Child Labour - British Columbia Teachers' Federation

Child Labour - British Columbia Teachers' Federation

Child Labour - British Columbia Teachers' Federation


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<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Who’s Making the Things<br />

We Buy?<br />

(permission granted to use photo from Sam Hollenshead<br />

LRA Consulting, New York)<br />

An Integrated Unit<br />

For Grade 4<br />

(suitable for adaptation for Grades 5-7)<br />

By Carroll Airey<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

I would like to extend a special thanks to Mrs. Cindy Pottinger and her<br />

wonderful Grade 4 class at Twain Sullivan Elementary School, Houston, B.C.<br />

who allowed me to experiment with this unit; to Shawna Holmes and Deidre<br />

Standbridge, students from Houston Secondary School and Sophie Cinq-Mars<br />

Giroux a Katimavik participant who helped with Internet and clerical work; and<br />

especially to my husband and son, Allen and Devin McKilligan for their endless<br />

patience while I worked on this project.<br />

Carroll welcomes any comments about this unit. They may be sent to her at<br />

caairey@sd54.bc.ca<br />


<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Who’s Making the Things We Buy?<br />

Table of Contents<br />

Page<br />

Overview............................................................................................................ 5<br />

Subject Areas........................................................................................... 5<br />

Intended Learners .................................................................................... 5<br />

Global Dimension of the Unit.................................................................. 5<br />

B.C. Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes..................................... 6<br />

Language Arts..................................................................................... 6<br />

Social Studies...................................................................................... 7<br />

Personal Planning ............................................................................... 7<br />

Visual Arts.......................................................................................... 8<br />

Drama ................................................................................................. 8<br />

Links/Bridges/Connections<br />

Global Education Objectives.............................................................................. 8<br />

C.I.D.A. Development Themes.......................................................................... 9<br />

B.C. Standards for Social Responsibility ........................................................... 9<br />

Description of Lesson Aid.................................................................................. 9<br />

Timeline.............................................................................................................. 10<br />

Assessment Strategies ........................................................................................ 10<br />

Student Evaluation ............................................................................................. 10<br />

Bibliography....................................................................................................... 10<br />

Thoughts and Reflections Booklet .................................................................. 12<br />

Part A: Introduction to the Concept of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>.................................. 14<br />

Introductory Activity ....................................................................................... 14<br />

Activity Sheet 1 ................................................................................................. 16<br />

Assessment Sheet 1 ......................................................................................... 17<br />

Part B: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> from a Historical Context .......................................... 18<br />

Novel Study ....................................................................................................... 18<br />

Activity Sheet 2.................................................................................................. 20<br />

Assessment Sheet 2 ......................................................................................... 22<br />

Willie’s Diary .................................................................................................... 23<br />

Activity Sheet 3.................................................................................................. 25<br />

Assessment Sheet 3 a ...................................................................................... 27<br />

Assessment Sheet 3 b ...................................................................................... 28<br />

Assessment Sheet 4 ......................................................................................... 29<br />

Paid and Unpaid Work .................................................................................... 30<br />

Activity sheet 4................................................................................................... 32<br />

Assessment Sheet 5 ......................................................................................... 33<br />


<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers years Ago............................................................................... 34<br />

Activity Sheet 5.................................................................................................. 37<br />

Activity Sheet 6.................................................................................................. 38<br />

Assessment Sheet 6 ......................................................................................... 40<br />

Assessment Sheet 7 ......................................................................................... 41<br />

Part C: United Nations and the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> ..................................... 42<br />

Lesson 1 What is the United Nations?............................................................ 44<br />

Lesson 2 Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>-Activity............................................................. 44<br />

Lesson 3 Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>-Design a Poster ................................................ 45<br />

Lesson 4 Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>-Poster Presentation ......................................... 45<br />

Activity Sheet 7.................................................................................................. 46<br />

Activity Sheet 8 a-g............................................................................................ 48<br />

Activity Sheet 9 a-f............................................................................................. 55<br />

Activity Sheet 10................................................................................................ 61<br />

Assessment Sheet 8 ......................................................................................... 63<br />

Assessment Sheet 9 ......................................................................................... 64<br />

Assessment Sheet 10 ....................................................................................... 65<br />

Teacher Reference.............................................................................................. 66<br />

Part D: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers in the 20 th and 21 st Centuries................................ 68<br />

Section A: Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers............................................. 71<br />

Section B: Researching <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> Issues................................................. 72<br />

Role Play............................................................................................................ 75<br />

Group Activity .................................................................................................. 76<br />

Section C: Field Trip to Local Stores ............................................................. 76<br />

Activity Sheet 11................................................................................................ 78<br />

Activity Sheet 12................................................................................................ 79<br />

Activity Sheet 13 a-d.......................................................................................... 80<br />

Activity Sheet 14................................................................................................ 84<br />

Activity Sheet 15................................................................................................ 85<br />

Activity Sheet 16................................................................................................ 86<br />

Activity Sheet 17................................................................................................ 88<br />

Activity Sheet 18................................................................................................ 90<br />

Assessment Sheet 11 ....................................................................................... 91<br />

Assessment Sheet 12 ....................................................................................... 92<br />

Part E: Take Action Against <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>................................................... 93<br />


Overview<br />

Title: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>—Who’s Making the Things We Use?<br />

Subject Areas: (Integrated within this unit)<br />

Language Arts Visual Arts<br />

Socials Studies Drama<br />

Personal Planning<br />

Subject Areas with potential to be integrated:<br />

• Science-Water; Simple Machines; Life Science-Body Systems; Life Science-Adaptation of<br />

Organisms<br />

• Physical Education-multicultural games<br />

• Mathematics–number operations, data analysis<br />

• Dance-national and /or cultural dances<br />

• Music 4-Context (Historical and Cultural)<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• Demonstrate respect for music from various historical and cultural contexts<br />

Example-exposure to world music<br />

Intended Learners:<br />

Grade 4 (This unit can also be adapted for use with Grades 5 to7)<br />

Global Dimensions of this Lesson Aid:<br />

Students in today’s world enter our consumer society at a young age. They rarely consider where or<br />

how their favourite consumer items are produced or at what cost to other human beings around the<br />

world. This lesson aid attempts to:<br />

• connect and compare the historical use of children as workers to the present use of child<br />

labour<br />

• raise awareness and increase students’ knowledge of the use of child labour in today’s global<br />

economy<br />

• introduce students to the interdependent and exploitative nature of our increasing global<br />

society<br />

• provide students with an opportunity to discover how buying an item in their town may be<br />

connected to child labour in other parts of the world<br />

• introduce students to the fact that children have rights<br />

• allow students to empathize with those less fortunate than themselves<br />

• provide students with an opportunity to consider a plan of action to help make change for<br />

children in other parts of the world.<br />


Learning Outcomes (B.C. Ministry of Education):<br />

This unit directly incorporates 24 of the 45 prescribed learning outcomes from the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong><br />

Integrated Resource Package for Language Arts Grade 4, as listed below. Many of the other<br />

Language Arts prescribed learning outcomes can be integrated into this unit at the discretion of the<br />

teacher. It also incorporates prescribed learning outcomes from the socials studies, personal planning,<br />

visual arts and drama Integrated Resource Packages.<br />


Grade 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Strategies and Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• read, listen and view for specific purposes<br />

• determine the accurate pronunciation, meaning and spelling of unfamiliar words through the<br />

use if print or electronic dictionaries<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Comprehension<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe and recount key ideas or information from various media<br />

• Interpret their impressions of simple and direct stories<br />

• organize information or ideas they have read, heard, or viewed in the form of simple charts,<br />

webs, or illustrations<br />

• locate specific details in visual media<br />

• identify the main information given in illustrations, maps, or charts<br />

• demonstrate an awareness of relationships among the elements of story structure, including<br />

plot, setting, and characters<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts: Comprehend and Respond–Critical Analysis<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• show empathy for characters by projecting their feelings into the events portrayed in print<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Knowledge of Language<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate an awareness of how register and pacing should be adjusted according to content<br />

and audience<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information--Composing and Creating<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• share what they know about certain topics<br />

• gather information for specific purposes and identify sources, including people, print, audiovisual<br />

media, and electronic media<br />

• identify the purpose of and audience for oral, written, and visual communications<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Improving Communications<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• respond formally and informally to the communications of their peers<br />


Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Presenting and Valuing<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate pride and satisfaction in using language<br />

• create and express thoughts, ideas and feelings in a variety of oral, written and electronic<br />

forms<br />

• create and present a variety of personal and informational communications including written<br />

and oral poems, stories, explanations, informal oral reports and dramas, personal letters, and<br />

illustrated charts or posters<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Personal Awareness<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• create a variety of communications to express personal feelings and thoughts<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Working Together<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate a willingness to improve their understanding by seeking clarification from others<br />

• demonstrate respect for others by communicating their ideas and information in an orderly<br />

fashion<br />

• listen to and show respect for the ideas of others<br />

• review their contributions and communications within the group<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Building Community<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate a willingness to work with others toward a common goal<br />

• demonstrate an awareness of the diverse ideas and opinions of their peers<br />


Grade 4 Socials Studies—Applications of Social Studies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• identify and clarify a problem, issue or inquiry<br />

• locate and record information from a variety of sources<br />

• identify alternative interpretations from specific historical and contemporary sources<br />

• assess at least two perspectives on a problem or issue<br />

• organize information into a presentation with a main idea and supporting details<br />

• design and implement strategies to address problems or projects<br />

Grade 4 Socials Studies—Society and Culture<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate understanding of timelines<br />

Grade 4 Socials Studies—Environment<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• locate and map continents and oceans using grids, scales and legends<br />


Grade 4 Personal Planning—Career Development<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe the contributions of paid and unpaid work to society<br />



Grade 4 Visual Arts—Image-Development and Design Strategies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• compare images developed for particular purposes<br />

• demonstrate that there are ethical considerations involved in copying images<br />

• draft ideas for images using feelings, observation, memory, and imagination<br />

Grade 4 Visual Arts—Context<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• compare images from given social, cultural, and historical contexts<br />

DRAMA<br />

Grade 4 Drama—Exploration and Imagination<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate co-operative effort to develop dramatic work<br />

Grade 4 Drama—Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• select language and skills appropriate to different roles<br />

• demonstrate the ability to maintain focus within a drama structure<br />

• demonstrate the ability to sustain a role<br />

• use drama structures to tell stories<br />

• demonstrate the ability to sustain belief in their imagined or created environment<br />

Grade 4 Drama—Context<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• use images and emotions expresses in various art forms to develop dramatic work<br />

• differentiate audience skills appropriate to a variety of presentations<br />

Links/ Bridges /Connections:<br />

A. This unit incorporates the following global education objectives:<br />

• Interconnectedness between the past, present and future<br />

• Interconnectedness between themselves and children around the world<br />

• Includes Temporal Dimension-how the lives of child labourers are the same and different in<br />

the past and at the present time. What can we foresee for the future?<br />

• Includes Spatial Dimension-connects these students to the lives of children in other parts of<br />

the world<br />

• Includes Issues Dimension-how child labour affects schooling, health, rights, gender; viewing<br />

child labour from different perspectives<br />

• Includes Inner Dimension-<br />

Journey Outwardbecoming interested in the topichistorical knowledgerights<br />

and laws for childreninvestigate current status of child labour<br />

Journey InwardAs a kid, how do I feel about child labour?As a kid, what can I<br />

do?Devise a planTake action<br />

• <strong>Child</strong>-centred--the students will work in cooperative pairs and groups to share beliefs, ideas,<br />

experiences, plans; take part in self and group assessment<br />

• Activity-based--provides for communication, decision-making, negotiation and problem<br />

solving<br />


B. This unit revolves around the C.I.D.A. development themes of:<br />

1. Basic Human Rights<br />

<strong>Child</strong> Protection<br />

Protection and preservation of the rights of the child<br />

<strong>Child</strong> labour<br />

2. Gender Equality<br />

Empowerment opportunities for boys and girls<br />

C. This unit enhances social responsibility, as outlined in the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for<br />

Social Responsibility, by:<br />

Contributing to<br />

Classroom and School<br />

Community<br />

-contributes and shows<br />

commitment to group<br />

activities<br />

-contributes to<br />

discussions<br />

-follows basic rules for<br />

working co-operatively<br />

–takes on leadership<br />

roles<br />

-self-assesses social<br />

behaviours and group<br />

skills<br />

Solving Problems in<br />

Peaceful Ways<br />

-shows empathy and<br />

can describe others’<br />

feelings in a range of<br />

situations<br />

-listens politely, can<br />

sometimes explain a<br />

point of view that is<br />

different from own<br />

9<br />

Valuing Diversity and<br />

Defending Human<br />

Rights<br />

-fair and respectful to<br />

others<br />

-can describe basic<br />

human rights and show<br />

interest in correcting<br />

injustices<br />

Exercising<br />

Democratic Rights<br />

and Responsibilities<br />

-identifies some ways<br />

to make the world a<br />

better place<br />

-growing sense of<br />

responsibility toward<br />

the world<br />

Description of the Lesson Aid:<br />

This lesson aid is divided into five parts:<br />

Part A—Introduction to the Concept of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

• One activity to generate interest in the topic of child labour<br />

Part B—<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> from a Historical Context<br />

