Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors - Artek

Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors - Artek

Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors - Artek


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Rep. Prog. Phys. 74 (2011) 036101 A Boisen et al<br />

Table 1. Summary of experimental findings with respect to the origin of surface stress.<br />

System<br />

Year Reference Argument studied<br />

2000 [19] Electrostatic, steric and hydrophobic DNA in saline sodium citrate hybridization<br />

buffer<br />

2001 [70] Interplay between configurational DNA in sodium phosphate buffer<br />

entropy and inter-molecular energetics<br />

2002 [71] Electrostatic and steric hindrance effects DNA in triethyl ammonium acetate buffer<br />

2005 [80] Electrostatic (and entropic, hydrophobic, DNA in saline sodium phosphate buffer<br />

hydration and solvation surface forces)<br />

2006 [72] Electrostatics, ionic hydrogen bonds. Thiolated alkanechains in sodium phosphate<br />

The effect of counter ions from aqueous solution buffer<br />

2008 [79] Hydration forces in between ss-DNA or ds-DNA DNA in saline sodium phosphate buffer<br />

2010 [74] Intermolecular electrostatics, Lennard-Jones interactions, Thiolated alkanechains deposited<br />

the effect of adsorption-induced changes in the electronic from deposited from the gas phase<br />

density of the metal film combined with the associated<br />

electronic charge transfer from the gold to the thiol bond<br />

It was seen that e-beam deposition results in compressive stress<br />

whereas resistive heating deposition results in tensile stress.<br />

Furthermore, the effect of grounding the gold-coated cantilever<br />

during immobilization was investigated. The surface stress of<br />

the cantilever coated with gold using resistive heating changed<br />

from tensile to compressive when the cantilever was grounded.<br />

The topography of the two gold films were similar and the<br />

authors conclude that the critical feature must be the charge<br />

state of the gold film that makes the DNA strands arrange<br />

themselves differently depending on the interaction of the<br />

phosphate back-bone and the gold layer.<br />

2.2.3. Surface stress measurements—hydration forces. In<br />

2007, an idea proposed by Hagan et al in 2002 [67] was<br />

tested experimentally by the group of Tamayo [79]. The<br />

theoretical proposal suggests that hydration forces have a<br />

large impact/significance on the generated surface stress.<br />

The experiments show that both ss-DNA immobilization and<br />

DNA hybridization can be measured with high accuracy (fM<br />

concentrations) by simply observing the cantilever deflection<br />

as the relative humidity of the environment is alternated<br />

between 0% and 100%. The behaviour of a ss-DNA layer and a<br />

ds-DNA layer as a function of humidity is drastically different.<br />

Therefore the effect can be used to detect hybridization.<br />

2.2.4. Surface stress measurements—conclusions. In<br />

conclusion, many experimental conditions influence the<br />

surface stress generation and great care has to be taken in design<br />

and interpretation of experiments. A summary of experimental<br />

findings with respect to the origin of surface stress is given in<br />

table 1. Issues such as gold coating of the cantilever, which<br />

at first seems very straightforward, have been seen to have<br />

large influence on the signal generation. More fundamental<br />

investigations are needed in order to fully understand the<br />

origin of surface stress. By understanding and controlling<br />

the many factors contributing to the generation of surface<br />

stress it will be possible to find ways of enhancing sensitivity<br />

and reliability of the signal. Naturally, reference cantilevers<br />

that can eliminate responses due to external factures such as<br />

temperature variations or buffer changes should be utilized.<br />

9<br />

2.3. Detection of effects related to bulk stress changes<br />

The considerations on surface stress changes only apply when<br />

the thickness of the thin film on the top of the cantilever is much<br />

smaller than the thickness of the cantilever itself. In several<br />

applications stress is generated in the bulk of the cantilever<br />

material(s) whereby the signal interpretations as well as the<br />

general applications are different. Bulk stress changes can,<br />

for example, be applied in temperature sensing utilizing bimaterial<br />

cantilevers. Using strings, volume changes in a single<br />

material are easily detectable.<br />

2.3.1. Bi-material cantilever. Bi-material cantilevers consist<br />

of two material layers with different expansion coefficients α1<br />

and α2. If such a bimorph cantilever is exposed to a changing<br />

influence parameter (i.e. temperature or humidity), named X,<br />

and X0 is the initial parameter value, the cantilever bends. The<br />

tip deflection of a bi-material cantilever is given by [81–83]<br />

x(X)<br />

⎡<br />

⎤<br />

= 3L2<br />

h 2 2<br />

⎢<br />

(h1 ⎢<br />

+ h2)<br />

⎢ <br />

⎣<br />

3 1+ h1<br />

<br />

2<br />

h1 E1<br />

+ 1+<br />

h2<br />

h2 E2<br />

<br />

h1<br />

h2<br />

+ h2 E2<br />

h1 E1<br />

⎥<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

×(α1 − α2)(X − X0), (2.23)<br />

where h1 and h2 are the thicknesses and E1 and E2 the<br />

corresponding Young’s moduli of the two material layers. The<br />

bending response of a bimorph cantilever can be optimized by<br />

choosing the right thickness corresponding to equation (2.23).<br />

The two materials need to have different expansion coefficients<br />

with respect to the parameter/analyte to be detected and should<br />

be chosen carefully in order to optimize sensitivity. The<br />

best known application of bi-material cantilevers is as thermal<br />

<strong>sensors</strong> where two materials with different thermal expansion<br />

coefficients are used [81, 84, 85]. Bi-material cantilevers can<br />

also be used as chemical [82, 86] and humidity <strong>sensors</strong> [3, 87].<br />

If the sensitive layer is significantly thinner than the structural<br />

layer, the bending behaviour can be approximated by Stoney’s<br />

equation (2.21).

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