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<strong>ANTTI</strong> <strong>VENHO</strong><br />

<strong>IMMOBILIZATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ARSENIC</strong> <strong>THROUGH</strong> <strong>pH</strong> CONTROL<br />



Master of Science Thesis<br />

Examiners: Professor Jaakko Puhakka<br />

and Dr. Minna Peltola<br />

Examiners and topic approved in the<br />

Faculty of Science and Environmental<br />

Engineering on Dec 5 th 2012



Faculty of Science and Environmental Engineering<br />

Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering<br />

<strong>VENHO</strong>, <strong>ANTTI</strong>: Immobilization of Arsenic through <strong>pH</strong> control during Bioleaching<br />

of Nickel Flotation Concentrate<br />

Master of Science Thesis, 92 pages<br />

October 2012<br />

Major subject: Environmental Biotechnology<br />

Examiners: Prof. Jaakko Puhakka and Dr. Minna Peltola<br />

Keywords: Arsenic immobilization, <strong>pH</strong> control, iron precipitation, bioleaching, nickel<br />

concentrate, pulp density<br />

Bioleaching is a biohydrometallurgical method that utilizes the ability of acidophilic<br />

microorganisms such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, At. caldus, or Leptospirillum<br />

ferrooxidans to oxidize mineral sulfides, iron and sulfur and thereby solubilize valuable<br />

metals from low-grade or refractory ores and concentrates at very low <strong>pH</strong> (< 3). Arsenic<br />

is a toxic element found everywhere in the Earth’s crust and a harmful side-product of<br />

hydrometallurgical processes including bioleaching. Arsenic is currently removed from<br />

wastewater streams of the mineral processing industry by co-precipitation and sorption<br />

with iron oxides by using lime neutralization, i.e. raising solution <strong>pH</strong>. The aim of this<br />

thesis work was to assess the simultaneous immobilization of arsenic and selective<br />

bioleaching of nickel and cobalt from nickel flotation concentrate (NFC; Mondo<br />

Minerals LLC, Sotkamo, Finland) by maintaining a constant elevated process <strong>pH</strong> of 3.0.<br />

Bioleaching of NFC was performed in aerated continuously-stirred tank reactors<br />

(CSTRs) as 30 L batch mode and 20 L semi-continuous mode (10 d retention time)<br />

processes at 21 °C. The aim of the batch mode experiment was to assess the effect of<br />

scale-up from previous shake-flask experiments and efficiency of bioleaching and<br />

arsenic immobilization with different pulp densities (5, 10, 15 % p.d.). The purpose of<br />

the semi-continuous mode experiment (5 % p.d.) was to assess parameters required for<br />

developing a continuous mode process. Finally, a shake-flask experiment (100 mL, 150<br />

rpm, 27 °C) was conducted without NFC with the aim to assess the role of bioleaching<br />

microorganisms in arsenic speciation and immobilization.<br />

In the 30 L batch mode experiment, bioleaching was conducted for 94, 58, and 79<br />

days with 15, 10, and 5 % p.d., respectively. Final nickel yields were 73, 66, and 76 %,<br />

cobalt yields were 78, 71, and 100 % with 15, 10, and 5 % p.d., respectively. Maximum<br />

leaching rates (250 mg-Ni/L/d and 18 mg-Co/L/d) were achieved with 15 % p.d.<br />

Soluble arsenic level remained low (< 1 mg/L, < 0.4 % yield) with all studied pulp<br />

densities after 21 days of operation. Leach residue analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD)<br />

revealed that iron sulfates were the predominant compounds, ranging from 55 to 70 %<br />

(w/w) with all pulp densities studied. Formation of goethite (α-FeOOH, an effective<br />

adsorbent for arsenic) increased with increasing pulp density. Bacterial community<br />


analysis from samples collected at the end of the experiment showed that At.<br />

ferrooxidans dominated the population with all studied pulp densities. Additionally,<br />

Alicyclobacillus sp. was present in the 5 % p.d. reactor.<br />

Bioleaching in the 20 L semi-continuous mode experiment was conducted for 38<br />

days. Dissolved arsenic remained below 0.4 % throughout the experiment. After 14<br />

days of operation and after reaching the maximum yields of 12 and 22 % for nickel and<br />

cobalt, respectively, the metal yields started to decline until the end of the experiment.<br />

The 10 d retention time was possibly too short for the microbial community to establish<br />

a high bioleaching rate. Further, mass exchanges for the reactor were performed daily as<br />

a single 2 L exchange. Such abrupt changes in the reactor environment likely affected<br />

the microbial community development. A more continuous material flow and use of<br />

multiple reactors in a cascade are suggested for further studies. Leach residue analysis<br />

showed that the goethite content was approximately 5 times higher than in the 30 L<br />

batch mode experiment [~ 25 vs. 5 % (w/w), respectively]. More information is needed<br />

on the conditions that facilitate goethite formation during bioleaching of NFC.<br />

In the shake-flask experiment, solutions with 25.1 g/L ferrous sulfate, 20 mg/L<br />

arsenite [As(III)] and 10 % (v/v) inoculant from the 30 L batch experiment as well as<br />

abiotic controls were incubated for 28 days. Two starting <strong>pH</strong> values were used, i.e., <strong>pH</strong><br />

1.7 and 2.5. Solution <strong>pH</strong> in the biotic flasks became and remained similar after 6 days.<br />

In all flasks, arsenite was completely oxidized to arsenate [As(V)] in one day. After 6<br />

days of incubation, the amount of soluble arsenic in the biotic solution with starting <strong>pH</strong><br />

2.5 decreased to only 4 mg/L, majority of which (75 %) was arsenite. The<br />

concentrations of soluble arsenite and arsenate remained low until the end of the<br />

experiment, finishing at 4 mg/L As(III) and 1 mg/L As(V). Arsenite was also the<br />

dominant (~81 %) oxidation state in the biotic solution with starting <strong>pH</strong> 1.7 after 6 days,<br />

although all of the arsenic was in solution. The concentrations of arsenite and arsenate<br />

both decreased slowly towards the end of the experiment, finishing at 12 mg/L As(III)<br />

and 3 mg/L As(V). Thus, the starting <strong>pH</strong> had a significant effect on arsenic<br />

immobilization. The role of microorganisms was crucial in arsenic immobilization.<br />

However the main mechanism of immobilization remains to be determined. Possible<br />

mechanisms include the following: sorption on biomass or coprecipitation and sorption<br />

on ferric oxides generated by microbial oxidation.<br />

In conclusion, this thesis work showed selective bioleaching of NFC for nickel and<br />

cobalt and efficient immobilization of arsenic in batch and semi-continuous mode by<br />

maintaining a constant <strong>pH</strong> of 3.0. The highest leaching rates of nickel and cobalt were<br />

achieved with the highest pulp density studied, which encourages to further increase the<br />

pulp density in future studies. This work also demonstrated the importance of sufficient<br />

mixing: Settled and partially unleached material was present on the bottom of the 15<br />

and 10 % p.d. reactors at the end of the 30 L batch mode experiment. Similarly,<br />

unleached material was present on the bottom of the 20 L, 5 % p.d. reactor. Finally, the<br />

major role of microorganisms in arsenic immobilization in a biomining environment<br />

was confirmed. The mechanisms of arsenic immobilization and the role of<br />

microorganisms in arsenic immobilization should be looked into in future studies.<br />




Luonnontieteiden ja ympäristötekniikan tiedekunta<br />

Kemian ja biotekniikan laitos<br />

<strong>VENHO</strong>, <strong>ANTTI</strong>: Arseenin hallinta nikkelirikasteen bioliuotuksessa <strong>pH</strong>:n säädön<br />

avulla<br />

Diplomityö, 92 sivua<br />

Lokakuu 2012<br />

Pääaine: Ympäristöbiotekniikka<br />

Tarkastajat: professori Jaakko Puhakka ja maatalous- ja metsätieteiden tohtori Minna<br />

Peltola<br />

Avainsanat: Arseenin sitoutuminen, <strong>pH</strong>:n säätö, raudan saostuminen, bioliuotus,<br />

nikkelirikaste, lietetiheys<br />

Tunnetut maapallon metalliesiintymät ovat ehtymässä, eikä uusia, helposti<br />

hyödynnettävissä tai saatavissa olevia esiintymiä löydy riittävästi kattamaan alati<br />

kasvavaa maailmanlaajuista kysyntää. Biohydrometallurgisilla menetelmillä, so.<br />

bioliuotuksella ja -hapetuksella, arvometallipitoisuuksiltaan köyhiä tai vaikeasti<br />

hyödynnettäviä mineraaleja tai rikasteita voidaan prosessoida taloudellisesti<br />

kannattavalla tavalla. Biohydrometallurgisten menetelmien etuja perinteisiin<br />

pyrometallurgisiin menetelmiin, esimerkiksi pasutukseen tai sulatukseen, nähden ovat<br />

ympäristöystävällisyys sekä pienemmät kustannukset. Bioliuotukseksi kutsutaan<br />

prosessia, jossa usein sulfidimuotoinen liukenematon mineraali (esim. CuS2) muuttuu<br />

liukoiseen muotoon, usein sulfaatiksi (esim. CuSO4) mikro-organismien katalysoimana.<br />

Biohapetuksessa biokatalyyttinen liuotus ei kohdistu suoraan arvometallia sisältävään<br />

mineraaliin, vaan sitä ympäröivään mineraalimatriisiin. Esimerkkinä tästä on<br />

kultapitoisten malmien biohapetus, jonka seurauksena kultaa sisältävät partikkelit<br />

paljastuvat myöhempää syanidikäsittelyä varten, jossa kulta saatetaan liukoiseen<br />

muotoon.<br />

Sekä bioliuotuksessa että –hapetuksessa mikro-organismit tuottavat ferrirautaioneja<br />

[Fe(III)] hapettamalla ferrorautayhdisteitä. Ferrorautaa [Fe(II)] esiintyy runsaasti<br />

kaikkialla maapallolla esimerkiksi rikkikiisuna (FeS2). Mikro-organismien tuottamat<br />

ferrirautaionit puolestaan hapettavat kohdemineraalin ja bioliuotuksen ollessa kyseessä<br />

muuttavat arvometallin liukoiseen muotoon. Ferromuotoon pelkistyneet rautaionit ovat<br />

jälleen mikro-organismien hapetettavissa. Lisäksi sulfidimineraalien hapetuksessa<br />

vapautuu rikkiä, jonka rikinhapettajat voivat saattaa sulfaatiksi. Samalla vapautuu myös<br />

protoneja, mikä laskee ympäristön <strong>pH</strong>:ta. Bioliuotus- ja –hapetusolosuhteet ovat erittäin<br />

happamia (<strong>pH</strong> < 3). Bioliuotukseen ja -hapetukseen kykenevät mikro-organismit ovat<br />

ominaisuuksiltaan pääasiallisesti rautaa, rikkiä tai molempia hapettavia asidofiilisia<br />

kemolitotrofeja. Lisäksi useimmat lajit ovat aerobisia autotrofeja. Tutkituimpia<br />

bioliuotusbakteereja ovat rautaa ja rikkiä hapettava Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,<br />

rikkiä hapettava At. thiooxidans sekä rautaa hapettava Leptospirillum ferrooxidans.<br />

Suurin osa teollisista biohydrometallurgisista prosesseista toimii alle 40 °C<br />

lämpötilassa. Tästä johtuen suurin osa tutkituista bioliuottavista mikro-organismeista on<br />

bakteereja. Tulevaisuudessa prosessilämpötilat tulevat prosessien optimoinnin myötä<br />


todennäköisesti nousemaan jopa yli 60 °C:n, jolloin termofiiliset arkkieliöt kuten<br />

Sulfolobus metallicus tai Metallosphaera sedula ovat todennäköisiä bioliuottajia.<br />

Teollisen mittakaavan biohydrometallurgiset prosessit voidaan jakaa kahteen osaan:<br />

läjä- tai kasaprosesseihin sekä sekoitustankkiprosesseihin. Kasareaktori voi<br />

yksinkertaisimmillaan olla kasa käsittelemätöntä louhittua malmia, jota kastellaan päältä<br />

ja jonka alta kerätään arvometallipitoista valumavettä. Tehokkaimmilleen optimoitu<br />

kasareaktori on n. 6 ... 10 m korkea, tarkasti koottu kasa murskattua ja agglomeroitua<br />

malmia, jota ilmastetaan kasan alla olevan putkiston kautta ja jota kastellaan päältä<br />

happamoidulla ravinneliuoksella ja kierrätetyllä valumavedellä. Kasan pituus voi olla<br />

useita kilometrejä. Olosuhteet kasan sisällä eivät ole koskaan homogeeniset.<br />

Prosessiparametrit kuten <strong>pH</strong>, ilman ja veden saatavuus, lämpötila sekä näiden määräämä<br />

mikrobipopulaation koostumus voivat vaihdella paljonkin kasan sisällä. Sotkamossa<br />

sijaitsevan Talvivaaran kaivoksen liuotuskasat ovat esimerkki kasabioliuotuksesta.<br />

Täyssekoitteisen tankkireaktorin käyttö mahdollistaa olosuhteiden erinomaisen<br />

hallittavuuden ja reaktioiden huomattavan nopeuttamisen, mutta on huomattavasti<br />

kalliimpi menetelmä kasaliuotukseen verrattuna muun muassa pienen<br />

malminkäsittelykapasiteetin sekä happamien ja hapettavien olosuhteiden aiheuttamien<br />

suurten materiaalikustannusten takia. Tämän vuoksi sekoitustankkeja käytetään usein<br />

vain malmirikasteiden käsittelyyn. Tyypillinen esimerkki biohydrometallurgisesta<br />

tankkiliuotusprosessista on kultamalmin biohapetus ennen syanidikäsittelyä.<br />

Arseeni (As, atomiluku = 33) on useimmille eliöille toksinen, ihmiselle<br />

karsinogeeninen puolimetalli, jota esiintyy runsaasti maapallon ylemmässä kuoressa.<br />

Arseenilla on neljä hapetusastetta: +V (arsenaatti), +III (arseniitti), 0 (arseeni) sekä –III<br />

(arsiini). Näistä arsenaatti ja arseniitti ovat ainoat tavanomaisesti luonnossa esiintyvät<br />

hapetusmuodot. Kiinteässä muodossa arseeni esiintyy usein rikkiyhdisteinä, esimerkiksi<br />

auripigmenttinä (As2S3), realgaarina (As2S2 tai AsS) tai arsenopyriittinä (FeAsS).<br />

Arseenipitoisuus maaperässä on n. 0.1 ... 1000 ppm, josta suurin osa on arsenopyriittiä.<br />

Luonnonvesissä arseeni esiintyy arsenaatin ja arseniitin oksyanioneina (AsO3 3- , AsO4 3- ).<br />

Liuoksen redox-potentiaali ja <strong>pH</strong> määräävät pitkälti oksyanionien protonaatioasteen<br />

sekä arseenin hapetusluvun. Protonaatioaste pienenee ja hapetusluku kasvaa redoxpotentiaalin<br />

ja <strong>pH</strong>:n kasvaessa. Jotkin mikro-organismit sietävät arseenia, ja jotkin<br />

kykenevät jopa käyttämään arseenia energianlähteenä hapettamalla sitä.<br />

Kaivostoiminta on yksi suurimmista ihmisen toiminnasta aiheutuvien<br />

arseenipäästöjen lähteistä. Malmien sisältämä arseeni joutuu malmien käsittelyn<br />

seurauksena kaivosvesiin tai ilmaan, joiden mukana se kulkeutuu ympäristöön.<br />

Kaivosten lähivesistöissä arseenipitoisuus voi nousta useisiin milligrammoihin litraa<br />

kohti, kun maailman terveysjärjestö WHO:n juomavedelle asettama raja-arvo on 10<br />

µg/L. Arseenin hallinnalle on kaivosteollisuudessa suuri tarve, jotta toimintaa voidaan<br />

jatkaa vastuullisesti ympäristöä pilaamatta. Nykyään monet kaivokset poistavat arseenia<br />

vesistään lipeäkäsittelyllä, jonka seurauksena liuoksen <strong>pH</strong> nousee, ja liuoksessa oleva<br />

rauta saostuu erilaisina oksideina tai hydroksideina, esimerkiksi götiittinä (α-FeOOH),<br />

ferrihydriittinä (Fe2O3 · 0.5 H2O), hematiittina (α-Fe2O3) tai jarosiittina ([K, Na,<br />

NH4]Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6). Arseeni poistuu näiden rautasaostumien kanssa kerasaostumalla<br />

tai sorptiolla.<br />

Tässä työssä tutkittiin Mondo Minerals Oy:n Sotkamon kaivoksesta peräisin olevan<br />

nikkeli- ja kobolttipitoisen flotaatiorikasteen selektiivistä bioliuotusta, jossa arvokkaat<br />

nikkeli ja koboltti saadaan talteen samanaikaisesti minimoiden arseenin liukeneminen<br />

prosessissa. Työtä edeltävät panoskokeet olivat osoittaneet, että nikkeli ja koboltti<br />

saadaan bioliuotettua ja arseeni pidettyä tehokkaasti pois liuoksesta, kun <strong>pH</strong> pidetään<br />

noin arvossa 3,0. Tässä työssä koejärjestelyjen mittakaavaa kasvatettiin:<br />


nikkelirikastetta bioliuotettiin ilmastetuissa täyssekoitusreaktoreissa 30 L<br />

panosprosessina ja 20 L puolijatkuvasyötteisenä prosessina noin 21 °C lämpötilassa<br />

<strong>pH</strong>:n ollessa 3,0. Panoskokeen tarkoituksena oli tutkia mittakaavan kasvattamisen ja<br />

nikkelirikasteen lietetiheyden (5, 10 ja 15 %) vaikutusta bioliuotustehokkuuteen.<br />

Panoskokeen tulosten perusteella tehtiin 20 L puolijatkuvasyötteinen bioliuotuskoe 5 %<br />

lietetiheydellä ja 10 päivän viipymäajalla. Kokeen tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa<br />

puolijatkuvasyötteisyyden vaikutuksia arvometallien liuotukseen ja arseenin<br />

pidättymiseen sekä tunnistaa tekijöitä ja parametrejä, jotka on otettava huomioon<br />

prosessin muuttamisessa jatkuvasyötteiseksi. Lisäksi tässä työssä tutkittiin pullokokeilla<br />

(100 mL) biohapettavien mikro-organismien läsnäolon ja liuoksen alku-<strong>pH</strong>:n roolia<br />

liukoisen arseenin pidättymisessä ja hapetusasteen määräytymisessä.<br />

30 L panoskokeessa nikkelirikastetta bioliuotettiin 94, 58 ja 79 päivää vastaavassa<br />

järjestyksessä lietetiheydellä 15, 10 ja 5 %. Nikkelisaannot olivat edellä mainitussa<br />

lietetiheysjärjestyksessä 73, 66 ja 76 %. Koboltin saannot olivat 78, 71 ja 100 %.<br />