• Section 1:<strong>Child</strong> labour is introduced though the novel Pit Pony. The students summarize the<br />

novel considering characters, setting and plot; write two diary entries; and are introduced to<br />

the difference between paid and unpaid work. (3-4 lessons)<br />

• Section 2: Students research child labour in the early 20 th century by observing and<br />

interpreting photos, and analyzing the data. (2-3 lessons)<br />

Part C—United Nations and the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

• Introduction to the United Nations and the UN Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> (3-4<br />

lessons)<br />

Part D—<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers in the 20 th and 21 st Centuries<br />

• Section A: Viewing photos of children around the world working (2 lessons)<br />

• Section B: Researching child labour issues and analyzing the data (5-6 lessons)<br />

• Role Play (2 lessons)<br />

• Group Activity (1 lesson)<br />

• Section C: Field trip to local stores (2 lessons)

Part E—Take Action Against <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

• Introduction to children as activists (1-2 lessons)<br />

• Investigate ideas for action and implement strategies to address the problem of child labour<br />

(the time for this part of the unit depends on how involved the students get in the topic)<br />

A black line master has been provided, for a “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet in which the<br />

students can record their thoughts about the various issues within this unit.<br />

Timeline:<br />

Since this unit requires considerable reading, researching and cooperative skills, it might be best<br />

presented in the second half of the school year once the students have acquired more skills and are<br />

comfortable in their classroom. It consists of about thirty 45-60 minute lessons.<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

Throughout the unit there will be opportunities for self-assessment, peer assessment and teacher<br />

assessment.<br />

Student Evaluation:<br />

The students will keep a journal called “Thoughts and Reflections” in which they will record their<br />

ideas about the topic of child labour throughout the unit.<br />

Bibliography:<br />

Books:<br />

Barkhouse, Joyce, Pit Pony, Toronto: Gage Publishing Company, 1990, ISBN 0-7715-7023-6 (115<br />

pages, paperback $6.95)<br />

Dragman, June and Michael Szasz. Global Stories of People Working for Change. Vancouver:<br />

CoDevelopment Canada, 1992. Available through B.C.T.F. Lesson Aids Service (BCTF # P226)<br />

http://www.bctf.ca/LessonAids/<br />

Series: <strong>Child</strong>ren In Danger, Authors June Dragman and Michael Szasz, published by<br />

CoDevelopment, Canada, 1994. Available through B.C.T.F. Lesson Aids Service (series of four<br />

books BCTF # P217) http://www.bctf.ca/LessonAids/<br />

1. Getting An Education ISBN 1-895233-09-7 1-895233-06-2 (BCTF # P217A)<br />

2. Leaving the Family ISBN 1-895233-07-0 (BCTF # P217C)<br />

3. Leaving the Land ISBN 1-895233-06-2 (BCTF # P217D)<br />

4. Working for a Living ISBN 1-895233-08-9 (BCTF # P217B)<br />

Kielburger, Marc. Take Action! A Guide to Active Citizenship. Toronto: Gage Learning<br />

Corporation, 2002 ISBN 0-7715-8031-2. $26.95. This excellent leadership manual for youth is easy<br />

to read, has a multitude of ideas and information on how young people can get organized to promote<br />

social action. It has five parts: How To Get Involved: The Step-by-Step Process; The How-To Guide;<br />

Where you Can Get Involved-Everywhere!; Tackling Social Issues; Sources and Resources.<br />

Kuklin, Susan. Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against <strong>Child</strong> Slavery. New York: H. Holt and Co.,<br />

1998 ISBN 0805054596.<br />

Roberts-Davis, Tanya, We Need to Go To School: Voices of the Rugmark <strong>Child</strong>ren, Vancouver:<br />

Douglas & McIntyre, 2001. ISBN 0-88899-426-5<br />


UNICEF, For Every <strong>Child</strong>-the rights of the child in words and pictures, Red Fox (Random House),<br />

2002 ISBN 0-09-940865-1<br />

UNICEF, A Life Like Mine, New York: DK Publishing, 2002 ISBN 0-7894-8859-0<br />

UNICEF, Stand Up Speak Out-A Book About <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Rights, Buntingford: Peace <strong>Child</strong><br />

International, 2002 ISBN 1-58728-541-X (SC) $15.95; ISBN 1-58728-540-1 (HC)<br />

UNICEF State of the World’s <strong>Child</strong>ren 1997. Excellent background information focusing on child<br />

labour; includes Summary, News Features, Fact Sheets, PDF Version, External Links<br />

http://www.unicef.org/sowc97/ In these documents you will find pictures, testimonials, statistical<br />

data, country groupings.<br />

(optional) Lewis, Barbara A. The Kid’s Guide to Social Action: How to Solve the Social Problems<br />

You choose—and Turn Creative Thinking Into Positive Action. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Pub., 1991<br />

ISBN 0-915793-29-6 Resource guide for children to learn political action skills that can help them<br />

make a difference in solving social problems at the community, state and national levels.<br />

Pamphlet:<br />

(Optional) Booklet on children’s right and responsibilities: I’ve Got Them! You’ve Got Them?<br />

We’ve All Got Them!, Save the <strong>Child</strong>ren-Canada, available from 1-800-325-6873 Western Canada;<br />

1-800-668-5036 Eastern Canada.<br />


Thoughts and Reflections<br />

On<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

By<br />

__________________________________<br />

Directions:<br />

As we proceed through this unit you will be recording in this booklet your thoughts, ideas, opinions<br />

and impressions of the concept of child labour. Here are a few sentence starters that you may like to<br />

use to help you get started:<br />

• I learned …<br />

• I was surprised …<br />

• I’m beginning to wonder …<br />

• I discovered …<br />

• I feel …<br />

• I think I will …<br />

• I now realize that …<br />

• I agree with …<br />

• I do not agree with …<br />

• I would like someday to …<br />

• I would like to find out more about …<br />

• I admire…<br />

• I am surprised at…<br />

• I predict…<br />


• I noticed…<br />

If you need more space to write your ideas, continue on the back of the page.<br />

Lesson Title_____________________________________________ Date_____________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Lesson Title_____________________________________________ Date_____________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


PART A Introduction to the Concept of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Title: Introductory Activity<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Strategies and Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• read, listen and view for specific purposes<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Working Together<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• listen to and show respect for the ideas of others<br />

• review their contributions and communications within the group<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Building Community<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate an awareness of the diverse ideas and opinions of their peers<br />

Links:<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for Social Responsibility<br />

Contributing to Classroom and School Community<br />

-contributes and shows commitment to group activities<br />

-contributes to discussions<br />

-follows basic rules for working co-operatively<br />

Overview:<br />

The students will state an opinion on the statement “<strong>Child</strong>ren should be allowed to work at jobs”.<br />

They will interview three other students with the same and differing opinions and then decide if they<br />

wish to change their own opinion on the topic.<br />

Required Materials:<br />

pens<br />

Time Required:<br />

45 to 60 minutes depending on how long the discussion lasts following the activity.<br />

Procedure:<br />

To understand the directions for this strategy, it is advisable to have the activity sheet, which<br />

accompanies this lesson available. (see Activity Sheet 1-<strong>Child</strong>ren should be allowed to work at<br />

jobs.)<br />

Without any previous discussion on the topic of “children working at jobs”, the students will consider<br />

the idea and use symbols in a five-point scale to record in pen their decision on the topic. They will<br />

then record the reason for their choice.<br />

Once they have completed their own thoughts on the topic, they will write the symbol they chose<br />

onto a label or post-it note and stick it to their shirt so that other students can easily identify the<br />

symbol that they have chosen. They then interview other students in the class and record the thoughts<br />

of those students in the following manner:<br />

1. First, each student must find and interview someone who has chosen the same symbol as they<br />

have. They each have a minute or so to tell each other the reasons for their choice. Then they<br />


must record the other person’s name, symbol they chose, and the thoughts of that student.<br />

(Listening is critical and this step should not take more that 5-6 minutes)<br />

2. Second, they must find a student who is one degree away (forward or backward) from their own<br />

choice and interview each other, recording in a similar manner the thoughts of that student. For<br />

example, someone who had selected + Agree could interview a ? Don’t know or a ++ Strongly<br />

Agree.<br />

3. Third, they must find someone who is two degrees away from their own choice and repeat the<br />

exercise. For example, a + Agree could interview a - Disagree or if they choose to move two<br />

degrees in the other direction they could interview a -- Strongly disagree. (Suggestion: Write the<br />

five-point scale on the chalkboard in the form of a circle so the students can see who they can<br />

interview, moving either clockwise or counterclockwise.)<br />

When they have finished three interviews, they return to their own desks and without discussion<br />

record whether or not they have changed their own minds about the topic.<br />

Once everyone has completed the strategy, a general class discussion on the topic can proceed.<br />

Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

Assessment of group process and individual process—Assessment Sheet 1<br />

Lesson Resources:<br />

Activity Sheet 1-<strong>Child</strong>ren should be allowed to work at jobs.<br />

Assessment Sheet 1<br />


Activity Sheet 1<br />

Name_________________________ Date________________<br />

<strong>Child</strong>ren should be allowed to work at jobs.<br />

I:<br />

Strongly agree + + I chose this one because<br />

Agree + __________________________________<br />

Don’t know ? __________________________________<br />

Disagree - __________________________________<br />

Strongly disagree - - __________________________________<br />

__________________________________<br />

1.______________(__)thinks_____________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

2.______________(__)thinks_____________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

3.______________(__)thinks_____________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

I changed my mind because______________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

I didn’t change my mind because__________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 1<br />

Name_____________________ Date________________<br />

How Well Did We Do?<br />

Let’s see how well you and the whole group worked together. Circle the number that<br />

best represents how you feel about this activity.<br />

Not Well Somewhat Very Well<br />

I was able to choose a point of view 1 2 3<br />

I was able to find other students to interview 1 2 3<br />

I could explain my point of view 1 2 3<br />

The other students took the activity seriously 1 2 3<br />

The other students could explain their point of view 1 2 3<br />

One thing I think I did well in this activity was:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing I think the class did well in this activity was:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing I could do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing I think the class could do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


PART B <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> from a Historical Context<br />

Section 1 Lesson 1<br />

Title: Novel Study Pit Pony<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts: Comprehend and Respond–Strategies and Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• listen for specific purposes<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts: Comprehend and Respond–Comprehension<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe and recount key ideas or information from various media<br />

• demonstrate an awareness of relationships among the elements of story structure, including<br />

plot, setting and characters<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts: Comprehend and Respond–Critical Analysis<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• show empathy for characters by projecting their feelings into the events portrayed in print<br />

Links:<br />

C.I.D.A.—child labour<br />

Global Education Objectives<br />

Temporal Dimension—how the lives of child labourers are the same and different in the past<br />

and at the present<br />

Overview:<br />

The topic of child labour will be introduced through an historical context using the novel Pit Pony.<br />

This is a short novel, which takes place in Nova Scotia in 1902. It describes the work of an 11-yearold<br />

child who is forced to quit school and go to work in a coal mine after an accident has seriously<br />

injured his father and older brother. Willie Maclean is the only one who can keep his family from<br />

being evicted from the company house they occupy and therefore must go to work to support his<br />

family of seven.<br />

The novel can be read to the children in any manner. I chose to read everyday after recess and<br />

stopped to discuss with the children, aspects of the story related to the job that 11-year-old Willie, the<br />

main character, had to perform. Once the novel is finished, the students complete a summary<br />

worksheet, which is designed to focus on the aspect of work for a child.<br />

(Optional) You may want to use the novel for a more in-depth novel study thus incorporating<br />

additional Language Arts prescribed learning outcomes.<br />

Required Materials:<br />

Novel: Pit Pony by Joyce Barkhouse, Toronto: Gage Publishing Company, 1990, ISBN 0-7715-<br />

7023-6 (115 pages, paperback $6.95)<br />

(or other novel of your choice relating to historical child labour such as: Lyddie by Katherine<br />

Patterson. Puffin Books, 1992. ISBN 0-14-034981-2. 182 pages. An excellent account of child<br />

labour in the cotton mills of the Eastern U.S. in the mid-1800s. Best suited for Grade 5-7.)<br />

Time Required:<br />

Reading the novel: depends on how long and how often you read<br />

Summarizing the story: 30 to 45 minutes<br />


Procedure:<br />

Read the novel Pit Pony stopping to discuss aspects of the story relating to child labour and the<br />

working condition experienced. Students can reflect on various aspects relating to Willie’s<br />

involvement in child labour in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet during the course of reading<br />

the novel.<br />

Once you have finished reading, summarize the novel using a graphic organizer such as a web to<br />

review with the whole class the main ideas of the story as related to Willie and the work he had to do.<br />

To review the novel, students will complete Activity Sheet 2—Pit Pony-A Summary.<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

Mark Pit Pony-A Summary using the answer key provided. (Assessment Sheet 2)<br />

Lesson Resources:<br />

Activity Sheet 2- Pit Pony-A Summary<br />

Assessment Sheet 2<br />


Activity Sheet 2 (page 1)<br />

Name__________________ Date________________________<br />


1. Who was the main character in this story? (name and age)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Where did the story take place?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

3. When did the story take place?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

4. In this story, what was the main change Willie had to make in his life after the<br />

accident?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

5. Why did Willie have to go to work?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

6. List all the people Willie was supporting in his home?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

7. What were the consequences of Willie having to go to work?<br />

a._______________________________________________________________<br />

b._______________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 2 (page 2)<br />

8. What were the conditions like in Willie’s workplace? Use at least 4 descriptive<br />

words.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

9. What hardships did Willie have to face during the time he was working?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

