Haitian Creole – English Dictionary - Dunwoody Press

Haitian Creole – English Dictionary - Dunwoody Press

Haitian Creole – English Dictionary - Dunwoody Press


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not supposed to be seen. Bay koutba To deceive, to<br />

fail s.o. Bay kout tèt To bow one’s head repeatedly<br />

while dozing off. Bay lebra To extend one’s arm to.<br />

Bay legen To give up. Bay payèt To show off. Bay<br />

poto To stand s.o. up. Bay siro To turn the rope<br />

slowly in the children’s game of jump rope. Bay<br />

vinèg To turn the rope fast in jump rope. Bay<br />

roulib To give a ride (in a vehicle). Bay zoklo<br />

1. To give a blow with one’s knuckles. 2. To be<br />

unfaithful to one’s spouse.<br />

bayakou a n 1. A person employed by a city to<br />

clean outhouses. 2. The morning star.<br />

bayaronn nan n Bayahonda*, mesquite, thorn<br />

acacia. Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) P. DC.<br />

baye vi 1. To yawn. 2. To be wide open.<br />

bayè V baryè<br />

bayila vi To dance.<br />

bayonèt la, bayonnèt la n 1. Saber, bayonet*.<br />

Spanish blade. Nan tan bayonèt During the time<br />

before the American occupation of Haiti. 2. (bot)<br />

Yucca aloifolia L. Spanish bayonet.<br />

baz la n Base*, basis*.<br />

baza a n Bazaar*, store.<br />

baze vpr To base*, to found. M’te baze’m sou<br />

òlòj legliz la I relied on the church clock.<br />

bazilik la n (Common) Basil*. Ocimum basilicum<br />

L. A medicinal herb used to make tea; as a<br />

narcotic, to bring good luck.<br />

bazoudi vi To stun, to daze. Nouvèl la bazoudi’m<br />

The news stunned me.<br />

be attrib Bay*. Chwal be Bay horse.<br />

bè 1 interj Bleating of a goat.<br />

bè a 2 n Butter*. V mantèg. Pwa bè A type of<br />

bean.<br />

bè a 3 n Bay* (geogr).<br />

bebe a n 1. Baby*, beloved, a beautiful woman.<br />

Cf. E. babe. Twa bebe sòti Leogàn o! Pou sedui<br />

nèg Pòtoprens o! (Opening lines to a popular<br />

song). 2. Ti bebe Small child, infant. 3. Smallest<br />

of the Vodou drums.<br />

bèbè attrib Mute. In Jérémie: boubou. (fig)<br />

spellbound, amazed, dumbstruck, speechless. Li<br />

rete bèbè devan fi a ki te si tèlman bèl She was so<br />

beautiful, he was dumbstruck.<br />

bèbèl la n 1. Beauty; garnishment, decoration.<br />

2. Something pretty, smart-looking, gratious,<br />

sugar-coated. Se fèt li demen, m’pral fè yon bèbèl<br />

ak li It’s her birthday tomorrow. I’m going to do<br />

something nice for her. Yo fè sa pou bèbèl They do<br />

that for decoration. Fè bèbèl ak To be very kind to,<br />

to go out of one’s way to please.<br />

bebidòl la n Babydoll*. Also: a short negligé.<br />

23 B<br />

bèf la n Any bovine animal (ox, steer, bull,<br />

cow). More specially: Manman bèf Cow. Toro<br />

(or) Toro bèf Bull. Lèt bèf Cow’s milk. Vyann<br />

bèf Beef*. Bèf kabwèt Draft-ox. Tibèf Calf. Gazèl<br />

Heifer. Fè tibèf To suck (oral sex).<br />

bèfchenn nan n Helper, jumper on a truck; one<br />

who works hard. Sekretè is also used, because<br />

many jumpers do not like to be called ‘bèfchenn’.<br />

bèfsipa a n Zebu (Indian humped ox). So called<br />

because it was imported into the country by the<br />

S.C.I.P.A. organization.<br />

bege vi To stammer, to stutter. Moun bege<br />

Stuttering people. Moun bege enève fasil People<br />

who stutter become easily irritated. Pa vin bege ban<br />

mwen Stop mumbling and tell me what’s what.<br />

begle vi To bellow, to moo, to roar.<br />

bègwè attrib A bewildered fool, idiot, simpleton.<br />

(fig) Cuckold. Ou sanble ak yon bègwè You look<br />

like a simpleton.<br />

bèj attrib Beige*.<br />

bèje a n Shepherd. (syn) gadò.<br />

bèk la n Beak*. Mouth (pej). Also: prepuce<br />

(extra long skin). Bay bèk To snap at, to rebuke,<br />

to rebuff. Fè yon bèk To succeed, to hit, i.e. to mark<br />

up a point. (Fè) bèk atè To fall, to fail, to be down<br />

and out, to go down. Rete bèk sèch To be left with<br />

nothing. Siye bèk atè To swear never to repeat the<br />

offense. Soulye a ap fè bèk The point of the shoe<br />

has turned upward. Ouvri bèk ou Talk! Open your<br />

darn mouth (pej). Yon bèk fè (bèkfè) An old<br />

person.<br />

bekàn nan n Bike. V bisiklèt.<br />

bekasin nan n Snipe, sandpiper (bird).<br />

beke vt 1. To strike with the beak, to peck (at).<br />

2. To answer curtly, to be rude, to snap at. Gran<br />

sè a ap beke ti sè a tout tan The older sister is<br />

always cutting her younger sister short, scolding<br />

her.<br />

bèkèkè attrib Empty-handed. DEJEAN-64: Yo ret<br />

bèkèkè They were empty-handed, dumbfounded.<br />

beki a n Crutch. Li gen yon pye kase, li oblije<br />

mache sou beki He broke his foot; he has to use<br />

crutches.<br />

bekin nan n Fish similar to barracuda. Sphyraena<br />

barracuda.<br />

bekon an n Bacon*. The more common word is<br />

la(r).<br />

bèl attrib Lovely, beautiful, fair, fine, pretty, good<br />

looking, attractive, nice. Fè bèl To be pregnant.<br />

Fè yon bèl ak To show kindness to, to do something<br />

nice for s.o.<br />

bèlantre a n An approach to an entrance in the<br />

form of an arch. Also applied to a large gap<br />

between teeth.<br />

bèldenui an n Four-o’clock (flower).

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