Southern Cross by Windstar

Southern Cross by Windstar

Southern Cross by Windstar


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Time which the Bak'ra put to good use. Emily's lips curled slightly as she watched the fleet's<br />

formation shift. No one ever said that the enemy had to be stupid, even if I wish they were. The<br />

Bak'ra fleet changed formation, drawing closer together, interlocking there anti missile fields of<br />

fire.<br />

Still they'd been caught <strong>by</strong> surprise; a missile launch, which must have seemed to come out of<br />

nowhere before they spotted the Tiri Guardian ships. Even as the Tiri sped away, Emily watched<br />

what happened behind them through her sensors. They had fired over seventeen hundred missiles<br />

in six seconds. All of those missiles had been targeted at just a handful of ships in the Bak'ra<br />

formation.<br />

"There, see it, Angwar? They didn't quite pull their formation together fast enough."<br />

Emily brushed a stray lock of black hair back out of her face and smiled savagely as the first of<br />

the missiles closed in. It could be seen on the holo tank of course, but Emily had a much better<br />

view through her ship self's sensors. Either way, it was obvious what was happening behind<br />

them.<br />

Counter missiles raced from the Bak'ra fleet, trying to destroy the incoming missiles. Dozens of<br />

the Tiri missiles, then hundreds, were blown apart before they got into range to attack. If the<br />

Bak'ra formation had been complete Emily was certain few of her missiles would have gotten<br />

through. But it wasn't.<br />

Her smile widened as one, then a half dozen, then even more of the missiles they had fired made<br />

it into range. A warp gate missile had to get within five kilometers to attack. Once within that<br />

range though, the small fusion bottle contained in it's middle would spin up to maximum power.<br />

The warp gate generator in the missile was powered up and formed, for a brief second, an<br />

unstable warp gate. It didn't last long; it didn't have to, not to do what it had been designed to.<br />

The warp gate would tear apart anything that it encountered when it was formed. The gravitic<br />

drives all capital ships employed formed a shield ahead of the bow and behind the stern of the<br />

ships. The twin gravitic discs, which "pulled" and "pushed" the ship through space were<br />

powerful enough to shield the ship from frontal and rear attacks. They didn't stop attacks on the<br />

broadsides of the ship though. That was were the missiles tried to hit, some failed of course and<br />

hit the gravitic disks, but many more succeeded.<br />

All told, Emily watched eighty-one missiles make it through everything the Bak'ra could throw<br />

at them. Those missiles hit only four separate targets, exploding mere kilometers from the flanks<br />

of the large ships they had targeted.<br />

Three ships became the hearts of blazing explosions as their fusion power plants exploded. The<br />

fourth tumbled out of formation, its power systems failing, its hull shattered.<br />

A cheer went up from the bridge and Emily eased out of her ship bond smiling faintly as her<br />

command crew cheered. The sound was echoed across the other decks and on the other ships.<br />

The first blow had been struck.

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