Science & Health - A Beka Book

Science & Health - A Beka Book

Science & Health - A Beka Book


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<strong>Science</strong> & <strong>Health</strong><br />

<strong>Science</strong> of the Physical Creation cont.<br />

Chemistry cont.<br />

• Biochemistry:<br />

• Carbohydrates, lipids:<br />

h Disaccharides, glycogen, structure of fats, types of cholesterol<br />

h Chemistry and structure of proteins, types and structure of<br />

nucleic acids<br />

• Metabolism:<br />

h Chemistry of ATP<br />

Geology<br />

• Structure of the earth:<br />

h Composition of crust, mantle, and core; divisions of the mantle;<br />

seismic waves; Gutenberg discontinuity<br />

• Movement of the crust:<br />

h Pangaea; types of faults and folds<br />

h Mountain formation<br />

• Earthquakes:<br />

• Tremors, aftershocks, elastic rebound theory, focus, epicenter<br />

h Earthquake waves; locating an earthquake’s epicenter<br />

• Earthquake zones<br />

• Earthquake strength scales:<br />

h Mercalli scale<br />

• Richter scale<br />

• Volcanoes:<br />

• Mount St. Helens<br />

h Volcanology<br />

• Structure, types by formation, types by activity<br />

• Locations, eruptions<br />

• Types of ejecta:<br />

h Types of lava<br />

h Difference between volcanic blocks and volcanic bombs<br />

h Nuée ardente<br />

• Volcanic structures<br />

• Minerals:<br />

• Composition, characteristics<br />

h Groups<br />

• Identification criteria:<br />

h Specific gravity, special properties<br />

• Valuable minerals<br />

• Rock:<br />

• Classification with descriptions and characteristics of representative<br />

samples:<br />

• Igneous rocks:<br />

h Porphyritic (mixed-textured), amorphous, and porous igneous<br />

rocks<br />

• Sedimentary rocks:<br />

h Precipitate, evaporite, salt dome, concretions, stratum, law of<br />

superposition<br />

• Metamorphic rocks:<br />

h Contact vs. regional metamorphism; general characteristics of<br />

metamorphic rocks<br />

• Weathering and erosion:<br />

• Water and weathering:<br />

• Types of weathering:<br />

h Ice wedging, exfoliation, causes and rates of chemical weathering<br />

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• Gullying<br />

• Rivers:<br />

Grade 9<br />

h red indicates NeW MATerIAL<br />

h Load, river system, tributary, floodplain, levees, meanders, oxbow<br />

lake, alluvial fan<br />

• Divides and drainage basins<br />

• Caverns:<br />

h Dripstone, sinkhole, karst<br />

• Features made by sea erosion:<br />

• Beaches, sea caves<br />

h Bars, barrier islands, promontories, sea cliffs, sea arches, sea stacks<br />

• Erosion by ice, wind, and wasting:<br />

h Types, movements, and effects of glaciers<br />

h Ice Age, types and effects of wind erosion<br />

h Types and effects of mass wasting<br />

• Prevention of erosion:<br />

• Terracing<br />

h Strip-cropping, breakwaters<br />

Interpreting the Fossil Record<br />

• History of the earth:<br />

• Evolution, special creation<br />

h Theistic evolution<br />

h Principle of uniformity<br />

• Uniformitarianism, Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin<br />

• Record of the rocks:<br />

• Fossils, paleontology, geologic column, circular reasoning<br />

h Index fossils, fossil anomalies<br />

h Effects of the Flood:<br />

h Description of the Genesis Flood and the aftermath<br />

h Noah’s ark<br />

h Evidences of the worldwide Flood<br />

• Lack of transitional forms:<br />

• Gaps in the fossil record<br />

• Eohippus<br />

h Cambrian explosion, Seymouria, Archaeopteryx<br />

• Impossible transition forms, natural selection<br />

• Punctuated equilibrium hypothesis<br />

• Evolution of man:<br />

h Differences between man and ape<br />

• Discarded transitional forms:<br />

h Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, australopithecines, Homo habilis,<br />

Homo erectus, Peking man<br />

• Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon men<br />

Motion<br />

• Describing motion:<br />

h Brief history of developing the field of physics<br />

• Speed and velocity<br />

h Scalar and vectors, simple vector addition<br />

• Acceleration:<br />

h Measuring acceleration<br />

• Motion and forces:<br />

• Newton’s laws of motion<br />

h Momentum, quantitative study of the force and acceleration of gravity<br />

h The four fundamental forces of nature<br />

<strong>Science</strong> of the Physical Creation cont. p. 169

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