Suurimmat hetkelliset liuotusnopeudet (250 mg-Ni/L/d and 18 mg-Co/L/d) saavutettiin<br />

15 % lietetiheydellä. Liukoisen arseenin määrä pysyi alhaisena (< 1 mg/L, < 0,4 %<br />

saanto) kaikilla tutkituilla lietetiheyksillä 21 liuotuspäivän jälkeen. Reaktorien pohjalta<br />

kerättyjen liuotusjäämänäytteiden röntgendiffraktioanalyysin perusteella suurin osa<br />

jäämistä oli rautasulfaattia sen massaosuuden ollessa 55 ja 70 % välillä kaikilla<br />

tutkituilla lietetiheyksillä. Arseenin adsorptio-ominaisuuksiltaan hyväksi todetun<br />

götiitin muodostuminen kasvoi lietetiheyden kasvaessa. Bakteeriyhteisöt panoskokeen<br />

lopussa koostuivat lähes yksinomaan yhdestä At. ferrooxidans-lajista. Poikkeuksena oli<br />

5 % lietetiheydellä toimineessa reaktorissa Alicyclobacillus sp. esiintyminen.<br />

Nikkelirikastetta bioliuotettiin 20 L puolijatkuvasyötteisessä reaktorissa 38 päivää.<br />

Liukoinen arseeni pysyi alle 0,4 %:n koko kokeen ajan. Nikkeli- ja kobolttisaannot<br />

saavuttivat huippunsa (12 ja 22 % vastaavassa järjestyksessä) kun liuotusta oli kestänyt<br />

14 päivää. Tämän jälkeen saannot laskivat aina kokeen loppuun asti. On todennäköistä,<br />

että käytetty 10 päivän viipymäaika oli liian lyhyt mikrobipopulaation mukautumiselle.<br />

Reaktorin puolijatkuvasyötteisyys toteutettiin päivittäisinä nopeina 2 L<br />

massanvaihdoilla. Tästä johtuen mikrobiyhteisö ei todennäköisesti ehtinyt kasvaa<br />

riittävään pitoisuuteen kokeen aikana. Liuotusjäämänäytteiden perusteella götiittiä<br />

muodostui puolijatkuvasyötteisessä reaktorissa noin 5 kertaa enemmän kuin<br />

panosreaktorissa vastaavalla lietetiheydellä [vrt. ~ 25 ja 5 % (w/w)]. Götiitin<br />

muodostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on tarpeen tutkia jatkossa tarkemmin.<br />

Pullokokeissa liuoksia, jotka sisälsivät 25,1 g/L rautasulfaattia (FeSO4 · 7 H2O), 20<br />

mg/L arseniittia ja 10 % (v/v) ymppiä panosreaktorista sekä vastaavia abioottisia<br />

kontrolliliuoksia inkuboitiin (150 rpm, 27 °C) 28 päivän ajan. Kokeissa käytettiin kahta<br />

aloitus-<strong>pH</strong>:ta, <strong>pH</strong> 1,7 ja 2,5. Bioottisten liuosten <strong>pH</strong>:t yhtyivät ja pysyivät samoina 6<br />

päivän jälkeen. Arseniitti hapettui arsenaatiksi kaikissa pulloissa yhdessä päivässä.<br />

Liukoisen arseenin pitoisuus bioottisessa liuoksessa, jonka aloitus-<strong>pH</strong> oli 2,5 laski 4<br />

mg/L:aan, josta suurin osa (75 %) oli arseniittia. Liuoksen arseniitti- ja<br />

arsenaattipitoisuudet pysyivät alhaisina kokeen loppuun saakka, jolloin pitoisuudet<br />

olivat 4 mg/L As(III) ja 1 mg/L As(V). Suurin osa (~81 %) liukoisesta arseenista oli 6<br />

päivän jälkeen arseniittia myös bioottisessa liuoksessa, jonka aloitus-<strong>pH</strong> oli 1,7, vaikka<br />

tässä liuoksessa kaikki arseeni oli pysynyt liukoisessa muodossa. Molemmilla<br />

hapetusasteilla esiintyvän arseenin konsentraatiot laskivat hitaasti kokeen loppua<br />

kohden, jolloin konsentraatiot olivat 12 mg/L As(III) ja 3 mg/L As(V). Tulosten<br />

perusteella liuoksen aloitus-<strong>pH</strong>:lla on merkittävä vaikutus arseenin pidättäytymiseen ja<br />

hapetusastejakaumaan. Mikro-organismien rooli näyttää olevan ratkaisevassa osassa<br />

arseenin pidättymisessä. Työssä ei määritetty, oliko arseenin pidättymisen<br />


päämekanismi sorptio biomassaan vai kerasaostuminen/sorptio mikro-organismien<br />

rautasulfaatista tuottamien rautaoksidien kanssa.<br />

Tämä diplomityö osoitti, että nikkelin ja koboltin selektiivinen bioliuottaminen ja<br />

samanaikainen arseenin liukenemisen minimointi nikkelirikasteesta on mahdollista<br />

pitämällä <strong>pH</strong> arvossa 3,0. Suurimmat nikkeli- ja kobolttisaannot saatiin suurimmalla<br />

tutkitulla lietetiheydellä (15 %), mikä kannustaa tutkimaan jatkossa yhä suurempien<br />

lietetiheyksien käyttöä. Tässä työssä korostui myös riittävän sekoituksen tärkeys:<br />

Lakeutunutta ja osittain bioliuottamatonta materiaalia esiintyi 15 ja 10 %<br />

lietetiheyksisien reaktorien pohjalta panoskokeen lopussa. Sedimentoitunutta ja osin<br />

bioliuottamatonta materiaalia löytyi myös puolijatkuvasyötteisen reaktorin pohjalta,<br />

vaikka tällöin lietetiheys oli vain 5 %. Mikro-organismien rooli arseenin pidättymisessä<br />

kaivosolosuhteissa osoitettiin tärkeäksi. Arseenin pidättymismekanismien suhde mikroorganismien<br />

läsnäoloon vaatii lisätutkimuksia.<br />



This Master of Science Thesis has been done at Tampere University of Technology, in<br />

the Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering as a part of the ARSENAL (Solutions<br />

for arsenic control in mining processes and extractive industry) project. The funding for<br />

the project provided by TEKES is highly appreciated.<br />

I wish to thank my supervisor and examiner, professor Jaakko Puhakka, for giving<br />

me the opportunity to work on this very interesting subject and for giving guidance,<br />

responsibility, inspiration and encouragement during the making of this thesis. I also<br />

want to thank my other supervisor and examiner, Dr. Minna Peltola, for all the help and<br />

encouragement she provided during this work and for the patience she showed and the<br />

fair feedback she gave during the writing process. And Minna, I especially want to<br />

thank you for just being there and listening when I wanted to clear my thoughts through<br />

those many incoherent speculative monologues about this and that in your office. You<br />

know what I’m talking about. I want to thank Raisa Neitola from GTK for the XRD<br />

analyses and all the friendly correspondence concerning them. Many thanks also to<br />

Taneli Mikkola from Mondo Minerals for providing me with plenty of NFC to last a<br />

lifetime and for welcoming all that nasty arsenic waste I produced from it. Aino-Maija<br />

Lakaniemi deserves a thank-you for those invaluable DGGE instructions. Sarita, thanks<br />

for the peer support, I truly appreciated it. To the whole staff in the Department of<br />

Chemistry and Biotechnology I wish to say my kindest thanks for a very enjoyable,<br />

open, supportive and occasionally even fun working atmosphere.<br />

Finally, I want to thank my friends for the support during my studies and this thesis<br />

work. But above all, my biggest, most gigantic, downright gargantuan thanks go to my<br />

parents who made it possible for me to be who and where I am now. Kiitos, isä ja äiti,<br />

tämä on omistettu teille!<br />

Tampere, October 24 th 2012<br />

Antti Venho<br />


Kuulivat he virren kumman;<br />

käsi kädessä<br />

kulkivat kivistä tietä<br />

linnunlaulu-laaksoon,<br />

siinä lähde läikkyväinen,<br />

vesi vailla pohjaa.<br />

Katsoivat kuvastimehen;<br />

kuvan näkivät<br />

kumpainenkin itsestänsä,<br />

elon entismuistot<br />

otsillensa uurtunehet,<br />

surut sielunsilmäin.<br />

Koettivat kädellä vettä;<br />

iho värähti,<br />

valvahti pyhä vavistus<br />

sydänkammioissa,<br />

kulki verta kumpaisenkin<br />

kasvot kalventaen.<br />

Virkahteli valju impi:<br />

"Sydän minulla<br />

sykkyräksi sylkähtävi,<br />

kun ma tuumin tuonne<br />

syöksyä sylihin aallon<br />

syvän, pohjattoman."<br />

Vastasi vakava sulho:<br />

"Veri minulla<br />

niinkuin seinä seisahtavi<br />

auvon aavistusta,<br />

uskallusta onnen uuden;<br />

sylitysten syöstään!"<br />

Verhot vaatteiden valahti;<br />

hetevesihin<br />

heilahti heleät varret,<br />

painui alle pinnan,<br />

nousi kohta päätä kaksi<br />

virran vienon kalvoon.<br />

Päätä kaksi kaunokaista,<br />

hyvä-hymyistä,<br />

auvon nuoren autuasta,<br />

unho-onnellista;<br />

katsoi taivahan sinehen,<br />

sukeltausi jälleen.<br />

Eino Leino (1914): Metamorfosi<br />



A adenine<br />

AMD acid mine drainage<br />

Aox/Arx different arsenite oxidase types<br />

APHA American Public Health Association<br />

Arr dissimilatory arsenate reductase<br />

Ars(A)B arsenite efflux pump<br />

ArsC detoxifying arsenate reductase<br />

BSA bovine serum albumin<br />

C cytosine<br />

CSTR continuously-stirred tank reactor<br />

DI de-ionized<br />

DMA dimethylarsine<br />

DMAA dimethylarsinic acid<br />

Eh redox potential<br />

EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency<br />

EPS extracellular polymeric substance<br />

G guanine<br />

GlpF aquaglyceroporin F<br />

GSH glutathione<br />

GTK Geological Survey of Finland<br />

IC ion chromatography<br />

ILS intermediate leach solution<br />

LC-HG-AFS liquid chromatography with hydride generation – atomic fluorescence<br />

spectrometry<br />

MMA monomethylarsine/monomethylarsonic acid<br />

NFC nickel flotation concentrate<br />

PA polyamide<br />

p.d. pulp density<br />

Pit phosphate inorganic transport system<br />

PLS pregnant leach solution<br />

PP polypropylene<br />

Pst phosphate specific transport system<br />

T thymine<br />

TMA trimethylarsine<br />

TMAO trimethylarsine oxide<br />

Topt optimal growth temperature<br />

TTL Finnish Institution of Occupational Health<br />

WHO World Health Organization<br />


XRD X-ray diffraction<br />


TABLE <strong>OF</strong> CONTENTS<br />

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1<br />

2 Microbial Oxidation Mechanisms ...................................................................... 3<br />

2.1 Mineral Surface-Bacterium-Interaction.............................................................. 3<br />

2.2 Thiosulfate and Polysulfide Mechanisms ........................................................... 5<br />

3 Biomining Bacteria ............................................................................................ 8<br />

3.1 Physiology and Growth Environments ............................................................... 8<br />

3.2 Arsenic-oxidizers .............................................................................................. 11<br />

4 Biomining Processes ........................................................................................ 12<br />

4.1 Process Parameters ........................................................................................... 14<br />

4.1.1 Microbiological Parameters ...................................................................... 16<br />

4.1.2 Physicochemical Parameters ..................................................................... 18<br />

4.2 Irrigation-Type Processes ................................................................................. 20<br />

4.3 Stirred-Tank Processes ..................................................................................... 22<br />

5 Arsenic in Biomining ....................................................................................... 24<br />

5.1 General Characteristics ..................................................................................... 24<br />

5.2 Microbial Interaction and Resistance ............................................................... 26<br />

5.3 Removal of Arsenic from Mining Waters ........................................................ 28<br />

5.3.1 Mechanisms of Arsenic Immobilization with Iron Oxides ....................... 29<br />

5.3.2 Common Mining-related Iron Oxides ....................................................... 30<br />

5.3.3 Factors Affecting Arsenic Immobilization with Iron Oxides ................... 30<br />

6 Materials and Methods ..................................................................................... 32<br />

6.1 Experimental Outline ....................................................................................... 32<br />

6.2 Materials ........................................................................................................... 32<br />

6.2.1 Nickel Flotation Concentrate (NFC) ......................................................... 32<br />

6.2.2 Bioleaching Cultures and Growth Media .................................................. 33<br />

6.2.3 Analytical Solutions .................................................................................. 33<br />

6.3 Experimental Methods and Designs ................................................................. 34<br />

6.3.1 30 L Batch Experiment ............................................................................. 34<br />

6.3.2 20 L Semi-continuous Mode Experiment ................................................. 35<br />


6.3.3 Shake-flask Experiment for the Assessment of the Role of Bacteria in<br />

Arsenic Speciation and Immobilization .................................................... 35<br />

6.4 Analytical Methods .......................................................................................... 36<br />

6.4.1 Redox Potential and <strong>pH</strong> ............................................................................ 36<br />

6.4.2 Ferrous Iron ............................................................................................... 36<br />

6.4.3 Total Iron, Nickel, Cobalt and Arsenic ..................................................... 36<br />

6.4.4 Arsenic Speciation .................................................................................... 36<br />

6.4.5 Sulfate ....................................................................................................... 37<br />

6.4.6 Leach Residue Mineral Composition ........................................................ 37<br />

6.4.7 Bacterial Communities .............................................................................. 37<br />

7 Results .............................................................................................................. 39<br />

7.1 30 L Batch Experiment ..................................................................................... 39<br />

7.1.1 Bioleaching Results ................................................................................... 39<br />

7.1.2 Operational Parameters ............................................................................. 43<br />

7.1.3 Bacterial Community ................................................................................ 49<br />

7.2 20 L Semi-continuous Mode Experiment ........................................................ 51<br />

7.2.1 Bioleaching Results ................................................................................... 51<br />

7.2.2 Operational Parameters ............................................................................. 55<br />

7.3 Shake-flask Experiment for the Assessment of the Role of Bacteria in Arsenic<br />

Speciation and Immobilization ........................................................................ 59<br />

8 Discussion ........................................................................................................ 63<br />

8.1 30 L Batch Bioleaching of Nickel Flotation Concentrate ................................ 63<br />

8.2 20 L Semi-continuous Mode Bioleaching of Nickel Flotation Concentrate .... 65<br />

8.3 The Role of Bacteria in Arsenic Speciation and Immobilization ..................... 66<br />

9 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 68<br />

References ....................................................................................................................... 69<br />



The modern society is highly dependent on minerals and metals. Like oil reserves, the<br />

Earth’s mineral deposits are limited and depleting. (Mason et al. 2011) High-grade ore<br />

deposits are becoming scarcer or increasingly harder to reach. Metal recovery from lowgrade<br />

ores is rarely economically viable by traditional metallurgical methods such as<br />

roasting or smelting. Compared to these traditional methods, more recent<br />

biohydrometallurgical approaches, commonly termed biomining, offer a more costeffective<br />

and potentially environmentally friendlier method for metal extraction from<br />

low-grade ores and concentrates. (Rawlings et al. 2003)<br />

Biomining utilizes the ability of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms to<br />

solubilize minerals and heavy metal compounds on an industrial scale. The microbial<br />

phenomenon behind biomining is ancient and naturally occurring. It has simply been<br />

harnessed for mining purposes, and optimized to speed up the process and yield costeffectiveness.<br />

Currently, biomining methods are mostly used to recover metals such as<br />

copper, nickel, zinc, cobalt, uranium and gold from low-grade ores and concentrates,<br />

whose processing is not economically viable by conventional methods. (Pradhan et al.<br />

2008; Rawlings 2002) Compared to the traditional pyrometallurgical methods,<br />

biomining is not nearly as energy-intensive and the release of sulfur oxides and other<br />

gaseous emissions is much lower than that of traditional roasting or smelting processes.<br />

(Rawlings et al. 2003)<br />

The term ‘biomining’ comprises two distinct processes, i.e., bioleaching and<br />

biooxidation. In bioleaching, the role of the microorganisms is to directly oxidize<br />

insoluble metal sulfides into soluble form, usually sulfates. In biooxidation, the<br />

microbial oxidation is not aimed directly at the target metal compound, but rather at the<br />

refractory mineral matrix encapsulating the desired metal mineral. The goal is to reveal<br />

the metal mineral for further processing. Biooxidation is used mainly for pretreatment<br />

of gold and silver ores prior to cyanide treatment for metal recovery. (For reviews, see<br />

Rohwerder et al. 2003; Bosecker 1997)<br />

Although emissions from biomining processes are smaller than from the traditional<br />

pyrometallurgical processes, acid mine drainage (AMD) remains a significant<br />

environmental concern related to all mining activity. The uncontrolled microbial<br />

oxidation of mine tailings can lead to the release of highly acidic wastewater with<br />

elevated metal and organic contaminant concentrations into groundwater. (Johnson &<br />

Hallberg 2005; Bosecker 2001) However, compared to tailings from roasting or<br />

smelting, tailings from biomining operations are less biologically active, which renders<br />

them less susceptible to formation of AMD (Rawlings et al. 2003). A significant<br />

contaminant in mine waters is arsenic. It is a highly toxic metalloid abundant virtually<br />


everywhere in the Earth’s crust, making it a worldwide environmental threat largely<br />

originating from mining activity (Williams 2001).<br />

This thesis investigates selective bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate (NFC)<br />

with the view to extract the high-value nickel and cobalt while immobilizing arsenic<br />

with elevated <strong>pH</strong>. NFC is a side-product of talc production relatively rich in nickel and<br />

cobalt but also arsenic. The NFC used in this study originated from the Mondo Minerals<br />

LLC mine site in Sotkamo, Finland. Based on earlier studies in shake-flasks (Wakeman<br />

et al. 2011), three 30 L continuously-stirred tank reactor (CSTR) experiments were<br />

conducted in batch-mode at <strong>pH</strong> 3.0 with 15, 10, and 5 % (w/v) pulp densities (p.d.) of<br />

NFC. As a subsequent preliminary study for a continuous-flow design, a 20 L CSTR<br />

with 5 % (w/v) p.d. was operated at <strong>pH</strong> 3.0 in semi-continuous mode with a retention<br />

time of 10 days. A shake-flask experiment without NFC was also conducted with a view<br />

to assess the role of chemical and microbial oxidation and immobilization of arsenic in<br />

the bioleaching process.<br />



The key role of the microorganisms taking part in biomining processes is oxidation.<br />

