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"S68 '125. MORACE.IE. [8. FICUS.<br />

Midrib with an elongate'd gland at base. Recepts<br />

tomentose, ,25-'5" . .' . . . . . H. tomentosa.<br />

II M. and Gall. fls. in separate recepts to the Fern. St. 1-3.<br />

Trees, shrubs or climbers. L. often hispid or scabrous.<br />

Recepts usually hlspid, I, 2 or more together, axillary<br />

or in clusters or on special leafless branches, often<br />

large, sometimes bracteate, often stipitate:-<br />

A. M. fl. with I stamen and large pistillode or gall fl.<br />

Recepts paired or fascicled, stipitate, hispid:-<br />

Tree. L. elliptic or ovate acute. Recepts 25-·3" 15 cltspidzfera.<br />

Large epiphyte. L. broadly rhomboid obtuse, hispld 16. parasztica.<br />

B M. fl. without a plsttl!ode or ovary:-<br />

1. Stamen 1:a.<br />

Leaves alternate'i.<br />

Recepts not on special leafless branches:-<br />

Climbing shrub Recepts 1-2 axillary. (22) scandens.<br />

Weak shrub L. heteromorphous. Recepts<br />

solitary, hispid . . ., 17. heterophylla.<br />

Small tree. Recepts paired, hispid . IS. asperrima.<br />

it. Recepts on speCial, often subradical<br />

branches:-<br />

Small tree wlth semi-sagittate leaves 19. cunia.<br />

b. Leaves opposlte. Recepts mostly on special<br />

branches:-<br />

Small tree. Branches hispid. L. ovate-oblong<br />

or obovate.. - . .. 20. hispida.<br />

Low spreadmg shrub in river beds. Branchlets<br />

hirsute. L. lanceolate or oblanceolate 21. s;emocarpa.<br />

2. Stamens 2-3, Leaves alternate: - •<br />

a. Climbing shrub, Recepts 1-2 axillary, pedicelled<br />

.... ., 22. scandens.<br />

b, Erect cultivated shrubs or small trees. Recepts.<br />

m.s. to large, solltary or paired, axillary:-<br />

Sub-arboreous L. pale or hoary, usually<br />

tomentose beneath, mostly not lobed. Recepts<br />

1" or less, mostly stalked. . . . . 22a. palmata.<br />

Shrubby L. deep green, rarely tomentose<br />

beneath, mostly deeply lobed. Recepts 1'5",<br />

mostly sub sessile . '. ., 22b. carica.<br />

c. Recepts very large (1-2" diam.) on tubercles or<br />

special short branches:i.<br />

Erect shrub or branches prostrate . 23. lanceolata.<br />

il. Small trees:-<br />

L. ovate to elliptic, 4-7'5".. . 24. glomerata.<br />

L. very broad, S-IS" long by 5-12" broad 25. macrophylla.<br />

1. F. comosa, Roxb. Syn. F. Benjamina, var. comosa, Kurz (there is<br />

some doubt, however, whether F. Benjamina, L. is not synonymous<br />

with F. retusa, vaT. nitida. There is no doubt as to Roxburgh's<br />

plant. Hence I have taken the name given by him). Pokaha,<br />

S.; Paniar, Lakhar, Th.<br />

A very handsome. large quite glabrous tree with slender drooping<br />

branches, broadly-elliptic or -ovate abruptly acuminate or shortly<br />

caudate, with rounded or v,ery obtuse base scarcely 3-nerved, the two<br />

lateral basal nerves being hardly stronger than the very numerous close<br />

spreading secondaries and spreading more or less parallel to these;<br />

secondanes about 12 with their scarcely finer intermediaries all meeting<br />

in an intramarginal nerve close to the thickened margin. Recepts<br />

mostly terminatmg or towards the ends of the branchlets geminate<br />

axillary (but the leaf often suppressed or deciduous), sessile quite globose

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