady in print, it watt not aide<br />
to preh?.it a more fitting mi-miiriitl,<br />
OIIUT than llie^e few words,<br />
lo this great and hixiuraMe<br />
American.<br />
Term Play Set<br />
For June 5, 7, 8<br />
Having chosen "George Wnsh-<br />
: ington Slept Here" for the term<br />
uluy. i\Ir, Polinnd mid his aspiring<br />
tlietqiians arc ;it work on *.he long<br />
nmi arduous task of producing tho<br />
annual presentation, which will bo<br />
given mi June 5, 7, and 8.<br />
t <strong>The</strong> piny deals with an enterpris-<br />
. ing young businessman, who hus<br />
. purchased u somewhat decrepit<br />
domicile it- which George Wash*<br />
ington reputedly slept. According<br />
to Uti> coitilttion of tlie house, it<br />
appears that no one Ims been near<br />
tht: house since that historical<br />
night. A staggering amount of<br />
[Nations Want<br />
!A Permanent<br />
World Order<br />
- Perhaps the subjVet most talked money is invested in the renovating;<br />
abuti; around Low-'ll jV»t nay;, not t»f the dwelling, and after an exincludlug<br />
the week-end trips to tremely painful month, the house<br />
Boulder, is the World Poiu-e Con- is fit to live In.<br />
ferenee, which begins April 25. Joe IlousebuildetV* funds vanish<br />
l.et*s loi.k at the significance of rapidly, however, and the fumiiy<br />
the meeting of the world powers, is in immediate danger of losing<br />
For the first time in hirftory. under the house to the creditors. Uncle<br />
similar arrangements, have the dif-> Stanley, the supposedly rich uncle<br />
feitf'nt forms of government formed i on Newton Fuller's fumiiy tree, ur-<br />
»n opuii conference to settle ami-: rives on the scene, and it looks as<br />
cably among themselves the prob-- though the Fuller residence may be<br />
lems which confront each. . .saved until Uncle Stanley shame-<br />
<strong>The</strong> peoples or the United No-if ull >' l ', c ° C ° I between the Army<br />
• tne sprint term. Al Carr. Lud ! " mi ^7rn h nnn i hn f cd / A<br />
Participants from Fresno, Ripoi.,, Heunick, Mel Tamberg. Peggy JBor-i? um tl cr o. Ripoi.,,<br />
die Sun;<br />
disarmament, relief and rehcbilita-• Fmnciwo htKh schools will enter: Dunn. Ellxnbcth Lehman, andNorton<br />
I 50O.00O In bonds Is_to<br />
ion will be uf major Impor nncel th , u H, h &h j TourntlJ Ev(.rH m!lke up t^fi dlin"'c. "<br />
to the world during the social end m(Jnt |(J lie hvhl M 10 WHh th • t '<br />
economic reeonstructton. j San ytuni:iSCQ state spring tourna-J __i<br />
To establish a successful inter-; mvnt cancelled. <strong>Lowell</strong> will spon- _. t :^<br />
national order, uhle to prevent vio-jgvr its own forensic program, foa-' Blood Drive Led by<br />
lenci- and administer justice be-! turinir dolmtiiiL'. orutorv. oxlcriina- oo^ n/*.i «r- ri<br />
l0 fii^i&iJJS\ hu Z- B .". IB- / :<br />
•'•;.vv.' a^"5 '•"~'*:.l^-*i<br />
£•*. • *-~:;
THE- LOWEU,fflj<br />
Teepee Tattle Tales<br />
latest Benny Goodman records, but Song." "Get Out of Here," and<br />
the musical value of these records "BIu>.s for Jimmy." Each -record<br />
this Incites so mnny sneers among mu- is tir^Mn-tHnor i»vn«ini« -v tji" "Itivcbug," and IK devoting lock MiiapM and falls open. Thi; door is swung back<br />
that nobody )i:t« had a chance to full ti.nu tn Dun Schiavonc nnd immediately a torrent of books, clothes'<br />
cut anyhfidy (ilsc'tf tit rout—at least (uPiiH Utttf CaoKiir). It looked lunches, nnd other articles send the stru~ " '<br />
almost noimdy. But c*esl la gucrte, «•«« commissioned n second Heutcn-<br />
English nMnot to speak where ho receiver) his commission ant (bombardier) hvthe Army Air<br />
^iint-nll. In-public places. Though once slapped for ns a lieutennnt. He wns trans- TSorpH in November or 1943. He<br />
i- ,rofusing to do so, "I would never bow tn a Jnpa- rerred to-Camp Pcndloton. Cnli- Avns then sent to England, flying<br />
.\>est»," Elinor states firmly.<br />
fnrnb. wlioch which place he wns 3-17's. where he rampk'Ukt thtrmmmimmm<br />
Hhipped to lwo Jimn. j tv-five missions. Ed wns 'awarded<br />
In Shanghai, Elinor atended the Sacred Heart<br />
ConvcnL-anHtellsof the head nun being-pushed<br />
.Jnck MacKinnon, a second lieu-' Ip? DTKtin»rui»Iie*i_Flyitiir Cross, the<br />
in the<br />
;<br />
to the opjoRito xex form n pamgon of systematic i<br />
planning andneatnesj*. <strong>The</strong> fact thnt nnywhen;<br />
from one to one hundreu girls may use one locker f<br />
does not wucm to hamper tht> efficient manner ID ;<br />
which the locker in used. After three years it'<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>, girls «eem to acquire'the ability to ap-f<br />
proach the locker, open it, find n solid wall of<br />
"junk" reaching from the top to the bottom, from<br />
the inside wall to the door, and extract a book<br />
from the bottom of the extremely compact maa<br />
without the remainder of the contents *hnw*>r-<br />
U,£ uhoul tier, it gives tho male of the specie*<br />
an overpowering sense of inferiority to see a<br />
girl calmly nr-roach a locker nnd without h trace<br />
of fenr swing back thnt denth-denling door,'<br />
wheren* the boys open their lockers with nothlnp<br />
short of a cold sweat on their foreheads.<br />
Stnndnrd attributes of a girl's locker (donV<br />
ask me how I know) comprise: -' ><br />
In<br />
AS fpr<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> h<br />
rounding<br />
fflcp<br />
nation hen<br />
mer Clow.<br />
ball piny.<br />
Couch Vo<br />
group of<br />
to the <<br />
should )>'.<br />
from star. I<br />
should ' 1)<br />
they Mi"<br />
stay »•<br />
- <strong>The</strong> v- -,<br />
in their pr^<br />
close de><br />
polydiagames.<br />
G<br />
quite fret,<br />
second • si!<br />
Hence.<br />
This ye:<br />
much'<br />
was n_._<br />
thut fron.<br />
team, to 1*1<br />
g<<br />
will throw<br />
ter of<br />
ing behin-l|<br />
Jlorris.<br />
il be eit<br />
kctballer f<br />
ond will I<br />
ready, li<br />
stop h<br />
Jerry ,Sihcornel*<br />
at<br />
•^<strong>The</strong> greatest danger emnnntinfi from girts',<br />
lotk^rs Is thf uenmninl dispute as to who ii;,<br />
ffrst^jn line for the use of Its mirror and other<br />
' various; accessories. It's not nn uncommon sight;<br />
to see >J.wo girls vehemently defending their,<br />
claims to^an Al priority, nnd without too much,<br />
trouble Mn,-y sends Maggie sprawling to the-ftor;<br />
*is n result oT n well-aimed clip on the jnw. Mac/ey's<br />
only "bo..f 'i that the antaieunint smearedhar<br />
leg makeup (which was on her face nt the<br />
It's nxlomntic thnt lockers aw more of n harnnK<br />
than nn asset, yet time will drag OIUHM still more?<br />
teeth will he knocked out, more frTcndshiwt<br />
broken, but still the lockers will ink*<br />
R. F. D.<br />
nX! Italy ^Z ^Ti ^ K £ 2$Fto .h<<br />
Vie Picetti,<br />
ers who mt<br />
KreiU-teaml<br />
are catchei<br />
Frunk T«<br />
Other ...<br />
pear the tc]<br />
leo. Comtmf<br />
ono;ot tliei.<br />
honors. T<br />
:<br />
"We finer that Pnto Alto Hfinrh had ji sun<br />
find out the tyne of trirl most<br />
nu then tic records, pertaining<br />
but rtganilcua of the henuti-' to '/uzz, which hnvc been pressed<br />
bels nnd the hih i h<br />
„„„..»;,» JIIUIIUIH, arc tnose<br />
_ are odorifer- of Kid Ory nnd his Creole Band,<br />
ous. I and the New Orleans Band of Bunk<br />
1 I^oks us .U<br />
fellows liked,<br />
tighter thni<br />
results showed that the mnle population like<br />
man down t,<br />
"•n stcfdj-biifr to do .«o ne must teallyjike the<br />
<strong>The</strong>. lud<br />
<strong>The</strong>y liked the compnnionable t>*pe of girl.<br />
inst Rol<br />
;he clothing line sweaters and skirts took vt •'•intiton, i | j<br />
lead. When out on ii date, the boys expect*^, pampers, n<br />
spend from $2M to S'.i 00. Though this no"<br />
in a tough I<br />
taken In Pain Alto, its findings might help<br />
boys nre n<br />
of you <strong>Lowell</strong> Cutics to snag n mnn.<br />
to win mor.<br />
In past ye:i<br />
bie •""<br />
"Sonnv. don't use such words!"<br />
"But. Mother. S'lnkflsponrc-used them."<br />
"Well, don't piny with him any more." .-
tt?Mtt »»"."&<br />
Sits<br />
«w<br />
Indian Baseballers Take On<br />
Star Studded Links Today<br />
l!y Leu Collins<br />
As spriiiK rolls around s ,<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s ly 15 basebull team is<br />
rounding into shape for nnotlicr<br />
crack lit the A. A. A, title. Friday<br />
the Injuns will meet UD with an<br />
excepttonally strong Lincoln aggregation<br />
headed by such stars as Elmer<br />
Clow, Bob Dil'ietro, and Tom<br />
Tcshara, all skilled anJ experienced<br />
hull players. Ana ins t these boys,<br />
Couch Voyne will send a fighting<br />
group of LowclliteH. no strangers<br />
to the diamond themselves. It<br />
should lie a hard-fought battle<br />
from start to finish, us both touma<br />
should be title contenders, unxl<br />
they will need n victory Friday to<br />
stay in the race. ' .<br />
<strong>The</strong> Cards have not done too well<br />
in their practice names, having lost<br />
clone,decisions' to the Galileo and<br />
Poly diamond hoys, but in these<br />
games Coach Voync substituted<br />
quite freely in order to give his<br />
second - stringers Playing experience.<br />
__ :.-r. I<br />
This year's team should be very'<br />
much better thun last year's, which,<br />
wp» able to con only onu ton test,<br />
that from a strong Sacred Heat;<br />
team,.to finish in the league cellar.'<br />
Against the Links, thu Indians}<br />
will throw an almost complete ros-i<br />
tor of experienced players. Start-;<br />
Ing behind the plute will be Dick;<br />
Morris, veteran of last year's first:<br />
strliij* ajigri-gntion. At first base,<br />
will ho cither Mike O'Xeil or has*!<br />
keinai'or Joe Timr»ton, and at HCCowl<br />
uill -iie;.:newcomer Dick Mul-J<br />
ready. Holdiiiir^ilo'ii the short-j<br />
stop chores will be snicni-li-fielding<br />
Jerry Silvcrst^in, nncl at OU<br />
30 Pound Sprintei Takes First<br />
comer at third base will be Dann^<br />
Emanuelson. <strong>The</strong> pitching :hlng stafff<br />
will ba headed by *'Oly" Olson, a<br />
\ni>\ y»'nr, with P«in VMX\X<br />
'and Jerry Sftvorstcin backing hint<br />
up. In thc outfield will be a great thai,-achnciniTr^I.o well 120 siirin.'er. wiiut 220 .<br />
many of Coach Voync's footballers. Andy Anrierniin tit- for thirty An unseen<br />
' ••"" *" Steve Marx, second. Mrs! time: 23-3.<br />
Even, Herbie<br />
Silveratctn, and a . - —~.<br />
junior, Paul Thurnu. TVbse boys<br />
should present a well-balanced ball ^<br />
cl'ib with O'Xcil, Murdeady, Emanuelson,<br />
and Silvcrstein forming a<br />
hustling and smooth working infield<br />
and Olson and Morris form-!<br />
ing an cxpc-rienccd and capable<br />
battery, which should be able to<br />
put out many an opposing lints-' -<br />
man. In the outer garden will he fiPht<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s main threat with Bwivi-r, B'^v.-r men nicn went inroufrn ini-• {...mmeiw lnk.n.r .»r dropping s- i the dti<br />
•Maix. Thurau, Trcasercnu. SIK-er-;^"^ J' k °« h . ot • kn R ire n th , r0U -ft i UltlI< >' •'»" Edwards, laa<br />
stem, and Even, all hard hltter^(butter. 8W< onAnrn B. But with-?hampion in the -10, will i<br />
callable of getting many a clean « »«» rounded season to go. <strong>Lowell</strong>. \X\K\X M],M1 sprinters Kood<br />
base, hit In the coming season to'* 1 " hn * e ? oni0 m .fc ht y £uirii teams, their money, and, if all go<br />
put the Cards ahead. <strong>The</strong> first 1 tte 40^*11? give the<br />
l itd d runs for<br />
?. Mmpptu with. <strong>The</strong> Indian; he mav equal or break<br />
By PAUL STANLEY ^ <<br />
Ca'ds Tie for Hoop Championship;<br />
Minor Sports Now Taking Over<br />
, push shot /roni" thirty-five feet out<br />
[from the right arm of Jim Duva-<br />
cre ahead Ilrirry From, star fullback of last<br />
. "despera- year's championship football team,<br />
! fin shot" by Joe Klatmven in the who could cop first in the shot and<br />
Uniting minutes which miraculous- the discus, and speedy Jim Wy-<br />
L 1 * swished through tho hoop, fol- an, ace sprinter. Backing these<br />
11-jWt'd bv IJuviinin' i«nn*> pHnntmr * - -•-"• •- *•* • —-<br />
(the clear and drop ««.,.••. 1U(11.j-. nign-jumper,<br />
set-up. <strong>The</strong> Scoreboard added to vnultor. and broad jumper,<br />
their confusion, for it was wrong <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> squud, squad, headed by Jim<br />
ten<br />
„ -,- iwii.ii r.dwurds, John Bortta,<br />
fur AAll<br />
turned out well, though, pon .McPhec, Joss Scroggy, Mort<br />
L!ider.snii'K bucket was ruled Dunn. Jack VandcrMale, and Duto<br />
huvc been made after thc In-'anc Oilman, is determined to stop<br />
ijian-f had called time out. A tense I this Poly aggregation at all costs<br />
j situation was reached hed a f fi-w s<br />
onds later, too. when a i-hnrprmg sec- 'and snare the title for the Indians.<br />
foul w»s called mi Dick Mulrciuty<br />
l' C i k t d<br />
the post-season tilt at Civic Audi- other<br />
Many<br />
arc ploy-<br />
inc. if voU're in<br />
1 in to ll terested enough to<br />
>"> »' 'e track front, we! boanhl' major SmK watch these<br />
^^ lh , Bt thc C)ir
OUK<br />
Gals and Sports<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Artists |<br />
Submit Posters! <strong>Lowell</strong> Club News<br />
I ^.well's clubs are buxslnjr aiiead Ten subscriptions for five months<br />
Uarbuni Preston and Anton Van with debates, tournaments, trips, to the Spanish Readers' Digest<br />
were awarded ribbons for the experiments, speeches, reports, have been donated to the Spanish<br />
- - - • • discussions. Club by the San Francisco Chapter<br />
che.H.' fingers—1030. 1520. in the city. Football, as it U today.<br />
- u kins 'lUlu. 1900. Finally I came upon wns king. Put in 1897, <strong>Lowell</strong>' At a'/ reel<br />
5'a good time'' she mm Her »!«.• ilote. Jnniiory'lSOT. Forty- Poly was one of the tcamKvthat, a mil per.<br />
BarbnmBettman;131-Fny^.:f^7;r a S introduc,,!.<br />
Berge, Carmen Garcia; •»£-, u,o momlierii, Margie Barnes took .^ ^wt«'«. '" llt II » tlll » Jw111 Mil-, AItnooyn no ftpi]r(.s are ava\\a.< As I ctosed the last nage/ot '.he •<br />
Stevo Marx. Gloria Courtney; 214 f ,natorial home one niKht an.i mnile. U * r * _^ ble for the following Information,, old nwrazfne. thon glanwd over '<br />
Net only<br />
<br />
'•irded proliflcnlly, and a few of<br />
"'<br />
Goldsmith; 234—Dwight Wilbur,<br />
Pauline Kunz; 30!V-Robert Jacobs,<br />
haum. Jean Atherton; 333—Nathan<br />
Knrnn Johnson; 308—David Birn-<br />
.Schneider. Joan Fultzmnn; 310—<br />
- James Lconp, Pot-Snltzman,<br />
l<br />
Pressure h<br />
those whu ai<br />
though the<br />
of reason.<br />
Pluinu of a<br />
'nose records nre now nvallnble, *;•<br />
f_ ......... «st 1^>|1.g B|UM „ ..W|R,,i _ «ut a vlus».<br />
Go Mnrchmjr In," "Sae , irnaps 11<br />
nnd "Tiger F.ug." No , tmg and tun<br />
e' player ling captured • Il'Kh If PTCI<br />
fueling nnd spirit of murolaxed<br />
manner as -<br />
slips and In-<br />
For further infor- .<br />
°" a nermam<br />
, ^_ M.irrmnti. (\j\. 2KJI. i.>i--n, »IIIII>II. T« ; 11. wt.iii. iJ.t; 11. •"•••'"ii «u MI vac records, tvctirun. write toi«<br />
- Iicti-T'<br />
"'•II*I • '.'2«i—Ii. ShlttiiKin. Co; It. S,nirn. \V. lti
*v<br />
im<br />
After grueling w<br />
j live and fortitude, which pi-oves to<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s truck team looks anxious- 1<br />
!>(« the moH important factor in<br />
ly toward tomorrow afternoon in<br />
Kewir Stadium when l.ow*>N will<br />
i mining.<br />
make its bid for the A. A. A. title.<br />
In the dual meets, tho Curd cini<br />
dermen have won atl li'it one meet,<br />
Tills year <strong>Lowell</strong> will j*o into the<br />
that being n 70-45 drubbing I'Yi<br />
moi't with but n slim chance of<br />
j Poly. In this meet, studded wit's j<br />
snatching the city title. In track,<br />
KridnVrs Ilnrry Froinni, Jim Wjoach<br />
man in able tu contribute a<br />
; ntt, and Mvrrill IVncock. ninny IIItangible<br />
bit t>> his<br />
mind. Coach I e<br />
successive teams on to victory.<br />
Coach .Harris' stylo of luiiihini; is<br />
tunning the 100 yard dash in 10.2. •<br />
Running with him will be Kfith<br />
to contribute valuable points, and "Ur:l" Edwards. In the mile e*'-;nt,<br />
at the snine tinw to let the track Oi-C.-i|ttain Jack Van Dcr MaU.and<br />
man practice ami show his initia- O.rk Horse Don Branson wi',| pit<br />
V-E DAY—<br />
nuv<br />
BONDS<br />
Ready to Win Tomorrow<br />
their wind nualnst Don Wallace, Charlie Burnett should help out the<br />
I Paly H80 and mile ace. Fleet-foot- Reservation. <strong>Lowell</strong> is blessed by<br />
led Jim. Edwards wil ladd poitns to having Don McPhee, for big Don<br />
the total by sprinting through the could i cop a first in the discus,<br />
220 and 440, In the Poly meet, Mort Dunn £.*• .1.. .^_f__ .*. * *u<br />
:<br />
Commissar<br />
l [which was won by._.<br />
ww...,,.,BBUI Jfolotov unsucccss- A.tl<br />
fully, opposed the admission of Ar-.<br />
in itaiast^rarboiid'corripe-May 12^-AM-CUy Track Meet..<br />
tltlon ' :, .«,.„ *„ „ ,t . , _ ,<br />
it«ntina Vfu-r branding the nation Th« first.-fiOO war bond pur-. "£,Ji 1*> $> 31 - June ] ~ ExainI -<br />
'Fascist" Four main commissionslchasirs will be invited to a.special|<br />
n " ioag -<br />
ind-twelve principal comtttees will,war bond Rhow presented by the June 3-^T«rm Play.<br />
two additional seats at the confer-1 dramatics club. j,,n« A r«n
TWO<br />
Published by the Ansnciated Student*<br />
of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hlsh School<br />
HOD Ilayn Stntt. S*H Franctiwo.<br />
Cnllfernla<br />
U 11. S. S. A. Meir.be Free<br />
Associato Editor}! N'oel Kelly mid<br />
Boli Hitchcock<br />
Sports Editor Paul Stanley<br />
News Editor. - rat Hunt<br />
Feature Editor Carol Mnnhvim<br />
Circulntfcm Manager Hob Nolan<br />
Lt-iiiiaril CuItliiB t".«ml M.tn'n-'.m<br />
JOM-IIII IlitUir ll«nrv MtiTirtvii,-}-<br />
Mark Unt% dimly* Soli«iirx.ti1.in:li<br />
Knnry I"Owe J.mW Wlfrnmti<br />
Jnannr Heron<br />
Support Your Team at<br />
All-City Meet Tomorrow ^.<br />
<strong>The</strong> all-city track meet takes place tomorrow<br />
at Keznr Stadium. <strong>The</strong> meet is<br />
an important one because <strong>Lowell</strong>s' track<br />
team, regarded us underdog*, still has a<br />
chance to come out on top. To do this,<br />
the co-operation of every <strong>Lowell</strong> student is<br />
needed.<br />
Up to now, the attendance ac all <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />
track meets has been rtefinitcly lacking;<br />
This attitude on the part of <strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />
must stop or our team will suffer.<br />
When a team knows that the school is giving-<br />
its support, it will work all the harder<br />
to bring home a victory.<br />
A few years ajro one of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s leading<br />
high jumpci-s siiirl, "Track is not a minor<br />
sport. Actually, its participant:* work as<br />
hard, if not harder, than football or basketball<br />
teams.' '<br />
Anyone who has ever seen a track meet<br />
will say this, for it is there that one realizes<br />
the amount of preparation and training<br />
required for thc team.<br />
•- Lowcllitcs should not have to be urged<br />
to support their teams; they should attend<br />
all meets through their own interest<br />
alone. Because the need is so urgent for<br />
students to sup£>t their teams, all <strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />
who want a victory must attend the<br />
meet on May 12.<br />
THE LOWELL. FRIDAY, MAY 11. 194B<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> at a Glance<br />
Ily Nnel Kelly<br />
Arcordinc to thc old axiom, it's about this time<br />
of the year that the "yoiinj: man's fancy turns to<br />
thoupht* of love." Civics nnd En*rliir the Armed Force*. At college<br />
.h?intends..to-continue:, hi* -Snantoh-major-andwork:<br />
toward:his ambition tobe cither a radio<br />
;.,cnnnouncer.or a* journalist^' - - '<br />
,£..•,; .'!.I»..-;.:..,&,-v-;.L. ;• .L-,-i-, .<br />
o a f H<br />
M P " *»n«l «>nB writer<br />
» pI ? y t her —N'ocl Kelly<br />
Teepee Tattle Tales<br />
y jji'ts hnefc. T1.;»t is, to all outf«r<br />
Dot Itoss ,nnd they, too, at lonj- wiui! tippenrnncw..' .<strong>The</strong> eternal<br />
last .lire lidded to the ever-growing trinnirk'. and we diffeient mimes and co into it'« Kettinjr borinjr. Shininjr examthe<br />
rinir. <strong>The</strong>y both figured it pies (if true love are Pete Layman<br />
would be better to settln their, and Mar caret Uivincr. and Joe<br />
imintleiw dijtj-ute that way. Bol»; Stewart and I'at Berkeley. Ever<br />
Duvies anil MUIiccnt Hanscn am Klm-e junior lifch (my. mr) Pat<br />
utill iroinir steady. Little Cawjar:staiifif]d hnn ilrnvrlcd Uatlleo and<br />
Schlavoim nnd Ma.luo BlHslnRcr (i(i, eninir steady with Paul Thcrau.<br />
are still very, wry happy. (At; Tall, iltirk and handsome (we Ret<br />
least that's what Dan says.) \ nald for this) Jim Duvnras and<br />
Countk-Rs people hove been[com- Barbara Morris nr still seen toplninini;<br />
that this column is de- iirether much as they try to keep It<br />
voted to i»eople of the upper classes .in tho sty. Fx-I/nvoflitc ,U>rry<br />
(in .-fhonl wo nn*an). Tin- only '.\lilt«*r i-= f>r»k« i Thc ptimnry terror of thc disease is thc rapid!*<br />
ty and suddenness with which it strikes. A person<br />
can RO to l*ed perfectly normal at night,'<br />
and thc next morning find himself in the throes<br />
of an uncontrollable vase of thc ailment. He<br />
wake* up with thc *un streaming through his<br />
windows, slowly dresses, and cats his usaul<br />
morning repast. This first stage of thc disease ia<br />
easily controlled a* he has someone to watch<br />
over his actions. But once the victim is turned<br />
loo£c, the danni-ra to which he and thc general<br />
public arc subject are inumeiabte. Quite by acci-<br />
iicd tu have taken, crash**<br />
pell-melt into thc wire fence, tears his way<br />
thronirh it, misses d?»th under thc whrels. of a 21.<br />
car by a few ncant; inches, knocks over two<br />
sturtled pedestrians ^ind careens with a sickening<br />
thud into the wall of the apartment house directly<br />
across from th.: school yurd. He is painfully<br />
extricated from the building, nnd apparently<br />
undamaged he make* his way to the locker room.<br />
JThc remainder of the day panm-a serenely, and<br />
Our hero traipses to .his abotte to. get a,good<br />
nightV sleep 6o that he may face the dancers of<br />
the morrow with a clear head.<br />
Like measles, mumps, and chicken-pox, sprinc<br />
fever Is a disease which'we nil nt one timo or<br />
R-he:i::td L-ccauau an-.th.-r haw ••'(••••n»:v1rv»!, ;imj which We ^11, ia..<br />
thine we can say is that if some Vat Brandon didn't ask him to a tirtv, will outgrow. :<br />
of the freshman and sophomore rwmt jiir. Janet Anderson andi<br />
whirlwinds would do mmicthinjr Tommy Itoiltrcrs have reached the<br />
spectacular, we'd bit only too happy sAtcc where it's -"Boinjr steady.<br />
to mention them. Norma Klklntr- broken up, iroinj; steady etc." -<br />
ton is turninc out to be <strong>Lowell</strong>'s \<strong>The</strong> Tattler has reathed the end Alumni in Action<br />
mimtK-r one baseball fan mainly t>T\ hijt rope, and as he swinirs in<br />
iK-caufe of the presence of Dickie th^ bronze, he mutter*. "Gooilbye." >AUL HOITKH, who was erroneously roportca<br />
an missing, is now stationed at KingV Point '•><br />
an I^ng Inland. :<br />
JAMES MAXWELL. June '42, is a first lieuten-<br />
<strong>The</strong> QUARTER NOTE<br />
ant in the Army 1'nratroopn. He has }<br />
f- A tour<br />
lunch In<br />
•fcy'8 evem|<br />
base of<br />
•»clock. r<br />
toured the
is,<br />
8*<br />
9<br />
Scroggy Noses Out Edwards<br />
In tht'lonly <strong>Lowell</strong> bright spot of the afternoon, JOHN Scraggy<br />
first place and Jim Kdwnrd* a Mccond in ihe MO- <strong>Lowell</strong> fell to<br />
• l»«ly Itv a wort* of 1.1 to "0. ii — Photo,by By'j >UYey.<br />
Baseballers Out of f<br />
Division; Treasijau Stars<br />
Jerry Coleman Now a<br />
Dive Bomber in Luzon]<br />
i<br />
Marine 2nd IX Jerry Colcman'<br />
Jr. former ali-dly b*Mchall and:<br />
basketball slar at <strong>Lowell</strong> (claw* of<br />
spring "12). in Mill displaying:<br />
rhrnnpionshi;* form, hut now an a<br />
dive hombrr pilot in Luzon. !<br />
AK a member of the "Torrid 7'ur- !<br />
lie-*** >.|<br />
With tin* first crack of the but,<br />
tht4'K through*<br />
mt tin 1 Hosing thv major sports ycai |1M' c-ounti-d on to earner many<br />
With a baiijr. <strong>Lowell</strong> s hnrd-fij;htiii(j : ' points in the approaching city<br />
truik men tomorrow go into the mii*. In thc 50 and 100-yard fn*<br />
annual city meet as dangerous ' style, Indians Don Fisher, Pete<br />
underdogs, with Poly, winner of all'<br />
Gitnyiird, and Hast Rodenbaugh<br />
her meets this season and conquer* show promise of cominjr through<br />
or ot the Indian*, definitely estab- : with H victory or two. Taking care<br />
lished ad thc tuam to beat, which of the breatttUroke chore* will be<br />
is considered by muny un impossi- 1 "Humps" llaldauf. ace lightweight<br />
bility. <strong>The</strong> Parrots have waded of previous years, who If )> Fisher, Eddie Kahtl*<br />
of last year's championship (Mjuad,<br />
and Henry VUIers.<br />
si/nool lHH-i>nu> determined only Itori-tii, VanderMule, Dunne Tht- date in not Mt ot this writ-<br />
o not f'.i'Ji ih.ir |**t for good old Uilmaii, and Jim Edward*, city -140 ing for thu city meet, but Coach<br />
1 Failing h«s stated that It will be<br />
i-hiimn, n'main.<br />
liui.<br />
effort*. , v v.*- ve httl«. or<br />
> ID take t,he nliu-u-f *>f these<br />
fur as «t«.Ient fco-ly M<br />
of yesteryear. It would<br />
that all • •<br />
My l.en Collins<br />
T;>. muni' KIMM for<br />
i , i i\ ,' . , f, i 11 ivwiii, cum. which "iiii.ii "us hns nun wonii-<br />
it- urciuvr greater<br />
l)n»ni)i"jr their th'rd Miii-e.*stve.Tmnmy Ortt*n«», mid a JUMHI infiL-W, iH'K-fiitair* of chainplonshtps than "<br />
t, of tlie season. I/»!«!IV luckless anil outfield. l tilt, of tlic<br />
, . •• . nnv »thi»r .Sun 1-Vanvisco high-lv<br />
biiH-balkrM biiwt'd t/> the\ l>ly >ill: l . .. 1-Vanvisco hijrb<br />
,/7ln; IndbHtA'^lui; . .<br />
e, thus far pro-J hiKti ,.,-hiK.l. . - -<br />
club at Hiir Hoc. tli.iimii^-Tj-to'.'t. >liii-wl n hard Uttlng oiitfioltl with I _ Althiiugn<br />
<strong>The</strong>, K« 'was ».iwl C,K<br />
„ »t tht- Ni-w York<br />
:] to li in the s>w«nd inning,' svttmd ami tHu! in l?a«in' stand-jhaltyrji «iw'iy« put up a go titilily; and ; Dick kMorris, | Is that famous spirit tiwImliltijT? ;<br />
i t* 1 iu. linvpi! liv hatidlinir the catching- rhoiv.i 1R«-( " • * • i<br />
• t0 •nesi'.'ttnet notnintf ehamj>; for- u strong team, heuded<br />
W. <strong>The</strong> m«n.-n'-the loam today |,y Captain Itert Pederson. should<br />
IIM BWHI^^CHIIW they have been «„,,,. ^ al),^ to snare tho tit,e<br />
wcr'niiiK to get that way for two, f^n, th« twj xtronsegt competL<br />
tlii.-e. an.l four years. If they can ,„„, yt. twain, an J Wa*Wngto".<br />
do it. why can\ you? You can <strong>The</strong> two aforomentioncl teams<br />
earn yourself a block in three, have MU> «r two sood blaswn S. I<br />
ywir*. «»r by Iwlnv on u thnmi'ion- jhemled by •jiatt -Murphy and the<br />
ship team, or by brin* a city meet K,,^,, hy n,m iX(Wenbem. But the<br />
wimwr. Co out for track an and ^ n l^twell Hfi, Ciimmcrcc 27 Vhw in the discus. Joss Scroinry<br />
Starting off thc dual meet sea- ami Jim rewards battled It out for<br />
son in fircat style. Low ell V scarlet- a first and n seciMid in the 440. for<br />
rlad rinrlomxrn swept *oa lop-sltlcd the only bright spot for <strong>Lowell</strong> of<br />
victory over thu haplcMt Commerce the afternoon.<br />
I'ulldogs nt Kcznr, April If, In a Uwei; 78. Balboa 52<br />
tiKi;t that was just as uneven an Itclurninir to the . vk-Mry unjl.<br />
the xcore indicates. <strong>The</strong> Cards, Ixui-11 iuil«d oker j*it*L-"^y^-*up.<br />
hcnd'*d by Jim Edwards, who took |Hh
(OUR TOE LOWKI.I., FRIDAY, MAY 11. 1945<br />
Gals and Sports<br />
Although representatives fnm! At a m-i-nt IK'iirKt Youth Fn-<br />
Ufesion and Glrl«' High M.IIOO!« , rum. conducive by •h* .^in Fr:in-<br />
Blood Plasma<br />
Traffic and R. O. T. C <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
i " A. j I<br />
To<br />
• **<br />
Meet<br />
meet<br />
at Kezar<br />
Blossom Out<br />
Appreciated | As the end — uf another semester<br />
into focus, the nine- |-OWrJ| girU ,iC<br />
°'j in crisp »ash dreads thc:« spring<br />
,r B sSdium? fr«teruCBnU ?S RSWSS l«te« h^TtoTlte .fa^t iLlK Kffic'Sa 'andTtO T C*fnlS'*£ * fTw i»*~-«S*SSB<br />
x> scriou*— .for arraniremvnt. and Jean Hem- following are actual fetter* from }^eSr?pibtohleh school in' wW t l ? rtn wind at noon tira " to<br />
trirts* sports burger fof rffnwhment ; w of the recipient*: . [£' m dfv SJII 1 ^j!ft «L K^arSti Wflllh d"""**- *«onC these hmv*<br />
s. It would Ah. mif. afar cry from foot- Calvin C. Mitchell writes: "I am dta«. <strong>The</strong>y w& marched do* ^ff fft^Jh'rS^ 1 IlWI " ^f" 1 '<br />
o hear a" ; tml! anol time. So far the group con- an enemy five-imh shell. My leit fie ntpta4s wearing the respective' * ret them; but trtere are as MJlrce<br />
athletic field at l,owell, being, KjMll ,,f Joan Giimbntht, Mary Lee, U*g wiw irjuied prett> itadly by t.,,jorj! or their tchuol* and the It. ** diamonds* nw almnet as exiienmainly<br />
the nftrr-srhool sports' ja(kk' Siebert, Gloria Lee. Marion shraiine; ami glass. y_ p# ^ ;n unjf,)in^ j «ve. <strong>The</strong>y 9le worn with back<br />
.IJ to nt»\cr\ fur me. Automobile Association to further Ke\'* Kaper'n. i<br />
girls will be noised fifth, sixth. | ficfally tabulated, but U;e girji.<br />
and sr,«ith periods for the fmiic. 1 ?"*" SaI1 ident pmventiun. In girts' hair, silver UrreJte*<br />
squads ami It. O. like Dotty Cfcuk'« arc favored, jind<br />
* revued by city: big taffeta bows like Ro*e-.Mjtrie<br />
uftl the revu*s. Koning's are seen in the cdirt.<br />
by thi> .Mayor, | Uurbnru- drlnb in different witi a<br />
but becauw of the U'orld Confer-1 l>right /lowered Iwind around jher<br />
and «-r«ith periods for the* fmlic.<br />
*' Dunimn had about the<br />
ft-"?* it is doubtful whether he will itreufCH. <strong>The</strong> naati hnv mtvi** Lr-<br />
RhodV' Oldfield -' "— •-chairmen<br />
_.<br />
for the picnic,<br />
mittcee<br />
rangement.<br />
i*e a grand<br />
tt'n girlj<br />
run.cinn of whnl.. !,I" ''• «*°n begin training in march-i heads.<br />
IIluM Bank.<br />
ill: nncj<br />
SHAKESPERE MEET Presented in 306<br />
"Sn I<br />
hi<br />
my life."<br />
nual Shakcsperian festival. ]jeldj'i'«nt« hubmtttwl what they ww-M-I* 1 "*]?'"<br />
April 2G at the HumMdt Evvningjer^d to be practical proponuls for! '<br />
High School auditorium, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s;a vl*n lo improve our present cdu-i<br />
Jreprewntativcs made an excellent | catioiisl system. Sorr* of UIOJWJJ<br />
showing. j pni|«ma]« wcr*;; prtscnt^ to <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Representing <strong>Lowell</strong> In the city-(students through a rounrt table dis-<br />
^IJt; t(.»»'.C3i wrr* May Pciirson'm—ion M.^ii noc, :V.i).i ^trJu»I,<br />
iM-rf, from the It. O. T. C. M<br />
icvruited to drill the /quad.<br />
T 1in/*f| I?O/>rO«)f inn<br />
UIUU.II 1VCL1 CdllUIl<br />
Thi "<br />
I Junior Statesmen at .<br />
Ripon Convention<br />
— convention vac<br />
hc!d m KEpon. California, lut<br />
April '28, under the auspices of iji«<br />
Ilipon Chapter of the Stalest! #n<br />
of America. Over ten chapters<br />
were represem«Wrom a* far sofith<br />
a* Glendalc, and as far north as<br />
s<br />
30<br />
Voltun*<br />
Xhe«e word-J<br />
priatc at «i;'-n-<br />
Wendell Holm<br />
Ufi. atanxa '<br />
Nautilus."<br />
It U not<br />
prople how mi<br />
its student*. h<br />
IIWJWV<br />
dent body, or<br />
alumnus to bv<br />
<strong>The</strong> time of<br />
A <strong>Lowell</strong>lte utti<br />
diptoma In hanj<br />
of emynbiy 1<br />
fJfiHU<br />
trt will be<br />
and diflertfiu<br />
which we ar"<br />
And still, t<br />
we*bave .gai<br />
with us. Wt* h<br />
]y. the ability<br />
others, the aMi<br />
l«ms and xaakv<br />
ity to proirrfs<br />
others, from i ;<br />
Tnose ate imi<br />
cant d^U<br />
and • oth*<br />
U<br />
hu jri\-en us.<br />
hk<br />
and Jerry Ets-iloken. Tliesc rep-1 April 24.<br />
^resentatlves were chosen from <strong>The</strong> student^ Jlou"u>Tablc eon- _ . , „ t-...^« «Ub<br />
"many other <strong>Lowell</strong> contestants. iiisted of Chairman Lee Folk, Syd-tthe them* of the dnnce. Conference<br />
A cup. which is awarded to the ney June Morgan, JnamiA fi»raii ! Capers, held in the auditorium dttr- l>»wh time.<br />
best boy speaker and<br />
speaker, was won<br />
SL>in7TS^<br />
Wilke.fr&m Girls'<br />
Kobert Donovan from<br />
. School.<br />
Mav Peterton WAS. highly commended<br />
for her intelligent and<br />
. clfitr delivery of P speech .from<br />
^ King John.<br />
l !:!fih%F e !i!^.^ ril .r*' l .'y Ki * lr >' h<br />
, i „ . „ . i „ 11 .... TL : students at! George Salinger and<br />
idea is the inter- two o other <strong>Lowell</strong> wpresentatwSl -<br />
>ng me last period on April 24, by registry basketball haaketuall games which acte.1 t1 as Lll <strong>Lowell</strong>'s ^debating•HE I<br />
I the best girl Bob Bennet. and I^nald tJein. <strong>The</strong> ,he ,,.3 C|M1I. the \arm;t cbRS in wii| be playe-I at Ilunch<br />
time be<br />
This team defeat** ^f«at*d B!n«n*- Ripon's ^S jt ~Z<br />
ici8w 1<br />
bv Jacquilln two proposals which Ihe-.r-oup nub. ;Mhoul. t tn' * dJv, registries.'gjj- ' of Uieoudtajji<br />
High and to:mit(ed for discusxion Wenl- "Shall' <strong>The</strong> then* was brought out in }* will be anellmi<br />
Mission Ifizh < „ Federal Hoard of Kduuttin Uuithe programs «nd dccorultojitt. <strong>The</strong> mm with the defeat<br />
l&ubUsbed?*', and -SW| Clasw-i'bids were blut global worlds with .».. is... _u..._ ...-. .<br />
nuwtn uu»n w mo teainii, wmen<br />
t An active audience participation A largo poster of the United Xa- an-ording to Mr. Neff will play for<br />
j followed the "tihnitfcilon of theso ttons hhi>nt|ng ifiinx ;it the AW* tfct> <br />
Counselors advise that students tntniuiMtic Response} Versatile Music Prof 'N«t day. 219 beat «ni. afl-in- SM 1 _ " a P nn ,. of our acaderai<br />
-^ nu given us a<br />
•i upon which tu<br />
,*<br />
*. ^<br />
R Concert<br />
C l iab<br />
" ncoIn Sty 1 , pct<br />
.And above ai<br />
piou, Mr. Stei><br />
** '" order sod Mi*. U<br />
PTOP««»ls for mutual ac- tried to fotw<br />
hMds.but havt<br />
tbt.s«hiUon.of.<br />
Indeed, they V<br />
st"? than miiili<br />
<strong>The</strong>se are ih.<br />
mtmbew from<br />
IU<br />
el die that students<br />
y t OJ flioVi<br />
taking two prepared subject* add a<br />
; t downed 821. 18-10; and* 301 barely Presented April 27<br />
—- Cal. Gives Englwh "A B'rthday cakwi. for the wournkd<br />
1<br />
not keep up wtth the work assigned. I world!<br />
For further particulars concern-] On the fir*, day<br />
. Mr. Ki.nl, wb« u*>k charge of the<br />
you inayicollic-tion tieji hi« coat STu bun-<br />
«"•«"«* threwfit Into the comer aa<br />
the first contribution.<br />
i Kiwr has been u tnuil^<br />
. <strong>The</strong>. boy. ..<br />
had gone the<br />
that his «*tl*' n 1! hllll i. fl ' tt ««• mince ^ wu«ltvj£<br />
route. itaru3' w .fc fI i ** V**** the snare drum!<br />
whicn<br />
V.-~ Attention, high wnlon! <strong>The</strong>]typing and untylng*wiS~Iun > thday<br />
th<br />
Naval<br />
the<br />
e'»u^ *'xtet£lSdM<br />
rr.Uatenltx .. of 4U ^CaU/oriiui _ _. has Wn-!?«**- (1 .. When,wnmg gmmmar school,' 2 ?' fo -l«*;injr » pre-entation of two<br />
that thcEngUah-A" ex-t later returned the coat to UmTSe &\ K $VfK' "tended Toljtechnlc one * oct nI «y" 1* the drama cWa.<br />
tWhcelerH.il<br />
oR-tbe Berkeley ounpus.. This test gun picturing; how ^Si^^^-&S^^j*^-«BKJarf3!^<br />
it woutdwarm a<br />
which:is required for admission to,<br />
th* UnivcnUy will be taken by M]<br />
students .planning to enter U. C<br />
It Is to begin at 1:00 and law until Many<br />
nch as ml'tak-<br />
.4:00 n; m. -*«--...J—*__._..--<br />
AllatudanU planning Aunt Sd" £r oH<br />
to take the English __,_ "A" „ will have<br />
dothes and bringing in the grocer-<br />
.to;obtain a.,blue certificate'from<br />
ies instead of the clothe, bundles<br />
have not !tind«re4 the projrrcM of<br />
^Mn. Jordan. <strong>The</strong> time these cards the dothes drive: .fa fact/lMhas<br />
- will be issued is to be announced been bulging with^io» thin 500<br />
: later. Stanford University ha ac- {ante bundle^;. <strong>The</strong> response has<br />
cepted tne University of CallfciTUa been so enthusiastic that the<br />
exsalnation in plan iUownbe-<br />
fore, and will<br />
contlnue SSWrfT'S? on t r<br />
ST \ IKUIS^T ^Spokesman Ronald<br />
Poly, he *«'** plea, "Let your '<br />
of Calltbo<br />
neslrb] Instru Instrume<br />
took extensive courses<br />
»<br />
lb V. Tour gnlde." A,<br />
he'.will'go for this fund.<br />
of "" " '<br />
•'„• - -i : Lt •' •<br />
Spring Concert.<br />
U-ree oobtandliw music<br />
triple trio song a<br />
A duet was «ung<br />
U S" r thr ^rtS of Mr?<br />
<strong>The</strong> bnnd °P* Iied tte eon-<br />
V umber ^
I*S,<br />
mnDas<br />
ft-Wfatai^sn.<br />
306 Seniors Bid Farewell to <strong>Lowell</strong> Today<br />
Volu «J No. 4 San Francisco, California. Friday. June in. 194A<br />
1999<br />
Student Body Candidates Await Election Results<br />
• Scratchin'<br />
the Surface<br />
Itv Harlan Ke»*el<br />
Bu;ld thee more stalely manioom,<br />
O uy soul,<br />
A* the switi senKon* roll! ,<br />
l.vaie thy tovKvaultrd. nnull<br />
Let each new temple, nobler thnu<br />
the liutt,<br />
Shut tht-e fiom heaven with a<br />
dnnitf more vast. I 1<br />
Till thi u nt Imtrth an fitv, ;<br />
Ijfuvinic tmn« .iuUni«n «hvll )Il frtHftnt* -rill return to<br />
^ • *'"•. '•"uvara*<br />
hi* Huan son? today, he will<br />
l»i» icavel either h to Cld Claude<br />
or Jack Strood.<br />
C1 n atftivc b<br />
in*l V l «w« w «f<br />
»«*ftUn. track, and baseball<br />
'«•"* »• has served hi.. cta» *,.<br />
L-Jpresident this term, HI* other<br />
and <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> staff.<br />
... student<br />
He earned bis block<br />
member<br />
snd the<br />
\r.A r>*.W\. *V lmic subjects, but it ^n^,. ^eek.<br />
ha* idven w a sturdy foundation<br />
—-j *•» ^^."1* s-^ ^r^*** ,nir nUrr cti** J*fM A' " '" "<br />
the opening address • original<br />
l will<br />
nal's office. Shtt<br />
y<br />
•KM offirf.ru arv Aft« th..<br />
f tht- nin,- jn» t«,ii<br />
assistant<br />
have been<br />
" ' * •<br />
WW. practices, and interests. dent, will<br />
And above all loom our chainpiona.<br />
Mr. Stephens, Mr. Monroe,<br />
and Mitts Lacoste. who haven t<br />
tiW to foa-e knowledite into our<br />
headti but hav> urtcl a» itvidea in<br />
th«.«ilmiou.of.our.own problems.<br />
Indeed, they have offtMfd much<br />
mure than vuMance and friendship. As<br />
<strong>The</strong>se are the thinim we will re-drive<br />
memt-Tx from our experiences «t *uith<br />
all. from our fwur Awit, crowd<br />
1 * m HtuilfntK<br />
reitistries<br />
*<br />
and Joe<br />
rttary*<br />
; »'*nate tl-eir days at <strong>Lowell</strong>, they ».|,,_I,I<br />
Other numbers of the Com- Wl » ^"Tf '»*»* G « ld . « oum '. lf , th i<br />
Z<br />
m^rement bmto wUl be a ^ «Jg & Sgt <br />
<strong>The</strong> Uecenflional. feusou, will be bttM.<br />
m * >mb «r of the rid-<br />
. _ie is on the<br />
.She also aids on the Biir<br />
the rally committee, and<br />
Kir uruatinir team, and it a mem*<br />
1..T f»f (hp C. S. K.<br />
I am Trmrbrfdice and Shaun Hoiman<br />
are the hopefuls for the secrvtao'ship.<br />
which »ob Henhenow<br />
War Bond Quota ' Awarded for j <strong>Lowell</strong> Debaters held this past term.<br />
Turn his acted as secretary of<br />
Reached by <strong>Lowell</strong> Term Play Posters ' - ,- — • • k- II-» - i — -•-' ---•<br />
rtun fares<br />
and untile* Take Many Prizes t-la*s dance. He' in In charm of<br />
of about,""" .PuWte address system and is<br />
oi auoui; ()|) (ne (^^ tram_ ___ .^ •iTV-isj-<br />
*"* years y »t grand K school We, , Announcement<br />
the aprUii: _„ cUss ss «f vf 1045, 194A. thank hk<br />
War Bond<br />
Lowvlf for all It hhas<br />
bestowed upon<br />
*nt (o Lou ell, aim,.<br />
All .Other Schools jdclll ^ody> Iftt,vid*^ muw during **aU IUu«uu. 234; and Jim<br />
In Blood Donon a double lunch period. A prise 1y. 135.<br />
" ** 1WW V* **»&**** t* «»«*ed Gew<br />
t.WnV firS<br />
^<br />
Si<br />
" jtlrawfnx; was held at the end of|<br />
U * "•«««*» manaper<br />
Lowvll is the first school in San the bond rally with war bonds and'<br />
Francisco to pass the ic 1G9 per cent stamps as prizes for those whose j<br />
cwilintheBfood<br />
Donor<br />
campaign. names were drawn from among the. I<br />
T Cress" One Hundred Per lint of bond purchaMrs during<br />
Cent CertlflcaU erUfU wilt be presented<br />
to the school todd<br />
ll b Colonel<br />
1 - B*fran, W1K> spoke on the American • Unopposed are<br />
;f1oaeer. Lee Fklk. with that V«U ^adSTljJL<br />
for<br />
• "voiee," won the first place cop In tor of <strong>The</strong> ~<br />
thej _ ^^__ -<br />
ttoys* radio announcing. j * "<br />
oast month. <strong>The</strong> winners werei^<br />
I Loweii had many partidpanu in <strong>The</strong> Ked WhitT<br />
UieBteck-h HIrhard mcharrf SSe?. Bake?. *5TJiO $37^0 bond: Ar- Ar-j Today—Election and Work Block L-theJinaU, L- the finab, inclodinc - - • BonaM Klein I assistant i yell leader, whn> the<br />
ley! dirSor thur LsPedis. $18.^5 bond: J-mes Kally^Thtrd Period. SeiJ«- ^ r - \ [ a ^ i ^ ^ ^ c ^ l U n u<br />
S ^ ^ Z i ^ Z ^ ^ ^ ^<br />
in extemporaneous speakinic: Joan<br />
1 Blank and Rath Scnwabacher inof Umrnament In so a time.<br />
chante of the blood doncr cam-l Andeison. $2^0 la lUmpi: Joy; for Senior*.<br />
MiCT* io the city schools, will also; Jacob*. $1 £0 in stamps; and Con-1 Wednesday. Jane 20—Half<br />
Mood donations at the Red Cross! Selected by Board<br />
wd Donor Cen Center,<br />
John Garvin, Bill<br />
Mne HuuWiiK. Ck<br />
«Pt c Bmrfar HOb snd Alnambra Ili«h ftlkT fl* *rr«dttatii* memben<br />
Scno l<br />
° * iitrvi that ther are leavfnr the so-<br />
As for the urecedent. for tneWtfty In good bands Bob Bennett<br />
first lime In forensic history vt<br />
, Jacque- Purchase of asite for the newiFHdar. June.22—Half Day. Last<br />
Sayard. Glo- Lowe]! Uijth School was 'aiift»rf«ed| Day Jtf School!<br />
ri Walker. June & bv the Board of Education.<br />
*<br />
Miotoo, Cost of the school bufldlnff Is es-<br />
SepteoiWr 5 —Fall<br />
tinuted at Jl .250.000. ~<br />
! « next term's president. «uto^<br />
California, a tou^nameat bsy been bv Ruth SchwaWner. TW^pre*!-<br />
' 'A, featurinr w*r,e*«it; m one-dewt ratherfne Chanman win<br />
m TaWT* I'M •• —•. _--* " m ..\t fainilM m t — fc— —4 f-» — t — . ~ - »•" •••<br />
, Low«ii.ai no other school has! taiy, and Jim Bastable wfH huidU<br />
leren attempted;:t» stam this typ* finance* as tr«mrerV ^ITZ<br />
. -•, --.UT,;;T~ &>•;
* by th* Amx-tated Student*<br />
of LowtH HUtto School<br />
IMS Ka?*a «t*#t. San Frarctwe.<br />
cattfwnta<br />
LR8.8.A. M«r*ers »>*•<br />
Assoctatc Editors Xod Kelly »"H<br />
Bob Hitchcock<br />
Sports Editor... r»«» Stanley<br />
Xm Editor P*t Hunt<br />
•Feature Editor—. Carol Manheim<br />
^ SlMMctr M»rlt Unu<br />
Lror.ar4 Collins Caml M«nl*-im<br />
Jnwph lUtter IlfiwT Mnlo<br />
Mart Ltntx Otadr* f>h«<br />
Nafery I*tw# Janice Wl**tn*n<br />
last ®Hill ant Croramcnt<br />
\\ We. the senior class oi spring. 1945, being of<br />
Ground body. and of almost found miuu. do hereby<br />
-y/\*qacc\h. to the following those of our personal<br />
^ : -' possession* a* may be drctned advi*aMe. A* we<br />
wine open the old lorker door for the last time,<br />
the problem hit* us like a General Sherman Unk.<br />
How are we going to dispose of the viriov* and<br />
divers article* which He before us* We can always<br />
born them, but somehow we'd like some lit-<br />
Ue part of ourselves, like an old gym suit or an<br />
African slingshot to carry on after we have departed:<br />
M we, the senior clan* nf spring. 1945,<br />
issue tAe followir.rf will and testament:<br />
Ann Sylve*ter leaves the creaky old piano<br />
>tool In 30(i to the next accompanist of the Girls<br />
Glee. Ted "Dreamer" Vaioria wills to the Don<br />
of the same name the ability t»<br />
recmH t« he found in hi* locker, and to Ernest<br />
Bicom, hi* clarinet.<br />
Some (Wenins; frr»hman falls heir to Ilulela<br />
Bcllante'a gym suit with the stripe. Norms<br />
Jean Parson* wills to Jackie Darling her space<br />
in the court so that she can enjoy those "Junior<br />
eomrnandoV (Oh Tm so thrilled). Camille Trun.<br />
nU> rridrntlv hasn't anything to leave anybody.<br />
We'll let it ga at that.) Hev J'yuv teavui to cuiy<br />
Marshall all her tities ( !> FO that she might<br />
i<br />
stand first and foremost (Dah-b-h-h-h-h>. Fran-<br />
ces Feisel bequeaths to Jane Bluiuger her ability<br />
to stay in clam. Bert Dagitz (oh say) wills to<br />
Robert Meanle. who Bert is sure wilt use it wine*<br />
ly, hlft half of No. 3 lot-leer and all the mirrors<br />
and "pin-ups" that go with it (Van Junn*on7)<br />
Chock Herring, generously leaves eighteen inches<br />
of his height to Harvey Kent Another -unknown"<br />
leaves to any taker a slightly used—very<br />
slightly used trig and i hysfcs book, hoping that<br />
they mav get more use of it than the first owner.<br />
At this point, the drums drum, the trumpet*<br />
trnnp u we announce that Barbara Barbaah and<br />
rail* Glickbarg will to all girls tb*Ir deepest sympathy<br />
ut that !wy mav ''"fv 'that rhyme* with<br />
dope) with th- tarraiie antics of the adolescent<br />
Lowelite*. (We ve been waiting three years, and<br />
we knew it wwuld finally come.) Jackie Siebert<br />
leaves to any ambitious young person her three<br />
volumes of Latin-American history notes. Bill<br />
Evers* locker in the main office goes U> the highe*t<br />
Wdder. Marta N'agvl grts all of Beverly<br />
Fields' slips, which she had to put In the teachem'<br />
mailboxes with the fervent hope that Beverly<br />
doeein't get as mixed up a* Marta did, Anna Fi-<br />
Ike kaves condolences to all members of the<br />
frr*r man class who have to spend another seven<br />
terms m. Lowe!] which will rod fn two hour finals,<br />
Gloria Lee bequeaths to any incoming freshman<br />
who has Mr*. Croker for registry one (I) well<br />
worn eraser, ulth which she so diligently cleans<br />
the desk tops every morning. (Walt till you cut<br />
and have to clean all of them.)<br />
Joyce Berk's seat on the DiVi. irfero bus goes<br />
to anyone with fallen arches. J m Hicgnw<br />
leaves all the worrfe* concerning the color guard<br />
iv UM r,r*l Mjcker d we do think he means<br />
sucker]i who gets the Job. Jane Laron leaves to<br />
any (tfrl her not^ hoXor Anapolls cadeU* adiccsscs.<br />
Flora Johnson leaves to Barbara AY. Jl'NE IS. 19*5<br />
Outstanding.<br />
Ilest Hair<br />
Bcxt Ey~*<br />
IWt Dressed<br />
Nicest Smile<br />
lRL<br />
Ann Bartlctt<br />
Tat tin-gory<br />
. . Bev Pyne<br />
Ellen Magnin<br />
Norman Elkington<br />
Sally Bertram<br />
.. Marilyn WftAtag<br />
ikkNomi. Bk?n««.«.««.t:.}«. Bit .^rtjnj u, Wjrt »<br />
• .»-» -— *••«- «•«••• MI IIM iew*r . m*. uniinun mi in*<br />
from the South Pacific that Put the \ healthy three weeks.<br />
i-Uaun Ufek in C«mille'a eyes? is<br />
it furlough time. Camitlt? Joyce<br />
cd, und UM? journey is almost over<br />
Itodegert* is singing the Uues for for jwme 300 <strong>Lowell</strong>itv*. This lit-<br />
Jim "Anchors A«elgh" Riggiit*. tle ...- ,.,,mnn cotumn ruis has recorded fur for DO*- pos-<br />
It iteetns that Joyce is onn of the terity - - a - large ••- number • of <strong>Lowell</strong>ite<br />
rYiit*<br />
Kittrere gals, Pete Xaeel and Bar- mnmnre*. and it's just these afbara<br />
Itatto ar« still a duo. l\ looks 'iir# that have made our ktay here<br />
pretty ftW from here. Margr Good-: lertstiug. VJU Rraadua was THK<br />
win places her tag on Bill Ever*.' r| Dome three years ago.<br />
Good lurk, or nwylw. fM» w)M ^ut' 'i*» «as wrapped UP in<br />
him wise, ~*<br />
rrmnk<br />
"Cuddle*"<br />
steady.<br />
his little flood is Bob Ilenhcoaw<br />
and Alatma, New additions to the<br />
Twa, » dark drearynlght 2- : *° toochtn,.<br />
rZfZLmZHZXS?*' iA*d « Jt<br />
nd so it was that while b« eye*<br />
Wer. fiUed wfth im and ***em~ott*Sui<br />
knif«i His litile tail went wagging oo<br />
• * ' Beraase of previous giajoesr.<br />
ex-^teadie* 4all of them) *,« Marguerite<br />
Itave tQ<br />
Inwlr freKhiuen hi* two stripes, the lorker k*<br />
ha*n1 goU and his ability to get on the C £, F.<br />
Pat RofenmaM leaves to any fr*fthrnan who watmi<br />
to change her shoes for aym (perish the dioght)<br />
her pre-war tennis fthoeft. Denile Amov htQWatht<br />
tim un ta Roger Torres, St^ve Marx o--»v*« hit<br />
nre-war two-way stretrh /^7rican slingH'bet k<br />
Frank . arkintr plare in front of scftooL IV<br />
llrandnti leaver her gyn. raft to someone lia*<br />
Carol Spitxer who could fit into it, Velda WilkinmHi<br />
ica^Tii lo one oC the doghouae workers ncr<br />
t»lAre in the nt*. Don Kuhn wlUs his way witli<br />
