Church Planting For The 21st Century - The Christian Challenge

Church Planting For The 21st Century - The Christian Challenge

Church Planting For The 21st Century - The Christian Challenge


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website, Fr. Stetson specifically denies that the Anglican Use<br />

allowance of married priests is a try-out for abandoning the<br />

discipline of priestly celibacy in the Western church. He said<br />

the “special challenges of a married clergy” that had been highlighted,<br />

for example, by the Eastern Catholic <strong>Church</strong>es (which<br />

allow married priests), “show the value of the norm of celibacy<br />

for the sake of the kingdom in the Western <strong>Church</strong>.”<br />

Recent statements from the Vatican confirm that the Holy<br />

See plans to continue enforcing the discipline of celibacy for<br />

Roman Catholic priests, in virtually all cases.<br />

On November 16, for example, the Pope and 20 cardinals<br />

and archbishops who head departments of the Curia met to<br />

discuss priests’ requests for dispensation from their obligation<br />

of celibacy, and readmission to active ministry for priests who<br />

have married. Additionally, the Vatican said that the gathering<br />

would examine “the situation created by the disobedience of<br />

Monsignor Emmanuel Milingo,” who earlier took part in one<br />

of the Unification <strong>Church</strong>’s mass wedding ceremonies, has<br />

founded a group called “Married Priests Now,” and purportedly<br />

installed four married priests as bishops in September; Milingo<br />

has been excommunicated. A Vatican statement following the<br />

meeting said the value of “the choice of priestly celibacy, according<br />

to the Catholic tradition was reaffirmed...”<br />

As part of its information-gathering on the Anglican issue,<br />

Rome enlisted Dr. William Tighe - an Anglican-turned-<br />

Catholic and history professor in Pennsylvania - to prepare a<br />

report for the Vatican about the history, beliefs, and status of<br />

the various orthodox Anglican groupings in the U.S., within<br />

and outside of the official Anglican Communion. He prepared<br />

the report in October; one copy went to the CDF in Rome,<br />

and the other went to Archbishop Myers. n<br />

Sources: wikipedia.org, pastoralprovision.org, timescolumns.typepad.com, Times Online, <strong>The</strong><br />

Sunday Times, Opus Dei by John L. Allen (Doubleday)<br />

BRIEFS Continued<br />

no reason to assume that the cartoons were meant to “belittle<br />

Muslims.” <strong>The</strong> plaintiffs - seven Danish Muslim groups - are appealing.<br />

Jyllands-Posten published the cartoons on September 30,<br />

2005 with a text saying it was challenging a perceived self-censorship<br />

among artists afraid to offend Islam. <strong>The</strong> caricatures were<br />

reprinted in European papers in January and February, fueling a<br />

fury of protests in the Islamic world. <strong>The</strong> plaintiff Muslim groups<br />

said the images, which included one depicting the Prophet with a<br />

bomb in his turban, had libeled the the world’s one billion Muslims<br />

by implying they were terrorists. “Just to prove the point that<br />

those who follow the religion of ‘peace’ are not prone to terrorism,<br />

murder, mayhem and violence, 50 people were killed in riots<br />

in the Middle East and Asia, three Danish embassies in the Middle<br />

East were attacked and Danish food products were removed<br />

from the shelves of many supermarkets in Muslim countries,” said<br />

a British National Party report. Angry Muslims living in the U.K.<br />

held a protest outside the Danish embassy in London, “calling for<br />

jihad against the west, shouting the virtues of Osama Bin Laden<br />

and inciting murder of infidels,” said the report.<br />


in October what critics have been telling them for years: <strong>The</strong> BBC<br />

See Additional Stories On Our Website!<br />

Please go to http://www.challengeonline.org to see these bonus<br />

reports linked to the November/December 2006 issue (click on the<br />

issue at right):<br />

• Florida: Faithful Clergy Deposed<br />

• Commentary: What Now <strong>For</strong> <strong>For</strong>mer P.B.?<br />

• Network’s Bishop Duncan Delivers<br />

Major Address On <strong>The</strong> Future Of Anglicanism<br />

• Network Launches Parish Locator<br />

• Russian Orthodox Leader Confirms Openness To<br />

Talks With Dioceses Seeking APO<br />

• Bolivia Plays Significant Role In Realignment<br />

- By Jennifer Abel<br />

• ACA Gets Two New Bishops<br />

• Imagining Things<br />

• TEC Sees “Precipitous” Loss In Members,<br />

Researcher Says<br />

• Connecticut TEC Choirmaster Faces Child Porn Charges<br />

• Tutu “Ashamed” Of Anglican Opposition To Gays<br />

• South African Anglican Leaders Diverge<br />

On Same-Sex Marriage Bill<br />

• Tanzanian Bishops Issue Statement On TEC,<br />

Robinson, Windsor Report<br />

• Prince Charles Wades Into Gay Controversy<br />

• Williams Encouraged After Two-Week Visit To China<br />

• Global South Primates Meet With Chinese<br />

• Catholic Bishops Draft Rules On Ministering To Gays<br />

• “Culture Wars” Continue In U.S. Midterm Election<br />

• New Jersey Legislates Civil Unions<br />

• Haggard’s Fall From Grace: <strong>The</strong> Aftermath<br />

• British Medical College Supports Killing Disabled Babies<br />

• Pope’s Visit To Turkey Calms<br />

Strife Over Regensburg Speech...and more<br />

is dominated by trendy, left-leaning liberals who are biased against<br />

<strong>Christian</strong>ity and in favor of multi-culturalism. A leaked account of<br />

an “impartiality summit,” called by BBC Chairman Michael Grade,<br />

revealed that executives would let the Bible be thrown into a<br />

dustbin on a TV comedy show, but not the Koran, and that they<br />

would broadcast an interview with Osama Bin Laden if given the<br />

opportunity. Further, it discloses that the BBC’s “diversity tsar”<br />

wants Muslim women newsreaders to be allowed to wear veils<br />

when on air. At the secret fall meeting in London, BBC executives<br />

admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and<br />

people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multi-culturalism,<br />

is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the<br />

feelings of Muslims than <strong>Christian</strong>s. One veteran BBC executive<br />

said: “<strong>The</strong>re was widespread acknowledgement that we may have<br />

gone too far in the direction of political correctness. Unfortunately,<br />

much of it is so deeply embedded in the BBC’s culture, that it is<br />

very hard to change it.” - <strong>The</strong> Daily Mail<br />

*A LEGAL BATTLE over whether Canadian marriage commissioners<br />

should be forced into solemnizing same-sex marriages<br />

- even if it violates their personal religious beliefs - appears<br />

to be heating up. Kevin Kisilowsky - a 36-year-old man who<br />

Continued on Back Cover<br />

www.challengeonline.org <strong>The</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> November-December 2006 1

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