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<strong>NASÝTENÉ</strong><br />

<strong>HETEROCYKLICKÉ</strong><br />

<strong>ZLÚČENINY</strong><br />


Nomenklatúra nasýtených N-, O-, S-heterocyklov<br />

- Dusíkaté (cyklické amíny)<br />

- Kyslíkaté (cyklické étery)<br />

- Sírne (cyklické sulfidy)<br />

H<br />

N<br />

aziridín<br />

O<br />

H<br />

N<br />

azetidín<br />

O<br />

H<br />

N<br />

pyrolidín<br />

H<br />

N<br />

piperidín<br />

oxirán oxetán THF THP<br />

S<br />

S<br />

O<br />

tiirán tietán THT<br />

S<br />

O<br />

H<br />

N<br />

azepán<br />


Prírodný výskyt a biologická aktivita<br />

nasýtených heterocyklických zlúčenín<br />


5- a 6-článkové dusíkaté heterocykly<br />

Pyrolidín, piperidín, morfolín a piperazín<br />

pK HA 11.27<br />

(Et 2NH: pK HA 11.02)<br />

H<br />

N<br />

pyrolidín<br />

H<br />

N<br />

O<br />

morfolín<br />

H<br />

N<br />

piperidín<br />

H<br />

N<br />

N<br />

H<br />

piperazín<br />

pK HA 11.12<br />

(Bu 2NH: pK HA 11.3)<br />

pKHA 9.28 pKHA1 9.83<br />

pKHA2 5.56<br />


5- and 6-Membered nitrogen heterocycles<br />

Morpholine & Piperazine – Reactivity<br />

• Morpholine and piperazine are cyclic secondary amines acting as nucleophiles in Ad N and S N reactions.<br />

• Morpholine, for example, is acylated with 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl chloride to the drug trimetozine.<br />

(Ad N-E)<br />

Trimetozine (Opalene, Trioxazine)<br />

Tranquilliser, myorelaxans<br />

• N-methylpiperazine can be alkylated in an S N1 reaction to give the travel-sickness drug cyclizine.<br />

(S N1)<br />

Cyclizine (Antivert, Bonine)<br />

Antihistamine drug<br />


5- and 6-Membered nitrogen heterocycles<br />

Pyrrolidine – Reactivity<br />

• The addition of pyrrolidine to aldehydes and ketones leads to enamines, the valuable enol equivalents.<br />

• Enamines formed from pyrrolidine (and piperidine ) are particularly stable, because pyrrolidine<br />

(and piperidine) are rather more nucleophilic than comparable acyclic amines such as diethylamine.<br />

E +<br />

E<br />


Saturated N-heterocycles – Amines, but more nucleophilic<br />

• In general, the cyclic amines are rather more nucleophilic than comparable acyclic amines.<br />

• The alkyl substituents, being tied back into a ring, are held clear of the nucleophilic lone pair,<br />

allowing it to approach an electrophile without any hindrance – it is clearly a steric effect.<br />

DABCO – 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane 7

Synthetic utility of DABCO – Morita-Baylis-Hillmann reaction<br />

• The coupling of an activated alkene with an aldehyde catalysed by a tertiary amine to give an allylic alcohol – MBH reaction.<br />

• In addition to DABCO, additional nucleophilic amines such as DMAP and DBU as well as phosphines catalyse this reaction.<br />

• Protic additives like methanol, triethanolamine, formamide, and water also accelerate this atom-economical MBH reaction.<br />


The mechanistic update of MBH reaction<br />

• There are two alternative proposals focusing on details regarding the proton migration in the intermediate (5).<br />

• The viewpoints differ in the manner of deprotonation, and to date this question has not been fully resolved.<br />

In fact, recent ESI-MS studies provide strong experimental evidence that both mechanisms are possible...<br />

McQuade et al.:<br />

Org. Lett. 2005, 7, 147<br />

Aggarwal et al.:<br />

Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.<br />

2005, 44, 1706.<br />


Morita-Baylis-Hillman adducts - Biological activities<br />

Examples of compounds prepared from MBH adducts and its biological activities.<br />


CNS-active saturated N-heterocycles<br />

• The exposed nature of the nitrogen atom in cyclic amines means that nitrogen heterocycles<br />

are very frequently encountered in drug molecules, particularly those operating on the CNS.<br />

morphine<br />

heroine<br />

Papaver somniferum<br />

Erythroxylum coca<br />

codeine<br />

cocaine<br />


Sterically hindered piperidines – Non-nucleophilic bases<br />

• But the ring can also be used as a support for adding substituents that hinder the nitrogen’s lone pair.<br />

• Just as the N-atom of piperidine is exposed, the nitrogen atom of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (TMP)<br />

nestles deep in a bed of methyl groups. The lithium salt of TMP (LiTMP) is an analogue of LDA, a base<br />

that experiences enormous steric hindrance that can be used in situations where LDA usually fails.<br />

LDA = Lithium Diizopropyl Amide<br />

(pKa = 36 in THF)<br />

(pKa = 37)<br />


3- and 4-Membered nitrogen heterocycles<br />

Aziridine & Azetidine – Reactivity<br />

• Aziridine (b.p. 56°C) and azetidine (b.p. 62°C) are volatile, but stable saturated N-heterocycles.<br />

