Southern Cross by Windstar

Southern Cross by Windstar

Southern Cross by Windstar


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The scream went up before the explosion had even dissipated, and Katya forced herself not to<br />

look. She'd seen nearly twenty percent of her command decimated <strong>by</strong> the last few hours of<br />

desperate combat, and she just couldn't take the sight of another shattered piece of twisted metal<br />

that used to be a friend.<br />

"Lieutenant!"<br />

Even as the medics labored on the newest casualty, she could hear the thin steady screaming of<br />

the injured man through her com link before she switched channel, her second in command<br />

pounded up.<br />

Her last second in command had been blown apart the first time they'd moved her command<br />

post, she still had his blood stains on her suit. Andresson had been a good man, he had a family,<br />

three children back in Mexico… Firmly the Russian ignored those thoughts.<br />

"You see this ridge here, we'll draw them to it. How many of those nukes we got left?"<br />

The hesitation was clear.<br />

"Nuke's ma'am?"<br />

"Just answer the damn question, how many?"<br />

In the distance, less than a kilometer ahead of her position, marines were desperately pouring<br />

down a torrent of fire at the nightmare like creatures swarming across the surface of mars.<br />

"Three Ma'am."<br />

"Good, put them in a line along the southern edge of this ridge. Move."<br />

The two-meter hard suit whirred as he moved away from her, and she spared a glance at her own<br />

suits read outs. She had another six hours of power left, as long as she didn't start firing the<br />

plasma canon mounted over her suits right shoulder. Most of the rest of her people were in a<br />

worse situation though, close fighting drained power like no body's business. The loss of the<br />

supply shuttles were hurting them, and she wondered how long it would be before people started<br />

having to toss away there hard suits due to lack of power cells.<br />

Another missile streaked overhead and she watched grimly as it slammed into the rear of her<br />

lines. The few heavy tanks that she had left were returning fire, but they were being<br />

overwhelmed. They were making the Bak'ra pay for it in blood, but they were being driven back<br />

towards Mars Base. What had started out as a comfortable hundred kilometer buffer zone was<br />

down to less than half that.<br />

The Bak'ra for there part had to be seen to be believed.

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