Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors - Artek

Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors - Artek

Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors - Artek


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Rep. Prog. Phys. 74 (2011) 036101 A Boisen et al<br />

2.2.1. Origin of surface stress—experimental focus.<br />

Although the equation for measuring the surface stress from<br />

a cantilever deflection has been available for more than 100<br />

years, the origin of the surface stress and the relation to the<br />

force transduction (chemical recognition event to mechanical<br />

deflection of the cantilever) has been under dispute and is still<br />

not clarified within the research community. There exist a few<br />

theoretical papers that try to decipher the fundamental physics<br />

of the origin of surface stress [67–69]. These papers are not<br />

linked to experimental studies. In this section, we will focus<br />

on the most relevant experimental findings existing within the<br />

community. For clarity, we only consider studies of DNA<br />

hybridization and alkanethiol layers.<br />

DNA hybridization is studied in two steps. First, singlestranded<br />

DNA (ss-DNA) is immobilized on a cantilever. The<br />

actual hybridization event takes place when a complementary<br />

ss-DNA strand is introduced, resulting in a hybridized doublestranded<br />

DNA (ds-DNA) bound to the cantilever. The first<br />

proposal on the physics of surface stress came in 2000<br />

from Fritz et al, where it was suggested that the surface<br />

stress originates from electrostatic, steric and hydrophobic<br />

interactions [19] between the hybridized DNA strands on<br />

the cantilever. It was observed that the DNA hybridization<br />

event causes a compressive surface stress. DNA strands hold<br />

a net negative charge. It is argued that the electrostatic<br />

interaction changes since ds-DNA has a larger number of<br />

charges compared with ss-DNA. The steric contribution is<br />

believed to arise from a denser chain packing as a result<br />

of the hybridization. A year later, Wu et al [70] showed<br />

on-line measurements of a cantilever first being functionalized<br />

with ss-DNA and then exposed to complementary DNA for<br />

hybridization. The immobilization step resulted in a large<br />

compressive stress whereas the hybridization event resulted<br />

in a small tensile stress. Their findings indicated that the<br />

cantilever deflects in the opposite direction as to what Fritz<br />

et al reported. Furthermore, the cantilever was observed to<br />

bend in opposing directions for the ss-DNA immobilization<br />

and the subsequent ds-DNA hybridization. Intuitively this is<br />

rather surprising as one might simply expect the cantilever<br />

to bend more (in the same direction) as more molecules are<br />

added to the surface. To explain the experimental results,<br />

Wu et al argued that the surface stress cannot be a result<br />

of electrostatic and steric interactions alone. They proposed<br />

to also consider configurational entropy, which is related to<br />

the order of the immobilized molecules. The ss-DNA has<br />

a significantly lower persistence length than ds-DNA (under<br />

the same buffer conditions), which means that the ds-DNA<br />

has a higher stiffness and is more rod <strong>like</strong>. As a result, the<br />

cantilever is required to bend more to ensure sufficient space<br />

for the ss-DNA strands to form a SAM. The ds-DNA in turn will<br />

not force the cantilever to deflect as much since it requires less<br />

space to form a SAM due to its more rigid structure. Therefore,<br />

when Wu et al started with a blank cantilever and introduced<br />

ss-DNA for immobilization they observed a compressive stress<br />

on the cantilever. When the complementary strands were<br />

introduced to form the ds-DNA this stress was released (since<br />

a more ordered SAM could be formed). They then observed a<br />

tensile stress/release of compressive stress.<br />

7<br />

However, this does not explain why their findings<br />

contradict the findings of Fritz et al with respect to<br />

DNA hybridization. To further support their theory on<br />

the significance of the configurational entropy, Wu et al<br />

immobilized ss-DNA on two different cantilevers in a 1M<br />

buffer. These cantilevers were then exposed to two different<br />

hybridization conditions. In the first situation, DNA was<br />

hybridized under the same buffer conditions (1M) and a tensile<br />

stress was observed. In the second situation, the buffer<br />

concentration was reduced to 0.1M before the complementary<br />

ss-DNA strand was introduced. The change in buffer<br />

concentration forced the ss-DNA to form a more ordered<br />

monolayer. In turn, a compressive stress was observed during<br />

hybridization. This clearly indicates that configurational<br />

entropy plays a role in signal generation and it stresses<br />

the importance of controlling all aspects of a cantilever<br />

measurement (buffer conditions, pre-treatments, temperature<br />

variations, etc) since several effects are involved in generating<br />

the surface stress signal.<br />

The group of Rachel McKendry has studied the origin<br />

of surface stress in a methodical manner. In 2002 [71]<br />

the influence of the physical steric crowding of molecules<br />

on a cantilever was pinpointed as the main contributor to<br />

the cantilever deflection for DNA hybridization. It was<br />

seen that the hybridization signal is close to non-existent<br />

when the density of probe ss-DNA is tailored for maximized<br />

hybridization efficiency. Again, this indicates that molecules<br />

with ‘sufficient space’ do not generate a cantilever deflection.<br />

In 2007, the effects of electrostatics [72] were investigated.<br />

Here, simple SAMs of thiolated n-alkane chains with<br />

different end-groups were used as model system. The<br />

active SAM had carboxyl-groups at the end, which could<br />

be protonated/deprotonated upon pH variations. The main<br />

physical effect of the cantilever deflection in this situation was<br />

assigned to electrostatic repulsion and ionic hydrogen bond<br />

formation. Emphasis was also put on the counter ions present<br />

in the aqueous solution; these can affect both the magnitude<br />

and direction of the cantilever deflection. Figure 6 shows<br />

the contribution from each individual effect (electrostatic<br />

repulsion and ionic hydrogen bond formation) as well as the<br />

effective interactions. Experimental data are also plotted and<br />

seen to agree well with the proposed theory.<br />

In 2008, McKendry, Sushko and co-authors proposed<br />

the ‘first quantitative model to rationalize the physics of<br />

nanomechanical <strong>sensors</strong>’ [73]. Here, a theoretical model is<br />

developed that predicts the cantilever deflection direction and<br />

magnitude upon pH variations of the buffer solution and for<br />

various chain lengths of SAMs. The model considers the<br />

effects of chemical, elastic and entropic properties of both<br />

cantilever material and sensing layer.<br />

Recently, the group of Grütter [74] analysed the effects of<br />

intermolecular electrostatics, Lennard-Jones interactions and<br />

adsorption-induced changes in the electronic density of a metal<br />

film when thiolated alkane chains are immobilized on a goldcoated<br />

silicon cantilever. Their findings indicate that it is the<br />

latter effect combined with the associated electronic charge<br />

transfer from the gold to the thiol bond that account for the<br />

largest contribution to the measured surface stress. These

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