Struan 1964 - Adm.monash.edu.au

Struan 1964 - Adm.monash.edu.au

Struan 1964 - Adm.monash.edu.au


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Dave 's a irc raft jerked as it hit the chocks on th e catapult and came to<br />

a sto p - he wa s in position. The flight deck crew attached the w ires to the<br />

plane and the ca tap ult took up the st ra in. The Flight Deck Offi ce r circ led<br />

his green flag. Dave o pened up the throttle and checked hi s g<strong>au</strong>ges o nce<br />

more. He then gave a " th um bs- up" to th e Officer wh o d ro pped hi s arm<br />

holding the flag . Dave experienced a m ighty th ump in th e ba ck and the a ircraft<br />

was airborne, climbing away from the sh ip.<br />

positio n .<br />

Dave steered to hi s w aiting<br />

As he ci rcled he ga zed at the s h ip. It wo uld be good to get ba ck to<br />

her. He always felt sl ightly nervou s o n the fi rst mission of a ne w tour of duty.<br />

The ship had left the Japanese port of Sasebo the prev io us day. His thoughts<br />

slid back to a fortn ight ag o. Th e sh ip had fini shed its to ur of duty in Ko rea<br />

and was heading for Ku re. Dave was in hi s cabin, sp rucing up h is u n ifo rms<br />

fo r the sho re leave to come.<br />

" Hey, Dave ! Have yo u heard the ne ws?"<br />

I t was Pete. He had the next-door cabi n.<br />

" What ne ws?" asked Dave.<br />

" Whac ko , cob be r. We' re going to Sas ebo instead of Kure. The Yank<br />

admiral wan ts to entertain us. Ju st think of th e ball we ' ll have. Th o se<br />

Yank nurses - whacko! "<br />

" Youre jo k ing," said Dave.<br />

" No, I'm not. We were [u st told. Yo u wait and see .<br />

Just then the loudspeakers crack led.<br />

" This is the Captain spe ak ing .. . " As the Capta in co nti nued Dave 's<br />

face fell in d isappointment. He w as loo k ing forward to Ku re as he had plan ned<br />

to as k Natalie to marry h im.<br />

The other Fireflies had joi ned up w ith Dave no w . All the aircraft he aded<br />

towards the Korean co as t , the Furies ah ead of and sligh t ly ab ove the bombers.<br />

All crews kept a sharp look-out, but no Mig 's had been see n in thi s area . The<br />

famed Mig Alley was further north, but o ne nev e r knew . They co uld be there.<br />

As they crossed the ru gged coast Dave let his th oughts slip awa y aga in.<br />

He had met Natalie at a cocktail party aboa rd the ship in Kure. She w as<br />

a nu rse in the army Hospital at Hiro.<br />

argument w ith Pete.<br />

Dave had bee n in the m iddle of an<br />

" The on ly good Red is a dea d Red -<br />

ch ild," Pet e stated .<br />

so ld ier, civ ilian, man , woma n o r<br />

" I can't help feeling so rry for the women and chi ldren," Dave replied .<br />

" Th is war isn 't theirs."<br />

" The trouble w it h yo u is th at you're too soft, cobber," scoff ed Pete.<br />

" Am I really too so ft ?" th ought Dave, as he had turned away. He knew<br />

Pete lived for flying and loved nothi ng better than combat mi ssions. He hated<br />

the Communist s w ith an intense hatred . Dave di d n't know wh y. He had re ad<br />

a lot about Korea and could feel compas sion for its people.<br />

They had crossed th e co as t now, and we re flying over mountain s an d<br />

occasional rice paddies. The Furies turned sligh tly and set course for Pyong-do ,<br />

about fifteen minutes away .<br />

"What a pla ce to fight for !" m us ed Dave looking d own at the countryside .<br />

After the cocktail party Dave had taken Natalie to a Japanese cinema.<br />

The dialogue wa s in Ja pan ese but th ey didn' t care . A newsreel on Korea w as<br />

sho wn. American and Co m monw ea lth troops we re taking a vi llage. Th e<br />

English sub-title said sim ply th at the village had been pa rt ly de stroyed<br />


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