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Public disclosure and input into<br />

policy development is the policy<br />

of the LHDA and a World Bank<br />

requirement. It involves the use of<br />

two-way communication:<br />

❏ May-June 2002: a pilot<br />

consultation process was<br />

conducted, in 16 potentially<br />

affected villages downstream of<br />

Phase 1 structures in a 5 km wide<br />

corridor each side of the river<br />

❏ May-August: meetings with the<br />

Principal Chiefs of Lesotho are an<br />

important matter of protocol<br />

❏ June-August: extension of this<br />

process to all downstream villages<br />

in potentially significantly affected<br />

river reaches in a 5 km wide<br />

corridor each side of the river (IFR<br />

Sites 1, 2, 3 and 7)<br />

❏ Public disclosure: this document<br />

represents the first step in a<br />

process which will inform the<br />

broader interested and/or affected<br />

community about the IFR policy<br />

❏ Public consultation: the posting<br />

of the Draft IFR Policy on websites<br />

and in libraries, in early August<br />

2002 for 30 days, for the purposes<br />

of public comment<br />

❏ Public notification: the posting<br />

of the final IFR Policy and a<br />

Response Report, to notify<br />

stakeholders of the final Policy and<br />

to explain how LHDA has<br />

responded to concerns.<br />

What is an Instream Flow<br />

Requirements Policy?<br />

Instream flow requirements (IFR) refer to the amount, quality and timing of water<br />

released through or over dams and associated structures to meet riverine ecosystem<br />

and social needs in the reaches downstream of dams. The objective is to mitigate<br />

the impacts of such structures on the downstream environment and people.<br />

Downstream affected people have to be consulted about the potential impacts of<br />

the project on their livelihoods and compensated for any losses, in such a way as<br />

to restore those livelihoods.<br />

The approach adopted by LHDA, and endorsed by the Lesotho Highlands<br />

Water Commission and the World Bank, was to focus on the obligations contained<br />

in the Treaty and in the World Bank Loan Agreement to mitigate the adverse effects<br />

of the dam on the downstream environment and people.<br />

The IFR Policy will emphasize the establishment of a pattern of target water<br />

releases—base flows and floods, in wet, average and dry years—that will ensure<br />

that adverse impacts on the downstream environment do not exceed agreed levels<br />

of river health conditions.<br />

In contrast to the impact evaluations undertaken for areas upstream of the<br />

LHWP dams, which typically dealt with largely significant impacts on a relatively<br />

small number of people (a few hundred), downstream evaluation has had to deal<br />

with relatively small impacts on a large number of people (tens of thousands) in<br />

an area that had not previously been studied.<br />

This approach - managing the river rather than managing the dam – makes the<br />

ecological health of the river and the welfare of downstream communities key<br />

elements in decisions regarding the allocation and use of water. It also paves the<br />

way for establishing a firm basis for determining losses of and compensation for<br />

downstream aquatic and riparian resources.<br />

It will lead to an IFR policy that covers the geographic scope of the policy’s<br />

interventions, a monthly release schedule that specifies base flows and flood<br />

releases for wet, normal and dry years, dam operating procedures, monitoring, the<br />

principles of the social mitigation and compensation process, record keeping,<br />

audits, disclosure and consultation and the budget commitments required to operate<br />

the policy.<br />

Senqunyane River. (Photo: George van der Merwe)<br />


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