Iron-oxidizing microorganisms such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (Temple &<br />

Colmer 1951) and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans (Sand et al. 1992) oxidize ferrous iron<br />

[Fe(II)] found in abundance in the Earth’s crust (McKelvey 1960). At the same time,<br />

sulfur-oxidizing microbes like At. thiooxidans (Donati et al. 1996) and At. caldus<br />

(Rawlings et al. 1999a,b) create sulfate from reduced sulfur compounds in the ground or<br />

from sulfur intermediates generated by microbial oxidation of metal sulfides (e.g.,<br />

chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 or zinc sulfide, ZnS) . The ferric iron created by iron-oxidizing<br />

microorganisms (Fowler et al. 1999) chemically oxidizes the insoluble metal sulfide and<br />

dissolves it. In the case of acid-soluble metal sulfides, also protons from the formation<br />

of sulfate by sulfur-oxidizers participate in the chemical attack on the metal sulfides<br />

(Chen & Lin 2004).<br />

2.1 Mineral Surface-Bacterium-Interaction<br />

Debate on the importance of bacterial attachment on the mineral surface and whether<br />

microorganisms can oxidize mineral sulfides directly via enzymatic attack lasted for<br />

decades (Porro et al. 1997; Bennett & Tributsch 1978; Silverman 1967), and numerous<br />

review articles have been written on the subject as an attempt to clarify the matter<br />

(Crundwell 2003; Tributsch 2001; Sand et al. 1999). During the past decade, however,<br />

it has been shown that the direct enzymatic attack does, in fact, not exist (Gehrke et al.<br />

1998; Sand et al. 1995). A division of the indirect attack mechanism into contact and<br />

non-contact mechanisms presented in Figure 2.1 has been suggested (Rawlings 2002;<br />

Tributsch 2001). Figure 2.1 illustrates microbial interaction with a sulfide mineral (here<br />

chalcopyrite, CuFeS2). Note that the microorganisms do not necessarily need to be<br />

attached to the mineral surface.<br />


Figure 2.1: Microbial interaction with sulfide minerals with chalcopyrite<br />

(CuFeS2) as an example. The indirect noncontact (A) and indirect contact (B)<br />

mechanisms. In (B), the microbe is in contact with the mineral surface via an<br />

extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) layer but mineral oxidation proceeds via<br />

ferric iron attack. (Watling 2006)<br />

In addition to the indirect contact and non-contact mechanisms presented in Figure<br />

2.1, there exists a third mechanism called cooperative leaching. In cooperative leaching,<br />

colloidal sulfur and sulfur globules, found in large amounts inside the bacterial<br />

extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) layer (Rojas et al. 1995), are released into the<br />

environment as a result of wasteful feeding of the microorganisms in contact with the<br />

mineral sulfide. The released energy-carrying colloids and globules can then be utilized<br />

by bacteria that do not have access to the mineral surface. The mechanism is suggested<br />

to be a survival mechanism that maintains bacterial life in the surrounding medium<br />

when sulfide surface area is limited. (Rojas-Chapana et al. 1998)<br />


The EPS layer<br />

Bacterial attachment to the mineral surface in bioleaching occurs via an EPS layer<br />

(Pogliani & Donati 1999). The EPS layer consists of sugars, lipids and free fatty acids<br />

and is a pivotal factor in biofilm formation for a wide variety of microorganisms<br />

(Gehrke et al. 1998). Not much attention had been paid to the EPSs excreted by<br />

biooxidative bacteria until approximately 15 years ago when Gehrke et al. (1998) made<br />

some pivotal discoveries concerning the biooxidation mechanisms and the respective<br />

role of the EPS layer. In addition to acting as a bacterial anchor to mineral surface, the<br />

EPS layer has been shown to contain ferric iron in large concentrations (Gehrke et al.<br />

1998). It also serves as a reaction space that enhances bioleaching of the mineral sulfide<br />

(Fowler et al. 1999). The study by Gehrke et al. (1998) also revealed that EPSs from At.<br />

ferrooxidans grown on sulfur, i.e., devoid of ferrous iron, did not attach to pyrite (FeS2),<br />

which suggested that ferric iron complexed by EPSs is a prerequisite to cell attachment<br />

on sulfide minerals. The results were supported by Pogliani and Donati (1999). The<br />

finding also shed some light on the debate concerning the existence of the direct<br />

mechanism. It is the ferric iron ions in the EPS layer and not bacterial enzymes that are<br />

responsible for sulfide oxidation when the bacterium is in contact with the mineral<br />

surface (Gehrke et al. 1998; Sand et al. 1995).<br />

2.2 Thiosulfate and Polysulfide Mechanisms<br />

The key mechanism in biomining is the chemical oxidation of metal sulfides by ferric<br />

iron created by ferrous iron-oxidizing microorganisms (For a review, see Rawlings<br />

2002). This mechanism is present regardless of whether the microorganisms are in<br />

contact with the mineral surface or not. It also applies to both acid-soluble and acidinsoluble<br />

metal sulfides. (Schippers & Sand 1999; Gehrke et al. 1998; Sand et al. 1995)<br />

In the case of acid-soluble metal sulfides, oxidation is carried out by a combination of<br />

ferric ions and protons (Schippers & Sand 1999). The reaction of microbial<br />

(re)oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron proceeds as follows (Breed & Hansford<br />

1999):<br />

4 Fe + O 2 + 4 H + → 4 Fe 3+ + 2 H 2O (2.1)<br />

Due to differences in crystal structure between different metal sulfides, ironoxidizing<br />

bacteria have developed different mechanisms to oxidize different sulfides<br />

(Tributsch 2001). Schippers and Sand (1999) discovered that sulfide oxidations can<br />

proceed via two different intermediates and thus via two different oxidation<br />

mechanisms (Figure 2.2): the thiosulfate mechanism in the case of acid-insoluble metal<br />

sulfides and the polysulfide mechanism for acid-soluble metal sulfides.<br />


Figure 2.2: Thiosulfate and polysulfide mechanisms in biooxidation of a metal<br />

sulfide (MS). Tf, Tt and Lf represent Acidihiobacillus ferrooxidans, At.<br />

thiooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, respectively. Dashed lines indicate<br />

occurrence of intermediate sulfur compounds. (Schippers and Sand 1999)<br />

Using pyrite as an example, Schippers and Sand (1999) presented the following<br />

reactions that take place in the thiosulfate mechanism, with thiosulfate as an<br />

intermediate:<br />

FeS2 + 6 Fe3+ 2- 2+ + + 3 H2O → S2O3 + 7 Fe + 6 H (2.2)<br />

2- 3+ 2- 2+ + S2O3 + 8 Fe + 5 H2O → 2 SO4 + 8 Fe + 10 H (2.3)<br />

In the polysulfate mechanism, oxidation of the metal sulfide (MS) occurs as a<br />

combination of ferric ion and proton attack with polysulfate (H2Sn), and consequently<br />

sulfur (≥ 99% S8), as intermediates:<br />

MS + Fe 3+ + H + → M 2+ + 0.5 H 2S

for further solubilization of metal sulfides. The polysulfide mechanism also provides an<br />

explanation to why sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms can dissolve certain metal sulfides<br />

but not others. (Schippers & Sand 1999)<br />



In all bioprocesses, including biomining, the process conditions largely determine the<br />

composition of the microbial community. As commercial biomining processes are<br />

usually operated with indigenous microbial consortia under different mineral<br />

compositions and climates or process conditions, the diversity of microorganisms in the<br />

biomining environment is large. However, only a small fraction of the contributing<br />

species have been successfully isolated and studied. (Hallberg & Johnson 2003)<br />

3.1 Physiology and Growth Environments<br />

Current commercial biomining processes operate mostly under acidic conditions (<strong>pH</strong> <<br />

3) and at or below 40 °C (for a review, see Rawlings 2002). For this reason, the<br />

microorganisms studied the most are (extremely) acidophilic or acid-tolerant<br />

mesophiles or moderate thermophiles (for a review, see Watling 2006). Nevertheless,<br />

many future biomining processes will most likely operate in temperatures above 60 °C<br />

(for a review, see Rawlings 2002). The reason for this is obvious as many ores dissolve<br />

more rapidly in high temperatures (for a review, see Watling 2006). In addition,<br />

chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) leaching, for example, requires a temperature above 60 °C for<br />

the reaction rate to reach an economically viable level (Rodrı́guez et al. 2003).<br />

Currently considered to be the key microorganisms capable of iron and sulfur oxidation<br />

at high temperatures are those of the domain Archae. The most extensively studied<br />

species belong to the genera Sulfolobus and Metallosphaera, e.g., S. metallicus (Huber<br />

& Stetter 1991) and M. sedula (Huber et al. 1989), but also other genera of significance<br />

have been reported (Mikkelsen et al. 2006). However, as the thermophilic<br />

microorganisms are out of the scope of this thesis work, only the biomining bacteria<br />

will be discussed in more detail here.<br />

Characteristics of some of the most commonly reported microorganisms associated<br />

with biomining processes are listed in Tables 3.1a and 3.1b. As described in Chapter 2,<br />

the iron-oxidizers play the key role in biomining. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans<br />

(Halinen et al. 2012; Schrenk et al. 1998; Devasia et al. 1993; Pronk et al. 1992; Sugio<br />

et al. 1985) and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans (Rawlings et al. 1999b; Pizarro et al. 1996;<br />

Goebel & Stackebrandt 1994) are the most widely reported iron-oxidizing species in<br />

processes operating under 40 °C. A considerable portion of L. ferrooxidans reports must<br />

actually be those of its more recently distinguished close relative, L. ferriphilum (Coram<br />

& Rawlings 2002). It is noteworthy that not all microorganisms listed are capable of<br />

iron oxidation (e.g. At. caldus or At. thiooxidans). These species are, however, capable<br />

of sulfur oxidation. As described in Chapter 2, most valuable metals in the ground exist<br />

as sulfides. Oxidation of the reduced sulfur from these sulfides produces sulfuric acid<br />

(protons and sulfate), which facilitates the growth of acidophilic microorganisms as well<br />

as leaching of acid-soluble ores.<br />


FAnaer facultatively anaerobic<br />

a Highest <strong>pH</strong> tested; A autotrophic; FA facultatively autotrophic; M mixotrophic; Aer aerobic; FAer facultatively aerobic;<br />

Alicyclobacillus tolerans Fe, S < 20 ... 55 1.5 ... 5.0 M/FAer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2005<br />

(37 ... 42) (2.5 ... 2.7)<br />

Alicyclobacillus disulfidooxidans Fe, S 4 ... 40 0.5 ... 6.0 FA/FAnaer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2005;<br />

(35) (1.5 ... 2.5) Dufresne et al. 1996<br />

Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans S 2 ... 37 0.5 ... 5.5 A/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(28 ... 30) (2.0 ... 3.0) Hallberg et al. 2010; Kelly & Wood 2000<br />

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Fe, S 2 ... 37 1.3 ... 4.5 A/FAer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(30 ... 35) (2.5) Hallberg et al. 2010; Kelly & Wood 2000;<br />

Temple & Colmer 1951<br />

(27 ... 32) (2.5)<br />

Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans Fe, S < 5 ... 37 1.9 ... 3.4 a<br />

FA/FAnaer Hallberg et al. 2010<br />

Acidithiobacillus caldus S 32 ... 52 1.0 ... 3.5 FA/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(45) (2.0 ... 2.5) Kelly & Wood 2000; Pizarro et al. 1996<br />

Acidithiobacillus albertensis S 25 ... 30 2.0 ... 4.5 A/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(25 ... 30) (3.5 ... 4.0) Bryant et al. 1983; Kelly & Wood 2000<br />

9<br />

Table 3.1a : Characteristics of common microorganisms relevant to biomining processes<br />

Microorganism Fe/S T (°C) <strong>pH</strong> Growth Reference<br />

oxidation growth range growth range metabolism/<br />

(optimal) (optimal) respiration<br />

Acidianus brierleyi (Archaea) Fe, S 45 ... 75 1.0 ... 6.0 FA/FAer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(~70) (1.5 ... 2.0) Segerer et al. 1986

Thiomonas delicata S 20 ... 45 1.5 ... 7.2 FA/Aer Schippers 2007;<br />

(30 ... 36) (3.5 ... 4.0) Battaglia-Brunet et al. 2011; Huber & Stetter<br />

1990<br />

A autotrophic; FA facultatively autotrophic; M mixotrophic; Aer aerobic; FAer facultatively aerobic<br />

Sulfolobus metallicus (Archaea) Fe, S 50 ... 75 1.0 ... 4.5 A/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(65) (2.0 ... 3.0) Melamud et al. 2003<br />

Sulfobacillus thermotolerans Fe, S 20 ... 60 1.2 ... 5.0 M/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(40) (2.0 ... 2.5)<br />

Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans Fe, S 20 ... 60 1.5 ... 5.5 M/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(45 ... 48) (~2) Zhuravleva et al. 2008<br />

Sulfobacillus sibiricus Fe, S 17 ... 60 1.1 ... 3.5 M/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(55) (2.2 ... 2.5) Melamud et al. 2003<br />

Sulfobacillus acidophilus Fe, S < 30 ... 55 N/A M/FAer Schippers 2007; Norris et al. 1996<br />

(45 ... 50) (~2)<br />

Metallosphaera sedula (Archaea) S 50 ... 80 1.0 ... 4.5 FA/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(75) (2.0 ... 3.0) Huber et al. 1989<br />

Leptospirillum ferrooxidans Fe 2 ... 37 1.1 ... 4.0 A/Aer Schippers 2007; Karavaiko et al. 2006;<br />

(28 ... 30) (1.5 ... 3.0) Rawlings 2008<br />

10<br />

Table 3.1b : Characteristics of common microorganisms relevant to biomining processes<br />

Microorganism Fe/S T (°C) <strong>pH</strong> Growth Reference<br />

oxidizer growth range growth range metabolism/<br />

(optimal) (optimal) respiration<br />

Leptospirillum ferriphilum Fe 30 ... 37 N/A A/Aer Schippers 2007; Coram & Rawlings 2002;<br />

(N/A ... 45) (1.3 ... 1.8) Ojumu & Petersen 2011

Therefore also the microorganisms that do not directly solubilize valuable metals play<br />

an important role in a well-functioning biomining process. (Schippers & Sand 1999)<br />

The fact that most of the key microbial species are autotrophs makes the<br />

maintenance of the biomining culture simple (Rawlings 2007). A typical biomining<br />

process at best only requires acidic water as a growth medium and an evenly distributed<br />

supply of air for CO2 and oxygen (Rawlings 2002). Energy and some nutrients are<br />

provided by the minerals (Rawlings & Johnson 2007) but if necessary, nutrients can<br />

also be added as inexpensive fertilizer chemicals (Rawlings 2007).<br />

3.2 Arsenic-oxidizers<br />

Only few reports have been published of microorganisms capable of arsenite [As(III)]<br />

oxidation in mining environments. Members of the main biomining genera<br />

Acidithiobacillus and Leptospirillum are not able to oxidize arsenite (Battaglia-Brunet et<br />

al. 2002a). Some strains of the genus Thiomonas such as T. delicata (Battaglia-Brunet<br />

et al. 2011) have been shown to oxidize arsenite under chemoautotrophic and<br />

moderately acidophilic conditions. However, the growth optima for the strains are in the<br />

<strong>pH</strong> range of 4 … 7.5, suggesting they would not persist in the low <strong>pH</strong> environment<br />

typical of biomining processes. (Battaglia-Brunet et al. 2006) Santini et al. (2000)<br />

isolated from an Australian gold mine the Agrobacterium/Rhizobium sp. strain NT-26, a<br />

chemolithoautotrophic bacterium strain capable of arsenite oxidation. However, the<br />

bacterium prefers growth in circumneutral <strong>pH</strong> and thus will most likely not be directly<br />

associated to actual acidic biomining process environments.<br />

The biooxidation of arsenic-bearing minerals such as arsenopyrite releases<br />

considerable amounts of arsenic into the bioleaching solution. Therefore, although not<br />

able to oxidize arsenite, the main biomining microorganisms have developed a high<br />

resistance to arsenic. The most famous example of this is the resistance generated by L.<br />

ferriphilum and At. caldus in the CSTRs of the Fairview Mine, South Africa. The<br />

species developed a tolerance to arsenic from approximately 1 g/L to 13 g/L total-As<br />

over the course of a few years. (Dew et al. 1993) Tuffin et al. (2006) isolated<br />

transposons containing the arsenic resistance genes from both strains. The transposons<br />

were shown to be related to each other but not closely enough for the resistance gene to<br />

have been transferred from one strain to the other, i.e., the strains developed their<br />

resistance independently. Also the isolate HGM 8 of At. ferrooxidans obtained by Dave<br />

et al. (2008) from the Hutti gold mine in India exhibited resistance to arsenite up to 14.7<br />

g/L. The ability of some biomining organisms to slowly adapt to high arsenic<br />

concentrations, as well as other toxic elements, e.g., heavy metals is an important factor<br />

when considering the biomining consortium as discussed later in Chapter 4.1.1.<br />



The role of acidophilic microorganisms in oxidizing metal sulfides in mining<br />

environments was recognized in the late 1940’s (Colmer & Hinkle 1947). One of the<br />

first utilizations of biooxidation mechanisms was reported by Zimmerley et al. (1958;<br />

U.S. Patent 2,829,964). Since then, mining processes utilizing biohydrometallurgical<br />

methods for metal extraction have commenced all over the world. Table 4.1 lists some<br />

locations with on-going full-scale biomining processes.<br />

Generally the processes can be divided into irrigation type and stirred-tank type<br />

processes. The process and design depend on economical preferences and production<br />

capacity needs. For example, it may be economically viable to utilize high-throughput<br />

tank reactors for the extraction of high-value metals such as gold whereas slower but<br />

also cheaper methods such as heap or dump leaching are a more economical option for<br />

the extraction of lower-value metals. Irrigation type processes, subdivided into dump,<br />

heap and in situ processes, offer a more economical solution with a large ore processing<br />

capacity. However, reaction rates and metal recovery percentage are higher when<br />

applying stirred-tank processes in carefully adjusted and controlled continuous-flow<br />

bioreactors. Drawbacks of the stirred-tank processes are high construction and operation<br />

costs and limited processing volume. For this reason, stirred-tank processes are mainly<br />

used for low-grade ores and concentrates. (For reviews, see Watling 2006; Olson et al.<br />

2003; Rawlings 2002) The metals extracted by far the most is copper by means of<br />

bioleaching and gold by biooxidation (Rawlings 2002) but commercial scale plants also<br />

for the extraction of nickel, zinc and cobalt (Riekkola-Vanhanen 2010) as well as<br />

uranium (Talvivaara 2012b; for a review, see Muñoz et al. 1995) have been introduced.<br />