and is focusing his eye* «n greener Mr. Walrh to Jrtrx Paid*. Bob Jensrn fall*<br />
(reck, etc. and traditionally, the t^Muir* in the form (!) of Xan- heir to I*t* La Vote's telephone numbers and girls'<br />
River has begun to relate it* chron-: cy Wallacr. |/«i. ttrannrlv rno»(r*», picture* (hot dai*dy>. Rntc* Jono* U-a\-ei« to Bob<br />
it-Jv lur tit*) conciUHiuii oi ine term.'in eonww hat attracted by Ita^i? fi't'iTT.ii * iui* A tujNjM'iiMliif, IMUtoraiuw UKUU-<br />
Ittigippointinirly. only i)A per cent Walker's inveiftible charn> ,tolor films for hut Tlahy Ittownfe." (That's<br />
nf the <strong>Lowell</strong> pcpulation was rep- For two people. Jw« so will be. what it says here.)) linn Petitt gets Don Law<br />
remitted at Rio Nldo. the Indians'/ t oui of having you fuit in fen*>nt hones that hell vwr it. aud to Mary<br />
tatlon of ?*>well people, then* was,around. We juveniles will miss l^or < all her "chatter." Meiiam Levin leaves t»<br />
nut much that oecuiTed out of the you.<br />
the frrshinen *1! the prnti of liroken mirrors ia<br />
ordinary* 'ike new couples, so Tee-1 Ctadcation Is going to make a<br />
her lorker. Catherine Porta leaves Dody Gercke<br />
rev will have to keep up with the mess out of n-veral <strong>Lowell</strong> re-<br />
the -twinkle toes' saddles in her lorker. All<br />
development* of the old romances.; wance*. or will Dotti Ra<br />
the*, lucky freshmen get Paula MoffH* -DV* ia<br />
.. Spanish. Claire Brenner leave* fo Joan Hall a<br />
44 mi* lainer-w-'aw and vitlain roles In dra* '<br />
maties to any worker who will take them. Marisa<br />
Lorton Ijpqtieatha to GInny Lee the pleasnrr «f<br />
watting for alt the male afumnl to return. Daft ^<br />
Sweet arts Lefty Moore's sliUr. Carhara Pres- ' r*.<br />
ton leaves her monopoly on student body cards f : T~\<br />
Marta NagW. Wally Ronenherg leaves to Uw ?r*<br />
lower CUIM in general his Anility to lose text- SJf<br />
IHM4IN. Mr. Ilarnes* student vt next year get IV ttT.<br />
Johnson's beautiftil day •Imiams. Polly Joimst*,- ."*'<br />
generously lwciuestlw anything she may fc*v* hr>' i<br />
hind to the lower ela»«nwi. '_ ?<br />
Lee Falk leaves utt him terrifw- shtrt* to xuT * ml<br />
Itarebarkcd freshman. <strong>The</strong> same fmhman g«M : f-"<br />
F»ek l.«ckw<br />
i««i» t«* Mort Ihnjfl som> gas stoat]<br />
about *ome tire*, cigaret*. rtrTl<br />
to SOJ<br />
•rtvp. IL<br />
will<br />
her<br />
•* as.-smvi'grate<br />
-..iri »r M-re in tiie P. ft. & CloV<br />
oVscStfrate; asjr mTfauning aaedals to t<br />
drive; my jprfxrnatfa to Don Fi*her: aarf<br />
Bw. the wOt to rewember toe.<br />
Pei<br />
activities!<br />
defeat vi<br />
fourth<br />
en** wil<br />
teU uf<br />
as they<br />
Indiam<br />
Anotl<br />
Once<br />
fwimim<br />
A. title<br />
this re«<br />
tiaftal riM<br />
4•-<br />
men w>rr»<br />
b«wed f_<br />
*cwre of 1 *|<br />
F^.<br />
100 yard ft<br />
dty record<br />
the trial*:<br />
«od place »<br />
strokr; IV<br />
theSSand<br />
BoHwellir<br />
fy \<br />
tbeirinii:nt<br />
Noel KVlh,<br />
Rawtcran^.<br />
Which br^j<br />
fsnocrly Vj<br />
Th. Jt-.a;<br />
^he vannty<br />
•"•won m.|<br />
•tjtes.hr _<br />
«•« event.<br />
cla*<br />
Persecuted Seniors<br />
Seek Revenge Today<br />
lly f.cn Collins<br />
for thc first time In<br />
tlmw years of superiority In the<br />
j San Friiiictsco prep track world.<br />
My I,on Collinx ; <strong>Lowell</strong>'s .scanty-clad speedsters suc-<br />
LJchind the speedy ritfht-liimdccl slants of Johnnie Krnc- coml 'r l 1 t(> " ""norior Poly track<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Track !<br />
Reign-Ends; •STAN VIEWS<br />
Cardinal Takes Three Out<br />
Of Six Crowns for Year<br />
chia, nee twirlov, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s oft-ahused seniors conclude their HC i" awn the chorus at the, hot upsci the favorwl .<br />
varsity were turned in by Don 7 ' ;orn |' r the otlicr'teams11 "^wloof<br />
" . cop tin.' 4-10 in 'fit -I seconds 11<br />
Fisher, who cuppod both the 50 ancJ. Cavorting In the outfield will be finishel nwnni! in the ""O- *.Ia<br />
100 yard free styles, breaking tlu Curly Hill helling (Did I say ,ca- Vamlernuile and Don Branson st<br />
i tho"oW| the po !y |t «.<br />
v OI<br />
. ho'V ,L«woll M»Irit. * Thc InJuiM 5turted| Swimmem Ketuin TIMc<br />
who ,\ttt ai.,lriiin «•' -<br />
t<br />
' c ^ ul " **«««» I m mew K<br />
to' S h -° * M * on with !l bnnCl dum l»in»f Kcuplnir: <strong>Lowell</strong> on top in the<br />
i3 ; Li »« lIr - thlJ f[r on top in the<br />
mi3 »t »««lR*l team In Vlmlmr world for another h year.<br />
n it ridl<br />
;<br />
t »««lR*l team In V rd for another year.<br />
ck' ' ' ". fJ " 0> . T ht;n came, the[ the •Iniiittn varsity k-paridle.ra.came<br />
. property 01 me v i " v .', ""-;" " l !! 1 »'«« ",':'« "J 0 *- boa was next, and thi* time <strong>Lowell</strong>'John llotieemnft, and Xocl Kelly,<br />
in thc 100 yard btickstroke NVw York Yankees. Holding down . fccovil. *I,ei ty Moon?. Jim \\ 01-; wcnt ,j,,wlti H.O, in u strictly naval | brought the Injuns their ter.tii<br />
and fancy diving, respectively; and tin- initial sack will be "Basil" t 4 -"'-" 1 - an « » on Honor. ' ; battle, fought on "Latc« Ke«ir." in • crown In the.last eleven years.<br />
-• -'--- -]g 200 yard relay team of .Mnore. who phiywl with Memphis: In the lightweight division. Low- tl drenching rain. Tho Indians 'IVnnisurs Triumph Again ~ - -<br />
ly, Tom Gltcheli, John, in Southern Assncintinn. At scc-j i'll"s V.'.O'a finWioii third behind' started on tho victory trail byj Hounding out the year of suorts :<br />
.-and Hase Kndcnbuugh.frind base will bo Paul Stanlev.i PdJv uml Ilnlbnn? nml h^t in *ho-.i« :.... *"•--»*»"- »— the wayside, the Luwel] tennis team Tswcpt<br />
;h Its matches with e'asc to<br />
•another pity pmwn.'-'n'"ha^it<br />
they have had for quite<br />
line. Headed by the power*<br />
._ . , - ,-— •- »...«.•«, .o-«, »nu n. »u» mi over lor nn-i iui ,i(,ubleB team of Rene LaBarthe<br />
ptitch in his'nml the winntg relay team of Back-; other year. and Herb Suhr.'ceded best in 'tho=<br />
hTiid taking thircl^in "the varsity, wn Inlmitalilc style, whii-h has; or. Ik-ndrlvks. Scroggy, and Ed- . ..iBity tne Indiana Imil little"troublu <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
while I Incoln tookthe snme place cmtneil scouts ft-nm three majcr. wards. - - - -• -Casjilm Iwirk-rn He f«r Crown iComjII(r in on t0Pt RMnK ]<br />
n« stray balls will come w<br />
who won the 50 and 100 yard free, bandi«imc (Oh. t-onii: now) Jii<br />
styles, breaking the city record in!varas.. till around good guv<br />
each event. For the little "Injuns,"! (Thanks for the buck Jim), whii<br />
Potc Sommers' double wins In the i« known the length and breadth nf: mn!t j,, wmnilur meh .iMiici •Ti," : ia-i8. uonch Koff<br />
team, composed — strong right-nsunl. thofpotball<br />
by many to ing exactly the<br />
trier* to '<br />
r and'- that -In' yreviou^- Reasons Sore Frnn-v. -.<br />
will-- nin^pf f as clFcohfirh schools.have-met'Penin-^""<br />
ill schedule re'niain-isultt.aiid-^East-Bay-teams-in'prac-"."'<br />
'same 1 In football tice ccnii-sts in .various tinf>i-ta >
fCUK THE I.OWEE.L. KIUPAY. JUNE 15. 191*<br />
Youth Program j<br />
Attracts Prepsters |<br />
Ten. thtsumind students fru;n the;<br />
public high schools and junior high<br />
.schools of the Ray region ]iacked<br />
"' the C'VH' Auditorium on the after-<br />
:: noon of May 18 to paitlcipatc in.ti<br />
program,-':youth in the World's<br />
'-Tomorrow/*'aiioifM'nSl by the loccl<br />
Y . M . . C . A . •••:'.:' -•:• :<br />
Mcro.tiirn -ICO <strong>Lowell</strong> students,<br />
mostly juniors i*t>d seniors, were)<br />
."' fiJiuused ,'ffotn. school': nt* 12:iS0' for<br />
'•;.'the o c c a s i o n . " : •' •'•••• j<br />
. Tlie, ihvooutioi'r "St. Francis'<br />
'-"Pruyer for.-Puiici;," wm; read by<br />
^Leon-Siyrhnmii' at'tl:« HnJboa III-<br />
.V Olub. 'Mr. Hnrpsr Sibloy, chair<br />
i<br />
; Press Club Plays if<br />
I Host to Students" y^<br />
•Opi<br />
• known representatives of tht preB»<br />
: nr.d radio has boon -effonfod re<br />
:«« from htffh schocl ariii S<br />
n.'WHpaperH of California "<br />
Sunday '"Junior GOJIR<br />
Uiwiuomf \:y the San<br />
By Illllie Ath«I ' new IJIock f* president tint! accrc-j lrui:th and twu-thiid<br />
With an election rally and tnrv will he announced.*<br />
uinagerial tea. thc G. A. A. <strong>The</strong> C>. A. A. managerial<br />
brought to a close a 'wan jn«Id ]i> room 100. Wednesday,<br />
maw of th«; InturrLatior!ni T C'ominit:!termy«eri*ing "with activities, n few for tlu> n ml past mnna-<br />
M.~ C. A.rintroduced '«f which were tin* horHoshow. a gent ot' sporta. Eavh Each t'.'i tcim m thn thn! fri'u styk*, and mU' stroke for forai.-tfu.-sc occasions when attend-irr."<br />
^peukcr rnd; rd delug-tos; delug-s; A mcH- swimming/neet, swimng mt, and d the basketball fu-tiltv of tlu-: Physical y KducationJ Tho LKS's and Il-.'1's came- out with, readied thc "str "<br />
- aajje .was" read iroui Governor E«rl i game u-ith Poly. ' Oetiartnu'tit HjiiiiHors a toa.<br />
:. : Wiirren,- who \wns urcttblp to be, Kloven jrirln who wore awarded <strong>The</strong> riding group, with Dinne DP<br />
pvenent.- -.Mayor Rover LnphamlthA highest award, the gold I''". AIr.rtin, manager, arid Miss Adams,<br />
-'gave nn oneiil"" tnlk; nr.d greetings'are Mary Wtgmnre. past manage/'fur.iliy m!viner. staffed it horse-<br />
, r.um ; Honorable.'.Edward R. Stet-iff baseball: Diurie Du Martin, rUt- show. Wed now by evening, ,-a Dm<br />
ri'.:. T.'~: tint us,. Sucictary' of State nnil<br />
G I i . of, f iio.United Stales Del-<br />
C wi wure read d b" by" a reprcuen- r n<br />
'r.talive/j>i';tln»;Stiito : Pat Friend swum one<br />
oiK<br />
Department.<br />
1 -third, anil Flora Auyon<br />
Advisor U M. O«<br />
oni* length tinder water. T on* • -Marie Lintz, Leonnn! Collins"<br />
tfMt al.5(i incliidfd'lh back erawl.<br />
lonalri Crawford! wert inw/t<br />
ing manager; Joanne Bcran; Rlio- St. Friincis Hiding Academy. <strong>The</strong>re<br />
la Oldfielii, president of the Dlo*:k were lw« intermediate and two ud-<br />
L: and Gloria Lee n"k.of "thu t'zi'choslova-;rntion ration department, nnd and ability to <strong>The</strong> score Mas nil to JIi in favor of,, I he baseball game on<br />
..-„,,,.- mi"-'t the standards of the snort.<br />
•--Mr,.- Harper S'blay Introduced Awards lower than the<br />
dl - frcm ?. Bras!!. Chile, in the order nnna-d: first c<br />
Frunee, Luxembourg,- Unignny, Yu- di.tm.md. L-2 numerala. third cliev<br />
goslfivia, itfInium, and China, who' ron. circle L. block, and star.<br />
wcCttKUKtstiruie'lny: ! ,\t thc Block L nillv todav<br />
>• <strong>The</strong> closing,h«nr.dit;ti«ii was rend<br />
l.y.i'aui-^Nvim.Ka m6r.;ber of thu' . , Uf „ _ ,<br />
f '•'^<br />
'.[»• host resulU:. ,, 'peak. > - • ni> o :L"<br />
<strong>The</strong> girls of the mode'n dni:cing: Among th(..ioted nuwsmyn heardfa~'<br />
, Henry --;<br />
•Moscow ;."<br />
and John -Vv<br />
lections. ;:. I George Joornd7Joo ^Shll^l<br />
flnia' T |c tennis tournaments weicj»'«»«, the farr.ous_ picture,<br />
1<br />
' '-III Jun.> 4. <strong>The</strong> winners were! «*»'"«: on Two Jlmn." n»d<br />
in McCauley and Ifolen Waters. LC L '?' 1 r ''rrcHponiieiirei* Thv <strong>Lowell</strong> staff In a regular<br />
1 t-'» 1 '.!Kting contest took mace, with;<br />
of the school flag. : ; Ihotie LoweU'boys. now the proper-,<br />
>i',iln-the last three years,:<strong>Lowell</strong>] ty t f of the th Cl.icago Cli Dears. Dars cr the revues in-that baseball and foolbaH teams. iM-'ne Giafkiites, Usa^tlmus, Elinor " ew stone feline Is on the table Hv"off-;"o<br />
ic ceremony, fto battalion thc-rccoifl." ^"So that high schools<br />
i l i<br />
S that high schools<br />
pod to the assembly area-anu areaanu iotirnaliats could wcord'-for their.^.<br />
!ietorn««l to school, hl by-Navy btiseri. rtyidersthe^wwdf h<br />
i Th ft n. the flijra the cat was removed from the ta« -—<br />
•fa Jowcicd by the cadets. After<br />
P£ plnce.of honor on ••^7<br />
•\CHEMISTRY CLUB^''"'"*<br />
(MAKES<br />
'this ISS<br />
td ent<br />
/ h o w tn "t no prejudice e.v^• ployed theS *W. who * em-*rStniiiHH.<br />
»i(-hnwl rinbin fia««.«i WtS •» CUr San Prnncfaf» !.;»!. ;'"_***. tnere -<br />
Vvonne .Martin sang Laura and : ald Klein, Koger I^wney.l A<br />
VCuniv." _ Alleei Holhouser gave a! Itohert Spiegel man. and John Ward I m-<br />
Performances<br />
Given Term Play!<br />
Alumni in Action<br />
?aiorris ..SheldbuVJr. : sunk "Avc Maria'* nnd "Tura Lura<br />
Iu," an Irish lullaby. Carmen Miranda,"<br />
alias-Siuney"~Jc;m Morgan,<br />
has dang<br />
omoted->t6:'*enn'flrit<br />
I Yl •- Yl<br />
flrit and.<br />
Is uty at the "I'm<br />
1 ' on 'the piano; <strong>The</strong> trials and tribulations of llfu<br />
* "'clasarrangement of-rtn » Pennsylvania form were amusfi<br />
rirnotn nnjnijowg," /;inirly portrayed in the term play.<br />
..... „. —„ ._.„*..., t.iiwi iwr-: im: reirasnmenr committee, ccn-, "liv"^"• Washington Slept- Here," 1 --<br />
^-^S*'^"*Pcdo f Boiit'Snuadrort8*Tmlriiiig"Cen-iK[)it(!(i of Virginia Leo. Caroline wliich was presented by the nioin-<br />
•^"•^.ifjr.ctAIelvlllo, Rhode Island. After? Southard, Yvettc Vnysaie, Dona bew-of the Dramatic Club. June<br />
;^::/-: completlon:rof his-course, he will Aiken. Marian Lorton, Connie Her--i!». 7t nnd 8. . 1 v;,,<br />
&v-VSr Jp'6 a^.T^squnilcorCsomQwherc-in- man, Joan Evers. a^d JaneiLyoii. !.. Xoel rKellv and Joan Gumbrecht upon<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Takes 6-0 Win over Commerce Eleven<br />
•'-' In a »a»ic which, through'! the tcr (third) ended, and tin* lumns pnieiil that :Uurini: *.he first qv.ar- Ci;; Indians, showed to the Hpecta- man and Jack Stewart""(were,' per*<br />
tirsi hulf, could have been put in v.-alked the length ot the ficid lu tur CdHiiiMnx'e nwared sltjrhlly..»,o.'s what wan perhaps ihe most,hap*,-lh'r:iieci'.llntr factors of the<br />
the iiocket of ekl-or school. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s : »\viteh sl>s. 'i'he first |?luy was stronger than the Indians. Cam- i-von «ju»irter. of the-'irame.-H Wuit'ilny'a (fame. Prom then on, It was<br />
"Inillaiis" came throiikh to, wiore Htowart to Layman—thu |'':iy that menje's line ' waf*--.definitely thi* the inability of Duinrun, Omen, anil Inevitable that'<br />
a U tt- 0 victory over the dViismewo bail hmufrht the Indians down' the<br />
Bulldoj,'H.<br />
I field—and it worked. A "G" was<br />
_ It^ias in" the firsfaevi'n seodiuis slid onto the war*;li'jai(t tijipoitile<br />
of the'-^ih (luartrV that Die <strong>Lowell</strong>'. Ithc *'L," "wliili: t!u> blank «i>aci< f.>l-<br />
itCtf* jfU-iit moment-came. After. tlio "C" remained as before,<br />
Kinaxhtn^ from their own AI yard<br />
attempt was<br />
line, the Indians mannRcd to push<br />
duwn lo ihe Bulldogs' fi, <strong>The</strong> i|iinr-<br />
1 ! thu LowclUte'tt^<br />
tttronjrcst l'i»!;!iriir, and, thu. Iwyk -.'.VtmtlimdV to litke the |:nsn?s of would scrtrn.^ , • . " . :<br />
field. >K*nin.:: "«« :<br />
Afreshnifii' and sophomores .aeurry-..<br />
'tr.ir arotmd. ainl "suddenly v,t rrii- 1<br />
j. /- lixtj triit we are now a ^nior and;,<br />
miiHt In; kind ,t'i them. And it,<br />
-,, v.ilbtiut i'urtlitT tulieu, we dedicate<br />
"'thlH-iMitii'j i»r'l'he.l-owell,io the nw'<br />
-AkUdeiils. and tiu,n; (Jim. Cf:'u 'i poujrlas Linder, William 1 of-'ach resistrv's «tardir,»: will be Al Wtllianis defeated his lwp.o[jpv~.I*cn irunnmtees tlw nTfd. desij-riet.<br />
nrcxv and viirs-Viroxv .and. Limit*, and Robert Brncco. ~' ( ktpt at-LH*; bond, counter. A series ntnt/for tit a office of hecrofary/ I by Tom Kee. to-be 'strictly terrific '"^ - "<br />
Lyon •= (beforu ^ahc ao'ded tliej --.--^- - .- .~M"^^L-.-, w^- ^:,° f ^ ' ' " ""'""" '•"" ^ " '""'' " """" r "'"• "-— " L - - ll rrvritame'- old - thin};.- • We rein<br />
•UIPH'Friable wu»the-winner-ofahe-ioHreould-iiot lie- persuaded" to<br />
?.'';j''••vlien wij were a tii:!e low<br />
^y tiiore. Itiiy Kinjr anil MniK«<br />
' ^ - " -"-<br />
r dlvult;e— : * r '<br />
i;nd- c'uidtdatcs for,.vlce-presideni while.^uiy inl'oiiiiation abc-it the^noslirn*""<br />
It-l>e Al \\tlli(rnis defeated his lwp.o[jpv~.I*cn irunnmtees tlw r 7 afd desicried"'• '-•<br />
C;ol Xyo<br />
Leaifwas<br />
ofitytyv-of our<br />
_. "uTdouble lun^Rieh»J^'iark^R'KrWitt^i£i'~<br />
I<br />
j d t ^CALIIJJAEt<br />
ca •itiB-.-Wcr their,;<br />
, r romance,<br />
l?t"Ti'ifa*y—Itusufan' Book"' Drive<br />
•.(.eyer heard of. Dave Can V iiiuiiiH. . . „, .<br />
. . uir/.Scovil.v.Joan ..^arfibut: v-;as ^ VVtiuiicsday. Oct^ .">—Fresli-<br />
;sHll hero, jroinjr around r.wlth Pete man HecvntEon.<br />
. nmh'iunnine Fonles,-before Tliursday. Oct. 11—I'.-T. A.<br />
5^.'>nc"mi88cd the bout and.transforrcd ^1-Vidi.v. Oct. 12—Holiday—<br />
^Lto- ButeR.^ wi.s; «,,. member of our Colun»'>UH Day.<br />
^clnss.: And of nVl the,"dumb,'/con- •*i MiindtiV, Oct. 22—<br />
- .. .HonhomnrcsVyouif'editor was CardH.<br />
i* 'the ujjmbust and most'c.Hiftiscil.<br />
/ !>!*>t. oiily^amnsteVofaird^m'ultipl^ -.- -.<br />
-ro^tliewinners.-<strong>The</strong>-b.Tiid-slafr.i^-^^^.^^^-F^^<br />
wo-kitiit out soine >yav_ bv whicliF:- <strong>Lowell</strong> at WainwrightFeta as a basl^tball^nlay^ <strong>The</strong>.Block^^&M<br />
each reir..may^^asfik:mted with-a""••-••&** 0 **"*; -~r= - : ^V" '|;I/8Wc«;.c^.nd^Scr6irhalEo^ii6r^^^|<br />
liarticular part of tlie"l«w:iita| unit. Kichanl Clarke 'b"f^.rei;i»try,. 10*1 torefprqyt.tiint .ha-^iaaKbeen.a. : fa.Mi;>:,,»I'-ij|<br />
Fcr bm'tance, ,i~ sinjrle roKislry was chu^n Jroii«..LoweH f s,H..pvT.i iniHac.iiKurc, 1:1. AcliDul-uctivitieit-<br />
.miirht chooHe ad its upal an opor- C. Uo\'* to servo as an uslieMu the<br />
btintr • tnlilftV whoHe upst iit^-^lS, rrvii-winK'stnn.-l at the'City Hnll'fprJ<br />
r another niittlit t:ik^'.i;* ; since way back.<br />
: •Anv ofyou who fthfbpJhlnlt<br />
ii-i'aur>iitk' Hie parade thri welcomed Gen'urnli infT nocJiuyintr H student'body<br />
laniji for §:J-in. or stTli an ambitiou."-Wainwriirht o«i,liis rcturl*- to the e firt'd th fal\<br />
rcjr. miKht'aini at the all-inipor-_ U. S. A." <strong>The</strong>* it. O. T. C.'of each<br />
timfc-cX-ray mneh'ne. whose Qi-ur-iflchoul -furnished a cadet'-'fur the"<br />
chnJ-'f, price is $2,250.<br />
: ~?m<br />
frT cJiuyintr H studentbody ., ..;<br />
can 1 /the first'duy thov no oti'fale\\.':'.:•".•;•%<br />
had better keep, out of Ben's vi-in- . - ^.a<br />
Ity.-,bi'inuB« he 1 Irit^ndg to muke 1 a • : ?~'~M<br />
^'il fii V;iu
IL<br />
c ?i -•;<br />
TWO<br />
ed hy the Ammclmed SUnleiiri<br />
of I»wtll HlKh School<br />
.1100 Hnyes Street, San Francisco.<br />
California<br />
L. II. S. S. A. Slcmberi Free ,<br />
EDITOR ..........IlOIi fUTCtlCOCK<br />
Associate Editor...;.;....- Put Hunt<br />
Sports Kditfii*. Dim Stone<br />
News Editor......;.. !;...,..'...Carol FIslier<br />
Feature Editors..Carol.ManhoimnndDecKoatIey<br />
Cni-men Ciipllllo Hindu lt«Mlon<br />
Ciiiiiik' CrnwH ' Carolyn llowiinl<br />
flnrtn KjlHloii Rnrlifira .tvrliofcr<br />
Tut I'uloy "' Uni-luiri lttiito<br />
Jtiii Mailer C1iitn1i> )!oi"-iiliert!<br />
Olmlyn Suliwnrxcnlmcli<br />
W clcome to ; .<br />
New comers .-.^<br />
Fail term, 1945 ... the beginning oC a<br />
hew, different, and an exciting life for approximately<br />
four hundred ne; v students to<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y ore rapidly £elng introduced<br />
to the problems mid complexities of<br />
high school life; and impossible thought it<br />
may see-m.to them now, they will soon be.<br />
thoroughly absorbed in the new routine<br />
... and love every, minute of it.<br />
Kallies, games, court dances, all the activities<br />
and functions : of life at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Hi&K£/Ul become a familiar andivell-loved<br />
routine 1 / "While many have probably vnin-<br />
Jy^ sought for the swimming pool on the<br />
fifth floor, while most have been lost in<br />
the maze of up-and-down.Ptnirsvthe enfoteria<br />
and the doghouse, it was all fun.<br />
Remember that we, too, once looked for<br />
the tennis v cours on the fourth floor. - <strong>The</strong><br />
freshmen of today will eventually become.<br />
thVupperclaasmejvof tomorrow and we are<br />
genuinely glad to-fecc thorn here.<br />
^Hello, Freshmen! <strong>Lowell</strong> Welcomes<br />
You. '•: • ,f - - . S<br />
New^Term Means Neu)<br />
Opportunities<br />
-*'. ! r'Draw.a'deep breath,~flip.over that'so-called.<br />
: .^new^-fenf," and let's face it;- <strong>The</strong> new term ia<br />
here." That means chemistry and Latin, football<br />
-and all the rest of <strong>Lowell</strong> thnt we know and love.<br />
^,. "New" also moans^'boginhinjj" and a chance<br />
"for a fresh start. Hero is the opportunity to take<br />
. all, those sports, you forgot about .last term, a<br />
'} chance to get'thotTtrgrudss iipVhigh and to !:ccp<br />
them there.-) .., •'-<br />
' New faces. ;, school on a scooter.<br />
" " " ' • ' ' c„* • • • ,• *<br />
In the Manner, Marina JuiiEor KighVpiiper, wefind<br />
this.choice item: - -i<br />
- SneibV: "YMI ought to tnke chloroform."<br />
Sophomore: "Yeuh? Who tnerhes it?"<br />
• , . • * *-_•.'<br />
When'"yoa.tJriteh scraping the moss off that<br />
one.'and the ushers have papficd through^ removinu-the'"bird.<br />
; we-niiall continue with our flights<br />
of iancy.yi'erhaps this will iippoal to you:<br />
: --—"My car-haa-nn indlffcernt horn." "•<br />
"Whit kind is that?"<br />
. . ."It just doesn't give a hoot."<br />
v<br />
. J ' / - . . ; . ' . * „ . - . * • • • * . '<br />
, * • • - - • - •<br />
^ i<br />
r<br />
' ; ThciHs'sjjeciftlWded service. We<br />
tthjk f<br />
U^r need Mf : :«rielyp«ied"« "ftr<br />
_Mhpol.!^ ;»„..:•:..•;. .. i :j, :~^-,•".. .... " " .'"-'<br />
U_ .. .^V-Father:..-'v'.'EncycloiiodiKT/iotninjr. You - can<br />
.*.• l ^ -walk like I did when I was a boy."<br />
*:::-:»;\"r'^''%;:'- ej"'""-"-'. •" •"• . '•••'<br />
$•±$* t t n m hw^eome nt 1-ist.to say-farewell.<br />
;;--X We-Icavcyou with this last itemiw«. copied, word<br />
r^_ -JJ v for word.iro.m <strong>The</strong>.Andrew JackBon Hickory Lojr:<br />
••"•;':.' •>. "2 cac ty r 'won't he? We. :'the -Mairic Ky*-;<br />
As far as Carol Fisher i? con- won't think you he? nhoii'di We.: the Don. Mairic Oirls Elike<br />
cerned, .Merchant:'Marino Cadets'"—' Uilnk'you - - shon'd. •• Pon. Oirlfl like<br />
go for Ihe truer type of boy.<br />
gjnin Lee, Natalie Hubbtrt., and<br />
Corol Hf,!"sv are startinga *'L»ncly — .„ his ninny .VA..u»:n<br />
IfoitrUt" Club. We don't think it (Editor's Note: If vou knew who<br />
willjjpln much, j'irls, so why don't wrote this eolumn you'd sav wolf-<br />
Some of the- girls' nt SummeriH eV i er ' 1e k wom M, n 'iT ive W" 1 «"«—<br />
Home Pi.rk. -mainly* Connie He" 1 nn M " fc ^ , Fnr complete do-<br />
^on.: Jean-Mo^,- ^mi^HerS^lnfe^ffi :f^ -«!"»."<br />
««end tfimuKc<br />
y?.t know, whi<br />
el<br />
Hfe oVk<br />
Characters Around Lowe//{Miss Adams Named<br />
Temporary Dean of<br />
Girls for Miss Lacoste<br />
THREE<br />
m Gals and Sports m<br />
Don Fischer ;'"' - Barbara'; Jensen<br />
Amid the hustle accompanying : Uarbara Jensen's blue eyes twii;-<br />
fifth'period'in Ihc court. »hy, unasklcd merrily, 'Oh J guess l'rn"just<br />
iSiiminfr Don Fisher, hond yell lead- waal to water, i've Won swimming <strong>The</strong>re itt a new dean of girls in<br />
en cor.riescun.~tGd after ituicli conx- all uf my life."<br />
nxtm 117, iiew at least to the viceir.ir<br />
16 pour out his Innermost In this manner. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s '.'migntv iirincipal's office. Because of eye<br />
thoughts'to you, his public. Don's milo*' (Bi> named by this city's trouble; Miss Laconic ia temporarily<br />
:/amltiiion in life at present hv to' sports' columnists) accounted for<br />
absent from her old desk, and Miss<br />
Adams, it, favorite with all :who<br />
have the most sensational rooting tho fnet that sl.o has net n new . know her, is titktng over the work<br />
Motion in I/iwcll's history. All hejrecord<br />
for the . . 100 meter bnekriroke,<br />
| of-ilojui nf gir'rt .including U«; su-<br />
needs to attain his R'onl is co-onernt!on<br />
anil attendance at fcvery gnme.<br />
nnd in ?o do.ng beat aevernl well \Tliitvision of the Shield and Scroll<br />
known swimmers. I sociuties.<br />
In Don's own words, 'How about CM-biirn socnt the summer in Los! Mies Adn:rij. who is well known<br />
it, tinnR?"<br />
Angles, where she competed in!<br />
To uncover any information as to<br />
his dtsltkea was impossible. Don is<br />
ceod-nnturod. Wheu it came to his<br />
lilics.Don supplied an inexhaustible<br />
iist, but GIHLS came out on top.<br />
Running n cloao second to the fair<br />
sex for Don's affections was the<br />
one and only Miss Harrison. Don<br />
also admitted that he lind a soft<br />
spot in his heui't for "that smooth'ambition is to keep on swimming*<br />
f »*' hvr Come out! Come out! Whercivjr. Modern dancing is a sport which<br />
you arc! Now is the time for all appeals to everyone who Joins this<br />
sports-minded girls to come to the, cub. .-Managed by Marilyn Rogers,<br />
aid of their school! Kail sports I under Mittp-ilcchm's guidance, theme<br />
hore. and varied activities arc group meets in the gyin revery<br />
waiting for you. This term the {Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.'.<br />
managers have iilanncd n grata! [ • Tne Tennis Ciub works out every:<br />
time for you. Maybe you have a i Monday afternoon at_< the^iwc.l-',<br />
hidden talent for riding, sdmmingj known California .Tennis^Club on<br />
or modern dancing. Why not finu Bush atid Scott-streets.'. Ann Me-"<br />
out? ' __, - Carelyr manager, and Faculty Acl-<br />
Miss Aflams contiiaiLflhs faculty<br />
activities In supervising<br />
pinctiee h W she w«d in fine condition) 1 work ssssr-ssrsSSs?JT'^arsrsK<br />
in llu* girl*;' physical cd-cnfor<br />
the meets that were held hcrc.jltan find mitsidu sports, liker/her<br />
I In representing ti tho h Athens Ah Clubj Clbj new<br />
^ i " " *}*Wl} »«'*;*?*<br />
she broke Gloria Callen's b<br />
work that<br />
stroke record and beat Brenda p^, yct ^ ,,<br />
yct ,, no no dcfil|te dcfil|,te dat0 dat0<br />
r.*r and iMnrjon Falconer, two fa-; ••for f,ir AI alia? Ucosrc's return. Minn<br />
mniis mermaids.<br />
l<br />
Mi<br />
' A ' Dari^li "i^SSZS<br />
I.IVI. «a; i:.»y., •• , with curly blord hair and a swoonyi ustn an will sujitrisc ti.it lfter<br />
fifty yard record n short time ago.| figure. (She keeps in trim by— s^hnol swimming clnssm. Miss<br />
Don served as captain of the swim-1 you guessed it, swimming!) Herj the n!i"riHim! riding croup. LS?»i inUe " 8 s ' 1o " sor ° r<br />
, 'cummin physical cd-! ffr grailuatlon, wmen am l»r, satiswith<br />
curly blord hair and a swoony; usntion and will sujmrviso ti.i.-nfter!<br />
ming team and assistant yell loader) enviable tan gives her a bronzed i<br />
i,ist term, lie is also ii member of j golden look.<br />
tlje Block L Society and the Scroll.! Last year Barbara was very ill,<br />
Tall, dnrk.jnnd handsome best!mid it wr.a feared that she would<br />
deacriK's Don's appearance and -it; be iinablo to continue swimming;!<br />
the time of this'interview he lcok.dI but to the relief of everyone she!<br />
i L l l b wth<br />
flcl1 to* learning to swim with this p,,r,:-in..fr« ""• .li.— c "<br />
1<br />
•-- •• -' *-- >-- • »•• 'ciub. I ' "fr'T'ijatinn in one o* the above<br />
_ • ! mentioned inorts entitles girls to<br />
<strong>The</strong> k-o akat.'ng Club, whoEe, memncrship in the G. A. A. one of<br />
manager is Ruth Schwabacker, I the outstanding <strong>Lowell</strong> organlza-<br />
Mr. Williams On moets to skate at Sutra's ewry' tloiut. This term, Alary Ann Brown<br />
Tuesday afternoon until Wnter-ijs its president, and she eagerly<br />
Innd reopens. <strong>The</strong>ir faculty adviser fuwaits the opportunity to. welcome<br />
Mexican Tour<br />
e y<br />
like the typical, y p , <strong>Lowell</strong> ll boy with recovered and went -swimming gaily i<br />
JUHRIC* of Southern \u-<br />
his Baddies, white socks,<br />
khakis,) , u.<br />
B t<br />
—..-.-._.<br />
n n honor count of plus<br />
she has worked-'in Ion- twenty-five. ••<br />
don. Aliriers, s. Naples, and;Pnris. She."? This term's room representatives<br />
ran a swimming club on the<br />
nre as follows:<br />
collected FVencIi prints from<br />
? ofVew "ambers! |'''^f',,^^!' /coing deeper intol." i',rAiL'iersVshe'Vm'et Genera! Eii|Leroy Dubins, N T niicy Bjork! 203 !<br />
Scrollers returned.! *;t / ll »t.'i= they^tnmp upon unox* Rpnhower: In I-ondon her clubjLoweH Garrison, Joanu Ley -213.<br />
Il^mufn^ovcupatfon^iit'tiioi « " ..-».-. . was hit by a.buzz bomb.| Jhmifjus Fairbansv Jnr.c Holti'aji;<br />
v »*»' nil"". "Completing his iri'o I bu'iTdTng"is<br />
planning for the huge ^..^'^^Ir;^";"^•went" by but she<br />
'[•'roshman Inception scheduled for] I>I1II1C to ^cxico uity,<br />
the first week In October. <strong>The</strong> rc:' : s ^ n ^;« n Snn«<br />
'{?.VRTg»ftig to<br />
UC ? t? "w Mr " w ".' itinii:i went^yihut she came out with nary a'rg'H'TCusneft"KnivLovry.^Sj air!<br />
'T![1?.* 0 ;<br />
M"WJ«O. City,: whore hqfsrratch. She visited Geneifll Pat-!^«Kcl. UnAa.Pto*ft+.: 322;: Peter ''5"r<br />
the firat<br />
is working hard, wnceri<br />
coptioii<br />
•1 ideas for thel to i«n ifrt,vsTg»ftig t'o'openis andjto'n'v^hearquartersin Germany* six! W«tt, Joy' SURTII ;i-Hir." !05.<br />
ts I roin their he flew buck rf-yg after it was taken and saw the ,. „. . o V•!-1 '<br />
Sani<br />
I-rnnciPco. o f city of Frankfort in ruins. | ••-Edwin Butnv •"!. M-.-jlyi<br />
iiitdc me feel good to sfie an j i»,i^ A " c changes" in the Shield this tcrm.j to' finil some novel ,-<br />
Ai<br />
•What the changis uru (to be she Knla occasion. ; - | Thin Wiu Mr. Williams' twenty-r.-"It ..luile me feel goou to sne an;;--- «»<br />
.woulfjnot reveal. She «id that a. After John finally worked off all 1 . rirtn , Ilir \ tn l?. in Latin America. He Axis eity damaged worse than nny|? tone ' :<br />
his enthusiasm for the Scroll, he, "'<br />
girl does not become a member of fonA'nted to - tell - a * llUlo.abflut . . - . . him-i^ . it,,«n'f iua«,i „•--„.„„„.:-(_ r —- *.i« n.<br />
the Shield by beinR in tlie.lime light pelf; He was born b'Napa Colior<br />
You teacher's service pet. It for is .t cintinuous<br />
work must<br />
tttUllcllt. und service also be for an .the honor school. roll<br />
Timmy expressed h'jr hope of going<br />
to Swathmoro Gollftge near<br />
Philadelphia after graduation this<br />
fc<br />
aKummotin ijitui<br />
t him-i^ «'nce lfl'10. As soon as<br />
h l<br />
010 ""*. «'nce lfl'10. As soon as<br />
. Coli- fcur °n o '? °P
fOUK<br />
•••-J2s^-<br />
^ <strong>Lowell</strong> vs. SacredHeartlTHE STONE Y ..SLANT,<br />
Basket Season j<br />
LINE - UP<br />
Vu. Xante— lit. \vi. Pus. Nn me—<br />
I ' »y Dan Stc*ie<br />
. 1 inch frame, is a definite threat<br />
u<br />
I. With .five times nit'much escpe"|t3<br />
thf'«t Iwjya.who niijrht have any<br />
'rience this year as iast. the liny*. '•), idea.* about •r.i'ootinjf''around tH<br />
SpcukiiijT of his liKlitwetjjht busketbnll<br />
teiiinii. Conch Ituii Xoff<br />
says, "1 don't think <strong>Lowell</strong> wyV.<br />
UtKe nn>vbnck scut." - '•'."::<br />
Although many j*umcs will lie<br />
playpft nttcr school jit the ijym<br />
iwnere, by the',way. It would . be<br />
nicu tt/.^iee uMIUliv ,11101 v student<br />
1 .<br />
IStrua Indians fiiced an u»tr[ed n-ht side of the'l'in'e.<br />
I Commerce team last 1-nday. This: nacinjr the ball in motion eark<br />
;TI Thursday the Indians fwcean ui{ual'; t[n)>l the Indians have possession<br />
*• untried leum of "I-ifilitinc Irish. iuf tn,. hall will be ruKKvd Dan<br />
AH Gardner, Have C I" 1SS :.. LKH " Carlin. Franl<br />
iiflirini; from the openinfr «:ime'sci,iiivrie. who. like Left Guard'<br />
of the AAA seasoi, however. nl-.Uu Aronian In up from the evs hoiiie to<br />
11:11<br />
. I'»te ft' I" 178 KKI Sclioe<br />
! >'"»''. kosckraiis muy-be <strong>Lowell</strong>'s <strong>Lowell</strong> time after time. <strong>The</strong> nevvs-<br />
. top lineman. " ; papers and rhe coaches of thu nthor<br />
I'eie I-nyiuan, also nji from the schools Vat. 'Poly anJ<br />
',1' ccption of .(<br />
~ -TUP tl:e rernui<br />
,."liipf, b-.;.vc,<br />
•^Vn'he first .<br />
;} -y.thtn a montl<br />
•"•••'••atones, artiJ<br />
>?:?.provost "and]<br />
H—^Univarsity '<br />
' physiolou^<br />
• , waathe-flrsi<br />
Other<br />
: SU5.I.S--. ' True, the champion!<br />
WHITE JEltSEY KOSI'Elt* Backers of Champion Top v! 1^<br />
1—Hnonioto, Q.<br />
"•—Curt-, Q..<br />
7—llorstmuyer F<br />
U-Clai-y.T. "<br />
10M<br />
! \' lv "y» Jias the k'reat-'f|<br />
-I ti • v^ J eitt attundaiKu- re:;onl; but at U<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>in Attendance i time whim our tearif to huvlnjr<br />
i hd lt h d<br />
t£pr,G.<br />
•V Couch Hiirrjs.<br />
IX.<br />
M—AndcrBoii, H.<br />
:15— JIallloux. G.<br />
-1K—iloseriip.- Q.<br />
' - Air. Ffurris «1HO announces that' JIG—L'osekind, K.<br />
-•a-llaker. E.<br />
there will lie an intramural cross- «U—Mnynnhan, G.<br />
-'I—Simt)ii,ns. K<br />
-1— Putney, G<br />
2»—ScovH. li. V<br />
^Ml 1<br />
I hard [iult; we shouldn't let it down.l<br />
Lust football SL'USO11.<br />
for thi» first- S->Lttit3 vtarC let's muke w •totu<br />
ttiniu. in many; ., _ a year. rf».ir,-<strong>Lowell</strong> dtdi]a.«t. Wy i»ave"ii swell set of v ' m<br />
not hnve-'lliu irrentest number ofMr-Sdei-s this yrar—Don Fisher,<br />
; students iittendiiijf footiiult jraitfit.' ns Davy MV\* CU<br />
Accorilinjr to tlie irate receipts. Poly • tiahlauf. ' Let'h '^-it out there<br />
, had over SMMf) (?() more. -<strong>The</strong> 'WCT :chcct> and ^."clluiiil clap da u<br />
; !i-t-fiKures are: Poly. $.'l,!)27.tJI J 'em tin to euc «reate8t> ti<br />
;and^LoTvell. ?l!.fl72.-iiia..d.',rfcrcncu'.t.tmnn;. ..::'...*. - ,.-><br />
er F<br />
^—ICiMWkh.il.- K.<br />
•t(—Uadovich, U.<br />
•12— Dtmii, T.<br />
Commerce C-ynrd lint,''<br />
•!"•—-'Itosekiunir.-T.<br />
• Hey i-titrt! ^<br />
. 35—bi):'!ta. T<br />
i'annouiiceclitheiWidafltthefiuttrtcr,<br />
.-•10-?StroildrC.<br />
-50—CAVIV'Q; ;<br />
• I'm jhittm* .ToM'n.<br />
-teams niarphed'almost<br />
18Male^( E.J. T.<br />
_:^no.you.<br />
fcthfi!d(d<br />
lfnetmin "foV;Vhe'rind'lnn's;i A- ,,<br />
;^puve JGnrdner,- Jbck?Starart..QQ<br />
mll >'..QQ.<br />
io—StewHrt. Q.<br />
:0«r.\ 7 8 0 \ B. B<br />
;'S"»—Liberty.<br />
Ul-Dclmns. E.<br />
.MoiMoux. G.<br />
A<br />
, a ci.iiimn ov the:snmo nnmo for the;K^nl-ltobtfV;^,Fiiislirr<br />
i"Pelican," ,'tlii.* ^U. C i rnu(rniine, I "sor-Tc"i^;.!H J ~ it'tlr^'nlWinw<br />
j fur thei'sake of i-ariety the .mini?"lUyu'f'-iins two "mani<br />
^isrk/ioiv 1<br />
*• --P 'v
S E P .<br />
I N D I A N S V S .<br />
S A R L K S<br />
H A C K<br />
T I I B ; .<br />
V I C T O R Y<br />
L O A N<br />
V o l u m e S l i , N o . 2 S i m F r a n c i s c o , C a l i f o r n i a , W e d n e s d a y , O c t o b e r . 1 1 , 1 0 - 1 5<br />
. F o u n d e d J a n u a r y , 1 8 9 8 . ' .<br />
Final Victory Loan will Close Bond Counted<br />
Hitchin'<br />
Post<br />
l l y I I H i H i t c h c o c k<br />
[Spirited but Hapless Cards Fall to Poly Grid TeamjContest with<br />
lime<br />
Poly Hi will<br />
MarkJDrive<br />
I t y D a n S l i m e [ w a s P o l y . B o t h t e a m s c a n d o t h e ; S t i o m l . J o h n n y R o s e k r a n s . D o u g !<br />
O n O c t o b e r 2 0 , 1 9 4 r » . a p r o u d a n i l i ' " t i e r . B o t h t e a m s d i d . ,; | i : V o v l ] f B u b G r i f f i n : a l l t h e b o y s f<br />
. e n m w e n ; d o w n I n g a l - ! A l t h o u g h a s a g r o u p L o w e l l w e n t j w e r e t i r e d a n d h o t a n d d i r t y . T h e y ;<br />
t . F r o m t h e s t a r t , i t w a s ; < i u W « t « < l f f e a t . a . < i n d i v i d u a l s t h e y h a d r u n a n d t a c k l e d a n d ' t r i e d ta'.<br />
t h a t t h e p l u c k y I n d i a n s ! v/t>rc o u t s t a n d i n g . A g a i n s t a t r u g i i i n t e r c e p t a l l d a y l o n g . T h e y h a d<br />
A p p a r e n t l y t h e r e o c c u r s i n t h e ; f r u i n t h e H a y e s S t r e e t R e s e r v a t i o n : tL ' nm - t h « L o w e l H t e s d i d t h e m s e l v e s ! k e p t o n t r y i n g r i g h t u n t i l t h e f i n a l<br />
l i f e o f e v e r y e d i t o r o f T h s L o w e l l w o u l d h a v e a t o u g h b a t t l e o n t h e i r ! n r o t i c l . f o r t h e y w e r e n c o n t i n u a l l y ' g u n . N o w . b a c k a t t h e g y m . t h e y 1 E n t e r i n g t h e l a s t l a p o f h e r b o n d<br />
a n u r g e t o p a w t h r o u g h t h e a r c h i v e s h a n d s , b u t t h e d e f e a t U n i t t h e y s u f - f i K h t l n j r g r o u p . . V : e r e q u i e t n n d t h o u g h t f u l , t h i n k - ani ' s t o m p s a l e s c a m p a i g n , L o w e l l<br />
u n d s e e h o w f o r m e r e d i t o r s | i r o - T e r w h i l e i t w a s g r e a t , w a s b y ! T l > e f ' r s t t h i n g a b o u t t h e g a m e i n g a b o u t h o w t h e y w e r e g o i n g o u t i is s p u r r e d I n t < v K a f i n n l e f f o r t o f<br />
d u c e d t h i s p a p e r . W i t h t h y , o b j e c t n « m e a n s a n i g n o m i n i o u s o n e .<br />
; ' tsc ' f ' s t n i<br />
' « ! t h e P o l y l i n e . T h a t ' s ! a n d l i c k t h e i r n e x t o p p o n e n t s s o ; P a t r i o t i s m b y t h W a s t o f t h e f o r m a l<br />
i n m i n d t o f i n d f o r y o u a t ' e w s t a - ; C o u r a g e o u s e v e n w h e n t h e i r l u c k "" t n o r e i s t o i t . T h e l i n o t h a t , t h e y c o u l d g e t a s m a c k a t P o l y 1 ) O I » ' d r i v e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n -<br />
t i s t i c s ^ o n t h e r u l y - L o w o U g a m e , , w a s b u d . t h e L o w e l l i t c s g a v e t h i v « i t s « u ; m o s e d t o f o l d l i k e a n a c - * c » m « T u r k e y D n y . t r y . T h e , c o n c l u s i o n o f t h e E i g h " J i<br />
w e e n t e r e d M i s s A d a m s ' o f f i c e , ! c i : e e t i i t o r . « a m a g n i f i c e n t s h o w , a m i : c " r( '' nn J" 1 "-, w o u l d n ' t b e b r o k e n . T o ; T h e c l o s e s t w e g o t t o t h e P a r r o t V i c t o r y L o a n , w h i c h s t a r t e d t w o --<br />
w h e n ' s h e s o k i n d l y o p e n e d h e r c a b - , | ) ! n y e i l a s ^ ^ - n d i d g a m e . j t h a t l i n e I n o n e s e n s e g o e s t h e t r i c t l w a s o n t h e i r 3 8 y a r d l i n e . T h i s ! ' l a y s H J T O , w i l l m a r k t h e e n d o f -<br />
i n u t f o r u s . a n d t o y k d o w n o n e o f i t i n t r u e t h a t t h e L o w e l l f o o t b a l l , L '<br />
r ? i n t for h o l y ' s w i n . A n o t h e r , c a m e i n t h e s e c o n d q u a r t e r w h e n : s t a m p s a l e s a t L o w e l l , f o r<br />
t h e b o u n d . v o l u m e s o f T h e L o w u l l . ; t e a m w a s u u ( c l a s s e d . B o t h t h i s ' t ' 1 ' n * r was tnnt tnore w « * n " u n d e r - ' . J o h n n y E i i o m o t o s n a g g e d B i l l<br />
: t h e b o n d c o u n t e r w i l l p e r m a n e n t l y<br />
I t p r o v e " t o o m u c h f o r u s . W h e n y L . » r m i d l a . n . P o l y h a s h a d c h n m - ' C ,<br />
u r | i e i I t n i I i n i l l * f t h r o u g h t h e s t u - | S m i t h ' s p a s s f o r e . t e n y a r d g a i n , c l o s e a t t h e s t a r t o f C h r i s t m a s ' v a -<br />
w e c a m e o u t , a f t e r t w o p e r i o d * o f , p i i i t u d i i i ) t e n m p . T h e i r h a c k f i e l t l i s ! l *"' Q S n c c<br />
'<br />
a " y t h o s e t h a t h a i l ; I - o s i n g g r o u n d c o n t i n u a l l y , L o w e ] ) - c a t i o n . -t<br />
r e a d i n g , w e n o t o n l y k n e w a b o u t : t h e b e s t i n l o c a l p r v p h i s t o r y , a n d • n- " -<br />
Hack<br />
playcnt<br />
nn^hoirnmn Fmnk<br />
.527. <strong>The</strong> second' placer is Galileo, rtun^o anJ N«.., D*<br />
which hus won only five, or .2W. Uance and New Picnic<br />
On the football field, the lt*d and. •[]<br />
W h i t u . h a s g o n e o u t n i n e t e e n t i m e s ; P i c n i c ! W h e r e ? S i g m u n d S t e r n<br />
; f^^..I ri ^ ^ r ?^!:it aI l.?Ki Grove. For whom? <strong>The</strong> Lo,i--.l<br />
h a s ' b e e n ' p r o -<br />
b a c k w i t h i t s i x t i m e s , n e t t i n g ; ^<br />
a o l i d . . i m , w h i c h , ! c l a s s .<br />
C < » a c h M i k e A n e w i d e i<br />
p o s e d o f h a v i n g : t (<br />
u t . P o l y a m i M i s s i o n , w i t h t h e e x - , n e w s w a s m a d e p u b l i c r e c e n t l y U a<br />
of t o s s e d ! i « "<br />
l t<br />
C l a s s P r e s i -<br />
f i l l i p s b e t w e e n t i i c ^ i s c l v c s . J d e n t S h a u n I l o l m a n , V i c i ' - P r e s i d e n t<br />
<strong>The</strong> first-cditlor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.] RCVII Sanir. nnd Secretary Peter<br />
then a monthly.magaziRu-of shortly • •<br />
t u r n ' s , a r t i c l w ; n n d s i » > r i s c o i n -<br />
1 O a n y a n l . T h e < h i t c . a s y e t u n d e -<br />
c i d e d , ' w i l l b e d u r i n g t h e l a s t w e e k<br />
i n N o v e m b e r . T h i s d o e s n o t e x -<br />
c l u d e t h e c l a s s d a n c e , w h i c h w i l l h e<br />
l u t e i n J a n u a r y .<br />
T i l e r ' * i s n e w s a l s o o f t h e c l a s s<br />
m e n t . w a « M o n r o e E , D e u t s c h , n o w<br />
p r o v o s t a n d d e a n o f m e n a t t h e<br />
U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a . L o w e l l ' s<br />
p h y s i o l o g y t e a c h e r . M i s « K e l h i » t r ,<br />
w a s t h e ' f i r s t g i r l s ' y e l l l e a d e r .<br />
> O t h e r n o t a b l e s ' w h o ! a t t e n d e d<br />
L o w e l l w e r e t h u l a t u C h a r l e s G .<br />
N o r r i H , C a l i f o r n i a n o v e l i s t ; t h e<br />
I n t o H i r a m J o h n s o n , g o v e r n o r a n d<br />
l i f i H h<br />
'•' s e n a t o r f r o m C a l i f o r n i a ; H u h c<br />
Junior Red Cross Packs; "Christmas Varieties"<br />
Christmas Boxes ; To<br />
Plans to fill 175 gift boxes forj<br />
children of war-torn Europe have! <strong>The</strong> "Christmas Varieties,"<br />
been completed by the Junior Re*l( annual potpourri of the best<br />
December 5, 6 and 7<br />
£e Rca.<br />
and Dion ChosRe.<br />
For each hospital unit sponsored,<br />
a panel denoting <strong>Lowell</strong> High flS<br />
donor, will be placed on a bed In<br />
one of the Army, Navy, or Air<br />
Force hospitals. ' '" . ^ r ' . p :<br />
Croas. This is an average of thrceipji has to offer in music, drama j * °'' W 1^<br />
boxes fmm each registry. <strong>The</strong>j lively dancing, nnd hilarious coine-i '<br />
boxes contained essentials and lux-. ,(y, will be presented again this'Debaters to Attend<br />
uries. such us toothpaste, combs,; y«Ur in thu auditorium on Deeem-j Lincoln Hi Tourney<br />
toilet soap, pencils, games, and sox.j bcr 5. fi. and 7. In charge of pro-'<br />
<strong>The</strong> Junior Ited Cross, which meets' dyction Is Mr. Pollnnd, assisted by<br />
R e d C r o s s C h a p t e r f o r j or e i g h t s k i t s , c h o r u s s i n g i n g<br />
p o r e i g h t s k i t s , c h o r u s s i n g i n p ; a n d | B a y a W a ^ ;\ |!<br />
i n s p e c t i o n a n d s h i p p i n g . d a n c i n g , a n d s o l o n e t s b y i n d i v i d - j ' T h e f i r s t p r a c t i c e d e b a t e<br />
T h e m a i n w o r k t h i s t e r m w i l l b e ! m , i 8 . , , ( I j j e l ^ o n O c t o b e r 1 7 , w i t h t h e A<br />
t h e m a k i n g o f h u n d r e d s o f s m a l l ; T h e v a r i e t i e s w i l l o p e n m . d c l o s e ! J u n i o r H i g h S c h o l t db A p t o s<br />
„,„ ,s news a,so „ „ ciass-— . ^ 1 ^ =<br />
rings nnd pins. <strong>The</strong>y will be tra- '» Army and Navy hospitals. <strong>The</strong> Iitt8 ,loBC(l by j r r a. Clos^ „,„ ^ i w ' ^ ^ C " '^^!^ e<br />
of ca<br />
ditional<br />
^MMfe^^^<br />
" W a y n e J l o r r i s . a n d G e o r i f e O ' B r i e n .<br />
L o w e l l h a s h a d n i n e d t h e r p r i n -<br />
c i p a l s b e f o r . . * Mr, S t e p h e n s t o o k<br />
o v e r i n 1!):M: E l l i s If. H o l m e s ,<br />
G c o r t o W . M i n n s , T h e n i i o r e B r a d -<br />
., l e y , W i l l i a m T . R e i d , F . A . B l a c k -<br />
- - b u r n , J a m e s K . W i l s o n . F r a n k M o r -<br />
- t o n , F . I I . C l a r k , a n d F . : E . C r o t t s .<br />
V'" 1 . . j \ • • i* •<br />
I t i j , t h u m b i n g t h r o u g h o l d c o p i e s ,<br />
w e c a m e a c r o s s t h i s i t i . * m i n t h e<br />
J a n u a r y , 1 8 9 8 i s s u e , w h i c h , a l -<br />
t h o u g h w r i t t e n i n d e a d l y s e r i o u s -<br />
. . . n e 2 s t h e n , - w i l l p r o b a b l y a m u s e<br />
. . m o s t o f u s t o d a y . r I t c o n c e r n s a<br />
. . c o m p a c t f " o t m d a t t h e S e n i o r P r o m .<br />
. . ' " . W e " , a r c " b e y o n d a l l e x p r e s s i o n<br />
. P ' l l n e d , . s h o c k e d , g r i e v e d , a n d s u r -<br />
p r l s e d ' t o ' f l n d o u t t h a t s o m e o f o u r<br />
c o - e i t s - a r c a d d i c t e d t o t h e e x e c r a -<br />
b l e h a b i t o f p o w d e r i n g ! J u s t t h i n k<br />
o f I t : A C O M P L E X I O N M A D E T O<br />
- p R D E R N ^ W e - ' c a r r y - y i o u r s e t v e s ,<br />
- h o w t t V } r , ; : w i i h U ; e f o n d h o p e ( m a y<br />
t r r o u n d o f t h e r i n g s i s c i t h e r e n a m e l<br />
o r o n y x .<br />
on convalescent bed tahl«s.<br />
Girls* Block L on Outing<br />
G i r l s ' B l o c k L w e n t o n r i l a l l - d a y<br />
p i c n i c a t t h e c o u n t r y h o r r - ' e o f B a r -<br />
b a r a L c v i s o n i n A t h e r t n n , o n O c t o -<br />
b e r 1 2 .<br />
A b o u t t w e n t y - e i g h t g i r l s w e n t<br />
d o w n i n s e v e r a l e n r s ^ T n ' e r a ^ w o r o<br />
o u t d o o r s p o r t s f o r a l l a f t e r a h e a r t y<br />
m e a l o f h a m b u r g e r * n n d c o k e s .<br />
A t t h e s u g g e s t i o n o f S i d n e y M o r -<br />
g a n , . v i c e - p r e s i d e n t o f . t h i > s t u d e n t<br />
b o d y , e a c h g i r l b r o u g h t ; a<br />
i e o n v a w s e o n c D M t m > i < . » I ' . ' " " . " " . " - ; " • • • " " » - » l •" 1Irs - B a s s ' , t i o n f o r t h e m a i n e v e n t a t L i n c o l n<br />
„ , , ; . , , ' „ ^ " " " •<br />
8<br />
; d e s i g n i n g c l a s s a r e c o n s t r u i n g t h e H f o h S c h o o l n n D O C M } I-<br />
selcc-<br />
p e t , b u t M r s . C l o s e i n v i t e s H a l f a h u n d r e d s t u d e n t s w i l l t a k e<br />
m o r e s t u d e n t s t o j o i n . T h e o f f i c e r s . j , . i r t i n t h e J * h « \ v . A m o n g . t h e g r o u p<br />
Barncs.<br />
T h u r s d a y ; N o v . l — L o w e l l ; v i * .<br />
W a s h i n g t o n .<br />
, / F r | d n y . N o v . 2 — 1 1 ^ : D a n c e .<br />
that puncnke, girltt, or we<br />
l t bl ih ih<br />
littlel ''Saturday, Nov. ___<br />
'iirrcd-nnd^yhlteiito ~~Srl;-~-:^..--•^s,:.—- ~^-r<br />
ivon tova serviccmani^ecuper-. Mondjiy..No^ ,2-Armisticeo<br />
f.at.,DIbble Hospital. i<strong>The</strong>hos- ;.. i)Uv_Holidiiv ^<br />
is riglit onthewayto Athor: [ " " U> I i o l i d u >- ^-•"<br />
v ra--<br />
„ » extempore<br />
two ranien with clever impcrsona- speaking. '-"••<br />
tions.ofAI J^lscn, _Eddio. Cantor,.. .Following-the Lincoln Tourna- •<br />
and Beatrice Ka'- He will bo^on'mont, <strong>Lowell</strong>'iForensic Society,ot-<br />
hand-with ne\» impersonations, which" jrr. : -Lorbeer ""<br />
Tom Trowbridge and Sydney Moiv: debate at.Sacred Heart.<br />
trim, B^ereturi' and r vice-president<br />
of-the student body, respectively,<br />
j can t: ,. ,; 'Iu«,day. Kov. 20_M Plc.., | - U w^. g v^^ t r a wIU ^ tha<br />
:i w- '• *' •- *• " Besiiies this one outinir. prexy-pf nic * -.-: i overture and^erit'racte music, while<br />
. .„ „, „„ all<br />
:has.the hast spirit in tt». «v „, , „.<br />
:or lose. ^Now list's leti.the other in Sigmund Stem<br />
.schools know, if, too. I; I held at the end of the term.<br />
, . . B e s i i i e s t h i s o n e o u t i n g . p r e x y ; o f<br />
.. A n d ; O w e c l o s e w l U t l i t h l a p a r t - t h e B l o c k t , J e a n H e m b o v g e r , r e -<br />
be<br />
Thursday "and Friday. Nov.<br />
22 nnd 23—Thanksgiving<br />
Hol'days.<br />
o v e r t u r e a n d ' e n t ' r n c t e m u s i c , w h i l e<br />
s e v e r a l o f I t s m e m b e r s w i l l ; p l u y i n -<br />
strumental solos. :''.. . ~ / r : - . . '<br />
•'• T i c k e t s f o r t h e . i y c a r l v ! h o l ! d o y :<br />
t i m e p r o d u c t i o n w i l l g o , o n s a l e<br />
n b o u t . t k o m f i l d l e , o f N o v e m b e r .<br />
d e g e l<br />
h o l d t h e I n t e r - S c h o l a s t i c D e b a t i n g 1 •<br />
T o u r n a m e n t i n . J a n u a r y . r<br />
'-L^<br />
^ T h l b ' d i<br />
seventh period on JVcdnt ,<br />
tliirmembcr8,--unller;the'--leadership;^<br />
oil Bob-Bennett,-nresidenf-of: the^"<br />
club, meet and work 'toRethertwlii!n- •,<br />
ever^they can find the^time;' Thiti-<br />
tunn .over.fifty-memberrwill parrot<br />
ticipatc In many and Various-fo-^.^^i<br />
rensiccontestsV/aild"several^mem- ^'iCft.'.-1<br />
bars'are to debate in Los Angeles .. :^; 7,<br />
during the Christmas vacation; ,'J/^.v."- ."TJ<br />
' Students Interested . ini oratory,.. : 'i^i-H<br />
extempore ;8pedking, • radio an- i-V^r'Vg 1<br />
nouncinff. or dramatic and humor- ^>'V^ ;<br />
ous declamations asw-cll as';debat- i l ':; ,x<br />
inpr may Rtill enroll in.3I9, r dccord-.^>>:'!<br />
ing to Mr.?Lorbccr.
