Southern Cross by Windstar

Southern Cross by Windstar

Southern Cross by Windstar


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when one was a Guardian of course, but that was no reason to give Internal Affairs a heart attack<br />

unless she had to.<br />

"Weston, make it short, I'm out of here as soon as Theo has our transportation ready."<br />

"No problem, Emie, I've got that info you wanted. It took a bit of digging, but you were right.<br />

We have a few Tiri citizens who are currently living in New York. One of whom is our good<br />

friend, Jenner."<br />

Emily felt her eyebrow raise in surprise at that little bit of information.<br />

"Jenner? How the hell did he manage to get permission to live in New York?"<br />

"I don't know, Emie, but I've already asked that it be looked into. Someone probably thought,<br />

rightly so, that no one would believe Jenner if he did spill anything. Still he must have fell<br />

through a loophole somewhere to manage it, and I'll make certain we find out how. I'm<br />

transmitting his address to you now. He should know what's going on, or at least heard rumors."<br />

Emie nodded as she bent down and tugged off her boots. She'd change inside, but every second<br />

might count and she was determined to leave the moment they could.<br />

"I'll call you when we have something, Weston. How's the rest of the world doing?"<br />

"Eh, hanging in there so far. Germany and France are going to stick with us. Britain is wavering,<br />

but I think they'll stay despite whatever the U.S. does. I'm more worried about what message this<br />

will send to the third world countries that we haven't sealed a treaty with. This pretty much<br />

couldn't have come at a worse time, Emie. Father is tied down in Asia, dealing with the Chinese<br />

and their continued charter of rights violations. It's a mess out there, and between you and me,<br />

I'm glad I don't have to deal with them."<br />

Theo had reemerged from the warehouse at the edge of the island and was waving up at them.<br />

Changing her mind she grabbed the rest of her clothing and the pack, she could just as well<br />

change down there as she could up here.<br />

"I've got to go, Weston. Give Father my love, and take care."<br />

"Good hunting, Emie. Try not to get us into a war with the Americans though, ok?"<br />

"I'm so very close to just bombing Washington D.C. back into the Stone Age, Weston, so don't<br />

even tempt me."<br />

"Some days I'd say that would be doing the rest of us a favor, but do try to resist the urge. Bye,<br />

Emie."<br />

Emily was already moving as the screen went dark, hurrying back down towards the waterfront.<br />

Her Marines had already changed and were carrying normal backpacks, looking quite the part of

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