Table 4.1: Examples of biomining plants currently in operation<br />

Location<br />

Fairview, South<br />

Africa<br />

Saõ Bento,<br />

Brazil<br />

Harbour Lights,<br />

Australia<br />

Wiluna,<br />

Australia<br />

Metals<br />

Extracted Process Type<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Sansu, Ghana Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Tamboraque,<br />

Peru<br />

Fosterville,<br />

Australia<br />

Suzdal,<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Gold Quarry,<br />

Nevada, USA<br />

Agnes, South<br />

Africa<br />

Talvivaara,<br />

Finland<br />

Cerro Colorado,<br />

Chile<br />

Quebrada<br />

Blanca, Chile<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Au BIOX TM tank<br />

leaching<br />

Au BIOPRO TM<br />

heap leaching<br />

Au GEOCOAT®<br />

heap<br />

biooxidation<br />

Ni, Cu, Zn,<br />

Co<br />

Year of<br />

Commissioning Reference<br />

13<br />

1986 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

1990 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

1991 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

1993 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

1994 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

1998 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

2005 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

2005 van Aswegen et al. (2007)<br />

1999 Logan et al. (2007)<br />

2003 Harvey & Bath (2007)<br />

Heap leaching 2009 Talvivaara (2012a)<br />

Cu Heap leaching 1993 Domic (2007)<br />

Cu Heap leaching 1994 Domic (2007)<br />

Zaldívar, Chile Cu Heap leaching 1995 Domic (2007)<br />

Ivan, Chile Cu Heap leaching 1994 Domic (2007)<br />

Chuquicamata,<br />

Chile<br />

Collahuasi,<br />

Chile<br />

Dos Amigos,<br />

Chile<br />

La Escondida,<br />

Chile<br />

Spence Mine,<br />

Chile<br />

Cu Dump leaching 1994 Domic (2007)<br />

Cu Heap leaching 1997 Domic (2007)<br />

Cu Heap leaching 1997 Domic (2007)<br />

Cu Heap leaching 1990, heap<br />

leaching since<br />

1999<br />

Domic (2007)<br />

Cu Heap leaching 2007 Domic (2007)

4.1 Process Parameters<br />

As with any bioprocess, careful consideration of process conditions is necessary for<br />

successful operation. Current commercial biomining processes that operate below 40 °C<br />

are rather forgiving in terms of biological conditions as biooxidative microorganisms<br />

are ubiquitous, i.e., they occur naturally in most environments. As such, no inoculation<br />

or upkeep of a defined culture is required. However, only by careful planning and<br />

control of the process conditions is it possible to reach high ore processing rates and<br />

improved economical viability. (For reviews, see Watling 2006; Rawlings et al. 2003)<br />

Brandl (2001) lists the most important factors affecting biomining process operation<br />

(Table 4.2).<br />


Table 4.2: Factors affecting biomining processes. Adapted from (Brandl 2001).<br />

Factor Parameter<br />

Physicochemical parameters of a bioleaching temperature<br />

environment <strong>pH</strong><br />

redox potential<br />

water potential<br />

oxygen content and availability<br />

carbon dioxide content<br />

mass transfer<br />

nutrient availability<br />

iron(III) concentration<br />

light<br />

pressure<br />

surface tension<br />

presence of inhibitors<br />

Microbiological parameters of a bioleaching microbial diversity<br />

environment population density<br />

microbial activities<br />

spatial distribution of microorganisms<br />

metal tolerance<br />

adaptation abilities of microorganisms<br />

Properties of the mineral to be leached mineral type<br />

mineral composition<br />

mineral dissemination<br />

grain size<br />

surface area<br />

porosity<br />

hydrophobicity<br />

galvanic interactions<br />

formation of secondary minerals<br />

Processing leaching mode (in situ, dump, heap or tank)<br />

pulp density<br />

stirring rate (in case of tank operations)<br />

heap geometry (in case of heap leaching)<br />

A selected set of parameters the most relevant with respect to this thesis work are<br />

reviewed in this chapter. An overview on the principles of different processing methods,<br />

i.e., in situ, dump, heap and tank bioleaching/biooxidation is also given.<br />


4.1.1 Microbiological Parameters<br />

In terms of biomining processes that operate in the mesophilic temperature range,<br />

mineral sulfide oxidizing microorganisms are ubiquitous, i.e., the biooxidative consortia<br />

will naturally form in the process without inoculation. Also, the harsh acidic process<br />

conditions keep the growth environment rather clear of any unwanted competing<br />

populations. (Rawlings 2002) In fact, many current commercial scale bioleaching<br />

operations rely on indigenous bioleaching microorganisms as inoculation is usually not<br />

necessary for an effective bioleaching consortium to develop in the process (Riekkola-<br />

Vanhanen 2010; He et al. 2008; Lavalle et al. 2008). Therefore, manual optimization of<br />

microbiological parameters in biomining processes has not been of highest priority.<br />

However, studies have been done on the role of different microorganisms and their<br />

interaction in different consortia. Also the use of an indigenous inoculum has been<br />

challenged with studies on carefully selected inocula and consortia and different<br />

inoculation principles. (For a review, see Rawlings & Johnson 2007)<br />

Inoculation strategies: top-down vs. bottom-up<br />

Generally there are two different approaches to inoculation of biomining processes.<br />

Rawlings and Johnson (2007) refer to them as top-down and bottom-up approaches. The<br />

top-down approach stems from the idea of inoculating the process with a wide selection<br />

of different species and relying on the strains with the best adaptability to the process<br />

conditions to dominate and form the optimal microbial consortium. The bottom-up<br />

approach relies more on logical selection of the microbial species, i.e., inoculating the<br />

process with hand-picked species that would be considered beneficial to process<br />

efficiency.<br />

The top-down approach requires a vast and diverse enough inoculant consortium<br />

where as many different species as possible capable of contributing to sulfide mineral<br />

dissolution are represented (Rawlings & Johnson 2007). These species include iron- and<br />

sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms such as Acidithiobacillus spp. and Leptospirillum spp.<br />

as well as possible heterotrophic species that may contribute to the process by<br />

metabolizing organic substances that might otherwise inhibit the growth of the<br />

lithotrophic iron- and sulfur-oxidizers (Okibe & Johnson 2004). Inocula used for<br />

inoculation of processes with elevated temperatures should also contain<br />

thermoacidophilic archae (Logan et al. 2007; Plumb et al. 2007; Mikkelsen et al. 2006).<br />

The species can be obtained either by enriching from natural sources or from preexisting<br />

biomining processes (Rawlings & Johnson 2007).<br />

The bottom-up approach is based on careful pre-selection of individual species. The<br />

idea is to include only the species that are necessary for the most efficient oxidation of<br />

minerals. Limiting the microbial diversity in the process prevents the enrichment of<br />

harmful or unbeneficial species that might, e.g., produce excess amounts of acid.<br />

(Rawlings & Johnson 2007) As a rule of thumb, a biomining process should contain at<br />

least one species capable of iron-oxidation and one species capable of sulfur-oxidation<br />

(Schippers & Sand 1999). L. ferriphilum, for example, is a very effective iron-oxidizer<br />


at temperatures around 40 °C but it is unable to oxidize sulfur. It is therefore often<br />

accompanied by At. caldus, a moderately thermophilic sulfur-oxidizer incapable of ironoxidation.<br />

L. ferriphilum then oxidizes the iron and At. caldus keeps up the acidic<br />

conditions by oxidizing the sulfur to sulfuric acid. (Rawlings et al. 1999b) In<br />

commercial bioleaching processes, however, inoculation with selected species is rarely<br />

necessary and an indigenous consortium can outcompete a designed consortium in<br />

terms of both bioleaching efficiency and adaptability (Bryan et al. 2011).<br />

Effect of reactor type on the microbial population<br />

With many bioprocesses, the idea of constructing the microbial community species-byspecies<br />

is impossible, but not with continuous-flow stirred-tank biomining processes. In<br />

rather extreme acidic conditions and continuous flow of material, it is usually only a<br />

very limited number of species that dominate the microbial consortium (Battaglia-<br />

Brunet et al. 2002b; Rawlings et al. 1999b). Further in steady-state conditions in a<br />

continuous-flow reactor, the microbial population keeps evolving and adapting to the<br />

conditions for years instead of weeks (Rawlings & Silver 1995). Thus species that adapt<br />

slower but might eventually reach a higher rate of sulfide oxidation than the initially<br />

faster-adapting species might be washed out too soon. This makes identifying the<br />

ultimately optimal population a very challenging task and requires long-term research.<br />

Another thing to consider is the fact that the processed ore is not sterile. Thus, it is<br />

impossible to prevent the contamination of the inoculated consortium with other species<br />

(Rawlings & Johnson 2007). Therefore, if a designed consortium were to be used to<br />

inoculate a bioleaching process, the top-down approach would be most useful with<br />

processes operated in very extreme conditions, e.g., very low <strong>pH</strong> (Yahya & Johnson<br />

2002) and/or high temperature (Mikkelsen et al. 2006), where the microbial growth<br />

niches are scarce.<br />

Monitoring the microbial population in continuous-flow stirred-tank processes is<br />

relatively straightforward as the process environment is totally homogenous due to<br />

constant mixing. Additionally, the constant flow and otherwise demanding environment<br />

make for conditions where only a couple of species dominate. (Rawlings et al. 1999b)<br />

Heaps, on the other hand, are not homogenous and thus contain varying environments<br />

for microbial growth. For example, temperature and the amount of air may vary<br />

considerably within a heap. (Casas et al. 1998) Thus compiling a prescribed inoculum<br />

with hand-picked species for a heap reactor is neither possible nor something to pursue.<br />

Instead, biomining heaps are usually inoculated either in or just prior to the stacking of<br />

the ore in heaps in order to ensure an even distribution of microorganisms throughout<br />

the heap from the start. Just recirculating the raffinate solution (i.e., the heap effluent)<br />

and waiting for the indigenous microorganisms to enrich in the heap is enough. (Plumb<br />

et al. 2007) Microbial diversity inside the heap is not a well studied subject as most<br />

microbiological samples are taken from the effluent solution and not the ore itself<br />

(Plumb et al. 2007; Lizama 2001).<br />

In the future, more research will definitely be done on the microbial adaptation to<br />

stirred-tank process environments. For example, it has been shown that after years of<br />


operation in a stirred-tank for processing of arsenopyrite-containing refractory goldbearing<br />

ore, the dominating species L. ferriphilum and At. caldus had developed a<br />

strong arsenic-resistance. (Tuffin et al. 2006) The mechanism through which the<br />

bacteria acquired the resistance genes from the horizontal gene pool is still unknown.<br />

Understanding of the mechanism would make it a lot easier to, e.g., enrich<br />

microorganisms that have high resistance to heavy metals or other harmful substances.<br />

Also the efficiency of different consortia inside heap reactors should be studied and<br />

engineering approaches that maximize the proportion of the most efficient<br />

microorganisms and growth-supporting conditions should be developed. (For a more<br />

comprehensive discussion on the subject, see the review from Rawlings & Johnson<br />

2007)<br />

4.1.2 Physicochemical Parameters<br />

Although microbial dissolution of sulfide minerals is a naturally occurring phenomenon<br />

exhibited by ubiquitous microorganisms, industrial applications of the phenomenon<br />

need to be optimized for maximized economical viability and minimized environmental<br />

effects. This requires understanding of the influence of physical and chemical factors on<br />

the process efficiency.<br />

Temperature<br />

Temperature is an obvious factor to affect the mineral sulfide dissolution process. For<br />

example, different microorganisms have different optimal growth temperatures, and<br />

thus the selection of the consortium with the fastest mineral solubilization rate is<br />

strongly temperature-dependent. (Plumb et al. 2007) Most commercial biomining<br />

processes operate mostly at or below 40 °C but many future biomining processes will<br />

most likely operate at elevated temperatures above 60 °C. (for a review, see Rawlings<br />

2002) Process temperature plays an important role especially in the leaching of<br />

chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) ores or concentrates, as an elevated temperature is crucial for<br />

economically viable leaching rates (Watling 2006). Elevated temperature also works to<br />

prevent the precipitation of iron-hydroxy sulfates such as jarosites on mineral surfaces.<br />

Jarosite precipitation on mineral surface blocks access from microorganisms to the<br />

mineral surface, effectively inhibiting biooxidative reactions. (Tshilombo et al. 2002)<br />

Mineral surface passivation by jarosite precipitation is a major concern especially<br />

related to chalcopyrite dissolution (Watling 2006).<br />

For the processing of other ores and concentrates, the temperature is not quite as<br />

important, but as the biooxidation reactions are exothermic, i.e., heat-generating, the<br />

process temperature tends to rise especially in the industrial-scale (Plumb et al. 2007).<br />

The exothermic nature of the reactions makes it possible, e.g., to operate bioheap<br />

reactors even in cold climate regions such as the Talvivaara deposit in Sotkamo,<br />

Finland, without external heating (Riekkola-Vanhanen 2010). On the other hand, some<br />

processes, especially those of the stirred-tank kind, may need to be cooled down in<br />

order to maintain process conditions supporting the optimal microbial consortium and<br />

metal extraction rate [Schaffner et al. 2000 (U.S. Patent 6,096,113)].<br />


<strong>pH</strong><br />

Most, if not all, industrial biomining processes are operated in a very acidic<br />

environment (<strong>pH</strong> ≈ 1…2) (Watling 2006; Rawlings 2002). As described in Chapter 2.2,<br />

the biooxidation of sulfur results in the formation of sulfuric acid, which lowers the <strong>pH</strong><br />

of the biomining environment. The acidic conditions favor acidophilic microorganisms<br />

that are efficient in oxidation of inorganic iron- and sulfur-compounds. Low <strong>pH</strong> also<br />

promotes chemical dissolution of acid-soluble sulfide minerals. (Schippers & Sand<br />

1999) Yahya and Johnson (2002) point out that extremely low <strong>pH</strong> (< 1.5) hinders the<br />

formation of mineral-passivating iron sulfate (jarosite) precipitation on the mineral<br />

surface. In contrast, Halinen et al. (2009) recommend the heap leaching of black schist<br />

ore to be conducted in <strong>pH</strong> 2.0 instead of the lower <strong>pH</strong> of 1.5. Thus, the concept of<br />

optimal process <strong>pH</strong> is ambiguous as it depends on other process parameters, most<br />

importantly the mineral composition of the ore.<br />

Ferric ion concentration<br />

Redox potential in biomining solutions is proportional to the ferric to ferrous iron ratio,<br />

i.e., the more ferric iron in the solution compared to ferrous iron, the more positive the<br />

redox potential (May et al. 1997). At. ferrooxidans and L. ferrooxidans, for example,<br />

usually generate redox potentials in the range of +600 mV to up to +900 mV (Rawlings<br />

et al. 1999a). Redox potential thus acts as an indicator of microbial oxidation activity.<br />

However, Tshilombo et al. (2002) demonstrated on chalcopyrite that mineral surface<br />

passivation by iron-hydroxy compounds such as jarosites is increased with increasing<br />

redox potential. Yahya and Johnson (2002) reported an extremely acidophilic<br />

Sulfobacillus sp. capable of efficient pyrite oxidation in <strong>pH</strong> below 1 with a redox<br />

potential of < +650 mV, effectively reducing jarosite formation.<br />

Mineral composition and gangue minerals<br />

As biomining processes are mostly used for the treatment of low-grade ores, the<br />

proportion of gangue minerals in the ores is usually rather high. Most gangue materials<br />

such as quartz, mica, chlorite, potassium- and calcium-feldspar are acid-consuming. The<br />

sulfuric acid production from sulfur-oxidation reactions may not be enough to cover the<br />

acid consumption by gangue minerals. As a result, acid has to be added to the process in<br />

order to maintain acidic conditions, which can be a major source of costs. (Rawlings et<br />

al. 2003) Dissolution of gangue silicates also results in the release of structural elements<br />

such as Al, Fe, K, Mg and Si and trace elements, which can inhibit the sulfide mineral<br />

dissolution. Dopson et al. (2008) reported the inhibition of microbial growth by<br />

dissolved fluorine and leachate coagulation by dissolved silicates.<br />

Also the inhibitory effects of the desired metals have to be taken into account.<br />

Nickel tolerance, for example, varies not only between species but between individual<br />

strains as well. The reported resistance of different strains of At. ferrooxidans to nickel<br />

varies between 6 mg/L and as much as 50 g/L (Watling 2008). Microorganisms also<br />

tend to adapt to the process conditions, which includes generating a stronger resistance<br />

to metals and other inhibitory substances over time. For example, At. caldus and L.<br />

ferriphilum found in biooxidation tanks in Fairview, South Africa, have been reported to<br />


generate a strong resistance to arsenic (up to 13 g/L) in the course of several years.<br />

(Rawlings 2008)<br />

4.2 Irrigation-Type Processes<br />

Irrigation-type processes can be divided into three groups: heap, dump and in situ<br />

processes. They are mostly used for bioleaching of large amounts of ore. In heap<br />

leaching, the ore is crushed, agglomerated and stacked into carefully designed heaps<br />

2…10 m high. Prior to stacking, the crushed ore is cured (i.e., acidified) in order to<br />

create an acidic environment for the acidophilic microorganisms. Also, if inorganic acid<br />

is used, the ore can be inoculated with the leaching microorganisms before stacking to<br />

ensure an even distribution of microorganisms throughout the heap right from the<br />

beginning of the leaching process. The heaps are irrigated from the top through a<br />

network of drip lines or sprinklers with recycled acidic and bioleaching microorganismcontaining<br />

raffinate solution. The metal-impregnated solution is collected from the<br />

bottom of the heaps (Figure 4.1) and the metals are recovered. For the recovery of, e.g.,<br />

nickel, zinc and cobalt, hydrogen sulfide can be used for precipitation (Riekkola-<br />

Vanhanen 2010). In the case of copper, metal recovery is done by solvent extractionelectrowinning<br />

(SX-EW) (Bartos 2002). The metal-free raffinate is then recycled back<br />

into the process. (For reviews, see Watling 2006; Rawlings 2002) Inorganic nutrients<br />

such as (NH4)2SO4 and KH2PO4 are usually added to the raffinate solution before<br />

irrigation (Rawlings 2002). Aeration pipes can be installed at the bottom of the heap to<br />

provide the bioleaching microorganisms with more oxygen and CO2 to further enhance<br />

the leaching process (Riekkola-Vanhanen 2010; Lizama 2001).<br />


Figure 4.1: Schematic of an aerated heap bioleach process. Partly impregnated<br />

intermediate leach solution (ILS) from the primary (upper) heap is used to<br />

irrigate the secondary (lower) heap. Pregnant leach solution (PLS) from the<br />

secondary heap goes through solvent extraction and the metal-free raffinate is<br />

recycled back into the process. (Watling 2006)<br />

The basic principle behind the dump process is similar to that of the heap process,<br />

the difference being that it is much more robust and less controlled and several<br />

magnitudes larger in scale. In dump leaching, millions of tons of run-of-mine ore can be<br />

piled up in stacks even as high as 350 m. It is obvious that with such large amounts of<br />

ore, economical distribution of sufficient amount of air and water would be challenging.<br />