10. If you were Willie, how would you feel about having to quit school and go to work<br />

in the mine? Tell why you would feel that way. Use at least 5 complete sentences to<br />

explain your answer.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 2<br />

Answer Key for PIT PONY-A SUMMARY<br />

1. “Wee” Willie Maclean, age 11<br />

2. Nova Scotia, Canada<br />

3. between October and December, 1902<br />

4. Willie had to quit school and go to work in the mine<br />

5. Willie’s father and brother were both seriously injured in a mine explosion and couldn’t<br />

continue working. If someone from the household was not working, the family would be<br />

forced to leave their home.<br />

6. his 3 sisters, his brother John, his grandmother, his father and himself<br />

7. (any of the following answers could be correct)<br />

Willie had to quit school<br />

Willie was exposed to danger in the mine<br />

Willie had a hard time avoiding bullying from Simon Ross<br />

Willie’s family was allowed to stay in the company house<br />

Willie had a chance to work with Gem<br />

8. dark, damp, cold, dangerous, dirty<br />

9. Willie had to work long hours, it was a dirty job, he was bullied, he had his first pay stolen<br />


PART B <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> from a Historical Context<br />

Section 1 Lesson 2, 3 and 4<br />

Title: Willie’s Diary<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Grade 4 English Language Arts: Comprehend and Respond–Comprehension<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe and recount key ideas or information from various media<br />

• interpret their impressions of simple and direct stories<br />

Grade 4 English Language Arts: Comprehend and Respond–Critical Analysis<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• show empathy for characters by projecting their feelings into the events portrayed in print<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Presenting and Valuing<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate pride and satisfaction in using language<br />

• create and express thoughts, ideas and feelings in a variety of oral, written and electronic<br />

forms<br />

Links:<br />

C.I.D.A.—child labour<br />

Global Education Objectives<br />

Temporal Dimension—how the lives of child labourers are the same and different in the past<br />

and at the present<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for Social Responsibility<br />

Solving Problems in Peaceful Ways<br />

-shows empathy and can describe others’ feelings in a range of situations<br />

Overview:<br />

1. Students will “put themselves in Willie’s shoes” and write two diary entries.<br />

Required Materials:<br />

Chalkboard or chart paper<br />

Time Required:<br />

Three 30-45 minute classes<br />

Procedure:<br />

Explain to the students that they are going to “put themselves in Willie’s shoes”. Pretend that Willie’s<br />

Grandma has given him a diary, since he goes to school and can read and write. Willie really loves<br />

his diary and usually spends lots of time writing in it. The students will pretend to be Willie and write<br />

two entries in his diary:<br />

1. When you comes home and find out there has been a mine accident and you will have to go to<br />

work<br />

2. After a couple of weeks, your day of work<br />


Each diary entry will require one lesson using Activity Sheet 3 (page 1 and 2)—Willie’s Diary.<br />

Brainstorm with the students all the ideas they could include in their diary entry remembering to<br />

write in the first person and to correctly sequence their ideas. (See assessment rubric for the diary<br />

entries.)<br />

Presentation:<br />

Have each student share his/her diary entry with several other students. At least one of those students<br />

can perform a Peer assessment using Assessment Sheet 4.<br />

Then have students recommend someone they heard, whose entry they thought was well written, to<br />

read their work to the class. The entries could be put in a duotang (folder) for all the children to read<br />

at a later date.<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

An assessment rubric is provided for each diary entry. Assessment Sheet 3a, Assessment Sheet 3b<br />

Peer assessment—Assessment Sheet 4<br />

Lesson Resources:<br />

Activity Sheet 3 (page 1 and 2)—Willie’s Diary<br />

Assessment Sheet 3a<br />

Assessment Sheet 3b<br />

Assessment Sheet 4<br />


Activity Sheet 3 (page 1)<br />

Name_____________________________ Date_______________________<br />

Willie’s Diary<br />

Pretend you are “Wee” Willie Maclean. Your grandmother gave you a diary in which you write about<br />

things that happen to you and how they make you feel. You love writing in your diary every evening.<br />

In this assignment you will be writing two of Willie’s diary entries. Write as many details as you can,<br />

pretending you are Willie. Be sure to include ideas about how you feel about what has happened that<br />

day. Use some sentences starting with I feel… I think… You will need to write at least 6 sentences<br />

for each diary entry.<br />

Entry 1<br />

You come home from Charlie’s farm and find out there has been a mine accident and your father and<br />

brother John have been injured in the accident. You also find out that you will have to quit school and<br />

go to work. Be sure to include where you had been, what you saw when you came home, something<br />

about the accident, what you are expected to do now, how you are feeling and what you are thinking.<br />

Date________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 3 (page 2)<br />

Entry 2<br />

You have been working in the mine for a couple of weeks. You come home from work and after<br />

supper start writing in your diary. This is the first time you have had time to write in your diary since<br />

you started working. (Include: what time you got up to go to work, how you felt, what you did all<br />

day, what it was like in the mine, how people treated you and how that made you feel, what time you<br />

came home from work, what you did after you came home, how you felt at the end of the day.)<br />

Date _____________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 3a<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 1 Assessment<br />

Wrote in 1 st person using “I” _____/1<br />

Used at least 6 sentences _____/1<br />

Used words to show emotion _____/3<br />

Described:<br />

Where he had been that day _____/1<br />

What he saw when he came home_____/1<br />

The accident _____/1<br />

Having to go to work _____/1<br />

Overall “picture of the writing” _____/3<br />

Total _____/12<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 1 Assessment<br />

Wrote in 1 st person using “I” _____/1<br />

Used at least 6 sentences _____/1<br />

Used words to show emotion _____/3<br />

Described:<br />

Where he had been that day _____/1<br />

What he saw when he came home_____/1<br />

The accident _____/1<br />

Having to go to work _____/1<br />

Overall “picture of the writing” _____/3<br />

Total _____/12<br />

28<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 1 Assessment<br />

Wrote in 1 st person using “I” _____/1<br />

Used at least 6 sentences _____/1<br />

Used words to show emotion _____/3<br />

Described:<br />

Where he had been that day _____/1<br />

What he saw when he came home_____/1<br />

The accident _____/1<br />

Having to go to work _____/1<br />

Overall “picture of the writing” _____/3<br />

Total _____/12<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 1 Assessment<br />

Wrote in 1 st person using “I” _____/1<br />

Used at least 6 sentences _____/1<br />

Used words to show emotion _____/3<br />

Described:<br />

Where he had been that day _____/1<br />

What he saw when he came home_____/1<br />

The accident _____/1<br />

Having to go to work _____/1<br />

Overall “picture of the writing” _____/3<br />

Total _____/12

Assessment Sheet 3b<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 2 Assessment<br />

Describes:<br />

Getting up _____/1<br />

Going to work _____/1<br />

What you did at work _____/1<br />

Conditions in the mine _____/1<br />

How you were treated _____/1<br />

Coming home _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Feelings:<br />

In the morning _____/1<br />

At work _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Writing form: use of topic sentence, uses ideas<br />

that belong, good sequence, ending _____/4<br />

Total _____/14<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 2 Assessment<br />

Describes:<br />

Getting up _____/1<br />

Going to work _____/1<br />

What you did at work _____/1<br />

Conditions in the mine _____/1<br />

How you were treated _____/1<br />

Coming home _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Feelings:<br />

In the morning _____/1<br />

At work _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Writing form: use of topic sentence, uses ideas<br />

that belong, good sequence, ending _____/4<br />

Total _____/14<br />

29<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 2 Assessment<br />

Describes:<br />

Getting up _____/1<br />

Going to work _____/1<br />

What you did at work _____/1<br />

Conditions in the mine _____/1<br />

How you were treated _____/1<br />

Coming home _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Feelings:<br />

In the morning _____/1<br />

At work _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Writing form: use of topic sentence, uses ideas<br />

that belong, good sequence, ending _____/4<br />

Total _____/14<br />

Name_____________________<br />

Willie’s Diary-Entry 2 Assessment<br />

Describes:<br />

Getting up _____/1<br />

Going to work _____/1<br />

What you did at work _____/1<br />

Conditions in the mine _____/1<br />

How you were treated _____/1<br />

Coming home _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Feelings:<br />

In the morning _____/1<br />

At work _____/1<br />

At home _____/1<br />

Writing form: use of topic sentence, uses ideas<br />

that belong, good sequence, ending _____/4<br />

Total _____/14

Assessment Sheet 4<br />

Name________________________ Date__________________<br />

Willie’s Diary Entry 1—Peer Assessment<br />

I think __________________:<br />

(student’s name)<br />

Not Well Somewhat Very Well<br />

wrote in the 1 st person using “I” 1 2 3<br />

used at least 6 sentences 1 2 3<br />

used words to show emotion 1 2 3<br />

included and described everything Willie had done 1 2 3<br />

thought about his/her writing and wrote very carefully 1 2 3<br />

One thing____________________ did very well in this activity was:<br />

(student’s name)<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing_________________ could try to do better next time is:<br />

(student’s name)<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


PART B <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> from a Historical Context<br />

Section 1 Lesson 5<br />

Title: Paid and Unpaid Work<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information--Composing and Creating<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• share what they know about certain topics<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Improving Communications<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• respond formally and informally to the communications of their peers<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Working Together<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate respect for others by communicating their ideas and information in an orderly<br />

fashion<br />

• listen to and show respect for the ideas of others<br />

Grade 4 Personal Planning—Career Development<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe the contributions of paid and unpaid work to society<br />

Grade 4 Socials Studies—Society and Culture<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate understanding of timelines<br />

Links:<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for Social Responsibility<br />

Contributing to Classroom and School Community<br />

-contributes and shows commitment to group activities<br />

-contributes to discussions<br />

-follows basic rules for working co-operatively<br />

Global Education Objectives<br />

Temporal Dimension-how the lives of child labourers are the same and different in the past<br />

and at the present time<br />

Overview:<br />

Students will brainstorm what they know about paid and unpaid jobs a century ago. Since students at<br />

this age have a limited knowledge of life in former times, this lesson may need to be directed by the<br />

teacher.<br />

(Optional) If time permits, students could do research on the type of work that existed a century ago<br />

by using books, the Internet or interviewing grandparents or other people from older generations.<br />


Required Materials:<br />

Chart paper<br />

Time Required:<br />

45 minutes<br />

Procedure:<br />

On chart paper write the two heading Paid Work and Unpaid Work. Ask the students to consider<br />

the difference between the two types of work. Use the following questions to generate ideas:<br />

Can they think of work today that is either paid or unpaid?<br />

What is another name for unpaid work? (volunteer)<br />

Is work around the home/farm/family business volunteer work?<br />

Is there a difference between volunteer work and unpaid work?<br />

Do people who do paid work also do unpaid work and/or volunteer work?<br />

Have the students brainstorm jobs that could have been performed 100 years ago under each heading.<br />

Once there are a few ideas posted, give the students Activity Sheet 4—Paid and Unpaid Work.<br />

Have them work in pairs. Each student will record the ideas posted and draw a line under those ideas<br />

with pen. The pairs will continue to try and generate additional ideas and record them. After the<br />

students have exhausted their ideas, have them draw another line with pen under the last idea in each<br />

column. Have students share their ideas with the class. The other students can include any new ideas<br />

on their sheets, ending with another line. (Having the students draw lines will help you to assess their<br />

own ideas.)<br />

They will add to this list in the next lesson.<br />

Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

Grade the assignment Paid and Unpaid Work with a 4-point scale—Assessment Sheet 5<br />

Lesson Resources:<br />

Activity Sheet 4—Paid and Unpaid Work<br />

Assessment Sheet 5<br />


Activity Sheet 4<br />

Name___________________________ Date_______________________<br />

Paid and Unpaid Work<br />

After reading Pit Pony you have learned that in “the old days” some children had to go to work to<br />

help support their families and themselves. For some work, people were paid but for other work<br />

people were not paid. Working in partners, think of all the paid jobs that people did in the old days<br />

and all the unpaid jobs that people did in the old days. Record your ideas on the chart below.<br />

Paid Work Unpaid Work<br />


Assessment Sheet 5<br />

Paid and Unpaid Work—Assessment<br />

Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Circle the number that best describes the student’s work:<br />

1 Not Yet Within Expectations (could think of no additional ideas other than what was<br />

brainstormed by the whole class)<br />

2 Meets Expectations -Minimum Level (could think of 1 or 2 additional ideas other than what<br />

was brainstormed by the class)<br />

3 Fully Meets Expectations (could think of 3 or 4 additional ideas other than what was<br />

brainstormed by the class)<br />

4 Exceeds Expectations (could think of more than 4 additional ideas other than what was<br />

brainstormed by the class)<br />

Comments:<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________<br />

-----------------------------------------------------cut here-------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Assessment Sheet 5<br />

Paid and Unpaid Work—Assessment<br />

Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Circle the number that best describes the student’s work:<br />

1. Not Yet Within Expectations (could think of no additional ideas other than what was<br />

brainstormed by the whole class)<br />

2. Meets Expectations -Minimum Level (could think of 1 or 2 additional ideas other than<br />

what was brainstormed by the class)<br />

3. Fully Meets Expectations (could think of 3 or 4 additional ideas other than what was<br />

brainstormed by the class)<br />

4. Exceeds Expectations (could think of more than 4 additional ideas other than what was<br />

brainstormed by the class)<br />

Comments:<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________<br />


PART B <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> from a Historical Context<br />