rIE.; LOWELL<br />
cl I'ylhc Awoclntcil Si in I tm*<br />
of Lowftl Hlcli Sclinol<br />
Mnye* Strenl. Sun FrnnciKo.<br />
C i l f U<br />
I- It J* S. Al Mctnhcru Frf*<br />
Associate Editor rut Hunt<br />
Sports Editor ;;. :.Onn Stone<br />
News Editor. Carol Fisher<br />
Feature Editors..Cuif>ninuhoim:md Hoe Kcailey<br />
I'OIIIIII- f'r.'frt<br />
llurilt Kswiun<br />
Itfwrij* Flower*<br />
>oys. Is this a reflection on <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
buys or Beikeley girls?<br />
Still vctv happy arc Clitude lio-<br />
senberg and Flo Olsen. Ye Gods!<br />
Pete Uiyman and Margaret Lovi-<br />
Der are re-uniti'd. as are .loo Slewiiit<br />
(iiul I'at Iterkely. It's enough<br />
to drive any deO-snt gorisip rolutnnist<br />
mad! u<br />
Add <strong>Lowell</strong> ICIIOWK who prefer<br />
the ctrlx from Lincoln: Doug Ifiiiisen,<br />
Frank Soto,; Lee I'errott. and,<br />
of course. Bumps lialdauf.<br />
Some <strong>Lowell</strong> girls (Tunin Herman<br />
and Jetin Morse) just consider<br />
themselves too good for any bov<br />
alive. Frankly, Tnnia, we'd grab<br />
Hob Tallntiiii before it's too late.<br />
And Jean, { f we were you, we'd<br />
just<br />
Once iv.xrf :• is time to bid adieu.<br />
And so with this pleasant thought<br />
we leave ynU; your Tattlenf are<br />
none other than I'Vmik Kingiind Boh<br />
Nolan, and anybodv else who can<br />
talk Hob Hitchcock Into putting<br />
their two cents' worth in.<br />
8 TO THE BAR<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Listens ...<br />
liy Per Ken t ley<br />
Totiirnl the g'.ihsts will roam (tie hull<br />
Of denr old <strong>Lowell</strong> High.<br />
Tonttfht '.he witches and the spooks<br />
Will sail nernse thv «ky.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Htnff hits finished;<br />
<strong>The</strong> senior* have gone hoitus;<br />
<strong>The</strong> corridors ntv empty;<br />
Tlie spooks alone cim roam;<br />
.Sliding up the lit'nnistera,<br />
(Cunning in tb.« balls.<br />
Diving in the swimming pool.<br />
Haying with tb^ UIIIF. :<br />
Cheering at thi- ral!ic.«.<br />
D.mcing in the court.<br />
Sittinir *»k r lig very<br />
gitim and gritting their teeth, or have a st»:arty<br />
smile on their Hps. Ac the senior registry teucheis<br />
say every morning that the firs-t report card<br />
is very important for the fin;il grade; *(." IctV all<br />
tiy to get higher grades on t!w next repoitcard<br />
(uf cutii'se this doesn't pertu'ti to IIKMC rare |itrsons<br />
who ge r . strniKl"it A's).<br />
Tlie freshmen, *~-^ are giitting to be quite a<br />
problem. After L—.itsecting in th > auditorium,<br />
evcryont' crowd* out the n;iri'«nv dnor-t. " <strong>The</strong>y<br />
just must get to their clas*t-J, they Jove them to,<br />
A group of girls bml just not («it when suddenly<br />
a high shrill voice >utided nb.u- the mmmur of<br />
voices. "Come on, ynii f!ek)>> dsinie.-". r-Move!" it<br />
demanded. Looking I!.»WII, tin; girls saw a frenhmi\n<br />
boy about four f>ut ,fivv inches tall elbow-<br />
'- I<br />
ing hij. way. determinate!*- through the crowd. .<br />
Lots of freshmen lioys, it seems, .shmi'd still..?(<br />
••r •« !:'nf!rr=nr.cr. ;;.; -.v'ti^^a b> "LI.U I-w^cu--<br />
Comfiicrre football pa me. Come on !AI.V& act<br />
your age, It doesn't pay ui.net smart at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
Mr. Barry was explaining a partfeuiarly hard<br />
im.blem in physics the othei-day. After li-»-Sind<br />
finished, be asked if anyone understood it. Two<br />
students raised their hands. "Weil. I hr.v-> two<br />
Miiinorters anyway." he suid. Mftlmr «» h** -iwpentlers.<br />
o P 1 * a<br />
Jf the ptmm who removed the (iobrs from the<br />
lockers on the third flour will please return th
m?*<br />
C.S.F. Membership 1<br />
Swells to 105!<br />
Student Members<br />
One hundred ami five<br />
vc oualificl for membership in<br />
the California Scholarship Federat<br />
: on thin tuna. A total of t*-'i.<br />
i t»>i»ts is necessary. :»v{<br />
An A counts thre ii<br />
;» n ni(imp*d fii'ij^ct ami one ami<br />
unprepnred. A 1J-;<br />
pnint in n prepared sub<br />
Newcomers Welcome<br />
Steuer;<br />
By Organizations<br />
Rarhura Smirle.<br />
'2—104. Leone Albert, Stu- Newi-nniein to the school were<br />
art Erik*-*<br />
Wnlkor:<br />
Nancv<br />
Lyi<br />
ley.<br />
Lcvit.<br />
• 2—lfin, Unhln Collins; 201, . nB<br />
Harry ColH*. U»y Muidock: 23-I," K 1 " 1 *<br />
Dorothy Finn, George Ilurwitz.Jnvj OllP 1<br />
•» Hie fiiiminct ...<br />
ti fast Mar<br />
I.yon. Pauline Kunx. Dwijiht Wll- i.ui'»Hiuincr I*", the <strong>Lowell</strong> R;ilk-t wceK',»f<br />
TUB I.OWKM. \VW,|lXKSI>AV: OOTOHEItlitl.<br />
Senior Statesmen<br />
bur. Florence Winning: HI". Con-1 Group, whirl included swh beau-; headed b:; Gvorgu Salinger .n full 1<br />
|L-3 Glass<br />
Football Kolic"<br />
Dance to Lqwelt<br />
Hiirniightcii by the "two mailed<br />
fnarvel*" reading a scandal'sheet<br />
and.by the performance of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />
How the name "Bumps" wns ever!<br />
" ")em-'H , ,<br />
C-lhrrin, Cba.n.n. Joan Fr s.i,. ^ ^ f a ^ ^ ^ ^ n t M vWteri it* acting Wce-i * ^<br />
actors" Catherine<br />
. Donald.<br />
iam luim. Lob I<br />
Low-l — ICO,<br />
Maj.vln Slrl, Co Gloria<br />
intend to study<br />
-i; 'iiiVve'Hoimim: Patty Allen.<br />
tre Steven»;<br />
fC ' >lllt ' o| "'« r >"'rcnt city i«.y><br />
and Clan LMiosenK-rn hiKhlitthtcd K . !liv which ini,t ni,,~« '« n<br />
r>n, Ruth [,,g cft'ii-lltiQii*. in OVlonml Um-«?!, .1'" ^* ',<br />
.' Is informiitinn nroirram i>y nis oiitMandinir<br />
- AlcCiiutey, Sidney-.)unit iMorifiin,' on the Uniilici- 1'ii'ty what you artttiip.:/<br />
j'etroff, In-tng Sbemnno; ^2O.i want? Are Indiana (not <strong>Lowell</strong>; , ,-.<br />
interested "iT thuj TRAFFIC SQUAD<br />
. : upies of Worl<br />
of it a near nervous wreck. t*he .- a:<br />
the iiiW-3 "Fnotliall<br />
Tndians) :n Oalif-Jn<br />
Robert Sears 221. Ileverly TlufJV - I you? Ale yen intc<br />
havc orKanlxed ;i new sport activity ll1lt ' l{ " f " II tIu q<br />
Participate in Ballet J<br />
l.nvell merwinlilH<br />
" bo;tkj*. and kcupini:- huUclosely ct>-ordinat«-d unitK, the<br />
with tli« fa»tenmtini; tiam»« «f wnlt'i'! «i"*l*=»* i» the libniry nt nil times,' morning ami rfU-nuwii sfptads.<br />
of the group.<br />
<strong>The</strong> girls nvi'L at the "V" eve.'y !{,",' ui.'ll.'lV.' lidVl" iiu 'i>nV» •T»V.i »••••<br />
Wednesday during seventh perind J ^ i ^<br />
and learn to swim gracefully, even-' f it. «.ji,,u. t\,o ink noii.-i]<br />
tualy to music. At present the; P^an^/.thor ucNItS^Ire 1,<br />
Mlw Sco " nnd M '" h<br />
Joan (•ttttff, "One of<br />
my worxt points is tuiying the first<br />
-Did thfmr that eomott ii.t.-i my head."<br />
• ii<br />
"It's thii<br />
Jean Hemb'erger<br />
•-J,.now!"<br />
iclldw lu-lpin,; stn.le.its find the! or^nization. This plan! 2X"S* (B<br />
to their praiilenw. keep!mr> — Miuad into two separate erful - - fulll»ack. who l the show'<br />
H<br />
an \hv rndtims tr.-u,.,<br />
thnt<br />
Sacred:<br />
injf intervto'A-ed<br />
Heart .'Jl-l' Smith. Ilcnrv<br />
"itely their owne» iecm to have ! ment are Jan* Frc«-
J ... '0<br />
f-CUK<br />
Indians Enter Sixth Game with Fair Record<br />
Bu Ctat'.dc Itoxcttticn/ ;'f<br />
Starting the reason with two wins :im! m» rief'.Mits, the <strong>Lowell</strong> Indinns<br />
unblemrshed record has distntesxated these jmst weeks with a tie ami two<br />
losses. Although they went down nt the hands of both Poly nnd Lincoln,<br />
and tieiiig Galileo, the Cards still have a mathematical chance of staying in<br />
the playoffs. Here is n summing-up of how the Hayes btrttet eleven has<br />
gathered their rvcortbt and statU-j-<br />
Guininir their nei-onJ straight<br />
league triuraph, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s "Pig vteven'<br />
r rolled to nn easy 31-19 victory<br />
over S'tcred Heart. September 2*.<br />
Led by powerful Bob G riff in.<br />
whiiFe three touchdowns irave him ii!<br />
temporary tie for the league scoring<br />
title with I'oly's Merril Pencuck<br />
(each having scored 24 points,<br />
in two jrnnics), the FSshting Irish •<br />
were never clo.«e. and only the Renerefitv<br />
of Coach Voyne kent trie:<br />
Indians from racklm* up a tremen-dntts<br />
score. : .• \<br />
After the first two plays, it was;<br />
apparent that the Lowcllttes could'<br />
score almost at will. With firiffin<br />
and Murray Naekord knifing<br />
through large gaps fn the Irish tot-i<br />
ward wall and quarterback Jack!<br />
Stewart heaving 'Vpot i»r.R»es' : to \<br />
ends 1'etc Layman and Dave Gard- :<br />
ner. it took the T formation boys!<br />
only eight minutes to score nine-!<br />
teen points. It was at this point!<br />
that icsurves flooded the field Imping<br />
to continue the onslaught- But)<br />
Sacred Heart wan strictly, u deter-1<br />
mined outfit and, at the half-time;<br />
gun. they had brought '.he score to,<br />
THE L0WK1.L. \VRI»NE.SI>AV. OCTOHKH .11. 1915<br />
<strong>The</strong> second half started<br />
with <strong>Lowell</strong>'* first tttringcrp, ar.d<br />
before seven minutes had elapsed}<br />
the Injuns liad tallied , twici',and i u<br />
once more had complete control oft ^(,.^1,-^ of I.KWHI'H 1915 'friotlui'l tii-ven arc left lo right: Stundlnjr—Siewarl,-<br />
-SarSS 1 tookwr an A S^" Itnd V ' ardner ' •'"«%«-''« W«rt Stroud, Schlwiw. An.nl, ..nd '<br />
Irish to one touchdown tn complete<br />
thr 21 JO count.<br />
.; A hr J-chnrjrinc line find r.«l even<br />
hardei'-charsinir tack namzd Roy<br />
-Durni knockwl <strong>Lowell</strong> from the top<br />
UIJ Onu Sfom<br />
Shift 1 that fateful day. the 2n"th of Octulier, nineteen hundred and forty.<br />
five, students of tlr's high school have been jfoing around muUeringto<br />
tl'omsnlve* about Turkey Day, and how they had hoped <strong>Lowell</strong> would wring<br />
the neck of the Poly Parrot. (This was written before the Lincoln gamp.)<br />
Well. Injuns, we still have one darn gnod chance.<br />
; I^Mik at it tills way: We ar«<br />
. ilill in second posit''on.- Last Saturday<br />
we played the boys in the<br />
cellar—Lincoln. We should hare<br />
won. <strong>The</strong> chances are that we did.<br />
Tomorrow, Thursday, we play<br />
Washington. Again we shouldwia.<br />
Tim lust game before the semi-finals<br />
(November 17) is with St. Ignatiun,<br />
a game that, while it will be<br />
harder to win than the othen<br />
Mir.nid fall our way. <strong>The</strong>n, we hare<br />
th»v semi-finals, and the finaUj,<br />
wlnre, if we get there, we j'nali<br />
proWbly meet Poly again,<br />
Vo'i knnw. things can change.<br />
Let's * liopfc they will.<br />
V * . • -' *"<br />
T.Hf* iliUfiiriess with which we are<br />
concerned at present is the gatn*<br />
with Washington tomorrow, Washington,<br />
while not posiieseing one of<br />
the strongest teams in the league,<br />
definitely U no pushover. It will<br />
tnke woik and co-ordinntion to win,<br />
but I>twcll will probably win.<br />
Let's take a look at the personnel<br />
B that have tens On the first page of-the oldi<br />
the Washington teaaf<br />
s a ir-wwl<br />
and the<br />
1 f&it, while<br />
count 0-0 against them. Barnl nnd from the Irish. After,ten minutes uxperlvnee In back of them, the Call for November 24, 1027, in the' innitwtny* of the W<<br />
Companymntlethcir bid late in the;,,r j.iay. Coach Nt-ffsi-'it his wcond rt-«t having f»im- m»m grammar -jr hradlim>. Toly vs. Low-Hl/' That -V.kiim. a n'sn-rve.<br />
first (luaitcr. SLirttng , r ront f h-;r sinnj; oniu th« couiu,, Uulh tciiiiiri, juniui itin.; otiiooix, \\ug tne day when :iU,ouo people saw^aint pass receiver,<br />
own forty-eignt.-lt took them only; scored two points beftrb half time.! <strong>The</strong> little lightweights hhd u Shvldon Potter help win the game Qrr team In one of<br />
nine m«y* to cross the goal line; when they retired to,'/the dressing, much tougher time. During the for <strong>Lowell</strong> 1'2-ft. Famous names fini'st.<br />
with Bnmi taking the final honors.' room* for pep talh^ft from llwir first two periods they fought a los- run througli the pages, nnd figures 1 Th« Washington lint Is on tin<br />
But their conversion try was wlde.;tfoHChes. j\ inggonu'. for at t)»-' half th«y were of the l»ig crowds out to watch the' Hgiit side. Its bovs work hard,ad<br />
(bringing a nigh of relief from\p. <strong>The</strong> second hidf found the <strong>Lowell</strong> 4n thn (.ni^rt end of u J)-8" tally.• pn-p t-liissfc. <strong>The</strong>re in even the try hard. Julian Rhine, the cental<br />
some inOp LowclntoB) and. al-j fii^t U-um, coin|ioned of Forwards <strong>The</strong> junior lightweights made a*toiy of how. after tving Galileo '» ''hcirt and stocky, and, hard O<br />
tiiough both tennis made strong of- Cohen and CJIafkidus; Guards Glik-! quick comeback in the ihlrd quar- C-(i, we lost to Poly, "fl-0. Seems dump. Sub Don Leclerque, whifc<br />
lorts to take tne lend, dpfenses ham «"d Flower, and Center Davis, u-r. scoring four points, but Irish as though history rciwaU itself, linl s And if we ha<br />
Ti a shopping IN<br />
caold Kn for<br />
amund LM.IV!!<br />
•Mr. Monroe a ncv. j<br />
Brothers really di><br />
t? «ep It twi-ntv<br />
*old him the one h<br />
^uwra<br />
Ch;ef. a ^t-ptot^<br />
for <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> st-ii,<br />
o heavy, is a good blockei ^.Natalie Hul.hr<br />
were as strong or utronger limn ,.n the i-ourt. <strong>The</strong>y/wyre. however.'work gave them u lead of only one. with different figures. In lfKH, Noth had experience last yeai mite for yell lea<br />
offenses, and at the final gun the! needed for only- a I minutes, and Early in the fourth quarter the there are two big articles. One Tackles Ilandlemun and Gunn an «W an auton^iitl<br />
wore was still knotted.. i again the reserves Itook command.; 1'aiiocises increaHcd tlit-ir mnrgin wu« uhnut the great ?7.'i,000 fire at both powerful. Just the rewW M rall<br />
As a famoug XQC news comnien- <strong>The</strong> iL>»ervu», allowed only four in-two, and it WIIB not until the two the school, and told how the «tu- marching fiftv-fnur yards in twenties ore championship mate--the game were scorelettK, and Low- »*and
MERRY<br />
.NEW YEAR<br />
San Fnrncisco, California, Wednesday, December 12, 1945<br />
Founded January; 1898<br />
1946 Varieties Scort with Music andQFun<br />
Hitchin'<br />
Post<br />
Ity Dolt Hitchcock<br />
- <strong>The</strong> 104.** football season is now<br />
past history, and our cnns-Kulton<br />
dvn). -St. Ignatius, has been<br />
crowned *iiir j o a n n e , I m a c I t clalro<br />
;c«. Uwvll won last year. If \ Srhwnrir. Frank Wolfe. Joo Sturl<br />
it li(iw : trtuninhs again, thr award: Mnrtlvn Siej, Svdnev Mnrmn. Knv.-ill<br />
bocnmi'Ab Au»herfaeffor<br />
which the emp!oye>-.\f the ml jittck ouilclinie on liayfs street, • lead in a term play for Joan Alarte j until thu total sum is compiled i "ml '-sSos in ~ a Snow falls<br />
the final edition of J""^ "<br />
» 1M ml staff<br />
•batk yf hWbriicht-rcd.jLi-pru-fjat the rally ^entertainments plain- .'"!'."' (f *' 1L . - U ly. And if we had the money, here, tutit ur nw bnien:-rcii, , jLt-pru-|;at Hie rally entertainments plain- . , , ,, , - ,.,„,, ,.[„ --,<br />
it a shopping list or things we defied plane. rr " " j'V niarke^V'Tom TrowJtridge," for included Dun Stone, cliairmiin; Bob' JI ^'I 1 . "***_•<br />
• could get for people we know . breathless huaii SLtllen over • v ' c ^"her, a IHIX of crayons, and ; McKeever.iand Jinx Southard, have ! A bn,ath,ws hmj? 3LtUert ww\ , f yo a»d ; .ia Jinx Southard, have -HlBh »Hit.M..V. i<br />
around Ijm-pH. Fin.t. we'd get lh(i cardinals - • uutheretl • • m llu- court! . . fm- ttnrhm-i .THn«,n «•..•«• «.i».». _• . ... .. .! mtnianu<br />
fcl pjp the one l;t i.ai.<br />
fur «« rl ««f" J?n»n. water wtnim. already jrooe to I>;terman SoupJ.! sonis flSd^nffi<br />
«« they watch the oidboy bank and! After turnip his ba,r upside i wl, where. a*W«ts of the War 'dance tf^uo rt d a^now<br />
.they have. ^jgj t« of «n ^<br />
ikck«I MU iiu.Ja^.^iii.-w.Mi »«t-. ,,r«,wiw. (.'id Xk-k muunu the wine-' '^"", n • of .Artie Shows T^«T-.«f t.:r pbtraw,. Tne'<br />
(.:[tl8 jn tt.anow-d.,. ."^'.u-'OUt- steps- of -his<br />
nder<br />
Dme" for <strong>The</strong> ri happy^ooking fellow with rtO' tlenU. S.*:.COti in Victory Bond<br />
sponsor unit hospital<br />
SfSSi^^riSSS* Sw*"lrS- a-J'J^Th- «*-ri»JF d j?« ^ow^rmilitaovnavaUr airforce hospital.<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> RPMI turns to his vehicle,! alld - Sn P a *^ al;(l - "Creetlniw ana :<br />
and druk'ri u huge bag out of thu<br />
,...„- school In San Francisco. '<strong>The</strong>'<br />
in silvery tones from' record for bonds and ftainps is un- ,<br />
' ' ' ! beatable. <strong>The</strong> quota for blood do- 1<br />
Huhhcrt, usbeRtos earmuff*<br />
for veil leader/Don Fisher,<br />
DRd ar, automatic, sd^sturtirii,<br />
non-cxplonivc rnllj already built in<br />
\ for the tine of Prtxy Hoitunberg. ;<br />
tJ'ci S f K l lt ]i ! ^bf filuouR" oi r«, saun mat eriNMin.n.; i,«t»,<br />
•" toi^nnil Mr? l/unn a Kdir ^ <br />
•yttHwip<br />
Most of these<br />
"column.<br />
notes anj Itcr.xs for<br />
v|ntasei940.<br />
~ couple of letters to Yell<br />
Don Fisher and Mr. 5te-<br />
;AII the Ifttera. of course,<br />
unsimed, Orw of them de*<br />
(,ContJnued oQ.Paae Three) ,>.<br />
l wSineni-for:tVie5tiniotTdivI-^<br />
KIOTI debate were Teddy FJiunan<br />
and pnda Bettmah, who composed<br />
one tenm.-and dlihcn'<br />
! Jnwrielfne (J'-ar^who^nade.uD d the<br />
he S t<br />
Anieric«r<br />
orcsent a set of books or, l Term examinations will be Bhy-nth^Thi-tB2 X « S JlaSd<br />
y o of to Scotch on Januar^JT. 10, and 11. Accord.,'ia the fl.iate for radio-mS<br />
^r Mr. ,Su*|ihens. these two pe-<br />
f r»(Jo *nnetjndnjr<br />
Anieric«r. men. HcliadeKonick's poster of u riod finals will occount tor. at least<br />
were T^n'o* Hnbect^rJoan Drevf,<br />
end Catherine Chapman^ Bob Ben-'<br />
one-third of the final {rrade..<br />
iteBt ^ J third prite of one ticket<br />
nett and L'nda Bettman ooth olaced<br />
Th ii i<br />
rne examinatId:Vffonijrrr->C* examinatId:VffnijrrrC* quesi ques-i <strong>The</strong> Judge* Jge of the contest. Mr.<br />
tlons on \ \meridn i lii liisiurv and d on Polland, lld 3I 3Ir. K Kast, sml l Mhis Mh Chase. Ing as a review of the terra's worjc <strong>The</strong> next big "debiting touroa-<br />
essay. It u-ilUbe judged by a remarked that the chloce was a difthev will give students practice 5n'.mc^t is to be held kt S<br />
nanel of local, rhistorj- teacher*. | fcrJt one. <strong>The</strong>y complimented Uklnic long examinationf, such as on Dscembcr 15, and f<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s entrnitt hist year was Z/an 'those who participated in the con- are
two<br />
LOW<br />
Published by thit AMmclNtnt Stnrt#nt«<br />
of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hist) School<br />
I* II. 8. C A. Member* Fr*e<br />
EDITOR<br />
Associate Editor _ Pat Hunt<br />
Snort* Editor Dan Sionc<br />
News Editor Carol Fisher<br />
Feature Editors.. Carol Manhcim and Doc Kcatlcy<br />
Circulation Manner. Jim Mayorhofer<br />
Staff photographer<br />
Bob McVcy<br />
Carmen Cn«til|n «|nrlii It-Odntt<br />
Knnton llnrtmra JWH<br />
rii • JtM't *.ym-li<br />
June Ftwnuiti . ttarhnrn I tat In<br />
VuX \\,Wy ' : -.^. t<br />
J*M Hnthr "<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> and the World Look<br />
At a Peacetime Christmas<br />
Today, just four years after the Japanese<br />
attack on Pear] Harbor, we are looking<br />
forward to a Christmas in a world of<br />
peace.<br />
To us in America this Christmas will<br />
be a joyful one. This year the boy who<br />
left home four years ajro is .returning to<br />
the family he fought for. This Christmas<br />
outdoor Christmas trees will be payly lit<br />
as a symbol of the victory that is ours.<br />
But if this Christmas means a lot to you,<br />
think hew much more it means to the children<br />
of Europe, who have not known<br />
bright Christmas light but black nuts, not<br />
the soft music of carolers on Christinas<br />
eve. but the ronr of bombers.<br />
Yes. this will indeed be a merry Christmas.<br />
Reunited families in secure hornet<br />
all OVvl* the iVol'M Will uhie itKrtiU \re veJcbrating<br />
and giving thanks that on this<br />
day there is once again "Peace on earth,<br />
good will to men."<br />
Where Is <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Spirit?<br />
' What's school spirit? School spirit is<br />
aullliillii'iitf inure Ututi ju.st yellij.jf at tjie.<br />
games knowing the words to the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
hymn, and beating up anyone who makes*<br />
cracks about <strong>Lowell</strong>. It is giving to the<br />
Red Cross all you can, buying stamps and<br />
bonds, bringing clothes and nooks for the<br />
various drives, getting to school on time<br />
in the morning, not being absent without<br />
a-good.excusR, and getting to classes before<br />
the last bell. Above all school spirit<br />
js loyalty to <strong>Lowell</strong> and what it stands for<br />
—scholarship, friendship, and good<br />
sportsmanship.' <strong>Lowell</strong> is known throughout<br />
San Franciwo as a high school with<br />
great school spirit. Let's try to ieep it<br />
that way. ,-.., v<br />
R. F. D.<br />
- Wi'see by our exchangPK that other papers rewrite<br />
news items from other school pa pert in<br />
their exchange colums. Not we. We tell jokes,<br />
and any resemblance, to anything living or dead<br />
is purely coincidental.<br />
When the San Jose High School Herald prints<br />
two whole columns of jokes, the least we can do<br />
for tiiem Is to reprint one or two of them, altered<br />
ullghtly to fit the local ycenc. For Instance:<br />
Putney: "I saw something last night that I'll<br />
never get over."<br />
Simmons: "What?"<br />
Putney: "<strong>The</strong> moon."<br />
And *hf thing vc enjoyed itt&Jl in tfc« IIi-TJJiie*<br />
was xTpocm. Oh. well, we have a weakness for<br />
pc6ms h anyway. We might even print some some<br />
- dav * — <strong>The</strong> song of canaries<br />
Never varies;<br />
- And when they'j •> moulting,<br />
• _<strong>The</strong>yfre pretty re-volting.<br />
—We dare, nay,- wedufy any other editor to<br />
reprint that unless he is within walking distance<br />
-of an air-raid shelter. - —<br />
• • * • a<br />
From <strong>The</strong> Meteor of Hanfbrd Union High:<br />
A small boy returned from school and told his<br />
father he waswcotiff hiirhwt in the class. Top<br />
"Weil.ryou gee^ Father>"re'pTled<br />
re a* they used to he"<br />
up<br />
'you're<br />
Alumni in Action <strong>Lowell</strong> Listens ...<br />
—Block by Joanne jopnon and Sherman SElva<br />
<strong>The</strong> number of <strong>Lowell</strong>ites who. Harmon Shagge. graduate of<br />
have entered the armed services of | Lowetl. wrote recently to Miss Anthe<br />
United States amounts to ap- dcrsun from the Philippine Islands.<br />
proximatcly 10.51. Of these, sixty- In his letter he tells of the places<br />
one are known to have given their] he has hecn and of the things he<br />
lives, or have been reported miss* I ha* done in the two years he has<br />
in*; IK rtbtJuit. Iifltvii •i*4^t VCCM I !*.tli ~^ua> fiutit Suit F*ialii;im:u.<br />
prisoners of war in Germany, Harmon has been In New Guinea.<br />
Jnjutn. or the Philippines. and the Southwest Pacific. He<br />
Of the awards and citations that I sayn that in the two years he ha*<br />
have been given, there are eleven! heei away from home he has met<br />
wearers of the Purple Heart, eleven only two of his friends from<br />
wearers of the Distinguished Fly-! <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
1 ing Cross, three of the Silver Star, j Many of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s boy* who have<br />
three of the Bronte St»r, thirty-one | graduated nnrt entered the service<br />
w(*uruiff tile Air .UIMUIJ, UIIU wilii, nuvu mude it a point to come back<br />
the Legion of Merit, fifty-one with ! nnd visit their alma mater, whether<br />
Oak Leaf Clusters, and twelve with, they have heen gone six weeks or<br />
the Presidential Citation. Twelve nix years. A book in Mr. Stephen's<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> boys have the Combat Star,] office is kept for these boys to<br />
two wear the Combat Infantnfian i sign wh*n they visit <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
Badge, four the Campaign Citation, I of the recent visitors have been:<br />
one the Merchant Marine Combut'Art Holmes, graduate of the fall<br />
Bar. and one the Navy Star for: of 194-1. serving in the Navy: Ken-<br />
Scholarship. neth McLennan, June. 194:1. Ma-<br />
An ex-edilor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> has < rine Corps: Joy Feebeck, June,<br />
l>een awarded the Legion of Merit: 1940, Army Paratroops: George<br />
for his service* as editor of -the - Hull. June, 1D4.1. Marine Corps;<br />
India-Burma theater official news- , Yuji Morita, Dccsmbvr, 1941.<br />
paper, '^Roundup.** He is Major; Army; Roltcrt D. Stabler, Decem-<br />
Floyd Walter. When Floyd en-1 her. .10.14. Naval Reserve: Joe<br />
icnvj llie army he was :i sports Marror. Ju/i*, !!»:*:*, Xava! Hewriter<br />
for the San Francisco News.! serve: Monroe B. Aliernathy. June,<br />
He graduated from <strong>Lowell</strong> In June. • 1944, Army Air Force; and Robert<br />
IflBS. ^ WG. Daley,: December. 1941, Army.<br />
Your Teepee Tattler, after being 1 shareletts adventure, his finally<br />
raujrht In the mad Stockton street I broken down the long icc-cncrustcd<br />
Christmas shopping rush, returns i scales of Milliccnt (anybody but<br />
once more to his typewriter to dash Boh Davcy) Hnnser,. Speaking of<br />
off the latest bits he's gathered j Bob Oavey—oh, well, let's not. It<br />
here am! there. For Instance, wtt j tli>c*ii't ruully interi-m anyhody anydon't<br />
mippniicd you know that Jim . way.<br />
Wilkie is pining awav for Carol 1 Uiir lien MoUi-hardt, who is work-<br />
Snttxer. but to no avail. <strong>The</strong> lady ] Ing up to real b!g game, ix setin<br />
question has bet ix about to net in.<br />
the i>nci you've used in the past,<br />
We spotted Gordon Klugt* mirth- Ben.<br />
fully flitting across the court . llnbhy politzer ami Jolinny Howes,<br />
(with Billy I'utn-y at hit cidc), «U>w and •'"•iM'toth In their ancraiand<br />
wishfully focussing his eyes In» t vacation.<br />
Thi-n two full weeks of work Hfld play. L l<br />
iten arc hunting imod Christmus John,<br />
their allowanrmt. and hinting hard for thost<br />
srecial musts. As for th« fun, formal p.trtie* are<br />
t»ii on the t-alcJidar. I'Uuitt axe also being made<br />
for caroling parties on Christmas Eve. ,<br />
An air of festivity hangs about <strong>Lowell</strong> and all<br />
of &in Francisco. Down-town shop window,* an<br />
full of suggestions for Christmas gifts. Crovdi<br />
af people flock through tht Mores trying to mak»<br />
their purchases early to avoid the mh. <strong>The</strong><br />
trouble i* that everyone has the same idea, and<br />
so tho rush has alrejdv begun. Mothers are ordering<br />
their Christmas dinners early this yett<br />
Turkey and duck* as usual head tho menu.<br />
Speaking of turkeys, did anyone see the turkey<br />
walking down Hyde street near California meat<br />
Iv ? A man was following It about ten feet behind.<br />
He wan paying. "Now don't look to the<br />
right or the left. Go straight ahead." Once<br />
when the turkey hesitated in front of a store<br />
window, tht 1 man yelled. "Now. don't di!ly*diUv.<br />
Go tin." My goodness, the things one seej^b)<br />
San Francifco.<br />
:<br />
• • c • * '<br />
A S^iiib on Vacations: ;'<br />
Marilvn Steward \tv-nt. to a debate at Sacrd<br />
Heart some time ago. On the wall was a fllgn<br />
that read, "Pray for Vacation " Mnritvn glanced<br />
qu'rk'-y nt it; th**n turned to "ne of her frlendt<br />
»nd remarked briuhtly. "Oh. do they pray for<br />
vacation here, too?"<br />
It or Not:, ' r :<br />
Hildcr Mflhl. T^ "* Ptaye4 by some<br />
uf the best modern exponents of jarz. this albom;j<br />
«nt be ocat. Whwi I «.y medeni esfHrnenta ^3<br />
old time jazz I mean the present day ployew off<br />
*W» type .of..music. ..XenutlulMat-tbera Mn-*5<br />
number of the old Ja=zmen in this group: Bir;.<br />
ney.'Blgard. Jonfc Teagarden. Jimmy Noone. *^<br />
w?t ny t^ er ^ Amon B the discs in this set *X<br />
-CUmb.l«» in B-flat." -pm Som- I Made Yfl»*<br />
£& ifu"^ 1 ^ 1 ' Lament" <strong>The</strong>se and "*«*<br />
JS un° u evcn the mo * t i» rt *« |Iartlf<br />
Now once more for the single disc depa<br />
Firrt m this department is "E-BoM-Le-Bob. 1<br />
the Flcnnoy trio. This i* a blues njconlat<br />
dium ^mpo. It is a late rciease and well •<br />
Vannjr. On the reverse I. Tin For Yon."<br />
in line is "Your Father's Moustache." feai<br />
Y Herman* Co. Thi. tSEa diwter<br />
* U<br />
but n i "* you<br />
F. will<br />
of Ro"<br />
ehaHencv<br />
<strong>The</strong> boy<br />
pearing<br />
3 Petroff.<br />
lor. and<br />
<strong>The</strong> " r<br />
tin's tertr<br />
dent: AH«|<br />
dent: and |<br />
Wiry. •'r<br />
fee atti<br />
are askrr<br />
dents to wr<br />
weu as nutj<br />
cloved on<br />
Girl At]<br />
Anni<br />
Block L<br />
Sfgraund S.\<br />
berjrer,<br />
beenpla<br />
weeks, aw.<br />
assigned I.<br />
various dc<br />
Because of<br />
at this tim.<br />
was held ir<br />
where all w.<br />
of the huk-e<br />
tnrls attrrur<br />
eral faculty<br />
For never<br />
nu.il pictii.<br />
At u mertor^anircd<br />
i". * real 1<br />
«~k L groj<br />
•ibility to »<br />
«» clean as<br />
"ut for<br />
commftt<br />
Senior J«
C.S- F. in Twin<br />
City Broadcast<br />
Four member* of Loavll's '* s<br />
F. wilt vie with C, S. F. members<br />
* Roosevelt Hiirh School in LOP<br />
An^w. High Schorl ha*<br />
U m a<br />
c'tfca to the new students.<br />
machine, room It'^'i in nc<br />
the coachine of fnrriirn ian<br />
and rooms 13$ and irt*> aw n<br />
hi i i ^ am<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Poets Ent=r Worlc :; ^<br />
In National Contest<br />
Dramatic Group<br />
Presents Plays Levi-ed Low-4s<br />
For Red Cross At ClaSS PlClUC<br />
trie, w<br />
amount<br />
and 32<br />
I* 8<br />
rake.<br />
19- w « **•* «•« « w»f>r mps. inelr Uwi WTUI<br />
TpsWSgK^ the committee. I of M[pK i^coste and Miss Adams I RSglf^h IV claw- FoP^Sj «r naiuny " Jt>in * and haA disappeared to J h *L N "S#!^ 1 " f^t 1 G »»5* t '*.<br />
S|Ki&rr3| f* 11 Hembergcr, president; Betty ( '" l*n Koth. Mary Meyer. Con-i^anical drawing,<br />
orders irejSii^ being taken but « tance ®*}f r > J . oanne rnnrcrT ivnfivc<br />
rj-vraallr.aiffhi DEFEAT HARD-IHTTING LIN<br />
Engineers must! COLN MUSTANGS B-6.<br />
two vear.'<br />
^thKhHd.J AnnapolS. New]<br />
1 P^' day. Because'cf *tbe ttDdue<br />
HlJ « S i amount of rain th. last f#w w**k»,<br />
\RD-HnriXG LIN* u has been rather hard to wt a<br />
the<br />
like!<br />
i^.«^, ^oo/ANGS^-S. date, for It always seetos to nun<br />
%, 4. , I at the last moment. <strong>The</strong> p'w tfay<br />
1 Xo. U.U WM not the v«ory of; h^ to fce, postponed twice, bw It Is<br />
the varsity basketball team, oat it* hoped that it can be 1<br />
little sister. This parttnuar tri-|aS-tmas. A r«f-of A. m<br />
tbe Lincoln win *»•«»•» <strong>Lowell</strong> at<br />
<strong>The</strong> design will be the.<br />
June. *45. except the back- :<br />
subject..<br />
not always<br />
cng&<br />
twmd will be of black onyx, In-<br />
universitv entrance.<br />
against them that<br />
of a red background. <strong>The</strong> familiar rtraina of the tra-jMbtecU coiuUtuU a aort of K<br />
Manrarrt Loviner'<br />
optional Christmas CaroU aunc by,«»"« if7"* for tmirenity work.<br />
t a c hm dr lr 0 0 t : h : , UniwBitoarerorMwho<br />
UniwBitorJ<br />
Hitchin' Post halls. Mcond period today. : !"7JThat It takes, like btlnr top.<br />
This group of girls meet every I J? football or buketbsll. JunOor<br />
6 t d rid| league in which the girls »• wJfl<strong>The</strong> hirbligbt of the rally w«s a<br />
•opboroore* are not allowed to have i Kriir*t, and her assirtant, Mr.' •»« term's pprorram<br />
ask your pet*.<br />
;JTfc«-Wdances<br />
All we can say to these i Brewen<br />
teacher er If f yo you may cor<br />
b U tht that when h tthey. h <strong>The</strong> Tchorus<br />
is also planning to I
tCUK<br />
Football Team in<br />
Lower Division<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s r> : ch hn,»cs f«r a !.-;••<br />
fjeen utterly MiMfthed. in lecent<br />
..owellttf* had E*»d p-a(wn for<br />
trm«Hl by the «• the ball<br />
-••••TI .tfi*-rn«*«n car"**^, on** nic^t ifi'-jud U>*r>d au ttw p ^n aj,<br />
^.i.:::'. and •mi- a* y»* unwlwdutwi Knvfttad. Tutner. Hlarkie. Helm*a.<br />
• -i •• schedule on t'r.i* pair* for fincl Ilarnrtt, JUata«^. Si*>vtl, Maibeay,<br />
:!ti.,miM:on». lAtwM murt inain- Swintriev. Layman and then *n<br />
;u'o half irrm men: Rocenbenr and<br />
vrar.<br />
hriTk Al KromUKt and NVil Tnr-<br />
*r •-(•tfo.id plact*. nallte". ,-,,,,,. nn-n tvitiiTiine fr>>m last v**ar<br />
<strong>The</strong> itlendiimv at the lart tnree KP- me l-oih \-eteran* of last nir'i<br />
with a rtvord of nr. tlcfrat". took ,,_ ^ t)^ yar,.;tv><br />
fiHril>'ill irarne* was niu«li standard. Granted d-jrtnc nort of the MaM*,<br />
(be :..ini n» not or-e !.irc «"ith that in ft.* ."I THIJ* 'arly ditc. but '«i litd G-e. t .,«P!I IS. :I*T] lV.»**'iini;ion L"" Tit- j<br />
^Jtlrit »«a iiinh f»r th? t.«-xt mii- •i<br />
tK^L, against thi* innlit;,,iuil lival*<br />
from i'-ily. Hut spirit was not<br />
t-nouch. in*, before 2u.uf.ffl tAM at<br />
Kczar Stadium, the 1'jmiU literally<br />
*!auKhUw! the Injun ^ridder*.<br />
; :i'h "::!''• '.vi* n mv '.ii '-ni 1 . A f<br />
,h'ii'" i..!i-h ; i» t .• 'Mlh (TriliV-;. T>»- f<br />
win Ui.nli' !ia\r r'^'^n !/•«''-I t'v<br />
Indian--. t.-«cvi r fin'.>-li-«l thr ra"i.' .<br />
<strong>The</strong> irar.'r. hicu:.;'- of (lip abV flr=t \<br />
<strong>The</strong> _.<br />
k.*intuirnt Ui all !•>>'«[ lun^, snu<br />
.us une «f th< few tvaily |Mn ihvre liRntin^ no itiau«r what<br />
t- *T " t_" I<br />
t.> J-'twanl Tom (IlnfkiH*** 1 . A-iti* S'i: |<br />
FIO*M, with fih.<br />
.,| vVj<br />
r!ui!< !, 'Utx'. Knhn.<br />
•'!«•'•, Smi'.h I("f**y.<br />
• iuiJ' 1 I:v ^h^'mant*, (ruari) < Irv<br />
ill *ity {->r a hilf y«*ai; tic is<br />
i.-iii 1 ;iint •! i .<br />
•hird ar.H I.»«vH tw 1 '! with finlil-.-.i • i<br />
for fiT-irtli, <strong>The</strong> t^no-.w^- u p «n ri\»-l<br />
dill of uiii*' "a«m i *t ]o-«injr to ihi' I<br />
t T .m's hou It stand* tnr Uii«<br />
In tl ;it tin-<br />
uf 1/ «eMV rtiampion nwimof L'r.f StJ.n.;; .''lam ;r :lif J- tn'rw yi^t. in n il--.it bn^iavhy ^^»^:l^^ dn>p n m.U-<br />
*-••••' f""' irim** (1f thrV varxily n?-nit<br />
tn an o\*rlime n^rioil.<br />
Th- •-«-'» ^ - ^ Z U l t ^ i a v<br />
t-a-ne witn n*wn-e*>. was fiHt-nd at<br />
hslftlnn.. 17-ir. T>i-rt-wrrM ha.i<br />
•i[ay«icfcJCirani. new<br />
th • infiltration («ntainr-r. and wen<br />
* .rfi th luoTkuut 5or ar** I*oly<br />
..liMKivn. Both xwre *tronf»<br />
eiid.-rii f..r th- titH* la»t y^r.<br />
t-tih havi» many- rrtommtr<br />
m,. _ Thi. *t»irii at th»*fie two<br />
ntU i* «tr«»nff, t'*», and IHJ it<br />
tnk»- the t fihini> >J]I ;li*nt in;.- *»•?<br />
-''t. HIHJ ill-' rji!i**»() rn:.'*i In-^iN<br />
\iA. atfsivcr r.n ir." k-, |)lra*>r »M;tiui<br />
JHH^Knwtajri/ip- i*o*e. .\ ft u<br />
MTapji r whool* :::!-> »», uti in VJi?, Includai i><br />
• •I ;h. ir lum^ "ii.- —•-r^r.r J...<br />
cur Minund<br />
"> f>.-!**-rlo •<<br />
or Cob Ilrm^ll. I>rcv Turner. Bij the irai] of ^<br />
jnun>- >-i, Kruwiii WoooVnwn: <<br />
Uum. tw all yw<br />
P «,I,-I-<br />
'lirhaa-'ke?<br />
"*" ^ l«jfL|r« I^llff fjtfr**-<br />
AIM hi. third<br />
r, the<br />
of<br />
o«Wdy rfopHTO-! »r! •*|tW «f pUylnr witJ. th*f GtES<br />
«"•**. '/hen Hotmail Ut: reraojullf. «-•• f* , ^ ,,-v..%.<br />
aod nude them the oatflt they<br />
dy<br />
Tue«day<br />
lamnrr 7 ' ^ 1 v.. Sj_cr«l 11,-an . '.' aft.ifhion<br />
u.ty<br />
Jaiiuiry<br />
fh vj» Si.<br />
VK,<br />
. . afternoon<br />
aftertkmn<br />
.:.- *• - • •* -iiuunt., I.. ijtr*rtl VK, IVaVlU<br />
*•;«•••/ rrbruari" 22. Lnwel) vn. Wn-i.<br />
t.2 LowIJu. "*•<br />
Cross CountryTo Be Re-Run<br />
JJttV i, known around aAool of «A.p^d7t« the c^nfuai«a U tote*<br />
ihe f»wHI CruM-C-wntn- t*aq». »nd Participant*. LoweD. «*• M<br />
To 4wiwt A oriatalcefl imnfeuwo l f * "•* W twtf p^ini*. .•ucxctW<br />
El<br />
SEX I<br />
H<br />
I :it<br />
r.lt-nU<br />
.J Iri :•<br />
•I«t^<br />
«»»y<br />
l.te tff-'!!t<br />
ttw<br />
Hi-<br />
•nd en- • „<br />
thai bi.-- -a<br />
We ran m<br />
<strong>The</strong>y will I.<br />
for II II<br />
then: th
ROOIi LUCK<br />
;>0 THE<br />
tIRADUATINt.<br />
Election Winners Anhpunced at Rally Today<br />
Hitchln'j;179 Redskins To Leave Teepee Tr( ' l ' ri trin* lltnt th»*<br />
cm! le who httvc workeil four years to<br />
cc.'Y .^Kowevor. it. must he consfik*i'Gil<br />
have one. <strong>The</strong>y reatly de."i;rvar!4pl —• nt •<br />
inch<br />
(inidtiation at 11:1*0, fJcDri'e<br />
IVasliintrtou Hi*!rSchnn!.<br />
St'iiiiir Danci*. l-'nlrmmtl<br />
Hotel nt:U:00 ;'——•*.><br />
Jnnuary III:.. '" ;; -<br />
Sit;n up for new clauses. .<br />
•'Itenort cards.<br />
Schunl out al 12:30. "--<br />
Fehruiiry 1:"'<br />
Cm t» new CIIIHHI'.H.<br />
cut ni 12:^1..<br />
CLASS<br />
aushardt<br />
For Presid^rit^<br />
Tiic scene is the thtnl iierloVl ;"<br />
Mock L rally, today. N'ervousi-nndidates<br />
Kiaud unxluuitly fi»-«tt.p, ""-'<br />
• eiie ftHit oml.Uibii.thu oi.'itj amiif- '<br />
• a hu.-il'cii iiiidtoncc. Kor now Lowetlites<br />
.-ire to lemnwhuni i,iiey hu^'e<br />
chosen ti> leml th'jm lhrc-U(fli-th?- •<br />
'-IU U'un. v ' ... .'•• ;: ;<br />
Either Hen' ?.riUiiihnnlt *.r 'lom •'•<br />
i'ir as the t-h'iKc'i htadi'f or<br />
>''jll student' body tot' tho "<br />
term. - . -•• ~~<br />
'. lit.n, who wn.-i .•itutk'iit body tl'ijart-<br />
. a!•*.•!• tl'L-t term, !oj U.c .lenuol to u<br />
• j(U ner cent ret-ord in auulont hody :<br />
Icard wiles. Ht* is alsti u Block L r -<br />
ui^ brother, mid goes<br />
• i»tit for litf>k>:thall. ,<br />
• Tom. who served an Mtudtnt body<br />
. ritcrelaiy diiriiitr tlie JMISC U-rm. is-.j<br />
welt l:nu;vn • fur hi» fine comedy, .<br />
; IMCIJ ill rallies and in tlic Vuriutiec.<br />
• llo i.-> also ".U:^ lirxtheriind w a«:»<br />
1 tiv-Vv -;.• - •, r« '*' ' Lwcll, and Kd Boniild iwfl-Tsici f<br />
!'i'L 4 ,rii!l?winij tliia unrt or-this-iirc-l.nnnoial. nwnairer- uf^'tho-'Red ond ^*<br />
iffri.il AVIH come'thtt moment Which• WhiKi'. ~ ' " ~~Z " J ; j r ] cla mmentWhich<br />
C'CV<br />
leach of thrtc outwhldly-calm sen-r _•—<br />
; ters*-wi!| he anxiously -nwaltlnc,; e« r 'v ^^v.'Ki ;-'..;—"""; ."<br />
I the uwnnllhtf ol the diplomas by. See * our IName e in in Jrnnt;<br />
''M^h^aiwijtcd by the Inch;' ' Write on <strong>Lowell</strong> Staf<br />
ry tenchovK—M is** Write on <strong>Lowell</strong> Staff<br />
. JlrHl-^Lunhon, Mr. • McCord,!<br />
Mr ^TiUBS- and Mr Fnst - '<br />
i i-iiiv_uniiij.ut uiuav-uruuuijicii, rv*•;•>'vo*wu_-n;:SJ)ortnL>vho7r-TL_1^.j<br />
! 'celpcr^f V:.thoir;diplomas h .will i -mean." lavetho.nbilily t^\v,riteavell.^jr. .'1:^,^'<br />
Ithe ^ml'.or•tiieir fotmareducntion. 1 '"K•the*anrlnir termite"laBues-of-^^!?*<br />
" ' services and businecaiviUi Th e. <strong>Lowell</strong> are_scheduled.;to ap-j-J^Jc<br />
them immudiawly,- ll01l ' < ,v,lhiiH._lnc hCGd^iur.iiuw .staff -,-<br />
! Th'c elosfi. which will be the'130 orr moni6ur » ll « r ' become arute. ,<br />
i-L^well'H''commencements, is thv-ill be cal'ed unonj credits towr.rda j:rn
• % • " . -'•'-<br />
I'f 1 - 2 " % i .•• • • ;<br />
t." v<br />
TWO<br />
LOWEI-L<br />
Published hy tn« Amoclntr all (Sapiens<br />
" fouls nnmeshed In tlieir rigorouft courses of study.<br />
(Editor's' note: 5 Ti,insln'.ions «f the fon-gom,.'<br />
-will \i>s furnished freu ot. charge in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
'office.) 'Jim Bi&nMc »i(uieitths to bis friend,<br />
-MioTScoit, IIIH ability t»-kt>i> the IHiniry quiet<br />
;wit.h-nr«-atiaisphi'ru of nil worlcnnd iio. jilay.,<br />
.Merrill-Block leaven Uiu 'i'UUILLi ot iieing it high.<br />
senior to-all low scnlorc Shirley^ BlumenVic-IcI<br />
leaves to any student who takes senior uiviiw wit 1 ;<br />
r.-fj.-W. Bns? thu nbiKiv to Htten to th»; llentmliean<br />
S/Democirnt battle "'v - '"' ' '<br />
' iiettyBrnfvcrmon wi;irti».-31iss DeaHry all of<br />
'of her chomistrv-. hookii hhd pupe:* mid all the<br />
< iicmcwork.:,sho^di(ln t t do. .-Lois Brewer loiives to<br />
T JhA' h j f !i Pk<br />
^hom.^And-Annle Brines leaves to Htftty-Mac-:<br />
Donald her~ahility t-\ j»|ic»k,French so incorrectly.<br />
-• Nina sRrocato bequeaths her ability to play ten-<br />
iiia'r'fo Jeuncttc Biajriiii"" aniS 1 'irives nur, Mr;<br />
Gnvn_!?!V!?!V. (We don't know what,she.mentis,<br />
either. *AiI M'e do is print, tiie stuff.)" ivtnryAnn<br />
Brown_wills ti-Gaiol Ztmot hnr nlac« on-.third<br />
-ha«einnd-,a clean gj-m suit. Ed'Chavnnette.will<br />
ffive his" ainirlo-barrel slfninthot 'to aify prr.ml<br />
-/rwhmnn.-wJthr.the understanding* that it.nv.iat<br />
^bf^i'Ut .torROO'I.use. (Editor's note: KminmV)^<br />
^'Pylvfe Crittenden wonta^-ii? leave to iMiiry<br />
Kurtzweil u!l tiic cood times shavhns hud at<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>. AiargiiQt Dchc locves to.Joan Roedur a<br />
nice, clean louker^aU to herself and; thcxntckeii<br />
'^mtrwjr therein. Florence '(!n"Mnrtini wills ir Juno<br />
BiirnvtuhuK-irvin suit, if-sho-can t'iml'it. Kalph<br />
Drcsel benu'oaths^his trombone with all iIk sour<br />
to Bill.Owen, in hope ho may 1« able, to do \<br />
i ihthi<br />
.i..aometif thhim. ^ ;<br />
'••''TBob-Enipler-icdves to Don Mattock all !''« t=iit<br />
-slipa-iand the ability io ^rect:ve T them ,with ,a<br />
'. >tr«i(thf •.'ncc:"wHile'I)im E>tavau leaves hi-i nlacu<br />
'-' in tin? 'ivmMQ scat of.DIcJc Olscn's carto Dtck<br />
\VHV!iisqn._vCar&t FIsher:^ives Pierre Bordejraray"her'almbHtcinpty.bottle<br />
of "Friendship Garifden"<br />
perfume. ''(<strong>The</strong>re '.a no way wcr«»n inditv'-a<br />
lou«. low whistle from our typewriter.—<br />
• ""- Beverly Flowers leaves iier place In line in the<br />
cufu to anyifrei;hmnn''tno timid'to p:ish. Henry<br />
; Fulton leaves to-Pete Sommor his. swimming nhili-<br />
... ty, .wntuiv ue will need if hb ever wants to gut<br />
•~-:f«::tTiif Mr. BiLss'-tilaos without drowning. Corlnne<br />
, .Gcmandt leaves. Gerry isloltz her tilck of "being<br />
,, absent" on »uriny days. Fvossctir Glnfkldcs loaves<br />
v her. small 8is?j gym. whiclr ,-.vas willed to hlt' .- '«". ..IUI1 Murray ttiut Sylvie'Cnttenuen<br />
We Are Tomorrow<br />
By .l»yc« SampMiin. H-1<br />
• Wo arc tomorrow. -<strong>The</strong> pat hit we'tread ' 'iure, When poiywos in fun<br />
