Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy - A Bardon Companion

Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy - A Bardon Companion

Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy - A Bardon Companion


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Of the phenomena of light, electricity, magnetism, etc., great account is taken at the present day; both<br />

to exhibit them, <strong>and</strong> to apply their various potencies to the affairs of life: but of the real source of these<br />

potencies, or of the true efficient in any case, nothing is known. The beam has been tried <strong>and</strong> tortured,<br />

through prismatic glasses <strong>and</strong> crystals, every chemical agent has been exhausted upon it, <strong>and</strong> electrical<br />

machines have been instituted to trap the fluid, but in vain. The learned are free to admit that, though<br />

they have discovered much of the mysterious influences of light, the more is discovered the more<br />

miraculous do they appear. --- It has passed through every test without revealing its secrets, <strong>and</strong> even<br />

the effects which it produces in its path are unexplained problems still to tax the intellects of men (45).<br />

These phenomena are effects then of a Cause unknown, <strong>and</strong> that very unknown Cause it was the<br />

alleged object of the <strong>Hermetic</strong> experiment to prove. Shall we no therefore revert t the inquiry, <strong>and</strong><br />

search to ascertain whether, recovering the ancient method of philosophizing, we may advance by it to<br />

the same end?<br />

Truth is no where manifested upon the earth, because her forms or sulfurs are perplexed, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

passive spirit of nature is included <strong>and</strong> impure. She is moreover specified elsewhere, <strong>and</strong> does not<br />

consequently, as a true passive, reflect without truly to itself. But by the <strong>Hermetic</strong> dissolution the right<br />

recipient is said to be obtained, the pure is separated from the impure, the subtle from the gross, <strong>and</strong><br />

the agent <strong>and</strong> the patient are one identity, as in the Emerald Table it is graven, --- That which is below<br />

is as that which is above, <strong>and</strong> that which is below is as that which is above, for the performing of the<br />

miracles of the One Thing whence all the rest proceed by adaptation. --- And on this unitary basis of<br />

production the metamorphosis of species is not so ridiculous. Have we not example in the common<br />

process of fermentation, the mild juice of grapes converted into wine, <strong>and</strong> milk into butte <strong>and</strong> cheese<br />

<strong>and</strong> whey; <strong>and</strong> these each proceeding out of one thing without requiring the addition of anything<br />

different: but only by operation of their own ferment they become changed into different specific<br />

natures? Just so is the Vital Spirit said to be, by the art of <strong>Alchemy</strong>, promoted from one form of being<br />

into another by its won prepared must or leaven; <strong>and</strong> as such, in turn, it reacts convertively on the<br />

elements of its original extraction; having previously passed on, through many stages, from<br />

imperfection to perfection. Analogy of this, likewise, we have in the animal kingdom; caterpillars<br />

changing their neuter forms quiescently, <strong>and</strong> becoming winged moths. There remains the great<br />

difference, however, that whereas, in these familiar examples, imprisoned nature rests necessarily<br />

within the limiting law of her species; the will of the philosophic Proteus is free to be drawn without<br />

hindrance to form itself about the universal magnet of its own infinite self-multiplicative Light; which<br />

being transmuted, transmutes; <strong>and</strong> multiplying, multiplies its proper substance freely, in proportion to<br />

the virtue which it has acquired in the fermentation. And hence it may be better conceived, perhaps,<br />

how this fermented Spirit or Stone, (as in the crystalline perfectness of its essence it has been called,)<br />

when brought into contact with the crude life of nature whence it sprung, transmutes, i.e., attracts the<br />

same away from other forms into intimate coalescence with its own assimilative light. And<br />

notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing metals <strong>and</strong> all things in the world, as the adepts say, derive their origin from the same<br />

Spirit, yet nothing is reputed so nearly allied to it as gold; for in all other metals there is some<br />

impurity, <strong>and</strong> therefore a certain weight is lost in transmuting from them; but in gold there is none, but<br />

the Formal Light is wholly swallowed up in it without residue, dissolving intimately, gently, <strong>and</strong><br />

naturally, as they compare it to ice in warm water; an excellent simile, by the way, inasmuch as the<br />

commingling natures differ in state only <strong>and</strong> were originally one. And I say to you, adds Sendivogius,<br />

that you must seek for that hidden thing, out of which is made, after a wonderful manner, such a<br />

moisture or humidity which doth dissolve gold without violence or noise, but sweetly <strong>and</strong> naturally; if<br />

you find this out you have that thing out of which gold is produced by nature. And although all metals<br />

have their origin from thence, yet nothing is so friendly to it as gold; it is even like a mother to it; <strong>and</strong><br />

so finally I conclude (46).<br />

And the method of working to this discovery, <strong>and</strong> to supply the deficiency of Form to the purified<br />

body of the Spirit, is described as the same in each of the three kingdoms of nature: the preparation<br />

only being diversified according to the variety of things indigent or intended to be changed. And if the<br />

Art has been more frequently proved in the mineral kingdom than in the other two, we learn that this<br />

has happened, not because the power is limited here, or because adepts have desired gold above every<br />

other good, but because the metalline radix first presents itself in the experimental process, <strong>and</strong> is most

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