Section 2 Lesson 1<br />

Title: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Strategies and Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• read, listen and view for specific purposes.<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Comprehension<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe and recount key ideas or information from various media.<br />

• organize information or ideas they have read, heard, or viewed in the form of simple charts,<br />

webs, or illustrations.<br />

• locate specific details in visual media.<br />

• identify the main information given in illustrations.<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Working Together<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate a willingness to improve their understanding by seeking clarification from others.<br />

• demonstrate respect for others by communicating their ideas and information in an orderly<br />

fashion.<br />

• listen to and show respect for the ideas of others<br />

Gr. 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Building Community<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate a willingness to work with others toward a common goal<br />

Grade 4 Visual Arts—Image-Development and Design Strategies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• compare images developed for particular purposes<br />

Links:<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for Social Responsibility<br />

Contributing to Classroom and School Community<br />

-contributes and shows commitment to group activities<br />

-contributes to discussions<br />

-follows basic rules for working co-operatively<br />

Global Education Objectives<br />

Temporal Dimension-how the lives of child labourers are the same and different in the past<br />

and at the present time<br />

Overview:<br />

The students will observe pictures of children working from about 100 years ago. They will try to<br />

determine the age of the children, where they might be working and decide what might be hard about<br />

the job. The students will add any new jobs they have discovered to the list they began during the last<br />

lesson. They will analyze the data they have observed by answering several questions.<br />


Required Materials:<br />

Pictures from http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/childlabor/index.html Click on the<br />

thumbnails to enlarge the photos. This site contains 63 excellent black and white photos (by<br />

Lewis Hine) and brief descriptions depicting child labour in America 1908-1912. Pick pictures<br />

that will depict a variety of jobs children worked at.<br />

A few additional pictures of children working can be found on the following site, which depicts<br />

migrant farm families. http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/lange/index.html<br />

(or any other pictures available depicting children working in the 19 th or early 20 th centuries)<br />

Magazine Article:<br />

Brucker, Hilda. “Mill <strong>Child</strong>ren.” Cobblestone. Vol. 10 No. 1, January 1989. p.18-21. This article<br />

briefly describes working conditions for children in the U.S.A. in the 1800s, the reasons children<br />

were introduced into the work force, the actions taken to reform and regulate child labour, and four<br />

pictures depicting child workers.<br />

Ordering information for back issues of this magazine can be found on the website:<br />

http://www.cobblestonepub.com/pages/CobblestoneArchives.htm<br />

or phone 603-924-7209 or fax 603-924-7380<br />

$4.95 + $2.00 US<br />

Magazine Article:<br />

Stover, Mayzette E. “Lewis Hine Detective with a Camera.” Highlights. Vol. 47 Number 4, April<br />

1992. p. 8-9. This article discusses the important role played by reformers who wanted to make<br />

changes for child labourers in the early 20 th century.<br />

(or any other articles available that discusses the topic of child labour in the 18 th or early 19 th century)<br />

Time Required:<br />

Two/three 45-60 minute lessons.<br />

Procedure:<br />

Lesson 1<br />

Review with the students what they know about children working in previous times, from the novel<br />

read to them e.g. Pit Pony, and from the previous lesson. Tell the students they will be looking at<br />

some pictures from 90 to 100 years ago. They will be trying to guess the age of the child, where they<br />

are working, the job they are doing and what might be hard about that job. A good site to get more<br />

information on teaching with documents, using the photographs of Lewis Hine is:<br />

http://www.archives.gov/digital_classroom/lessons/hine_photographs/hine_photographs.html<br />

This lesson can be presented in two different ways:<br />

1. Print the pictures and number them. Have the children work in pairs or threes and hand out<br />

one picture to each group, along with Activity Sheet 5- <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago to each<br />

student. Together they look at the photo, discuss and individually record their responses.<br />

Allow about 5 minutes for each picture. Rotate the pictures from one group to the next.<br />

Depending on how many students you have and how you group them you may or may not be<br />

able to rotate all the pictures to each group. Use Assessment Sheet 6 Part A during this<br />

activity.<br />

2. Using a projector connected to the computer, have the whole class view each picture and<br />

working in pairs or individually record responses on the worksheet.<br />


When the students are finished, discuss the actual job and the age of the child (if given). Conduct a<br />

general discussion about child labour a century or more ago. Have the students return to their<br />

previous Activity Sheet 4 from the last lesson, Paid and Unpaid Work, and record any additional<br />

jobs they may not have thought of in the previous lesson. When this lesson is complete the students<br />

can do a group assessment using Assessment 7.<br />

Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Section 2 Lesson 2<br />

Introduce the students to the article “Mill <strong>Child</strong>ren” from Cobblestone, January 1989. Suggested<br />

activity: Read the article to the class. Then have pairs of students reread one of the paragraphs<br />

summarizing the important details, which they write on strips of paper. Each pair presents the<br />

summary of their paragraph to the class, in the order of the article. The strips can be glued to a chart<br />

paper for the students to review. Keep this chart for Part D, end of Section B (page 75) in which a<br />

comparison of working conditions for child labourers then and now will be conducted. Additional<br />

questions for this article can be found on the website<br />

http://www.cobblestonepub.com/pages/compquest198901.html<br />

Using the article “Lewis Hine Detective with a Camera”, from Highlights April 1992, discuss the<br />

significance of the photos, how difficult it was to take pictures of child labourers, and the reason they<br />

are black and white.<br />

Have the students make a timeline to illustrate the different periods in the conditions of life for North<br />

American children e.g. 1700s children worked within the family on farms; Industrial Revolution<br />

1800s to 1938 (in the U.S.A., the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed regulating child labour)<br />

children were employed in despicable conditions in factories, mines and mills; 1938 to present time<br />

child labour laws were passed that improved the situation for children. Keep this timeline for Part D,<br />

end of Section B (page 75).<br />

Have the students complete Activity Sheet 6 <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago-A Summary. Have the<br />

photos and the chart available for the students to review. Use Assessment Sheet 6 Part B for this<br />

activity.<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

Teacher Assessment: See Assessment Sheet 6 <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago--Assessment<br />

Student Assessment: See Assessment Sheet 7 <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago—Group Assessment<br />

Lesson Resources:<br />

Activity Sheet 5-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago<br />

Activity Sheet 4 (from previous lesson)-Paid and Unpaid Work<br />

Activity Sheet 6- <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago-A Summary<br />

Assessment Sheet 6<br />

Assessment Sheet 7<br />


Activity Sheet 5<br />

Name_______________________ Date__________________________<br />


Directions: You will be looking at pictures of children from about 100 years ago working in jobs. Look at each picture and fill in the following columns: 1) Picture number,<br />

2) Age-Guess, 3)Where Do You Think They Are Working?, 4) What Do You Think They Are Doing?, 5)What Would Be Hard About This Job?<br />

Later, you will fill in 1)Age –Real (if known), 2) The Actual Job.<br />

Picture<br />

Number<br />

Age<br />

Guess Real<br />

Where Do You Think<br />

They Are Working?<br />

What Do You Think<br />

They Are Doing?<br />

38<br />

What Would Be Hard About This Job? The Actual Job

Activity 6 (page 1)<br />

Name____________________ Date_________________<br />


Directions: After looking at pictures of children working in jobs about 100 years ago and studying<br />

the article about child labourers, answer the following questions.<br />

1. Why do you think children had to do these jobs? Try to think of several answers.<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

2a. Which job do you think would be the hardest? Why?<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

2b. Do you think children should have had to do this job? Why?<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

3. What would be a good thing about these children having to do these jobs?<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity 6 (page 2)<br />

4. Do you think any children today have to work in hard jobs like they did 100 years ago? Why or<br />

why not?<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 6<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago--Assessment<br />

Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Circle the number that best describes the student’s work:<br />

A. <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago –look for active communication for each individual within the pair<br />

or trio. Is each student contributing ideas? Is each demonstrating a willingness to work with the<br />

other?<br />

Grade the assignment <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago, with a 4-point scale:<br />

1 Not Yet Within Expectations (student is unwilling to work with partner, no communication;<br />

few if any ideas recorded, ideas not relevant to pictures)<br />

2 Meets Expectations -Minimum Level (student minimally communicates with partner;<br />

minimal recording; some ideas reasonable)<br />

3 Fully Meets Expectations (student works well and communicates with partner, dialogue<br />

may be one-sided; records reasonable ideas and is finished before set time)<br />

4 Exceeds Expectations (student actively engages partner in discussion offering ideas and<br />

questions; studies the photos carefully and records many reasonable details)<br />

Comments:<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________<br />

B. <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago-A Summary-look for an understanding of child labour issues<br />

Grade the assignment <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago-A Summary, with a 4-point scale:<br />

1 Not Yet Within Expectations (student answers with one or two words and does not explain<br />

his/her reasoning; little relevance to child labour)<br />

2 Meets Expectations -Minimum Level (student minimally answers the questions with few<br />

details; some understanding of child labour issues)<br />

3 Fully Meets Expectations (student writes logical answers with some analysis; ideas are<br />

connected; understand child labour issues )<br />

4 Exceeds Expectations (student’s answers are very clear and detailed; has a strong point of<br />

view; understands fully child labour issues)<br />

Comments:<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 7<br />

Name_______________________ Date__________________<br />

Partner______________________<br />

I think we:<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Years Ago—Group Assessment<br />

Not Well Somewhat Very Well<br />

looked carefully at the pictures 1 2 3<br />

each listened to the other’s ideas 1 2 3<br />

both contributed ideas 1 2 3<br />

recorded the information the best we could 1 2 3<br />

One thing we did very well in this activity was:<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing we could try to do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


PART C United Nations and the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

Title: Rights-Do <strong>Child</strong>ren Have Any?<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Strategies and Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• read, listen and view for specific purposes<br />

• determine the accurate pronunciation, meaning and spelling of unfamiliar words through the<br />

use if print or electronic dictionaries<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Comprehension<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe and recount key ideas or information from various media<br />

• organize information or ideas they have read, heard, or viewed in the form of simple charts,<br />

webs, or illustrations<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Knowledge of Language<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate an awareness of how register and pacing should be adjusted according to content<br />

and audience<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information--Composing and Creating<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• share what they know about certain topics<br />

• identify the purpose of and audience for oral, written, and visual communications<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Improving Communications<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• respond formally and informally to the communications of their peers<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Presenting and Valuing<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate pride and satisfaction in using language<br />

• create and present a variety of personal and informational communications including written<br />

and oral poems, stories, explanations, informal oral reports and dramas, personal letters, and<br />

illustrated charts or posters<br />

Grade 4 Visual Arts—Image-Development and Design Strategies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• draft ideas for images using feelings, observation, memory, and imagination<br />


Links<br />

C.I.D.A.—protection and preservation of the rights of the child.<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for Social Responsibility<br />

Contributing to Classroom and School Community<br />

-contributes and shows commitment to group activities<br />

-contributes to discussions<br />

-follows basic rules for working co-operatively<br />

Valuing Diversity and Defending Human Rights<br />

-can describe basic human rights and show interest in correcting injustices<br />

Overview<br />

Students will be introduced to the United Nations as an organization and to the UN Convention on<br />

the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> and will produce a poster illustrating one or more of the articles. The posters<br />

may be self-evaluated, and/or evaluated by a peer, and/or the teacher. The students will share their<br />

“Right” with the class. The posters will be displayed for use in a later lesson.<br />

Required Materials<br />

United Nations website: http://www.un.org/english/<br />

United Nations website for children: http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/<br />

United Nations website: “virtual tour” with excellent photos and descriptions<br />

http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/untour/index.html<br />

Save the <strong>Child</strong>ren-Canada website: pictures that can be printed and coloured for 10 Rights of the<br />

<strong>Child</strong> http://www.savethechildren.ca/en/kidsarea/rights.html<br />

Book: UNICEF, For Every <strong>Child</strong>-the rights of the child in words and pictures, Red Fox (Random<br />

House), 2002 ISBN 0-09-940865-1<br />

Book: UNICEF, A Life Like Mine, New York: DK Publishing, 2002 ISBN 0-7894-8859-0<br />

Book: UNICEF, Stand Up Speak Out-A Book About <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Rights, Buntingford: Peace <strong>Child</strong><br />

International, 2002 ISBN 1-58728-541-X (SC) $15.95; ISBN 1-58728-540-1 (HC)<br />

(Optional) Booklet on children’s right and responsibilities: I’ve Got Them! You’ve Got Them?<br />

We’ve All Got Them!, Save the <strong>Child</strong>ren-Canada, available from 1-800-325-6873 Western Canada;<br />

1-800-668-5036 Eastern Canada.<br />

Lesson 3: Dictionary for each group<br />

Lesson 4: Paper for posters or poster board<br />

(Optional: A poster of the UN Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>: In <strong>Child</strong> Friendly Language is<br />

available to teachers from your local UNICEF office. Check the website www.unicef.ca for addresses<br />

and phone numbers.)<br />


Time Required<br />

At least four 45-minute lessons:<br />

1. introduce the United Nation and the UN Convention on the Right of the <strong>Child</strong> (possibly 2<br />

lessons)<br />

2. work on posters<br />

3. presentation of posters to the class<br />

Procedure<br />

Lesson 1: What is the United Nations?<br />

Using a book, video or website http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/untour/index.html about the<br />

United Nations, read or explain briefly the formation of the United Nations, location and some of the<br />

work they do. Relate the United Nations to recent activities in the news in which they may be playing<br />

a role. Introduce the Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> as an important document the United<br />