That is why dump leaching is mostly used when dealing with vast amounts of ore and<br />

when efficient metal extraction of metals from these ores is not a priority. Thus, only<br />

the minimal amount of treatment is performed on the ore and the dump. The dump is<br />

irrigated with recycled raffinate and the pregnant leachate is collected from the bottom<br />

like in the heap process but aeration, agglomeration, ore curing etc. are not performed in<br />

order to minimize the costs. This way, the leach cycle in dump processes can take years.<br />

(For reviews, see Watling 2006; Olson et al. 2003; Rawlings 2002; Brierley 1982)<br />

In situ leaching takes the minimizing of costs even further as the metals are<br />

extracted from the ore underground, without haulage (Sand et al. 1993). The geology of<br />

the site, however, sets limitations to the implementation of in situ processing as the ore<br />

body has to be sufficiently permeable and the gangue rock sufficiently impermeable for<br />

efficient metal recovery (Bosecker 1997). For example, at San Manuel near Tucson,<br />

Texas, copper is leached underground by injecting acidified leaching solution into the<br />

mineral deposits via injection wells. The solution then percolates through the ore and<br />

collects to abandoned mine workings or production wells from which the pregnant<br />

solution is pumped to the surface for metal extraction. (Schnell 1997) Underground in<br />

situ leaching can make metal extraction economically viable from ores that could not be<br />


leached in an economical way using the conventional methods (Rawlings 2002).<br />

However, as evidence of microbial involvement in underground leaching is scarce,<br />

Watling (2006) questions the importance of microorganisms in the process, based on the<br />

fact that deep underground, oxygen is very limited, and as a result microbial activity<br />

would be expected to slow down considerably.<br />

4.3 Stirred-Tank Processes<br />

The use of highly aerated continuous-flow stirred-tank reactors boosts the efficiency<br />

and rate of biomining processes. However, construction and operation of such reactors<br />

is costly compared to the more robust irrigation-type processes described above. Stirredtank<br />

processes are used mainly for biooxidation of high-value gold-bearing refractory<br />

ores and concentrates (Langhans et al. 1995) and bioleaching of cobalt (d'Hugues et al.<br />

1997).<br />

In biooxidation, the goal of microbially catalyzed oxidative attack is not to leach the<br />

metal to be extracted, but rather to dissolve the sulfide matrix enclosing the metal and<br />

expose it for leaching by other means (for a review, see Rawlings 2002). In the case of<br />

gold, most industrial processes use biooxidation in tank reactors for the pretreatment of<br />

recalcitrant arsenopyrite concentrates (Deng et al. 2000). The leaching of gold is then<br />

done with cyanide, although a microbiological substitute has been studied (Feng & van<br />

Deventer 2006; Groudev et al. 1996). A typical biooxidation process comprises highly<br />

aerated and vigorously stirred continuous-flow biooxidation tanks arranged in series<br />

(Figure 4.2), with a continuous feed of the mineral concentrate and nutrients in the first<br />

Figure 4.2: Flow diagram for continuous stirred-tank reactor process of gold<br />

recovery from refractory arsenopyrite concentrate. Primary aeration tanks are<br />

arranged in parallel in order to increase retention time and thus provide microbes<br />

with enough time to duplicate so that washout does not occur. (Rawlings 2002)<br />

tank. Tank sizes can range from 1000 to 2000 m 3 (Rawlings 2002). Temperature and <strong>pH</strong><br />

can be adjusted individually for each tank for optimal process yield (Rawlings et al.<br />

1999b). For example, using the BIOX ® process, the most extensively used commercial<br />


iooxidation method, the mineral decomposition typically only takes some days,<br />

whereas the reactions in heap reactors can take from months to even years (for reviews,<br />

see Watling 2006; Rawlings et al. 2003).<br />


5 <strong>ARSENIC</strong> IN BIOMINING<br />

5.1 General Characteristics<br />

Geological distribution<br />

Arsenic (As, atomic number = 33) is a metalloid found abundantly in the Earth’s upper<br />

crust. It exists in four oxidation states: +V (arsenate), +III (arsenite), 0 (arsenic), and –<br />

III (arsine). (Sharma & Sohn 2009) In nature, only arsenite and arsenate oxidation forms<br />

are clearly distinguishable. In natural waters, arsenic occurs as oxyanions of arsenite<br />

and arsenate, i.e., AsO3 3- and AsO4 3- , respectively. Solution <strong>pH</strong> and redox potential<br />

largely determine the degree of hydration as well as arsenic state of oxidation. Figure<br />

5.1 presents a redox potential (Eh) – <strong>pH</strong> diagram for an acid mine drainage-type As-Fe-<br />

O-H-S system.<br />

Figure 5.1: Eh–<strong>pH</strong> diagram for an acid mine drainage-type system (adapted from<br />

Bednar et al. 2005)<br />


In the solid phase, arsenic is rarely found in its elemental form. Instead, it is often<br />

found combined with sulfur, e.g., in orpiment (As2S3), realgar (As2S2 or AsS), or<br />

arsenopyrite (FeAsS). In addition to sulfur, other common combinations are with<br />

tellurium as in As2Te, and with selenium as in As2Se3. Heavy metal combinations<br />

include those with iron (loellingite, FeAs2), copper (domeykite, Cu3As), nickel (nicolite,<br />

NiAs), and cobalt (Co2As). Other mineral forms include arsenolite (or claudetite,<br />

As2O3), erythrite (Co3(AsO4)2 · 8 H2O, scorodite (FeAsO4 · 2H2O), and olivenite<br />

(Cu2(AsO4)(OH)). Arsenic concentration in soil ranges from 0.1 to 1000 ppm, and is<br />

mainly in the form of arsenopyrite. (Ehrlich & Newman 2009)<br />

Toxicity<br />

Arsenic is toxic to most living organisms. To humans, arsenic is a carcinogen and, due<br />

to its vast natural abundance, arsenic is regarded as one of the most important sources of<br />

chemical poisoning in the world, especially in the developing countries. Tailings from<br />

metal-mining processes along with the combustion of fossil fuels are the major sources<br />

of anthropogenic arsenic contamination of the environment (ICPS 2001). In many<br />

mining areas, the arsenic concentration in nearby waters is in the range of 0.1 … 5.0<br />

mg/L (Williams 2001). The drinking water standard set by the World Health<br />

Organization (WHO) is 10 µg/L (WHO 2011). However, there is great variance in the<br />

toxicity between different oxidation states as well as organic and inorganic arsenic<br />

compounds. Generally, arsenite and inorganic arsenic are more toxic than arsenate and<br />

organic arsenic, respectively. (Ng 2005)<br />

Arsenite has a very high affinity for protein sulfhydryl groups of biomolecules, e.g.,<br />

glutathione (GSH). The formation of As(III)-S bonds inhibits enzymes such as<br />

glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidases, thioredoxin reductase, and thioredoxin<br />

peroxidase. (For a review, see Sharma & Sohn 2009) Arsenate, on the other hand,<br />

uncouples oxidative phosphorylation thus inhibiting ATP synthesis (Ehrlich & Newman<br />

2009).<br />


5.2 Microbial Interaction and Resistance<br />

Even though arsenic is toxic to most organisms, its abundance and natural occurrence<br />

have made it possible for microorganisms to develop a wide variety of resistance<br />

mechanisms. Some strains are even able to oxidize or reduce arsenic for metabolic<br />

purposes. Figure 5.2 illustrates different mechanisms with which microorganisms<br />

interact with arsenic.<br />

Figure 5.2: Schematic representation of the different processes evolved by<br />

prokaryotes to cope with arsenic: (1) arsenic (As) enters the cell through the<br />

phosphate transporters [as arsenate, As(V)] or through the aquaglyceroporin [as<br />

arsenite, As(III)]; (2) arsenic is immobilized in the environment by extracellular<br />

precipitation; (3) As(V) inside the cell is reduced to As(III) by an arsenate<br />

reductase (ArsC). As(III) inside the cell is pumped out of the cell through a<br />

membrane protein [Ars(A)B]; (4) inorganic arsenic can be transformed into<br />

volatile or non-volatile organic species via a series of methylation steps; (5) As(V)<br />

is used as an electron acceptor during respiration by the dissimilatory arsenate<br />

reductase ArrAB; (6) As(III) can serve as an electron donor via the As(III)<br />

oxidase AoxAB or ArxAB. Pit, phosphate (PO4 3- ) inorganic transport system; Pst,<br />

phosphate specific transport system; GlpF, aquaglyceroporin GlpF; ArsC,<br />

detoxifying arsenate reductase; Ars(A)B, arsenite efflux pump; MMA,<br />

monomethylarsonic acid; DMAA, dimethylarsinic acid; DMA, dimethylarsine;<br />

TMAO, trimethylarsine oxide; Aox/Arx, different arsenite oxidase types; Arr,<br />

dissimilatory arsenate reductase. (Slyemi & Bonnefoy 2011)<br />


At <strong>pH</strong> < 9.3 arsenite exists in the form As(OH)3, which is similar to glycerol. Hence<br />

the uptake of arsenite proceeds mainly via GlpF, the transport system for glycerol.<br />

(Meng et al. 2004) Arsenate, on the other hand, is analogous to phosphate and thus<br />

enters the cell through phosphate transport systems Pit and Pst (Rosenberg et al. 1977).<br />

Active arsenite extrusion via the Ars system, encoded in the ars operon, is the most<br />

extensively studied arsenic resistance mechanism in prokaryotes. The ars operon can<br />

exist either on a plasmid or on a chromosome. ArsB is an integral membrane protein<br />

that pumps arsenite out of the cell. When present, ArsA functions as an ATPase that<br />

provides energy to ArsB from the hydrolysis of ATP, making the extrusion of arsenite<br />

more efficient. No arsenate extrusion mechanism has been reported to date. Instead,<br />

ArsC, a cytoplasmic arsenate reductase, reduces arsenate to arsenite which is then<br />

pumped out. (For a review, see Slyemi & Bonnefoy 2011)<br />

Arsenic methylation is a widespread arsenic resistance mechanism. Methylation is a<br />

multistep process that starts with the reduction of arsenate to arsenite and proceeds with<br />

a step-wise introduction of methyl groups to arsenite. (For a review, see Bentley &<br />

Chasteen 2002). Although arsenic methylation by fungi and other eukaryotes has been<br />

extensively studied, the respective mechanisms for prokaryotes are still somewhat<br />

unclear. The pathway proposition by Challenger (1945), based on studies on the fungus<br />

Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, is still widely in use (Páez-Espino et al. 2009; Dombrowski<br />

et al. 2005; Bentley & Chasteen 2002) The main prokaryotic methylation products<br />

consist of volatile arsenic compounds such as mono-, di- and trimethyl arsine (MMA,<br />

DMA and TMA) (Bentley & Chasteen 2002).<br />

Arsenate reduction usually occurs in one of two contexts. Arsenate can undergo<br />

detoxifying reduction by the arsenate reductase ArsC as mentioned above, but some<br />

microorganisms such as the bacteria Sulfurospirillum barnesii and S. arsenophilum<br />

(Stolz et al. 1999) can also use arsenate as a terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic<br />

respiration. This dissimilatory reduction is performed by a heterodimeric terminal<br />

reductase ArrAB complex, where arsenate acts as an electron acceptor of the microbial<br />

electron transfer chain. ArrAB consists of two subunits, ArrA (~100 kDa) and the<br />

smaller ArrB (~30kDa). ArrB functions as an electron conductor from the respiratory<br />

chain to ArrA where the actual arsenate reduction takes place. (For a review, see Slyemi<br />

& Bonnefoy 2011) The respiratory arsenate reductases of only three species, i.e.,<br />

Chrysiogenes arsenates (Krafft & Macy 1998), Bacillus selenitireducens (Afkar et al.<br />

2003) and Shewanella trabarsenatis (Malasarn et al. 2008) have been characterized.<br />

Arsenate reduction is a cause of environmental problems, as arsenite is much more<br />

mobile and toxic than arsenate. The reverse, arsenite oxidation, on the other hand, is an<br />

important mechanism for immobilization of arsenic and a widely reported property of<br />

various microorganisms. (For reviews, see Slyemi & Bonnefoy 2011; Ehrlich &<br />

Newman 2009; Páez-Espino et al. 2009) Arsenite oxidation can take place aerobically<br />

or anaerobically and, unlike what was believed earlier, not all arsenic-oxidizing<br />

microorganisms oxidize arsenite only as a means of detoxification; some can actually<br />

draw energy from the reaction (Ehrlich & Newman 2009). These microorganisms<br />

include such species as Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii (Hoeft et al. 2007) or the strain<br />


elonging to the Agrobacterium/Rhizobium branch of the α-Proteobacteria found from<br />

a gold mine in Australia (Santini et al. 2000). A widely recognized enzyme responsible<br />

for the oxidation of arsenite in most arsenite oxidizing microorganisms is the arsenite<br />

oxidase AoxAB (also known as AsoBA or AroBA), consisting of two subunits: the<br />

larger AoxB (~90 kDa) and the smaller AoxA (~14 kDa) (Slyemi & Bonnefoy 2011).<br />

The electrons are transferred from the large subunit to the smaller and on to the<br />

respiratory chain, namely periplasmic azurin and cytochrome c in the case of<br />

Alcaligenes faecalis (Ellis et al. 2001). Recently, another arsenite oxidase, ArxAB, has<br />

been reported that is phylogenetically much closer to the dissimilatory arsenate<br />

reductase ArrAB that to AoxAB. However, ArxAB has been detected so far only in the<br />

family Ectothiorhodospiraceae. (Slyemi & Bonnefoy 2011)<br />

5.3 Removal of Arsenic from Mining Waters<br />

The microbial oxidation of arsenic-bearing minerals releases considerable amounts of<br />

arsenic into the bioleaching solution. Preventing mine tailings and with them dissolved<br />

arsenic from reaching the environment is of utmost importance. (ICPS 2001) Existing<br />

water treatment technologies for arsenic removal are many. They employ mechanisms<br />

such as ion exchange, sorption/(co-)precipitation, coagulation, and different membranebased<br />

techniques such as ultra-, micro-, and nanofiltration or reverse osmosis (for an<br />

extensive overview on commonly used methods for arsenic removal from drinking<br />

water, see (EPA 2000)). However, mining related wastewaters generally exhibit<br />

extreme and challenging characteristics in terms of wastewater treatment. The biggest<br />

challenges are caused by a very acidic <strong>pH</strong> (< 3) and high concentrations of sulfate and<br />

various soluble metals, especially iron. (King 1995) Such demanding conditions make<br />

many traditional wastewater treatment methods too challenging or expensive to use<br />

(EPA 2000).<br />

Arsenic removal methods utilizing various iron compounds are widely used and<br />

studied (Tresintsi et al. 2012; Zeng et al. 2008; Nikolaidis et al. 2003; Zouboulis et al.<br />

2002; Joshi & Chauduri 1996) Thus, given the usually high soluble iron content in<br />

mining waters, it is not surprising that the majority of studies on arsenic removal from<br />

mining waters concentrate on the ability of various iron oxides, including<br />

oxyhydroxides and hydroxides, to efficiently remove soluble arsenic (Dong et al. 2011;<br />

Doušová et al. 2005; Kim & Davis 2003; Carlson et al. 2002). The high iron content of<br />

mining waters specifically presents for the mining industry a more lucrative and costeffective<br />

option than the use of other compounds or methods for arsenic control (EPA<br />

2000). Currently arsenic is removed from wastewater streams of the mineral processing<br />

industry by lime neutralization with co-precipitation of arsenic with iron oxides (Esper<br />

et al. 2012; Twidwell & McCloskey 2011).<br />

Apart from the more traditional and engineered approach for arsenic removal using<br />

iron oxides, constructed wetlands are used for a more black-box type of treatment<br />

method. Constructed wetlands are widely utilized for immobilization or transformation<br />

of heavy metal and sulfate (Esper et al. 2012; Nyquist & Greger 2009) as well as<br />


manganese (Hallberg & Johnson 2005) in acid mine drainage. However, literature on<br />

the utilization of constructed wetlands for arsenic removal specifically is scarce, save a<br />

recent attempt by Lizama et al. (2011) to spotlight the topic. Despite the lack of<br />

published in-depth studies, constructed wetlands have been shown to efficiently remove<br />

arsenic from wastewater (Ye et al. 2003) and are also used at mine sites for arsenic<br />

retention (Esper et al. 2012). As the mechanisms of arsenic removal are as of yet largely<br />

unstudied, Lizama et al. (2011) drew the conclusion that the dominant mechanisms are<br />

(co-)precipitation and sorption, much like in the use of iron oxides for arsenic removal<br />

as described below. The hypothesis was supported by the findings of Ye et al. (2003)<br />

stating that immobilization in the sediment accounted for the most of the arsenic<br />

removal by a constructed wetland for coal gasification plant wastewater treatment. As<br />

constructed wetlands for arsenic removal are such a poorly covered subject in the<br />

literature and irrelevant in the light of the present study, this chapter will only<br />

concentrate on arsenic removal based on the use of iron oxides.<br />

5.3.1 Mechanisms of Arsenic Immobilization with Iron Oxides<br />

The mechanisms behind arsenic removal with iron oxides are predominantly<br />

sorption/ion exchange and (co-)precipitation (De Klerk et al. 2012; Langmuir et al.<br />

2006; Zhang & Itoh 2005). Pre-formed iron oxides can be added to the process for<br />

arsenic removal, e.g., as a packed bed of iron oxide coated sand through which the<br />

contaminated solution is passed (Thirunavukkarasu et al. 2003). Using pre-formed iron<br />

oxides, the removal mechanism is mainly sorption/ion exchange (Zeng et al. 2008; Gu<br />

et al. 2005; Zhang & Itoh 2005). Alternatively, arsenic removal with iron oxides can be<br />

performed in situ by precipitating iron as oxides from the contaminated solution itself,<br />

provided that the water contains soluble iron. In simultaneous arsenic and iron removal<br />

arsenic removal proceeds via both sorption/ion exchange and (co-)precipitation. (De<br />

Klerk et al. 2012) Arsenic can precipitate with iron as amorphous ferric arsenate<br />

