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Llibre75anys>>>_ok (Page 20 - 21) - Escoltes Catalans


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Acte institucional de commemoració dels 75 anys d’escoltisme català · Joan Vidal de Ciurana<br />

elements que afecten el nostre desenvolupament com a individus i com a país,<br />

amb vocació de servei col·lectiu, sense ingenuïtat ni candidesa però amb voluntat<br />

de transmetre un determinat tarannà.<br />

Les persones que han passat per l’escoltisme i guiatge han entès la necessitat<br />

d’enfortir l’acció ciutadana, implicant-se en els partits polítics, reforçant el teixit<br />

associatiu i, també, duent a terme una tasca professional compromesa amb la<br />

vida pública. En un món canviant, on la participació ciutadana anirà transformant-se,<br />

on la nostra capital encapçala la primera manifestació global de la<br />

història, ens cal reivindicar la dignitat i la necessitat de l’acció política.<br />

Educació, país, treball de la dimensió espiritual des de la llibertat d’opció individual<br />

i compromís social han caracteritzat fins als nostres dies la tasca feta per<br />

milers de persones, la majoria de vegades de forma anònima, des de l’escoltisme<br />

i el guiatge. Volem avui fer-los arribar el nostre més sincer agraïment.<br />

Comencem avui a escriure la història de demà.<br />

Moltes gràcies.<br />

28<br />

Ceremony Commemorating the 75 Anniversary of Catalan Scouting and Guiding - Intervenció de Joan Vidal de Ciurana<br />

Scouts and Guides have played a constant role in the country's<br />

associative structures. The aim of the education they receive is<br />

that once their educational stage or the job they perform in their<br />

group or association is over, they should continue with their commitment<br />

through other activities designed to promote civic-mindedness<br />

and Catalonia. This education also promotes a lifestyle<br />

that largely characterizes people who have been Scouts and<br />

Guides.<br />

Now is also the time to make a special mention of the effect<br />

Scouting and Guiding have had on the many people who have<br />

dedicated their lives to political action. We want to defend politics,<br />

inside and outside political parties. Just lo<strong>ok</strong> at how many former<br />

Scouts and Guides became town counsellors and mayors in<br />

the first democratic elections! Lo<strong>ok</strong> at how many became Catalan<br />

members of parliament and ministers! And lo<strong>ok</strong> at how many<br />

worked for Catalonia’s civil society in associative networks, foundations<br />

and universities!<br />

Today the role of the politician has become somewhat discredited<br />

and we would like to sound a note of warning about politics.<br />

Our education is political; its aim is to encourage our members to<br />

play a part in shaping society, to make use of those aspects that<br />

affect our development as individuals and as a nation, with a<br />

vocation for collective service which is not naïve, but reflects a<br />

certain character.<br />

People who have passed through Scouting and Guiding have<br />

understood the need to strengthen civil action by getting involved<br />

in political parties, strengthening the associative community<br />

and also doing professional work committed to public life. In an<br />

ever-changing world, where public participation is being steadily<br />

transformed, where Barcelona participated in the first global<br />

demonstration in history, we have to stand up for the need for<br />

dignity and political action.<br />

Education, a sense of national identity and working on the spiritual<br />

element from the perspective of individual freedom of choice<br />

and social commitment have characterized the work carried<br />

out, usually anonymously, by thousands of people in Scouting<br />

and Guiding. We would like to express our most sincere thanks to<br />

them.<br />

Today we are starting to write the history of tomorrow.<br />

Thank you very much.<br />


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