here's an appropriate tidbit: Said, "Pray, which le^ comes after<br />
J often pnusn and wonder<br />
which?" ...<br />
At fate's peculiar ways; -'•'• Tnis put his mind in «n«h a nitdi. ,-<br />
For nearly all our-famous^cn- He.lay'Ji,'tracte. Oivifindero and Hay.'S v/aiting for the comirij,' •-:•<br />
(H 1 the lil^-nr. Margot r>-'win k-ayes l« Unncbh.ronzini<br />
the pin-up uictui-u of ii'.T father in"Ca^^<br />
vallcria Kustk-ani." Paul Lindalrom leaves hia-^<br />
."<br />
Avoid the Breakfast Club like a plague. Watch .<br />
out Cor foreign language li-m-hen*! Take .Mr.<br />
Dua»_Ior aiiythinir you can jiet him for. Never<br />
bother with trifles like homework. Don't take_,<br />
bnnnijth. Don't take French.-, Don't take ruthu-<br />
Don't take German. DontJ! - "•'•'•>^<br />
Take Mr,,Duiui. Never take chemistry or p!ty!3j»<br />
sica._ (Go ahead—we dare you.) Don't cut moro^V<br />
than-twica a day—Mr. Monroe frowns ion it..,-<br />
Don't cot In Mr. Bass* clns.s if vou are n short:<br />
tempered Democrat. Don't smoke in class. Watch .<br />
out for the ilog-howse mob. Don't "go cui-ftr"-<br />
'Don't.Ret off smoke bombs o'lvMr^ Barrv's frotit^-<br />
(duor-;to,j. If the elevator to the ntof garden )* '<br />
of . °?r..take the. stairs... Read <strong>The</strong> Loy<br />
Only boliovr(iialf of what you rend in Teepee<br />
Russ Jordan advises. "Sttidv." '"<br />
Bobbie'Kampert s-tys, "keep away from<br />
Gardner.?. .Don't wear a cont.xnn3 avoid., «<br />
room murdersr Make nhpci- airplnr.es out cf your<br />
f y t s l i p s A h v a y h r i ) t a ' -<br />
•: teachers nro simply' mud nbont it. Don'ffaillove.<br />
Be suro yaii can swimbefore you try''<br />
TM'* r B ii. njr 1 P°ftable radio Into the libra<br />
This is->(he shortest way to suicide we k'<br />
Xprk in your first three years. If there's ....,,<br />
. Always tnlw somothlng you can cut fourth<br />
^•Freshmen gtrlF.:. beware of H'-i^boys<br />
(And .wp mean hewaVe.) If you have Ume.jrct<br />
an education. Jim Sullivan advises.--i'Do ta'-t<br />
W " ot n * I do", (and he'sSO right, too). Don't<br />
jsk Mr. Dobson-about hid secretary. Never run<br />
for yell leader. Have fun! t *..-. ._:;*_^:<br />
And<br />
:%d'll think ii<br />
j<br />
tryt<br />
T/ho taught<br />
\U-)\ hope, r<br />
Well proudly<br />
Tii^<br />
.-It's dear old<br />
-' It's' th<br />
more S<br />
iVnstr<br />
to look wist: I<br />
Alma Mattr.<br />
ittill be held t.<br />
la:.trday of :w<br />
senior, prom i.<br />
Quitu a few 1 w.<br />
tho coming y.<br />
3it. : soe I-""-<br />
Many sfin>.-f<br />
' nre'rgoing- rTfj<br />
universitlec ,'"<br />
ford and Oil<br />
cholwj. So we i<br />
are planntix'<br />
two at a jutiiu<br />
Fmriebco !Ju<br />
FnneK<br />
thcmseivc:*<br />
Quite a few wi<br />
nf^the boys v.l<br />
_ the r armedl.forcj<br />
uity i)Oia,wii i<br />
ell for eood jtj<br />
Jtiy; It will<br />
. si6n for some ::|<br />
>- hut all oLh<br />
'"•» leave-iiftci<br />
hanpy school It<br />
c - IF-<br />
Tf a girl i<br />
forwnrd-<br />
If she doesn't.<br />
If she tnlks to<br />
if she,doesn't.<br />
Ifh*^i<br />
highbrow<br />
If she isn't she |<br />
it she 'goes<br />
. "uc'juru -*• uci<br />
pur Acton to nl<br />
MadambiscUV t J<br />
get us'much IH<br />
Rich wills to il<br />
,«-ono-kgneit J<br />
future seniors u<br />
atnes, worries.)<br />
leaves Vu'ncc SI<br />
, Jade .Roos wi|<br />
ctass'-rCloV; to t]<br />
THE l.OWKI.I.. KltiDAY, J, THREE<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Listens i Riding Club Holds j LOWELL DONATES TWENTY FIVE<br />
lly.Dce Ki'itllt-y Annual Sho\v BEDS ARMY HOSPITAL<br />
Onc fi:rcwflln arc said<br />
Yo Hear old <strong>Lowell</strong> Wish,<br />
•And all us mighty senior*<br />
'Have strated m. --im- ride<br />
• JjnvtttM riding dub presented its i<br />
annual horse show last Wc/lnesdny \-<br />
' night. T.u* show was staged at the j<br />
j St. Krancis Uiiiinir Academy under-fi<br />
llv supervision of Miss Admits. '" ,<br />
"Rumble"- :<br />
.No Fiimble<br />
: b Ailoi r ,c!twkinjf tho nfcn3;_for,thc<br />
M clus*: dance with the closest ooercey<br />
iind meeting severnlf sinw^v <<br />
' "il-<br />
!iehricini history j "<br />
Tiie host rthool that ever w«« jihiSH. hits niwli- two term projects j i shown hen* lire member* of f I In | Iwnd (oi.nter staff, Hob Mcb>evor,<br />
> n<br />
As a project In Enjclish litera-<br />
.- it's denr oM <strong>Lowell</strong> Hiiflil I en .kit tin Aim>rii-i in'Miv.'tr 8 styles styles<br />
setting. and costumes and i rnniUno ,.. _..it..:. L'.-.i--< Snu'thnril. __...- nnd Dan S. .*.•.. .11* mstins n simnser^hiii plncque on ture, Dion Chebse. 11 low juti'uT<br />
nnd hull<br />
h i i \ h\ SKt. t'loudt 0. llf Kinjt Cily, Ciilifornfa.<br />
It's iho end of tins term once, Tin;<br />
throughout the nation. Kuch 'unit' f-;n«lish clasRie. "<strong>The</strong> Cnnterbmy.<br />
more. -Senior dny-^ts Hpiirouehing *Ms<br />
n-iireseiitel afliim f XlfiQQ i n v t T l " IIh l l di<br />
, Many seniors, after' (.'ni'lur.lion,<br />
K' 1 ; in'ojscl on dress stylos ton-; Tin- fioiul Counter at <strong>Lowell</strong>; throug<br />
of accii:'at(> lii-sciipliotis and; rioted at the ."tail of (Jhristmati rciircsuiitcil a-sum of :V,lflQQ invest;••, tales." IIc,~hiis cleverly drawn, "<br />
urawings of tlu> liadiUonal: ynuitioii, lmL Imfore that, the mem-; ed in bonds nnd stamps. " j narilv from his own imagination,<br />
•""'" **-••' " ' membera of partly from deicrlptl yi orlirinal iik»<br />
;wo at n junior college, sucit ns San , »Wiw dnni Iiy her stster Nam-y.<br />
.•?r«iM:isc« Junior College or Sun :<br />
Franclfco State College, to perfect Mee» Held<br />
1 themselves It) their chosen fields.<br />
ras»rf sat'n &7AII,<br />
fruelmanlst<br />
m e e i n e ia<br />
'rQuite of the R boys fw wiltgoc will have jc)»s to unu 1:0 .some into, - <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Swimmers<br />
ihe armed forces. One hundred ami,<br />
fifty hr.ys and girls will ill leave Low- L „, <strong>The</strong> gh-ls' G. A. K swim meet<br />
for ircad .iuat a week from to- J ".<br />
wefu sevim'cont-ists in thn<br />
swim meet. <strong>The</strong> nd-<br />
L .VJ.. ,j<br />
dity. It wjl] lie-a very sail occusioit<br />
for some and happy for others,<br />
hut all.of them will really be sorry<br />
to leave", after four years ; Competition Keen<br />
In Craft Class HONOR ROLL<br />
Designing the cover for the February<br />
issue of the .San Prancfeco<br />
Compiled by Jnn«! Freemen '<br />
Teachers' Journal is the lates'. An honor count o<br />
project of the classes.<br />
f forty point? isl I.'iitiic;.-. I"'. KvvnitMin. H. Sin<br />
make the Honor Roll.<br />
of n vanced ctii3s .itakwl a Svyurd frue- no. on Conuille hoard,; 221 with ascorc<br />
happy fli-roDl life at<br />
style,.a 50-ynrd Ireesiyle, and a with jiun and ink. und us<br />
prints.<br />
Tho ouUtanding pupils who made | t.>amt>. *t!' n<br />
yard hack crawl. <strong>The</strong>'iniunnodU'.o<br />
IP<br />
/f a Ktrl apeiika to evei-yonc, sue s j<br />
iorward— . - r ••<br />
IT she doesn't, r.b'i's bashful.<br />
K she tp)k» to lioys, she's ii-flirt—<br />
-If she (Ibefiii't. she's a high list.<br />
'If; she's hinnrt in school; she's<br />
(. -r highbrow— : •, ;,<br />
Itfllie isn't she's n DumirDorn.<br />
If the goes out with boys, she's n<br />
,'- J pit'kup— ' '<br />
lfptho doesn't, she's a wallflower.<br />
If- she's popular, she's talked I<br />
V about— '- r ; - '-<<br />
-If she isn't, she's 11 drip.<br />
Tlic-e hln't no justice!<br />
tion was held.<br />
After the main event?<br />
teams were chosen for .<br />
racing. A feature-.of the<br />
the _waler ballet K<br />
from the advanced .elites.<br />
lll>R. I<br />
Hollowav, II, ,'luiHloii. U. Mlll.-K V.\<br />
Alk-n. It. Ill-illicit. A. K'ntx. -T. Itieiinrili-oii,<br />
X. Wdlliicu. AT. A. Urn<br />
i :«>i'I'-nl'"Tf. It. 1 .-iinee. M, III..-Lr. s.<br />
(Continued From Tage Two) 7" .<br />
lon't leave nothing<br />
Olson all th«* thousitnds ot hours he didn c spatiti<br />
. studying. •- ,- •<br />
Bnrburu ruckhnber lenves one slijrbttv r.s«d<br />
Don Acton to anybody wh/u wants him. Iinrbani<br />
Ratto leaves^her bound volumes of. Vogue and<br />
Modamoiselle : 'to Hen -jMiuishnrdt, in hope he can<br />
net us much use out'of them ns > l% .t! did. Pnil<br />
Kich wills to Dick Itrid^mnn his fitia cillecibn<br />
of one-lcggeu : A's. iluno R'chardsoir leaves : to<br />
future seniors all tlio aciiior subjects, books, hfiulnches,<br />
wun-ier. and marks. Joyce RodoKerms<br />
leaves Vance SheffeS'.<br />
... Jack Itoos wills the privilege of giving all ihe<br />
[Hnns rides to the games to Dick Stoff.- (Why,<br />
[Jack, we didn't know you cared:) Claude.Kosenbeif<br />
leaves to Hoh Tallmiui some t'ccluueii<br />
spot in the building i;i talk of his business: itr.d<br />
to Frank King, 01m largu battle of Cloro;; to tie<br />
used as desired. Maigarut Ro^vcar leaves sole<br />
ownership of her locker lo nil sixteen girls in it.<br />
- Miriam Uubcns bequeaths to Ltiiiun Jjtono the<br />
mirror In her locker.- George SallDgcr leaves the<br />
Privilege of being on the Hed and White htaff und<br />
"stoning to Mr. Harry's joke* to anybody who<br />
want* it. Joyce Fnmpson wills to Kvclyn Sei-<br />
-fcttthoso last-minute snnrt:s byforu third period.<br />
SdV<br />
hoso lastminute snnrt:s byforu<br />
l b<br />
third<br />
d " (D'<br />
p .<br />
»Sd(Voan Grupe gnts her "purple biterd.". (Don'r.<br />
:.n8k_us-.what they 'mean, wo only copy It as It's<br />
written.) Ruth Scnwabacher loaves lo anyoiw<br />
wiio hns.tho stamina, the tuck of hnving Mr. Bnss<br />
for registry and being 11 loyal Lorbeer supporter<br />
*s,ti»c game time. - ''.'•<br />
Motx Don and. Murray Xnckord get Dan Scliiavone's<br />
great success in avoiding work in Mr. M011-<br />
»« s'office.'"'BoirScara wills his well-used clarl<br />
n hope, that they may keep<br />
- - m *. „, „„„„„ wills Mhrv Bell hlB bnohelor<br />
j>uttonsr nnd'hopes''that he'uses them irr.'Rond<br />
.health. And Hatty Solomon wills.tO-Kilwy.,tht-<br />
-.fact that she was here. v- • v "' ""<br />
- Any freshman who wants them, can have Law-<br />
£,rci!ce;vSol6mon's dirty, worn-out khukic pants.,<br />
.Laura Springsteen and Marlon Wnlker"ji»intly :<br />
r.iBave^.'to the next class of hlgh-genlor girls their'<br />
«tractlori ; everyone; ;;,'Jnck Stroud<br />
nc'ood.v. .'.<br />
forlov/.senior boys. Jackie Stamelen<br />
•wills Sherrill Taylor all the names they have for<br />
1; i-"..<br />
- Kemieth'Sturgis leaves Geovgc Friodman lits<br />
locker und;the junk in it. (Does Sir. Libby know ^<br />
uhout all ^the locker-giving*away that's being *<br />
done?—Kit.) Jim Sullivan presents his good car<br />
to Ur.b. Ci'iffin ii:nd Frank .Solo to get out to<br />
-fc.-motte's at lunch time, and one demo to.fjWt/ic.<br />
(Well, that's what it says. We don't know what<br />
a demo is, either.) Betty Taylor wills her twin<br />
sifter. Rcimy; her job as Coach Foilimi's wcre-.i.<br />
taiy ulong.with the free ntis-tci* to all the gsmes; "<br />
am! to Xnncy'irarrison, thv extra p«mi "in"t!itt<br />
locker sh-.-'s beRi'-.'-'iiiting fon S»Hv Tihhs lon'-es<br />
to' DiwIuHi Mf jll somcthlui;' we can't read, hecnun»<br />
it's written in invisible ink. "~<br />
Cilnrin Tyroler leaves the" ten gym suits sii'»<br />
has acftimiilated over a period of three years to<br />
tho incnminir-ffeshmen. Kurt Voenter leaves his<br />
curly, bnir in:any freshman whj gets a slitiii-.<br />
N'nney Wutlucc. biiueatlw upea .V ! rK:ni.i Lecnll<br />
her -worries from last year, and upon .Uerty Funster<br />
und Cnrolvn Crano all thp lumi sandwiches<br />
she. won't eat during gym anymori:.<br />
Helen Waters leaves her sister Put and Hetty<br />
SWrman n'img of nice red apples- which mny be<br />
given to fcarhors'i nn»ii, A SirtVHky, li .Torst'tiin>ii. -V<br />
J<br />
v<br />
i" .;.>t—K. nnn'r, M. I^vlii. li. .Wonw. \x<br />
'• mIJI P. I.*iii|»?r. ^1 litir- v<br />
100-r. won* Jlfcu a. «„.,..„„. l&.f<br />
C. Ciino.-M. Slcl. X. UVII. O. S«..-lt.V.P ' .Vnrwmi. J<br />
It. Slifrtifim. IJ. V«ii.l..r .Mclnl.'ii, S. SI- I I i f l k<br />
Ill-IllIkflff. tt. StVltlUll-V*.<br />
ios—.1. t.yn.-h. It. 'limnntiiii. !„<br />
\ rl C Scl<br />
hmWrtn. H. Klenehier<br />
Hoyt.-!•:. Coy, A. imvlx.nfcwulifir,<br />
X. IVOIH. M. Ct'rf. A. Citlmil; It. Oiinmilt'-:-.!.<br />
KH-tCJ. I'nli/O. Itqlston. C.<br />
hjfnt**" ' " '<br />
r'i.c. irciii-rrSTVuiycww. M!<br />
i' ftiitna'Mii. .1. Vaniicr MHIO,<br />
.M.,I>«iifiniin. n.:I-a«ron«o,<br />
SOB—J. PniKlt.JV Ucwny. O. Smlrmiff.<br />
ic prjvat. J. Frtfcntun..U.CJiirk.-<br />
,-M.- Ml\VC.<br />
MtU-livII. r.i<br />
im'Clit. S.HIlviu<br />
(OS—S. AllnlO. U ..<br />
... j pains she gets from Imrcbacl: (hmmm).<br />
u.-l.mut:t.,^>.<br />
And Jean Gmpe gets Grctaann Wriijhu't ehocolute iC^ntii'ily. j, Itnrnitm; J," HJcrutio, X.<br />
"milk nnd macaroni to "Get fat like a little pig."<br />
. Although he may not want to give It away, Bob 130—j.~. Kv,m. St.<br />
Hitchcock Is going to take; BoH. McVey's copy of<br />
the "Charmer's Guide." Margo^Brooker will leave ,1B
tcuu THE I.OU'lil.u FltlDAY. JANIJAItY 27; If) 1(1<br />
Hoopsters Future Champs THE lly<br />
Dun Slone<br />
TliIK ts the last time that the ol*; tunics in cause they<br />
.-•'! slant will appeal /sl.!)« ai'rniel of the<br />
1 o.'i pajfe four.<br />
- rain." JIe u^,t Qti<br />
! hetn lots of fun. am! a ieal pleas-!'" "."'••' new rules were fc»<br />
; tire to work with members of <strong>The</strong><br />
! Lowc'll.jitaff, arid I'm ,*eiy triad<br />
! that I'll be able t" li'-en it up next |<br />
vonr. If there iim any sm^eslions:<br />
; about the papers'to come out' next,<br />
vriir, ulfusL- don't be ami id to drop :<br />
;<br />
vonr siitrucslion^ in the li'.tli- red)<br />
; luail box in the main bail. It's your'<br />
> paper, and we're tari 1 . . . that it will lm .._.„<br />
lie came "" >!il " t support your tear.i.<br />
and you yal.< are .-invited to join: , .1,1 w±\ TJ,(1 \M\S*\\ r,m 7. nk.tht.<br />
MIa? in mnir-yan' fourth and; uir, of ihoHnlfom, o| tl e dav' fc<br />
fifth wiriiHw in w»u-h the name. , i our i:,,^r. feebl.. manner we siinll ;<br />
of thi' l.owi-li \m Itaskelbatl Scfiitul, frurn loi't. lo Htflit: Top row—Tallinan, S<br />
- Wa-e.Murrt'. mid Karp. Iloltom r»\v—Slun.iro, 1,-j liiwa .Slirni.'iao, Ahitln-ny, ll.-tii . ,i7 ,.;,i ii - "• ^••'»' inrMieiiiimnuiime. iiu-y nan >•'». ui.iitr • ii-% iiiifinishetl zebras<br />
italic jiisdllMly. „ u-yen co write for tin- nijr. aml*n,\ I" Win*; di.ys cur hunkctwwwore<br />
I<br />
— ; >\-uli the Mule eiu-ounij.'1-iner.t, thvy l:"e« !iClaude KOSCHIILTJI, both ; - —:——<br />
dandied with injuries. <strong>The</strong> Cards' <strong>The</strong>re huVe been several rtni|i.' ;,v ' I rldds, and always after school ai<br />
: Coach for the Kids IK Claude I Axt came to Polytechnic'Hijrli as. the bond counter.-. So you can sec<br />
jberjr. wlio. iiL-t'ordinjr to , head football unil baseball coach.' that there are lots of opportunities<br />
rumor, will IIIKO be chfcf ummre.j rotdaeinir Jue Vnrducci. who had to puirhii&e tickets, 'i'hey only co^l<br />
<strong>The</strong> "smart" boys pk-k lo uiniorsj joined the Coast Guard. In VMS thirty cents (forcyou Arabs, 30c)«<br />
but remcmhorinir ntist years, tho j his football team took second place. C'mon, Injuns! Get out there and<br />
roil haselis 1 !; fOis KJI.V anyone can. in ]1M3 third place, and lit llf-M support your team. Could be »<br />
win. ^v-r chainplonship. -.. • championship, ya' know. •" ... •:<br />
:#'Jwt. ntcut.. the
\^<br />
im<br />
TO<br />
LOWELL<br />
San Francisco, California, Friday. Mnrdi 8; 10-10 Founded Janur.ty, 1896<br />
New <strong>Lowell</strong> High School Student Body Officers I Final Game with Lions<br />
i Friday; Title at Stake<br />
; lly Leu Collinn .;..<br />
Kresli from victories over Washington, Poly mid B:i!hia, <strong>Lowell</strong>*<br />
• ••. rart'iitly titln-boutitl eairers ink? mi cellar-dwelling Galileo Friday.<br />
f TIIIK tiU will lie the fimil• triune on the battle-worn boards of the curflood<br />
on Paper<br />
On paper it looks as thoujrh tirn<br />
President's<br />
Indians are the only onot> to px'mr<br />
mnteriiilly by a victory on-Friday.<br />
o True, but the Lions would HKE.<br />
c nothinn better than to knock<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> riitht back Into second place -<br />
; president, wrote the fullirtinjr mes- crmVL.i, tonvar I George<br />
; *ace to the new <strong>Lowell</strong> freshmen -„, ^u*nn| p»n Tomei So<br />
- upon Ihif. request of a reporwr: l(, w,.lch_ .<strong>The</strong>jW two nw t[]e „-„-,<br />
••Your next four years at <strong>Lowell</strong> one* from the Xorth Beach five<br />
I are filing to lie the best years that who have licen able to find thu<br />
i.voi', will probably ever spind. Vm hoop with an\- consistency at all<br />
.can innke these years.even better this season,<br />
i by working to improve your school _ Chips Down<br />
and in so doing, working to im-, On the other side of the ledger<br />
pmve yourself. Try aa quickly as we rin and try to ac- Krogstad. the best ballplayer in<br />
.V>op tnday. ami a lot of other<br />
; has been gm-.viw: forlhe |iast nine- i>,,ys who kmr.v their way around a<br />
ly yeais. At first you may not kiskclball court. <strong>The</strong>y know what<br />
. feel this spirit, but you will in this one means and fe'Jlnivs like<br />
, time. It will grow on you. _ n,,iig ninckie, Neil Turner. Dave<br />
Student? of Lowe well, may w« pie-, member nf tlu"- Mock I,, and was i Margaret Lnvinier, is a member of'<br />
to you your<br />
?s: 102 are L-10'.s. <strong>The</strong>iui I V a definite indication<br />
a "member of the C. S. !•'. Hob ]yte is secivtary 01 thi- student Untile a football player, and was;<br />
ltf! i view! I<br />
Davey is tin; -owner of thi* sniiu* body, Ik iV also' a member of the , rwlileiit\.f hS H-a clas«. " V* -'' ," handled by<br />
next to Delia's. Boh Is your yell Scroll<br />
ant veil leader last term. HeV a dunce cuiniiuur**. .Vu."-f'.esideiH; *i.rintr o| IIMli. I nc greater nunioer ot L-y s and \ yunik* Mamu. Uu the v^ry<br />
>tn H.tmn —;; _. (,nM1(, frml. Gnim, Twenty furnwr; flirt day. W2» cards were sott?,<br />
... Orant stmlents arc now <strong>Lowell</strong>itcs.!wiih the following thirteen regis-<br />
Loweil Goes on Air Seventeen IH-W 1,-D'sare from Dud-Cli""'* 100 i^er-cent: 105, 100. 10S.<br />
! ley Stone, -12 from both Lawton: i:W. 'IM. 2i(»: ^M. -W5. :i22. 3:t;t.<br />
cid AOTt.<br />
e 1'X" *' i " > -, <strong>The</strong> W|U ' »f n*«W" handled by<br />
anil L. a Ilig Brother, anil And there they are. student,.;: ' .'/• " '*•" l -" 1 -*' Htl(1 B "^ jTreasurer Lud Itenick and-.Mr. Uiecvtarv<br />
of the H-rt mid I,--! yem sttuleir. tiodv officers for the 1 ""..If*' , . * fn-*»ti. assisted by Paul B3rKerot<br />
STONE Y<br />
SLANT<br />
Tradition<br />
llv Dan Stone<br />
Welcome. Frosh! (Hail to have<br />
That's always the sentiment ot<br />
Like Father—Like:Son<br />
"Now wlien'l went to <strong>Lowell</strong>,"• two par .**: the first part by.a New I-airmont.<br />
.'TI .•«•,. n tin. wnv tU .Itil it 1 Y V rk -• Four Students t»f <strong>Lowell</strong> spoke and Pacific Heights, 11 from 31a-<br />
1<br />
during a nation-wide, broadcast; lina Junior Jligh, 1) fren Francis<br />
! itvcr ntutiiin KQW on February 2S.[ Scott Key. S from Aptos Junior! j<br />
! with "<strong>The</strong> Itlack Market" as its; High. 0 from Fredrick Uurk*;, \>*<br />
subject. ~ • - ! from eacli-^-tJrattan, Daniel Wcli-1<br />
<strong>The</strong> jirogram. the American I "ter, and Ijiguna Homia. :t ffun I<br />
,'Schtiol of the Air. was divided Jntc| Koosevell .Junior High, and 1 from<br />
"cnoors dramatiza'foii'of the Autos sent the greatest- number ..<br />
. . •Ihjit* not the »o> de did •*-• i.inirlc maiket.-und the second part of new- l.-10's. Nineteen<br />
former<br />
rcpre- Aptosites are entering'<strong>Lowell</strong> as<br />
len," . . . "Cnn^ there ever be al)V. u dlncu«8l»in by <strong>Lowell</strong>'s renre- Aptosit.-s I.-IOV this are term. vnterlmr'Lo Fourticn new<br />
L-10'K i-ame from Presidio Junior<br />
High. !> from both Frnnciscoihinlor<br />
High and Purtola Junior High, and<br />
:j from Horac Mann Junior High.<br />
For Lo\yeli High<br />
Among celebrities to enter are<br />
tradition that is <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
ell. We hope their industrious off-<br />
Alan Slenkten. es-Ptudent hody<br />
Uwell <strong>Lowell</strong> bus huK lots or of swell minus: things: - "•- — *l,kewj(,(.# AKurvcy of • P.-T. A. Helps Sponsor • fireside))t. and Daniel Bonatar. ex-<br />
just ft about the best is n.ir •-princi- .,n r(T.ristries last week, vrcveab-d<br />
vict-president, from Grant: Pri-<br />
Tuberculosis X-Rays Wnllersteiii. ex-student body<br />
Dal 1, Mr. Stephenn. . Those of us t|K, f.lct that there nro 07, fathers<br />
; and ex-student<br />
who have been here know him af»'9-\nnd -10 mothers<br />
of Luwtou.<br />
real friend, a man upon whom we' alumni. Even<br />
can alway<br />
grandest<br />
whenever<br />
ulwitys think of Leroy H. Stephen; . . t<br />
iw well as or Uwell High School. Two of these prominent ^rad-; Another activity was tlit- Foundon<br />
February<br />
" rather. wh'o'-'t«is'proxy of i!io' '-* 1 **i 1-1- honorinir the hew members of<br />
You know, students, that old senior class, and his mother who I t|l(. i,Owell P.-T. A. Another af-<br />
Uwell Spirit hasn't been blowing wa* 1 vice-president of the./"'J'^f'Hf. ^hedul^ for tliU *|irin«. is<br />
Prominently at the .rames *!**.*• (You con jpay ^l^.A/;) , ) f the parent-faclty parentfac get-together at<br />
penwnnlitloB'0 svee\a\ tea.<br />
O t h c f<br />
this year. Friday is the last bns- xveivDan Stone's'father, h whi» h was!" ! Many of the lut.wt books and<br />
ketball game of the prcs<br />
A. reason. It means a<br />
m the cl.umpionship if we W1 sent A. A. the 11)K! class president and ;"<br />
";' ,-j-nt "inj"owfiiht .Wilbur's^ grand-!„„;• jfra. C. U .Meany..<br />
and, even though we havy » swell fttu,er W[,IM,i-anIx«I thu first high! 5rM. L, HardgraveiMrs. r.; W. Hoi-<br />
i telle Wallerste<br />
'•ircsideut of Sutro;<br />
'body ody vice-president<br />
i p t f L t , ?<br />
llionald iald l d Wifdemejvr; Wd j ; and Lacuna '•*:_<br />
IIIMIUIII. I I .ferry f Maxwe M l l<br />
Two ex-studtMit body secretaries,<br />
Mary Ann Nyhan from Horace<br />
Mann and Sally Pcrter from Lnwtou,<br />
and three ex-student body<br />
treasurers. Hubert Marcus from<br />
Presidio. Jiihn Lorensen from<br />
tola, and Caroline Brett from Everett,<br />
have come to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />
Trowbridge, Scroggy,<br />
le-' in:igaznies in the library haVv been Dunn New Class Heads j Mr. Tucker's death. In the midst<br />
chance to dictoiian, Tom Trowbridges roth-[donated by our P.-T. A. ulwnter. .<br />
. . . .uC graduation celebrations, came aa<br />
f «•« «-in ter who wa&,u student body pre^i-i Officers of the <strong>Lowell</strong> T.-T. A. Winners uC the class elections'" ««"' surprise, and. ft terrible<br />
t we "'"''.i,,,,, ,,,,.i nwiirht .Wilbur's grand- ,in,xrrii. c. r_ Mcaiiv.. ineaident: held Thursday. February 2l,<br />
team, it always helps to have lots school basketball league. Virgin r. vice-presid'nts; Mrs.<br />
"of rooters In the stands. And then, Green's rather was class valeoi . financial .._. secretary: _Mm.<br />
A.<br />
di t ; nd Mrs<br />
toe; it's u tra'iiltion whic has all too to-inu of liiliO, and we hope that, i-i.r. recording secretary; and Mrs.<br />
Bub Lincoln'-s father, who was a:\\*. Lnwerctk'c, treftsurer.<br />
ofu-n been iK-glected, to stay In tin basketball star, is giving Bob a' _ _ _ _ _ _<br />
•stands %<br />
the Tn.<br />
That something Ihut wo coJl<br />
"<strong>Lowell</strong>-tradition" atem« from"th!sfpe'bi ck-j<br />
4th—Mar." 22nd 2 fist Iteport<br />
^Although the war is over, on the A'L-V Father—Like Sou" back-: cards):<br />
caraH>; -Seven-1 -Seven Instruction weeks.<br />
nr. 8th — Galileo-<strong>Lowell</strong> ^Last<br />
.' bnttlefronts, on the newspaper<br />
Oame. •<br />
front it in u long wuys from over.<br />
Mnr. Sirdt-Stanlbrd Aptitude Test<br />
Both paper and newsprint are stilt Leong Greets Flyers in 207. Satunluy at 9:00 a. m.<br />
on the "tight" list, BO you <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />
for Low and Hisrh Soinors Plnnites<br />
«~9 kind df lucky to get this James LCOIIJT. . H3J1I7. H-3—J1I7. part partlclnlnc to En'.cr Stanford.<br />
paper. ^Hh the passing of the nnted in the welcomlnjr l l of f several Mar. 213th—Mav 10th (2nd Rc|<br />
Canls). Six Instructional Weeks.<br />
year, hoover, we expect the situa-<br />
15 Jim J played in the h A or. lii-10- Easter Vacation.<br />
tion toTeauc up. so more and better ( J that .loot part In the<br />
Card).<br />
'-•"" will appear. ''<br />
: t..-caS'f 1 ^ to Lowf". . Seeminriy-in theJfollows:<br />
president of the H-4 d f " . ^ IJuT for seve?"l da!-s ^vith<br />
Tom Trowbridge. who was student l tu - L ".". e T, , P i.*?i 0 "i " a > 8 ^ V|t { 1 -<br />
body secretary last term and is a 'what \\ as thought to bo an attack<br />
member of the track team the'° r ""I'Kestlon, his passing on Jnn-<br />
SSk-L. and the sSoll; t"proxy, \ llI > rv » completely unexpected.<br />
Mort Dunn, n track star and at Mr., Tucker was -well known<br />
memlter.oftiie Scroll: of the H-!l throughout-the pchool; for:hta concilia*.<br />
Jostflyn ScroBgy. a member.,Rental .spirit, and cheerfuL_smIlet_<br />
of the Scroll and track team; and of. «vtJn for those- who were" not in<br />
the L-3's. Lloyd Dtnkelspiel, wlio is his classes/ Ho came to <strong>Lowell</strong> in ,-.<br />
» member of the Block L. [1010 and. although he wns c.igible<br />
' <strong>The</strong> vice-nreaidentBnre H-J. Vir-fl" retire, be refuse* to.--for he felt<br />
irinio. Lee; "L-4, Patricia Friend; thiit-Lpwcll was a vital part of his<br />
U'ii. Elaine. Cnrstens; L-3, Ka»cy<br />
Mardiirrnve. <strong>The</strong> new • secretariat Often Mr. Tucker had been<br />
arc Bob Tallmnn, H-4; Ronald likened to "Mr. Chipft" terause his<br />
Leon. L--I: Bill Hicklln, It-:): and kindly characteHstics of oltasant-<br />
Putricia Nolan, L-3. Ttr addition, ness towurd everyone. <strong>The</strong>ie con<br />
th's term, the IM's have a new j never bo another Mr. Tucker for<br />
office, treasurer, wliicli fa filled byi <strong>Lowell</strong>, and his loss Is deeply felt<br />
Bob Swingley. >. 'by all the faculty and student body.<br />
Jc. ';'"<br />
i: o
• & •<br />
::,. TWO THE I.OUEI.I* Fum.w. «. io-i«<br />
Published \>y the AiwocHttriJ Studrntn<br />
of Lfwell Hl^h Schorl<br />
HUB JTnyca SlivH. 9ml - FOUM.W<br />
Ciillfornl*<br />
U : H. R. S. A. MMiib-sm Frm<br />
, t - : -"--' LOWKU. STAFF ;<br />
EuiTOR .->.. PAN STONh<br />
Associate Editor,,. „•,: Unb Hitrhrpck<br />
Sports E e'mon.-Al, break d-iwn and give a <strong>Lowell</strong> girl<br />
n thrilli .• -'Ci '• ' i -'•'<br />
•'.-• • : After one date, Ben ("Shu can cat crackers")<br />
Maushardt and ex-LoweIIItfc : Jeanninc Fontos are<br />
going steady. Quwtion: How^long?r:<br />
•'-.. One plus one n^kes two.- 1 'Wonder what Milan<br />
Radovich (he's that.big, blond, blue-eyed junior)<br />
'- ; iocs nights? . .-.•-.: Real cute freshman is Bahs<br />
<strong>The</strong>y'finally brolm.down dflpar,tmcnt: Mur-<br />
* rny'Nockord and VicVist-hcr firiilly came nut «f<br />
r hibernation nnd were ^\.\ ivith 1 females. 'Sabovt<br />
. :>Two elfg(bl« bachelors (hot they 'stay that<br />
way) are Al Williams and Jack Hemlrkks.<br />
Wonder why Johnny Rosekrans has to go all<br />
the way: down to Stanford for his dates????<br />
, ;.. n Shortccute couples department: IVtc Sominvr<br />
and Conni Stone.<br />
\ Tall "citfe couples d«partmont: Him* K"<br />
Larrj* LJUI<br />
mother I.'<br />
school Iibrar<br />
• tarry.-,wa><br />
Whaf^vould you rather,have'." ra<br />
A scol school with ,a hih hijrh ijrh .sohi.astic ' i<br />
ami i piodd<br />
' i h i v,titinc, or one<br />
with ih a hl high so-called '<br />
V<br />
tion?" 'A'.,,. •'•,.<br />
"If the bjys IUJU girlj of frator^<br />
nities* and sornrltieij iv'oiild tafce thel!inu.<br />
they wwld find out thatured<br />
he or.she has. n~c«> pcraouality,<br />
money, clotlion., or whatever ;:it<br />
tnkim to makcone iiCcepiiiiblc to one<br />
of these clubs."<br />
"Chan;re somanf Jhoii- more tinflesirable<br />
way«, of choosing ^mer.ibors'change'theii"<br />
itlciis nlioiit ni'<br />
cinl-pi'ejcrrllc'e. au'd other-idwiH timtstudents<br />
who would otherwise have Eccm so o!d-fashionod in this mod'<br />
nothing to tlo, attend these various I»MI world."<br />
mecir.gs aad open houses, nud<br />
spend many cheerful and pleasant "Why not have a Freshninn<br />
uvcningH, whereas, if they didn't Club, Junior Club mid Senior Club?"<br />
have anything to do, there '- <strong>The</strong> clubs could bn trlty widi-. For<br />
"It is '*. i "Iy natural.'^bat thtma *u- 'evening dance and get-together iir<br />
clctles should exist, as thorc arc the gym. Why couldn't each club<br />
few othftr swiul onlicts for high elect officers and hold annual mect-<br />
school studonts. Movies and hotel mss? Those arc questions you stu-<br />
riiir.cing are fine occasionally, but dents must answer."<br />
boys and ch-ls like to get together,<br />
and sororities and fraternities provide<br />
this need." . . -) :y FrosK Has Unusual ,<br />
"Evur"since your parents'graduatwi<br />
from <strong>Lowell</strong>, and probably Hobby:: _ AlHgators<br />
overt before^ that, high school fraternities<br />
and sororities have exist- D« you hnve alligator trouble?<br />
ed. <strong>The</strong>y are a definite-part of If HO.<br />
hitrh school life, its much as are<br />
TUB I.OWKLf,. FI(II»AY, MARCH 8. !0-lfi THREE<br />
Chow-line Getting<br />
Gals AND Sport<br />
R. 6. T.G. Strives<br />
Longer; Hot Dogs<br />
j To Uphold Record;<br />
Outstanding Buy;<br />
Plans a Big Term<br />
liy Dan Dnhcrty<br />
One ot tne more p«;>u1nr period.*<br />
With the,sounds of, marching<br />
at IjowU IS lunch, r mirth or fifth<br />
feet nn-i the brisk commands of the<br />
period. It ma ken no diffcretiri'—<br />
officers and non-coms emanating<br />
the mr.in reason for lunch time it;<br />
from the.-yard, LowelJ's R. 0. T. C.<br />
t0<br />
.Mrii. Wildbumerv" cafeteria su- rt - „ ^.,.n—.--^,, ...." N.V...' - ^ -*B ....unit', under tho Inatiiiction of Sgt.<br />
ucncerK and managers were pre- badminton, Gloria Norwiill. the sickroom. <strong>The</strong> girls nre: Nor- n \i VcElrov i» striving to mnln-<br />
,*?««•> by G. A. A. President: Candidates for girls' yell tauWlma Moscr, Maoris Lewi,. Cfcral- £,„ ,£ „'£;,'„, ";"_ citv honor<br />
fMao'iU'a lingers, at the opening were also introduced at the rally, dine Lowe. Dixie Lee Itae. Elaiiw | ta . m J w P 1 ' 0 " ll!> » Clt i honor<br />
Mario JorRenscn; J This .irroup • voluntarily assists In<br />
. _..n.. u..i.i ..v_L „ .. _ . ... jinrfiyn Rogers. Grace Vnn-i «"»«"•<br />
<strong>The</strong> tt>rm ,ihcad promises to be a<br />
Jorgenson. j hden.. Carolyn Joyce Southard, Howelj. Cath- June |<br />
"This I successful one. '<strong>The</strong> Battalion Rifle<br />
Flcnny was<br />
head erine Clifford, Barbara Miller. Connie<br />
Stone, .loan AVilshlre, Marian Team already won second place in<br />
tthe Henrst Marksmanship Contest<br />
Four terms of a 'sport enables ,<br />
[• ifrnT'i^ent'insses on tl-e "doubler''<br />
lunch'* days—as Klgh as f'fiy dol-<br />
Mrs. Wildbtirtrvr said that milk'<br />
is the most popular drink in the)<br />
' "enfti and also in the doghouses. '<br />
'. "Student do nut need any help<br />
planning their lunches for they nick<br />
.well balnnccd inonls," she nddeil<br />
Hot Dogs are in a class by them-<br />
, Selves. At Ijowcll, between fifty<br />
i;nd sixty Bounds of hot dogy are<br />
" bought daily. Our dun*.* tire urisrc-:<br />
locratic. being spuciailyimmle from<br />
jj>" isccf- and not meat vxtractK One<br />
pound of hot docs equals twelve<br />
Simple mathenuiti. :• pivcs us<br />
0 .^ r^f" 1 '^^^""^..^:!?!^". 11<br />
any irirl to hecome a member of<br />
thu Block' L.<br />
Characters Around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Ben Mai'shardt t Margaret Loviner<br />
When appira'chwl by your roving T,n net l.nvintT!" nur. editor<br />
reporter. Hon Maushnrdt. president ;h.;vkod vehemently, when be found<br />
of the L. II. S. £. A., was wearing mittlmt that little blonde girl with<br />
himself out working \iii the Poly- a winning smile and saining blue<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> rally. When this reporter 1 enviable i-ec'ml in tie N'inth Service<br />
Command MnTch." " 0,<br />
Included in this team's activities<br />
will be a two-Jay fjela maneuver<br />
competitive firing on the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
rifle rniitce for nil cadets; and the<br />
showing of tinny Army films. Besides<br />
the above nrujtrnm. the cadots<br />
on designated days, will play basketball,<br />
baseball, and other sports.<br />
Shaun Holman<br />
If you've, ever heard thu ex-<br />
In nrevious years the record of<br />
nreunion. "<strong>The</strong> Hoimnn Dynasty,"<br />
thu <strong>Lowell</strong> unit, such, as beinj<br />
and havu been puzzled by it. your<br />
awarded honor school for ten years<br />
roving reporter is now taking time<br />
in a row. has been due to the con*<br />
eyes could manage to be vie«-pres[ to clear up half of your bewilder-<br />
tinuoUH effort of both officers and<br />
told him he was to :» be ' interviewed, ' . dent . . nf . our student - . body, . im-mher . ment. Shnun. one of the Holman j Snwh Battalion Commuml?? C?<br />
he said. ... . "Not .... noww.<br />
later." But of tho fiirls<br />
after<br />
sixty pound of dogs to make the<br />
720 hot dogs sold daily. the<br />
•Ax. for..dessert..the. vntu t-oi>s to[ . Ben came to Lowi-il from l'oly"i<br />
1 Block L. Shield, and twins, might be considered the typ-1 S^nuSSSfoU? Kinreeht<br />
LT three tries we finally got RIC S'rteni. all at the .i»riM time. I leal <strong>Lowell</strong> hoy. He is tall, blond, i, gof ltomfi Ka " etio - Hum*".<br />
ie Information out of him while.Shy also has been 0. A. A. haskct-la member of the Scroll and L. nnd) ninrke<br />
WIIR talking to John Kosekraii».'lia>I manager, member of the Lost {gets good grades (could this he!<br />
aSd MuTdSk ?<br />
P,,Dr,nn^<br />
-.— i^'Cnm by n wulc margin. when he. was n a high uc -*«.*B.«im-T^.«AiEfS:?^- mmmitiic R^^KS-*SA^'T^l2aT~ n the pii«t.<br />
I^^^J^SiTS^fcSE^!*&»«„ lists C(I,J ^ W thfa'weorf.'<br />
— <strong>The</strong> pi? situation In not too gone),<br />
skulls (human and other-1<br />
MJ the cafe take* as many pies as Afterhe had been at <strong>Lowell</strong> a t-ou-; n-conl! (What a cirl!)<br />
usually thirty-five nr<br />
l nnl Mother Donates Books .<br />
-"•^ In Memory of Her Son .<br />
'--' • ,.-' Ju-oing to U. C, and. nftei : nlc of terms, he became a room • Margy comes from Aplo? Junior 'vise), dance bids, and cashmere j Holshouser Is Prexv<br />
rcprosentnt.ve. Last term.tin «u }j\K\x tttll\ ,,)„„« to stiuly desiring I skaters. " " " _ _ .<br />
Cal..<br />
Hnve yo'i nbeen reading some »1 'hasn't decid what!<br />
the .latest' notion . in, the .library7 ] Ben is 5 feet It.inches,,has hi<br />
If you liny**, porhiin.* nno of tln'm hnit^ Mu« *> nlir tit*<br />
was Inscribed with the following-; I»o»t looking bny.s<br />
y<br />
elected treasurer of the nehuoL and,ut pilhDr Cal. op Sinii.'tinl. Her; He has done a swell job here at .... Of C. S. F. Brainstorms<br />
[this term hi! was elected president.;liolibicn niv collecting minatures' <strong>Lowell</strong> hnlding class offices, and! '<br />
Men is a member ..f tin- Scroll:nm| dance bids. She cihhns ihiii|ht! has all the qualification* or a „.. , „ chnntl,p of th_ c s<br />
and L Society and he has rec«- ved. iH.P ,«„«« nunoviiiL* li-ibit in the wa\* : K"°d leader, with many friends| „ l ."° ^J 1 cnffl Pter or the L. b.<br />
his block in lmsketball. ill. taTOf.Si3.7w!" "m ' m she ca.!' seem ^ who nil think he is a swell fellow. *• » of to «n active term with<br />
lite pastimes nit cirls and hanging;l() hi*1n It -•- I Slmun will graduate in .r»ne. = Alice Ann Ilolsnouser as.president.<br />
iaround .__. . . ,<br />
jwhile his favorite peeve is students'<br />
mnn><br />
, After finishiuir <strong>Lowell</strong>. Hen > "trty<br />
If She could kill 'emM -'•<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> ho | _ When asked her opinion<br />
dedicatipiK-i "In Memory of Larry Suva With tltat.'Vlen "started • Stronger St'S.she towered her It: fanoiner ... .<br />
.......i • •.••••I. i>i.-" nuii«L'-' , - , ~ • ,r -. , i -•- —iand. his swell brother Dai<br />
.Meyers. " Class of ';12."<br />
walking lk toward Minn Harrison's of- M"/' '•'V'v.^r.Vi'.'l'.'.V'<br />
^ on may have wondered who<br />
L:iriy- Mi'yers van and why his<br />
mother iV donating hooks to our<br />
school library. --<br />
Liin-y wa» just nnother student<br />
^t'rtjpjmjr through <strong>Lowell</strong> and hav-<br />
Inxr at the same time lie crnduutcd<br />
from <strong>Lowell</strong> in 1932. Soon<br />
after, he died of the Incurable blood<br />
disease leukemia.<br />
Perhaps even Mrs. Meyers can't<br />
nuf/.hcr- fincer on the real roasfin<br />
she fa Kivin ! k to the library<br />
1 ' , T , lu '- V re .-. vt '7 Mrtht in sen-ice to <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />
fice t. rally. nice—LNDEKD " (She «ajd it.<br />
.--- - land slit's 0-LAD!)- r -' s fin-ini- "- "•'- »»»'that Shaun prefers secretary,<br />
n rllu iliiondes with ayes of blue, but ac- Thus far In the term, two com-<br />
i'i<br />
)<br />
1 < l «H'W tn recent reports, he hasimlttecs havu.been• slartad. Jane<br />
] changed his vicwji. • I Freeman hends-the- typing commlti-<br />
Tho true .explanation, of "<strong>The</strong>i.toe.-a.new.projsctifor-the.C. S..P.-<br />
. ir«ilnijin Dynasty'.* is that it is JiiHtl tUembera who eta) type > *ill do any<br />
Shaun! typing work for 1 for thi> time<br />
the-teach -teachers of<br />
have' L*m-t'll. <strong>The</strong>y will be available most<br />
} neriods and before uml after school.<br />
i <strong>The</strong> coaching committee is under<br />
nn, B.n , ; the leadership of Hurry Collid.<br />
Jack Willis writes that lie will by { After coii-;f.(erable flogginir. she; "<br />
nf/hc r te<br />
she faKii^<br />
!>ooks t to the library, y<br />
Gut the reason must-likely<br />
ikl<br />
to comei<br />
m tiin -minds of Lowoii s'udentst;-<br />
r 5 i e r ^ a n /° r a ; Coaches for mnth. will be In room;<br />
clad to return to Cal. Tech as r>'m fimilly confessed that hiOlym*<br />
1 on time (especially 1 ^ otnIn S C« ver Happens<br />
<strong>The</strong> i-iub's mem-lwonicn), hard sciamblod'lRKKs. andj- ", r -,T; 1^ I nii,-ll ritft<br />
instudo_iitR.;iica(l--;nio_aneis (sezrhe's one hiniself). -y c in Lowe11 u m '<br />
irineers. <strong>The</strong> knolo.lRfuti'lamcntnls<br />
of nulio, np outlined<br />
Iffllr. Barm'.:;: sponsor, have civen,<br />
many undecided Ixjwellltts.the ideii'i<br />
of iriinp int/;'tladio. r, • . -^'J<br />
One'of the functions of;th'c t-luli<br />
i« I tile operation of tbc.'ptiblic «d-l<br />
' t t ^ l I i d b t i n K 1<br />
Offices<br />
idUt .tlK Bjt ad n p y minir at thpiOIym Thu iixim was dismal and dark.<br />
tary'isXuko Dell' Orto;.'.:Diirin(f ntc Cluf,, where he has rolled up A group c.f sol>er-faccd young men<br />
their'meetings mi on Wedesdays* li i:iii--nLai>» the iiieiQuiiiv i.somfcMieafr-reeWdn; IILIIH i-tiii im; a ji jrood KUUH jriihie KHIlie OJ of wen* huddled in one corncr'await-<br />
«luh inemlicrK nerformVexnGrlmonts'irolf:'lemon plbs: nnd;'':of course, ing':heir-"senteuce." c ,<br />
aiiu i-ead renorts on Copies " '"' ' * ' ' ••- • • •• - • ^Jfr. [Alonroe was glarinir at them<br />
eat to members. • '' - ''<br />
, 1 crept (n and asked eau-<br />
;-(;irls<br />
n o pb<br />
at^riilIier(,.d,:batinK<br />
nn • - -.you may" possibly tfml tournamynV.'a^emnifus. and oth»<br />
Si° ("?T t!ltltie ?? df " 0t , h » r lo8t nativities that"-— 1 -" '* '-'"•- D >.it.'--Thn Ra- "<br />
artlClOM.nl 234;^ "T-v-* ntiri VnimiL" room ,u_ .--r..u 1= ••. y-T(iniivTn)Wt and I-'i . , - ...U(iv. Peter Lnret f« tho "|)ub-<br />
during<br />
- -:ill ,<br />
un<br />
vii ueioroijk rei,,t[ons nur.iager.'<br />
f<br />
Articles unclaimed by the<br />
end. of the term are given to the t.,<br />
and. if the flnde/sjdo notl"<br />
1 Other nivrn-<br />
(hers nia-Boh perrybprrv;' : Marv'*i<br />
Anmuth, and Bill Kspcnalmdcr<br />
I Mnnv si time you .\-i:i-f ; f i'nter-|Arne Lohmann, hisi;pne<br />
Sprinir iV here nnd X.<<br />
d d Ci C<br />
nd th"PP.ans. but .<br />
Assistants"are" JotJly^ MlSlEicome itvnibibleVthe cUih will- then 1^'"^*-"^*"^'" — -^- i*w*,iitoiy.by^Hmltir^^<br />
Pat Berkeley BeSne Atting
tCUK<br />
Indians Bury Buccaneers \<br />
3f Stay in Title Chase'<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> wins :is Scovil siarn! Led by Douir Scovil's 12 noinU Uwell's<br />
Indians trounce-1 BalVioa 2!>-l!> in K-,• fur tlu> iimst \-<br />
System. - In<br />
I MM\ win. bull- guiiie*-without anyone to root for them, so if you don't'<br />
I want to see our guys clinch two champiunshiprt against Galileo tonight<br />
i stay at home—no one w'" *<br />
.';•---<br />
! Lovyell ranked, seventh in Xortherti' .: - . - . . j.- I".<br />
.calironiia and second in the Bay, Prospects Seen for j Trackaters To Take "^' '<br />
i ! <strong>The</strong> Dunkei system. »i«>nsored b>*j *47 Card Cage Title! Part in Relay'Meets<br />
,C«ca Cola, niti's a team according! _^.r_ '- - ; ,, ^' \Z-<br />
|to ils slrunglltuanil the relative I "t-owell whin basketball chum." '''his spring. <strong>Lowell</strong> looks formrength<br />
of its cuiioMnts.,punkelI ] , , , . . jg.,,, ; word to u special season of tnuk. -<br />
ratings are made =at intervulfti i'"" 1 ". 1 "!''«"iring. isw. ^ : ^,;,uw *or /j. « , ti: • .L :<br />
, n - «• « ii-noughoi'tthesewsdii.sonaturjtly,' This seems a little f«r ^U'hed.^ifiniiinff of the rnr It is permit J<br />
\ :-<br />
Vuliifflv !-•<br />
j ^^J<br />
STI<br />
' <strong>The</strong>rt-V \<br />
around th»*<br />
it )CH»k''li •'•<br />
-uinir '" ll<br />
while i; «<br />
:h« first *i><br />
and fin; r.<br />
huw, her- r<br />
.• We're ••h «!'<br />
« .^baPketbalirMr: < „. ^lla. is situated, in Colorado and S n S h & ^ . ^ '.W- "t.« .1"? «x«.»Vl.. lh t : i -i mi ii ''i i i if* bouixled by Kc.nsus on one side<br />
I^t »-»'«H<br />
Sure. he said. It,cil started. und the Di .MaCffio,brothers on «»'e the exnil. s«e hoiv'.'iw own sclnwl team I oi.-»»Per division<br />
"ti,-. in'KIng'H University. A. freshman' other u<br />
ri.-^v—;named- ! m* 'from<br />
verso.<br />
st-hedule this year begins" W<br />
. meeting: Peninsula .<br />
and Maria county teams, continue* *<br />
by meeting the other San FrandffV<br />
HorawVnrslty' and his «At *|<br />
UM.J^SSrKS^mMl thb- A t«i he Kfw-»"VnI?c!ty "SK*?? ^ & !r" ta ,^- ?pwU liwtltutts busketbull<br />
•l l i>l*-PViia' In ««+.'MI'^iiil^uv 1 Vl?.- 1 , .t.r."\^ lUn J;. 1 : .H, l X t .
