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Struan 1964 - Adm.monash.edu.au


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Group Notes 82 ...<br />


LES. THOMAS : "You're nice"­<br />

"Get out of it."<br />

M AX QUANCHI : " Ladies and<br />

Gentlemen and Max Qu anchi."<br />

TOM YATES: " England's got trad<br />

ition. Tom's got Jud y ."<br />

MALCOLM M acROBERTS: " W hat,<br />

me and al l those wom en? !"<br />

JIM HEAL Y: " Pira te Princess of<br />

Penzance."<br />

RAY PARSONS : "I s Ray here<br />

today? "<br />

JIM R. : " He likes to roll hi s own ."<br />

KEN DUNSTAN : " Coca Cola , peppermint<br />

crisps and je ll y bean smore."<br />

GORDON NICHOLL : " Fish Creek 's<br />

f ir st Ambassador Officia l."<br />

KEITH BOAST : " Don't w ake it."<br />

CHRIS LOTHIAN : " Not all her soci<br />

al work is for Charit y-Eh, John."<br />

JENNY WHITNEY : "Oh, for the<br />

high-flying Saints."<br />

ANNETTE MOON : " It 's the se quiet<br />

ones yo u've to w atch."<br />

SHIRLEY BURRIDGE : " How 's<br />

you r friend? "<br />

ELAINE MU LRANEY : " Gary<br />

reckons . . . r r<br />

MARGA RET FITZGERALD : " Hasn' t<br />

she got time to sleep at night ?"<br />

NO RM A KAY : " Six-legged beatles<br />

aren't the only ones she col lects ,"<br />

HEATHER ROSS: " I'm one of<br />

th ose agri-culturally minded peop le."<br />

NORMA CAMPBELL: " She's up the<br />

pole."<br />

ROBYN COLLINGS : " Rum ble, oh<br />

here she comes."<br />

SYBIL HA YES : " I'm really 18<br />

M ista ."<br />

SUSAN BLAZE : " M iss D., can I<br />

use my own cuisenaire set?"<br />

JULIE HORNER: " How man y<br />

people are com ing to 1 w eekend ?"<br />

CHRIS VARNE Y BROWN : "Chri st<br />

ine , are you good enough to answer<br />

th is?"<br />


mak es anything a success."<br />

CHRISTINE PITMAN : " Silent but<br />

. . . ?"<br />

JENNY DOODT: " A boy at every<br />

por t . . , Peerie."<br />

M r . LACY : " Irn all in f avour of<br />

w hat you suggest- but . . . "<br />

MISS SMALES: " Give him a go,<br />

he's doing his best ."<br />

RAY PARSON : " The quietest Parson<br />

we've ever met-it is all in th e<br />

m ind ."<br />

We consider ourselves to be the<br />

best 2nd year gr ou p in College.<br />

Practi call y ever y per son in the group<br />

has shown qualities requ i red in<br />

leadership, th us our lect ures w ere<br />

often very col ourful, especially<br />

Cui senaire. Man y successf ul gr oup<br />

nights and w eekend s we re held during<br />

the year ; the success of these<br />

arose from t he friendship w hich wa s<br />

evident from the beginning. As the<br />

year progres sed the se friendships<br />

were further enriched, resu lting in a<br />

mar vellou s feeling throu ghout the<br />

group. Under th e tutorship of M iss<br />

Smales and Mr. Lacy w e obtained<br />

m uch help w ith our wo r k . This w as<br />

greatly appreciated by all concerned.<br />

Best of luck to all listed abo ve fo r<br />

the ir teaching careers .<br />


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