BiblioSphere - Genomatix

BiblioSphere - Genomatix

BiblioSphere - Genomatix


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<strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

ElDorado<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong> GEMS Launcher<br />

• Knowledge driven<br />

data analysis<br />

<strong>Genomatix</strong>Suite<br />

• Functional genome<br />

annotation<br />

Company<br />

• Functional analysis of<br />

promoter sequences<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> WebEx <strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

The breast cancer example<br />

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with hereditary breast cancer<br />

D-cyclins are also associated with breast cancer<br />

?<br />

BRCA1,2 D-Cyclins<br />

Breast Cancer<br />

Is there a functional connection between BRCAs and D-cyclins?<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Literature & sequence analysis<br />

Strategy for analysis<br />

Analyze literature for connections BRCAs - D-cyclins (<strong>BiblioSphere</strong>)<br />

Determine nature of connection (<strong>BiblioSphere</strong>)<br />

Analyze connection on molecular level (GEMS & <strong>BiblioSphere</strong>)<br />

Promoter analysis of connected genes (ElDorado & GEMS & <strong>BiblioSphere</strong>)<br />

Combine evidence from literature and sequence analysis<br />

Summary<br />

Is there a functional connection between BRCAs and D-cyclins?<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Literature analysis<br />

Co-citation environment ob BRCA1 and BRCA2<br />

BRCA1 and BRCA2 were search terms in <strong>BiblioSphere</strong><br />

200 genes were cocited with both BRCA1 and BRCA2 at least twice<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Literature analysis<br />

Categorization of results for biological functionality<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong> quantitates association with filter criteria<br />

Categorization by z-score rating<br />

27 genes in category “cell cycle”<br />

Those 27 genes reach z-score 18.7<br />

D-Cyclin CCND1 is within this group<br />

Size of gene group reduced 7.4-fold!<br />

Co-citation filter: sentence level; genes are 2 times co cited. Filter category: GO “biological process“<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Literature analysis<br />

BRCA, BRCA2, and CCND1 are associated with cell cycle<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong> determined this association as most significant<br />

CCND1 is tightly associated with CCND2 and CCND3<br />

Therefore CCND2 and CCND3 were included in the analysis<br />

New cluster-centered <strong>BiblioSphere</strong> generated with:<br />

BRCA1<br />

BRCA2<br />

CNND1<br />

CCND2<br />

CCND3<br />

Selection of new seed genes was based on results of previous analysis<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

Literature analysis<br />

Bibliosphere of BRCA1, BRCA2, CCND1, CCND2, CCND3<br />

BRCA1<br />

BRCA2<br />

CCND1<br />

CCND2<br />

CCND3<br />

No direct link between BRCAs<br />

and CCND2 and CCND3<br />

BRCA1<br />

BRCA2<br />

CCND1<br />

CREB1<br />

CCND2<br />

CCND3<br />

BRCAs are linked to CCND2<br />

and CCND3 via CREB1<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Literature analysis<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong> direct links to PubMed<br />

Cocitation BRCA1-CREB<br />

CREB acts as a consecutive<br />

positive element of BRCA1<br />

Cocitation CCND3-CREB<br />

CCND3 has an upstream<br />

CREB binding site<br />

Annotated PubMed abstracts allow one-click verification of cocitation link<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Literature & sequence analysis<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong> transcription factor binding site analysis (TFBS)<br />

Link of BRCAs and D-Cyclins via CREB1 is confirmed by TF-analysis<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

Promoter analysis by GEMS based on ElDorado data<br />

Literature Analysis<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong><br />

Promoter analysis<br />

ElDorado<br />

GEMS<br />

Results from literature analysis are used to guide sequence analysis<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

Promoter analysis of BRCA1, BRCA2, CCND1, CCND2, CCND3<br />

ElDorado<br />

GEMS<br />

Gene Annotation<br />

Comparative Genomics (CompGen promoters)<br />

Extraction of orthologous promoter-sequences<br />

Construction of models: FrameWorker<br />

Evaluation of models: ModelInspector<br />

Each gene is subject to comparative analysis of orthologous promoters<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

ElDorado comparative genomics of promoters<br />

Promoters of BRCAs and D-Cyclins<br />

21 Sequences for human mouse and rat (including alternative promoters)<br />

Example: CCND2<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

FrameWorker analysis for common elements in all promoters<br />

CREB is the only common binding site (1190 TFBSs serached)<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

Intergenomic versus intra-genomic frameworks<br />

genes<br />

human<br />

mouse<br />

rat<br />


Comparative analysis of promoters within one species -> coregulation<br />

Comparative genomics of promoters -> phylogenetic conservation<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

FrameWorker analysis of orthologous promoters (inter-genomic)<br />

Framework found in human, mouse, and rat BRCA1 promoter<br />

ETS-CREB-ECAT model confirmed:<br />

McCoy et al. Reproductive Biology<br />

and Endocrinology (2003) 1:72<br />


- - +<br />

CREB is part of a functional framework in BRCA1 promoters<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

Sequence analysis<br />

All FrameWorker results from comparative genomics analysis<br />

CREB1<br />

BRCA1: CREB<br />

BRCA2:<br />

P1:<br />

P2:<br />

CCND1: P1:<br />

CCND2:<br />

P1:<br />

CCND3: Promoter 1-3: only binding sites (no frameworks)<br />

All promoter groups except CCND3 contain CREB1 in an inter-genomic framework<br />

CREB<br />

CREB<br />

CREB<br />

CREB<br />

CREB<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong> Sequence analysis<br />

FrameWorker intra-genomic analysis of human promoters<br />

BRCA1, BRCA2, and CCND2 share a specific framework<br />

CREB<br />

Only 10 additonal matches in all human promoters (50,000)<br />

4 of these additional matches are asssociated with breast or cancer<br />

BRCA genes and cyclin D2 are most likely transcriptionally coregulated<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

Combination of evidence<br />

Joining <strong>BiblioSphere</strong> and FrameWorker results<br />

BRCA1<br />

CREB1<br />

Inter-genomic<br />

framework<br />

BRCA2<br />

CCND1<br />

CREB1<br />

CCND2<br />

CREB1<br />

human<br />

framework<br />

Conservation of CREB in frameworks emphasizes biological functionality<br />

CCND3<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

Generating new knowledge<br />

New knowledge<br />

BRCAs<br />

Prior knowledge<br />

Creating concepts<br />

CREB1<br />

human<br />

framework<br />

Concept<br />

?<br />

Breast Cancer<br />

D-Cyclins<br />

Strong evidences that CREB signaling is involved in breast cancer development<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

<strong>Genomatix</strong><br />

ElDorado<br />

<strong>BiblioSphere</strong> GEMS Launcher<br />

Analysis strategies for:<br />

Single genes<br />

Gene clusters<br />

<strong>Genomatix</strong>Suite<br />

Results from expression arrays<br />

Much more<br />

© 2004 by <strong>Genomatix</strong> Software GmbH

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