K?M Volume ST. NIL 2<br />
STONE Y<br />
SLANT<br />
l!v Dull Stone<br />
TJiete'.- bei-it !>( lT xtory tiikcH place nftt-r tli«<br />
fiii'l World War. uii'l n-volvw;<br />
i.:iiunil ii ri'Lurni'il wtumn. "Clar-<br />
(iii-c." -.vho is hired i"t:t u liousehohl.<br />
Niiiii 1 - can figure ttut whether<br />
tit trt-iit him na u sorv.-mt or >><br />
'•u't'st.'; Tin- circuiiijitani'CK surniuiulintr<br />
the gdot niakr> it an out-<br />
<strong>The</strong> Pledge of Allegiance.>-•<br />
What Message Has It?<br />
"That tiicse dead shall not have died En vain,<br />
that this government of the people, by the pCQ»le,<br />
and for the people shall not perish from tliu<br />
earth."<br />
<strong>The</strong> auditorium was filled to capacity. <strong>The</strong><br />
president, together with the student body, turned<br />
towai-d the flat; to plw!ge allegiance. I looked at<br />
that flag and for the first time I really knew what<br />
il stood for. I saw the sharows of millio.-.s of<br />
white crasse* and stars of David on it; I saw the<br />
• remnants of a count, whostly army marching, on<br />
"and on. cndleBSiy.<br />
Maybe It was on Bataan that this army wan<br />
inarching; maybe It was on Corregidor; I no not<br />
remember, but I do know that they were fighting<br />
for you and nw, for all of us, Christians, Jews,<br />
Catholics. Negroes, anyone who wanted to be free.<br />
I saw them fighting with their bare hands<br />
against overwhelming odds—fiRhting for you and<br />
for me and for all freedom-loving people everywhere.<br />
I saw them lying; on the beaches, sinking<br />
In the swamps of Malaya. I saw them die on the<br />
deserts; I saw them pray as they had never<br />
prayed before; 1 saw men sweat and toil and ale<br />
a thousands deaths rather than surrender.<br />
- <strong>The</strong> lost reverberating shot is still ringing in<br />
my cars. <strong>The</strong> vision of an army fighting through<br />
the thunderous storm, through the dnrkness of<br />
night Into the glory of dawn is embedded on every<br />
star and s tripe in, front of me. __<br />
"•Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coining<br />
of the Lord;<br />
He IK trampling out the vintage where the grapes<br />
of r.'rath. arc stored;<br />
He hath loosed the fatt^u! lightning of His terrible<br />
swift sword; -,<br />
Hit truth is marching on." \<br />
Hitchin' Post<br />
(Solo: 11M- fnlloM-Ini; i-iiliimn rtinw iu \\i+. ntir] «•,<br />
have nn tiih-iitJnn of ninrHr'C^in.v tmby ptclurrn. llr.<br />
ittnine utilim Ix-litml Mm. «f r*mM
<strong>Lowell</strong> Espionage Revealed | <strong>The</strong>re will Always I<br />
Poly Friendly But Cautious! Be the Freshmen<br />
Well, now that the term h un- Catherine Rosenberg iualso hetyfui<br />
lly Pat Frlrnd<br />
,sI'Y SHOT AT POLY! 'Whu. i* this used for?" I asked<br />
down<br />
HeBdlincj Kw screamed throuc;'i g my y Clmr-i Dvcring. eering. iThi-xe .Thwe object object*<br />
mind a« 1 slowly dragged myself, "It^the high senior bench.** On,'around the h hhall,<br />
of <strong>Lowell</strong> ever<br />
up Uie imprewlvr stair, of Poly- Hhlmwral back." no «no but high sinew it VM bulk—warbatfc in,'<br />
fc Hh nd launched int my si lld i i ll bk! l<br />
have been KNH<br />
of<br />
Added d to the lUt of Mcadje^arti .<br />
tevhpu' Hvxh and launched into my seniors are allowed on it, not.cvcn jwcll, way back!<br />
l Ml<br />
' mission. -Visitor*." , | TVl. iprn. w. hnv* nnms mnro - --•— ~ - — «••• -<br />
woot<br />
-..„<br />
rrom<br />
the hicb senior reg:.-' Not wanting to appear ufraid. I! Wl.y inT ni ]S dowT on?"7n Jirfr^VdHtaSKS<br />
roujiiy *••>* it on. 'till thr;a While ana notice one? It *.i>*nu '•*"} 1 ? »"• 5 1 * B ?? lto the t of Mcadje^art .J<br />
(|P«xly) Mclchcr and Jew:) «»<br />
Some one ought to buyjiim I &i<br />
of<br />
cou-<br />
try to which : was assigned. im*.;couragcou*::<br />
nlcs (KM last issue).<br />
* [ <strong>The</strong> only things that<br />
inic a* a new<br />
Mtouslv took<br />
hear the * jLyon* in the ideal girl. For your<br />
-.--J * i / \**\ 1(I , cn(iy * , !l also seem to get their shar? f that! Hartien Merrill ha* already ac- Information, the line forms to the<br />
th- room devoted to high, e °^ ° U * e * ft w -' -boner. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing like - lit- quired a beautiful summer tan by'lfR. and brother, you'rt;funning<br />
- winnie* where vte can' Seared ,tit* fellow who wander* around the going skiing at Soda Springs on o«« last.<br />
d after school to dance I At that moment five late sin. hnlls of thfi first floor hunting for week-end*. i Huppy anniversary to Jack Lynd<br />
^ ..... -.n. MrnumL" ° anCCt d..ntJ. were being reprimanded in 1M> nnd thc ° m ' who -"« a J l « for the i J»i»t Simon of Reg. 154 is go- *»"d Lyaia Potter . years tt,>:,;<br />
RSing tJat here ; :.ad found «f»nt of the class. At thc -»iid of "hacks and lands «..nw;plac« down jnir to New York this summer va- mo " th ?- Another coapw who seem<br />
Roaiiiing tnnt nerc . no xon r .„_ u tU t__L_ _ J, ,., „„ Mnrket 8trwL An yei(, we cation. "One of my dream* come tp.hoW up under steady life is Dot<br />
f information, r • ner speech, thn teacher added with »n Ma<br />
•jcRtion. IJJ (r'BWft toward me, "I'm »orr>* to<br />
there<br />
. '•That'* Bob llnglcr<br />
in . URtnt<br />
mn* in thisi"* 1 to make a scene in front of-inings aooi<br />
I our visitor from <strong>Lowell</strong>." That did' tb*?n rtw<br />
a the white! 1 . 1 '. .. A *. ' rrawj^d under the desk, ;'i.-J bo * ir Y*.<br />
felt<br />
they have «?""!<br />
in<br />
P Famhrint<br />
his torpedo gang Al Buikn, ,. .<br />
ren Storkmnn. and Nick Chronis. ;'n something to cat?" asked Mortipresident of the H-3 class and a<br />
!dwtpcration, I finnlly reached her [ Dunn, president of the Low-4 class, members of thc Scroll, thc Block L,<br />
'iirtho court dur'ii • a double lunch|Who had just undergone an opera- cad the track team.<br />
with .V. you gucssctt it, Pete Gan-ition on his leg, which he injured' Joss' main interest at present Is<br />
Singer Sinatra yard.<br />
last football season.- -c- (track, in which he runs the 440<br />
Being proxy of the Shield means! When (insured that this reporter!•"«*.220- .Incidentally, Inci he is flulte<br />
extra spocipl" to Anpcy,'<br />
and that the- visit lva.ijjfp'*"<br />
three<br />
as her mother was president-whim^nly an" Inte'rvlewr'lw'cried, "i\^<br />
n<br />
'.IP hoptf* p p ,<br />
he -U bu HdinK a sport* rt uicia inl<br />
gele* where different events !<br />
d lh<br />
its . ond mntl ? *$•?** ^.^S?ttended<br />
I.«*vclL. Ami it>; nofdon't want, to bo interviewed, 11Other interests include :mode] aril-<br />
, ,,, .„„, that *he J made tile ShKMtl.lwunt food!<br />
Lo* Angele* where different events !0R her grac»ous munn«r and l-*&y<br />
wt-'t*" 5 '? i? i j n c n niK T\ , !co-oncratitin In school activitio.. nas<br />
This (alk led on tojntojcrance,imal|o ncr one of th0 oatsUndtng<br />
vrT*;; « 'Kavc their -names- w<br />
especially.:<br />
fi^.f" 5 ?" 'and Baker). Mort con -Vandcrmale<br />
,-,.-- , . ~ ,»...--.-. the high scnIor;Hnss.<br />
in t'hthRll nrnln, with no,thnt M m rann* parentul ariih.;iicn>! • • Ej^ |lo« assisted " '"<br />
d to re-<br />
w-,w|».. Deciding it wnHaJwutiey. • ..mMrep^lwarjji«paragruff re-'(n the office; is «,«.«•».»., -.,<br />
time to'-t'litnet 1 '"'nomc opii.« i r. J ., ; terviewed I<br />
iervicweu. i L ^ dnncc ^ ^ „<br />
visitors hoS ?*"<br />
-T|marks a'.: home, TiifaN are con-!the L-.( donee committee; and as-1<br />
nlJng-OiioiHoiw. -V iMioutj, ot ^"differencot In fneir iahtant riding maiiager. |<br />
do you like most nbout.frienaV. na*fc ret.Kwn taught In; "<strong>The</strong>ir. ^nturJs _are thei 1 '<br />
i«r. Ifoit"iiir to rthtflin n free<br />
T nin over to h**r and said, _<br />
'n't lmo«* thn cooking c l* u "! ff8 and JIarta<br />
are not<br />
His faj<br />
minor<br />
sports,, swimming, track,<br />
and d bbaseball,<br />
receive do little attention-Mid<br />
support from thn student<br />
body.<br />
Before honoring <strong>Lowell</strong>, Joss attended<br />
vOnttan and, after graduatlAg,<br />
he khopos to go to West<br />
Point. -*£-<br />
Our ^uhject i«6 feet, Jill, h-«<br />
blue eyes, and^ibrown hair. ""<br />
M-ert* told (hr (y cc?) that he is<br />
popular, p p , rood looking, and a fine<br />
student. tdt<br />
At this point. 'having<br />
dramatic role, that of the front etu'r Nien held In check fo;' over five<br />
oi-nn P elephant. lhant ,."Bc "Bc sure to mcn-'inlnutes, men'fJt announced d thtth that-theit<br />
tioh that I \vai>>thQ front," added view was at an end and departed<br />
Mort hastily.r^" (for thc court. ' '<br />
Outstandins'for his work in frock<br />
|m'ankind, and isarrilng a wonderful<br />
New Student*<br />
»«»ld in the same room a* theLrofMFiOn. Nancy — perhaps al<br />
nrt<br />
Ipchonl tc-ncher, but thrn. these girls'<br />
Sheep ' get' married off so fast."<br />
1 •" - " ,<br />
Uwt- season, Mort was taken intoi r n „ .. ' "-•<br />
tho track honor society, and now \-- Doug Scovil<br />
holds tho coveted office of ser-( rL&t tcrm.B ^^^ rcceived „<br />
gennt-ot-iirmB. former (!*cretivry[tnt.nicning note to write some-<br />
<strong>The</strong> NewcomerV Reccp!ion,|of the Block L .he is also a mem-jthiug on Doug or else . . so here<br />
and Scroll on]muv of the Scroll ,and the Blg'^o^ (0^tlsffed EnidT)<br />
*"* ' n, was ;Brothers.<br />
to the; Ambitioiui<br />
in-l ^<br />
Poly __<br />
to watch the «tnff .onerate. <strong>The</strong><br />
j ^ ^ ^ ^ " ' ^ " * * 4<br />
staff ronm wa« about a* quiet ns<br />
•«ran,l Centrnl Stption nn New<br />
W*vy* Eve. (Any reieinblnnce t°<br />
.he I^well staff i« purely coinclnNntalt)<br />
Aflir meft<br />
Mtw. I^il* Saunder*. T , -r<br />
who- she though* of UwHl. "My<br />
r hn;l liiSSt^ndwSefwith<br />
iarnf Dave HoUyan. thc «*P*^«^{Beach.?i81 ll prt t 5eews*ii<br />
*esidents. iHiiigiiiir commercials, and<br />
<strong>The</strong> show, was opened.by.•w« l — many.iort*. He<br />
1 received his Block L for partlci-<br />
"natinc In football and hankpthall.<br />
His wain.regret fs lenvmcr e.«lege.<br />
His--favorite song:,*-"r^icht<br />
This term he has done remarkable<br />
!fmm Mr^lIoiuWs office. work on the Varsity basketball!<br />
mTng! He members, directed by jr-ftenhisdinner arrived and* team. When asked what his pet peeves<br />
w* don't tnik !th*u* lte»-. She'* the<br />
.bl-ck Rhi^o of (h* fitmily." -• -<br />
Tn«ntrcd hi* thn lecture T n*n<br />
iwHod. T nsked Bill<br />
* , of nn pn-<br />
"lanm.. ''Sweil."<br />
•if It only lasted ^<br />
rt wei«h» X i n 40 ^fflnd*.'- D ^"^l m JJ2lK * "Sen hiTdinnerarrived. «idl__W^n.«k«l *»»*«• P«* peeves<br />
is 2S* years oWritl* hom«'to'wn I* <strong>The</strong>se boys were Charley Bornctt.! „ substitutefor food dd&tdod<br />
k»lnily answered. "<strong>The</strong> S. I. Boys." """<br />
Hobokcn. New Jersey. Ho .received<br />
a special nward-'^or "ITie uouse I Pete Layman. Pate Ganyard.: Jiml^ wafln't w worth h nit<br />
bbiT iT the «l»n-irraduatlon in June (TT? 7 ?)<br />
^ ^^Planstont^ll r College of " Pa ~<br />
Live In," in which he, don&tud «« gy/mid<br />
cific in Stockton. To play football,<br />
sen'ices as an actor and writer. <strong>The</strong>n<br />
we presume. .Doug 7<br />
Outstanding rvrsonaifty jdle'n'coTpartHiwtlon was directed by !a^--J^ , r it ablv flMlHtnl hw " Tn the footbnll season. 1946,<br />
^^f<br />
.*~-Tns(. t(,-jKiT"iSn>*c«i Poly'* hnikethtll<br />
•tflf-A» Mrt^nbbln-rti ¥<br />
thn- corner. ,<br />
•-"•-*•"- for the paper?'<br />
in Ine >t, ably assistep: by pnua, BerIouaJy »«>"»• Jnjured i season, hij( iy^s,<br />
'" - 1 — •—'-• sufficiently now for<br />
met Vnewfriend whoIW^^S^^^K,^^, 1 *^<br />
hte, and who had »*"Pw ^KS?tinlo>ed lir C'onnl Stoned<br />
alitv that e\-en Perry Como ePal4 f > ^ c J>Uv5 -SlUfi. awl n..l!K _<br />
he Inchel!had itopnjd<br />
r"h«rt torn duwnvto the<br />
a and nti» half o f Capsize<br />
acti^""wai'*•' Clo»Iir3the show was the Scroll's'! - ^^-«<br />
'<strong>The</strong>- Clork.^r&KnUtion of the latest fashions.! Thiri <strong>Lowell</strong> rtudent^—John<br />
mi Dcl-Rcc *i<br />
by Catnorinc'<br />
<strong>The</strong>n was a btii^csaue of Shakesthis:<br />
.. vw'u ••'fnnion nnd .TtlII#l" hV Rfirn>v.<br />
lunch. y M<br />
vv an>fitit«"!iiid been a»- 7le an^»TrWe^<br />
d H'l tS^'^Xtoto^^iUwluJtvnaM Undiberif.'and' 1 -<br />
D(ck J^mbert, Dor.^Fiahcr. JBM- Barry Brennan. were thrown^into<br />
Mauahardt, Reed Harris, and Jo>,it,thc Icy Bay water on March 16,<br />
Rosckrans.<br />
jwj,en their "sailboat capsized."" De-'<br />
UL d6ines«*« I'ltomeo and Juliet" by Bar-<br />
D<br />
Dan Stone was master of ccrc-j'cfdlnir 1'fdl it was their thi best b chance, h
Krogstadt and Neff Axt Coached Indians Meet<br />
Poly in Baseball Inaugural<br />
Krogstad Wins Contest;<br />
Denver 1<br />
Swimmers Prepare<br />
To Defend<br />
Today l^.v.-cl.'. with a m-w inniK.t<br />
ti .Mil: \\l. \ill Ltkf ..» l'..ly in<br />
, n-tirvjil nr tli-.-ir atiniial lia-'-l'-'tl!<br />
tviilrv in thr M';I>I>II'S ii|M*ni*r at<br />
it'c lie- 1 . I'dlv is rated «> MaKk..>. a iianl ?V»<<br />
>\'.iiiki-r. i.s iik his soa^un as a '"*-'.<br />
.iai-i-hajt*-.-: !«• slmw.J talent. Ili-d '• i>t;tl|<br />
vtartini: latihir. At first is Irwjn ...•rioi- to<br />
K.if'.'.n. vim lias nlay^l st-nii-['i" twir liitp*<br />
dall, and who v.ill In- tin- .-tiiitiiin<br />
—Photo tVurt^y of S.f.Kxnminer fir>l hawman. Milan Kaiinvt.-!;. a<br />
A.s y ..l.nl.ly know, A\i<br />
i l<br />
'" \<br />
iul? it<br />
Vudilnrium<br />
anj<br />
,'Wrr sum^fully •.•»'«man - Silvn, and Ititl .Morgan, dreak. nt«mls in trai-h event. At<br />
, . , <strong>The</strong> ; Attracted<br />
finnl fijrurrn in the Tinium if. n t'nntl ftV't-nU'hef. and u this writint Molt was m-urn-rii- To High Sierras<br />
hreak.even more vity rminU than ccnte*t left little.doubt a* t.. his fitir hliu-r. S'lvn liw Ui-n hittinc iiiir .in Kranklin HoKiiRal. \\V "Jwvdid<br />
laxt year. ovi-nvhelminir p .j;Ul«rity. .fi«7 :ii pnuti.i- ir*iim*K. Hill Mor- tainly hup,. )„. wi]j \H. Up" and<br />
<strong>The</strong>. vawitj; Jiadiilern. ere out to Verwalile<br />
t.aiir;9 a cotid all-anmnil l^tU \xluy- amuud su^n.<br />
l>rties and Su«Mr Ik-«1<br />
rtrd free-style Vrconl last «rw»f th<br />
Don IK on«- of th« finest fre«- he men.<br />
.,.„-, -.. — .- -, t. . hy even the members of the<br />
ai«l Pete, who ttwam in 1 the record-ivaiiiity svimmintr team. ~' ' TwiiiyV »anie will I<br />
hreaklnir four-min relay team of H-.ru-r \ Ui * Ut>i - «"!•»••» Wt<br />
.... IH»1 year, will d., tivtn UtUr in-. He-curr ik-vwuii uwnne and<br />
Vl<br />
dividual!}'. <strong>The</strong>se th'.-ee .who are !.:i»1.»uinmi*r while Al was Hay-'<br />
:•" _ .'tho""mort'valuable . many x*avi»itv men, will HUT »l .
IM> YOUR<br />
PART: KEKT<br />
LOWE1.I.<br />
CLEAN'<br />
Volume AT. No.»<br />
no TO THE<br />
TKKM PLAT.<br />
Sa*4 Friday. May 3. Founded January. 18W<br />
^Declamation Program Here Friday Night<br />
STONE Y<br />
SLANT<br />
Hy t)nn Slonr<br />
«« n,v fJ<br />
,unhurn, «i*-<br />
S Ami rot W<br />
Att-r nil tfc/ bfc<br />
-wc editmj, *e<br />
th>t Uc ni *hori: «rli it mu<br />
jus; too *Jmrt. After traih hornmine<br />
and hawing. K w»-, r«tmd that<br />
•t iurtc«uWnt I* at .it: ^!1 «»rt«<br />
«C. i«.wi«l prohkma «mcd r.,<br />
an*-e at tht- lact mttiutr. M* it van<br />
fecijkd I, tald off th« *tra ,«,««<br />
until next iJmon.<br />
Anyhow. thi« w th next rdliinr.<br />
a.w. *«#J»r us th., rolumn k»uw».<br />
thm will be t. und. i nth.*<br />
lhit> *ure in no ;ok*.<br />
Uwell Cub Edition<br />
<strong>The</strong> next edition of <strong>The</strong> LowciS<br />
will tint be put out by <strong>The</strong> Lowuil<br />
Halt. No, uon't c«-'t down on your<br />
knees niul ihank Heaven lor that.<br />
It will be the junior writer*, known<br />
in the annual announcer, as the<br />
Journalism Class. Arthur Freed iBWPII a<br />
earriT<br />
in If' )1<br />
n 1909.<br />
of .Mr. Dark.<br />
I mrOibvt of the <strong>Lowell</strong> faculty. Two<br />
'waif lat?r Miss laconic was n^<br />
, painted vice-principal and dean of<br />
"'**'" r'X-n aWd abojti H-3 Dance, May 10 I<br />
'<strong>Lowell</strong> Forensics<br />
; Tourney May 1<br />
Harry! H«ny! Harry!<br />
*** **** *'* lo "**' "•* ?**<br />
t 8 o'ctedc<br />
May 2.<br />
Ily Reny Schvnb <strong>The</strong> Fomiulc Society *s simply<br />
I Fw *be -llewt In the Went" come "ntbtmrired'' 1ft requests for ticket*<br />
to I.awWI Foreniik TeninsaacBt. •* on P r 2 s e urestly interested in '"<br />
Mr.<br />
ld ShfrM were reor<br />
a d<br />
" w*nied by Ml» Ta-<br />
'<br />
1<br />
_ Uke part in<br />
tn>*> 5?*il! danrr rotnmitt*^. hwvo<br />
-- - - - " tifM two meetinrB.'but the<br />
Ihry make out their selection* for of HIIRIMIW from U«r]| for «he n?-; then*'still remains a deep necret.<br />
thr -One Mo»t Likely t« Succeed," muinder of th« term, lier hunboud, i ——<br />
etc. a» well an other item*. So, a Mnjo; llarri* KallberR, fturviml tu|S9 School Days<br />
word of warning. Watch your atep. iho United State* after spwndinjr'<br />
and think abmit the future. e«p«. four year- with the Army in the In *46 Fall Term<br />
daily Uyou want to wee your name rJuror-ean <strong>The</strong>ater. .Mm, Kallbenr M<br />
in <strong>The</strong> Uwell M-nlor cbww poll- And i* expected to return to <strong>Lowell</strong> nt'« • TJ 1 * 1 . 1{ *1» f . aI1 \ eTm J* - •-.—<br />
hiith wnlor^ br thinbins ahout full. <strong>The</strong> niajor was in thance of !^'Hwn Wcdnwday, Septeml^r 4.<br />
yew chotcen. for the poll will be ihc I.owe»; R. O. T, C. prior to lhe(Th«* Wl Arman Macid nv< a 5hort ttlfc-<br />
Jt UMJU> CO b* wnt<br />
u »he war tarn Phflippluea. pp Many May<br />
of f the l.'ur.j-i". l'rj-i". Mid neliooii were':<br />
Thirt statewide t>owell touma- dn>trtiye4. Icavinr a irreat nued for<br />
tnent In sure to t«- the "IK>t In the alii nn-1 tK>w Iitt-mture f.ir tie<br />
W'edt"<br />
•tricken people. ' , -;-<br />
Kent To Star in "Qarence^ ^<br />
» be eirhtjr-niiw tes*hinie<br />
ccadurtrd within a »«k cr two war. i'^y* "' the fall term, with twenty-, Rehearsals Running Smoothly<br />
j three doriou* dayi out • f the ter.«i'<br />
idevoted to holidays and vacations.]<br />
Heat Wave Hits Reporter;<br />
Ily Kathleen Ilryant J . -...; -<br />
Vo you MWoon? Qu you simply :trol, Hsm- Furiorir, who ir*0il oit*<br />
r«cl wonderfully •xhau!" IThankcKivinc. arrives November leajtt t>jit is what the out hoprs!)<br />
was one of San F rancinco'i* the Kirls down to the connecting J*M. att.l exciwen ua for November Students who have st-in twe re-<br />
"" '—- - *—* : m "•- "-" '- "-'' —' -—*" J i nat is tnc jnve yp. That meWBob Widdof<br />
hak the part nil ta hlasclt nine, •<br />
fiirurWlll tikw «< ":"" V<br />
Vo* tlrU ,<br />
warmer days, in fac^ it wan 07 de- j JlcC'tippin Park and watched as \<br />
Stea. has M* rye<br />
Kivan, and »ftttin»f hotter as I \ they enenretfcally sunned them"<br />
"• ' Chrintmas arri%-ea but hearrab all irive a terririCbulU-up<br />
panted up the marhli- (cemrrt) ««»IVPS on tne II-T, cool tmu.<br />
_ b abw tmetf* ifi<br />
Ktep« to "e'andune I'alact*/' b«tier i „ ij.w.llit. v<br />
hero. Clircar*. «**known<br />
as Anrnlmni Lincoln Hiifh . !»••*»««» *<br />
School One girl claimed that «he had<br />
1<br />
ante « y«ai. ofually at the end of to "Clarence," portrHyvd by Harvey<br />
liecember. Fiom Friday. December Kent. We remember him for his _, _ _.,,. ,<br />
1. 18, we ar« i'nf until January fi, worwierful iMrrfornances in the Va-;<br />
I1H7.<br />
ttmfH alrcvd)', I won left and tot-,<br />
l luv.cJ my now to a itpiUesn kitchen<br />
I M-anoVred armird aiinlexsly atidiv.hvre Home domestic femines were<br />
found my*»!f ir. .Mr. i*cilartini*£ ! i.4.ilii.R vim w* Uteir Pi*i Ir—up* ut •<br />
it*.;'U"kime- before that Mr. Dee meat cookine. Broiled hamburxer<br />
was the joumA|(?m tearner in room ; steak on onion rinjM was th* nt«nu<br />
140.) T«e bulletin was beinc read, 'and all too tempting, m before<br />
but wax abruptly iut'-rrupted by a turning into a hot hoUj« plant (it<br />
1 *'"." 1 " 1 , 1<br />
iktiUt. in which he to.* part in r ""^'OP- .. ; ;<br />
nd term pUiy Harvey has tried ••Ctwr at Tiilo \lio tkMter, tylU<br />
*M "Clarence* 'proved to be take.care of* all.deslptina;. >• •:<br />
made {nr him. • Tlw bert cast «ut u{ tK t^o 'Jfllf<br />
AiH.locie* tn> to Olxn Smirnoff "•« for tro nijrhtf. «hile the otheJ<br />
.1 Leona Blacknian. for their will pUy one wrmiaz. ~<br />
' put IM a« "Cora" in the play. Thi» Raffrtlo is slajrv n»n»-<br />
»i« omitted in Uu- U«t edition of<br />
thv Ijowell. dbV H<br />
j Hloomirarden and Dklores<br />
3Iay 2— Lnvvll v*. Poly in<br />
A. A. A. Tnuk >I«t. ! «:n««tthTO-,a!»ctfurIay.?-U«rII,«. Saint ^j. ithat OIKS is nothing afcortof beJnr<br />
«n«tJ«»iial-«>l which cornea later.<br />
Mrr/ and dlsRTuntietL I followed 1 (Continued on Pane Five)<br />
May S-Firday ni«ht—Dramatic<br />
bttUntaliona at<br />
LowcIL<br />
May4-5;uV-Bloek L l»HUc<br />
MaJfi-En«Hfh Review Test<br />
Mar 7—l-owrfl vs. Sacred<br />
Ilrart—lUMball at Ui)t<br />
R«c No. 2.<br />
Mar 10-irijrti-S panft-<br />
M S £<br />
TonnuBteat at L<br />
3Iay 14—Beport Cards.<br />
Jlay 15-Jane 21—UU lUpoct<br />
MB? U-ClMfee of aabject<br />
Mv^All QtyTnA Meet.<br />
May «. M. 24—Term Play.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> Vale** 1<br />
brW«. H-« dasa p^sidMtT<br />
T& pnmiwttl be held «t the *Waee-HotcL<br />
Jane l» and imufc-wifi<br />
^ be fumUled by HaTSohliS 1 oS-<br />
Iy coinddentaL. j Bids wiU ha sold ac scfaoot by<br />
Due to eondJTteDc beyond his con- Mfas DealU,'. class adviatr.
<strong>Lowell</strong> Not Up to Standard<br />
Once upon * time then- was * hi*r whonl v-ifh<br />
* y»od npaUttnn in just about every thine.<br />
This retool had en»j football teams. ha*ri«ll<br />
teams, and a hoi hax*ethall t>qttad; and for their<br />
great effort. 1 they were awarded double lunch<br />
tv-r'nd*. This M-hool. *?inr a school with a repun**idn<br />
to keep up, *»» • neat school. Nowhere<br />
on Uie nmrr-'h surface* pf its walls could be wn<br />
the (uarfc* of « vandal, nor wen? there papers «n<br />
ibr floor* or on the »*arby utiwcU.<br />
This school, as >-ou nut probably k-ee. could n«1<br />
***** fnr very hwc fn it* rle-inKr"** and tWin****.<br />
bevattre the p»opk> that attend thin schoot would<br />
soon crow absent minded and careless in their<br />
habits. This in where we here in t-owcil mtne in.<br />
Lowe!) has a gnod basketball U»m, and we have<br />
a gotni swimmtnr tram; we also h*ve rallies and<br />
double lunches, hut, here M where the imponant<br />
pwnt canws in; <strong>Lowell</strong> in im* clean. We "at our<br />
iunrbes, thd throw the refuse any old t-lace. We<br />
fin& old paver* in our hinder* and th*?w ih*r<br />
nttt thfc window* whe« the teacher isn't Ion*inf..<br />
Is thin the way far u* to art ? Aiv- we thinking<br />
of IAWCITS reputation wlvjn we do unthinking<br />
Ihinev like that?<br />
l>rt «» resoK-e that from now on we will try to<br />
keep our school « little Utt neater an«" a llttk Wt<br />
cleaner! We can accomplish this by m*n!y<br />
faklnr our paper* and throwiiur them in the container*<br />
placed, on the grounds.<br />
Miss Lacoste's Farwell<br />
To Student Body<br />
TV] is the first term in twerty-seven vears<br />
that MINI Kuxenie UvoMe will not be « <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />
Mter tfcwe many rear* of •ten-ire to th« who«l,<br />
ill** 'ACOHI* is retlrinjr.<br />
<strong>The</strong> membra of the stwk-nt body, the fkvnlt?,<br />
r\oJ the Alumni Aff»?cialioft owe u> U'm* Lacoate<br />
a *tebt nt BTMitoide, far Alia* Latoste haf been<br />
- imnd tf hope will continue to br • one of <strong>Lowell</strong> *<br />
iuJitff pporteru.<br />
Delow is printed Jit* LacnsteV letter of farewell<br />
to the student body:<br />
"On this day. Apr*) first, ;•> (hi- 1IM0 student*<br />
of the I. jwell High Stfccuat. 1 bid r. •vltKiain farv-<br />
«etl. now that I ha*v formally resigned from my<br />
heterogeneous duties an *
In What Way Do<br />
Girls Think <strong>The</strong>y<br />
Interest Boys?<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>ite Gains Fame as<br />
What do girls think boys like<br />
Iti girls?<br />
Can it be that boys Illto bru<br />
neU:.-a or is it possible they pwfer<br />
incendiary blondes or preferably a,<br />
gleam of red? Those who i\eir<br />
ilicir hair like wuves of an ocean)<br />
or straight as u r (l kor-Veroniiai<br />
stylo? v<br />
01.. hit it couldn't be because of 1<br />
a pair of good tonkin/* Jeif3 or a<br />
devastating figure, or could It?<br />
How n'oout tho bniiny Jssuo \\ho{<br />
can discuss various ihy subjict<br />
ranging all the wny i'rom clvlca to<br />
'physics, do they hiivo an in'.<br />
Or would tho' aiwrilous type be<br />
moro in ;.'our ?nt(ajrory. evf»n though<br />
a little on tho quiet side? Cojli<br />
ibe.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n again wo havo the girls<br />
who strive towards nporta, Would<br />
they be apt to find favor with tho<br />
male population ?<br />
Oh. just to U a conglomeration' MARTY<br />
!hnrm. S< This*wolSd''?ru| I0U be"an " y Pflt Prl * ni a " d Carol>n Ua « u *<br />
ideal solution for nil us bobbv Cnutioiwly approaching thohoi'so,<br />
Boxers.'and our minds -.rould nG\ we , Wfi '^'n>n«Qd and disappointed<br />
longer wander thvoufth classroom '"•• tlu] - ifc li?; yxperlcnccs na situations f,or myyean;<br />
later began to appear IP the<br />
cartoons; for Instance, tfjij keker Ladles' Homo Journa!.<br />
room scramble, whiith has probably Suhmfefll Suhmfaslon of f hher<br />
cartoons to<br />
boon improved by now," ti:o Consolidated NJWS "features in<br />
Wo rubbed our recent Injuries i^'<br />
"''/.uppawntly dawindows<br />
during our spare moments,<br />
bit'rattier to' our pocket<br />
pw York was a mai n Interest J Girls?radvance-<br />
Vhot do boys thlr.kgiris Hko in.<br />
thoughtfully, while- Marty, wisely pnent In her career, for.now her<br />
changing th« subject, related hor cartoons not only appt-ar in American-pnpers,<br />
but also in publications<br />
!<br />
On this vary-touchy subject,I _ :' • : '<br />
y<br />
h.id experiences in Lov/cll's art<br />
would old ld "say say most mst frlla ll yswoon<br />
o<br />
ilnssoa. • . all ovor tho world.<br />
nion i who h aro tol toll, dark swoon arid hand,- over<br />
"E took art for nn cany credit,<br />
Ashed about the manner in which some, -Tell mo though/what rid hd hipreplied<br />
"I «l-l<br />
OCBflYSOXSET S« Fnatlito Cbrmltte<br />
njnfl t0 tho ptiort, lifrht nnd wwy<br />
ways work In spurts, turninir out!" 10 "" 1 -works, Marty<br />
? Well, wa. won't- go Into<br />
iscvu-ral cartoons at once. You'd fco,<br />
void of any hum:nt livings*, but ftlno<br />
minus window-shades, furniture,<br />
,<br />
and thF."<br />
Walsh Jr., soive-1 in Germany.'ns^a•- •/A<br />
captain in the count artillery;,Mr. ,<br />
I'S son, Harrison L.-Dobaon, '"<br />
WHS a radio technician 1st class in<br />
Star Tennis Player<br />
the navy. Another In the navy is .<br />
Gcorse Lorbe^r jr.., a '1,'cutcnant •<br />
Becomes Gym Teacher<br />
(j. ?0. who 3er\-ed on Iwo Jlmii.-<br />
•. R. Mitchell,<br />
c staff sergeant i.i thd<br />
With a knowing; smile upon har<br />
lips, Barbara Kf;«se, the girls' new<br />
.-nines? An lnti*rt>fttini; thlnjr to note is<br />
Win teacher, Wok u (L>cp, dutt|j>v«ui ilir^t-<br />
"i- your eves? Nhnt M;<br />
hi-ent'n and prepared for nn'inter-jno you get lo^r .'view.<br />
•. , , ' jjiwhool?" ',- ••• •<br />
After a two-minute alienee, T;','Wc "tinvo fh'v's'to*.'<br />
finally pulled my eyes^way froiR|do7('t recommend'(.•."•<br />
her bcau-ti-ful'suntn'n'and; clearinf^*'ftist a little irflre si:<br />
my throat. I began to question •HuKJ por, when-you --c'' ..'<br />
A Mtar tennis player, Miss Krone j<br />
now ranks twelfth in ti'o .United<br />
Slates. She'also von the National<br />
Junior Knidcourt in.the CalifcrnJa<br />
State.<br />
When I asked her the t'Hual CJUPS-<br />
1 . Kant's two aonn are twins.<br />
'••<br />
' iir<br />
ii- wnv<br />
way<br />
i«<br />
to<br />
One.<br />
,•,_ _;_„_-«<br />
Enaicn<br />
..._»i««<br />
Frank Kastrservedcn<br />
rnut tho. Win*'/ .-.n'rv/'.'atJ'iS.r in,r Marin J- C. . -<br />
YOU mak*? tilC'« • WIJTV^T. iiji 1,mi*. I <strong>The</strong> only teacher who declaim a „••<br />
them strain,' .TT ' daughter<br />
But such. Jtunl ry>'ovk •;<br />
iT-o'nirts. <strong>The</strong> spirit, rallies nnd and that delicious, tempting favorite,<br />
)fvtnv«r«t on rye with mustard."<br />
- . V<br />
j Stephunsi are favorite <strong>Lowell</strong> feat- Of course her main dfslilco is beures.ing<br />
interviewed—can you blamo<br />
her?<br />
. My Day<br />
,. Miss Krusc is an. cx*<strong>Lowell</strong>it9,<br />
This In her Ideal day: Aitnr a cinss of January, 19ilf and was<br />
waffle breakfast In bod, sho'd'go graduated from San Farncfsco<br />
harsoback riding with some girls. State Collcgo in 1046.<br />
(She can't take men so early. In the<br />
morninjT.) <strong>The</strong>n in jeans and hick While attending <strong>Lowell</strong> she<br />
shirt, she'd double date at Fairfax. proved to be the all around girl.<br />
Gottfnir borne nt four, she'd soak In She was president of tho G. A. A.,<br />
a luxurious bubble bath, then put president of Shield and L. tennis<br />
manager, on low-junior and low-<br />
.on her ideal date dreB*-pmk crepo senior dance t'ommittees and<br />
goes.<br />
trimmed In black,-with a -sailboat worked InMissi Harrison's office.<br />
'he.PmodelB~say they're'tired ofjnocklino.<br />
She's pretty, shes' talented add—<br />
But'' remember, chillun, wo'ro<br />
<strong>The</strong> Mark<br />
che's young, boyslll<br />
, .watching your clothes. Her date nnd sho would drive to<br />
P. S.<br />
Gvpsy's for a steak dinner com-<br />
A~word to tho wise Is suf-<br />
--flclent.<br />
bined with gypsy music and ronmn- Catherino Chapman. little girl<br />
tic atmosphere (plug). <strong>The</strong>n oanc- about <strong>Lowell</strong>, is ono of tho most<br />
ingat tho Mark, and YOU imagino(activo girls in the Shield. Sho<br />
tho rest.<br />
works for tho C. S. P., takes part<br />
Canada! Wo hopo the '"ItesBes" find this In many Shield programs, ana_ls<br />
^<br />
ember. 1048, andentered<br />
resenrch satisfactory, nnd thanks vice-pmoldent-of tho Debating So-<br />
tho same year.<br />
go to our »wl[ "guinea plff." fclety. ' '<br />
1 in the Wcn'ico is Mr.<br />
Barnes, whose daughter. Prances,<br />
them<br />
". their brains.<br />
When you're absent you receive<br />
n phone call:<br />
r-Attundance Girl: ''This Is <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
High School calling. Could you<br />
please lull me why Juliana isn't in<br />
school today7"<br />
Juliana spcaki^ ( '0hl Why Juliana<br />
is sirk In bed with laryngitus<br />
and won't be ablo to attend school<br />
today." ^ - .- - ^ , r served as a privato in the WACS.<br />
Riders Planning Show;<br />
WiilBe;HeldMay29 ~<br />
Caroline "JInx"'Southnrtr,ho<br />
f:\<br />
•Attendanco Girl: "Thank ~you;<br />
nnd I do hope you enjoy tho flhow,^<br />
*Ycs. ' tho " attendance ' staff it,<br />
really a hard working group. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
operate unde>* the nusplces of our<br />
attendance.clerk, Men.-Xahbiu- —<br />
In —his - sixth-: period ^c 1,-Mr;<br />
Bass has. derided to 1engthen<br />
a few.<br />
B*?f. callli<br />
nomc/t-'Tor Ihitaae*;. ng<br />
Paul .Thttrau onp. day he said.<br />
J rse- "<br />
Kick riding mnnaaer, -has an- "<br />
nounccd plans for this term's show.<br />
It will be presented May 20 at<br />
the St. "Francis Riding Ac.demy. ^<br />
<strong>The</strong>re will be'six events "and ii tro- ;f "<br />
phT^will be presented to^the girl.^-- 1 -•<br />
exhibiting tho beiti hbrsemoitehip.-'*-"-^. -j<br />
Horsobock riding is ono-.of the<br />
moro popular G.-'A.-Ai-sports;*"Ap-——J<br />
proximatly 100 clrls participate.<br />
Itlders nrn divided Into thrco<br />
classes: DcginncrR, intermediate,<br />
and^advanced.' <strong>The</strong> .\ilaaacs>ride •<br />
o'nco~a week at tho St.. Prands<br />
Academy -ynder.-lhe-fluperv/sfon^nf.-^<br />
MIf« r A'Jams, : girls. nthldUe-Jadvlser.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Instructors nt'thodcadaniy- uxa<br />
|<br />
f' mentals .of riding and<br />
lowed to ride out of th<br />
Mr. Bass glanr-es at tho ajphaboti- Intermediate an d anncetUclnases<br />
cat list of his class. Kathleen Bry- avcrace about six milen tdbh trip<br />
ant receives tlin name of Jitea Col- throncrh tho Pork and along the<br />
lins, while Lcn Collins gets the<br />
:<br />
beach.-. 1 • • i j ' . ' ,-<br />
name Mr. Bryant (Really,: Mr.<br />
Baa»i will ynu never learn?) ;•.',<br />
• Assistant ^managers are ' Karta.<br />
Nagel and, Nancy Aiken. ' ; ; ",.';<br />
an<br />
•^ rr" "••<br />
ii •<br />
it*<br />
I'rl<br />
w<br />
rouu<br />
ffSSSS<br />
Students Name<br />
Improvements for<br />
<strong>The</strong> New <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
By Dan Doherty<br />
: Finding Dnn Stono In a cood<br />
mood was n stroke of luck. In this<br />
happier mood lio assigned yours<br />
truly an Inquiring reporter's job<br />
with this question in mind: "An<br />
improvement in tho now <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Hijrh School would bo 7"<br />
' Mnny of tho answers were good,<br />
nnd: quite n few were humorous. I<br />
Sandy trousseau, HIKII-3, suggested.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> new <strong>Lowell</strong> should have n<br />
I'ig Jinfcterin with a cHnEnjr room<br />
thut ^entii boys ard girls tnguthcr."<br />
Boxing Ring<br />
Trotting over to the gym, T rnn<br />
Into n feu' of the <strong>Lowell</strong> athletes.<br />
Sopor Torres gave out with, "A<br />
boxing riiijr So go with the now j<br />
swimming pool, nnd gym. A few ]<br />
h schools have It, why can't! |<br />
,. Turning aiound, there wns Wnrdj<br />
'first, strfnrr alMty) Hualy. Confronting<br />
him with the oucBticn,<br />
"What would Improve the now<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> IIigh School?" ho answered:<br />
"More i>fi£cs nnd norr infirmntfnn<br />
about sunrta In tho school papcri"<br />
."'r-.Thb.-.meii (tiiero.-'wo'vo nrrd It<br />
,:; nfain)," atthoufirh • t'hoy •' nrobably<br />
-.knowo,'dthihff about it, aiid it isn't<br />
,. really - part-of i their job. uneon-<br />
'- ttfiously cntertniTi HB b.v tha strnnire<br />
thintn'" ther^ shout over the mike<br />
:y whlld they're testing to see whether<br />
^Jtfs^orkinir.wel], enough for Hie -,•,-„„««,;• s*; ni^rT ri/Konnoiiy.'F.<br />
neriod. We<br />
stadcntt'tipprcclat'! vour little out-<br />
-Zlhnrsts.. because we find It more entertaining<br />
tnan nur t . .-.nt: well,<br />
sny.vay, we do find it entcrtnining,<br />
• By now vou're probably dying to<br />
.i^r.)tnoW(^y1io'thci>eTWbrI>ers nro,^so I'll<br />
j;r. ~^. : , (oil vou^in us ftw words ns poflflblc<br />
••-rthprir-jire- only-five of:them)r<strong>The</strong>y<br />
/ire'.T.im.Trowbrldtre,;Peter Te,ee Loret, L,<br />
^-BKe-reiit of .the'paper, but before I<br />
:clof,6 I'd like to say:<br />
ijf-ifcwpren't for these faithful five,<br />
vThbrfr^wouldn't bo any songs or<br />
^C'jive,<br />
.Siioechps we would have no more,<br />
Ml..but-wouldn't,we bo sore?<br />
• -S-<br />
Itnom 319—IT. Ljincnor. Tt. Sturcoon,<br />
II HciirilKor. M. I^ivlnitr. 1L Schwnb.<br />
C. Ilt'nry. f. Tjiymnn, n, Iluomcli, p.<br />
lltmt. J. Ixnncit, il, Lnycock, I. Nno.<br />
Itnom Kl—It, KnniiiiiH, CJ: I>. Collier.<br />
A. Cab 11 rl(<br />
oyt, c. Bamol,<br />
O. rtrynnt. S. Doll 'orto, B. FluXHuiiliur,<br />
j. Oiiiulnut*, if. FLirtmnn, n. Jonuu, II,<br />
Ufililntif.w'. HBfldc.-. r.---:^;:r_ ~<br />
It-<br />
Koom 130—<br />
T^on. W. Jo"<br />
D; llyln. • •<br />
lU»>nt 102—R. Uuiluuk, CO; D, Bmun,<br />
Ilaom. 312—P. lIlrnbnyiiHlil. 70: C<br />
Jonan. 60 i * *<br />
~ ocikR, V. .<br />
IDuvnrnx*<br />
"rtoom 3)8—Jf. IIn&nnn, 00; L. Kro-<br />
1hi(T. 00: E. T^hmnn. C. Jorfcanieii. V.<br />
Wortir. U Smith. Y. VnyKHlo. M. Scfioll.<br />
Itoom 15-1—D. nonnllwmi, 60: Ti, Riodomnn,<br />
(lomnn, W. Wnlfon, It.<br />
Siitlinrliuiil, Siitlinrliui X.<br />
Moa«:r, I. QoiilHmllh, C,<br />
Stnnuro.<br />
.Room 12»—ir. l.um.<br />
T hotf ' """"<br />
ftotll.<br />
131—M. Frnnhvi, W. Ho-<br />
ler, T.<br />
loKur, J,<br />
Hln, ; s.<br />
ft<br />
" liooin 130—M.<br />
l!0l—J; -Hreton, UrDrowV.-t)'<br />
Students JReveal What <strong>The</strong>y<br />
Would Do With An Extra Hour<br />
By Pat Friend<br />
Realizing that time is somothliw Roger Torres;—Go to see Mort<br />
which no one ever him enough of, Dunn. -.wo<br />
devised a new day containing Jack Navarro^-Wash my car<br />
twenty-five houra, nnd sent our<br />
nnrT to President Truman. While<br />
Bill Putney—Get * tan.<br />
So Senate is filibustering over our<br />
Col* Colt—Go ,to Joan's and da<br />
homework (7).<br />
"ill. wo decided to *eu how this four Konnld Leon— !Jft weight*.<br />
will be used by <strong>Lowell</strong> students if Ted Conway— Spend It with Mar-<br />
the e bill bl is ppassed.<br />
rulling the question stratirht to<br />
the public, vfii sot the following re-<br />
'"" .1 would you do If you hnd<br />
. -ra hour in each day?"<br />
Stun Montxer—-Sloop.<br />
3 l C,;rr-Play_fooMl.naBmi:h:<br />
Howard—Eat hot dogs<br />
"^a&Swadly-Buy^cIothes<br />
Peto Ganyard—Study trie. (Is<br />
Stu t Jones—Fly,., in a plane.<br />
Joyce Howell—Try,to get n ta<br />
Joan Glaiizcr—Talk on the Ho teto£<br />
phone.<br />
Lcnnio Smith—Dance.<br />
Joss Scroffjry—Lay .In the son,<br />
thinking of MnrU. ,<br />
Murta Nncel—Work in tho jnu>'<br />
den.thinktnir of J033.<br />
r.'it Friend—Stand in a nyloi<br />
line - /,<br />
.«.., Gloria Burnell—Run barcfooUi<br />
thelUinuffh<br />
to Fairfax.'<br />
Elizabeth Lehman—! •Ron down<br />
school and<br />
no" to Stinaon.<br />
Neva Saner—Play Rolf.. ,<br />
Milt Hantsch—Look ut girls.<br />
John Bowes—Piny noli.<br />
-.-/ - -" - Couriers<br />
Betty Allan—Sho<br />
Into thb court, the nu*:t1.<br />
At the drugstore on the corner,<br />
fleon s'ictim wan Pnut Scnnldcr In n fienrred nnd ancient booth,<br />
wba stated: "It would,be nice t»v Sits a girl, the very picture<br />
hnvc u fo*.v Rliap.i, preferably auto."<br />
While lounging in the court I saw<br />
Of this em's carefree youth.<br />
Mnurfno Brill and naked her. "An<br />
Improvement would be letting pirls<br />
2. She is tali, nnd tan, and slender,<br />
out for lunch." was lie* .'ontribu-<br />
And her sweater'* much too<br />
Uon.<br />
loose,<br />
And her liohy sox elcnm whito<br />
Loti Iliiuffon van slnnding by Ab her dirty saddle shoes.<br />
and I asked hr opinion: "Girls<br />
siioutd be allowed In wear pedal :i. But she's fashionably perfect<br />
pushers In school," wits livr reply. TJnwn to each mlnutu detail,<br />
Cl'cdal PUHIILTH or clam dingcrnt as '• And tho latest shndc of polish<br />
they arc commonly called, nrc < Decorates each finger-n.iil.<br />
knee-length stacks.) '<br />
- Jim Yntcs suid: "I think wo!' 1 - A . fc her elbows Is a juko-box<br />
should have a dunce hall, and a; { ill i* In K ""» * trnio again<br />
dance ufauuld he Riven every week. "« r *" vor ' tc «|cetlon of<br />
Als-i, I think the prom should ho j Th « Ttlt trade's *°P ten.<br />
'^rm^i^sald: "Let* have ni 3 tho "up" escalators at the Emporium.<br />
Benny Taylor—Learn to swim<br />
(on the fifth floor).<br />
Lud Renick— Go to the bcacb.<br />
Lois Isaacs—Day-dream (as<br />
usual),<br />
Yvonne Martin—Try different<br />
Betty Allan—Shop.<br />
shades of lipstick;<br />
But I'll bet my bottom penny Mort Dunn—Eat fivorworst sand- Bob Simmons—Borrow people's<br />
wtclies.<br />
It's a movies magazine. Jack Vatidormnle—S1 o ip at combs and money.<br />
I Bob Herzstein—Tnlce pictures of<br />
7. What else Is more absorbing? Bnker-Study (that's what beautiful women<br />
Now don't let this story miss<br />
'lorn Trowbridge—Learn to stand<br />
«oul<br />
he said!). , up on u dance floor.<br />
It's the life of Frank Sinatra, Dick Wilkinson—Figure good Kcod Harris—Go to the opera.<br />
Which is different every issue. methods to cut.<br />
Doug Scovil—"Uh-oh."<br />
8. And you've GOT to get tho Teddy Van Loghem—Read. Jane Parker—Wash my "friends'"<br />
Mary Lowe—Eat.<br />
i»ym suits.<br />
gossip<br />
Joan Beal—Dance.<br />
Barbara, Vucci—Clean out my<br />
On the Bnby-Bojrey team, Knthy Clifford—Sleep., locker.<br />
And "Spend a Day With John- Pete Sommers—Sleep. , Doris Levy—Go row boating;.<br />
son"<br />
Bob Oberg—Go to the Chief and " Ben ioff— Skate across<br />
'Cause Van's every schoolgirl's tulk to Angle.<br />
the -uridec.<br />
dream.<br />
Frank Kuhner—Talk to Ma Jim Ellet—Advise Mr. Voyne on<br />
9. And you nuwn't miss thU story Bumps Baldauf—Spend it & football tactics.<br />
About Laiia Turner's child, and "sheing."<br />
Len Collins—Sleep.<br />
Comes right before tho one Anita Hippos—Figure out a way Dnn Stone—Sleep, sleep, and<br />
About the life of Cornel Wilde. to get A's.<br />
more sleep.<br />
Audrey romerantJ:—Watch a Kathleen Bryant—Sun myself o?<br />
"<br />
10. And here's a lovely photograph movie iii production.<br />
Lov-'c!!'.-: rocf ssrdcr.. , " :<br />
III liilutt Utid<br />
soud-gridiron." WJitla Rill Marsf-I<br />
CM Metro's Kobe re Walker. Say!<br />
Dan Doherty—Go to HamlfnV<br />
co thought. "A pood basebnll Hold<br />
Here's a slory on the family<br />
would be fine."<br />
She occasionally stops, nnd Life of Alice Jfrye.<br />
Vinriuin tee—Listen lo Frank! Henry Stein—Play tennis.<br />
Tl-r she sighs and looks quite<br />
Sinatra (said she, swooning). ,<br />
from<br />
Bob Hitchcock must have been . Ireamy.<br />
11. And there you sec what inter- Lcoiin Flint—Mow the JFnrina' . Too of tho Mark. ;<br />
nil-his "Magic Linoleum" when I<br />
est*<br />
rr-enB<br />
;<br />
nsked Mm for nn Improvement. Ho Whatever mudo her act that<br />
Al<br />
Al<br />
Karstensen—Ride<br />
KarstensenRide arou<br />
Most youngsters of tolny. Tnnla Herman-Make bathtubs | a eon^rtible grcun Packard. around ID<br />
said, "<strong>The</strong>re should be n convertible | way,<br />
Incidentally, did you see thn<br />
Vii tppml Mark hnsunin—Go sailing.<br />
top over the court, fin if it rains, [ From here can't auite bo seen, Latest "Life of Danny Knye"?<br />
NackTd-Xot kTd muchl ^ Lk<br />
X To those of you who linve siig-!<br />
•centions for lhe new <strong>Lowell</strong>, MAKE!<br />
USE of the red nnd white hox In<br />
•'-.front of the office wllh "Tho Low-' HONOR ROLL<br />
ell" on It. Aiidresd ideas to your I ;mi „„ „ .<br />
Mrilw En thlflform: Name, Year.l '<strong>The</strong>re are 381 "brain children"<br />
:r r n nc R hallowed halls.<br />
:^"An improvement in the nt"F', ° !"' '<br />
..,-. "• <strong>The</strong> three lendine; registries wore:<br />
Rarlin Pluli ^«f« MJL- iflOS—»4. 2i 334—U3.1; and 22P—32,<br />
Kadio Club Sets Mike |y. Registries with tho largest<br />
•.:" '••-' "." * •-'-. 1 number of honor roll students<br />
-. J '- ti if weren't for the accomplished' wcrc: 324 with , 1S 305 witn 15t and<br />
"<br />
y men of the "<strong>Lowell</strong> PublicSeas! I?, 0 ))' l \ h ^:. T1 J e . H-TCIIMS. natur-<br />
"••• System" (othcrwlit* known is the a ^'". lllis thfi hio-hest number of<br />
, JtudiVClubK thu court microphone •"«•"»"*«. 3< men ami oO women.<br />
wouldn't sound us clar,and clear,nnd /rce /roe oof<br />
Four "super brains" who reached<br />
static as it does now.' Tnptead we the almost impossible honor count<br />
would hear a disturbingly low. of plus 70 were: Him Chin—201,<br />
nrtlcy, static" that would go off and Robert Hiruhnyashi—— A.^<br />
