A refactored proof of conceptual completeness

A refactored proof of conceptual completeness

A refactored proof of conceptual completeness


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identity 1A, which is terminal in E/A, and the diagonal ∆A : A → A × A, which<br />

is a new global element 1 → [A] ∈ E/A.<br />

Given a model Ma : E/A → Sets we can immediately define<br />

E M = [E] Ma a = Ma(∆A) : 1 → [A] Ma (i.e., a ∈ A M ).<br />

On the other hand, an element a ∈ A M allows us to define a functor Ma by<br />

sending each σ : E → A to the fiber (σ M ) −1 (a). A little thought shows that<br />

these constructions are mutually inverse.<br />

Whatever Th(M) is, it should at least have one model M∗ : Th(M) → Sets,<br />

where we interpret each new constant ca as a itself. Moreover, that element a<br />

should induce an interpretation ã : E/A → Th(M) such that M∗ ◦ã = Ma. This<br />

suggests that Th(M) might be defined as a colimit <strong>of</strong> slice categories.<br />

More generally, each σ : A → B induces a pullback functor σ ∗ : E/B → E/A.<br />

Because pullbacks preserve fibers, whenever a ∈ A M and σ M (a) = b,<br />

Mb ∼ = Ma ◦ σ ∗ : E/B → Sets.<br />

Thus pullbacks will be the transition morphisms in our colimit.<br />

The index category is provided by the Grothendieck construction, which<br />

allows us to re-encode M as a “category <strong>of</strong> elements” M over E. An object<br />

<strong>of</strong> M is a pair 〈A, a〉 where A is a formula (i.e., A ∈ E) and a is an element<br />

<strong>of</strong> the definable set A M . We write 〈a ∈ A M 〉 for such an object. A morphism<br />

〈a ∈ A M 〉 → 〈b ∈ B M 〉 is an arrow σ : A → B with σ M (a) = b. Composition is<br />

computed in E, so we have an obvious projection M → E.<br />

Using the fact that M preserves finite limits, one can show that M is a<br />

filtered category:<br />

• For any two objects 〈a ∈ A M 〉, 〈b ∈ B M 〉 there is a span<br />

〈a ∈ A M 〉<br />

<br />

p1<br />

〈a, b〉 ∈ (A × B) M <br />

4<br />

p2 <br />

M 〈b ∈ B 〉

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