(FeAsO4), crystalline scorodite (FeAsO4 · 2 H2O) (Langmuir et al. 2006) or as an<br />

amorphous phase of variable composition such as pitticite (Fe(III) – SO4 – As2O5 –<br />

H2O) (Dunn 1982). For example, lime softening, a routine method in water treatment,<br />

has been shown to effectively remove soluble iron and arsenic as various precipitates<br />

due to increase in <strong>pH</strong>. The precipitates then further enhance the recovery of soluble<br />

arsenic from the solution through sorption. (EPA 2000)<br />


5.3.2 Common Mining-related Iron Oxides<br />

Widely studied naturally occurring iron (oxyhydr)oxides that all have a strong affinity<br />

for arsenic include amorphous hydrous iron oxide (FeOOH), goethite (α-FeOOH), and<br />

hematite (α-Fe2O3) along with more complex iron oxide based compounds such as<br />

schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)5.5(SO4)1.25) or jarosite ([K, Na, NH4]Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6),<br />

(Asta et al. 2009; Mamindy-Pajany et al. 2009; Gräfe et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2004;<br />

Carlson et al. 2002; Jain et al. 1999). Natural iron oxides from mine drainage, e.g.,<br />

magnetite (Fe 2+ Fe 3+ 2O4), ferrihydrite (Fe2O3 · 0.5 H2O) and goethite have even been<br />

proposed as low-cost substitutes for some expensive high-grade adsorbent and catalyst<br />

compounds (Flores et al. 2012).<br />

Schwertmannite, (K-)jarosite and goethite are readily formed in the mining<br />

environment (Asta et al. 2009) and have been studied extensively for arsenic adsorption<br />

(Paikaray et al. 2011; Tang et al. 2010; Savage et al. 2005). Schwertmannite is<br />

amorphous and rather unstable and it can transform to the more crystalline jarosite or<br />

goethite. The crystallization can lead to the release of sorbed arsenic into the solution.<br />

(Courtin-Nomade et al. 2003) Jarosite and goethite, on the other hand, are stable<br />

minerals. However, there remains ambiguity concerning the relative arsenic retention<br />

capabilities between the two minerals, especially in acidic conditions. (Asta et al. 2009)<br />

The arsenic sorption mechanisms on goethite and jarosite are thought to be different.<br />

According to Gräfe et al. (2008), the difference in sorption mechanisms is most clearly<br />

witnessed in the ability of the structural sulfate groups in jarosite to be replaced by and<br />

competed with arsenate, which does not occur with goethite.<br />

5.3.3 Factors Affecting Arsenic Immobilization with Iron Oxides<br />

Understanding arsenic chemistry is vital for successful arsenic removal. The arsenic<br />

oxidation state is an important factor as arsenate generally exhibits better sorptive<br />

abilities than arsenite and is considerably less toxic to most organisms. In many studies,<br />

arsenate has been shown to adsorb better than arsenite on various adsorbents (Zouboulis<br />

et al. 2002; Lin & Wu 2001; Suzuki et al. 2000), including schwertmannite, jarosite and<br />

goethite that are readily formed in mining water environments (Asta et al. 2009). Figure<br />

5.1 shows that under very oxidizing conditions (Eh ≥ 600 mV), arsenate is the dominant<br />

form of arsenic virtually regardless of <strong>pH</strong>. Generally such high redox potentials are rare<br />

but a typical biomining environment is characterized by a high microbially generated<br />

ferric to ferrous iron ratio which generates a high redox potential (Bednar et al. 2005).<br />

Sedelnikova et al. (1999) determined the minimum Fe:As molar ratio for stable<br />

iron-arsenic precipitate formation to be 4:1 with the precipitate stability increasing with<br />

an increasing Fe:As ratio. Thus, a sufficient amount of ferric iron must be present in the<br />

solution to retain as much arsenic as possible.<br />

The level of protonation caused by solution <strong>pH</strong> is important as it directly affects the<br />

electrical charge of the arsenic species (e.g., H2AsO3 - and H3AsO3) as well as the<br />

surface charge of the sorbent. Thus <strong>pH</strong> affects the efficiency of removal methods based<br />


on ionic bonding. (Stollenwerk 2003) As iron precipitation is also <strong>pH</strong> dependent<br />

(Watling 2006), the challenge in arsenic control in biomining processes boils down to<br />

the appropriate selection and control of process <strong>pH</strong>.<br />

Asta et al. (2009) noted that arsenic sorption on jarosite was much less <strong>pH</strong><br />

dependent compared to that on goethite. They attributed that to the finding by Gräfe et<br />

al. (2008) that sulfate groups are replaced by arsenate in the jarosite sorption<br />

mechanism. This exchange mechanism makes arsenic sorption on jarosite sensitive to<br />

sulfate concentration as stated by Asta et al. (2008): an addition of sulfate to the<br />

solution only in the mmol/L range was enough to diminish arsenate adsorption on<br />

jarosite from 38 % to less than 5 %. Arsenate adsorption on goethite was much less<br />

affected by sulfate concentration, namely 25 % with 20 mmol/L sulfate compared to the<br />

1 % adsorption by jarosite at the same sulfate concentration.<br />



6.1 Experimental Outline<br />

This thesis comprises three individual experiments. Based on previous shake-flask<br />

studies by Wakeman et al. (2011), a 30 L batch experiment was conducted to assess the<br />

simultaneous bioleaching amenability of nickel flotation concentrate (NFC) and<br />

immobilization of arsenic at constant, elevated <strong>pH</strong> of 3.0. As a follow-up to the 30 L<br />

batch experiment, a 20 L semi-continuous mode experiment was conducted in semicontinuous<br />

mode at <strong>pH</strong> 3.0 to assess parameters required for developing a continuous<br />

process. Finally, a shake-flask experiment without NFC was conducted in order to<br />

assess the role of bacteria in arsenic speciation and immobilization in the presence of<br />

iron, arsenic and sulfate.<br />

6.2 Materials<br />

6.2.1 Nickel Flotation Concentrate (NFC)<br />

The nickel flotation concentrate studied in this thesis was provided by Mondo Minerals<br />

LLC. NFC is a flotation side-product of talc production yet relatively rich in nickel and<br />

cobalt. The elemental and mineral compositions of NFC are presented in Table 6.1 and<br />

Table 6.2, respectively. The elemental distribution was provided by Mondo Minerals<br />

LLC and the mineralogical composition by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).<br />

Table 6.1: Elemental distribution of nickel flotation concentrate (courtesy of Mondo<br />

Minerals LLC)<br />

Element<br />

Fe 43.86<br />

Ni 9.19<br />

Co 0.40<br />

As 1.46<br />

Mg 2.07<br />

C n.d.<br />

S n.d.<br />

n.d.: not determined<br />

Nickel flotation<br />

concentrate (%)<br />


Table 6.2: Mineralogy of nickel flotation concentrate (courtesy of GTK)<br />

Mineral Chemical formula<br />

Pyrrhotite Fe(1-x)S (x = 0 ... 0.2) 59.5<br />

Pentlandite (Fe, Ni)9S8 22.1<br />

Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 5.5<br />

Pyrite FeS2 4.8<br />

Magnesite MgCO3 4.3<br />

Gersdorffite NiAsS 2.2<br />

Dolomite (CaMg)(CO3)2 0.7<br />

Chlorite (Mg,Fe)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2·(Mg,Fe)3(OH)6 0.4<br />

Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 0.1<br />

Chromite (Fe, Mg)Cr2O4 0.1<br />

Unclassified 0.1<br />

6.2.2 Bioleaching Cultures and Growth Media<br />

Nickel flotation<br />

concentrate (%)<br />

The bioleaching cultures used in the experiments were subcultures of enrichments from<br />

a tailings pond in the Mondo Minerals LLC mine site as described in Wakeman et al.<br />

(2011). The subcultures were incubated in shake-flasks of various volumes at 150 rpm<br />

and 27 °C. The microbial growth was supported with 1 % (w/v) NFC, 10 % (v/v)<br />

Mineral Salt Medium (MSM), 1 % (v/v) Trace Element Solution (TES), and 79 % (v/v)<br />

de-ionized (DI) H2O. Inoculation of new subcultures was performed by adding a 10 %<br />

(v/v) inoculant sample from a previous subculture.<br />

Both MSM and TES were prepared in DI H2O. MSM composition was as follows:<br />

37.5 g/L (NH4)2SO4, 18.75 g/L Na2SO4 · 10 H2O, 1.25 g/L KCl, 0.625 g/L K2HPO4,<br />

6.25 MgSO4 · 7 H2O, 0.175 g/L Ca(NO3)2 · 4 H2O. The MSM stock solution <strong>pH</strong> was<br />

adjusted to 1.8 with concentrated H2SO4. TES composition was as follows: 1.375 g/L<br />

FeCl3 · 6 H2O, 0.0625 g/L CuSO4 · 5 H2O, 0.25 g/L H3BO3, 0.319 g/L MnSO4 · 4 H2O,<br />

0.1 g/L Na2MoO4 · 2 H2O, 0.075 g/L CoCl2 · 6 H2O, 0.1125 g/L ZnSO4 · 7 H2O, 0.1125<br />

g/L Na2SeO4. The TES components were dissolved in DI H2O adjusted to <strong>pH</strong> 1.5 with<br />

concentrated H2SO4. All chemicals used were reagent grade and provided either by<br />

Merck (Germany), J.T. Baker (the Netherlands) or Sigma-Aldrich (Germany).<br />

6.2.3 Analytical Solutions<br />

For ferrous iron analysis, ammonium acetate buffer was prepared by dissolving 250 g<br />

NH4C2H3O2 in 180 mL DI H2O followed by addition of 700 mL glacial acetic acid<br />

(C2H3O4). The phenanthroline solution was prepared by dissolving 5 g 1,10phenanthroline<br />

monohydrate (C12H8N2 · H2O) in 450 mL DI H2O. A few drops of<br />

concentrated HCl were added to enhance the dissolution. After complete dissolution the<br />

solution was diluted to 500 mL. All solutions were prepared in acid washed containers.<br />


The eluent for ion chromatography was 0.5 M NaHCO3 and 0.5 M Na2CO3 in DI<br />

H2O. Both NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 stock solutions were filtered to 0.45 µm through GF/A<br />

glass microfiber filters (Whatman, UK).<br />

The EDTA wash solution for washing of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)<br />

standard flasks was 1 % (w/v) EDTA (C10H14N2Na2O8 · 2 H2O) and 5 % (v/v) Suma<br />

Nova Pur-Eco L6 machine dishwashing detergent (Johnson Diversey, USA) in DI H2O.<br />

TRIS buffer was prepared by dissolving 6.1 g C4H11NO3 in 500 mL DI H2O and<br />

adjusting the <strong>pH</strong> to 8.0 with concentrated HCl.<br />

6.3 Experimental Methods and Designs<br />

6.3.1 30 L Batch Experiment<br />

NFC was bioleached in three 30 L reactors with pulp densities of 15, 10, and 5 % (w/v)<br />

at room temperature (~21 °C) for 94, 58, and 79 days, respectively. The 10 % p.d.<br />

reactor was shut down prematurely due to sludge overflow resulting from a failure of a<br />

metallic air tube connector.<br />

The reactors contained initially 3 L MSM, 300 mL TES, 3 L inoculant, 23.7 L DI<br />

H2O and 4.5, 3.0, and 1.5 kg NFC corresponding to pulp densities 15, 10, and 5 %<br />

(w/v), respectively. The reactors were lidded cylindrical 45 L polypropylene (PP) tanks<br />

(P/N 365, Orthex, Finland). The lids were not tightly sealed. The reactors were mixed at<br />

250 rpm with RZR 2052 overhead mixers fitted with C-shaped Teflon impellers<br />

(Heidolph, Germany). The reactors were aerated from the bottom with air at 8 L/min<br />

through two ToppTube TM PA12 polyamide (PA) tubes (Toppi, Finland) placed on<br />

opposite sides of the reactor (Figure 6.1). Air flow was adjusted with NP-G24 flow<br />

meters (Kytola Instruments, Finland).<br />

Figure 6.1: Reactor schematic for the 30 L batch and 20 L semi-continuous mode<br />

experiments.<br />

In the beginning of the experiment, solution <strong>pH</strong> was maintained at 3.0 by daily<br />

manual adjustment with 2 M H2SO4 and 5 M NaOH. After 21, 15, and 6 days of<br />


operation of 15, 10, and 5 % p.d. reactors, respectively, constant <strong>pH</strong> of 3.0 was<br />

maintained by Titrino 719 S automatic titrators (Metrohm, Switzerland) with 5 M<br />

NaOH until the end of the experiment. Water evaporation was compensated for by<br />

measuring the solution level at regular intervals and adding an appropriate amount of DI<br />

H2O.<br />

The reactors were sampled weekly for total iron, nickel, cobalt, and arsenic and<br />

sulfate. Ferrous iron concentration, redox potential and <strong>pH</strong> were measured daily.<br />

Samples for leach residue analysis were collected after 27, 37, 69, 77, 80, 86, and 90<br />

days of operation from the 15 % p.d. reactor, after 21 and 31 days of operation from the<br />

10 % p.d. reactor, and after 12, 22, 54, 62, 65, 71, and 75 days of operation from the 5<br />

% p.d. reactor.<br />

6.3.2 20 L Semi-continuous Mode Experiment<br />

The reactor configuration of the 20 L semi-continuous mode experiment was similar to<br />

that of the 30 L batch experiment. Only one reactor was operated with NFC pulp density<br />

of 5 % (w/v) at room temperature (~21 °C) and <strong>pH</strong> 3.0. A Titrino 719 S automatic<br />

titrator (Metrohm, Switzerland) was used for <strong>pH</strong> control throughout the experiment. The<br />

reactor was operated for 38 days with a retention time of 10 d, i.e., 2 L of solution from<br />

the reactor was replaced with 2 L of fresh solution [10 % (v/v) MSM and 1 % (v/v) TES<br />

in DI H2O] on a daily basis. No mass exchange was performed on weekends. Instead, a<br />

4 L exchange was performed on Fridays and Mondays. The reactor was sampled for<br />

total iron, nickel, cobalt, and arsenic prior to a mass exchange. Redox potential and <strong>pH</strong><br />

were measured daily.<br />

6.3.3 Shake-flask Experiment for the Assessment of the Role of Bacteria<br />

in Arsenic Speciation and Immobilization<br />

Shake-flasks with a total solution volume of 100 mL were incubated at 150 rpm and 27<br />

°C for 28 days. Two starting <strong>pH</strong> values were used, i.e., <strong>pH</strong> 1.7 and 2.5. Two parallels<br />

and one abiotic control were prepared per each starting <strong>pH</strong>. No <strong>pH</strong> control was carried<br />

out during the experiment. The starting <strong>pH</strong> was adjusted prior to inoculation, or to the<br />

addition of DI H2O into the abiotic controls. The solutions consisted of 10 % (v/v)<br />

MSM, 1 % (v/v) TES, 25.1 g/L FeSO4 · 7 H2O, 20 mg/L As(III) as As2O3 in 2 % nitric<br />

acid (Arsenic Standard for AAS, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and 10 % (v/v) inoculant. To<br />

remove any sorbed metals or arsenic from the cell surfaces the inoculant was washed<br />

with DI H2O at <strong>pH</strong> 2.0 (adjusted with concentrated H2SO4) and centrifuged at 5,000x g<br />

for 10 min at 20 °C. The inoculant was replaced by a similar amount of DI H2O at <strong>pH</strong><br />

2.0 (adjusted with concentrated H2SO4) in the abiotic controls. Samples were collected<br />

weekly for <strong>pH</strong> and redox potential measurements and for ferrous iron, sulfate, and<br />

arsenic speciation analyses.<br />


6.4 Analytical Methods<br />

6.4.1 Redox Potential and <strong>pH</strong><br />

Redox potential was measured with a BlueLine 31 Rx redox potential electrode (Schott<br />

Instruments, Germany) connected to a <strong>pH</strong> 340 multimeter (WTW, Germany). Shakeflask<br />

sample <strong>pH</strong> was measured with a Sentix 41 <strong>pH</strong> electrode (WTW, Germany)<br />

connected to a <strong>pH</strong> 330 <strong>pH</strong> meter (WTW, Germany). Reactor <strong>pH</strong> was continuously<br />

measured by a Titrino 719 S automatic titrator (Metrohm, Switzerland).<br />

6.4.2 Ferrous Iron<br />

Ferrous iron was measured using the ortho-phenanthroline method according to the<br />

standard 3500-Fe (APHA 1992). Samples were filtered (0.45 µm) using<br />

polysulfonemembrane filters (Whatman, UK) and diluted with 0.07 M HNO3 to fit the<br />

external standard curve range (0.05…20 mg/L ferrous iron). Absorbance was measured<br />

at 510 nm with a UV 1601 spectrofotometer (Shimadzu, Japan).<br />

6.4.3 Total Iron, Nickel, Cobalt and Arsenic<br />

Total concentrations of iron, nickel, cobalt and arsenic were measured with an atomic<br />

absorption spectrometer (AAS; AAnalyst 400, Perkin Elmer, USA). Iron, nickel, and<br />

cobalt were measured using a multielement hollow cathode lamp (Co-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni,<br />

Perkin Elmer, Singapore). Arsenic was measured with an electrodeless discharge lamp<br />

(Perkin Elmer, Shelton CT, USA). Analyses were conducted according to the standards<br />

SFS 3044 (1980) and SFS 3047 (1980). All samples were filtered to 0.45 µm using<br />

polysulfonemembrane filters (Whatman, UK) and diluted with 0.07 M HNO3 to fit the<br />

external standard range. External standard curves were prepared from 1000 ± 4 mg/L<br />

stock solutions for AAS (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). Standard ranges for different analytes<br />

were as follows: 0.5…3.0 mg/L Fe, 1.0…4.0 mg/L Ni, 0.2…1.0 Co, and 1.0…20.0<br />

mg/L As.<br />

6.4.4 Arsenic Speciation<br />

Arsenic speciation samples were analyzed by the Finnish Institution of Occupational<br />

Health (TTL) by liquid chromatography with hydride generation – atomic fluorescence<br />

spectrometry (LC-HG-AFS). The analysis method used by TTL was accredited for the<br />

analysis of organic and inorganic arsenic compounds from urine. Samples were<br />

prepared by filtration to 0.45 µm using polysulfomembrane filters (Whatman, UK) and<br />

dilution with 0.07 M by a dilution factor of 10.<br />


6.4.5 Sulfate<br />

Sulfate concentration was measured by ion chromatography (IC). The ion<br />

chromatograph DX-120 (Dionex, USA) was equipped with an IonPac AG23 (4 x 50<br />

mm) guard column, an IonPac AS23 (4 x 250 mm) and an AS40 autosampler (all:<br />

Dionex, USA). Samples were prepared according to the standard SFS-EN ISO 10304-2<br />

