Castle Gay - MVK World

Castle Gay - MVK World

Castle Gay - MVK World


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into the upper air. He had recovered his only confidant, and did not<br />

mean to spare him. Sometimes he touched upon his daily task—its languors<br />

and difficulties, the harassments of the trivial, the profound stupidity<br />

of the middle-aged. He defended hotly his politics, and drew so<br />

many fine distinctions between his creed and those of all other men, that<br />

it appeared that his party was in the loyal, compact, and portable form of<br />

his single self. Then ensued torrential confessions of faith and audacious<br />

ambition. He was not splashing—he was swimming with a clean stroke<br />

to a clear goal. With his pen and voice he was making his power felt, and<br />

in time the world would listen to him. His message? There followed a<br />

statement of ideals which was nobly eclectic. Dougal was at once nationalist<br />

and internationalist, humanitarian and man of iron, realist and poet.<br />

They were now in the Nick of the Threshes, where, in a pad of green<br />

lawn between two heathery steeps, a well bubbled among mosses. The<br />

thirsty idealist flung himself on the ground and drank deep. He rose<br />

with his forelock dripping.<br />

"I sometimes think you are slipping away from me, Jaikie," he said.<br />

"You've changed a lot in the last two years… . You live in a different<br />

kind of world from me, and every year you're getting less and less of a<br />

Scotsman… . And I've a notion, when I pour out my news to you and<br />

haver about myself, that you're criticising me all the time in your own<br />

mind. Am I not right? You're terribly polite, and you never say much,<br />

but I can feel you're laughing at me. Kindly, maybe, but laughing all the<br />

same. You're saying to yourself, 'Dougal gets dafter every day. He's no<br />

better than a savage.'"<br />

Jaikie regarded the flushed and bedewed countenance of his friend,<br />

and the smile that broadened over his small face was not critical.<br />

"I often think you daft, Dougal. But then I like daftness."<br />

"Anyway, you've none of it yourself. You're the wisest man I ever met.<br />

That's where you and I differ. I'm always burning or freezing, and you<br />

keep a nice, average, normal temperature. I take desperate likes and dislikes.<br />

You've something good to say about the worst scallywag, and, if<br />

you haven't, you hold your tongue. I'm all for flinging my cap over the<br />

moon, while you keep yours snug on your head. No. No"—he quelled an<br />

anticipated protest. "It's the same in your football. It was like that yesterday<br />

afternoon. You never run your head against a stone wall. You wait<br />

till you see your chance, and then you're on to it like forked lightning,<br />

but you're determined not to waste one atom of your strength."<br />

"That's surely Scotch enough," said Jaikie laughing. "I'm economical."<br />


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