Nations has produced. Discuss the date of the Convention, when it was ratified by Canada and<br />

various other countries. Read For Every <strong>Child</strong>-the rights of the child in words and pictures (only 15<br />

of the 42 Rights are presented in this book) or other book relating to children’s rights. Have the<br />

students fill out the questionnaire Activity Sheet 7 Do You Have Rights Under the UN Convention<br />

on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>? They can mark the questions themselves with the answer key provided<br />

or you could delete the answer key from the worksheet and mark the questionnaire.<br />

Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Lesson 2: Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>-Activity<br />

(For your convenience, a list of article titles for the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> and their corresponding<br />

numbers are supplied at the end of Part C—Teacher Reference 1 page 66)<br />

Working in groups of four, hand out dictionaries (to look up meanings of unfamiliar words in the<br />

titles and descriptions), 4 Title Cards for the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> (cut into strips from Activity<br />

Sheets 8a-g ) which are displayed for all group members to see, and the matching description of the<br />

Rights-Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>: In <strong>Child</strong> Friendly Language (cut into strips from Activity Sheets 9a-f).<br />

Have each student read one description and share with the other group members what they know<br />

about the Right in relation to their life in their country, beginning with the statement, “In Canada (or<br />

their country) children…” For example, a student using Article 38 “You have the right to protection<br />

and freedom from war. <strong>Child</strong>ren under 15 cannot be forced to go into the army or take part in war.”<br />

might say “In Canada (or their country), young children don’t have to go to war.” The student then<br />

asks the group, “Are there any comments?” After all the students have had a turn following the same<br />

format, they look at the title cards and choose the one that matches their Right.<br />

On Activity Sheet 10-Your Rights (page 1), have the students glue on the title of the Right and the<br />

description. They will use their own words to write what they think the Right means and how it<br />

relates to life in Canada (or their country).<br />

Debriefing Session:<br />

Discuss with the students whether their Rights are protected living where they do and what<br />

safeguards are in place to protect them. Discuss which Rights may have been violated in the book<br />

previously read at the beginning of the unit e.g. Pit Pony. Explain that the children in the old days did<br />

not have the advantage of the Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> to protect them. Ask them if they<br />


feel that children are better protected around the world in the 21 st century than they were in the 18 th ,<br />

19 th , and 20 th centuries. Students then complete Activity Sheet 10-Your Rights (page 2). Use<br />

Assessment Sheet 8 to assess this activity.<br />

Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Lesson 3: Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>-Design a Poster<br />

Assign one or more of the Rights to each child to design a poster that will advertise <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Rights<br />

to the rest of their class. Choose the Rights that are most closely related to the effects of child labour<br />

such as Article 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 39.<br />

Discuss with the students the design of an effective poster and generate the criteria. (An example is<br />

given on Assessment Sheet 9). There is a very helpful webpage on designing an effective poster at<br />

http://www.kidsmeetingkids.org/involved_6.htm .<br />

Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

After the unit is complete the posters could be used to present the information to the school at an<br />

assembly, to various classes and/or displayed in a public place in the school.<br />

Lesson 4: Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>-Poster Presentation<br />

Discuss and generate ideas for the criteria for the presentation. (An example is given on Assessment<br />

Sheet 10) Have the students present their posters to the class. Students can reflect on this activity in<br />

their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Assessment Strategies<br />

The assignments within Part C can involve self-assessment, peer and teacher assessment. See<br />

Assessment Sheets 8, 9, 10<br />

Lesson Resources<br />

Activity Sheet 7—Do You Have Rights Under the UN Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>?<br />

Activity Sheets 8 a-g—Title Cards for the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

Activity Sheets 9a-f—Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>: In <strong>Child</strong> Friendly Language<br />

Activity Sheet 10—Your Rights<br />

Assessment Sheet 8<br />

Assessment Sheet 9<br />

Assessment Sheet 10<br />

Teacher Reference 1<br />


Activity Sheet 7<br />

Name______________________ Date_______________________<br />

Do You Have Rights Under the UN Convention on the Rights of the<br />

<strong>Child</strong>?<br />

Answer the following questions to see if your rights as a child are being violated where you live.<br />

1. Do you ever experience discrimination because of the colour of your skin, you’re a girl or a<br />

boy, the church you attend, you’re a different nationality?<br />

Yes No<br />

2. Do you have a name and a birth certificate that tells where you were born?<br />

Yes No<br />

3. Have you ever been separated from your parents and not been able to find them again?<br />

Yes No<br />

4. Are you allowed to express your own opinions and thoughts?<br />

47<br />

Yes No<br />

5. Are you allowed to join clubs or organizations with your parents’ permission?<br />

Yes No<br />

6. Do your parents look after you and provide you with food, shelter and clothes?<br />

Yes No<br />

7. If you are handicapped, or might be in the future due to an accident or a disease, do you think<br />

you would be looked after in all ways?<br />

Yes No<br />

8. When you are sick, do your parents look after you and provide you with proper health care?<br />

Yes No<br />

9. Are you able to go to school and get a good education?<br />

Yes No<br />

10. Do you usually have enough time to play, do sports and get enough rest?<br />

Yes No<br />

11. Do you have to work at a job for long periods of time, in dangerous conditions without proper<br />

food, rest or pay?<br />

Yes No<br />

12. Have you ever been forced to take drugs?<br />

Yes No

13. Have you ever been sold to anyone and taken out of your country?<br />

14. Have you ever been forced to join an army and carry a gun?<br />

48<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

15. Have you ever been tortured or your freedom taken away from you?<br />

Yes No<br />

If you have answered:<br />

Yes to questions 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and<br />

No to questions 1,3,11,12,13,14,15 you are very lucky!!! Your rights as a child are being observed<br />

where you live.<br />

If you answered any of the questions differently, you might like to talk to your teacher about it. Your<br />

teacher may be able to help explain your answer.

Activity Sheet 8a Title Cards for Rights of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

Definition of a <strong>Child</strong><br />

Non-discrimination<br />

Best Interest of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

Implementation of Rights<br />

Parental Guidance and the<br />

<strong>Child</strong>’s Capacities<br />

Survival and Development<br />

Name and Nationality<br />


Activity Sheet 8b<br />

Preservation of Identity<br />

Separation from Parents<br />

Family Reunification<br />

Illicit Transfer and Non-Return<br />

The <strong>Child</strong>’s Opinion<br />

Freedom of Expression<br />

Freedom of Thought, Conscience<br />

and Religion<br />


Activity Sheet 8c<br />

Freedom of Association<br />

Protection of Privacy<br />

Access to Appropriate<br />

Information<br />

Parental Responsibilities<br />

Protection from Abuse and<br />

Neglect<br />

Protection of <strong>Child</strong>ren Without<br />

Families<br />


Activity Sheet 8d<br />

Adoption<br />

Refugee <strong>Child</strong>ren<br />

<strong>Child</strong>ren With a Disability<br />

Health and Health Services<br />

Periodic Review of Placement<br />

Social Security<br />

Standard of Living<br />


Activity Sheet 8e<br />

Education<br />

Aims of Education<br />

<strong>Child</strong>ren of Minorities and<br />

Indigenous Peoples<br />

Leisure, Recreation and Cultural<br />

Activities<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Drug Abuse<br />


Activity Sheet 8f<br />

Sexual Exploitation<br />

Sale, Trafficking and Abduction<br />

Other Forms of Exploitation<br />

Torture and Deprivation of<br />

Liberty<br />

Armed Conflicts<br />

Rehabilitative Care<br />


Activity Sheet 8g<br />

Administration of Juvenile<br />

Justice<br />

Respect for Existing Standards<br />

Raising Public Awareness of the<br />

Convention<br />


Activity Sheet 9a<br />

Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>: In <strong>Child</strong> Friendly Language<br />

(permission for use granted from UNICEF www.unicef.ca )<br />

from http://www.unicef.ca/eng/unicef/sch_election/giraffe1.html<br />

Article 1<br />

Everyone under 18 has these rights.<br />

Article 2<br />

All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what<br />

their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they<br />

are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether<br />

they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.<br />

Article 3<br />

All adults should do what is best for you. When adults make decisions, they<br />

should think about how their decisions will affect children.<br />

Article 4<br />

The government has a responsibility to make sure your rights are protected.<br />

They must help your family to protect your rights and create an environment<br />

where you can grow and reach your potential.<br />

Article 5<br />

Your family has the responsibility to help you learn to exercise your rights, and<br />

to ensure that your rights are protected.<br />

Article 6<br />

You have the right to be alive.<br />

Article 7<br />

You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognized by the<br />

government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).<br />

Article 8<br />

You have the right to an identity - an official record of who you are. No one<br />

should take this away from you.<br />


Activity Sheet 9b<br />

Article 9<br />

You have the right to live with your parent(s), unless it is bad for you. You have<br />

the right to live with a family who cares for you.<br />

Article 10<br />

If you live in a different country than your parents do, you have the right to be<br />

together in the same place.<br />

Article 11<br />

You have the right to be protected from kidnapping.<br />

Article 12<br />

You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it<br />

seriously.<br />

Article 13<br />

You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by<br />

talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other<br />

people.<br />

Article 14<br />

You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs. Your parents should<br />

help you decide what is right and wrong, and what is best for you.<br />

Article 15<br />

You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long<br />

as it isn't harmful to others.<br />

Article 16<br />

You have the right to privacy.<br />


Activity Sheet 9c<br />

Article 17<br />

You have the right to get information that is important to your well-being, from<br />

radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources. Adults should make<br />

sure that the information you are getting is not harmful, and help you find and<br />

understand the information you need.<br />

Article 18<br />

You have the right to be raised by your parent(s) if possible.<br />

Article 19<br />

You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or<br />

mind.<br />

Article 20<br />

You have the right to special care and help if you cannot live with your parents.<br />

Article 21<br />

You have the right to care and protection if you are adopted or in foster care.<br />

Article 22<br />

You have the right to special protection and help if you are a refugee (if you<br />

have been forced to leave your home and live in another country), as well as all<br />

the rights in this Convention.<br />

Article 23<br />

You have the right to special education and care if you have a disability, as well<br />

as all the rights in this Convention, so that you can live a full life.<br />

Article 24<br />

You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink,<br />

nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay<br />

well.<br />


Activity Sheet 9d<br />

Article 25<br />

If you live in care or in other situations away from home, you have the right to<br />

have these living arrangements looked at regularly to see if they are the most<br />

appropriate.<br />

Article 26<br />

You have the right to help from the government if you are poor or in need.<br />

Article 27<br />

You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic<br />

needs met. You should not be disadvantaged so that you can't do many of the<br />

things other kids can do.<br />

Article 28<br />

You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go<br />

to school to the highest level you can.<br />

Article 29<br />

Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It<br />

should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and<br />

respect other people.<br />

Article 30<br />

You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion - or any<br />

you choose. Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of this right.<br />

Article 31<br />

You have the right to play and rest.<br />

Article 32<br />

You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your<br />

health and education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.<br />


Activity Sheet 9e<br />

Article 33<br />

You have the right to protection from harmful drugs and from the drug trade.<br />

Article 34<br />

You have the right to be free from sexual abuse.<br />

Article 35<br />

No one is allowed to kidnap or sell you.<br />

Article 36<br />

You have the right to protection from any kind of exploitation (being taken<br />

advantage of).<br />

Article 37<br />

No one is allowed to punish you in a cruel or harmful way.<br />

Article 38<br />

You have the right to protection and freedom from war. <strong>Child</strong>ren under 15<br />

cannot be forced to go into the army or take part in war.<br />

Article 39<br />

You have the right to help if you've been hurt, neglected or badly treated.<br />

Article 40<br />

You have the right to legal help and fair treatment in the justice system that<br />

respects your rights.<br />

Article 41<br />

If the laws of your country provide better protection of your rights than the<br />

articles in this Convention, those laws should apply.<br />


Activity Sheet 9f<br />

Article 42<br />

You have the right to know your rights! Adults should know about these rights<br />

and help you learn about them, too.<br />

Articles 43 to 54<br />

These articles explain how governments and international organizations like<br />

UNICEF will work to ensure children are protected with their rights.<br />


Activity Sheet 10 (page 1)<br />

Name____________________ Date_____________________<br />


In this activity you will be studying one of the Articles within the UN Convention on the Rights of<br />

the <strong>Child</strong>. You will record the number and the title of the Article. Glue the title and the description<br />

on this activity sheet.<br />

Write in your own words what you think this right means to you and how it relates to children’s lives<br />

in Canada (or your country).<br />

1. The Right I am studying is Article ______and it is called _____________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Glue title and description here:<br />

After studying this Article, I think this is what it is saying and how it relates to children’s lives in<br />

Canada or your country. (Use the back of the page if there are not enough lines for you to express all<br />

your ideas)<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 10 (page 2)<br />

2. Do you think children are better protected around the world now in the 21 st century than they<br />

were in the 18 th , 19 th , and 20 th centuries? Give reasons for your answer.<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 8<br />

Your Rights--Assessment<br />

Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Circle the number that best describes the student’s work:<br />

Lesson A:<br />

Grade the assignment Your Rights with a 4-point scale:<br />

1 Not Yet Within Expectations (the ideas did not relate to the topic of children’s rights)<br />

2 Meets Expectations -Minimum Level (the ideas are loosely connected; hard to follow the train<br />

of thought, some parts copied from the text)<br />

3 Fully Meets Expectations (the ideas are clear and easy to follow, did not copy from the text)<br />

4 Exceeds Expectations (the ideas are detailed and portray a profound understanding of the<br />

meaning of the topic)<br />

Comments:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

-------------------------------------------------------cut here------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Assessment Sheet 8<br />