(1997). Samples were filtered to 0.45 µm with polysulfomembrane filters (Whatman,<br />

UK) and diluted with DI H2O to fit the external standard range (10…250 mg/L sulfate).<br />

The eluent solution (0.5 M NaHCO3, 0.5 M Na2CO3 in DI H2O, filtered to 0.45 µm) was<br />

degassed prior to the analysis with helium and kept under helium pressure during the<br />

analysis in order to prevent dissolution of gasses into the eluent.<br />

6.4.6 Leach Residue Mineral Composition<br />

Mineral composition of the leach residue samples was analyzed by the Geological<br />

Survey of Finland (GTK) with X-ray diffraction (XRD). The collected samples were<br />

prepared by combining two parallel 50 mL samples by separating the solid material<br />

from the liquid phase by centrifugation (7,000x g, 20 °C for 10 min).<br />

6.4.7 Bacterial Communities<br />

Bacterial community analysis was done via polymerase chain reaction coupled with<br />

denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) followed by partial sequencing of<br />

the 16S rRNA gene.<br />

DNA samples were prepared by suction filtering 20 mL of leach solution through a<br />

polysulfone membrane filter (0.2 µm; Whatman, UK). The cells remained on the filter<br />

were washed by first passing 15 mL DI H2O (acidified to <strong>pH</strong> 2.0 with concentrated<br />

H2SO4 to prevent premature lysis of the cells of acidophilic bacteria) and then 15 mL<br />

TRIS-buffer at <strong>pH</strong> 8.0. Filters were stored at -20 °C for DNA extraction.<br />

DNA extraction was performed using the Soil DNA Extraction Kit (MoBio<br />

Laboratories, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions for maximum yield.<br />

The partial 16S rRNA gene in the extracted DNA was amplified by PCR. The primers<br />

for 16S rRNA amplification were Ba357F-GC [5’-CGC CCG CCG CGC GCG GCG<br />


et al. (1993)] and 907R [5’- CCG TCA ATT CMT TTG AGT TT -3’; Lane (1991)].<br />

The PCR mix prepared in nuclease-free H2O contained 1x DreamTaq TM buffer (Thermo<br />

Fisher Scientific), 0.8 U DreamTaq TM DNA polymerase (Thermo Fisher Scientific), 100<br />

µM dNTP, 500 nM primers, and 400 ng/µL bovine serum albumin (BSA). PCR was<br />

performed with a T 3000 Thermocycler (Biometra, Germany) using the following<br />

program: 95 °C for 5 min, 31 cycles of 95.0 °C for 30 s, 54.6 °C for 30 s, and 72.0 °C<br />

for 1 min 30 s followed by final extension at 72.0 °C 10 min.<br />

DGGE was performed with an INGENYphorU 2 x 2 –system (Ingeny, the<br />

Netherlands) using 8 % polyacrylamide gel with a denaturing gradient from 30 to 70 %<br />


(Auvinen et al. 2009). Gel was run at 60 °C in 1 x TAE with 100 V for 22 h and stained<br />

with SYBR ® Gold (Molecular Probes, Inc., USA). Visible bands were cut from the gel<br />

with sterile surgical blades and eluted overnight in sterile H2O. A partial 16S rRNA<br />

gene was re-amplified for sequencing with PCR as described above except BSA was not<br />

added and there was no GC clamp in the 5’ end of the forward primer. Amplified<br />

samples were sent to Macrogen, Inc. (South Korea), for sequencing. Sequence data were<br />

analysed with the trace data editor, Trev (version 1.9-r2852M), of the Staden Package<br />

(http://staden.sourceforge.net/) and compared with sequences in GenBank<br />

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/).<br />


7 RESULTS<br />

7.1 30 L Batch Experiment<br />

7.1.1 Bioleaching Results<br />

Nickel and cobalt<br />

NFC was bioleached in batch mode using different pulp densities. Nickel and cobalt<br />

dissolution was as presented in Figure 7.1 A and B, respectively. Maximum nickel<br />

concentrations of 10,070; 6060, and 3480 mg/L were reached at pulp densities of 15, 10,<br />

and 5 %, respectively. The concentrations correspond to yield percentages of 73, 66,<br />

and 76 %, respectively. Maximum cobalt concentrations of 470, 280, and 220 mg/L<br />

were reached at pulp densities of 15, 10, and 5 % p.d., respectively. The concentrations<br />

correspond to yield percentages of 78, 71, and 100 %, respectively. Maximum leaching<br />

rates of both nickel and cobalt were reached at pulp density of 15 %, i.e., 250 mg-Ni/L/d<br />

and 18 mg-Co/L/d.<br />


Figure 7.1: Nickel (A) and cobalt (B) concentrations and final yields in the 30 L<br />

batch experiment with 5, 10, 15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation<br />

concentrate.<br />


Arsenic<br />

Arsenic concentrations during bioleaching of NFC were as shown in Figure 7.2. After<br />

the activation of the microbial consortium and resulting rise in redox potential, the level<br />

of soluble arsenic remained very low: Overall, the amount of arsenic remained below 6<br />

mg/L and 0.4 % after 21 days of operation at all pulp densities studied. Occasionally the<br />

amount of arsenic was below the detection limit (1 mg/L) of the atomic absorption<br />

spectrometer.<br />

Figure 7.2: Arsenic concentration during the 30 L batch experiment with 5, 10,<br />

15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />

Leach residue mineralogy<br />

Table 7.1 presents the proportions of main constituents of leach residue mineral<br />

composition of bioleached NFC. Table 7.1 shows that not all of the nickel-bearing<br />

pentlandite was solubilized by the end of the experiment. Iron sulfate formation was<br />

dominant at all pulp densities. The amount of goethite (α-FeOOH) increased with<br />

increasing pulp density.<br />


Others 3.8 2.2 2.0 1.4 1.4 1.5 0.8 0.9 2.3 3.3 2.4 5.1 1.6 1.2 1.5 0.9 0.5<br />

Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH) 2 5.5 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.5 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.9<br />

Magnesite MgCO3 4.3 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.7 2.1 1.2 1.1 1.6 2.2 1.9 3.0 2.6 3.7 2.9 1.4 2.5<br />

Pyrite 4.8 3.5 3.0 1.6 2.4 4.2 2.4 2.5 2.9 3.8 2.9 4.0 3.1 5.6 5.8 2.6 2.6<br />

Fe2S Pyrite, secondary 0.0 4.8 2.6 2.0 3.2 2.7 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.4 2.3 2.8 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.1<br />

Goethite α-FeO(OH) 0.0 2.6 8.9 3.9 2.8 5.7 5.5 4.8 5.4 7.7 10.5 3.2 6.4 10.7 12.1 12.1 10.5<br />

Fe-sulfate 0.0 53.5 58.6 65.3 64.3 62.6 70.2 68.6 61.0 53.5 57.9 55.7 57.6 49.6 57.0 66.5 66.7<br />

Fe-sulfate(Ni) 0.0 1.5 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.7 2.2 1.3 1.9 2.8 3.7 2.2 1.9 1.9<br />

5 % p.d. 10 % p.d. 15 % p.d.<br />

Day<br />

0 12 22 54 62 65 71 75 21 31 27 37 69 77 80 86 90<br />

Mineral<br />

w/w %<br />

Pentlandite (Fe, Ni) 9S8 22.1 12.0 10.4 5.5 5.3 7.6 4.9 4.1 15.0 14.8 12.0 15.6 9.9 12.1 9.6 6.9 6.7<br />

Pyrrhotite 59.5 6.8 2.0 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.7 2.0 0.9 2.0 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.3<br />

Fe (1-x)S (x = 0 ... 0.2)<br />

Pyrrhotite, oxidized 0.0 10.1 7.9 15.1 15.5 10.0 10.3 12.6 5.6 7.4 6.3 6.8 11.1 9.3 6.3 5.7 6.2<br />

Table 7.1 : Mineral composition of leach residues during the 30 L batch experiment with 5, 10, 15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation<br />

concentrate. Values of special interest are highlighted in bold.<br />


7.1.2 Operational Parameters<br />

Redox potential<br />

Redox potential during bioleaching of NFC in batch mode is presented in Figure 7.3.<br />

Redox potential remained around +600 mV after the initial lag-phase at all pulp<br />

densities. The duration of the initial lag-phase was related to pulp density. As a result of<br />

the sludge overflow and shutdown of the 5 % p.d. reactor due to air tube connector<br />

failure, the air tube connectors of the 15 and 5 % p.d. reactors were replaced,<br />

corresponding to 64 and 49 days of operation, respectively. The maintenance<br />

procedures caused a notable release of unleached sediment from the bottom of the 15 %<br />

p.d. reactor, which was seen as a drop in redox potential after 62 days of operation.<br />

Figure 7.3: Redox potential (Eh) during the 30 L batch experiment with 5, 10, 15<br />

% pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


<strong>pH</strong><br />

Figure 7.4 illustrates <strong>pH</strong> of the batch NFC bioleaching experiments. Process <strong>pH</strong> was<br />

maintained accurately at 3.0 with automated titrators after 16, 10, and 5 days of<br />

operation with 15, 10, and 5 % p.d., respectively. The initial high variation in <strong>pH</strong> was<br />

caused by acid consumption of gangue minerals and the manual adjustment of <strong>pH</strong><br />

performed only once a day. A slight peak in the <strong>pH</strong> curve of the 15 % p.d. after 62 days<br />

of operation was caused by the release of unleached material from the reactor bottom as<br />

described above.<br />

Figure 7.4: <strong>pH</strong> level during the 30 L batch experiment with 5, 10, 15 % pulp<br />

densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


Acid balance<br />

Acid (2 M H2SO4) and base (5 M NaOH) consumptions during NFC bioleaching was as<br />

presented in Figure 7.5 A and B, respectively. By the end of the experiment, H2SO4<br />

consumption reached 20, 7, and 8 g-H2SO4/kg-NFC with 15, 10, and 5 % p.d.,<br />

respectively. NaOH consumption at the end of the experiment was 90, 50, and 20 g-<br />

NaOH/kg-NFC with 15, 10, and 5 % p.d., respectively. Most of the acid consumption is<br />

likely attributed to gangue minerals. NaOH consumption corresponds to acid production<br />

from minerals and thus to the rate of bioleaching. The release of fresh, unleached<br />

material from the bottom sediment is seen as a sudden increase in NaOH consumption<br />

in the 15 and 5 % p.d. reactors after 62 and 54 days of operation, respectively.<br />

Figure 7.5: H2SO4 (A) and NaOH (B) consumption during the 30 L batch<br />

experiment with 5, 10, 15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


Table 7.3 presents maximum molar acid consumption and acid production as well as<br />

their ratio during bioleaching of NFC in batch mode. The maximum acid production<br />

rate versus the maximum acid consumption rate increased with pulp density.<br />

consumption production production /<br />

Pulp density mmol H max. acid consumption<br />

+ Table 7.3 : Acid consumption and acid production properties of<br />

bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate (NFC) with 5, 10, 15 % pulp<br />

densities (p.d.).<br />

Maximum acid<br />

/d/kg-NFC<br />

15 % 115.6 889.8 7.7<br />

10 % 46.7 196.1 4.2<br />

5 % 73.3 142.4 1.9<br />

Total iron and ferrous iron<br />

Total iron and ferrous iron concentrations during bioleaching of NFC in batch mode<br />

were as presented in Figure 7.6. Especially the iron concentrations of the 15 % p.d.<br />

reactor reached high levels (> 10,000 mg/L) during the initial lag-phase. However, the<br />

ferrous iron levels dropped to around 100 mg/L in each reactor with the onset of<br />

microbial activity.<br />

Figure 7.6: Ferrous and total iron concentrations during the 30 L batch<br />

experiment with 5, 10, 15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


Sulfate<br />

Sulfate concentrations during batch bioleaching of NFC were as illustrated in Figure<br />

7.7. With 15 % p.d., the amount of sulfate increased at a rather constant rate from 15 to<br />

64 g/L over the course of 67 days. With 10 % p.d., the increase in sulfate concentration<br />

was from 4.9 to 22 g/L in 49 days, and with 5 % p.d. from 6 to 19 g/L in 79 days. The<br />

sulfate concentrations increased with pulp density.<br />

Figure 7.7: Sulfate concentration during the 30 L batch experiment with 5, 10, 15<br />

% pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate. Error bars represent a 95<br />

% confidence interval (± 2σ; n = 2).<br />


Figure 7.8 illustrates the sulfate-to-total-arsenic mass ratio in the present study. The<br />

amount of arsenic was calculated as the theoretical maximum amount of arsenic that<br />

would have been in solution if all arsenic in the concentrate had been solubilized. The<br />

sulfate-to-arsenic mass ratio grew steadily with all pulp densities studied (from 68 to<br />

290 in 87 days with 15 % p.d., from 33 to 150 in 49 days with 10 % p.d., and from 82 to<br />

260 in 79 days with 5 % p.d.). The overall level of the ratio decreased with increasing<br />

pulp density. The sulfate-to-total-arsenic mass ratio plays a role in the arsenic sorption<br />

capacity of jarosites and will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.<br />

Figure 7.8: Theoretical sulfate-to-arsenic ratio during the 30 L batch experiment<br />

with 5, 10, 15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation concentrate. Arsenic<br />

calculated as the theoretical maximum amount released from the nickel flotation<br />

concentrate. Error bars represent a 95 % confidence interval (± 2σ; n = 2)<br />

omitting variations in the arsenic content of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


7.1.3 Bacterial Community<br />

Figure 7.9 presents the DGGE gel from samples collected at the end of batch<br />

bioleaching of NFC. The numbered bands were cut out and sequenced in terms of the<br />

partial 16S rRNA gene after re-amplification by PCR. Table 7.4 presents the sequenced<br />

bands and the corresponding bacterial species. All reactors by the end of the experiment<br />

were dominated by the Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 with the sole<br />

exception of the Alicyclobacillus sp. represented by band 8. The result is not entirely<br />

unexpected as the selective factors are many in the long-operational batch systems,<br />

including arsenic, a notable level of heavy metals concentration and an elevated <strong>pH</strong>.<br />

Figure 7.9: DGGE gel used for separation of partial<br />

bacterial 16S rRNA genes from samples taken at the<br />

end of the experiments from the 30 L batch reactors<br />

with 5, 10, 15 % pulp densities (p.d.) of nickel flotation<br />

concentrate. Sequenced bands are numbered.<br />


Table 7.4 : Sequence data from bacterial samples taken from the 30 L batch reactors at<br />

the end of the experiments.<br />

Band Accession no. Description Identity (%)<br />

1 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 98<br />

2 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 97<br />

3 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 97<br />

4 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 97<br />

5 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 97<br />

6 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 97<br />

7 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 95<br />

8 NR_041475.1 Alicyclobacillus sp. N/A<br />

9 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 94<br />

10 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 98<br />

11 NR_041888.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain ATCC23270 97<br />

N/A not available<br />


7.2 20 L Semi-continuous Mode Experiment<br />

7.2.1 Bioleaching Results<br />

Nickel<br />

Figure 7.10 presents the nickel dissolution and the corresponding percent yield during<br />

semi-continuous mode bioleaching of NFC. The highest nickel leaching yield (12.4 %)<br />

was measured after 14 days of operation. The maximum nickel leaching rate (265 mg-<br />

Ni/L/d) was measured between 8 and 9 days of operation. After 14 days of operation, as<br />

the increase in nickel concentration, i.e., leaching rate started to slow down, the leaching<br />

yield correspondingly began to decline until the end of the experiment. In other words,<br />

the rate of nickel bioleaching was lower than the addition of nickel as concentrate,<br />

indicating that the 10 d retention time in the experiment was too short.<br />

Figure 7.10: Nickel concentration and yield during the 20 L semi-continuous<br />

mode bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />

The ratio between the maximum leaching rate and the average nickel addition rate<br />

as concentrate was only 0.6, which means that nickel leaching was never more rapid<br />

than nickel addition as concentrate. Ideally, the ratio would be 1, meaning that leaching<br />

takes place at the same rate as the addition of the mineral to be leached. The inefficient<br />

bioleaching rate in the experiment was probably caused by too short a retention time<br />

that resulted in higher wash-out of bacteria compared to the growth rate.<br />

During the latter half of the experiment, the cyclic, non-constant nature of the mass<br />

exchange is evidenced by the saw-like profile of the concentration curve. The leaching<br />

rate appears to be the highest when there is a short break in the mass exchange. The<br />

following daily mass exchange then seems to result in a slight dip in the leaching rate.<br />

This supports the hypothesis of the too short a retention time.<br />


Cobalt<br />

The leaching of cobalt and the corresponding cobalt percent yield during semicontinuous<br />

mode bioleaching of NFC were as presented in Figure 7.11. The cobalt<br />

leaching followed a trend rather similar to that of nickel as presented in Figure 7.10.<br />

The maximum cobalt leaching yield (22 %) was obtained after 14 days of operation.<br />

The maximum leaching rate of cobalt (10 mg-Co/L/d) was measured between 11 and 14<br />

days of operation. After 14 days, the leaching rate started to slow down and the yield<br />

decline until the end of the experiment. The steep rise in cobalt concentration during the<br />

final days of operation could be attributed to some sudden release of cobalt-bearing<br />

material from the settled material but it could also be related to some analytical failures.<br />

Figure 7.11: Cobalt concentration and yield during the 20 L semi-continuous<br />

mode bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />

The cobalt concentration profile was similar to that of nickel. This corresponds to a<br />

maximum leaching rate to average cobalt addition rate ratio of 0.9, i.e., cobalt leaching<br />

at its most intensive was not as fast as addition of cobalt into the reactor as concentrate.<br />


Arsenic<br />

Figure 7.12 presents the arsenic concentration in the leachate and the arsenic percent<br />

yield during semi-continuous mode bioleaching of NFC. Arsenic concentration<br />

increased throughout the experiment, reaching a final concentration of 6.0 mg/L, which<br />

was considerably higher than in the 30 L batch experiment (< 1 mg/L with all pulp<br />

densities). This suggests that the retention time was too short for complete arsenic<br />

immobilization. However, the yield of arsenic remained at around 0.2 % during the<br />

latter part of the experiment, indicating effective immobilization of arsenic.<br />