narrhon-F«te picture<br />
M.'iriirn, K. iJirk,' ii. .Miircu«, "J. Mil I in my locker.<br />
r. Qmy*ivno*j. C Low. »T.. firo alarms .<br />
itnji Mum.-, r, oiivnn-K, M. • j;(>i sim]niimr it up. wo find tnnt<br />
[<strong>Lowell</strong> students aie definitely lack-<br />
, " .sunshine. For the sak<br />
- ' '<br />
Itiinm 3OS—D. Dlrontintuti, Dlrontintuti J. Cohen. snaii<br />
A. Art.il, .T. Alhcrlnn, -- -. 15. — Cnmtfnp, - - C., —, llooin 22&—-u. utKcro, 11, I.ixlvmn<br />
Cl D. D Davlildon, Dll J. J Friable, Fibl PP.<br />
1 ». Morrow H. Muni, !•;, Vocntor.<br />
ftnnrn 222—Z. ari-uii, R. Cutt't*<br />
ltooni 322—C. rnm-l. .M, Rubin, A.<br />
nan, M. Hiililiiovio'i, !•'. AmK'ruon, M.<br />
Room (OS—it. Voirol, J. Wilbur.<br />
T "" nrtfOt "-'noor unfortunates,.- we<br />
ii oeekinnn. N. HJnrk. hope our bill goes throUffn.<br />
D. Utiror*<br />
:<br />
Menace Strikes<br />
Huom 317—C. OllvnroK. 70: M. Miyamoto,<br />
J. Quntit*. I. Rnlnor, F. Snllo, T.<br />
In Locker Rooms<br />
TMiiciiltftiit, T. Jnrklch, J. McCrny. S.<br />
Oxnwn.<br />
Runiii 333—P. Pullanl. Tt. Ti-I).'(ron,<br />
t Are you<br />
M. N'JIVO. ^r. Nllanflhc. C. Pcmk. J.<br />
. 11 'dreaded <strong>Lowell</strong> disease ..—;-["_»«<br />
Sn'txinnii, II. Vlnklcr. C. Wall.<br />
' "i-'Lc-keritis"? Tho one peculiarity<br />
•*• n. |Of this
More About that<br />
Mustang Corral<br />
_- ; T»B UWBLU FltlDAY. MAY :1. 1!M6<br />
Characters Around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Benny Taylor<br />
v... Bob! nm ''° h . or l0tS oE friond *<br />
„ ___ W- U. ami UwjMr. |)utU).<br />
Elver aie( trtli places tor l-inco»n-<br />
ft m • ' • • >'<br />
Dave Hoi man<br />
Rallies uml double lunches,.'1AV < mun . he'd rather not.<br />
FIVE<br />
ISgt. Takes Course;<br />
! R.>0. Sees Movies<br />
Sgi, McSlroy, who shows the<br />
in rainy<br />
probably,<br />
it<br />
ler, throws a menn^baflkctimil, .and ' ' 1icw SanUi<br />
ef-<br />
em led with a splash.<br />
enrtvention a<br />
: "ite ilLmakinu the SJeS<br />
t«|w, t«iw, Mesians rtai rtal tier-, ineadly. iriuimi)-. thvy'n. nntf- niH:. wonderful.^ can w.» I •" IKterm,<br />
, hut , . n rvitdv , . lit* . has . |)W!n bee . . vcry ... ,,i,vu ..0J. is .. nv ,. Concerto,' , .,,. , aml'Ve . i cmieu \MIII a snlnsi.. : Hucct'S-t.- ... . - ...<br />
• heat! ! lint it liiey U lake• l k a yreat preat ai«'' dw :li;l;ve in school'affairs, swii ih<br />
a symphony once." Alice Holshauser<br />
, ,*„ ,. ,« «*..- I- F»-:*^"^-W<br />
in the book room, and serving as u , . . _ -„...,„ ..t-,....,,,,..,, „<br />
a whoU\ these Mustancs are',.,„„„ „,,, In U(i,iit : on. he was j my rui>iitation. .My teachers will if she would likpt.<br />
love eutlini: "~ HtL- " ;l class president tbis!t>"'«k '*'" ijmart and stop being "nt tell JoS anvlhii<br />
JL'owell Grad Writes<br />
About Leyte Duties<br />
im« an instttutton ami nt mitt -> h i« n^t. KUUH^IKI if* almi in the 11 lock L. 'and >vas n mombur of army swim-<br />
the ciHHlica from, pun iM>nt .to! »»l who nin usual y be found wear- ntciidy with Mercedes atao), Ron Ust but naj»astr she isone of tninir 1 teams i.t tournaments in Ma-<br />
1 R. O. T. C. Instructor Favors Made !BIock L Girls Make In his letter<br />
Gets Stf. Sgt. Rating! _Cross for Lettermanj Dibble.Hospital Tour : T^,^gS\e.aS?n3ifiBlii;<br />
This it -a joke thai win* ____<br />
EUckcd around most of the big air- i — „, _<br />
'• ~-i^- ^ -KwlvntR'In "USD'-'fframinar-schools,<br />
les during „ the .... war by „ pilots.,, . , Serjeant . r._- McKlroy, . . Uwells It. 0. , Ovyr I.IHK) tray favors made byj Tuurltitf Dibble General llosuitul ^ .<br />
s m tne j cheese chridrenat.Knster<br />
whl W*, correiiponillnir to our<br />
tntbffruoail mwKalikp It iroutt: T. C. instructor, is now wearmjr tlw mir i{l.,i (jmss were sent • •• '- - * -- '•"••"•nu njMiitai u:..i. ...u .,.<br />
, ^Kn.nutn.WHaiiKe. ii L:^ .cnuvrorw of „ ^taff serjreant as u, I.tfttcrman Hospital for Eas<br />
' " """" " '" * "' ' ' ' ' ' " • Ju»d :i la rim number ofback numtlie<br />
nine hws ol" popuhr magazines und Lt.<br />
idaess ccn-t ncanr-ton toolrthem to the Board of<br />
Kcrvicemen. Is Education nn Leyte. which gladly<br />
k; .Headed by took them as they were' just're-<br />
~thi3. modern' celvlrijr the firit- hliifimeiit of ch "<br />
,000 patients. Innd tiooka since 1 !)•!!, and all sc<br />
:,. tanscn. Kd i .unkennu. Irene: vi«t»i» n ,., . "-'"""'w "' u ,o l l p w v Qhnws "Teeoee"<br />
"' fuoris or=«.oVi>|[<br />
I-ind. Joar J.ynri,. Pat MrJmiK Pal ,'J^ t l * \ h V*,t*'t 2 ,w tclll ' I 1 1 ': f) '» li ; Miryey Shows i eepee<br />
«'"'»* ^lnK Rt-d/Cross drives.<br />
t,nrU]{H Uuhfi ltimiy TMl. Wv]jvr . nu y karnid I It_ i«JjO-wo sal., Whon his letter waK written. Lt.<br />
-fnrtbist,nnW:^a^^ J d^<br />
•~r^..^r.-.1^fofct|h^meu;in-hhia^r.but:hfcg|ll-^;.<br />
""" "'" —*••- .discharge.ou^Aprll.,.<br />
"WiK'"" A-iV"T! • '-"*o^return*Tto'' the" '"<br />
x -' ,/Iv oCiOtU<strong>Lowell</strong>itcs, your best insta i vwor. .-.. - ... !nnotli
ti".<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> and Poly Tracksters will Clash Today<br />
either are chuni])ionshi|t squaiis.'<br />
or in the cellar. |<br />
Slh-ii I.eadinir Hitter !<br />
Despite the fact that U>well is-<br />
Articrcs!.<br />
IiiicritiiMli* many- sensational atopsi<br />
, riit.,»hbct.. Heru.MoIekoB-ha&'foundl<br />
his•"'t'ppt in the outfield. Dulmus<br />
c has been dolnjr ; exceptinnnllv woll<br />
iiii a substitute. Bill MarjJco has!<br />
"bten hnvinir hard luck,''ihouuh-we} shown<br />
would term him as an all around,<br />
: typical !'-nlt hnndler.<br />
, ^ MIRht Win a Game v<br />
Wlth the law of averts in<br />
hero IIH ^Sliermnn Sllva.j<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> third bn*;eman. leading |<br />
the IffaKue wllh a .667 bnttlnj; 1<br />
average. " '-' I<br />
etded.<br />
<strong>The</strong> I'tiivei'^ivv of V'lilifumia of-<br />
'i-r.s scl»d for lhis.;iuriiosi'.<br />
- MiCalhim nltiyed for the Uolphin<br />
'•'-*'. C duinti-t in l :ii(f. K'snte<br />
UIIIL'.'atiiiir ju tin.<br />
- Italtlatif Stars<br />
M:m ;:':; .,'...•:,! ncj .iuuJ «i' i;;<br />
hnrd*<br />
lirwift strikers in tlu- cily. Hli.i-k. . Ws, with ji civics bnuk in<br />
•'''X irnmcs. Two nthi'r Lowcllites. mt'ch i.ouirher man than your eppo- Isiiiiwedi'ci'ri promise to beat nny one tiitnd and luyintr with a scmU/b<br />
! -,-rv Terlinir and Ken Flowers, nent (••mie next October.<br />
llle city meet. . Humps<br />
trek nil practice events with case.<br />
Ilis siiKmtli Conn ami spirit to win<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Cellar Baseballers<br />
Encounter S. I. Today; May Win<br />
Todtiy. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s winless wonders mind. l.ow'cH lia.«.clnUi:rN^in*'hi .L<br />
who swims* the<br />
tier and Henry Kulton. <strong>Lowell</strong>'-, varsity truck team lost<br />
i.tcd on li.-atintr<br />
idyiile; the ponies, while a cro<br />
.VJoit Dunn, two of l»wt .'V and<br />
's best<br />
':c> meets.<br />
O'ht'i* 'i!>cmbi>r. m,t tu<br />
hnve si'inethiiij; to cat ior dinntr.<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> C,-!fers<br />
r< f "' t] ! L : h «h jum<br />
' T*-' 1 city<br />
.-• - • inches<br />
Smith Heaves Dfcciis<br />
iitli r 1 "" 1 ." "I" <strong>Lowell</strong> threw *he<br />
i u leet 'j inchea Cor the best<br />
fn rll|<br />
is vear. ;\tUretti<br />
*'->V ll! dmb'r«•'!!'<br />
' Link<br />
Whl) ' '««»
lib<br />
vms<br />
Volue S7. No. -1<br />
<strong>The</strong> WAR<br />
HOOP<br />
fit 1 . J. Arthur Freud<br />
:HO<br />
Fim.Is<br />
Monday,<br />
Juno 3rd<br />
bounded January, , 1 898<br />
for Student Bcdy Officers<br />
ELCOME HOME > JNew Giri's Dean 7 ] Carr, Ttemick,<br />
Is Ex-<strong>Lowell</strong>ite Dunn, & Stenaro<br />
j lly llelia I)c Kuninck !<br />
• After ter waitlnjf aitlnjf for about half Election To Be Held<br />
unt unt<br />
! hour hour, f for as s you may k know bby<br />
now,, On June 14th<br />
By now, .You unfortunate (OK,<br />
j our new Vice-Prineipnl ia <br />
-<br />
nl Itr llelia l)e Konnick<br />
Inspection on May 8th. f if anyone now is planning to at-<br />
This practically assures thu rating :tVnd the new Lowel'l, he migut nsl: f |V*<br />
uf Honor School for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s bat- J v >:. I . I ,.>' lvc . _"!'.* J1 »> Il 330 <strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />
« ."'». l'«lu| AU<br />
talion .toward which Instructor l "'!' t . 1 '" »r s'\;ter will make it.<br />
riiid, wo farced him tci write his I<br />
brilliant column (the preceding sen-i ut and ev- avenue on tlw vast, and<br />
> ict' L'iuiuL hu\u uueii striving, ;\U!.L1" ii'iLfiiic nil (lie neat, 16 being<br />
tence was paid for by II. 1L). |<br />
L-jearcil. - By December, 19.10, the<br />
Arm; ^Officers Inhpcct, jSite is .expected to be completely<br />
Our Thank*.. , •„- j <strong>The</strong> Federal Inspection, held by'ready.<br />
Rljrhl Ri«ht here we'tf WLIIliketo like' to express expofficers jofficers delegated delegate by ti.e Army,;<br />
our thanks to all the students nm i W| ,h fip t f<br />
e Army,; M7-: ocrusB .<br />
member menibers of f th the faculty who helped "* J ' ,'..intu ,i t In VJ-U, cue arehituctrw to start<br />
n t'hn »nu i ,i ,!making the pUins, and the con-<br />
makl!l|; the |)lmiK II<br />
us put-out this "issue and for the! important events on th, .nsk any hijrh s cnicr. Friend. Girl's Block L. viVcrPrQiii^<br />
<strong>The</strong>y will idl you how fast their dent of her L--I class. Bitr Sister.<br />
days at Ijowel] have flown by. <strong>The</strong> race,;far neNtJturih's officers<br />
<strong>The</strong>y'll say they T'rjshpd they will indeed, by"-'close. Hownver.<br />
weren't nni-! at any intersection<br />
jtuai-dcd by ihe ?cho«»l safety<br />
patrol.<br />
'Absent from this year's review<br />
was Officer Joseph T. Kane, us-<br />
Histant instructor of the junior<br />
safety pcfwl for the past seven<br />
years. He passed away retently,<br />
follow! nir an operation.<br />
Awards wore given out by Police<br />
Chief Dullea for the most efficient<br />
_>iuads. Due to press deadlines we<br />
•were unable to report the winners,<br />
Howeve ever, it in our prediction thnt<br />
the first firs mid second, place will be<br />
taken by <strong>Lowell</strong> and Galileo, the<br />
..chief rivofa,this year. Lnsl year<br />
'thfl Uwcll traffic metrffopneil first<br />
Place.;<br />
•-•Mominjc sqtiml: Captain, Dimitri<br />
"yinj Mt|und: Sheldon Arnot. Louis<br />
-,. 1 Company Commanders, E vo ns.'in that"nrt.gnUnV"so'<br />
| the new I^owell as an alumnus, any<br />
I wity!<br />
Paul Bercfirot. Howard<br />
. Al Carr. Milt Ccrf, Ronald<br />
n.'-Chuck Oliver, Lee Pertort,<br />
, ice Pond. Lud Renick, Bob Rug-<br />
^.-.Tttck-StritoriusrPanl.Thruau.<br />
'on VbnGIldern. Dwlght. Wilbur.<br />
^Afternoon'squad: Captain. Bruce<br />
ond; BQuud: Bob Miller. Boh Derrgerry...Geo.<br />
Washington. K«n La<br />
Belle. Ronald Leon. Hubert Marr,<br />
Rlchnnl Naify, MeK-hcer. McAIIis-<br />
£r. Steve Hltrfi, Tec! Conwav. Bob<br />
"erzstcm. Henry Stetn.,Al Wollen-<br />
«r(r. Rorrts Orloff. Dnve Geoffwon,<br />
.s :<br />
W find one of j Horseshow at the St.<br />
the largest classes leaving Lowi'll.<br />
More than Ml) student- will receive<br />
ttitii diplomat at the Opera<br />
House, Wi-dnesday,,';June lUth, at<br />
plan''to"visit 2::io p. m:r<br />
(Markir, and Mar dock. . . . . . . .<br />
In the afternoon, theory classes<br />
were held. Diiring this period, oral 1..—CUB EDITION<br />
examinations were'-given on such' _.^<br />
subjects ~na rifle marksmanship.- miss Revoy to France<br />
cniiit:ttir,.n aiul first aid, map read-!<br />
inc. tet'hnifute «f iifle fire, military ( Miss Jlelnne Uevoy, French teachuourtesy<br />
and' discipline, and eri.;r- t.r, |t,ls left for France for a four<br />
acter-stics of infantry weapons. I months' vacation, and to see her<br />
Tlu. regiment in which <strong>Lowell</strong>; family.<br />
.-.-us named biwt includes <strong>Lowell</strong>, Substituting for her is Miss<br />
Commerce, Minion, and (.alileo.. i[1P8e Brullard. Miss Kevoy will<br />
Polytechnic was named best in tne:.rettirn next term.<br />
:<br />
ii(.',Acac|eniy. This event ends the<br />
spring season.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re will be forty-seven com*<br />
p m.:r-<br />
pecinir in the advanced Kroup for;<br />
.Shaiin Ilolmaii \vll»<br />
. tho tnidition.il-tronhy. a::d forty-<br />
,.,,,,,i,u »U|>IIJ. ii..u *uriy<br />
snyist; Fra olman v-'il' bit. class es-lninc in the iutermcdinte,ii:ompetinK<br />
.nk Wolff,"valedictorian; for their trophy. Ribbons will be<br />
and Uob Tallmun, class historian. j;iveii for first four winners in each<br />
<strong>The</strong>se three have been chosen to jjro'jp. '"'*:<br />
address the friends.."nd families iMcs of! of j <strong>The</strong> show show has been been ninnnxri planned i«- by<br />
class.<br />
1 tiie nmiiHgt-r. "Jinx" Southard, as-<br />
IIItfh-1 class officers promise that sistants.<br />
a" the senior activities planned no .sisuinis. Marta ,«arui IN Nagol ago! and Nancy<br />
fat' ure really pitting- to he sensa- Aiken imd adviser, iltas Adams.<br />
tional. Senm-. Day rill be June Progi'iims"<br />
I Mil. and a chiss picnic has been<br />
plannC' plann over at Fairfax for June<br />
y<br />
I7th. ... s,<br />
second ri^iment.<br />
<strong>The</strong> class officiits who urs<br />
rim<br />
X0«t tfu-end of each,term, vn-<br />
wonderful jb T<br />
rious awards are presented. <strong>The</strong>se;<br />
include the Company Cup for thai<br />
unit which shows itself to be the; C A L E N D A R<br />
best at <strong>Lowell</strong>, aiul meiiuls for the<br />
Lest private, corporal, and sergeant I May 29—-G. A. A. Horseahow.<br />
in thci battalion. <strong>The</strong>se awards are May 20—L--1 Dance.<br />
rp^cntcd by the Sons of the Amcr-i May MO—Memorial Day.<br />
eun Revolution. Representing this : May ill—Holiday.<br />
rganization on Muy 15th was Mr. • June 1—Ends all G. A. A.<br />
C.,\V; Battle. ,- j • Sports Activities.<br />
Company IJ Wins Cup ! June :Mi)—Final Examina-<br />
<strong>The</strong> C>mi|tany Cup was awarded tions.<br />
:o Coinpnn^ IJ. whose commander, June 7—Primary Election.<br />
.s Cdt. Capt. Dick Chirke.'<strong>The</strong> best! June 7—Block L Feed.<br />
private was Charles Foj'e, Com- June -33--G. A. A. Award<br />
paiiy""A'!~ "Ihe" best ~ corporal,"" D?n - Knlly,-7th-Period, 30G.<br />
O'Urlen. Company C; and the best June^M—Final Election.<br />
sergeant, Peter Lorft, Company A. .Tune 14—Block-*;-Rally. •<br />
<strong>The</strong> cadets V. awarded, Cdt, . Col. j June 14—Senior Day,<br />
-laaMil, wiiu -necuiituil^the necuitult trophy<br />
' i<br />
py<br />
June 17~-S3ilqr Rcpu r t<br />
for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s firsL plnce'in its regi- i Curds. ' -• :'.<br />
ment, and Cdt.-Lt. Col. Rupprecht<br />
June .10—Graduation.<br />
were guests of the Suns of the<br />
June lit—Senior Pro:n.<br />
Jur.»» 20—Report (jnrds.<br />
American Revolution at -P." lunch- June 21—Last Dny'iif School.<br />
eon on 'nior Prom—scheduler,<br />
uier for June 10 in the Gold Room<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are oiirlit H-l registries, of the Palace Hotel. <strong>The</strong> hish and... __£>-<br />
11<br />
• ' " mighty seniors acd lesser. lights 1will<br />
dance to tho WjCii/of HarRob;-^ I.-: i) '..<br />
ortK and his orchestra. - •—i 1 —-w..-—-<br />
<strong>The</strong> price for this sentimental —<br />
event ...will, be $2.00 a couple; no all-• ; r7'S-"<br />
you chicks lineup your dates NOW.-,<br />
•v <strong>The</strong> chnperones will be fllr. ^fon-' •!',)<br />
roe, Miss Lorlgan, Miss Dealtry, ^*^<br />
Mr.- Pqmnd,- Miss McBride.'-yHr.k^^'^j^<br />
FeilingrJUiss Atlnms. Mr. Karpen-V,-stcln.—<br />
HIgh-4—teadjiers^wlll-rber:: _.;;~<br />
^.-<strong>The</strong>vdanoC'^'comniittcQ 1H really ~ l tf eachers ure: Mias Flynn. Jhss<br />
Le Seur, Mjss Peckhum,<br />
"*^5?<br />
working-hard to make this prom &?.<br />
ori(!' of 'five best. <strong>The</strong>y arc: Tom,' . .'<br />
Trowbridgu," president; Virginia ••'<br />
Lee, vice-president; Bob Swingley,<br />
treasurer; Bob Tallmnn, secretary:'<br />
and Benny/.Taylor. Gloria Scghcrlri,<br />
DixiocCee Rut, Nnncy Harrison, (\<br />
Rava Saper, John Roackrans, olid *<br />
Vance Shoffy. - • -c<br />
1 'iMIss<br />
Hoohm, Mr. Gullaffher:-iVIr. PoUatut,<br />
Mr. Neff. and Mr. Fulling. v .;<br />
—_CUI1 EDinON-s- -'<br />
7 Low-4 Dance^ Today<br />
Today, 7th period, tjic-L^t dance<br />
Koiiiir to.be ffiviiit in ;i0C. Class<br />
TWO <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> y. May 2!>.<br />
Honor Roll Listing Drops<br />
40#; Shows Lack of Study<br />
"LowcUIIlgh School? Sure—I know <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />
that's the school thnt hnsn't any shops; that's the<br />
one school in the city that's strictly acadumic;<br />
and the students attending <strong>Lowell</strong> arc really<br />
•brains'."<br />
To the ears of the ox-<strong>Lowell</strong>ke who had wndunted<br />
three or four years ago, those words were<br />
very familiar; and tf anyone was dubious, this<br />
ex-<strong>Lowell</strong>itc could pick up an old edition of <strong>The</strong><br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>, briefly scan the honor roll column mul<br />
show that ISO per cent to 75 per cent of the school<br />
made the Honor Roll.<br />
<strong>The</strong> present-day Loweliitc is familiar with<br />
some of those quoted words—the parts a'hout<br />
T'-shops and <strong>Lowell</strong> being academic. But when it<br />
VJ comes to the statement: "Unveil students nre<br />
ronlly 'brains'." this present-dny Lowelhte can<br />
find.little evidence.<br />
In the last edition of <strong>The</strong> LowcH, the I Tenor<br />
Itoll column was so small, thnt we'll wager you<br />
find a hard time finding it. Only about 20 per<br />
cent of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s students made the Honor RulJ.<br />
What could be the cause for this declining<br />
rate in good grades? It couldn't be too much attention<br />
to sports. Lowclt has always participated<br />
in sports in the pant, yet still it maintained :v<br />
large Honor Roll membership.<br />
When you. ns a <strong>Lowell</strong> student, once again<br />
sing "Alma Mater." in the court, ask yourself if<br />
you nre renlly paying "tribute to thoc" by upholding<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s, reputation En the scholastic<br />
world.<br />
^Officer Kane's Death Felt<br />
By San Francisco Students<br />
<strong>The</strong>re isn't o boy or girl nttending school today,<br />
who doesn't owe a debt of gratitude to thn<br />
late Joseph T. Kane of the San Francisco Police<br />
, .: Department.<br />
After having served ns Assistant Instructor<br />
for the Junior Snfet;- Patrol for seven well-spent<br />
years, Officer Kano. the name by which he was<br />
known to every student, passed away one month<br />
ago following an operation.<br />
Each nnd every school opened wide lift doors<br />
to receive this policeman nnd his words of ndrlcc.;<br />
PupitH gave Officer Kane their undivided attention<br />
ns he addressed them concerning safety on<br />
bicycles nnd crossing streets...Although traffic<br />
deaths far cthc preceding ytaVs have been numerous,<br />
there hadn't been ono death on n school<br />
corner, supervised by traffic hoy*, for the post<br />
twenty-throe years. This wns ducto the efforts<br />
of trnffic officers such^ns Joe Kane.<br />
Devoting his timo'during the summer vncntion<br />
toward welfare and enjoyment of children WHS<br />
nothing unusual for this "traffic cop." Hoys at-<br />
" tonilir.j: summer camps uuulJ oftcii bu entertained<br />
by his movies whilc'he spent several '.v-cks<br />
at their camp.<br />
When the trnffic boys marchcti in their annual<br />
review, the familiar, figure of Officer Kane<br />
v.7,'i-absent, but an long ns'thore are bicycles nnd<br />
careless children, his accomplishments will serve<br />
ns n living reminder of n "cop" -who served above<br />
and beyond the call of duty.<br />
Mission High Celebrated •<br />
50th Birthday Yesterday -<br />
Celeoiatlng Uio 50th anniversary of thu founding.of<br />
Slissiot;High Schcool, friends nnd alumni<br />
met last night in the school auditorium where<br />
with ;musi«, song, and by speeches the history<br />
of Mission, 'jvas recounted.<br />
Founded "In 1806. the first class, was set up in<br />
Horace Mann Gntmmar School with'ji—-nrollment<br />
of 42. Since thfm over 20,000 boys'aml girls have<br />
attended MtajL»ri High. Ada Goldsmith, first*:<br />
teacher, was an honored guest nt last night's<br />
homecoming. <strong>The</strong> 86-yoar-old lndy. who retired<br />
in 1920, .^ceallcd how oho utnni to wJk out tu<br />
Mission and' back each ,d<br />
Seen sitting in the court any<br />
fifth period, in a beautiful blood-<br />
Maintti black leather jacket with<br />
flnxbing black hoots to match i«<br />
IV\1) ~("I v.ilt'l uiidvlntuiul. whjT nil<br />
(hi* girls aren't mnd altout me")<br />
Moffut. Why don't you give him<br />
, another tumble. Sail?-"<br />
For you kids that are on th'j<br />
break-up list, you should do whrtt<br />
-.MISS Scraggy, and Martii Ma^isl do.<br />
1;<br />
Work in-t,hv.Gardun iind think of<br />
Joss, and lay in tha \<br />
on Uiotr dates<br />
f'XCtmnt?<br />
Thu niuaiiui* . , . Wilnia "I can't<br />
wait to get out of Jewell") Jensen;<br />
for your Information; Wilma. aurre<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>itcs can't citherr, -^<br />
Among those going'stcudy for a<br />
veitr are Dorothy Frasch and Hunk<br />
Villars.<br />
Dun Doherty Is having quite u<br />
Unit!, .But which girl «*,-:t; Oan?<br />
Lois Ilowgun, Joan Sawyer or<br />
E'IUTV -<br />
"We were all hnp(.y t» sec Lov'«ll<br />
w.V the all-city meet. I r Stems<br />
that Mike Spiro, Dave Holeman,<br />
Jack McCafery, and Al K rods tad<br />
really j;ot into the high spirit of<br />
things.<br />
Speaking of the all-city meet,<br />
IT IH Cerf u.i;i Helen Smornoff, Ken<br />
Kuner and Virginia Griffin, now<br />
going steady. Those truck boys arc<br />
pretty fast. v,-. .--<br />
Messago. to "<strong>The</strong> Gang--:" Next<br />
time Jackie Stamelcn wants to go<br />
up stairs you'd better let her. Foe<br />
messy details, ask Bill Putney.<br />
And thuru'» always some unlucky<br />
fellow liki; Warren Mulone, who<br />
broke out with a face rash the day<br />
after 1 ''• started going steady with<br />
Joutt (-.•' .'"'"y.<br />
•wr • • ''y with Betty<br />
St. Cl • i . Al Carr or<br />
Bob >• • •-<br />
Mr<br />
.nally won<br />
hi«A • -. . ••<br />
p to the<br />
"Lonei> '-<br />
-. > wns seen<br />
•wiclr-Uwi'b*^ i . • /got my"<br />
namo in Too,. ": ,n ami think<br />
oi .Haria. ' Isn't thai- sweet!.'<br />
Tliitr Eurl Moscron fellow must<br />
either bo plenty fas,t ,,or plenty<br />
fickle (Teepee bel loves "it's the tatter)<br />
to break up with Mnrion Bnzett<br />
ami the next day tctry to<br />
move in on Griffens!territory.<br />
Still on the going stoady list 1:*i<br />
Doug ("O-OOOHHU" Scovil and<br />
Knld Anita:<br />
Jcar.-. ("I gotta get to Boulder")^<br />
Fain and Sippy Molchccr:^_ 0'.<br />
Cal (Who hit • me Hith thr>t<br />
pie?")>Ccit iii'id John Frlabie: ~<br />
Joan Evor's and ChnK. ("When<br />
art; we going willing?") Qarnctt:<br />
Jackio ("I halt 1 cvprybmiy but<br />
Jimmiu") Darling and Jim ("Ahshttt<br />
up") Schwitzcr; . :<br />
Lydia ("All I ever get 'is Orchlil.O<br />
Pottor and Jack ("Me Ui»")<br />
Lynd;<br />
Holi Simmons and Butty ("I say<br />
lhur>" or "Oh-Well") St. Clair: ;V<br />
Margaret .> Lovinor iind Pete'<br />
("Itoy. nm fgotting fat") Layman.<br />
Vbrren CTm thirsly") Maloncy<br />
and. Jonn ('^lustn't touch") Gregory."<br />
: -'v<br />
\yhen it Monies to ' predictions,<br />
Teepee i; asLnc-curat(> us XotrndonuC:<br />
so Vcm'-Ihcy art;: We'Il-he-going'Stoiiily-in-a-month-or-so:<br />
1J6II<br />
Vi'ij fli-Itlerr. nnd Jennie Morris.<br />
Unitfsi Don soils his enr!<br />
I.'ef.ipite iironk-ups: Al ("May I<br />
fc'j^W'oii gni>.l night, please?")<br />
Witli-ms and Joan (" N 0!")<br />
Dlaiik.' WIty? Hu \» i^ttiRtjtlrad<br />
trying to beat her un the sinirs.<br />
Anotiinr lircak-ii[): Bob Mntlieny<br />
ami Joun Harvey. - .<br />
A now couple on tho-stcadv list<br />
is Cl>.->«1«> Rpweli ant! Klaine Platt;•-<br />
I'o»d kldM 2? . -..<br />
Well. I'm iprrv I have io Innve<br />
yoii.TttidX* hut I've gol to send my<br />
agent to Tlouldor nnd off to 4 K«<br />
' Hlvcr. So. beware, my .ibitdren of<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> (You Boulder Plums »tii<br />
Uiver Ithtn). for Treper is nl*ays L<br />
pyst - nfffont, post exciicnhgc^ and sign-posts out<br />
of business.<br />
watching,you. •"••'. "- . etc.. but.whcn n person<br />
wtn tin>:| of Ronlder. whpro can Ke ci> but P011 1 TjfB student<br />
*«rntilled to *<br />
miirtfl3y<br />
i'io theater ma<br />
-Student an<br />
"the rettuircd<br />
rORE vacatu;<br />
vcrj* difficult :j<br />
lion surts. an<br />
-<br />
"der? ' Tomorrow mor'rng we are ter.ving for'Hnoipiidn.<br />
All Vint noulderitcs drop UP a post card<br />
and It*: us know-how the weather Is. "-'<br />
' • *<br />
1<br />
peniteir:<br />
\\Y *»ist Ii^'rdMr. Patterson's voiceai^mand<br />
inir ir. k'low'whnt hmtpence! to the brown .naper.<br />
Mo (irobrhly menu 1 ! tin? volunm, so w ; c*d better<br />
iret ri-' ~:<br />
.'jiat niirh!% at Mission's Sftth Anntvprcnn 1 P^I-<br />
L'bruUon, sJie *.vnH.-one of the honored guests.^" Shc.-^btigan<br />
her public school teaching career-thcre'-'inV<br />
11101. Additional pmisc was given-Miss LaCostc ,r<br />
on May 10, when <strong>The</strong> Kichmond Bnnnerr Park-' ,'•<<br />
Presidio i.'jwspnner, tleynted a full c.olur.iivon the.<br />
front page concerning; her-cont.-ibiltions in tHefiekl<br />
of ctjucatlon. " • ;.,.,<br />
^soKitciy perfect volv.ntiiry good behavior all.tcrr?^-,*<br />
-'long."- -.. '-^'i.'\ ' - •- •'<br />
EDITION'—<br />
T Alumnus Wins<br />
Thomns Si'eoge, cln
Examination Schedule, June 3 - 10<br />
Date Period Time<br />
juno 3 2 0:00-10:50<br />
Juno -I - 8 :•- 1:25- .1:10<br />
j.)no f> -*- ri 0:00-10:50<br />
-Jnne 6 —.-- 1 9:0(MO:r>0<br />
June 7 7 l:&>- n:10<br />
juno 10 3 10:00-11:45<br />
Working for "Yankee<br />
Dollah" This Summer?<br />
By Hick Nnif)-<br />
To ilotc 8311 <strong>Lowell</strong> itus linvo<br />
signed up for work permits for tho<br />
summer, according to Mr. karpen-<br />
•ucln. flays lead girls in summer<br />
work ambitions with 450 moles for-<br />
Characters Around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Period Omitted<br />
.-...I (3-7 regular)<br />
dr> PAT FRIEND :<br />
.:...l, 2 (3-7 | She's popular, she's "pretty, she's ' "Aw, no one wants to hour about.! This Lowuli, under, considerable<br />
-'- 2 (3-7 ambitious, and she's a; hard person<br />
6 (1-5 i with whom m lo to arrange nrriinjic anInter un interme,"<br />
cronncit Bob Simmons ns JI j pressure/rom Bob Hitchcock, has<br />
2 (1.4-7 ; view. She's Put Friend. But nil is couple of Htronjr men Iiolped-mojat last decided to publish the insido<br />
fomiveti, I'at. Yor wo know that'it ; corner In'm for an interview. Butjjljrht on Bob. Hitchcock,, a true''<br />
„ , ; -,. (takes brains, henuty, and ambition [after a couple of twists of his two ["character", if Owe over wa#ono.<br />
Students Isive BOOKS to become the L-l vlci-p resident, aini-ms. wo finally cotsomo informa-; He came to <strong>Lowell</strong> fror.i Aptos<br />
....-• .»• : uuz»~ te»^'of^'i^^!^-«>• ~ po« ,, ^z!*" 1 heintm " s :5° shuflle<br />
it, football. We remember' When we asked him what he<br />
• bin football playing 'ioat likes mottt cbout LMVCII he sold.<br />
butions. . .„,,„ „ ..„„„__„.= .,„„,.- ,«,,^« >ycitr. rip 8nid ho got this ability'"<strong>The</strong> fnct thnt I am graduating In ><br />
were<br />
<strong>The</strong>"S«<br />
?^ e ;o^nd^r iStri08 SS* "BS^"^^ Svfe to PctfcW «» the ««» and. nlso, j June.-<br />
, ,_ .„ .. . -n». WuHn.; kfWilnt i.. Fi,.. ,I-I.»J !'«* n'«o has a "mnd-pnssinn" ithrough the help of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s foot-! Bob. tho muscle man that he is,<br />
mklnir China £»ch «nc» Bmjdcr in | ^ \ £ ^ K $ ( ^ % $*}*$gttWCre turn«d in. • '<br />
"see by the figure. <strong>The</strong>y have nc-j -<br />
' qitircd'jolw ranging from salesmen' , — GUI! EDITION—<br />
: :<br />
-; .t\| thwitor managers. - ' r» A A rv • >• '<br />
yiX Suidents are-cautfoiicd.to obtain! »r,|0Mcn,n^ gpjp.^ lurchoiMoonb ami!meres -(that ,a;.e practically non-<br />
Its manager, Mildred Mcrslclt,;<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>itcs io , Attend .and imsistnnts Edna Jorgcnson and'i<br />
Meet at Sacramento I Olive Dlitm, tmik-r th« direction<br />
Ulifts Boehm,. hnve Iwcn working<br />
Uiard with the advanced group. Ratine, sloeninir, nnd swimming Tea Given by S. F. J.<br />
thcrton is what |<br />
th S Sa ?<br />
' Si' " l n«nciscu Junioi College<br />
! irave a tea Mry 10 for some high<br />
groups get .together once «••- *? hml * irU to ..».. »UU..IU. JwaiiVoonoutVf sighu" "Thus ended it-xistantV and to 'iuote him', "Tho<br />
:lt, Lik« nil poojile. nhe bus a hidden tj.e interview -•'•' i<br />
•«!!«'««>«'. them with<br />
can Lojrioh j in Sacramento during ;i montli aiid DIJUI modern /Inncc :ir-<br />
week of,June 22-29. 9<br />
rantrcments Irir such things a<br />
Stale si-ts tip its own KOV- rail V-irieticK Jtnd outside .perform- .<strong>The</strong>y've bcun<br />
^Bt*;. Stale sits tip its K<br />
i nitcos. " ' 'of the new playhouse .„<br />
«^T.[ncnt, Vith _nll functions jintgiving<br />
<strong>The</strong>y<br />
a<br />
recently<br />
commnnd<br />
hnd<br />
performance<br />
llic thrill<br />
for<br />
of<br />
tuimcs<br />
built in<br />
will<br />
San Francisco; and thoir<br />
ildst hamburger in the city arc at<br />
nd^ talent and that is spilling ut lwii.t, " ut - rviL *y, 'Original JOP'K in the Marina* and<br />
of one C1»SR of water » night on the] . -rGUIt EDITION— jit« right near the Mnrina Greens."<br />
ng; dining-room table. (Kropit It clean!) [ -.' _ , Oh! liy the way, he doesn't like<br />
up- Ratine, sleeping, nnd swimming lea \jiven by a. r. J. ^-;)(nfin».<br />
glx .i torn ith <strong>Lowell</strong> Art in Mexico<br />
• tin- programs nnd nativities of the '<br />
; hl<br />
i A . ,'•• . An urticle appeared<br />
L i > . .. ,, An *« r M cIe npp«J»rcd in a big<br />
o bo sDonsors', Cn -' et , ut tho , ' the college ; .Mexico City newinnner. <strong>The</strong> Exele<br />
soon to be l '*' , n meni) ' cp of tIl( -' \ W S.. t»e aior. Jnl.t month, /n which it menco<br />
and thoir i Kir \*. w *ro>hown around tiio school ;tionod un cxhibit of paintings and<br />
tmri i;^~lt.•S:iiiiiiA:c; c.<br />
ley. It. TftiP.Vo. S.'«hii'it, SI.<br />
. n.Vr.-.i.IerXI.:il.>ii. V X I VV.<br />
Wolfr.,.I.<br />
urcxcittatirci of the French fiovis-very<br />
much<br />
in estabMxhlng modern dance<br />
H in Ibu French echouls. She; nrcny prmti: nony, vou<br />
-~ j alsii,admircd- thet I^owell spirit. ^mother guct!.i con.Jng.<br />
Dut dnndng ipn*t all they do.<br />
NW ROCL<br />
1'u,; M. HCIHHTC. .1. A.<br />
• r Pt-iwtl I H ''"' N'^'f. J t. I.inleinanii. V. SliiriirtH-<br />
,!:'>..tn tn.l-A. aioriw. C0;M. Piirkor.<br />
fi't; II. ll..-t>U I. HiiMKt. c. 1/w, II.<br />
Okitjatiui, X. l£inti'iililHll;_K_OIIViir'>H.<br />
nrmm Vi. -CUI1 EDITION--<br />
•.: I.V Itiiriii'tr. ,T, Breton, l>.| *^. * 'r, i //'D. • t<br />
ii. iiruwii. rt. rv Mnrtfiit. n! rlign rrosn,/ ricnic ,<br />
i:. Hniinitrr. -V. Kinvnu-r,,-. , Given By Shield:<br />
LMG-O. Vitllp.-lllo, J.-^ltirrium '<br />
:IWM..II. rr. SI.I^H. ir. sn-m-r. t:. D<br />
20,<br />
: T.<br />
—CUn EDITION—<br />
T. Taktc. l:.i<br />
.1. Student Wins Contest<br />
\r,n<br />
Erldic Mitflimngn. 208,: who rc-<br />
, , , —*—. . . ,, ceiitly won an Army Pwe'er -coti-<br />
HiRh fretihmenhiul a picnic May;test, was rewarded for hi? efforts<br />
; ntSigmund^Stern Grove, upon-; - , , --, ,. ,-, ,-~—,•,-•«" i«" on May<br />
nmy<br />
iGth<br />
join<br />
by<br />
D,V<br />
.being<br />
ucing<br />
given<br />
given a'<br />
'^''«"<br />
sorer! by the hhieid and Scroll. Re-! at Hamilton Field.' Eddie was<br />
fieshmentRworo provided, nnd dur-jKhown around the fipfd-nnd .... thu<br />
ing the afternoon there were out-jlmn(rnrgi H« ate lunch at<br />
li 320—lt. linnnti. ':. '.'rocke<br />
ui, T. Stdiii.lhi, U. Hoilr<br />
r. It. hVltinlill. .;<br />
r tho mew<br />
door ..games; and dancing in tnn j hall with tlio rcst-oftbo m«ni; nnd<br />
evening. • Ko :1 clltrii^ to his day. v.~n.< ^ivon n<br />
Tbusu on thu arnuigumeiit com- ride nn it, l>ombt,T.v.THt» winning<br />
mittce wore Cathrine Clifford, [poster was'displ«yod''u't tho" Emp6-v<br />
iD'illa Recite. Olgn Smirnoff, Jinx Hum last week befonibeiiifctiikon<br />
. S(iuthnrd, Dave Holmnn, John!by the Army for use in jtrecn'it-<br />
V KomekniRS, nnd Dan Stone. ' ing drivo. \^-'7 1i ;r:-" ;;.%",-< '<br />
Orchestra Works. Hard; ^§ ^<br />
Excellent Job in Term- Play<br />
(didn't open thsm. n.id "fill in thef D "!S Jnckflotl * and Joan,Canj.<br />
•, c.ldull spots with;somo comicalnum-' Adrian Sunshine, nn expert<br />
llwr? Or, what;, would happen at! P on< > Wyw.- p(ny» many:. pieces<br />
vur- the gnires, if''tho band ^wasn't! P/"T?J ,by. pymphoriy HOIOIBIS, andv<br />
there?......, ;. _y r^Utl«refocegives.th(Lorciiestra.o.nnc-<br />
Prqiid of XlrcKeHtra cHtrVT' fopportimity<br />
?yi"plionlc<br />
1.10—N. Tliirkctt Jt. Levin.<br />
13fT~M. Malinnvy;' (11J; M.<br />
D. Fuller. fiO; P. I Tun<br />
, 105—S. Wi|«ker.. C.<br />
Cti'iilmni.<br />
A I K U , Orutxnmclicr,<br />
lyn, ,i.\ Xclionlici-. O. Cpnlcn.<br />
, .Soitio of the songs for this term 1<br />
nro pretty of hard tho songs to for thi? term wln.-rRcilcario by Pcdllla; -a u-nltz<br />
Room 220—B. Gi ealtifioi*. !•". ICInnira, of tl.om tv : __ hard to playi and for one from; Vhe '.musical comedy High.<br />
Itootn 22t~H. Rcimiilro, i It. Potslnsor. Mr. Kriegor hiul to borrow Jinks;<br />
S. Porter. P. POIIIOB. H. HcdHctt. a valuable „ . ..._.,„,_..., UVIUHUMV, uy • navon*<br />
Siiinloy. R VoulcivQ. Sottlomclr. State College—so expensive that i March, MilUahe France, bv-Saint<br />
no high school can afford one. We Snanir»v ... (,' . ';.<br />
c i"ndian';Summor. byf Victor<br />
>lo English horn from the IToi^bcrtr Scronnde, by Haydn;
<strong>Lowell</strong> Upsets Poly to Capture Track Title<br />
<strong>The</strong> Hayes<br />
By AL CARR<br />
Places<br />
lly Sandy Ilroiwsenu<br />
<strong>The</strong> truck season for<br />
T.ie s|»jke«, polus, trauk tra Muits and<br />
Mr;'Harris' cat-o-n'no tails arc put<br />
l<br />
Coach Ben Neff Enthusiastic Over<br />
Tens and Iwenties in Basketball<br />
jnd twenties iiro a Mr. Neff an id that, in them he roal-<br />
without too much<br />
!k-K but came ehanfinir back to be »'»« tliroiiKh their pJayn 10 the roljounduij; power, they are a K'-od,<br />
AKain:<strong>Lowell</strong> proudly sits on top little tojiipcttlun. Very slim o|»;w- j lunc-of unc of the .stais AUIIs in th th* Poly m«st, b..ya • yiud ywterJay. ^mouth-workiiiK outfit.<br />
of the Ii\tc«e after winning it*) ait'wn oxpeclod Troii! other i •hr-jv.-in-j tho st.nt -17 IVcl 7 invhe-V "»' I«»M. »>»nut twenty of them<br />
. Offsetting<br />
juries "iuif«rc(J";liy *t»r<br />
eli ntnyed ni'.lieir always iitfiitmj-."<br />
Climoxinir the twnscm wit)t the All<br />
City mufti,'Dunn rejoined-his, toum-.l<br />
mme to HhuwJiifi CHIPS an he K at "~<br />
i>ttd nine iitinits foi'ihc Cards<br />
tooJTu first in the f h»t ;mt and. s>:<br />
mid iii the discus. l<br />
Mnrtj;-tha l school hl ruaiiy appreciate »wre (iriwiwrt tor utxt term is the<br />
you offsntlinir your injui-ed • knee cporhinir.«tafi. Mike Voync is the<br />
may<br />
out to Iji* |.i-L*tty fair bullplayers in.<br />
for their future backet-<br />
. ... not lako liav " G^t. and<br />
i'h;iiniiioiwliiii in their fiVst your of 1 Even if th*ty dnr.'t brin^' home a<br />
biij-kt'tiiull, Uiey may develop intou-htimpionship. thwe two icams will<br />
thiitiuK or viiMJty men, undct the surely irnkc a «< )(>( ' Hhowii^', and<br />
cspi rt cuneliinj< of "Be.i." ' , under tho t'uitlant"* of Sir. Neff<br />
in ISO's tihey uiu almost certain to<br />
d tlw •Virm -foui" *-: ullt ' w|1 »V u< .. ^ ; Wctintire.<br />
I<br />
iilarcs curl ti-'Iifih. i>ti by Lor.^ii It'am •«nrkn as whole j A rcul rowt-ri'iil nin-iinj; ihelSwinciw HA), Seovil (Lo), Math- I nwdl • Tntw in<br />
Baker, a pramisbis; .ahk't«; Char-.^ if. i» nt-t nssii,l« to, brinK out 'J20 f ,.,... Lht/tn. ..„..„....„ to .victory. That team ..am wnHjOTOniiro. wiw;iiveraire. Though he "iiiiiii di< "<br />
;R:i. ."V eiiacned by San Francisco'M .Mst ell-city, the fuw:who saw<br />
f t"inak«i u 2m 11 ?' 1 wc wnilt SGI! at Iuast<br />
'"<br />
i F i ' Hst llit th f h saw him tier- '" ) ""' " ir ' s *«? uheci* a<br />
! ! " lifl!t ip-i . • eoucnea t»y &an trancuscon -i"«8L cn-eiiy, me lew-who saw him per- " "" -<br />
Idi l " l<br />
Ina *•*} uneci' ll<br />
c^V.iW-'" coach. Mr. Voyiit. : Tliis year Liiv-'form thouuht hc was one i>r tiic![ !1 , llJfl;ti/ . Indian loam on" to a irln-<br />
.- •]'. '-•'" tilt's" busftball. team,-.vati- couched l.usi. buaeliall p'tiyDrs to i-omu" from' l ' |llUi! v i*-'t"fv »vt«r Poly. <strong>The</strong> Par-<br />
'-'•^• : - by ^another "top-notch* coach, .Mr.;ihe Indian HcHertation I ! ' |jts l)t ' ilt '• (llV( 'll by 17 to fi-1 thi.«<br />
•A ";. Axi; in cpllt'Ke vplluire'hu he played for _SuntUi<br />
—cim —.nm wnivinv • war.<br />
Clara and'niaik* [III-L-OKSL catclier.<br />
He knows biisobaii t: , ..Racketeers Out for<br />
Mr.Axt intent brins a boaebull , "*f*- i " 1<br />
chnmpionship to <strong>Lowell</strong> if you come! g Foiirt^P'nhri<br />
out and ehcerjour learn to victory-<br />
a * UUI i e B 220—Ityan i.M). 'Wheeler (L<br />
Vttiueht UA), Fvrantc 'O. C!r,"<br />
(U) 2if<br />
SM—Uo^hn. (M). Ailamnun (B).<br />
Juncjt (Mi. i-offman (Li'. Ram for<br />
All-City<br />
(P). :i0)!«<br />
Fhi. r.owt-l! Vat-sity heat Poly,<br />
iir.-*! iibiue in.the all-eily<br />
"t"<br />
Next Term Vein<br />
-/•up'well.--Drew-Turner. .Mm Konklc,<br />
' Bill Home, Jack Rowel 1. Bill KiniT'<br />
chop, und Bill Morgan nil uecm to . resen-ation tennis tajtn will I<br />
i; be the kind of players a coach<br />
UtfMin KW the ehampionshin not).<br />
,'^-v^Jroams^about.;, ;,<strong>The</strong>y look.for^the Man amith: mM.rtinner up for<br />
^ city-cliampiondhip in their next i°. "iC*<br />
!;wo>'seasons' at -<strong>Lowell</strong>,-"—•* '!"—<br />
."Remember,': they were" only, soph<br />
1 ? 1 tyt y«r.>nd Suhr has<br />
i\.*p'• it ' <strong>The</strong>re Leave ^"j,<br />
^,, Lovell loaes Ibetie players:-Hercules<br />
MaJekoa. Al Artieres, Sherrman<br />
Sllvn. Hill AilnmL and Paul<br />
Thorou. <strong>The</strong>se \lid their beat to<br />
. brine a champlonahip to <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />
but foiled.'It wu theft last aecson<br />
..i. ofbaseball.' •"•."."£ • A<br />
V; You could ihav& helped them J ,. . „ tennis. <strong>The</strong>y nre<br />
h llurrj- Scott. Bob Smlrlu. Lee Brillh<br />
j . ob Smlrlu. Lee Brill-<br />
*rt *rt. Ron R I*on. I Prank P k Wilson, anil<br />
Lindren<br />
-by<br />
t .-'A<br />
-'*_«omine out and cheering them to<br />
1 - c •wodlcjf much more<br />
about Ihesp fellows in t.ho fature. -•<br />
:<br />
-CLU Byrriox—<br />
I'M) Kiirh Hiirillcnt—linker (<br />
Mahon t'Lo),.T«<br />
(PI. Hubert hoi. :\G,\<br />
•tiO-liunlcn £ (W); . .Storkmnn<br />
(Lo)^M2s!'<br />
1. (TiO),,., Bcrnnrd<br />
a). Ti'innirlo<br />
X(i. Sold A,nt.<br />
l tk-kt'ls :W.T82 . ?IO.ia6.70<br />
tickers 7,'i:o l200<br />
ik<br />
Well. i.<br />
thi.« col 11 -' 1<br />
arnica -j<br />
pi<br />
that<br />
««d fe*<br />
trv-. LjKhiy. former LouvU tenVher anS ; i^J^^j^- r.<br />
—CUR EDITION'—<br />
G. A. A.-Neuters End
•tt*<br />
teSfsSf<br />
TO THE<br />
Volume 87. No, i><br />
l-»GH SCHOO<br />
SENIOR-<br />
GAME<br />
San Francisco, California, Friday, June M. 194C Founded January, 1898<br />
Election Results in: Dunn Elected President<br />
^ Y j (Graduation to be June 19th; l^ftS*<br />
SLANTi<br />
Ity Dan Slunc<br />
| Election To Be Held<br />
310 Students Leaving Us I On June 14th<br />
iiu< i'i the last time time O " T» • •<br />
this loiumn will be seen armimi the feeDJOrS KeCClVe I<br />
Old Reservation. eservation. It's been fun —.. - ~ **** :<br />
" student here for four .years,<br />
ami Ln more C>.n working »m the<br />
Diplomas on 19th<br />
j By Connie<br />
1 <strong>The</strong> Opera Houtv will be the<br />
scene of tin 1 <strong>Lowell</strong> irrnduatinu this •<br />
June liltii. where approximately<br />
. :'/Z5 <strong>Lowell</strong> boys and girla will ro-<br />
•t'ciye their diplomas. This is the<br />
saviresi number uf students grnd-<br />
:ialiiir siin'i 1 liill, when •!(!(> re-<br />
, tvlvnj their iliplunias. (iratiuatioii<br />
I .•S("t(*s will begin at '2 p. ni.<br />
i : Conduct Important<br />
It ivae »|iitli' an ordeal for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
il» tsv. iit'riai^sinn In use the Opera<br />
I louse fur I lit 1 gradual l»n oxer-<br />
I __—<br />
Winner and Loser<br />
j BULLETIN yice U<br />
I At yesterday's election, Mort<br />
[ Uunn beeamo the new <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />
i .School's student body president for<br />
Hie foil term of I94C. Results of<br />
| other contests wore not available<br />
at DTVAS time.<br />
—If<br />
Tuila)' the canidates arc count*<br />
in IT their unose-pimples, biting<br />
j their tounailtt (no fingernails left),<br />
'ami kecking time to the anthem<br />
witli knocking knees. Soon they'll<br />
knew wild the student body feels is<br />
bt:st capable of reprenontinj* <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
at'Mt term.<br />
.Mnrl Dunn or Cliesler Stannro<br />
I will Iii> ready to take over Hen<br />
j Maushardt's place an president.<br />
i Mort is a Itijr llrothcr, on tho<br />
j Scroll, and M.>rvi>d an L-J president.<br />
C'liesier hat* been L-3 president,<br />
mi ltie Work L, and 1.10 basketball<br />
team.<br />
Vtfc-I'resiilent Margy Loviner<br />
will aiiliutmeu vithur. Joyce Howcll<br />
»r Vvoile Vny^Hie as her successor.<br />
Joyce is on the Girls' Block L,<br />
and is a Uig Sister.<br />
RIVALS IN THP ELECTION; STILL FRIENDS I Vvetto was vice-prexy of her H-3<br />
er Stanaro congratulates Mort Dunn on bcinr elected student body i^'uss a»d is also a Hie Sister.president,<br />
in (lie June lttth election, I i'eti-r Uanyui'd will leuvu his<br />
"" ' * noto-hnnk<br />
it's* nm'f it is our hope that we will j man. Shawl's hopes foe tho future<br />
lic'uble to come back to <strong>Lowell</strong> and run along the medical line, with<br />
see him, wt'ti !£ our visit bu many I the ttt.li> of "Surgeon" his final<br />
veare hence. .„ j «°, a l> , . .<br />
V (folding the papor uo?:t year will 'I he History, a review «r Ihc<br />
hi- •K- I'ut.- Kriend, and in _ Iici" „ there | years spent at Linvell by the class<br />
care this 1 j either, loss froggy or Bill Putney.<br />
Students Receive Plans Disclosed ! Joss' activities include belli?.11-3<br />
j n resident,, and member of the Stroll<br />
U. C. Scholarships land Block U<br />
Ity Marilyn Hindu<br />
I ithl in on the Block L and. footi<br />
bullteam.<br />
'makings of a good paper.;r,f June. IWll'r, is in a novel form.<br />
Scholar, ships to the University,<br />
'•\» w wonlVof advice to lier. this j.ns Unite al t' titliuu 111 ' " "<br />
Clifi dd h bi<br />
Tom Trowbridgo cun.gi.-e youj ...iK^'5.^!.Si"5!*. w . lhl ! s DaVC) Scholar, ships to the University, "Turn TrowbridRo can Kt»-e you .{£{ '<br />
