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318<br />

Don’t feel bad. I didn’t think you’d get that one right. What’s going on here? Any declarations you<br />

write to cssText totally overwrite those already in there. So, our declarations for left, top, padding-left,<br />

and height disappeared. This in turn means that the declarations for those properties in eight.css now<br />

shine through. Therefore, other than swapping the blue sprite for the fuchsia one, our brooks link is<br />

styled the same as when the page initially loaded. This is equivalent to the following markup:<br />

Brooks<br />

Note that when you write the value of cssText, property names are dash case, not camel case—just<br />

like in the CSS standard.<br />

Scripting Classes<br />

Writing CSS2Properties members or cssText provides a way to restyle one element, but what if you want<br />

to do so for several elements? One way is to script className, typically of an ancestor element.<br />

Remember that for any element, the className member represents the class attribute.<br />

In our included style sheet, eight.css, we have a rule for a blue class and a fuchsia class. The latter is<br />

dormant. That is to say, no element in our markup is a member of the fuchsia class. So, refresh Firefox,<br />

clear Firebug, and let’s change the className member for the element from blue to fuchsia. Doing<br />

so, as Figure 8–6 illustrates, swaps the sprite for all six links in one fell swoop:<br />

document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].className = "fuchsia";<br />

Figure 8–6. Writing the className member to swap the blue sprite for the fuchsia one

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