• Aziridine can be acylated by treatment with an acyl chloride, but the initial product is not stable.<br />

The ring opens with attack of Cl - , a relatively poor nucleophile, and an open-chain amide forms.<br />

(pK HA 8.0)<br />

• However, when the reaction is done in the presence of a base, removal of the proton leads<br />

immediately to the neutral acyl aziridine, which is stable.<br />


Synthetic utilisation of aziridine ring opening<br />

• Alkylation of aziridine in base gives the N-substituted aziridine, but a second<br />

alkylation leads to a cationic aziridinium salt that opens immediately to the<br />

useful bromoamine. In this case, the product is an intermediate in the<br />

synthesis of two natural products, alkaloids sendaverine and corgoine.<br />

Corydalis aurea<br />


Synthesis of saturated N-heterocycles – Comparison of cyclisation rates<br />


Reasons for the different rates of N-cyclisations<br />

Ring strain – Enthalpy<br />

rgy<br />


Reasons for the different rates of N-cyclisations<br />

Reactive conformers – Entropy<br />


Reasons for the different rates of N-cyclisations<br />

Summary<br />


Diminishing the DS # – Thorpe-Ingold effect<br />

• The substitution of alkyl/aryl groups for hydrogens on a -CH 2- chain leads to a sterically induced reduction of<br />

the internal angle of the carbon chain, which brings reacting centers closer together – Thorpe-Ingold effect.<br />

• This compression was confirmed by X-ray and was argued to be sufficient to account for the rate variations.<br />

• Thorpe-Ingold effect in operation - the comparison of relative rates of S N2 cyclisations of 4-bromo-pentenylamines.<br />


Diminishing the DS # – Thorpe-Ingold effect<br />

Hypothesis of reactive conformers<br />


Diminishing the DS # – Thorpe-Ingold effect<br />

Steric compression and/or solvent effect?<br />

• The chlorohydrins (1-3) undergo base-catalysed cyclisation to respective oxiranes with relative rates of 1 : 21 : 252.<br />

• Traditionally, the observed acceleration has been attributed to the Thorpe-Ingold effect – i.e. steric compression.<br />

• However, gas-phase quantum mechanical calculations showed that there is little difference in intrinsic reactivity for<br />

(1-3). Instead, subsequent consideration of continuum hydration reproduced well the observed reactivity pattern.<br />

• The principal origin of the rate enhancement on going from (1) to (3) arises from increased steric hindrance to<br />

hydration of the nucleophilic oxygen atom with increasing a-methylation – i.e. Thorpe-Ingold is a solvent effect.<br />


Heterocyclisations – Chemoselectivity issues<br />

• In the intermolecular reaction, the amine adds to the C=C bond of the a,b-unsaturated ester via conjugate 1,4-addition.<br />

• However, an analogous intramolecular cyclisation proceeds via direct 1,2-addition of the amine to the C=O bond. WHY?<br />

The answer lies in the orbital alignment which is then expressed in the BALDWIN RULES<br />


Classification of heterocyclisations – Baldwin’s rules<br />

The ring being formed has three (3) members,<br />

the breaking C-Br bond is outside the new ring (exo),<br />

the carbon atom carrying Br is a tetrahedral (sp 3 ).<br />

The ring being formed has five (5) members,<br />

the breaking C=O bond is outside the new ring (exo),<br />

the carbon atom being attacked is a trigonal (sp 2 ).<br />

The ring being formed has six (6) members,<br />

the breaking C≡C bond is inside the new ring (endo),<br />

the carbon atom being attacked is a digonal (sp).<br />


Baldwin’s rules – A rationale behind<br />

• Nucleophiles have to approach the electrophilic sites on single, double or triple bonds in very specific directions in<br />

order to overlap effectively with the s * - and/or p * -antibonding orbitals. The requirements are summarised below:<br />


Useful selection of Baldwin’s (empirical) rules<br />

s<br />


Useful selection of Baldwin’s (empirical) rules<br />


Baldwin’s (empirical) rules – Exceptions<br />

• Baldwin’s rules are only empirical guidelines describing the kinetic favourability of a cyclisation.<br />

• When a reaction is thermodynamically very favourable and there is no other possible pathway,<br />

5-endo-trig reactions can take place – e.g. the formation of a cyclic acetal (dioxolane) via cation.<br />

In fact, cations frequently disobey Baldwin’s rules. Exceptions are also reactions in which atoms<br />

such as sulfur are included in the ring. The following 5-endo-trig cyclisation works, because C–S<br />

bonds are long (1.82 Å), and the empty 3d orbitals of sulfur can interact with the C–C p* orbital.<br />


Baldwin’s (empirical) rules – Summary<br />


Sir Jack E. Baldwin (1938)<br />

PhD. :<br />

1964, Imperial College, London (Prof. Derek Barton)<br />

Profesor organickej chémie:<br />

1963-1969 Imperial College, London<br />

1969-1978 MIT, Cambridge, USA<br />

1978-2005 Oxford University, UK<br />

Ocenenia:<br />

Fellow of The Royal Society (1978)<br />

Povýšený do šľachtického stavu (1997)<br />

Vypracoval súbor empirických pravidiel popisujúcich cyklizačné reakcie.<br />

Položil základy biomimetickej totálnej syntézy prírodných látok.<br />


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