fuatn I]MI alii: iJialiL ;i<br />
to have a sternly HUM- i<br />
l '<br />
Rt ' r ^' WllUnm* or Hub Davey<br />
Of California, awarded tin the basis ;( fauts ahmit the Seiiior w i" L« wrenching ormn durini; next<br />
at ifrndi'K. activities itml i-iti'/Piishin. • Pr,i«i," ifiiioiiv yt-Ufd niii 1 l«.l(ivnil- H ^ l "' lint hitdv curd *nlie<br />
*th"* irirls of tho! ^ceivwi by three jjowe!! stu-.editor. This. w't> riincovcrcd aftertreasurer.<br />
ienUami five <strong>Lowell</strong> alumni. Mr., fmir days uf hunting elsewhere. A.<br />
e!»t'nt a poem<br />
StenheiiH. announced yeiitcnlay. I It took nother two ilayu'lo find<br />
cmnes our fareCvtrlU. I#owell means' •<br />
Studnuts w.'uniiiir the awards ara Mr, riilgo heeaUKe it seems<br />
Senior .Stevens, II-l. Hcg. 100; )u>'s been slightly busy. <strong>The</strong>i., one;<br />
Picnic June<br />
1 , is a.member of lhr-utcnnis<br />
'ram and It Jock L. and was Hecrc*<br />
tary of tbi 1.-H clttHS. 1 -<br />
" ' has served <strong>Lowell</strong> as head<br />
. ,. (1 ,nr ..,„, wnn „. , lor ricnic June 1/V . IFniiKM'Jmte Freemiin, HM, lleg.:dny. as liu was sneaking tn clns8.;>*-':i leader, and " LL-3<br />
president.<br />
S^r'Vr^nVdr^S : - /'-S£-" 8: Kulil AuthaMer k that y j5i[S}I>; ir<br />
' "-». MeK.;w,. slyly tripped him and asked n Oe In Reek- wiJI he'succeeded by<br />
_ "•_•?_i l *SV?«-iJt « 'w Tni*i \y A High .Senior ricnic w'-ll take I'M. .,. # ; him about the forthcomintr Prom.! n "'.» Inman or Uo 1 canjo kwii L0\\ hU, ON TO1 . | , ]l|t](, ,-_ nfc R(irfnXt<br />
- "-' * '<br />
So Urn!,—ln.it s tl;c fimii linriy. j i i f hrh<br />
t !• pcisuti. 'Those . t io do not liavir'-'Olfja IVtroff. January '-1(1. Mnri>'Hl. Miss Dealtrv has been heard assistant yell' leaders now<br />
' i! transprtaih, transpiirtatioh, ' ' may y lyn y itugcrs tf also reviived y u scholar- muttering i; ametbinK something like, "You'd! Youd Unopposed pposed arii Alarta NNacef<br />
- thp GGreyhound h d bbus,<br />
nfter-.xhip tr( the San Franvlsco College think the bids were nylons the way " l ' x ; t Ited and White editor, and Pat<br />
\inuluation rthearcalp.<br />
for Women. pi'ople are luiyinir them." Itut. after! '* riend, nt-xt <strong>Lowell</strong> editor. ••'<br />
ll d I'<br />
leher, who SL ..<br />
,to be couceriiLd uver ^''.f^cSnd'tion' the condition Graduation Speakers t"o<br />
of her schoul and DO, sitmutlimtr<br />
r about it. . " ,<br />
She came from :St. Paul's 'our<br />
years ago and rill attend Cal upon<br />
graduation. Ueipg basketball man-.<br />
«W and. on the Girls' Block L nr.:'<br />
Whether activities, i<br />
"•A'hat cut y-u int'.H'sted in improving<br />
Ltiweil'J condi.v'jn 7" we<br />
: -.ill. :niswcivd Ti<br />
'£hine at Ceremonies<br />
""1 j;.st LOOKED a! court!" .-,<br />
was her reply.<br />
i n-.v!>ridjrc ,ou\ com- It'-< up (o tiw sludfiitv «»»• Hut<br />
n:inyr aiiproxtmntety :i5u seniors j *« can't grt. vrUmr. beiause this<br />
Iinvu been waiting four years for! 1 "* rontalnt*; a g.-«up of Luwt.Ts<br />
this. (nni-st. wiio a:,, nil eager to sort'o<br />
In case somebody;: y liasnt t heard,!""" hard, represent their school/^ -"•<br />
/Q. the Palace IIotf!«'.vili be<br />
m-^ host to thii hundredf, of I<br />
untniR - Lowt-llitcs this tcrmi L Rally Today;<br />
Mai Huberts' orchestra will! Seniors Bid Far^Well<br />
them dancinr;. :<br />
Fl* nn Hoping to I lly'Al Knrstensen<br />
Rpt-;re U^r Can ''"''ay is (lie Uw Day—thp day<br />
Ketire —• Mer car (?ll. rh(),c whoi>1 naH Vaiifd nil<br />
, . , , —, . ,' • „ . . , i term for—Senior Day. •'<br />
^JS/SStlS^pEdf- K 'Z i „ Ajj Uje b^ part of Senior Day<br />
Millions Starve;<br />
Help Save <strong>The</strong>m!;<br />
....'' "y Koy Schwab ;<br />
• , jliiv»' you donated to the f^otl<br />
tlr'.tc f«i- wi.»r-»nrn tHUutrivs? If<br />
riot, it's up tu you tit help put <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
OVLT the lop.<br />
•. Dm Mr.us:mrdt. student body<br />
, prcsWcril. received word of this<br />
cily drive pud bus tried to arouse<br />
intctst in the Lowcl! ntudents I)onationH<br />
«r cans nf food will'gladly<br />
lie a«riitwli--<strong>The</strong> food will be collided<br />
Iroi-i th" rugistries and rep-<br />
, rcscntatlvcK will take H tu the<br />
: nearest fire station, where it will be<br />
aOdivervd to (he starving peoples<br />
>orihe world.V. " "' " ~'- ".' " '•"<br />
v 'This .drive, is beings carried oii<br />
tfirnujthout the school system and<br />
- ;l f<br />
lu"lun im» the<br />
iSfS<br />
w<br />
nim lift tp ri«ht: Melt Tnlttnan, Frank Wolff, Olftu Smirnofr. Tom<br />
'd. and Sliauii Holman. '<br />
Senior Day 'take a sneak, but if caught, he'll<br />
^ jhavL' tu dn some fancy sknting.<br />
* Barbara Uchtensteiti • will be<br />
It.-J..c Karp I there with Ward, <strong>The</strong> Gunner, fol-<br />
%e school with the greatwit Amount<br />
\>\.-ll that certain day is hen»j;oWiilir |lor like the lamb in that<br />
wins. U-t'tt net going! I'ui <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
'aiii; Nope! Not Senior Sneak! old<br />
Wan!<br />
poem.<br />
followed<br />
'Specially<br />
her home<br />
tho<br />
one<br />
second<br />
day,<br />
on lop In the Food Drive! ^<br />
Which was against the rule, ';<br />
But all he had a chance to do,<br />
Mr. Monroe, "because of a lack some of our friends Wan sit around and drool. -,.<br />
gf financial backing," will fiend wear ear on Sonttfr So Day. y<br />
Shaun Holmnn'H HolmnnH ! bru^Rinfr bu^Rinfr p.bout p.out<br />
?l* ainhmer in his own backyard First,Jwo J overhear Harvey Kent, his new su hih i k<br />
•ittering about with brush and<br />
who was doing his elbow .bending<br />
hammer.<br />
:\WA at Doulder. He'd like to like a suit!<br />
! CALENDAR<br />
June 14—Senior Day. v<br />
Jane 14—Final Elections. ''C<br />
•hmv M—Block-L Itill/. ,"<br />
June 14—Comimv of New l*upilB.<br />
--• -<br />
June 17—Graduation Hohcorsats.<br />
- -• •"<br />
June 17—Senior " Picnic at<br />
Fairfax. •:;,;/ --.n.-<br />
June 17—Senior Report<br />
- June Cards. 19—Graduation* > p.t'Qp-^<br />
- era-Hquse.--'<br />
t which fits him like a<br />
•'love.- Top bud it doesn't fit you<br />
; , and at it many nniKtunccTnents will<br />
to the Sierras, ami r£|<br />
^" -'I<br />
June 19, Wednesday night— j<br />
Senior Prom at Palace, i<br />
Hours 9:12.'- , ;• -, -.,]<br />
Junc'/SO^l—Now Progrpm; j<br />
Minimum School Days. I<br />
Juno 22—Summer Vacation \<br />
Starts. •• •" !<br />
Iw made «on«nilnir noxt'tem:<br />
ljiNation in the Derkelcv hills will > "-w low frcKhmen ,'inil sopl-of<br />
; !! Y.zv vacation days IF AIIU g«U| m ?f« wi ", JWJB« -I^twcil bv. Ihw<br />
tlrnsc tires - -• rnlljr. »s the day }f tin- Filock L<br />
~— i lluliy '.s n!*'ay» set nslde an vbttt-<br />
'?ng day for future. LowcUttvx.<br />
| For high oeniors the Block L<br />
Rally- means unyine-goodbye »p"<br />
I^owell. iiii- Etudfillt iHiuly President 7}-'<br />
Ben Maushardt\B'V.CR the- formal<br />
j fiircwc!! s|»c-t!irh rtr the grndu^ing<br />
fchi!«!t. Foe them tt will .be\'Iheir<br />
last I.o.vetl rally. ;/,- ^<br />
<strong>The</strong> new mrmberH oV the Scroll<br />
ndn Shield will tie announced along<br />
with the new ltn»i*' Diwk L and<br />
fJirlrt' niacfc L numbers. C. A. A.<br />
award .winners and.moat:important ^<br />
n?< Jill, the student body officers "<br />
tii' the.next tcrm..-falia9l6. -c<br />
Between the ; fcaPinwBB of th& "<br />
meptine; will be varloiiR. eiitertalnttnent<br />
fcaturinir s3mii'*cC <strong>Lowell</strong>'s • '•':•<br />
jtitobt talented students..<br />
] Much crwlit. *s du? to iiio Rally<br />
I Committee boys-for--mokinc tills-<br />
-nlly^a success, a-*" 1 let's have oil<br />
TWO<br />
So Long, Old Brick. Building<br />
As we, the spring class of 1040. finish writing<br />
our Last Will and Testament and cast our votes<br />
for the cutest couple, we arc reminded that we<br />
will be here for only a few more 'lays. Memories<br />
flash through our minds to form a picture of the<br />
past four years.<br />
Wo remember that lowly feeling we had when<br />
we entered <strong>Lowell</strong> ar> freshmen; the vigor that we<br />
put into the search for the swimming pool; the<br />
excitement for our first championship and the<br />
traditional many more; the cunning of our first<br />
cut and the heartbroken expression on our faces<br />
the time we received that first cut slip; anil then<br />
as we grew, we noticed the way the freshmen<br />
got smaller eveiy year.<br />
Yes, there were many memorable moments<br />
that filled our termshen—the court rallies and<br />
dances; the rush to the dog houses; the many<br />
= class eventr: and the football games, biuttcetball<br />
games, track-and swimming meets, and all the<br />
other sports events that filled our aflernoone.<br />
And then, by pome of us, those afternoons<br />
were spent in other ways; the quiet hours of meditation<br />
in Opportunity Class; and the ones when<br />
we kept appointments, perhaps, at China; and far<br />
more remote affairs that when nut together make<br />
up ur pnrt of the famous <strong>Lowell</strong> tradition.<br />
<strong>The</strong> teachers were (rood to us here, that ie,<br />
most of them to most of us; and we thank them<br />
for their grief and will remember them.<br />
'And always will we remember <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Mr.<br />
Stephens. A man whose »milc and und"r»tancllnir<br />
personality will live for a thousand years through<br />
us, oh whom he has made an indelible impression.<br />
So, In the future; when we read about <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />
forever on top, wn will say. "Oh, yes, I remem-.<br />
iw»r <strong>Lowell</strong> way back in 1046; s«nr, I went there."<br />
<strong>The</strong>n once again nil these things will HUBS through<br />
our mint's. "<br />
Good things, bid things; hapi'iy tnings, sad<br />
things—all were pnrt of <strong>Lowell</strong>, and so wci-u we.<br />
Senior Prophecies<br />
Time ifi an important clement. (Newsweek is<br />
O. K., too.) <strong>The</strong> calendar, press deadlines, and a<br />
certain editor of a certain so-called high school<br />
newspaper r.nrt his bright checrfu! ideas of killing<br />
a story and then reassigning it in the next breath<br />
—all-*hr.;>sing for toothpaste<br />
adds: Barbara Swadlcy: hand model, of Chen Yu<br />
poiisii; Benny and Betty Taylor still deny they're<br />
'each other; Jane Freeman."n missionary in Slam;<br />
^ (Tt.rn to last column bit this page)<br />
cxjKsriuwi vttioa.<br />
H. 8. S. A. UemUra Fr«<br />
EDITOR.....<br />
- ....,., UAN' STONE<br />
w^o^>~~—n;—i Un Collins<br />
1News FeahireEdito<br />
Girls' Editor....-_....;^t./. Sporta;<br />
_ Hcnrv Stein<br />
iFeahire-Editors.J'ntFriondantlCffrolyn CiltiM<br />
Circulation'Manager. .^im Mayerhorer Kuward<br />
Girls' Exchange............^—--1HU—:.Carm«n Sporta;£.._•;- :cuMti Castillo<br />
ni_.TImc«^Reprc«:ntativc Dan Dohertv. Smith<br />
Bart<br />
J<br />
inte .; _ ;£Jim Bob Myrhorer Hitchcock<br />
PhotoitrotVr. ......... ,,,...Eoh. Hertxstifn<br />
REPORTERS , '<br />
•tt . •; , ' Jw,,,'<br />
Murk Knmnlti<br />
He ny Schwab<br />
-DwlKbt- Wilbur n -<br />
THE LOWELL. FIIIHAV. JUNE U. 194]x, wowinjr them at.China Beach;<br />
Conni 'Stone, with an improved disposition; Peter<br />
Sommcr fsee him.for n bar permit); Kent Stow,<br />
r. second Einstein; John Morse, a mattress tester;;<br />
Virginia Lee, as lovely A smile, as-over; Rosemary '<br />
Bloomgardcn, nritmincnt' horticulturist: Barbara<br />
Rlytlic, has lost her spirit; Lillian Stcnc, luckily<br />
no relation to D. S. ~<br />
Mnson Kicii is a social parasite; Phil Rich is<br />
i'cniiilc.«ti; Chester itowell is a P'lblrafier; Kathy<br />
Allen is K. T. Storent the Second: Lou 3.intlea,<br />
underworld gangster: D»Ug Blnckic, a public IIhrarinn;<br />
Enid Arata Is an exacting English<br />
tenchflr; Barbara Rochforte, better known as Cement<br />
Mixer; Ilcib Campbcll.a taxi driver; Ruth<br />
Aufhauscr, n Ixtwell linrarrnn: Jonn Wilshire is<br />
the rwner of a hotel: Joan Boisseree is the Ier of the Portland Chamber of Commerce; Joan<br />
Smith, second Helen Wills; Pat Stanfelil. Ce«hmore<br />
IN'(J.; Merv Sillierbcrc;. Exalted Ruler of the<br />
Elks; Vic Fischer, seenrut Rube Goldberg; Tom<br />
Fee, Weinstetn's genurol iKanaccr; George Stevens,<br />
hiir Ipiiffue baschall manaffur; Lou AronEan-<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> footbnll conch.<br />
.!.«• Sd'ivani, tlcalor .suuri-nic; Paul Thurau,<br />
gumc warden at Boulder Creek: Jack Braun.-director<br />
of Grattan Playground; Dallas Brock, canatin<br />
of the Pinocehlo hot shot?: Frank Wtplff. old<br />
man before his age: Elly BetBchart. who cares ,<br />
Pete Ganynrd. owner of the Olympic Club: Jane<br />
Fisher. Lana'n buddy fBoihscrec): Clyde Henry-is<br />
ffaturftii; n well-worn block.<br />
Kd Cay is still 11 playboy: Lnvernc Benstock,<br />
iit-tress extraordinary: Pat O'Reilly, San Francisco<br />
nolHical lioss; Roean Norwit, a joker: Poohne<br />
Whitvhenn. LOUCIIR Parsons the second; Jeff<br />
Dcwht'rrv. the cosmetic king: Dick Marracd, '<br />
ronrh of Mission Ilifih; Emil Rnfetto. the R. 0. _<br />
T. C. instructor at Lmvoi!; Put Berkitley, still go- ~<br />
inp.around with Joe Stewart; Nancy Cartman,<br />
"till tcking care of her "Old Grandnr:": Glenn Hlttk>.<br />
the crenernl of thn Nnciimal Gu.ird: Barbara<br />
Cohh, a fnmoUK Drondw«y nctrcss: Phillys Slack." " ~<br />
old maid with Irene S'w: Nancy Harrfcon, chamiifinmc<br />
nucen of Napa Valley.<br />
Cnrnl'tw Southard, still tlio jiiuc; Don. von<br />
^eJdern and Paul Borgcrot, coroners: Conchita ;<br />
Romo. South America!*'cutfo; Mare; LovJner and<br />
Pete Lavman, still gome steady; Reed Karri*.<br />
»n officer of the* law; Betty Fcnster, still blushing-<br />
Jim E|lett, celeb-ntiug ]»:•« twenty-second<br />
wcddinir anniversary: Mogens - Norager,' 1 enlisted<br />
in the U. S. Army; AlvinCnburi, a band leaden r^-i<br />
Dolores Conner, utili'coing to the University of :<br />
Oregon; Rod' Duncan, professional dancer: Art •-<br />
IjiPedis, used furniture dealer: Bev Haddleson,<br />
flum Inc.; Betty Ifucrseh. featuring a feather bob;<br />
Jonn Hull, psvchintriM: Ro«« M»rio Koninir* nrt<br />
editor Hanwr's Bazaar; Virginia Hoyt, second Miu ^.<br />
Scott: Sophia Dell 'Orfo. public contortionist (den- -';<br />
tist): Glndys Bryant, an educator; Marian liollierv^.^<br />
•v^itine for tho doctor to come home; William -^<br />
Atislen. doctors Pete Eordcgnrny ou*ns the City ~\<br />
of Pnris. "• ;<br />
Jack Navarro. a new'-screen Navafro; Thomas •'•<br />
.NUon. still hard tu net; Dick Olson conducts the — i<br />
Standard Symphony; PatrO'Roillv, captain of the _ ;<br />
Mnryiora; Milton Ror.?ch: J. A. G. United States<br />
Armv; Sherman Silva, mcujigcr of the Now York<br />
Vnnfccw Mnrfthnll Zcnioni wild cossack; Corinne<br />
Clirfc/Mra. Wm. Wriglcy;, Marian .lorcensnn, skU, ;<br />
Heil: Yvonne Mirtin. successor to Helen Haves: •?;<br />
Sandra Hoffman, Mildred I'earco Tearooms Inc.;<br />
Orace M^cCngUe. nnrtne- of Sandra Hoffman:<br />
it Mitchell, Clare Bnoth Luce the second;<br />
Molinari. sincerextraordinarv: Dixie Lee<br />
m&<br />
_,To now<br />
! trade<br />
.iboes.<br />
;hotdo)<br />
iitoea<br />
and<br />
M.lier s<br />
; conduct
lfc vv<br />
'*»«»»<br />
Hi<br />
Will nnix «fc<br />
(Continued From Page Two) ictoua BreaWmt Club dougouta to<br />
Joan BobMcree leaves all her(whoever<br />
finds them. To Shirley<br />
extra padnimo of t Mta Cook ROCS Clara Ervin's collection<br />
Le Settr. Uarlene Merrill will in- of scarfs and wonderful leaky<br />
bfrit Marian BoUler>i memories of swimming caps. Joan Evera leaves<br />
their BETTER days. Velerie Booth : the first seat in room 328 to whom<br />
birrs to Olive Blisa her dancing , aver is fcolish enough to want it.<br />
•hoe* and the family of mice in her ! To.n Fee leaves his posters to<br />
fas* at the "music campus." j any freshman who wants them. To<br />
! Bobbie Ware, Betty Fenster leaves<br />
John Bowes Has NothInC I*ft<br />
woSeJ^^<br />
but out clarinet to<br />
sician. Carmen ME,<br />
. . „_ __._ J the btencu-<br />
la anJthur one who doesn't ing that Mr. Felling wants Jone to<br />
that you can't take it with you. anyone who wants to get out of a<br />
Gladys Fagin gets Nancy Cart- few classes. Joan Gidalnga is takraar.'B<br />
ability to cub. Milt Cerfing<br />
it all with her.<br />
leaves his gun! grades to Frank Nancy Dean Gill leaves to Bill]<br />
Carmen Castillo eoes<br />
aiffd' bli t<br />
Catherine<br />
tut MJss Helen Glover wills all the fun of<br />
Kight-singinj; in the GleeClub to<br />
vuccessfully - '• un Y meaning freshman, EUie<br />
: Barbara Cobb wills to Joan Hut- Grant leaves her gym suit and<br />
-> to her silver plated naio, /or good. J"iy addles lu Luliu SuvlUe md,<br />
conduct at <strong>Lowell</strong>. Rosalie Co-;J°e>» HutW; 3*** Grupo leaves<br />
bientz leaves the information ^at'to any freshman her place in the<br />
^her hair Is a natural red. Marian ! KXm office.; Bill Haack's ability to<br />
Conn k»ves her charter member- cut classes goes to Kenny Flowers<br />
ihln in the Breakfast Club and On- lltl " Tom Greek Glafldde*. Joan<br />
.portunltyCUssto^crcousuvMar-;Hall wills to Miss Scott a rubber<br />
vin. Len CoLilna leaves hla post as• pillow, James Thurbor, a. new backpresident<br />
of the C. S. F. to Sid' Bcratcher. and a few cloUies pins.<br />
Loune. and all his girl friends to I Doug Hanson leaven his dirty i<br />
., .-/ Jack Hendricks and Al Williams,. ram nwks to Bill Myers. Reed<br />
! -'/ who. he says, probably won't know j Harris wills to Frod Fields his Cu-<br />
- ' what to do with them (EUJtor's l' u n cucumber holder, as ho win<br />
'' note: We didn't know you were ao Probably need It more than anyone<br />
smartLen.) Barbara Cook, leaves, else ct <strong>Lowell</strong>. Nancy Jean Harthe<br />
library with all her love to Irison wills to Joyce Henry her place<br />
Nancy Oakes. Ileen Cook leaves her' in Mr. Monroe'? office. 2nd period,<br />
place at <strong>Lowell</strong> to some unlucky I To Yvette Vayesie, Beverly Hartitudcnt<br />
coming in. Dolores Cooper! man wills all thu ov«rduo library<br />
villa to Dot Fim. her ability to slips for books she hasn't sot To<br />
Do im yToy<br />
Bob Matheny noes Joan Harvey's<br />
sneak out at lunch time. Ed Coy Bob Matheny ffoea Joan Harveys<br />
isn't leai leaving anything. hi<br />
wond wonderful memories of her senior<br />
Carolyn Crane wills to Bobble year.<br />
Ware all the good luck charms she's' Ch Claire Anne Heller wills to any<br />
used, even thuugh Bobble probably freshman al! the hours she hasn't<br />
won't need them. Ron Crawford studied. To all future dramatic<br />
leaves to Marts Nagel all the wor- students. Irene Hcnniger leaves the<br />
ries of the Red and White. ^ <strong>Lowell</strong> stage: It may be small but<br />
Connie Cross leaves her place on . Clyde Henry wills his ability<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> staff under Mr. Patter- to fa!!, off street cars to Milan BA-<br />
nmt Higgin loaves er na<br />
who wants it (Ahem, Captain the absentee list to<br />
her buddy,<br />
Juck!) Audrey Davis leaves hcr Carol Spitser. who she is sure wi<br />
nper-dnper deluxe i& cent mirror apprcciutui*. .»n-i. hot day. Merrill<br />
to any dtierving frosh. in return Hill leaves to anyone who likes<br />
fcr aU the hooks that have been I them a large bowl of junket ami an<br />
THE LOWELL. FRIDAY. JUNE 14. 1946<br />
m*<br />
i%<br />
• ^ TEEPEE<br />
<strong>The</strong> end of the terra has finally<br />
c me, and with lithe Senior Edltl
LAST W I<br />
to anyone who Stnnfield bequ»Uwg to Marilyn<br />
:<br />
(Continued From Page Three) one battered<br />
ous. He leaves his gym socks to Bd Brandt, B<br />
Frank Wolfe, his powerful build to Schnelaer<br />
Frank Wilson and John Lynch bottle<br />
(there's enough for both), bis<br />
knowledge to Mark Kasanin, and<br />
his iishtog pole to Ron Leon, fienn<br />
Langner leaves his wrestlini<br />
to Duaban Boreta. For all<br />
boys. Art LaFedls leaves his loud<br />
voice and ability to be thrown out<br />
of the library. Gas La Rosa, bavins<br />
worked hard darine the basketball<br />
season, has nothing left to<br />
leave.<br />
Barbara Lawrence wills to Beverly<br />
Br.nunett her cabin at Boulder<br />
CCreek k eU<br />
JK •Sll ¥¥ ever nil?)<br />
bottle to H o e y W e ;<br />
pares of physics notes to the most<br />
Jean Kiaton wills her dismissed i*<br />
fifth period to anyone with Mr.<br />
ytning that term with Frank MartelL Murray<br />
with it John Lawson is leav- j Nackord wills his old worn-out Gl-<br />
" - - Kuitla Jumbo Marble Handbook<br />
1 omlcii le<br />
' w h<br />
Karpeiutein'a okay. Irene Steen g• fl '""t« iit,<br />
and is nbletoS<br />
leaves a bottfo of Brorao-Seltxer to<br />
gy<br />
Putner. who ^yfl! need it for<br />
nil his bagjrigo<br />
hungry boys to drool upon.<br />
Sally ally Stephens Stp wilis H2O2 SSSSSMS<br />
John Morse wills to lii« toy in<br />
to Carol Spitxer—and S p eher p pink , lo hU kid s)it«r. PegntiBZ?<br />
LoweU with the fastest car his<br />
shire to anyone who h needs d it. i (Edi-<br />
ory or four mtaiSyea? iSyea<br />
parkin* place on Grove street.<br />
tor's note: Now we know!) George j<br />
Dank Mullowney wills to Herb Ze-<br />
Rose Uyeda<br />
„<br />
Stephens leaves all the broken bats, i all the Amazons wilts nt LowelL her<br />
vas one pair of brass knnckles so<br />
tort balls, and 100 run (for the jValde*ph0 leaves 'ir3S<br />
hetl be able to hold his own next who wants ft<br />
i lL M athletic equipment Allan Rup-<br />
other ride) <strong>Lowell</strong> bwrball games nn the freckles she<br />
precht wills hi* nickel-platud, pearl- to ary "ballplayer" who wants the court. To Bev<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>-<strong>The</strong> hopes. Marion Layhandled<br />
.45 to Dimitri Cyin. Tot- them. Jack Stewart will* his art Valmassy wills a bottle<br />
of snowing everybody under to j and household «"M>nia.<br />
is leaving memories of herself<br />
suo Sakakura wills hie gym locker<br />
twin piped muffler. Bill<br />
can stand It, Ann Le Danx loaves<br />
her trouble in opening lockers. Bar- Joanna Kakamura wills her ambara<br />
Lee leaves to Joan Cane one bition that gets her nowhere to any Reya Saper leaves Sid Loupe aUigkLh leaves—through cowriDidT'stofra the dcor. thriviniF To Bob I Turner's "Gl to anyfool<br />
has hi* hair all cut off.<br />
worn, tired, gym suit; to the suc- down and out freshman. Isanra the pine pong tables around LowelL i^£-5f i&Wta .SSL* «?"\»r« dcr Mehden bequeathes<br />
cessor in locker 1688, one genuine Nao wills his place in class to any<br />
!ege of handling- cut dipt leventh<br />
de luxe hanger, probably tfie only sleepy student who wonts to dream<br />
one of its kind in LoweU. nbout his future graduation. Vfo- Schmelzer Schmelxer wills to Effle Preovolas to Mm!cent ihnMn the several do- Pfiriod. to Bud SchneideVVn!. »<br />
Icttc Neldeck leaves he.* pompa- their half rym locker for as lone<br />
entail! Earl Mowrop filU hdr<br />
caved oranges and other tempting<br />
dour to any freshman who wants as she will be in <strong>Lowell</strong>. Reny<br />
to the back seat of Don von G4-<br />
freshman the privilege of notclean- it. Tom Nilon wills his power of Schwab bequeathes to Catherine dcllsacles delicacies to be found fo In their lockdera's car.^with th^ reminder to<br />
ing his<br />
er. Conn! Stone<br />
yean. doing homework past midnight to<br />
to<br />
Anne Lehmann leaves aU the anyone who can't stay awtJce. Sa-<br />
long hours she spent waiting at the di*ro Koguchi wills her seat in Miss<br />
bond counter to anwne who likes Men&injc's class to anybody who ol their locker.<br />
to stand nw a radiator and wait<br />
To some poor Hacker. Pan Stone jWhitehead wflls the gym suit she<br />
ikbs to Moegens Noreger CWw Schwortx wills to, Jean, i ,etWthV job (Edltor'ii note: And<br />
(Editor', note: <strong>The</strong> certain boy who leaves alliftt personal property. Fowler Mrc Baker/s good will, and<br />
always used to show up late won't<br />
that's NO<br />
wings and bottles included, to %ny to Mary Ann Sloane, Mr. Polland'a<br />
btt there any more.) Barbara Lleh- freshman who can match his CUT- good disposition. Peter Schwant<br />
tenstein is • t •• t ALL with her. TING. Roean Horwitt leaves to wilt to a-iyone who wants it his<br />
John Ulicnt._ nthes a whole Joan Glazcr the comnanv of WHma good will (extreme) with Mr. Har-<br />
sltw of smoke to be used on Jelllr.* and Lcnore Smith. To Jim ris. To Bev Schmercr goes Gladys<br />
anyone except . Mr, to any- Skidmore, Dick Olson wills hia Schwarzcnbach'a prize Frank Sina-<br />
one who wants them. Mr. Bony parking place, with the proviso that tra picture. Doug Scovil leaves<br />
has his share) Winifred Lilly"" UUy wilfi «— Jim stay lay away from vou<br />
tnow<br />
a will to Kffie Preovolos, that she who. (Editor's note: No'we don't.)<br />
will not be lonesome while she Shoji Ono. havintr jciven his all to<br />
trudges through ti» halls of Low- Mv. Barnes in physics DX fourth<br />
ell without said Winifred. Gerry ncriod, hasn't got anything left<br />
Lore wills to Loufte Hanford her Bryan O'Reilly (Edito's note: Oh,<br />
drawer in Mr. Monroe's office, and —""** leaves his car to his brothto<br />
Helen Jacobs her gray, glamor Uie note that there is a<br />
sweater. Liane Lorenxini leaves sixty dollar repair bill that wilt<br />
fc> lidi' NMUT, Marie, the pin-up pichave<br />
to be naid tp the garage.<br />
ture of "pop" in "RonenkavalierJ'<br />
Bobbie Orlob leaves (o Clalie<br />
Margaret Lovinor leaves the fun Murphy a cvtaln group of boys ad-<br />
of planning rallies to the next vicemired by both. (Editor'* note:<br />
prexy: she also leaves tho micro- Who? Us) "<br />
phone po which was always too high<br />
for " her. " Mary Lowe " leaves " tvesawam- a warning<br />
to ill: "Beware." Joan Lynch<br />
leaves the memorandum<br />
i<br />
tht»t<br />
(hut<br />
everyone<br />
should always, always (always,<br />
that oiieghotild is), chew always,always gum in Miss (a Le<br />
Seur*0 doss, becansa Miss Le Sear<br />
likes it so much.- Carol Lee Lyon<br />
wi'ls all her old report cards and<br />
cut slips to UIL- Sunset Scavenger<br />
Company. To Dlone Rose or anyone<br />
else who U always dieting Hel-<br />
«ne Magner wills her many fruit<br />
Un. Hercules Ma!ek0i leaves all<br />
fef* sports wear-in the gym, so his<br />
kids will use iwv ,'•'•<br />
,. Dick Mcrracq wills his great uall<br />
playing ability (which no on« rec-<br />
•gmxes) to lun Flowers. Yvonne<br />
Martin wills to Yvette Vayssle nil<br />
the ri*hu u men that she cooldnt<br />
jeet/r (EUtor*« note: <strong>The</strong>-menur<br />
the rights?) Yvonne's seat in the<br />
court gvoe to Jean Fain, Jan<br />
Brickie, Jane Luban. Corinne Jot<br />
jceuon, and Darlent Mflt.-iJl.<br />
.> BOD Maoihardt leave* to AI Williams<br />
his "elastic cloth bound" book<br />
on "How To Win Fenale Friekds.<br />
Jim Msyerhofer'leares his abilit<br />
( nnd Janet Simon shared aU term to<br />
oke. MHI!) of being edi- Janet; and to Roby Goldstar tba<br />
tor of <strong>The</strong> LowclL<br />
cut rlijm that Pauline never rot<br />
LIIHnn Stone leaves to Zelda Jonir Wllf hire wilU her plS In<br />
Stone the ability to have her hair the dirt dit of f th*> th St. St Francis F i PJd Biding<br />
combed before rerfotry. Kent Stow Academy «Uuies to any unforat-<br />
It all with him! Joe Sturla ""to freshmin who decides tJ tike<br />
to "Lefty" Rowell a | bareback rWIng next term. Shirley<br />
u&iSi??&>J2S*EvJ?\.& Uld tests slid cut slips in his locker, j WHO?) Mary . WooUridg* W<br />
needs It badly, and his trcck thoes Conmielo<br />
what's<br />
with tho wings on Uiera to Ken bequeathes her dirty<br />
Foiir. Myron Segal leaves to all suit<br />
j Frank Wolf will* to Bill Xeff'aD<br />
freshmen liis passes to get out of Bob Swingley leaves his<br />
ft fputr cperiod. id<br />
tlon at the "Jewel" to any fresh-,<br />
' Gloria S Irarcs her<br />
jit • io an _<br />
it . Evelyn" Eyn Seiert Seifert leaes leaves to Jou Joan I Fflueger g the j job of f caring g and f Uwmv wmv before fourth period. JUBM<br />
Klinkom oil her high school wo>losing, as he has done for Jackie Won* W gives Ms M T«fro* f Ltrli l (the<br />
. - -„-,- -»-< ries and and pleasures. pesures. Anna Serexlls Darling. g Ilarbara b Swadloy Sy leave* l* vo hJSt oaSrlie has) to Albert LmC<br />
) Joyce Prderson wllb wills all her not so »ood »;ood grade grades t to Marion Bhx*tt her ability to JC«t<br />
T £ i f i<br />
Holmes on oW. beat out, Harry CoU's, so ht on bapon Mong with Earl Moscrop and to<br />
pair of harlequin sun gli Lee them. Eileen Shapiro leaves to Ian Cooper, her ability to get along<br />
?5 l \ Kt S 7% hta ^ alne Arons her oW econ,,bt»ok if • ?ab Tallman leave» his senie of<br />
M«y ^ find n bet\tr Klalnc can Had lU uiul hat two-<br />
humor io Min H.irrison and Air.<br />
'piece gym suit on*! one gym shoe" h""" Monroe. Uid his position as "one of<br />
Marilya Perry wills her ability to Joanne Sussklnd. Igor Sharonto<br />
cut fifth period lunch to Bev off to jtomo sad soul leaves his old<br />
th« boys" to Sid Loupe. Melvfn<br />
Scltmlrer. (Editor's not: Why cut keds that took him all tho way<br />
Tatnterg leaves his hrll locker and<br />
lunch?) Lou Picetti leaves ha gift fam junior high and get bim funk In .t to J*cV Htglcy. To Bill<br />
of gob to any freshman who needs A in gym. Barbara Sharp JeavM<br />
-Curiey<br />
it and everything eke to his sister, her ability to pass econ. to any<br />
Sally. Elaine Platt wills her locker freshman lucky enough to nt *<br />
and pictures to Norma. Charbot,'and neat In the back. To M Cvr, Vance<br />
all ine bottles of hair laquer to Ar-Sheffey leaves the ability to get<br />
dene Llneer, and says* "wear ft In four blocks and onlv WMT Um*<br />
1 - Feillng. Benny Taylor<br />
leaves dome ribbonn for his nair<br />
Friekds.<br />
leares his> ability<br />
to get mwfcj (D and F) to<br />
-the baU Joe Hatfer. Jack Me-<br />
Csffjey, luves es M» stolen dgorotte,<br />
fifth' fh period, to 2Cen :"Sharke/<br />
Flowers C MC<br />
t<br />
-. ..JIs her locker freshman ^luclcy'enough to get *\ Keggv Trowbridgfl has the success I and help k<br />
and plctu.es to NormaCharbotTand neat In the back. To A1 r«r, Vance' her biother had at Lo'HI. Paul<br />
Flowers. Craco McCague WUIB her<br />
plscs on the "21" to Delia Re<br />
and her seat in any of to Mr^ Delia W ReeM<br />
l e seat in any of Mr^ Williams<br />
classes to Jean Wagner. Slesnor<br />
KcCuUough wiUs to Norman Welsh<br />
rood luck in cuttimr mr daaseo.: daaseo. Mary ary<br />
Mconald nald lea^» to Joan J Jago her h<br />
ability to get A's from Miss<br />
•ttitimtie Uesky and Sunla o<br />
wicz bfir ability to get to school<br />
time. Emmett McKowen wills ^t<br />
ability to g«t. jJtralaht "A" to anyboi"<br />
who needs ft and hi<br />
enough<br />
~-B«b~ Meeney wills the<br />
Latin cltai'Jfr. CaniTud « !„«<br />
jf jmies B<br />
man. (Editor'* not Didn't<br />
the Emancipation Proclamation,<br />
Bob?- ,jToa-«no?r,:yild report<br />
ft^ Information. CaroBie 1 LYcirrled the boards hack to Loir- isceh* features. :From ,<br />
HI. vUen<br />
court<br />
(hey decided^<br />
with them,i<br />
bulM<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
.'there<br />
I tlr« i*irt«<br />
were<br />
all<br />
enow*,<br />
the red ^»y<br />
tond?.*.<br />
i -u ^ *••<br />
IT<br />
"<br />
'Southard leaves all the<br />
juit di »t •» lt ««me: their little nearis d** 1 In handy. „ .<br />
"^.<br />
w i <strong>The</strong>y worked like beRvers.<br />
ai«riinnule, the owner returned !*oon all thdr'ittiats<br />
irora the Last to move Into his dition. Than ai<br />
nice, new ho«ie. Imagine his thought hit them,<br />
-mawanent at finding a nice, new,; to lead the sone* for"<br />
JoundaUonand that's alL H« imer « was » cinch the,<br />
£W rKOfrntze his buarCb, and since;never learn them, no<br />
'» the head*eh^-l r had ms orance, he got himself ai(lh«n a ttudenl) wan —-<br />
- at SwelaoN.? Ui Mr * newe , 1 > nome - But this time J ileeted to enlighten the<br />
Lydla Potter StSf PM *°? 1 } 1 > r -Bu.<br />
supervised the jnbJbodr. Cowplele wl»h •«*y<br />
otier. rut He watched e*wy day^ inspected (Continued on Page Fiw>
Do Dates<br />
No?....,.<br />
THE 1.OWEI.I, KKIIIAY. JUNK 14. 1946<br />
^p o^ Characters Around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
In devotinc this edition to the<br />
their like*, dislikes, and<br />
SuTthcv choose to clean l out hi their<br />
taker (they call it -willing** the<br />
tmiten'.s to the unsuspecting<br />
tinuil. *- l Virginia<br />
; "1 Just low harobunrcr!*<br />
-« freshmen have be—<br />
f4it in the cold. <strong>The</strong>y rea<br />
!£re » break (I ion't know „_,<br />
^ i guess the *irtor ievls sorry; i»n jnffico worker.<br />
1 was the;<br />
She plans to go<br />
Bob Tollman<br />
He Mould have liked to meet Ber-<br />
Senior Shows Talent;<br />
''-- Hollywood for Joan<br />
It'*, nut everyday you '&&- tn in-<br />
Olga Smirnoff lerview Jmtn HoiaMree. Hit after<br />
• • . ,- *.,—..ir i mypelf to the MMen,<br />
I<br />
Approaching pica Smirnoff, Smir a eomered WM Vr ._. ._ In 4,v.,_ front „. of ,,„ h*r 4CW rcr:<br />
Jondc.' jmH began to feuh qwiitiota at h*r.<br />
_., what- jnxn clalrax swimming her out-<br />
-, , . «. being it>- *trnd:ng rport: dancing her favor-<br />
(fondltcmewed. <strong>The</strong> usual option wa*' ite inrtime. Whfa wfcec her Lobt),<br />
the picture. *<strong>The</strong> Lost i answered soon enough cs she! ny,<br />
•taten-ents by seniors are not ad* jerny tabbT;" (cat. that is >. named<br />
, inembr 1 have been filling a<br />
quick-<br />
'ut just irtt'dlcnts and opin- Gravel G'.-rtie, and cjillsd U. G. for<br />
client.*"<br />
|<br />
hacquaint<br />
you with the perils<br />
an.i stubborn. In Uie next brvathj On inquiring furtWr, she mplied^'w^jiout bwhttlon. and with %<br />
i short.<br />
firit J?"<br />
iof<br />
r<br />
most<br />
h<br />
-ce, site described<br />
: V i r s r i n i-,^^<br />
a* Bob Hto<br />
have to be<br />
)soMitt; was the Mcond lime<br />
t reme<br />
"^ *<br />
f<br />
he " Iovwt any does. He • Here ML LO><br />
" it She to<br />
looking, sincere, Uwd in drama and wu one of the<br />
and with an" tll-around good per-Jstan, in the term play, "Clarence."<br />
!„—1;._ jshe enjoys this field verv much .<br />
an.1 says it'« lots of fun. t" „„<br />
e _ r *<br />
a nice time,* and<br />
Hts hidden talent In emptying' ,?.<br />
Connie Cross—"Someone stepped<br />
- •!.* nkirt of my forma 1 j<br />
, and torn While Khe found it hard tST re-(tsk.<br />
tsk.) Ho never rrmcmbcrt'Kf ?L<br />
: member nay dWikes. she likes *ll<br />
off!"<br />
owell thincs. cashmeres, the<br />
LenColHns—"I didn*'/know what<br />
a J£ » mhM y «« an *«-jand thepicturVW displayed**<br />
his locker combination. demic course, -number of his . swdto* Milton<br />
Feeling in a generous m»od, wo! "Not a 'Brain*" Lew!*, a talent acont from Pa*ngnve<br />
him an Ideal day to "gad. I When asked what she disliked, mount Studio*, noticed it and It.-<br />
ap! 1<br />
Dick Stflff—"I didn't get jimitc.- •• •-• •-• »•- .«...«.. ....^ - -—-; - —y.,~ Ti ";: —i T \> r « icimcu, uvmic cauru a in*in, .une was siaiea ior scsraom. Joan<br />
til|3! the following Hoonf ronnecUon? ;jun with some fdlu laUlduiner, because r really dont think I am, will iMve for Hollywood thin wn-<br />
KiUiy AllrAT* 1 wore saddles.| Anjr_wor^^food j» to Jw liking. time^ After *^£J T ^*JE, onc - •»«. (In fact, JiV lik« what jwi<br />
magaxtne, und<br />
t- jluwt» "Aiuldauf—"<strong>The</strong> rirl'si«»'l everythlnir," '"rntioneil dri. and cot homo ati^ 1 !.*.**..^ 1 ^".*?" 0 .;. 1 !? ..^r. ma>Oe •»«» «T you wiBti><br />
nJJS %*llowney—"I wan npotted<br />
on a s»/*et car by a prominent<br />
U«el'/ coach, who thouRht I was<br />
oat vlth my mother!**<br />
fit Stanfictd — "Etttlnt* with<br />
crnpsticks!"<br />
:;;/Biiriiira" /Bh Ijtwrencc—"He was a<br />
fno nyem. to ^ any uit(,r.-. t .<br />
Busy I»oe I Walking auny she murmured, j senior decretf<br />
Huggetl individuality, and lots, oiV'This sure wiw ,\ surorisc." • Sons Till<br />
Intcn-uptiona remind us of inter-!f»n are what to enpect from the! ' B<br />
Bob Swingley<br />
g Ry nir clasn secretary, forw*ri on j<br />
fi fiHit, bluc-eyeil, senior cl«ss treas-1 tho Hehl-vptirhls, worker In Miss I<br />
Hnim.n<br />
.•icwing Hob Swlngley, the blonde;senior clns« secretary, forward on j<br />
urer with the TAN. <strong>The</strong> ffollowing, g Harri«ons Harri«on's office, of and member of<br />
dil i l f h |h I<br />
enough.<br />
riolman<br />
put up with is a when snmple ktliititr« of what gvt Bo-;t_h«y wc|ihc Rlrn-k dll turn I., out to be that one<br />
BCT lUrtman—*'I was dressed In | Jn"^.<br />
foot Bfnoh. hnzL-l-cved, brown •<br />
hcrhand^hesl clothes .. . we went) ]icrKen>t: "Swingie>;'s hcinf >-! hni'rrd'fe'iia—'nameiy. Boh Taiiman.<br />
I U-rviuw ? 7 ? Soy, Bob, tell her<br />
H«k Malekos—"I copped m:ahout the drowning girl you rcsnwak.<br />
(Stood ner up!) \vwA at Balboa beach!"<br />
Cla'n; Ann He er—"I lost my jint.v favorite expression is<br />
kfy and had to climb in the win- -What a fiizerl" He REALLY<br />
dnw! 1 Come on. all you wnJtirs. let*^<br />
-No! No! Not him i aafcninr<br />
yelled j «•n readinar u good book and Fry" then. But now vou're thr<br />
Sumpitl. MW hnn been didn't have time to run away, she "Bitf-Witrs in the Wir-Wam.**<br />
Wstorian wan fonreii to Interviev one-half, «u Was Wondei^ul TbM.** the<br />
of the famous >amnus Holman iioiman lirothcr» uminen,, ^i nf { tests, night* ii of f cramming. b<br />
Jagain. * Shaun is an old friend oft,n(1 ,),- U(niai nleadinr'with pl«4Inrith tea teach-<br />
* C"cs for aporW, is forward in uur<br />
tho Maff ly now. He alwan does !} *„ ^ S card JS3JS« dayg< «Don.t «nJ*u.<br />
Reya Saper— "<strong>The</strong> fcMa came to!Vars[t>:. on track, swims and enjoys<br />
Unniflhinc stupendous just in time •<br />
call for me on a.Wcj'cie<br />
ia imod vamc of pool. His amhi-<br />
] for the next issue of <strong>The</strong> Loweil. '•<br />
Tom f h "<br />
• tion is to crow a beanl.<br />
wouldn't kiss me!<br />
Cerf, with camera: "Hold it!"<br />
(Wo obligingly crosit our eyes.) Seniors' Ideals<br />
' He likes «lvepmg. milk'Shakc*,<br />
; "Till w« »kf'At^inr when<br />
What Is a Narghile? .South So* dances. Hates walking<br />
ChoMen Class Essayist ,we hear that **A«Wai» fkrenad*,*'<br />
For the Future<br />
l to echool, kids leaving games when<br />
TMn time, Shaun has been "Here We Go Aaain*T-with the<br />
: Secret Is Revealed! we're Itchlnd, and tot* much lip*<br />
rhns*n as class essayist. He uses latest "Talk of the T.ovra.<br />
'stick. (On bnys or girls?) He's Chr\n KtK-kos:<br />
:<br />
,' von hnvo »i>en n fii«-»' M1H<br />
activities in a Ion* Wei flea been;up, Gunw the>1l > irolna- stead/<br />
«*retarvoftheSw to swim." a violent shaking he finally woke<br />
JOSS Wnf\rt'Y> ••nnm it" up. lie raised his head nit the<br />
l u m v-pr "i"7 h u « »'"* »M he«rd to moan. "Go<br />
MARTA NMUEL: "I'd ride it Vnv rjin.t vau Wfi r m busy? 1<br />
.-Taylor to Trowbridire after a<br />
tripninr session at tt n*ctnt dance,'<br />
"Tik.- It EJL«V!"<br />
Al KriiffStad'* theme conjr ntu<br />
rbara Cobb-<br />
^ A B ^ " ' . ^ around |rWor,,r y a few fact. on*hi. Having £. of^ ^ ^ 3 , ? ^ t^ZS f?i<br />
MOB HERTSTE1N: -Keep it in'' * Activity Are Many i Won. - -^ •g^^^ff^a^ 11 the Mubject of atomic energy, tying<br />
in with other world problems,}trraduatfon—ni Be<br />
ItroBght him the title of Class Vou" "Till <strong>The</strong>n."<br />
, Vnlwlictorl-^L TSfutght we e*w<br />
With this in mind, we met the'Mixer") Ilrnmf.'<br />
If! foot 1 inch limwn-haired Frank,• (rirls a brmik.<br />
expecting dr»n;atic genius to jfall'be wejkiiifl overtime.<br />
I Wuo4«r" who waa the<br />
-^*nt Rigi'BrouatMU tiff?<br />
Sandy? ... Dan ,'~Ooo\<br />
Ooherty:??<br />
'"* "fl<br />
mrdsrk room for mspWtion." | Tom came to Lbwdl from Grant T. T««.hrH^. iHnd^Vkiv iMJStJJM^l-iifeL!<br />
I around mjr, ankle."<br />
" it" , ,<br />
MACKENZIE: "Put!<br />
phonograph and sec It Iti u^<br />
bury U."<br />
Guilty<br />
ft Ury of the student body. Radio' »""*• IJSJ2Jrfijf ^^J^Stg^St! C J J * « BI BI<br />
S&.r<br />
SIX 1HB I.OWKU. I-KIHAY. 11. IMS<br />
Sports<br />
Spotlight<br />
This is our last column. i iMnl. wan « high sthuol<br />
<strong>The</strong>r* is wily on* thiijr we could itieam cc.ne tiue.<br />
write about.<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> and Saint Ignatius were<br />
We see it as plain a* day. rr itinoally patting on a two-team<br />
For three years we watched the right far Ihe prep «wimmin* title<br />
(Treats and >t€»r-creau.—Ure will- ami b*te afternoon friender. darlcner«;<br />
the lowers: the hamburgers: haiml Itenee Herreria* got hotter<br />
and the champions of prepdom. tnau He hu«ii*e*M end of a tnreli<br />
V> believe that the* three a^d pumped hmae 27 txtints for the<br />
yearn were the beat of San Fran- Saint Icr'.tlb-- Wildkitlens to Mend<br />
cfc.ro prep apon*. for in the*e tfartu nil previous 130 i>*md one game<br />
t«i» we H»W high Mhoul aportu nroring record* toppling.<br />
ttiM- to wifaf algnifleancc an col-<br />
Sene*<br />
leite* «-ave up competition o» Mm*. \W lurtk hiit'.- ami M mjTiad of<br />
clt-d ulonr "w'th depleted waiiime ntDcs i>-irn; iloning past: Johnny<br />
hrachia cd iwtbnll Wore «;-. lo-veil'* hifih n-oring. All-City<br />
'JO OOtf fans; »h« l=rg«>'. "" - lne «urt-<br />
Snint<br />
for<br />
Top<br />
nn.l I.ow.11 foujrht ininil: Lou<br />
fltn<br />
tr.n<br />
the<br />
m+p tennin;<br />
wiih d*»dly fane.<br />
<strong>The</strong> nam« co«»e crowding back.<br />
R I.'o Tommy Ouerin. rodhcad-d<br />
and rough, as good a basketball<br />
- titnrJ as hit the prep* in a Jong,<br />
lamr timer LowHIV Jinjny Edwards,<br />
the ^Tty personification of<br />
Ih). m *JiminM toMinR<br />
««> m tl.e varM'y M and<br />
weak Wafchingti/v line; Mission's X !*t .M«rr<br />
I»4r> infield. I^:iw»cUicl-rf-flnd bril-, Th'.-rL-^-^n' .t lot mnrv Mars who<br />
1'jtm, Jim lluxu vn first: di'nlrii- sliimvl in them: yearn, liu vo can't<br />
|:Ve, hard-hitting Ton,v Chrtlla nt name them ull here.<br />
Polich »il 1'rohalilv you rwii?;ut»V mm*<br />
) Old Timers Take on Kids<br />
In Broken Down Series<br />
',7"Z Mermen Take Second in Meet;<br />
lwiwrB Lightweights Chosen Champs<br />
* «• n> r> i • '• llil1 " •* > i| 'l'l and bitter<br />
,... <strong>Lowell</strong> P»y» Poly in hi«>;Khh^^i-rV t\^t f-* i<br />
'"' &ptnltftr*« F)«v Pfn«.Si! x ^r"ii\- H'ltihtji* utar* when they<br />
at;t ;<br />
i<br />
mi't-i to St. Ignntiun. May £5, Die<br />
l e<br />
i| Next yrar tfc« l^owell-lVly foot-1 mrmwn actually did very well, but<br />
ln<br />
7 ball till wlil be playrrf tn v\itwa tt<br />
ukv :i «v/.nif at KeiiingV head.tsiAr.-knc<br />
it lor a ViiwnalL Oo w<br />
Ii.«iy Init George Loibeer. another<br />
>. i!;.iit«r in the art uf siraJmg baU<br />
u'-ini*'* fi*>m the innoosnt seniors.<br />
At Kfl»rt»Up if* bawtelball coaca<br />
. lUnny \rf(. kn««n f«i a»d «ldcat<br />
ihe pucr man** I^» I"Broch«r. .it<br />
Ihe hut earner will be aeweanier<br />
Mitt A*!. Asl i- bvlirred !• be aa<br />
uprtsht and hua,r»t fiti'ani. ««d aa<br />
*» II not deaM be nbocArd at ^irwt<br />
!tv iW me4hnd« of (be r»il pmf*.<br />
In ntcbt Held win he mM«rr I'fW<br />
[•\ng Alger, the t-xlent «f nnase<br />
>|in£. rarer* Kerm« In bjie b^a<br />
a bid n»r of alhlet«*» f.w*.<br />
In remrr fi-t-Id w*ll be '.J<br />
hnuw of t<br />
"Hi<br />