Your Rights--Assessment<br />

Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Circle the number that best describes the student’s work:<br />

Lesson A:<br />

Grade the assignment Your Rights with a 4-point scale:<br />

1 Not Yet Within Expectations (the ideas did not relate to the topic of children’s rights)<br />

2 Meets Expectations -Minimum Level (the ideas are loosely connected; hard to follow the train<br />

of thought, some parts copied from the text)<br />

3 Fully Meets Expectations (the ideas are clear and easy to follow, did not copy from the text)<br />

4 Exceeds Expectations (the ideas are detailed and portray a profound understanding of the<br />

meaning of the topic)<br />

Comments:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 9<br />

Lesson B: <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Right’s Poster--Assessment<br />

Your Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Name of person who designed the poster_____________________<br />

Lesson B: Assessment can be performed by the student, and/or a classmate, and/or the teacher.<br />

<strong>Child</strong>ren’s Rights Poster<br />

Printing is large and clear ____/5<br />

Text stands out at a distance ____/5<br />

Illustration is related to topic ____/5<br />

Illustration is bold and effective ____/5<br />

Poster will attract attention ____/5<br />

Total ____/25<br />

1. One thing ___________________did very well in this activity was:<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

2. One thing ___________________could try to do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 10<br />

Lesson B: <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Right’s Poster Presentation--Assessment<br />

Your Name______________________ Date______________________<br />

Name of person who presented their poster_____________________<br />

Lesson C: The student and/or a classmate, and/or the teacher can perform the assessment.<br />

Oral Presentation of Poster<br />

Stated the Article number and title ____/2<br />

Explained briefly what it meant ____/4<br />

Explained the illustration briefly ____/4<br />

Spoke with a loud, clear voice ____/5<br />

Looked at the audience ____/5<br />

Total ____/20<br />

1. One thing ___________________did very well in this activity was:<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

2. One thing ___________________could try to do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Teacher Reference 1 (page 1)<br />

From: <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Rights Alliance<br />

(Permission for use granted by <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Rights Alliance, Ireland)<br />

http://www.childrensrights.ie/fulltext.php#top<br />

(By going to the website above and clicking on any of the Articles, you will be<br />

able to access the full text of each article)<br />

The UN Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

comprises the following articles<br />

Preamble<br />

Article 1 - Definition of a child<br />

Article 2 - Non-discrimination<br />

Article 3 - Best interests of the child<br />

Article 4 - Implementation of rights<br />

Article 5 - Parental guidance and the child's evolving<br />

capacities<br />

Article 6 - Survival and development<br />

Article 7 - Name and nationality<br />

Article 8 - Preservation of identity<br />

Article 9 - Separation from parents<br />

Article 10 - Family reunification<br />

Article 11 - Illicit transfer and non-return<br />

Article 12 - The child's opinion<br />

Article 13 - Freedom of expression<br />

Article 14 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion<br />

Article 15 - Freedom of association<br />

Article 16 - Protection of privacy<br />

Article 17 - Access to appropriate information<br />

Article 18 - Parental responsibilities<br />

Article 19 - Protection from abuse and neglect<br />

Article 20 - Protection of children without families<br />

Article 21 - Adoption<br />

Article 22 - Refugee children<br />

Article 23 - <strong>Child</strong>ren with a disability<br />


Teacher Reference 1 (page 2)<br />

Article 24 - Health and health services<br />

Article 25 - Periodic review of placement<br />

Article 26 - Social security<br />

Article 27 - Standard of living<br />

Article 28 - Education<br />

Article 29 - Aims of education<br />

Article 30 - <strong>Child</strong>ren of minorities or indigenous peoples<br />

Article 31 - Leisure, recreation and cultural activities<br />

Article 32 - <strong>Child</strong> labour<br />

Article 33 - Drug abuse<br />

Article 34 - Sexual exploitation<br />

Article 35 - Sale, trafficking and abduction<br />

Article 36 - Other forms of exploitation<br />

Article 37 - Torture and deprivation of liberty<br />

Article 38 - Armed conflicts<br />

Article 39 - Rehabilitative care<br />

Article 40 - Administration of juvenile justice<br />

Article 41 - Respect for existing standards<br />

Article 42 - Raising public awareness of the Convention<br />

Article 43 and Article 44 - Monitoring and reporting<br />

Article 45 - NGO involvement in monitoring and reporting<br />

Articles 46 - 54 - How the Convention comes into force<br />


PART D<br />

Title: <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers in the 20 th and 21 st Centuries<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Strategies and Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• read, listen and view for specific purposes<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Comprehend and Respond—Comprehension<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe and recount key ideas or information from various media<br />

• organize information or ideas they have read, heard, or viewed in the form of simple charts,<br />

webs, or illustrations<br />

• locate specific details in visual media<br />

• identify the main information given in illustrations<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Communicate Ideas and Information—Composing and Creating<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• share what they know about certain topics<br />

• gather information for specific purposes and identify sources, including people, print, audiovisual<br />

media, and electronic media<br />

• identify the purpose of and audience for oral, written, and visual communications<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Working Together<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate a willingness to improve their understanding by seeking clarification from others<br />

• demonstrate respect for others by communicating their ideas and information in an orderly<br />

fashion<br />

• listen to and show respect for the ideas of others<br />

• review their contributions within the group<br />

Grade 4 Language Arts Self and Society—Building Community<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate a willingness to work with others toward a common goal<br />

Grade 4 Drama—Exploration and Imagination<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• demonstrate co-operative effort to develop dramatic work<br />

Grade 4 Drama—Skills<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• select language and skills appropriate to different roles<br />

• demonstrate the ability to maintain focus within a drama structure<br />

• demonstrate the ability to sustain a role<br />

• use drama structures to tell stories<br />

• demonstrate the ability to sustain belief in their imagined or created environment<br />

Grade 4 Drama—Context<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• use images and emotions expresses in various art forms to develop dramatic work<br />

• differentiate audience skills appropriate to a variety of presentations<br />


Grade 4 Socials Studies—Applications of Social Studies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• identify and clarify a problem, issue or inquiry<br />

• locate and record information from a variety of sources<br />

• identify alternative interpretations from specific historical and contemporary sources<br />

• assess at least two perspectives on a problem or issue<br />

• organize information into a presentation with a main idea and supporting details<br />

• design and implement strategies to address problems or projects<br />

Grade 4 Socials Studies—Environment<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• locate and map continents and oceans using grids scales and legends<br />

Grade 4 Personal Planning—Career Development<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• describe the contributions of paid and unpaid work to society<br />

Grade 4 Visual Arts—Image-Development and Design Strategies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• compare images developed for particular purposes<br />

Links:<br />

C.I.D.A.—Basic human needs-child protection-child labour<br />

Global Education Objectives<br />

• Temporal Dimension-how the lives of child labourers are the same and different in the past<br />

and at the present time<br />

• Spatial Dimension-connects these students to the lives of children in other parts of the world<br />

• Issues Dimension-how child labour affects schooling, health, rights, gender; viewing child<br />

labour from different perspectives<br />

Overview:<br />

Students will observe photos, read text, and use the Internet to research the types of jobs performed<br />

by child labourers in the 20 th and 21 st centuries. They will identify where children work, the reasons<br />

why children must work, the effects of child labour, the rights that are violated according to the UN<br />

Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong> and make a comparison between present and past working<br />

conditions for children.<br />

This section of the unit could culminate with a field trip to local stores to identify where the goods<br />

being sold are made.<br />

Required Materials:<br />

Section A and B: World map that can accommodate location pins; pins<br />

Blackline master of world map with countries outlined<br />

Section B: Paper strips, chart paper<br />


Books:<br />

Series: <strong>Child</strong>ren In Danger, Authors June Dragman and Michael Szasz, published by<br />

CoDevelopment, Canada, 1994. Available through B.C.T.F. Lesson Aids Service (series of four<br />

books BCTF # P217) http://www.bctf.ca/LessonAids/<br />

5. Getting An Education ISBN 1-895233-09-7 1-895233-06-2 (BCTF # P217A)<br />

6. Leaving the Family ISBN 1-895233-07-0 (BCTF # P217C)<br />

7. Leaving the Land ISBN 1-895233-06-2 (BCTF # P217D)<br />

8. Working for a Living ISBN 1-895233-08-9 (BCTF # P217B)<br />

Roberts-Davis, Tanya, We Need to Go To School: Voices of the Rugmark <strong>Child</strong>ren, Vancouver:<br />

Douglas & McIntyre, 2001. ISBN 0-88899-426-5<br />

Websites:<br />

http://www.ilo.org/dyn/media/mediasearch.search?p_lang=en an ILO photo library of 451 pictures of<br />

child labourers. Pictures from this site can be printed for a one-time use. Details for use can be<br />

obtained from International <strong>Labour</strong> Organization: communication@ilo.org<br />

http://www.lraphotography.com/essays/international/index.php Click on <strong>Child</strong> Labor to view 9<br />

photos of children at work, primarily in India. Permission has been granted by the photographer to<br />

print the photos for educational purposes.<br />

http://www.lra-ny.com/childlabor/childlabor.html Some of the same photos plus additional pictures<br />

in a larger format. Permission has been granted by the photographer to print the photos for<br />

educational purposes.<br />

http://www.hrw.org/reports/1996/India3.htm THE SMALL HANDS OF SLAVERY-A discussion<br />

on Bonded <strong>Child</strong> Labor In India<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/china/wp/index.html This site provides the article “Few Protections for<br />

China’s New Laborers”, from the Washington Post, dated May 13, 2002. It examines the appalling<br />

working conditions within a toy factory in China that subsequently leads to the death of a teenage<br />

worker.<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/china/ National Labor Committee. This page summarizes the serious<br />

violations of China’s labor laws within toy factories that produce toys for companies such as Wal-<br />

Mart, Toys R Us, Disney, Mattel-Fisher Price, and Hasbro.<br />

Time Required:<br />

Section A: 2-45 minute lessons<br />

Section B: 5-6 45 minute lessons<br />

Role Play: 2 45 minute lessons<br />

Group Activity: 1 45 minute lesson<br />

Section C: 3-45 minute lessons<br />


Procedure:<br />

Section A: Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers (group activity)<br />

1. In advance make four sets of the same 8 pictures depicting child labour, and number each set<br />

the same. Suitable photos can be found on the following websites:<br />

http://www.un.org/Photos/chilwork.htm 8 colour photos (click on the images for larger JPEG<br />

pictures)<br />

http://www.lra-ny.com/childlabor/childlabor.html<br />

http://www.lraphotography.com/essays/international/index.php<br />

Permission has been granted by the photographer, to print the photos from these two sites for<br />

educational purposes.<br />

2. Begin this part of the unit with a brief discussion of the child labour issues that have been<br />

presented so far in the unit—from Pit Pony, child labourers in the 19 th and early 20 th century<br />

and the introduction of child labour laws, the UN Convention on the Rights of the <strong>Child</strong>.<br />

Explain to the students that one of the reasons for the development of the UN CRC was to<br />

help protect children in the early days from the abuses they suffered from having to work.<br />

Questions to ask the students might include:<br />

Do you think children today have to work in jobs like they did years ago?<br />

If children do work today, do you think they have to work in dangerous situations?<br />

Long hours? With low pay?<br />

3. Introduce the book We Need to Go To School: Voices of the Rugmark <strong>Child</strong>ren and share one<br />

of the testimonials with the class.<br />

4. Divide the class into 4 groups, numbering off each group. Hand out the pictures, matching the<br />

numbers on the pictures to the student with that number (i.e. Student 1 receives picture 1, etc.<br />

If there are left over pictures, hand them out beginning with student 1). Situate each group in a<br />

circle format if possible, at a distance from the others. Beginning with student 1, each student<br />

is responsible for presenting their picture to the group, leading the discussion for that picture<br />

with the group and recording the inferences reached by the group using Activity Sheet 11-<br />

Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers. The questions they will ask are:<br />

1. How old do your think this child/these children are?<br />

2. Where do you think this child/these children are working?<br />

3. What is this child/these children doing?<br />

4. What would be hard about this job?<br />

Each student will record briefly the details of all the photos on their master recording sheet<br />

Activity Sheet 12-<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ersToday. Allow about 5-8 minutes per picture. In the<br />

interest of saving time, if the person presenting the picture has not finished recording the ideas<br />

of the group, let him/her finish while the next person begins their picture presentation.<br />

5. Once all the pictures have been discussed and the information recorded, rearrange the groups.<br />

All the 1s meet, 2s, 3s, etc. meet and renumber themselves 1, 2, 3, and 4. They will share what<br />

inferences each group made for the picture they presented within their first grouping. Using<br />

Activity Sheets 13a-d <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>-Photos Analysis, student 1 will be responsible for<br />

gathering the information from the other group members to complete question 1(Activity<br />

