Castle Gay - MVK World

Castle Gay - MVK World

Castle Gay - MVK World


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ae—the cities filling up with Irish, the countryside losing its folk, our<br />

law and our letters and our language as decrepit as an old wife. Damn it,<br />

man, in another half-century there will be nothing left, and we'll be a<br />

mere disconsidered province of England… . But you never bother your<br />

head about it. Indeed, I think you've gone over to the English. What was<br />

it I heard you saying to Mr McCunn last night?—that the English had the<br />

most political genius of any people because they had the most humour?"<br />

"Well, it's true," Jaikie answered. "But every day I spend out of Scotland<br />

I like it better. When I've nothing else to do I run over in my mind<br />

the places I love best—mostly in the Canonry—and when I get a sniff of<br />

wood smoke it makes me sick with longing for peat-reek. Do you think I<br />

could forget that?"<br />

Jaikie pointed to the scene which was now spread before them, for<br />

they had emerged from the Nick of the Threshes and were beginning the<br />

long descent to the Garroch. The October afternoon was warm and<br />

windless, and not a wisp of cloud broke the level blue of the sky. Such<br />

weather in July would have meant that the distances were dim, but on<br />

this autumn day, which had begun with frost, there was a crystalline<br />

sharpness of outline in the remotest hills. The mountains huddled<br />

around the amphitheatre, the round bald forehead of the Yirnie, the twin<br />

peaks of the Caldron which hid a tarn in their corrie, the steel-grey fortress<br />

of the Calmarton, the vast menacing bulk of the Muneraw. On the<br />

far horizon the blue of the sky seemed to fade into white, and a hill<br />

shoulder which rose in one of the gaps had an air of infinite distance.<br />

The bog in the valley was a mosaic of colours like an Eastern carpet, and<br />

the Garroch water twined through it like some fantastic pictured stream<br />

in a missal. A glimpse could be had of Loch Garroch, dark as ink in the<br />

shadow of the Caldron. There were many sounds, the tinkle of falling<br />

burns far below, a faint calling of sheep, an occasional note of a bird. Yet<br />

the place had an overmastering silence, a quiet distilled of the blue heavens<br />

and the primeval desert. In that loneliness lay the tale of ages since<br />

the world's birth, the song of life and death as uttered by wild living<br />

things since the rocks first had form.<br />

The two did not speak for a little. They had seen that which touched in<br />

both some deep elemental spring of desire.<br />

Down on the level of the moss, where the green track wound among<br />

the haggs, Dougal found his tongue.<br />

"I would like your advice, Jaikie," he said, "about a point of conduct.<br />

It's not precisely a moral question, but it's a matter of good taste. I'm<br />

drawing a big salary from the Craw firm, and I believe I give good value<br />


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