of<br />
•" Krio»fr. renial niertor<br />
*«*H lianvl^, who has bad.<br />
uai:*tn n tch».<br />
ifiallmxen<br />
OpiNiRinc Voyiw will be AJ<br />
Kio^iad, slender righihan-ier, ^<br />
iii*u-r)>mer to the alroot: impuis3»Jc<br />
ta*k «f Hying to defeat thn teach*<br />
Stadium. Thi- 1* the Or*! Jmllday. <strong>The</strong> hi* up«et of Ihe day. a>4de «i-M. lle'ntn*! Krogrtad will bt> fvk thnda at to trnoui it should be. <strong>The</strong><br />
fiiw*l—and \\ty rlone rat*e—found<br />
Al Krogstad ox the chosen one.<br />
, - Al ^UitMl it iu»cil Aa Mil u-2 Mini<br />
Immediately ueol out for biuket*<br />
hall. In hU .flnrt year. Al made<br />
firnt *tring OB. the l^Q pound tvanu<br />
Xcst yoar he w^n transferred to i<br />
tWvaxaity. aud m hi* teniwr y«art!<br />
made fiMt suing. During the bas-,<br />
keiball aeawin, thera waa little<br />
doubt In ant-bite's mind about who |<br />
was She leader among the ft<br />
rtringmen. ^ -— -<br />
Sporto Wrilrra* Cho'ce<br />
After the baslu-tball aeaton had j<br />
eoHad andbmll oncemore efecrced<br />
' vlctorioui^-" San.'..Francisco sports<br />
_writ«rtpwJttaLthcir-AU-Citj'- taam.<br />
Al led aa tltste man in the chy and<br />
'> choaen eo-captaln of the<br />
team. Moreover, the Sab<br />
o F.roumirmr swarded Al a<br />
free trip to Oontr.<br />
of Al'a<br />
W - . w I* U»preeW«it of<br />
Boy.' Clock L. preftUuit aid oor-<br />
AUDdlnr member of th» Bir Brotii-<br />
„.-. Chsmnii<br />
One of the ut'xfit, of the -i*y wt«<br />
•'•*••» Ijovi'NV liehtu'i'ight mpnnoi<br />
"liJidinx d»»n ibe third aa»e><br />
manV ehnrrx wuj b* nawe other<br />
than I'rt* Lajd^ji. t'rt# hi nV*-<br />
u xorond in the 100 yard bn irt-<br />
|pt(\t,««. Some 'if the new swiiit-<br />
., and a tscic!it-r uf (In- .A.io|l|<strong>The</strong> firitt tinu 1 i £"<br />
. wore Jim I^H-, wlio<br />
P*.-t'P ;tnl I- won the !(XI yanl fn-r st>•!«': Bob<br />
'•'•'. J Al'it r»vi» (Inwut coiiiiK-titorii in H«KI iMnni on tht« winninp rrlay<br />
'., \\'nv tjuht i.n-1- i'ur Ihf imwt «»ut-I :• .vn: a"»i Alan Mrttzir**'. wrn took<br />
1<br />
- i r-i:inilinii athirl.-. win* John JJHW- J I !>J in !+•.*• V) yanl Jt»*-k ••MI<br />
| *.vhtvm vxti^'cd-iii umtiv s|».riM. Jolm < u «m. C>lhri»werf great<br />
K a .-tar f«i6oall ta
^m<br />
m<br />
HAVE<br />
3<br />
-I<br />
Hi<br />
HI<br />
SI<br />
YOUR<br />
Volume 88, No. 1<br />
LOWELL<br />
JOIN THE<br />
I'.-T. A.<br />
_Sni Francisco, Wednomlny, September 2fi, rounded January, 1898<br />
Cards Tame Mission Bears in Opener, 13-6<br />
FRIEND<br />
to FRIENDS<br />
By I'AT FKIBNI)<br />
OFFICER Sllndians Look Good<br />
In Warpaint<br />
A« tint sun-burned trees begun<br />
lo hhed their majestic summer<br />
coats, we once again reluctantly<br />
put nwtiv our buby-oil, sv.'imming<br />
suit, r.rul "borrowed" hotel towels<br />
for another year, cro\v' Tan nnd<br />
1, is once more on from 2.V- Ut 20c; sandwiches nnd ma mother spent the wnr years in<br />
.je term ahead prom-hot ddgs are down io lot-. Cake.!.'" 1 ' 1 /, 111 "" 0 J"st outside of the city<br />
ises to yield a bigger and better pie. soup, and vegetables are nil; lts J-' if -<br />
unit, active in many new phases of 10c, 5c lower than the owning dav| '"' l w " 1 honor<br />
the march<br />
' born in San Luis Obispo,<br />
military ilitary life and recreation. charge of l".c. * j California, and lived there until he<br />
of six, Ian nnd<br />
AH an initial introduction to thin<br />
1 toL< u!l><br />
" "<br />
you'll near with usr. : ••" :»-<br />
Ian plans<br />
!<br />
rwo<br />
OLPtWUK'itl SCHOOL<br />
PublUhed by the Auoclated Student"<br />
of Itowail Hlch .Ajhool<br />
ISM Hnyea Street. San Francisco,<br />
California<br />
L. H. S. S. A. Mratw** P"«<br />
Associate Editor. t«w°ph Hatie<br />
News Editor David Blrenbautn<br />
Future Editors "^XJI&KS^I<br />
Sports Editor liwlicht Wilbur<br />
Girls' Sports Editor Ciirmcn Cascilj..<br />
Business Manager- Mwk K{wnn* n<br />
Exchnngu Editor..... John Gallagher<br />
Artfst ...Fred Field<br />
Photographer'. '° lin Danford<br />
RBI'ORTEnS<br />
Hiuitly LlRiticwiUi .1 i HoJIflittijKli<br />
Al Oirr 1 wtHHMJ 141 VIUIIU<br />
Hurry aiiiekfrtin »:mk I 1 "**""'<br />
lU-lln I>c K«niti«l( Kli.i-.-HLV Winning<br />
Al KnrMU'iiiwii<br />
Teepee Tattle Tales<br />
Tha Teepee Tuttler having finished bis conference<br />
with bis agents, tbt Ides twins (Joe and<br />
Jucciue), unleashes with full fury hfe talon of<br />
shocking intrigue about Hiver romances, Tnnue<br />
tussles, and Ilouidcr blitzkriegs.<br />
Seen wandering aimlessly among the tail pines<br />
In Rio Nldo is Betty St. Cluir torn between two<br />
men. Bub (I'm a big itun at <strong>Lowell</strong>) Simmons and<br />
Hank (I used to bo JI hie »un at LowelM Hlllebrnnii.<br />
followed by Lorraine Richie mjurcninjr in<br />
vain for Ket 1 Corelglfa, folinwcd by Betty Rumman<br />
and .lane Seymour, just searching in vain.<br />
Still a cuie couple that didn't break up durinjr<br />
the summer aie Joanne J'rishie and Cal Colt.<br />
It's too bad (bill Carol Slvwiw doesn't slop<br />
driving Frank (Sherman and Clay) Marlnnl inaane,<br />
and HIOOHI hclween hint iitid Jim I -RC.<br />
Notice to young, inmtvunt girls, who would<br />
., Wanted! Music Ideas<br />
This Is your peddler of pidsatlni; pltittcra<br />
talking at you from the confines of the staff<br />
. room. We'll not dilly the dally with n'nttcr chatter<br />
this trip, but instcr.d, wu would like to bring<br />
home the fact that without suggestions and requests<br />
from you, the student body, we're in the<br />
dark nb/jut what info' to Bend your wny.<br />
Our staff of musical experts is prepared to<br />
.^inform-you-of. the Intest In hot, sweet, swinff.~or<br />
classical, but unless we get some Ideas from you<br />
ardent followers of our "line," we're "up the<br />
creek without a paddle." Also personal questions<br />
nbout any musical number will bo welcomed and<br />
answered In every issue.<br />
. Dig me Btratfthl. gntes, we really need the<br />
word from you. For your own Hnke, help u* out.<br />
(Ihlnk of me. too. I can't arfor dto he fired now.)<br />
Post all your suggestion* In (he box in front ,.f<br />
Mr. Sloven H office. Hut? Hnnainw, ga(o«<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Doesn't Welcome Frosh;<br />
Newcomers Welcome <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
It's a funny world isn't it? We first in scholarship and first in<br />
all try to be different ami yet we spirit ninety years ago. First to-<br />
all wish to conform.<br />
day." Mere again let the record<br />
If you had magic wings (and speak for itself.<br />
don't think some of us wouldn't None of you HAD to come here<br />
like to have some, (•.specially when but you did.<br />
it comei> to the term's finals) that Mavhe it's the old musty build-<br />
took you to every liiprh school in ing that made you come. No, wo<br />
the United Stains and you looked at won't hide the fact that our school<br />
the* editorial page of each first edi- is old. In fait, we'll tell you that<br />
tion this is what you'd find: it is the oldest school in Cnlifornin.<br />
An wlitorial entitled. 'Welcome, Or, then again, maybe it is the old.<br />
Freshmen,'* and one about nch haven't<br />
our owt) titiidiunt and von like the<br />
two such articles. Different? Orig-<br />
like to stay innocent. Look out for Lud (V. D.) inal'.' No, it's the same, term<br />
exercise you<br />
..<br />
get<br />
_<br />
from walking to<br />
Rrtlk nlck.<br />
after term. Greeting the new Keznr. Thou there is nhvtiyn the<br />
After a sherl talk with Ken White we soon frwhman, und talking about school I iiossibility ihaL someone told you<br />
learned thut he is thy greatest lover of nil time, .*,)int. [about Mi'. HUHS and his favorite<br />
if you dun't believe it ask Janet Craft.<br />
Well, we're not r»ing to do it-topic. "<strong>The</strong> New Deal." Could that<br />
Dan Poherty (now in Uio Marines) left in the that way. \V« nre not going to be why you came?<br />
hands of one Jwm Sawyer, one pin. It'll do until welcome you at alt, because if you Of course there is always tin<br />
he gets hack.<br />
weren't welcome you wouldn't be en foteria whose prices have gone<br />
A lot of eyro thesfe more ad venturous occupation of jfold<br />
mining.<br />
In the next icw years, the insignificant western<br />
town on the Culifornia coast became a hustling<br />
city with education about the farthest thing<br />
from the populace's mind.<br />
<strong>The</strong> town developed quickly but San Francisco's<br />
children >vere growing up almost illiterate.<br />
Since that day in IS-13 when the optimistic<br />
school teacher shut down the city's first real<br />
school, to IS'il, no authorized public school had<br />
been opened.<br />
Abandoned xalomiN, old shops, and rcrited<br />
rooms had been used as school rooms from lime<br />
lo time, hut Sun Francisco piirenU decided, that<br />
that was not for their children, and they demanded<br />
(bat something he done nbout it!<br />
Finally, a Board of Etiucntion was formed,<br />
T.r,d '." ICZl ;ii.iiouJituil lu Uiu city's tuxpayers<br />
tiiut a high school hail to be built. This was considered<br />
an unnecessary luxury and for two years<br />
nothing was done.<br />
In lSiiu*, after much debating about the question<br />
of a .school, the Union Grammar School wos<br />
established. Jt was not much better equipped<br />
than the first school of 18-18.<br />
<strong>The</strong> following year, 1857. the Union Grammar<br />
Scliuui iji-citiiiu ihe Sun Francisco High School.<br />
Hoys and t;irl.s who had completed the elementary<br />
course anil had parsed the rigid entrance examination<br />
wcr eadmittcd to San Francisco's first real<br />
high school.<br />
Tho school was recognized immediately as an<br />
important factor in San Francisco's life. By 1858,<br />
tho year of it.s first graduation, San Fruncisco<br />
Ilflfh had a high reputation among the city's residents.<br />
In the first graduation class, there were four<br />
girls and seven boys, an infinitely small number<br />
compared In tht three hundred and twenty-five<br />
high seniors who received their diplomas at Low-<br />
I'liV graduation exercises last June.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was po careful planning of the graduation<br />
ceremonies.<br />
<strong>The</strong> graduates simply met in Principal Ellis<br />
IT. Holmes' room and received their diplomas, and<br />
n few words of praise for their achievement. Latef<br />
that year a. site on the east side of Powell street<br />
between Sacramento and Clav- wns purchased.<br />
On September 1!). 18. the San Frnnr^co High<br />
Sclino] building, which had before been a Methodist<br />
Church, win* formally dedicated by Principal<br />
Holmes. • . _ - - - _ • — : < > . • * • •• t- -:- *=• "<br />
High school life nt"- that time wns finite diffrriMit<br />
from what it is now. <strong>The</strong>re w' "," on 'i' horB in 'hi' mornings. This is very<br />
difficult for anyone, nlnnning IVJ gi» to ct'IIege, and<br />
It also means missing iMinicroim school acUv'tics.<br />
Th.<br />
)''''• Another<br />
- Sere «ro d<br />
-•'s-ffHVl'<br />
' • With<br />
r'^wal'L;<br />
^joch. who h<br />
"ing at Linn<br />
ing a g'.'om*-><br />
jjra tencher,<br />
bftfo' place. .<br />
Teaching ;l<br />
^timc.thift U J<br />
head con<br />
'an Engh?Ii t*<br />
. ell very inut'l<br />
. t& <strong>Lowell</strong> he;<br />
• Taking ih<br />
J[r. LoForti.J<br />
try. He ho.ciace<br />
Junior<br />
NatttrnKy Mi<br />
with his wift<br />
Mrs. NV.vi'<br />
ter?on a? a i<br />
this she tune<br />
Along wit;<br />
re have R.<br />
''Hnsrhes, vim<br />
new policy «;.'<br />
Instructors ft.<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'<br />
Deji<br />
Be;<br />
"I have »e\i<br />
seen a finer J<br />
cians; ther«> :J<br />
the entire orcf<br />
:' Tliio »iuu<br />
head of Lo w<br />
came out in u ;<br />
condition of<br />
year siiice L<br />
school.<br />
no-.]<br />
To give you.<br />
on idea of wij<br />
wny of rhythu<br />
wilt servo yon]<br />
class dances,<br />
(Hidden tally, .<br />
ityle is fcaturl<br />
'MTie miKlar:<br />
John Tenain. •-••<br />
.top outf't and<br />
jrsnies, and wi|<br />
^'Mr. Krieger'<br />
finest <strong>Lowell</strong>!<br />
Miss Revo;<br />
; Critical<br />
.After your I<br />
Blending for nn|<br />
Hi her<br />
mnnneJ<br />
"nit, tnke it<br />
'flit's Hovoy "v|<br />
!J» f|rst tini<br />
b J plane aL tb<br />
ipent U:e mm<br />
wst in paris><br />
i<br />
Highlights About<br />
<strong>The</strong> Faculty<br />
Another term at Lowcit ic well<br />
under way .and, ns in the past,<br />
there urn a f«w elmnKCS in tho<br />
Characters Around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
Esther Daniels<br />
Amid the noise and confusion of<br />
u low-y ninth class, cute but timid<br />
Attention, Men!<br />
She's Scarcer<br />
No longc** with us Is Mr. Johnshas<br />
resigned and is now E7sther Dnniols wns i t i d<br />
Mr.<br />
have ench taken a yoar'n leavu of She in 5 feet « telephone rings for<br />
me. What enn T do to prevent<br />
this?- v :-" ' :<br />
While Voi'nc. Axt, und Feiling<br />
are tvaining their three xcts of<br />
cluvtiti atomic HK;n to kick tho pigskin<br />
around, tho fcnxle sportslew<br />
of <strong>Lowell</strong> haven't benn idle, either.<br />
Under tho guiding linnd of Nor-<br />
, mu Moscr, this term's G. A. A.<br />
president, last Friday's rally, v.'hicn<br />
I wits viowed by all jr'<br />
A Conscientious Studicr.<br />
prevent v/hnt? Homework?<br />
TlintV easy—why-tnwtn nbout it?!!<br />
p l9 new to<br />
j <strong>Lowell</strong> as well us by regular G. A.<br />
A. members, wns planned nnd<br />
jstiiftt-d successfully. <strong>The</strong> audience<br />
•WUK first given a chance to judge<br />
mid voti; for girls' yell eadrr.Next<br />
the new officers and mumigvr of<br />
the G. A. A. wpre int-oduced. v<br />
longed, was disbanded and all<br />
Marie had done with her swimming<br />
Xew xecrvtnry* and clerk<br />
1<br />
' ..as to practice that slightly terrific<br />
backstroke of hers until that<br />
day when she had bee;< watching<br />
another racing tnormald work out.<br />
Marie told Ann'Curtis how much.<br />
urn; thought of hor ?wlniminjr and<br />
soon silo hud tuIJ Ann all-about<br />
'hci-self. -Ann,Curtis invited h»jr<br />
ovitr to the Crystal Plunge to meet<br />
her coach, Charley Suva.<br />
Miiric'n next move was townnls<br />
tho Crystal Plunge. Charley Sava •<br />
.watched her swii^. nnd asked her<br />
Ito [oin the team. - v<br />
SfnW itariin<br />
. ,. „ t, um,ni[jMiiif our way<br />
Marie i u leman , .,,v««.J; thnui(jli Hit<br />
\Vinninjf,?<br />
modern dnncing; Jean Kilsby, ping<br />
|H>ng; Niinciv Aikcn,- riding:, Jean<br />
Achci'lon, tcr.fis;antl Marie Jorgcnseti.<br />
swimming.<br />
i>pr cent in the English A t««t<br />
token at the Univtr.-itty of California<br />
recently.<br />
Out of eighty students planning<br />
to go to cotlege.-cixty-four pnssed.<br />
Those who failed will have to take<br />
English A at college.<br />
1 wntor one day. From<br />
; Florence) thfii nn Marie was entering In<br />
' Pluiigc "' team. JW part or-'thu Cryslnl-<br />
-i<br />
:::"\Vith~"Ann Curtis "as their"starr "" ~^~."i^<br />
| the ;tcani has tt-iiyoicd • to meete hv<br />
n. swimming. ' rarlims xtateif till bvei (he country,"<br />
J . [various stateit till ovci (he country.<br />
Swimming nnd Mprie Jorgenscn, Tlieiwhole.tyarn has flown in rfiflim-m-m?<br />
Wiy( of courfc. Tliose furutit lyws of planes when going<br />
words- go_ together us naturally aslto - • : - i itii<br />
! bread and butter.<br />
•' IllPOtK.<br />
It started hack<br />
Marie? Mnrlc'i been kept<br />
>k mm itTt UIIUIV in in lwiti 1043 when ivncn busy collecting tbe cloven, medals<br />
Mario Jorgcnsen wan wont'firing she has hidden ii.vny. You've got<br />
whnt to do next. Hie Falimont to agree that sv/iminhig and Marie<br />
Punge team, to which she had bc- X go
FOUK<br />
Lightweight<br />
Basketball<br />
In Full Swing<br />
Ky Harry ftlucktnan<br />
"AthouKu r,\tt having any championship<br />
hones fur this year's 10's<br />
Een Sett said, "I do expect to fn.-t<br />
u fine group of future ballplay-<br />
YOUR<br />
TEAM<br />
Cardinal Sports<br />
By<br />
t C0ME<br />
AN I<br />
\Vhen Interviewed last wtck,<br />
Nuff went on to say that he has,<br />
3omo good prospects in his top tenj<br />
men, wli'ch ho listed as: Bill Horne, •<br />
Dick Rhodes, Bill Delay. Joe Pi.Ui- I<br />
son, Ed Naknta, Dan Benctar, Boh<br />
Allen, Sein Seilai, Di*:m Lindsay, i<br />
and Bob Misnich. '<br />
"Those boys," Neff said, "should<br />
get a lot of experience out of- this<br />
first year of basketball, but us 1<br />
they are, I consider them lucky if<br />
they finish anywhere near first<br />
place. .<br />
<strong>The</strong> twenties, or big little Fnjuns,<br />
are a bettor, moreexpnr ; «in:ed<br />
outfit, in whom Neff has more confidence.<br />
With many veterans returning<br />
from last year's 110's, j<br />
they arc truly potential ehumpi(j::».<br />
Ail five of tho "prubable firstgtringcrx<br />
Itovo good, consistent I<br />
eyes, oiH should do very well. <strong>The</strong> i<br />
team, as it stands now, is a weltbalanced,<br />
smooth-working outfit:,<br />
with a lot of scoring punch.<br />
<strong>The</strong> team i« led by Dewey Barron,<br />
Terry Jones, Dave Geoff nan,<br />
Don Vntorin, and Henry Kung. J<br />
Hounding the squad arc Don Pmcger.<br />
Bob Fisher. Howard Akard, I<br />
and little Kevin Kelly brother of|<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s own Noel Kelly. *<br />
liownnl Akanl, jirolmhly the)<br />
most promising of all this year's j<br />
freshmen, looks like another {<br />
"Krogstnd." |<br />
Win or lose, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s little Injuns •<br />
are tops. Uiuler the expert gtiid-I<br />
ance of "Ben." these are the future i<br />
thirties and varsity stars. \<br />
Mission Game<br />
(Continued From Pago 1) |<br />
rctisive chores when Bud Knr'»y<br />
intercepted. A couple of plays • _ •<br />
later, when Kurby was forced to : With the opening klckoff in the j team tiiat Is. poorly rated .'n th»,.<br />
Mission game, gn'ne, u - <strong>Lowell</strong> football ( pro-season dop'e mny come through<br />
season once again got under way.<br />
red und while clad >'<br />
BEHIND<br />
THEM<br />
Cross-Country Meet<br />
kick out, n threat luoried. <strong>The</strong>! , mo* c «.<br />
threat was Wilson of Mission, who! <strong>Lowell</strong> s Big Event<br />
i-uugiiL tile punt and showed the • ,, _ , „<br />
possibilities of breaking away at; Hy Sandy Ilrccascau<br />
any moment. 1 You may hnvc-thought the track<br />
-v As Mission started to roll on season was ovnr last spring, but<br />
"cliurt [Hisses from Bishop to Galle-' tho track yenson is never over. This<br />
gas, the Quarter ended,<br />
play of the second ni<br />
it<br />
toot: ^<br />
danger. A penally for an illegal year it is saTd that Jos Scrocgy.j<br />
ti'itiu niifi "l^i>fiirr tint illtaibiiitt I ti .~.i... HT-»,.,%.. I 1.. ^ ^ ••n^.« •ii.II •** i!».»_ '*'<br />
ll:1)<br />
and take the championshin. Thougn<br />
LleVeli<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> is not lup-ru'od, you can<br />
, went f>ui . _. and represented their bet that ft will do well this »cuaon.<br />
school. Of course, we .ill hope d hi tnc <strong>The</strong> following list composes the<br />
team takes th. slowed down by<br />
•" Ryan, or. defensive demon, arid<br />
Elorsif. Wilson lirnkc amiy t.> the<br />
five to renew the fire of Missi'-n':^<br />
threat. In two tries Wilson spun<br />
Tiis way to six points. <strong>The</strong> conversion<br />
.was no gnot. 1 , blocked by<br />
Afentzer and Kcnitick, - '<br />
Tho Bear came out at the cud of<br />
the hali with vengeance showing<br />
all over his hruiscd features. But<br />
us ho was determined, mrp so was<br />
tho grid-wise Indian. Every Indian<br />
player determined to incrensr<br />
'he pro.5"!it score of Lowtll ", Mis-<br />
" ". l : sion G.-" 1 *"<br />
Mission kicked off to Rush Boretn,<br />
who • Ji-ruggled onto about midfield<br />
in luY lineman's glory. It<br />
isn't very often i\ lineman gets :><br />
kickoff, huh Rusli ?<br />
_', <strong>Lowell</strong>, gained nothing on three<br />
tries, and again Karby was culled<br />
." '•- on to kick out of ilanuur, which hn<br />
~ aguitr-iliii--'J'hu kick wns taken hy<br />
. Wilson who' was Ktnnptd bruptly<br />
by "Oboig." Mission nwtle ii Hint<br />
down, *>.en a penalty forced them<br />
Jo kick. <strong>The</strong>y recovered n fumble<br />
on the kick nr.il took over first and<br />
ter.r <strong>Lowell</strong> held, took the ball<br />
- .. over, on downs,,nntl got tho ball<br />
out of danger p by a beautiful kick<br />
from Torres to Mission's :t0.<br />
..... ... . ^ftcr ihU' ehaTiRti of HiVton going<br />
-• into the last frame, Mteuion looked<br />
dangerous. "Oboig" again coming<br />
. to tho rescue, threw Bishop for a<br />
;<<br />
•!•*- -logs, ending the threat. ' ~<br />
\- "•• .lAgf''*! °" offerse,. iUasion louk<br />
,'"*•.:: "to the T look I'lie rest of ihy forward liiie is a him down, will nlways be<br />
fight betwt;--n Ye**, Chin, and Adler.jof true <strong>Lowell</strong> courage and light.<br />
. . <strong>The</strong> backfield consists of Orloff) Scovil is not yet definitely t-et, but<br />
<strong>The</strong> pn|'(>°ses again will maintain j and Oliver at fullback, nnd Frank- j vou can hut that wherever ho lands<br />
strict use of the T J'ormation; and<br />
will attempt to develop a hard<br />
yr tfgy<br />
While, Harold Hill, mid Don Shulz. ;hiiigitig lint' centered around a<br />
'I'he^e hoyit were all out for spring fast bitckfield." Although the Pfhed-<br />
trti-ff. and should place iit the big ule, as yet, has not Ux-o completed.<br />
ce<br />
- , . tho "Ouo£j" htivo been working at "1*° }<br />
Cowl long distance runners and " *„„.•' „ .„ in ^r,i,,_ tn y,.,H „„ ln around.<br />
.i mnn tr. b«n» ,.., ..,-« nn »Vo » V<br />
air trying to •'»<br />
-tram will do t<br />
"' U*t'= mat-' 1<br />
' one of the iT<br />
•tor;. both mi<br />
d!<br />
To Jaii«t •*•'(<br />
iferflit J"!' -' •'<br />
transporting'.<br />
fo .-<br />
-"tmerthe wtvk<br />
'.Receii*.ioii,li» T<br />
rairments i"r<br />
To.Citlvin !'<br />
l<br />
a larjie atimu<br />
to It that it<br />
owner." This<br />
spirit that pi<br />
name.<br />
5 - =. Am<br />
: - To some<br />
- Guns" of the<br />
exjiect us to<br />
thny'ru on the<br />
courtesy to b:n'<br />
; nnd speakers<br />
* know you're i<br />
.:. about workiiiv<br />
, "leadeis. and in,<br />
"" T« those<br />
Ihe ralliett<br />
Impressed!<br />
- Tmilo<br />
.When word<br />
.'wal new<br />
eiute wiU<br />
" c intlii-wny'of r.j<br />
< J^rtwl bv a<br />
V. scr, thp TKA!<br />
y job of TItV,lX((<br />
;<br />
" * «o much I'.I<br />
That r<br />
nt of<br />
; Thi's*- eleven men comprise <strong>Lowell</strong>'s miwt r5Wr)enced Jeam. However, many otlu-r playvra may break Into<br />
nit<br />
' Sun MenS YiKeni^k<br />
speaks<br />
l J klurp Sfn " IIon>( * In th " h "^ n " }A nr "<br />
->y hope to return<br />
5 S 1 5 d<br />
very well.
m<br />
t'OMB AND<br />
LOWELL<br />
SEE THE<br />
LINCOLN'<br />
Volume Stf, No. - Km Fram-i.ico, I-'riilny, October 11. 194G Founded January. 1SD8<br />
Undefeated Cardsk'Tough Test Tomorrow<br />
toFRIENDS!<br />
ity PAT KUII3NH<br />
Now thai xYv. fdiilliuil season : s<br />
in i.ill -.-wing, ami the Indians nave<br />
twit ticiilp.-* having I'min tliyir<br />
bi'li.u in n fin lain);<br />
- miMiil uttvr iuHt Saturday's ikfeut<br />
;:t lUv haiiu's of Toly.<br />
I !,:iiLo!ti riiis KCVL'II ijf Inat ycur's<br />
|ic^uai> hai-k to Mater iior <strong>thru</strong>st<br />
• ;*J ^c;y and a .secend chitinpion-<br />
.Mi.ii "' thu 1'ivu ywiin of existence<br />
: in tlit- A. A. A.<br />
; l.inculti's "vets<br />
j h.ilai.sj, Lincoln tinil of last<br />
mi,,.-. ri-liHir. ami lhn-*ir.K .•aclVLlIiei into (he pct.l. vV have- from kfl t,,TlKhl: Joyri- »«nry.<br />
K y<br />
• nM-iu, .lean AlhiThm. Xt-vi we have Blniu- Cur-lv l t ! Ah Alhi-rliia. I'l I'lij-n<br />
It;ir;,.na SiilhiTlrtHd sm.i»|.i»K i«i»me»ni.. Start nK I he n.<br />
Liz LHiman i- tlie witter, |<br />
:h.-:i .liiyi-f IlHiry lining the hulii. nnd .lani't Smilli tiiv<br />
ls the uiinl.-<br />
Low-4's Looking Forward<br />
ahout working WITH trie y»'H<br />
: loiior.s.<br />
enti.-, 'J.M [K-uiids of returning<br />
i^i-kle, will lutvu u hard Lime keep-<br />
stirroundt n- taliititr sun liaijs mi the iiiif. Uuwuli's Xiob Oberg out of >.h<br />
.\••irlory.<br />
liauiiiti'ii is definhely one of the<br />
wilier wu*. Oliier^i-tUiK could r'.-j UaKiies »est bels for fame me,.<br />
•..-in playing card/ with i\'.n# Klytii. 1 lak'nr<br />
i«nni:ie. tin- Call-Ilulletin M awani<br />
j «n n:i;ns<br />
!(»tjr. :<br />
A syll'-ui]|tii. ; itLed i-itni:nitti"j wuii-<br />
!•:.-< ii- a inn ml niiikitif sure that<br />
dents, and others; liM)KJe''':ty | "'c t'otin-! out how wet f"- 1<br />
I'riendV slimmer home,<br />
picnic<br />
d -Mrs. 'ijiiiith. All this time 'or "playvr of game" ;VB» given to<br />
.. . . , , , -, ••- ,%- nu-ias wcie imslly clicking, hi..i lor tut, outstanding all-round<br />
,. ...imili'tnoil \iv 111,, Him'.' |, jMt-U-.-il.Onh." i>i,K- *n tint ~mnu*;- it"' 1 *- P*'su«, Tlien, sudilciily, .lari't Lementina is at the left half<br />
- — 1 by Ifnrliiira Southorl'iitd.iSni!!!) wa.s asliing if anyont. was spued «iot. and is rarin' io 1:0<br />
1- piesMunt; ICliLaheth I^h-ihungry. . : 1 l-eurlmnn round out returnimr<br />
M-iretary «>r the l".l'»'k U "Hid ( "i-OOU!" .Sir.-iimud the mobs voieruns . lie plays u banir-uii<br />
ii.-v-[irt..\v- \iL-iiii iiiuMiiivvcr cit- — '•'lynii. Of the four commit-[of &hIs. us tr.ey triimiik-il Jmiet -ti game nt full . Lincoln boasta a"<br />
•elarvjiim'l iiMmwiuiMt Stevu Ander- li :' V '. t Mi * V"''<br />
Ii-arteis, tiud not AOAINST them!r ^.Howing the tradition eauib- A delvnatiun from Lowbll's Chap-'; cvu'-iin-sfiit food committee." Too gain «n<br />
ill<br />
d gond-' th« Indian forward wall ii<br />
yet been decided, Youth AA oivation on Wedn°sday,:hye.t.. a.wonderful day. Hufjfttr h ICo pounds of fiVntim-<br />
- • • " • . llotel.'ali. ipri-li-, youVf stitl ir,if smile who will >uik his w:Vv int<br />
T recognition ih-VfiIr '<br />
• To those "glamour girls" who.;iKhed in punt years, the first t«r of tnit Junior SUitcsmcii utteti-l-puion :(in. tiicmght nf leaving was I.owo!l Line i<br />
think tliey're loo good l» yell withMimce jf the term will be given by.'-'l the — ' - •-..*..- •* --.<br />
the rtwt «f the "Common people" nt j tlu- l.ow-1! class. Thu date for the m-iulnig<br />
the ralliex and games. No ones dutitju h;is not . ...<br />
impressed! " • i;iit ut'cordititr to the Low-.'! dance • Oe'.ontT !l. at inV: Pitlnco'-Tlotel. !ali, tr-rlt, you'vi-<br />
Traitor Unearthed quinine:; i; \vi!J. bv in ti;*; very '"Ii-t .ir.-jaiiiz^-itui will d.-a! with ••••'••: \'\:'. iv.-tn«>rirs.<br />
When word go', around Hmt a near futuie. . juvwnk* proiilcnis. umo:iu others.. — ; T Hi'iown iumself to bu ; r»n1»'7,f<br />
rival newspaper was .faring to 011- j w.., prurtiaent JL and Jack Lund have<br />
command "in the<br />
•iiiitminntr 1. null» »r'>.'«!m^i-ir' Injunji «"**>%,£!!&<<br />
elhtenth birtbdnv. Th»"" may to think of the name of a C • Wntihiiigton sEndium should h* a<br />
i mighty crowded place Satuil' -v<br />
_1e. jaiternoon. If you went to ha sum<br />
oV M*"M J ' c if" «w <strong>Lowell</strong> meet her first, big<br />
btarr Needs Snaps i "crooshiU," got there early.<br />
<strong>The</strong> good new» from the<br />
?"S<br />
r nt nnv nf th.. foll.nvintr. in South America which begi<br />
i: Jffil Bush. SIR Valencia, SOtwith a "I). (Can you.)<br />
Kl«n Court. IGOR Stockton, son T^« Angeles ^" !•>' t\X<br />
Fourth avenue, or Paly City Hull i m>«»t8 h-il four <strong>Lowell</strong> studen<br />
in Daly City. : are several dollai-s richer tou»y.<br />
: Red and! —<br />
G i v e n B<br />
CALENDAR. jare twing sold ;n every registry by i<br />
Oct. 11—Rally. Third Period. salesmen tint'- M'eck. I <strong>The</strong> Dean of Girls "<br />
Oct. I2~-Lincoln Came. I <strong>The</strong> staff also aniiauutreii that. On October Otoer 2nd. Miss Lorigun<br />
(the takiii" of the senior pictures<br />
Oct. Ifi—I.ow-I I'icnic.<br />
th C h<br />
Oct. 18— Kally.<br />
Oct.' 18—Itcptrt Card Cruder<br />
Oo In.<br />
Oct. 19—Commerce Giime.<br />
Oct. 21—Report Cards.<br />
Oct. 21-^Hfgh-1 Picnic.<br />
Oct. 2S—Unfly.<br />
Oct. 2.1—Watdiingion flame.<br />
1 was-the guest
TWO<br />
Published by th^ Aflnnclntuil Slink-nin<br />
of <strong>Lowell</strong> illtfh SCIKXII<br />
1S00 Ilnycs Strtol. Son Francliwo.<br />
Ciillfnrnl*<br />
I*. H. s. S. A, Members Free<br />
Associate Editor Joseph Untie<br />
Xcws Editor ; David Hirenbaum<br />
Feature Ktittorii. i ...ll Marilyn Ilinden and<br />
.T, Arthur Freed<br />
Sports Editor. Dwight Wiihur<br />
Girls' Sparts Editor Cnrmcn Castillo<br />
Ruainoss Munagor Mnrk Knsnnin<br />
Exchange Editor. John Gallagher<br />
Artist Fred Field<br />
PhoiOKi-aphcr .John Danford<br />
ftltllly UrolltWHll .t.u.tl II.iIlrl'illtKll<br />
Al Cwrr Vvi.nw l.n Vlpeno<br />
INTIIH'I Kroiiil Ilitiry Sn-ln<br />
Tllitiy OnliistltiT llownni Slri'im*<br />
llnrry Gluukniiiit Kmiik I'IIMCUM<br />
llfltn IV Kiititticlt Klnrniff Wlhtiinc<br />
! K<br />
Co-eds Accepted in <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong>n Ousted to Girls'High<br />
By Al Knrster.scn<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong>'s predecessor, San Francisco High<br />
Scheool, established in I860, didn't remain cotduuationrl<br />
for very long, fai" tn 18G1. a year befon<br />
the end of the Civil War, social reformer*<br />
had ».he girls of San Francisco High assigned to<br />
a separate school from the boys.<br />
<strong>The</strong> red brick structure which wiif now !i boys'<br />
school had originally been an Episcopal church<br />
mid wns purchf.«ed from Bishop Kip by the city.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Jasemeiit was divided into two sections to<br />
provide a gymnasium f"r tlic hoys. A library ami<br />
u laboratory completed the building. <strong>The</strong> now<br />
'.chool btil.dinir had cost San Fmni-isco taxpayers<br />
By Frank Ihicknrd<br />
Greetings, Gates: loot's start the bait rolling<br />
with thrj latest in mad melodies followed by a<br />
popular nick and winding up with a classical tip.<br />
In the realm of torrid tempos and wild waxing*.<br />
the following tunes are featured:<br />
"Ballin* the Jack," by the Kid Orey Triio: "Dipper<br />
Mouth Blues" with "Savoy B'ues" on the flop.:<br />
/•lUJso by-lhu Kid and his boys. \\ c :?•'<br />
"Boop;ie Joys," by the Joe Sherman Trio, and<br />
','Jnzz Ale Bluis," by the Frisco jnz? hand are<br />
worth anyone's time. For you vocnl fiends "7th<br />
St. Boogie" is still around.* A new novilty t.ntc<br />
thnt nas gone hog wild lately is ''Iluggi:;' and<br />
Chalkln," by th£ Friscoi.iozz band.j' ''• .=<br />
: For you lovers of-"pops," tho'King (\lt* Trie."<br />
has a.I19W album out by Capitol, Bd-'iD. "Vltr h'oot<br />
-,Pi;te" with-"Your Oow.ci»ncn Tolls Yoy So" on<br />
tha flop is raiting. Frankic Carl and Co. havo<br />
recorded "I'd He Lost Without You" and "Cynthia's<br />
In Love" i\> r Columbia.<br />
feature turntable tir> r till* rotation fc<br />
where in the Xfghl" on the u» nnd "TM*<br />
THE !.OWKI.I~ FU1UAY. Ol'TOiifSK II. 1B1U I<br />
Teachers: Want Friends? A Good<br />
Reputation? Respect? Read On<br />
<strong>Lowell</strong> Illiterates Polled;<br />
Love Stories Predominate!<br />
Today's Youth Cracks Under<br />
Confusion of School Life<br />
Clang: Clang! Clitnjr! ,<br />
No, itV not a fire drill, only the bell for first<br />
period. I.'nbhi Ud, espari'jt? ..Si." si senora. Vcnir,<br />
comer. No. Tom, yoy* conjugated 'hat verb in-<br />
i-firiectly. - '••' '•<br />
Clang! Clfliiif! Ciiing!<br />
:<br />
Into your c\:vn.hn\U. (|uick. Up, onp. f.vo. three,<br />
up. one, :wo, three. lAno up for relays, (let on<br />
your mark, get set, go! • . ;<br />
Clang! Clanjf! (Jiang! .- -<br />
CO:; IKIX '.vltat two nl»iij*r*it« in it. AlarMyn?<br />
(.ixytjen iii'ti oh—. Wiiteh ou*. clumny,"you're<br />
>)iii;inir jifM on my riwcatrr. ClaKK, p'ige 2.'M for<br />
homework. .,..-.• ;<br />
Cliing: Clanr! Clang! .<br />
Am 1 so on all ihnmgh th* 1 day. Saturday<br />
morning whoa'yftu lor.k ovnr theVefk, you real'ze<br />
wrtat i: lu'-tir life t'le average high school kid<br />
Uvixpoot<br />
teachers to l;c e'thci, but if you happen,f.o see room for inii»rovement,<br />
mov? in,: ^'. : • - , "•<br />
"• Wi''il profit ami tha si'hool.really will be a lot plensunter.<br />
• - . (Continued in the Next Tssue)<br />
j . nlugs, sl&ms, and<br />
iliiwoiigtit "dtsjrimjntttinir" evidrnce. - So. ''Ho)i<br />
Your Huts.' put-:nvjiy your weapons (don't got<br />
overly irriped*. and litre goes!<br />
Stbn Mentor wen ,-.ut with Joan (Booni-Boom)<br />
*1 ii'«ih.. ,Citniy. it. bu-jiiif-fiyt's ycu're interested<br />
in, .Sum? '<br />
U'hiN* «tVri l lafkintr alwat onuralors—afler ihe;;<br />
L'auu- wild Mission HIIIIH of our football team''<br />
wi>tti ii'-ross ilm Hay. Tell us, Mori'-Bunhi"• IWJ<br />
iihvrft' ^i«n .Meni-t-r. and K'rn Foi-hr, what cin<br />
lie had over .there thai you have to wnrk If ardor<br />
for at'I.owi-jl.' ''.-!••<br />
yrcii r!i!d, ..v I«iiici fi*i"MaIl MJir .i.»fi atinitj-<br />
:inr the lo'.voi* clnssTii^iv. "Git-, they're cetliny<br />
smaller ey.ery your. Kttt t>ie^ girls, hm.bi*! hubba!<br />
ihvy'iv. (letting bipger.V.i Ti-ue/-Frnd, they are<br />
nice : " '" ' '<br />
ijr an in^ugemenT ring,!,W*iInin .lei-'<br />
iitiH.' Too'bad it's not Turn's- \VJ| ?. Anyiwy,.lr-ta<br />
i'f.iui.*k. -. •-. -,_" '• ". _-."_ ' :•_ >*•••<br />
Seen itrdund" Luwi'l!,: ex-gradh who: can't steni<br />
lo undorsian'd they've graduated and thRj'Vc. nu<br />
- longer big glints , Ciimc on, ft'llai».' lot Frank<br />
-.MnrfHI »nd company p y have have a little OfiOItY:, OfiOItY:'<br />
AT T Carr and L'at Mnthewa Mth still till going"3trong.,<br />
of-lcit-k; Al/ and you; too, ; I'atV'ynu dwen-c<br />
est "-:;=;'- ; v ~ ; AT C<br />
. I.oli* of<br />
-.the ftest. :.;;.. ,<br />
' '<br />
;"!ii'St.T Siana'ro s. nut wl»h Tim'my, What's<br />
Al WillianiB-senn cut V^ith Al"WilHnm*. Some*'<br />
tiung wrong here, one of L»**,veJtVT(m* cood men<br />
OIL the lo'ise.. -Whet's wrong with"' the '<strong>Lowell</strong><br />
sirls? ' ' ••-r • ."-" ' - ••• •' " : ^ (<br />
-„ lovers of: the cta.irics. Victor htis jimt rt-<br />
, leased Album ,l)U-10H4. Thi? in ii ehdMlgrmin.<br />
- entitled. "Thu Tesutxenf: of Ficeiiom," compnaed<br />
by Rand/.ll Tliompson from writingr of, Thomas<br />
Jefferson. •'i7-'hc Harvard Glee Club form;) the altmule'<br />
chorun' with accompaniment by tha Boston<br />
Symphony Orchestra under the dlroction of Serge<br />
Kotwsevltzky. ;,<br />
And. with that; note, the turntatfo stop? and<br />
yourdopo dealer ern>vl« back into the needle l»ov<br />
till next session.<br />
tip 'in;! ':i>niing-lower cUfl^men: CtrHoii 3ocks<br />
n! .Vii»^arot rolpaHJ"^ 1 Though she - sceiith'tci.:•'<br />
. havt>: .-in mtenut^in nn cx-Lotvullttc. come 6n:b&ck'<<br />
to tlw rtjHvrvBtiuo,.. -Maignret. -Cnrlton: isn't no'<br />
it* 1 ' 1 - l v : nt "' " l5t y taken'and historical.<br />
*"\**Mtt]nnlin^ fr.»i-i ^H..|I' ..f thi.'• Apparonliy cur tn»to differs<br />
irfW&^nlttiS!*^ !n A Lincoln beamy, .T,-, Anne. Russo'l. moved ,w<br />
wo*, Angeles and ;. I^nvrflite vfth the initials of<br />
t.wl Moynmaii speii'i,: most «f his wetk-end3<br />
ilu-rc \Ve don't b'amt' y=u., U,td. Ihev don't<br />
•vtrne .-.nv niKir. 'Xuff saH, • ' - ,<br />
Hob Bnvny men out ^ith "Je-p" Genffnan.<br />
^:tu ciuplt, fellas.ibut Int'K knoelr^t-Wrcighi<br />
UIUHMK WIIH t jn-W^iii*. for out o£<br />
with total «C"tRll tsUit'cnm wir-<br />
Aciordin(r t(» il». results,<br />
t ill<br />
e st<br />
County<br />
i<br />
1 -'<br />
you lmvinst.tr» much Am?.,vir«h-?7? ~<br />
vt-ynl. According to il». i-esulta, ^," .">•« Ameritnn funny Wok ; , Mnrilyu SehnriSv* wt*i| Ul with L "hnt ffir-awav<br />
vn* in fii t ii-. illiiwrate rs some peo- l 111 .-'^'! "•"• fust <strong>The</strong> an;Vr. of Call-'- '" uk In '" B " eyes. Tnti b.idtlibv had to Ui-ift '<br />
l>le may think, us U u. pOr vent of ">m,Alnrvel utui Superman are still Amly, htih.Msrilyn!!; • '? "• - -^ • J :^thorr<br />
pallet choose rending aKthoir: 0 ,"^*, 0 ' 1 by our "older Lov.-ell stu- .^peakir.ir^of :AJidv'iVmind^mr- of rtnfc'"b-')>'<br />
favonu- hobby. , l * "V**' 11 '^ 1H V C^ h - ***' """"i Sl - >mmw School." Andv Anderson. IVc bren<br />
«-*'-*"'—- " ' ;' > ; tl< -' 1 ? n( VV ls hu V«-»'«nV-«Uww. wl.o AndyV.,<br />
^(1,-Tf ? ^ r> out nest! A T.(WelKtiy.OT.W« old.<br />
"linthtr.jls, tilt! Mission girl*???<br />
iitlJ^ Putnny. nn iold ntundhv, seen out with.:<br />
-,»S tt ^n S i tv c^ rfe - win ^"^ nl ^ n C- d « rWin 'f : - 1 «' 3 * 1<br />
/ twwn Bob-Simm_on?T'an'(i::p1(.s1Vho7 ^Tn/ou-v<br />
• opm^n, you'rern.isRing. out 'ori n'^good Wax. : '*> '<br />
lets uake ^boff-roit's too late, huh Betty 1<br />
nf ?\ 'T- °T Of " Ip ' " ruft 'I'^oualitv. ai;:Vn i v (t1^<br />
netion • " ""' : '°"- T - fnvt>n riijuns/a litt!? ;<br />
hU ? ink i , I * Il ' A -4r nis
THIS I.OWHl.t.. KHII'iAV. OtTOIIKK 11.<br />
Newcomers Reception -/^L _ - • * _<br />
Tremendous success ^naracters Around<br />
t,m fnii-Ciiti opened<br />
ii M bung.;<br />
irra:n c-f ihe crop of <strong>Lowell</strong>V debit- ; name," '^nc.•slii'l.""<br />
Nancy Aiken<br />
.. Janet Simon<br />
i us tin in- Mmintn, have n olio, it's<br />
t»\ .Mr. "Anthony 1 * Colt. Air. Coii'" r ynic!i«. mnnchfuls nhf! tried M IW<br />
»!"u-imu»is at manhood ? 7'.' {prol»-\Y.'.jM<br />
eaaufrio ii][ p.-osont.<br />
I. .Senior<br />
1 nriiiii-lip*] itn<br />
new an- tin<br />
. M. WaiUmr. "Jlf V(nnf? . - - •*. Wfu.t-u.../*« LMr<br />
mi) YOU KNOW that '.dinund'<br />
ilHjii'ry Mr.JflcnutWtitcd.<br />
Latin, ond I want to O. Hrown, District Attorney at S^n'-<br />
, "S(|iinu' n.) Kotlunt<br />
I'can<br />
discusnioit, J tio^n't tliiu<br />
Ket a pony. FrenciMo, jrraduatcd from Lev* i :<br />
1 ft ni<br />
. to a "<br />
R. 5t (rnwhmttn); (.'rcshTnan). j tn in W2S? -: : Drown •• r«c wcivea' VMI''-A"| A"| Jhi '» « *»,<br />
/t-u tried d Iht- h St. FranciH I trrudus thrmiEliout his stay at *, l ~ 0 _ m il<br />
B Academy???!" " your narrate butane*
Pre- Game Rally Snapshots Cardinal Sports<br />
t'pn.T left (.'eft to right)—-Sir. Stephen.", Dean Shift--y Icin i'lihl.if, Shirlev Sparrow?, arid Janet Smith.<br />
U«;j»jr right—Our prexy. Mort iJiinn. Lower left—Stan >Un1zi«r rmtiiriiit; the m-wi^t iniikcup. U'lnun<br />
~ o~. pit', l-nwur rich I—<strong>The</strong> KamblerH. Yvette Vnyvsie, .hnu- l.iKtiii-.. |,j/. I.eluiuin, Itarliarn Sutherlauil,<br />
L»iiln:cs Kennelsin. Those are yell lender" Slntiery, I'rE^b'e. Cell, and CeolVinn in (he Imi-Ksii<br />
Indians Take ^earn Songs and Yells<br />
12 to 0 Contest<br />
Against Irish<br />
Ity Prod Field<br />
(Jlirixtinas? Not quite, even if<br />
the Lowel. giidmuti did look like<br />
•.juppermiut sticks. F^ven if St.<br />
-S.t'K Nnf,'K- of Sacred Heart did<br />
i;.vt- Bob Ob«rg, suilwart indimi<br />
tackle. We piur-|meltng>; for KIXcointf.<br />
nusiiiK-thf ai-tn'« to: <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
i-. a. iL U.<br />
No. L'hriftmiir* t>iill \> the ^•'•th ol<br />
<strong>The</strong> first half was niji and tuck<br />
as the LowrM l">!m|)It'd Di.slitowu]<br />
? Dai I.njjs cheerwi ifcutr pepiicriniut<br />
elad heniuii on to a victory that<br />
then ncumcil anyone'K ^anie. Uui<br />
ChKstiniiK. was just around the<br />
i-oniL'r a* ilie cm. cnilir.tr the half<br />
barked and dialled ijiwi'l.'H inev-i*.-,<br />
able victory. j<br />
Kollliik' i" Second 1'vrlod '<br />
CominK out of the half. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />
put thu-DiiIl in piny by kicking off<br />
to S. !•!".'« .Inbn."on, It was noth-'<br />
in-* hut minittiT" l*o ftm* I/iwi*U*s<br />
Cobs (Simmons and Obertrj w«rei<br />
hovcr;iiic over ,\airl«'s tftft in the]<br />
Good i ; Ijind of Six Points. Bob'<br />
Ohenc makitiff the "couiideGuurrc".<br />
- for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s first tally. Smilin'l<br />
.Mj.an Kodov'ch'a attempt to con-1<br />
vert was Kniothuntd by lrishoi.s.. •<br />
<strong>The</strong>n <strong>Lowell</strong> out loose, :v couple 1<br />
ol' driven stoiipine; .short of paying;<br />
-off by ynrds. llol> Simmons, uoinjr<br />
up 'at'tcr passes like a barber polo!<br />
and coininiT-uown like a ... barl>eri<br />
pole, wan really Kho\vinK that'lie'<br />
was his old self again, Mont-Top's<br />
passes and'Simmons' catching will!<br />
worry anyone who scouted <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />
uell-drpsfed warriors of the ffriilirou,<br />
Wbtta the line oved bai-k,<br />
bnom! TorreBJ Boom! Ityan! :<br />
• You ctiuld hear the thud in the<br />
st*»n*lF. This T!i::r.i'' Rv»n is the<br />
original. Boom! Boom! kit! (lc.0k.1i<br />
like you're cut out, Jnan), V<br />
Cfinrlio IH the l>eKt luckier, n<br />
tost art on tlio team. When he<br />
tnekd 1 !* :hi>m, thpy stay tackled! \<br />
<strong>The</strong> P. O. . ^ }<br />
<strong>The</strong> - next time we iro'L halt! of •<br />
the mail it was straight to the \<br />
P. O. (Post OITIre* or pay off— 1<br />
suit vbujsclf). Battliriir apaiiiHt<br />
.time, Kenny iVehr, number a. took<br />
charge. Shoot in« arounil end for<br />
15. then, hitti:i]ir thu v«_ry_i:*ixt- play •<br />
• wound-the opnwsite"end^'fbr fi,~<br />
Kenny showed he, too, hud recov-•_<br />
"eroU fionV~the : flu "bifcrv It : wastn*<br />
matter of a few. of the. precious re- ';<br />
ma'nhifr minutes -befoie-"Mousie;<br />
itohircp i'fuiuk" over-fot* the *"in«l •<br />
tally. -)_<br />
-Smilln' Milan-ceain poised him-"<br />
"nclf for the de.ivcnmte of the<br />
ox:ra tKtint. Due to u fltro)^ \vind<br />
from a Muiutintr I'lane, however, the<br />
ball hit the crosK bar.<br />
For Tomorrows Game-<br />
THE I.OU-r.l.I. HYMN<br />
With lieinfs b:irod w,- slitiui<br />
In tri'mte in thce—<br />
Our rtliiin mater. Luwolt.<br />
Oh—true to thce we'll be.<br />
Unfurled, Kcd anil While.<br />
None shall th«(i decry.<br />
Thy nnnii! we mmrd—<br />
Oh-I.iK-.-U Hiirh!<br />
the battle H o'er.<br />
And <strong>Lowell</strong> hearts true.<br />
In vietory or ox-feat ^JM<br />
<strong>The</strong>ir faith in thee renew.<br />
With liunrts full we i-im*,-' •<br />
Thy SMI* ne'er «vili ruji.<br />
Thv name wo lm-e.<br />
Hail. <strong>Lowell</strong>. IL.il!<br />
ox CAUDIN.U.S:<br />
On—on-rL'iirdinnl^! •:•<br />
Fiirht for victory today. i»am.<br />
Coloiii red and wbrif,<br />
I'roudly wave.i'or you frum up on high.<br />
fiuiri -I.u'v!l he:irt«.<br />
Utnvri itic* tirticiL-ii m the trav, team.<br />
Ami when i^e hut tie is won.<br />
We'll elioer Ky U-well HiKh.<br />
On Loytjll, On l.i>^"«!I',-•'"'<br />
; - (Jive 'cm till you've i:oi;<br />
Coura«".' men. fMil to the end.<br />
And vli'Uiry -vjll lie ours..<br />
•_: On l.i,weli: On <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />
Fiirlit o» for livr ftime-<br />
Kljcht. Fellows, fi:iit,~<br />
And we wil! win '-he ijiuiu*.<br />
THK AXK Y15I.L<br />
Give Vin thu axe. the :.xe, the axis<br />
Give Vrn the axe, the nxe, the nxt*,<br />
(I've Viri tl'fi »xe, (riv« *e»i the axe,<br />
tli \ l h<br />
ts n Ca neck, the neck, the neck,<br />
Riffht in tlw""Seck. the nock, the noek,<br />
Itiirht in the iKek, ritfhl in tin- IIWK,<br />
Htc' 1 *. hi tl>>: li-vk. ther.;—<br />
fHi-iH-nt. Imt faster.)<br />
C-A. C'-A. C-A-P-D.<br />
f-N. I-N. I-N-A-U<br />