Ahoy!- Hosted by www.commodore.ca

Ahoy!- Hosted by www.commodore.ca

Ahoy!- Hosted by www.commodore.ca


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GH ST<br />

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ExcIusive Ex c Ius i v e GhoSlbuSlerS GhoSlbuSlers logo CI 1984 ColumbIa Ptctures PtClures Industries, Industnes, Inc<br />

BUSTERS By Robert Robert J. Sodaro<br />

An An <strong>Ahoy</strong>!<br />

"W<br />

ho<br />

'--__-''----!._...J goers answered "Ghostbusters.·<br />

you gonna <strong>ca</strong>ll?" went the<br />

most popular musi<strong>ca</strong>l question of<br />

1984. Tens of millions of movie-<br />

'--__ ----''---2._-' goers answered "CllOstbusters. ·<br />

Columbia Pictures stockholders stockholders answered "My accountant-mycountant<br />

- my banker-my banker- my broker." broker. " Columbia's merchandising<br />

executives answered "The T-shirt makers<br />

-the - the lunchbox manufacturers-the manu facturers- the Saturday morning<br />

<strong>ca</strong>rtoon producers" producers" as they launched launched the largest li- li-<br />

censing spree for any movie since Star Wars.<br />

One of those <strong>ca</strong>lls, of course, was to a computer<br />

game company. If you want reputation, a hit-laden<br />

track record, record , and some of of the nation's nation's top designers,<br />

who you gonna <strong>ca</strong>ll? Ac(ivision, Activision, of course.<br />

GllDstbusters Chostbusters represents the gaming giant's first<br />

experience with licensing. They'd always shunned<br />

that path, path. preferring preferring to lead the market with landmark<br />

games like River Raid and Pitfall. But Ghost- Chost-<br />

Top left: spook's-eye view ofthe of the city, from which plnyers players spot haullted haunted buildillgs bllildillgs alld stray Roamers. Roamers. Top right:<br />

with a make all 011 a specter, the Busters Blisters head toward the scelle. Bottom left: breakillg out alit their portable contaitlment<br />

cOlltainmellt<br />

devices to trap a slimer. Bottom right: <strong>ca</strong>ll YOllr your men mell toast the dreaded Stay-Puft StaY-PIIJt Marshmallow Mall? Mall?<br />

READER SERVICE NO. 105 105<br />


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