Sheet 13a), student 2 will be responsible for question 2 (Activity Sheet 13b), and likewise<br />

student 3 (Activity Sheet 13c) and 4(Activity Sheets 13d). They will need to reach consensus<br />

about what information will be recorded on each sheet. Allow extra time if any group has<br />

more than one picture to present.<br />

6. Provide each group with a chart paper. Have them attach the picture they are presenting to the<br />

chart paper, along with each of the four student’s completed answers. Have each group<br />


present their chart to the class with each student in the group responsible for presenting the<br />

information they prepared. If you have details about the identity of the pictures, share that at<br />

the end of each presentation. This info could be attached to the bottom of the chart. Allow for<br />

comments and discussion.<br />

7. If known, locate the country on the world map and insert a pin to identify that child labour<br />

takes place there and/or on a blank world map colour in the country to show that child labour<br />

occurs there. The students could each have a world map in their notebooks, developing a<br />

colour key to identify countries that employ child labourers.<br />

Have the students do a self-assessment of their participation in this activity using Assessment<br />

Sheet 11. Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Section B: Researching <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> Issues.<br />

Note: Before you begin this section of the unit you might want to “bookmark” the Internet sites<br />

below, under Favourites, to make it easier for the students to find their sites.<br />

1. Now that the students have been exposed to the idea that children in some parts of the world<br />

do have to work, explain that the class is going to do some research on the topic of child<br />

labour in the late 20 th and 21 st centuries.<br />

2. With students working in pairs, have them share ideas about where children might have to<br />

work, what kind of work they might do, why children might have to work. Have them write<br />

on paper strips one or two of the ideas that they think are the most important. Allow about 5<br />

minutes and have each pair share their idea(s) with the class. Tape or glue the idea strips on a<br />

big chart paper labeled “<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> Ideas”.<br />

3. For the research, have the students work in pairs if possible, to encourage the most<br />

participation. It may be necessary to match a better reader with a weak reader. Students who<br />

have difficulty reading could be assigned to picture research (Section F and H below) . You<br />

may be able to get peer tutors from a higher grade to help pairs for whom the reading is<br />

difficult. The majority of this part of the unit requires use of the Internet. If it is not possible to<br />

allow the students to use the Internet, you may need to print the articles. The following are<br />

suggested sites:<br />

A. a) Two Articles-Clothing manufacturing-worker testimonials, (although the person writing<br />

this testimonial is not a child labourer, many children work in the clothing industry).<br />

Requires better reader –Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/elsalvador/Test-Eva-Eng.html<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/elsalvador/Test-Sonia-Eng.html<br />

b) Defina’s story-A look at clothing manufacturing in Guatemala<br />

Average reader –Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/functions/indx_map.html scroll down until you see<br />

ThemesDevelopmentand click on “child labour” Then click on “global work” and in that<br />

article click on the word “here”.<br />

B. a) Article-Disney clothing manufacturing.<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/bangladesh/ In this site, on the right, click on “this leaflet”.<br />


) Testimonial of Lisa Rahman<br />

Average reader–Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/bangladesh/testimony-lisa.shtml<br />

c) Article-Disney clothing manufacturing. Testimonial of Mahamuda Akter (Preview for<br />

strong language)<br />

Average reader–Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/bangladesh/testimony-mahamuda.shtml<br />

C. Two related Articles-Toy manufacturing in China for Mattel, Disney, Toys R Us, etc.<br />

Extensive details documenting working conditions. The first article describes the life and<br />

subsequent death of a young Chinese girl who came from a rural area of China to help support<br />

her family. The second article summarizes some of the working conditions within the first<br />

article.<br />

Requires good reader-long document—Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/china/wp/index.html<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/china/<br />

D. Articles-Facts about child labour.<br />

a) UNICEF <strong>Child</strong>ren’s page. Distinguishes between child work and child labour. Simple<br />

language, some statistics and pictures.<br />

Average reader—Use Activity Sheet 15<br />

http://www.unicef.ca/eng/jeunes/splash/<br />

b) World <strong>Federation</strong> for Mental Health. Includes statistics, types of work child labourers do,<br />

why they become victims, health problems.<br />

Requires average to good reader—Use Activity Sheet 16<br />

http://www.wfmh.org/childlabor.htm<br />

c) Save the <strong>Child</strong>ren. Answers the questions: What is <strong>Child</strong> labour? Why do children work?<br />

What are the effects of child labour?<br />

Average reader—Use Activity Sheet 15<br />

http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/labour/index.html<br />

E. Articles from a publication called “<strong>Child</strong> Workers in Asia”<br />

Describes the work and the dangers<br />

Average to good readers–Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

a) Indonesia-fishing<br />

http://www.cwa.tnet.co.th/vol13-4/content4.htm Click on #5 Fishing Platforms Platforms: A<br />

Case of Hazardous <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

b) Philippines-pearl farming–Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.cwa.tnet.co.th/vol13-4/n4a8.htm<br />

c) <strong>Child</strong> labour on rubber farms, Philippines. Describes the age of the children, the work, the<br />

dangers, wages.<br />

Average to good readers–Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.cwa.tnet.co.th/vol13-4/content4.htm Click on # 9 <strong>Child</strong>ren bleed trees for rubber.<br />

d) Two Articles-<strong>Child</strong> labour on sugar plantations, Philippines. Describes the age of the<br />

children Pearl and Rachel, the work, the dangers, wages. One group could research each child.<br />


Average readers–Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.cwa.tnet.co.th/vol13-4/content4.htm Click on # 10 Pearl works ten hours a day in<br />

the sugar plantations<br />

F. a) <strong>Child</strong> labour manufacturing sports equipment in India, Pakistan. An article and photo<br />

gallery with captions. To use the photos contact<br />

Article-average to good reader-Use Activity Sheet14<br />

http://www.globalmarch.org/world-cup-campaign/child-labour.php3<br />

Photos-India (13)<br />

http://www.globalmarch.org/world-cup-campaign/photos/photos.php3<br />

Photos-Pakistan (9)<br />

http://www.globalmarch.org/world-cup-campaign/photos/pak.html<br />

b) An alternative site, although more difficult to read. Scroll down to see pictures of children<br />

sewing.<br />

Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.indianet.nl/iv.html Scroll down to Part II; click on <strong>Child</strong> labour and its impact on<br />

education<br />

c) Article on child labour in India and Pakistan making footballs (may need help reading)<br />

http://www.famnest.com/wfs/wfs043.htm<br />

d) An easy testimonial from a boy in Pakistan. Scroll down to the word “Poverty”.<br />

http://www.curriculumsupport.nsw.edu.au/hsie/croc/work.htm<br />

G. <strong>Child</strong>ren working in agriculture-excellent site with lots of information and links<br />

Average readers–Use Activity Sheet 16<br />

http://www.fieldsofhope.org/homeroom/<br />

H. The International <strong>Labour</strong> Organization photo library of 451 pictures of child labourers. On<br />

“Who?” click “child working”<br />

Use Activity Sheet 17 (page 1 and 2)—make additional copies of page two if necessary.<br />

http://www.ilo.org/dyn/media/mediasearch.search?p_lang=en<br />

Changemakers Journal<br />

http://changemakers.net/journal/00april/index.cfm<br />

I. <strong>Child</strong>ren working in the tobacco industry<br />

Average reader –Use Activity Sheet 14<br />

http://www.eclt.org/about/tobacco.html<br />

J. A history of child labour in the U.S. A good site from which to make a timeline<br />

http://www.freethechildren.org/campaigns/cl_us.html<br />

If you do not have access to the Internet, the books We Need to Go To School: Voices of the<br />

Rugmark <strong>Child</strong>ren, <strong>Child</strong>ren In Danger-Getting An Education , <strong>Child</strong>ren In Danger-Leaving the<br />

Land, <strong>Child</strong>ren In Danger-Leaving the Family, <strong>Child</strong>ren In Danger-Working for a Living are other<br />

excellent sources of information for research.<br />

Once the students have completed their research, have each group complete a group assessment using<br />

Assessment Sheet 12. Then have each group share what they learned from their research with the<br />

other groups. Allow about 5 minutes for sharing then change sharing groups. When all the groups<br />


have shared with each other, debrief with the whole group. Students can reflect on this activity in<br />

their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

The class can summarize their research by making a large collage entitled “Did You Know?”<br />

Each student will make a statement of something that they learned from their research, for example,<br />

“<strong>Child</strong>ren in India stitch footballs” These can be written or typed in large letters on paper and glued<br />

to the collage sheet. The students can draw pictures to illustrate their information and post the picture<br />

beside their statement. The collage could be mounted in a public place for others to view.<br />

Return to the timeline and chart made in Part B (page 36) and ask the students if their interpretation<br />

of the conditions for children on the timeline is accurate. Compare the issues of child labour 100<br />

years ago with the issues today? Has anything changed? Should the labeling on the timeline be<br />

changed in any way? Is the timeline accurate for North American children? For Asian children? For<br />

African children? For Australian children? For European children? For Latin American children?<br />

Could the timeline be used for some children in the world? Should a new timeline be made to<br />

represent the conditions of other children in the world? Discuss how people’s thoughts about a<br />

subject can change when they learn more information about the topic. You may want to make a<br />

continuum line to compare the lives of children e.g.<br />

<strong>Child</strong>ren with <strong>Child</strong> labourers<br />

full rights under the (worst forms)<br />

Convention on the<br />

Rights of the <strong>Child</strong><br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

At this point you could discuss the difference between child work and child labour. Students could<br />

discuss and insert where different kinds of work, and the amount of time spent working, would fit<br />

into the continuum. What work do they have to do? Where would they fit on the continuum?<br />

The following activities could be done before or after Section C (below):<br />

Role Play<br />

This activity allows the students to assume various roles and apply the knowledge they have learned<br />

throughout the unit. Allow the children to suggest situations. A number of ideas are supplied below.<br />

Each group will discuss the attitudes and the knowledge that the characters would possess, how each<br />

character might react to the situation, set up a scene, use props if necessary and try to give a realistic<br />

presentation.<br />

1. North America- a mother and 3 kids go to the mall shopping, none of them know anything about<br />

child labour.<br />

2. North America-a dad and 3 kids go to the mall shopping, only one of the children knows about<br />

child labour.<br />

3. India-mother, father and 8 kids; parents have no work; in-between guy comes to the house and<br />

tells them about work available for the children. Include a factory owner.<br />

4. China-Disney factory- 5 workers and a foreman.<br />

5. Pakistan-football sewing, 2 kids- one sewing, one comes by for a visit and they talk about the<br />

work, then sewing child takes the footballs to the buyer.<br />

6. <strong>Child</strong> in North America meets a child worker. What do they say to each other?<br />

7. Barbie or Matchbox toy factory- workers and a foreman, and/or two bosses from the two factories<br />

talking about their good fortunes in their businesses.<br />

8. Any other situation that the students may have learned about through their research.<br />


Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet.<br />

Group Activity: Team Web-to Demonstrate the Interconnectedness of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

1. Prepare labels for countries in which the students have found evidence of child labour and<br />

others for countries that don’t employ child labour as a common practice e.g. Canada,<br />

European countries, Japan, Australia (the U.S.A. has a lot of child labour in their agricultural<br />

industry). One student represents his/her own country. Each student will represent one<br />

country or continent.<br />

2. Move desks or tables into a circle to represent the Earth. Spaces containing blue paper should<br />

be left for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Each student is situated around the circle in the<br />

appropriate space to represent his/her country on the Earth. Students in the Northern<br />

Hemisphere can stand behind the desks or tables, or sit or stand on the desks. Students in the<br />

Southern Hemisphere can sit on the floor in front of the desks. Each student receives a ball of<br />

string or wool that is long enough to reach to the child representing the home country.<br />

3. The facilitator (student or teacher) calls out: “Did anyone find child labour in<br />

__________(name of a country)? Any student can answer, “Yes”. The facilitator then says,<br />

“Would the person representing ___________(that country) please deliver their goods to<br />

___________(the home country).” That student would give one end of their string to the<br />

home country and while hanging onto the string return to their position on the Earth<br />

continuing to hold the string. Repeat these two commands until all the countries have been<br />

asked.<br />

4. So that all students have a chance to see the connection, have the students each get up and<br />

walk around the “Earth” while a neighbour student holds their string.<br />

5. Once all the students have observed the connectedness of child labour to their own country,<br />

dismantle and debrief.<br />

6. Have the students reflect on this activity in their Thoughts and Reflections booklet.<br />

Section C: Field Trip to Local Stores<br />

On the completion of the research, organize a field trip to local stores to identify where the goods are<br />

manufactured. Be sure to notify the stores in advance to arrange for the visits.<br />

Have the students predict from which country they will find the most products.<br />

The students will record their research on Activity Sheet 18— Research Recording Sheet for Field<br />

Trip--Where In the World Are Things Made?<br />

Arrange to interview the store manager to determine if he/she is aware of the use of child labour.<br />

Have the students brainstorm questions to ask the store manager.<br />

Conduct a debriefing session after the field trip. Discuss with the students that not all manufactured<br />

goods involve child labour, but that it is likely in many developing countries. Add pins to the map for<br />

the countries found during the field trip. Students can reflect on this activity in their “Thoughts and<br />

Reflections” booklet.<br />

The students could make a collage entitled “Have the Hands of <strong>Child</strong>ren Made These Things?”<br />

finding pictures of toys, clothes, sporting goods, food, etc. to add to the collage.<br />


Assessment Strategies:<br />

This part of the unit will be assessed by:<br />

Section A:<br />

Self-assessment: Assessment Sheet 11- Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers—Self-Assessment<br />

Section B:<br />

Group Assessment: Assessment Sheet 12- <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Research—Group Assessment<br />

Lesson Resources:<br />

Section A:<br />

Activity Sheet 11—Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers<br />

Activity Sheet 12—<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Today<br />

