Vettius Valens, Anthologies

Vettius Valens, Anthologies

Vettius Valens, Anthologies


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<strong>Vettius</strong> <strong>Valens</strong>, <strong>Anthologies</strong>, Book II<br />

of birth. In the same, way benefics found in this Place will not bestow their benefits. Whenever these three<br />

stars fall in this sign (the rulers of the Ascendant, of the Lot, and of Daimon), they make men unfortunate<br />

and disgraced, those lacking their daily bread. Many will hold out their hands .<br />

6. The Place of the Good Daimon. Many Configurations. The Hearing and the Beholding<br />

Signs Must Also Be Investigated.<br />

If the benefics are in the Sign of the Good Daimon, located in their proper places and in their proper<br />

faces, they make men illustrious and rich from youth—even more so if they are trine from the right with the<br />

Lot of Fortune or sextile with the Ascendant. If they are in an listening or beholding sign they provide<br />

even more and greater benefits. If one of the benefics appears in opposition to the Good Daimon and its<br />

houseruler is also present, these stars bring bigger and better benefits and successes. If malefics are in<br />

conjunction /63K/ with the Good Daimon, they cannot do any evil. It is most efficacious if the houserulers<br />

of the Lot, the Ascendant, and the Good Daimon happen to be rising or if most stars are in conjunction or<br />

in aspect with these in operative signs; they then make men glorious and extremely wealthy. 6<br />

7P. —Midheaven<br />

Both benefics and malefics rejoice in this place if they have been assigned the Lot, the Ascendant, or<br />

Daimon. If any of the are in it when rising, or if they have contact with the moon, tyrants and<br />

kinds are born, governors of districts, men known by name in many places. The ruler of this Place, if<br />

situated favorably, makes vigorous/successful men; if situated unfavorably, it makes feeble/unsuccessful<br />

men. If is setting and a malefic is in conjunction or in opposition to this Place, it makes<br />

failures, as well as sterile or childless men.<br />

/62P/ 7K;8P. The IX Place of the God Sun, just before MC. The Ninth Place from the Ascendant.<br />

It Has Many Configurations.<br />

If benefics happen to be in this Place and have been assigned the Ascendant or Fortune, the native will<br />

be blessed, reverent, a prophet of the great god; in fact he will be obeyed like a god. If are not<br />

there, and if Mercury alone is in aspect, the native will be involved in soothsaying; he will he will<br />

expound his craft to the masses. 7 He will become an royal clerk from his middle years. But if malefics are<br />

in conjunction and rule the previously mentioned places (the Ascendant and Fortune), or if they are in<br />

aspect from the right with the Lot, the native will be a tyrant: he will found some cities; he will sack<br />

others; he will pillage many people most wickedly. If Daimon or Fortune happens to be in the <br />

Place of the Bad Daimon, but the houserulers of the Lot and of the Ascendant are in this Place , the native will be involved in very many evils, in travel, and will lose whatever he has gained, or<br />

he will take refuge in temples because of his desires or pains.<br />

/64K/ 8K;9P. The VIII Place of Death. Various Views.<br />

Benefics appearing in this place are ineffectual and weak, and they do not bestow their proper benefits.<br />

If in addition they rule the Ascendant and the Lot of Fortune, they are even more ineffectual and variable. If<br />

malefics are in conjunction and rule the Lot, the native is a vagrant, losing whatever he may have gained.<br />

If the Lot falls in this Place and if malefics are in conjunction and are houserulers of the Lot, the native will<br />

be poor, unable to clothe himself. If also rule the Ascendant, he will be abject his whole life. If<br />

the houseruler of the Lot or of the Ascendant is under the rays of the sun, the native will stretch out his<br />

hands to beg. If Mercury alone is in this Sign and is ruler of Intelligence (as Daimon is called), it makes<br />

fools, dullards, those handicapped in speech, illiterates. /63P/ If Fortune , the native, besides<br />

being dull, will also be stupid and poor, especially if is under the sun's rays. If under these<br />

circumstances malefics are also in conjunction, the native will be deaf and dumb. Only the moon, when its<br />

light is waxing, seems to rejoice in this Place.<br />

6 The passage in brackets has been transposed from the end of chapter 8K;9P to its proper place here.<br />

7 or “…the native will be involved in finance; he will control the masses through his business dealings.”<br />

(Rhetorius in CCAG 8.4 pp. 163-4)<br />


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