Alfontii regis castelle illustrissimi celestiu[m]

Alfontii regis castelle illustrissimi celestiu[m]

Alfontii regis castelle illustrissimi celestiu[m]


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From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice<br />

<strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule: nec no[n] stellar[um] fixaru[m] lo[n]gitudines<br />

ac latitudines <strong>Alfontii</strong> t[em]p[or]e ad motus veritate[m] mira dilige[n]tia reducte. Atpmo Joa[n]nis<br />

Saxonie[n]sis in tabulas <strong>Alfontii</strong> cano[n]es ordinati incipiu[n]t faustissime.<br />

Notes on the Author and this Volume<br />

Year: 1483<br />

Place: Venice<br />

Publisher: Erhard Ratdolt<br />

Edition: 1st<br />

Language: Latin<br />

Figures: printed in red and black; rubricated and illuminated<br />

Binding: modern speckled calf over boards;<br />

Pagination: ff. [93]<br />

Collation: a 7 b–l 8 m 6 (a1 lacking)<br />

Size: 213x157 mm<br />

Reference:<br />

Gingerich, Owen; Harvard Library Bulletin, p. 136;<br />

Goff, Frederick R.; Incunabula in American Libraries, New York, 1964, A-534;<br />

British Museum Catalog, 5:287;<br />

Gillespie, Charles Coulton, editor in chief; Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New<br />

York, Charles Scribners Sons, 1970, XVI vols., Vol. I p. 122;<br />

The Crone Library, a descriptive catalogue with annotations, Amsterdam,<br />

Nieuwkoop, 1989.<br />

Alfonso X (1221–1284), King of Castile and León from 1252 until his death in 1284, was known as El<br />

Sabio (the learned or the wise) because of his strong interest in scientific and intellectual matters. He founded<br />

schools and universities, created groups of scholars to translate Arabic writings into Spanish, and generally laid<br />

the foundation for Spanish science. He is not highly regarded as an administrator or organizer, nor is he noted for<br />

the sagacity of his civil rule, but the scientific accomplishments of his reign are universally acknowledged.<br />

Alfonso had a keen interest in astronomy and had many Arabic manuscripts on the subject translated. He<br />

also ordered that a new calculation of the Toledan astronomical tables be made to replace those compiled by<br />

the Cordoban astronomer al-Zarquli some two hundred years earlier. These new Tablas Alfonsinas, also done<br />

in Toledo, were completed by Judah ben Moses (a Spanish/Jewish physician and astronomer) and Isaac ibn Sid<br />

(a Spanish/Jewish astronomer and collector of instruments) about 1272. No original copies of these Alphonsine<br />

tables are extant; however, they were translated from Spanish into Latin in the first part of the fourteenth century<br />

and in this form remained a major influence on European astronomy for the next three hundred years. During the<br />

translation from Spanish to Latin, a number of changes were introduced into the tables (differences in the date of<br />

the epoch upon which they are based and also differences in the latitude of Toledo). The resulting tables remained<br />

in general use until superseded by Kepler’s Tabulae Rudolphinæ (Rudolphine Tables) in 1627.<br />

Paul Kunitzsch, in a paper discussing the origin of star names ( Kunitzsch, P.; “The Star Catalogue Commonly<br />

Appended to the Alfonsine Tables,” Journal of the History of Astronomy, Vol. 17, Nun. 49, May 1986, pp. 89-

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice<br />

98) points out that these tables were originally a set of tables for chronology, for the Sun, the Moon and planets.<br />

They did not, in their original form, contain a table of star positions. This star table was added by the individuals<br />

producing the Latin translations. The table was originally simply Ptolemy’s star table from his Almagest, in the<br />

Latin version created by Gerard of Cremona about 1175. The latitudes of the stars were increased from Gerard’s<br />

by 17°8´ to account for precession. He notes that the star names used in this edition of the Alfonsine Tables are<br />

identical to those used by Gerard and it was only later editions (particularly one in 1492) that included additional<br />

star names from Arabic and other sources. These star tables begin on p 119 of this reproduction.<br />

This is a particularly fine incunable edition printed by Erhard Ratdolt in Venice, with hand-colored illuminated<br />

capitals on almost every page of the introduction.<br />

General notes on the condition of older books<br />

Books as old as this usually suffer from some problems just because of the wear they have been subjected to<br />

over the many years of their existence. One usually noticeable condition item is known as browning or foxing of<br />

the paper - usually brown or yellow areas due to the chemical action of a micro-organism on the paper. This can<br />

vary dramatically from page to page, often depending on such variables as the contents of the paper used, the<br />

composition of the ink used by the printer, and the dampness (or lack of) that the work has been exposed to over<br />

the years. Where these images were badly foxed, some slight manipulation of the intensity of the colors has been<br />

done to ease the reading of the foxed page. Any other notable condition problem will be commented upon near<br />

the image concerned.<br />

Use of these notes and images<br />

This file has been made available by the generosity of Erwin Tomash and the Tomash Library. It is free for use<br />

by any interested individual, providing that no commercial use is made of its contents and any non commercial<br />

use acknowledges the source. The notes and illustrations have been produced by Erwin Tomash and Michael R.<br />

Williams, both of whom beg forgiveness for any errors that they might have made.<br />

© 2009 by Erwin Tomash and Michael R. Williams. All rights reserved.

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice<br />

The front paste down endpaper with the label of the Tomash Library and the book plate of a previous owner<br />

(Cesare Malfatti).

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice<br />

These are the star tables referred to in the introductory notes.

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice<br />

This set of tables gives the latitude and longitude for the major cities of the world. The latitudes are reasonably<br />

accurate but one must remember that the longitudes are different from modern versions because the Greenwich<br />

Meridian did not exist at this time.

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice<br />

The colophon at the end of this page indicates that the printing was finished in July of 1483.

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

From the Tomash Library on the History of Computing<br />

Alfonso X, of Castile (El Sabio), <strong>Alfontii</strong> <strong>regis</strong> <strong>castelle</strong> <strong>illustrissimi</strong> <strong>celestiu</strong>[m] motuu[m] tabule, 1483, Venice

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