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this sort is a major change. the important thing<br />

is how the receiver deals with this change. con-<br />

vey to the receiver that this change is imminent<br />

and must be received in the most positive light in<br />

order to move on with her life. death is merely<br />

the precursor to rebirth.<br />

next turn over each successive card in turn and<br />

weave a story throughout the reading that con-<br />

tinues the receiver’s journey. (Pg. 16, Fig. 4)<br />

our next card is temperance which is a card that<br />

conveys the need for moderation in life. so the<br />

receiver will enter a period of renewed balance<br />

from her break-up this will bring about a great<br />

change in her life that if embraced positively and<br />

in moderation will lead her further down her<br />

life path. the last card revealed is the Hanged<br />

Man which is a waypoint in all journey’s repre-<br />

senting a voluntary sacrifice made to gain a new<br />

perspective or life goal. the receiver’s sacrifice<br />

in this case could very well be her relationship<br />

which although chaotic offered some sense of<br />

<strong>com</strong>fort. the letting go and sacrifice of this rela-<br />

tionship will lead her to a renewed perspective<br />

on life but only if she enters into this endeavor<br />

seeking fairness for all parties, embraces change<br />

and finds a way to a path of moderation in her<br />

new and more care-free life.<br />

09<br />

As you weave the story that the cards reveal<br />

be attentive to your receiver and listen to all<br />

that he/she has to say. they will help guide you<br />

as much as the tarot cards do throughout the<br />

reading.<br />

eVolVe’s tarot metHod:<br />

this method of tarot reading is very quick as<br />

well as easy. You are going to use the cards to<br />

tell a story. the better you are at <strong>com</strong>ing up with<br />

stories on the spot the easier this method will<br />

be for you.<br />

preparation: divide the cards into the three<br />

groups listed here<br />

tHe major arCana: Fool card up to the<br />

World card – 22 cards total<br />

tHe minor arCana: 1- 10 of each of the<br />

cup, wand, sword, and pentacle cards – 40 cards<br />

total<br />

tHe Court Cards: All the pages, knights,<br />

kings, and queens – 16 cards total<br />

tHe reCeiVer:<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Have the receiver shuffle each group of cards<br />

individually. tell her to “only think of what<br />

<strong>com</strong>es to mind first, because that is what may<br />

be most important right now.”<br />

next, have the receiver draw one card from<br />

each pile of cards. (3 total)<br />

let them hold on to the three cards or have<br />

them place the cards on the table, while you<br />

put the others away. Have them place the cards<br />

in this order. First the minor arcana, second the<br />

court card, and third the major arcana.<br />

HoW to read Her Cards:<br />

each group of cards represents a different <strong>com</strong>-<br />

ponent of any story. In this case:<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

the major arcana are the theme<br />

the court cards are the characters<br />

the minor arcana are the events in the story<br />

It is your job as the reader to put these pieces<br />

together in a way that makes sense to the re-<br />

ceiver.<br />

For example, if my receiver drew, the two of<br />

Pentacles (minor arcana), the knight of Wands<br />

(court card) and Judgment (major arcana) the<br />

reading might go something like this:<br />

“You drew Judgment, a symbol of choice, and a<br />

decision that you will have to make that is very<br />

polarized. It’s a very yes or no choice, a good<br />

and evil choice. this is the theme of your story.<br />

It’s very black and white.<br />

next, we have the knight of Wands, the charac-<br />

ter in your story. this could be and active male,<br />

who is impulsive and sometimes unpredictable.<br />

this person, who in a bad mood will refuse to<br />

change his path, is a person who can prove to<br />

be sincere and brave. this person is the center-<br />

piece for your story. He may be the root of the<br />

theme or just a helper in the story. this person<br />

is often the cause of change and is a major player<br />

in stories. His sign is of fire. Fire represents ego,<br />

generally its accurate to say that people like this<br />

will pull themselves into a good friend’s life when<br />

they feel it’s necessary, acting as the glorious fi-<br />

ery knight depicted in the card.<br />

last we have the two of Pentacles, a card that<br />

represents change and balance. As the card por-<br />

trays a juggler, balancing out the two coins. this<br />

is how the story goes. the event that will take<br />

place is an event that concerns the balance of<br />

your life. generally this card has financial signifi-<br />

cance. this is because pentacles or coins repre-<br />

sent earth. earth cards correspond to the mate-<br />

rial world, and by that, of course, I mean money,<br />

assets, business and other worldly things. Also,<br />

it can represent imbalance in a relationship. It’s<br />

possible that since no water cards were drawn<br />

in this reading that there is a lack of emotion. It’s<br />

possible that you were not viewing the relation-<br />

ship with emotion; rather you were viewing it as<br />

an object, something material and not emotional<br />

or spiritual.”<br />

Note about aces:<br />

If the receiver draws an ace. Read it as raw energy<br />

and have them chose another minor arcana card.<br />

Interpret the ace like so; “you’re going to put in a lot<br />

of [ego (wands), thought (swords), your material<br />

self (pentacles) or emotion (cups)] into this story<br />

if you haven’t already.” Use the ace card to em-<br />

phasize any other card with a matching elemental

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