Activity Sheets 13a-d —<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>-Photos Analysis<br />

Section B:<br />

Activity Sheet 14—Research Recording Sheet for Internet Articles<br />

Activity Sheet 15—Research Recording Sheet for Internet Articles --What is <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>?<br />

Activity Sheet 16— Research Recording Sheet for Internet Articles--<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Activity Sheet 17 (page 1 and 2) Research Recording Sheet for Internet Photos--<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Section C:<br />

Activity Sheet 18— Research Recording Sheet for Field Trip--Where In the World Are Things<br />

Made?<br />

Assessment Sheet 11- Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers—Self-Assessment<br />

Assessment Sheet 12- <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Research—Group Assessment<br />


Activity Sheet 11<br />

Name_________________________ Date____________________<br />


I am presenting picture number__________.<br />

1. My group thinks this child/these children are __________ years old.<br />

2. My group thinks this child/these children are working: (where?)<br />

________________________________________________________________<br />

3. My group thinks this child/these children are: (doing what?)<br />

________________________________________________________________<br />

4. My group thinks the hard thing about this job would be:<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 12<br />

Name_______________________ Date__________________________<br />


Directions: You will be looking at recent pictures of children working in jobs. Look at each picture and fill in the following columns: 1) Picture number, 2) Age-Guess,<br />

3)Where Do You Think They Are Working?, 4) What Do You Think They Are Doing?, 5)What Would Be Hard About This Job?<br />

Later, you will fill in 1)Age –Real (if known), 2) The Actual Job.<br />

Picture<br />

Number<br />

Age<br />

Guess Real<br />

Where Do You Think<br />

They Are Working?<br />

What Do You Think They<br />

Are Doing?<br />

80<br />

What Would Be Hard About This Job? The Actual Job

Activity Sheet 13a<br />

Names________________________________________________________ Date___________________<br />


Picture Number_________<br />

Student #1<br />

The groups thought the child/children were<br />

_________,<br />

_________,<br />

_________,<br />

_________ years old.<br />

We decided on _______ years old.<br />


Activity Sheet 13b<br />

Student #2<br />

The groups thought he/she/they were working: (where)<br />

1.___________________________________________<br />

2.___________________________________________<br />

3.___________________________________________<br />

4.___________________________________________<br />

We decided on:<br />

____________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />

because______________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 13c<br />

Student #3<br />

The groups thought he/she/they/ were: (doing what?)<br />

1. __________________________________________<br />

2. __________________________________________<br />

3. __________________________________________<br />

4. __________________________________________<br />

We decided on:________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />

because______________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 13d<br />

Student # 4<br />

The groups thought the hard thing about this job would<br />

be:<br />

1.___________________________________________<br />

2.___________________________________________<br />

3.___________________________________________<br />

4.___________________________________________<br />

We decided on:<br />

____________________________________________<br />

because______________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 14<br />

Names______________________ Date______________________<br />

Research Recording Sheet for Internet Articles<br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

Country:_____________________________<br />

<strong>Child</strong>’s name: (if given)_________________________________________<br />

Age:__________ Girls or boys or both<br />

(circle one)<br />

Job they had to do:____________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

Company name: (who the children are working for)<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

The type of goods they produce:_________________________________<br />

Days and hours they work:______________________________________<br />

What they get paid:____________________________________________<br />

Working conditions: (what it is like to work there) (record as much info as<br />

possible)<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 15<br />

Names______________________ Date______________________<br />

Research Recording Sheet for Internet Articles<br />

What is <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>?<br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

What is child work?<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

What is child labour?<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

How many children work in jobs around the world?___________________<br />

What do children miss out on when they have to do child labour?<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

Why do children have to do child labour?___________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />

Look at the picture:<br />

Name:________________ Country:______________________<br />

Job:__________________ How long he works:_____________<br />

How much money he makes:________________<br />


Activity Sheet 16 (page 1)<br />

Names______________________ Date______________________<br />

Research Recording Sheet for Internet Articles<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

How many children are working? __________________________________________<br />

What ages are children working? __________________________________________<br />

How much money do children usually make per day? __________________________<br />

How many children are performing dangerous work? __________________________<br />

Why do children have to perform child labour? _______________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

How many children never attend school? ____________________________________<br />

Which children are most likely not to get an education? ________________________<br />

What continents have the most child labour? _________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

Do child labourers live mostly in the country or in the city? _____________________<br />

What kinds of jobs employ the most child labour? ____________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 16 (page 2)<br />

What types of work do child labourers do? __________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________<br />

Why do children become victims of exploitation? _____________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

What are the health risks for child labourers? ________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 17 (page 1)<br />

Names______________________ Date______________________<br />

Research Recording Sheet for Internet Photos<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Try to find as many countries and as many jobs as you can.<br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

Country:__________________ Job:_____________________________<br />

Boy or girl or both (circle one) Age: (approximately)________________<br />

What would be hard about this job? ________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

How could the job this child is doing affect you? _____________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

Country:__________________ Job:_____________________________<br />

Boy or girl or both (circle one) Age: (approximately)________________<br />

What would be hard about this job? ________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

How could the job this child is doing affect you? _____________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 17 (page 2)<br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

Country:__________________ Job:_____________________________<br />

Boy or girl or both (circle one) Age: (approximately)________________<br />

What would be hard about this job? ________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

How could the job this child is doing affect you? _____________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Website address:______________________________________________<br />

Website title:_________________________________________________<br />

Country:__________________ Job:_____________________________<br />

Boy or girl or both (circle one) Age: (approximately)________________<br />

What would be hard about this job? ________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

How could the job this child is doing affect you? _____________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />


Activity Sheet 18<br />

Names______________________ Date______________________<br />

Research Recording Sheet for Field Trip<br />

Where In the World Are Things Made?<br />

**Important** Be VERY CAREFUL when you are handling items in the<br />

store.<br />

Record what the item is and where it is made.<br />

Item_____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item_____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item_____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item_____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item_____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item_____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

Item _____________________<br />

91<br />

Country _____________________<br />

Country_____________________<br />

Country _____________________<br />

Country_____________________<br />

Country _____________________<br />

Country_____________________<br />

Country _____________________<br />

Country_____________________<br />

Country _____________________<br />

Country_____________________<br />

Country _____________________<br />

Country_____________________<br />

Country _____________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 11<br />

Name_______________________ Date__________________<br />

I think I:<br />

Viewing Photos of <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers—Self -Assessment<br />

Not Well Somewhat Very Well<br />

worked in the group 1 2 3<br />

contributed ideas 1 2 3<br />

helped make the chart 1 2 3<br />

asked questions when I didn’t understand 1 2 3<br />

listened when others were talking 1 2 3<br />

One thing I did very well in this activity was:<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing I could try to do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Assessment Sheet 12<br />

Names____________________________ Date__________________<br />

We think we:<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong>ers Research—Group Assessment<br />

Not Well Somewhat Very Well<br />

worked together 1 2 3<br />

took turns 1 2 3<br />

helped each other with the reading 1 2 3<br />

asked questions when we didn’t understand 1 2 3<br />

wrote answers 1 2 3<br />

One thing we did very well in this activity was:<br />

________________________________________________________________________________<br />

One thing we could try to do better next time is:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Circle the words that best describe your learning.<br />

We found this research: easy kind of easy kind of hard hard<br />

Why?____________________________________________________________________________<br />

We learned: nothing a little bit quite a lot lots about child labour.<br />

Why?____________________________________________________________________________<br />


PART E<br />

Title: Take Action Against <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Labour</strong><br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

Grade 4 Socials Studies—Applications of Social Studies<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• identify and clarify a problem, issue or inquiry<br />

• locate and record information from a variety of sources<br />

• identify alternative interpretations from specific historical and contemporary<br />

sources<br />

• assess at least two perspectives on a problem or issue<br />

• organize information into a presentation with a main idea and supporting details<br />

• design and implement strategies to address problems or projects<br />

Grade 4 Personal Planning—the Planning Process<br />

It is expected that students will:<br />

• analyze changes in personal dreams and goals<br />

• apply problem-solving models to a variety of situations<br />

Links:<br />

Global Education Objective- action phase in which students can feel empowered by<br />

applying their knowledge and skills.<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Columbia</strong> Standards for Social Responsibility<br />

Exercising Democratic Rights and Responsibilities<br />

-identifies some ways to make the world a better place<br />

Overview:<br />

After completing their research of child labour, the students will be introduced to the idea<br />

of child activists, investigate ideas for action and design and implement strategies to<br />

address the problem of child labour.<br />

Required Materials:<br />

Book: Kielburger, Marc. Take Action! A Guide to Active Citizenship. Toronto: Gage<br />

Learning Corporation, 2002 ISBN 0-7715-8031-2. $26.95. This excellent leadership<br />

manual for youth is easy to read, has a multitude of ideas and information on how young<br />

people can get organized to promote social action. It has five parts: How To Get<br />

Involved: The Step-by-Step Process; The How-To Guide; Where you Can Get Involved-<br />

Everywhere!; Tackling Social Issues; Sources and Resources.<br />

Book: Kuklin, Susan. Iqbal Masih and the Crusaders Against <strong>Child</strong> Slavery. New York:<br />

H. Holt and Co., 1998 ISBN 0805054596.<br />


Cook, Kathy. “Ryan’s Well”. Reader’s Digest. January 2001. p 50-58. The inspiring story<br />

of how a 6 year-old Canadian boy’s determination made a difference for a community in<br />

Uganda. The text of the article can be found on the website<br />

http://www.readersdigest.ca/mag/2001/01/ryan.html<br />

Additional information about Ryan and his achievements can be found on the website<br />

http://www.ryanswell.ca/<br />

Dragman, June and Michael Szasz. Global Stories of People Working for Change.<br />

Vancouver: CoDevelopment Canada, 1992. Available through B.C.T.F. Lesson Aids<br />

Service (BCTF # P226) http://www.bctf.ca/LessonAids/<br />

(optional) Lewis, Barbara A. The Kid’s Guide to Social Action: How to Solve the Social<br />

Problems You choose—and Turn Creative Thinking Into Positive Action. Minneapolis:<br />

Free Spirit Pub., 1991 ISBN 0-915793-29-6 Resource guide for children for learning<br />

political action skills that can help them make a difference in solving social problems at<br />

the community, state and national levels.<br />

Time Required:<br />

<strong>Child</strong> Activists 1-2 45 minute lessons.<br />

Several lessons depending on how involved the students become in social action.<br />

Procedure:<br />

(The students can write reflect in their “Thoughts and Reflections” booklet throughout<br />

this section of the unit.)<br />

Begin by asking the students if they think kids can do anything that could make a<br />

difference to the problem of child labour.<br />

Share with them stories of child activists such as:<br />

• Iqbal Masih- A young Pakistani boy who fought back against child slave labour<br />

http://www.childrensworld.org/engiqbal/iqbalblirslav.asp<br />

http://www.childrensworld.org/engiqbal/index.asp<br />

• Craig Kielburger- A Canadian boy of 12 who organized his friends and<br />

classmates to help children committed to slave labour around the world<br />

http://www.freethechildren.org/info/aboutcraig.html<br />

http://www.peaceheroes.com/CraigKielburger/craigkielburgerbio.htm<br />

• Ryan Hreljac- Information about 6 year-old Ryan and his achievements can be<br />

found on the website http://www.ryanswell.ca/<br />

• Working <strong>Child</strong>ren as Protagonists, Bhima Sangha—an organization of children in<br />

India who have decided to form a union to fight for their rights as workers and as<br />

children. A long but informative article found on the website<br />

http://www.workingchild.org/htm/prota1.htm<br />

• Twenty nine working children from Africa, Asia, and Latin America met to<br />

discuss issues relating to child labourers<br />

http://www.workingchild.org/htm/prota2.htm<br />

• German children expressing their opinions on children’s work, found on the<br />

website http://www.workingchild.org/htm/prota3.htm<br />

• the seven profiles of young activists in Chapter 4 of Take Action! A Guide to<br />

Active Citizenship<br />


Inform the students of children’s unions and organizations that are emerging around the<br />

world. You can find the article Working <strong>Child</strong>ren Get Organized on the website:<br />

http://changemakers.net/journal/00april/index.cfm<br />

Individuals, pairs or groups could do research on various child activists now and/or in the<br />

past and share that information with the class.<br />

Discuss with the students predictions for the future of child labourers.<br />

Brainstorm ideas the students could do to make a difference. The following are some<br />

ideas:<br />

• write a letter to the newspaper<br />

• write letters to various companies<br />

• write a letter to governments<br />

• make a poster<br />

• write a play<br />

• compose a song or a rap<br />

• talk to store owners<br />

• start petitions<br />

Use the book Take Action! A Guide to Active Citizenship to inspire the students into<br />

action.<br />

Some websites that have ideas are:<br />

http://fieldsofhope.org/chalkboard/popup_teacher_chalkboard.asp<br />

http://www.peaceheroes.com/CraigKielburger/stopchildslavery.htm<br />

http://www.savethechildren.ca/en/involved/index.html<br />

http://www.rugmark.org/help.htm Has an action kit that can be downloaded.<br />

http://www.nlcnet.org/bangladesh/ Action ideas to tell Disney to do the right thing<br />

http://www.geocities.com/shutterbug_activism/sweatshop2.html<br />

A child’s example http://www.nlcnet.org/bangladesh/aablakely.shtml<br />

Assessment Strategies:<br />

Assessment will vary depending on the action taken by the students.<br />


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