Figure 7.12: Arsenic concentration and yield during the 20 L semi-continuous<br />

mode bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />

The release of immobilized arsenic may be considerable in a semi-continuous mode<br />

process where chemical conditions and thus mineralogy change abruptly upon addition<br />

of large amounts of minerals and chemicals. It might be possible to minimize the<br />

amount of soluble arsenic with a longer retention time and implementation of a<br />

continuous-mode process that allows the mineralogy-dictating conditions to be more<br />

constant.<br />


Leach residue mineralogy<br />

Table 7.5 presents the proportions of main constituents of leach residue mineral<br />

composition of bioleached NFC in semi-continuous mode. At best, between 15 and 27<br />

days, about 9 % (w/w) of the leach residue consisted of nickel-bearing pentlandite. The<br />

proportional amount of pentlandite in the leach residue was below that of the raw<br />

concentrate [22.1 % (w/w)] during the whole experiment, indicating that pentlandite did<br />

not accumulate in the reactor. Goethite and iron sulfate both accounted for<br />

approximately 25 % (w/w) of the leach residue after 7 days of operation, whereas<br />

jarosite accounted for 8.8 % (w/w) at best after 23 days.<br />

N/A not available<br />

Pentlandite (Fe, Ni) 9S8 22.1 17.2 10.4 9.1 9.2 13.6 11.2<br />

Pyrrhotite 59.5 24 7 4 3.9 2.4 3.6<br />

Fe (1-x)S (x = 0 … 0.2)<br />

Pyrrhotite, oxidized 0 8.8 4.7 4.4 4.4 5.3 5.1<br />

Fe-sulfate 0 13.5 34.1 25.9 27.9 25.7 26.1<br />

Fe-sulfate(Ni) 0 0.9 1 1.3 1.5 2.2 2.3<br />

Fe-sulfate, jarosite N/A 2.7 8 8.5 8.8 5.1 7.9<br />

Fe-oxide N/A 3.4 2.2 3.2 2.6 4.8 4.2<br />

Goethite α-FeO(OH) 0 15.7 21.7 31.9 28.1 24.1 27.3<br />

Pyrite 4.8 5.1 3.6 4.3 4.9 7.2 4.8<br />

Fe2S Pyrite, secondary 0 0.8 1.7 2.4 3.5 4.5 3.6<br />

Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH) 2 5.5 1 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.7<br />

Magnesite MgCO3 4.3 2.8 1.4 1.5 1.2 2 1.5<br />

Others 3.8 4.1 3.4 2.7 3.3 2.2 1.7<br />

Mineral<br />

Day<br />

0 2 7 15 23 29 37<br />

w/w %<br />

Table 7.5 : Mineral composition of leach residues of nickel flotation concentrate<br />

bioleaching during the 20 L semi-continuous experiment.<br />


7.2.2 Operational Parameters<br />

Redox potential and <strong>pH</strong><br />

The redox potential and <strong>pH</strong> during semi-continuous mode bioleaching of NFC were as<br />

presented in Figure 7.13. Similarly to the 30 L batch experiment, the redox potential<br />

reached the +600 mV level in approximately 7 days and remained around +600 mV<br />

until the end of the experiment. Maintaining the <strong>pH</strong> at 3.0 was successful with 5 M<br />

NaOH after the start of acid production by biooxidative reactions.<br />

Figure 7.13: Redox potential (Eh) and <strong>pH</strong> during the 20 L semi-continuous mode<br />

bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


Acid balance<br />

Figure 7.14 presents the cumulative base (5 M NaOH) consumption during semicontinuous<br />

mode bioleaching of NFC. After 10 days until the end of the experiment<br />

NaOH consumption remained constant at around 50 g-NaOH/kg-NFC. Base<br />

consumption corresponds to acid production from mineral oxidation, i.e., it remained<br />

quite constant over the course of the experiment. There was no need for <strong>pH</strong> control with<br />

acid.<br />

g-NaOH/kg-NFC<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40<br />

Time (days)<br />

Figure 7.14: 5 M NaOH consumption during the 20 L semi-continuous mode<br />

bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate.<br />


Nickel, cobalt, and arsenic mass balance<br />

The minerals were added into the reactor in constant amounts and the metal<br />

concentrations in the removed leachate increased constantly. Therefore, it is to be<br />

expected that at some point the removal and addition of the metals become equal, i.e.,<br />

the process reaches a steady state. Figure 7.15 presents the daily mass balance for<br />

nickel, cobalt, and arsenic for each mass exchange performed during the experiment.<br />

Figure 7.15 presents the difference between the amount of an element added into the<br />

solution as NFC and the amount of the respective element removed from the reactor in<br />

soluble form. The removal of solid material and the elements therein was not taken into<br />

account.<br />

Figure 7.15: Daily mass balance of nickel, cobalt, and arsenic in the logarithmic<br />

scale during the 20 L semi-continuous mode bioleaching of nickel flotation<br />

concentrate. A positive value represents net accumulation of the respective<br />

element in the reactor. Data points are connected with a line for clarity.<br />

The process did not reach a steady-state with respect to nickel, cobalt, or arsenic.<br />

This can be seen in Figure 7.15 as a constantly positive addition of each of the three<br />

elements. Even the build-up of cobalt, which had the lowest net addition level, was at<br />

least 147 mg with each mass exchange. This rules out the possibility of mass balance<br />

being the reason for the decrease in nickel and cobalt leaching rates; more nickel and<br />

cobalt was introduced than what was leached and removed.<br />


Sulfate<br />

Sulfate concentration during semi-continuous mode bioleaching of NFC was as<br />

presented in Figure 7.16. The sulfate concentration in the 20 L semi-continuous mode<br />

experiment shows a logarithmic trend similar to the nickel and cobalt concentrations<br />

described in Chapter 7.2.1. In comparison, the amount of sulfate during the 30 L batch<br />

experiment increased continuously. As redox potential retained a high level (~+600<br />

mV) throughout the experiment and the acid production remained rather constant, it<br />

indicates that biooxidationalso remained rather constant until the end of the experiment.<br />

Figure 7.16: Sulfate concentration in the 20 L semi-continuous mode bioleaching<br />

of nickel flotation concentrate. Error bars represent a 95 % confidence interval (±<br />

2σ; n = 2).<br />


Total and ferrous iron<br />

Total and ferrous iron concentrations during semi-continuous mode bioleaching of NFC<br />

were as presented in Figure 7.17. As in the 30 L batch experiment, the level of total and<br />

ferrous iron concentrations was low (< 300 mg-Fe(tot)/L; < 100 mg-Fe(II)/L) once the<br />

redox potential reached a high level and the <strong>pH</strong> stabilized at 3.0.<br />

Figure 7.17: Ferrous and total iron concentrations in the 20 L semi-continuous<br />

mode experiment.<br />

A distinct increase in total iron concentration occurred between 24 and 36 days of<br />

operation. Concurrently, the amount of ferrous iron in the solution remained rather<br />

constant, suggesting the increase in total iron be mainly composed of ferric iron. The<br />

reason for this transient increase in total iron concentration may lie in the release of<br />

ferric iron due to changes in mineral composition inside the reactor. This change might<br />

be triggered, e.g., by a certain iron-to-sulfate ratio. The transient increase in total iron<br />

occurred when sulfate concentration (Figure 7.16) is above approximately 13 g/L and<br />

drops again when sulfate concentration declined to around 13 g/L.<br />

7.3 Shake-flask Experiment for the Assessment of the Role of<br />

Bacteria in Arsenic Speciation and Immobilization<br />

Solutions containing ferrous sulfate, arsenite and inoculate from the 30 L batch reactors<br />

as well as abiotic controls were incubated in shake-flasks (100 mL, 150 rpm, 27 °C) for<br />

28 days. Two starting <strong>pH</strong> values were used, i.e., <strong>pH</strong> 1.7 and 2.5. The aim of the<br />

experiment was to assess the role of bioleaching microorganisms in arsenic speciation<br />

and immobilization.<br />

Redox potential, <strong>pH</strong>, and ferrous iron concentration for the shake-flask experiment<br />

were as presented in Figure 7.18 A, B, and C, respectively. The role of microorganisms<br />

is seen as a rapid increase in redox potential and gradual decrease in <strong>pH</strong> as well as<br />


extremely low ferrous iron concentration. The abiotic control of the starting <strong>pH</strong> 2.5<br />

batch was contaminated between the last two measurement points, which can be seen as<br />

a quick increase in redox potential and decrease in <strong>pH</strong> and ferrous iron concentration.<br />


Figure 7.18: Development of redox potential (Eh) (A), <strong>pH</strong> (B), and ferrous iron<br />

concentration (C) during the shake-flask experiment with different starting <strong>pH</strong><br />

values (<strong>pH</strong> 1.7 and 2.5). Error bars of the biotic flask data points represent a 95<br />

% confidence interval (± 2σ; n = 2).<br />


Arsenic speciation in the experiment for starting <strong>pH</strong> values of 2.5 and 1.7 was as<br />

presented in Figure 7.19 A and B, respectively. With both starting <strong>pH</strong> values as well as<br />

with biotic and abiotic solutions all soluble arsenic was almost immediately oxidized<br />

from arsenite to arsenate. This is most likely due to chemical oxidation rather than<br />

microbiological as the rapid oxidation took place also in the abiotic control solutions.<br />

After 6 days of incubation most of the arsenic in the biotic solution with the starting <strong>pH</strong><br />

2.5 was in insoluble form and most of the soluble arsenic was present as arsenite.<br />

Arsenite was also the dominant species in the biotic solution with the starting <strong>pH</strong> 1.7,<br />

although there all arsenic was in solution. The occurrence of arsenite was consistent<br />

with the tendency of many microorganisms to extrude arsenic as arsenite as described<br />

earlier in Chapter 5.2. Most of the arsenic in the abiotic control solutions remained in<br />

solution and as arsenate throughout the experiment.<br />

Figure 7.19: Arsenic speciation in the shake-flask experiment with starting <strong>pH</strong><br />

values of 2.5 (A), and 1.7 (B).<br />



8.1 30 L Batch Bioleaching of Nickel Flotation Concentrate<br />

The 30 L batch experiment showed that selective bioleaching of nickel and cobalt and<br />

simultaneous immobilization of arsenic in bioleaching of NFC is possible. The elevated<br />

<strong>pH</strong> of 3.0 did not inhibit the bioleaching microorganisms and also did not result in<br />

significant passivation of mineral surfaces by, e.g., the formation of jarosites. Instead, it<br />

is likely that the elevated <strong>pH</strong> together with the high redox potential generated by<br />

biooxidative processes made for conditions that promote the occurrence of arsenic as<br />

the pentavalent form (arsenate) instead of the trivalent form (arsenite). Arsenate has<br />

been shown to be less toxic to most organisms (Ng 2005) and also exhibit better<br />

sorptive features (Asta et al. 2009). Elevated <strong>pH</strong> also promotes the precipitation of iron,<br />

e.g., as iron sulfates. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that the arsenic immobilized in<br />

the process was mainly by sorption on iron precipitates. These include jarosites,<br />

goethite, and schwertmannite, but the respective role of each mineral in arsenic<br />

adsorption can only be speculated on in light of this experiment. Also, the possible role<br />

of microorganisms and their cell surface as an arsenic adsorbent or nucleation site for<br />

arsenic precipitation should not be overlooked, as suggested by the results of the shakeflask<br />

experiment discussed later on.<br />

The fact that the microbial community at the end of the experiment in all reactors<br />

comprised virtually a single strain of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is definitely<br />

something to take a closer look at in future studies. Duquesne et al. (2003) reported<br />

already in 2003 an A. ferrooxidans strain capable of arsenic immobilization. An<br />

interesting fact pointed out by them was that the soluble arsenic was never oxidized<br />

from arsenite to arsenate. This is contra to the hypothesis of arsenate adsorption on iron<br />

sulfate precipitates being the main arsenic immobilization mechanism. As the speciation<br />

of soluble arsenic in the 30 L batch experiment was not studied, it cannot be stated<br />

whether the soluble arsenic in this study in association with the dominant A.<br />

ferrooxidans strain exhibited similar speciation. Further research is required for distinct<br />

identification of the pathways of arsenic immobilization in the described conditions.<br />

Also the stability of arsenic immobilized in this way is a matter yet to be evaluated.<br />

The study on different pulp densities of NFC showed, first and foremost, that<br />

adequate mixing is a major challenge as the pulp density is increased. In order to<br />

minimize reactor size and make the bioleaching process overall more economical, pulp<br />

density is desired to be as high as possible, and, therefore, much consideration should be<br />

put on different mixing solutions. In the 30 L batch experiment, mixing was enough to<br />

keep all the particles in suspension in the 5 % p.d. reactor but less so in the 10 % p.d.<br />

reactor, and definitely not enough in the 15 % p.d. reactor. Lots of settled, for most parts<br />

unleached mineral material was present on the bottom of the 15 % p.d. reactor. This<br />

resulted in lower final yields of the valuable metals with respect to, e.g., the 5 % p.d.<br />


eactor, where all of the cobalt was successfully brought into solution. For this reason,<br />

bioleaching efficiency per se was not significantly lower with 15 % p.d.: it is merely a<br />

question of sufficient mixing. In fact, the highest nickel and cobalt leaching rates (250<br />

and 18 mg/L/d, respectively) were achieved with 15 % p.d. In future studies, both the<br />

use of even higher pulp densities of NFC and corresponding application of more<br />

efficient mixing should be assessed.<br />

The high pyrite and pyrrhotite content of NFC proved to eliminate the acid addition<br />

costs, which can be significant in bioleaching of ores and concentrates of different<br />

compositions. On the contrary, the acid production from bioleaching of pyrite and<br />

pyrrhotite in NFC required the addition of base (up to 90 g-NaOH/kg-NFC with 15 %<br />

p.d. NFC), especially when <strong>pH</strong> was to be maintained at a certain value. If the pyrite and<br />

pyrrhotite content of NFC could be reduced by alterations in the ore processing phase,<br />

also the costs of base addition could be cut down.<br />

Leach residue analysis showed that goethite formation increased with increasing<br />

pulp density. Goethite formation is expected to have a positive effect on arsenic<br />

immobilization as the arsenate adsorption capacity of goethite compared to jarosite is<br />

much less affected by sulfate concentration (Asta et al. 2009). The increased formation<br />

of goethite in the 15 % p.d. reactor might have to do with the slightly higher ferrous iron<br />

concentration and less efficient oxygen transport in the 15 % p.d. system: ferrous iron<br />

has been shown to catalyze the transformation of schwertmannite [Fe8O8(OH)6SO4]<br />

into goethite (α-FeOOH) in anoxic aquatic environments (Burton et al. 2008).<br />

Sulfate has been shown to markedly inhibit the adsorption of arsenic on jarosite but<br />

less so on goethite. In a study by Asta et al. (2009), a mass ratio of approximately 1.3<br />

mg-SO4 2- / mg-As(V) was enough to diminish the arsenic adsorption percentage on<br />

jarosite from the initial percentage of 38 % acquired without sulfate to 4 %. A mass<br />

ratio as high as approximately 360 mg-SO4 2- / mg-As(V) was required to have a<br />

significant effect on adsorption on goethite (from 32 to 0 %). In the present study, the<br />

initial sulfate-to-total-arsenic mass ratio was around 70 … 80 mg-SO4 2- / mg-As with<br />

each pulp density but never reached the 360 mg-SO4 2- / mg-As level. However, the ratio<br />

with 15 % p.d. did end up high at 290 mg-SO4 2- / mg-As at the end of the experiment<br />

after 94 days of operation. Additionally, the growth of the ratio remained somewhat<br />

stable throughout the experiment with each pulp density, without any sign of decline in<br />

growth rate. Therefore, based on these results alone, it cannot be stated whether the<br />

sulfate production from NFC bioleaching could inhibit arsenic immobilization on<br />

goethite or other iron oxides with similar properties in a full-scale, continuous-mode<br />

system. However, it can be hypothesized that goethite was a key sorbent for arsenic in<br />

the 30 L batch experiment. The results showed that the overall level of the SO4 2- /As<br />

mass ratio was lower with higher pulp density, indicating decreasing relative sulfate<br />

production with increasing pulp density. This in turn could suggest that arsenic<br />

immobilization with goethite be more effective the higher the pulp density.<br />


8.2 20 L Semi-continuous Mode Bioleaching of Nickel<br />

Flotation Concentrate<br />

The semi-continuous mode experiment was performed in order to shed light on the<br />

kinetic requirements and restrictions of the NFC bioleaching process. Arsenic yield<br />

stabilized by the end of the experiment at around 0.2 %, indicating very efficient arsenic<br />

immobilization. Leach residue analysis revealed that goethite accounted for 20 … 30 %<br />

(w/w) of the leach residue after one week of operation until the end of the experiment.<br />

Compared to the 30 L batch experiment [max. 9 % (w/w) goethite with 5 % p.d.], the<br />

increase in relative goethite content caused by the semi-continuous mode is<br />

considerable and could easily explain the very low arsenic yield in this experiment.<br />

Further studies on the conditions of goethite formation during bioleaching of NFC are<br />

required.<br />

Nickel and cobalt leaching rates in the course of the experiment showed a saturating<br />

trend, which was projected as a declining trend in yield after reaching the maximum<br />

values of 12 and 22 % after 14 days of operation, respectively. In other words,<br />

unleached nickel and cobalt were added to the system a lot more than what was<br />

removed in solubilized form throughout the experiment. An explanation to this might be<br />

that the applied 10 d retention time was too short. The valuable metals were not brought<br />

into solution at a rate high enough to measure up to the rate of metals addition into the<br />

reactor as concentrate. As the retention time is desired to be as short as possible and<br />

thus the bioleaching as fast as possible, one possible direction to take in following<br />

studies could be to assess the effect of temperature on both bioleaching rate (Rodríguez<br />

et al. 2003) and arsenic immobilization. The temperature in this experiment was very<br />

moderate, approximately 21 °C, which is rarely seen in industrial-scale processes,<br />

where the exothermic nature of the bioleaching reactions results in significant increase<br />

in temperature (Riekkola-Vanhanen 2010). The change in temperature naturally changes<br />

the composition of the bioleaching consortium and is therefore almost a completely<br />

different matter to the present study but is still a justified step to take as most full-scale<br />

bioleaching processes take place in above ambient temperatures (for a review, see<br />

Rawlings & Johnson 2007).<br />

The abruptly changing conditions within the reactor as a result of the addition of<br />

fresh NFC and growth media in single large quantities at once might provide an<br />

explanation to this. It could be possible that a species better capable of coping with the<br />

abrupt additions of large quantities of fresh solution and concentrate out-competed the<br />

species mainly responsible for the oxidation of the nickel and cobalt -bearing minerals.<br />

However, as described in Chapter 7.2.2, the redox potential remained at around +600<br />

mV throughout the experiment, which suggests that microbial oxidative activity was<br />

high throughout the experiment. Therefore, it is possible that the challenging conditions<br />

in the reactor drove the microorganisms towards oxidation of gangue minerals like<br />

pyrite instead of, e.g., the nickel-bearing pentlandite (Mason & Rice 2002). As the<br />

microbial population was not characterized in this experiment, it is certainly a matter to<br />

be considered for further research. Also, changing the process more towards the<br />


continuous mode would relieve the stress on the microbial population and might result<br />

in better leaching rates. A continuous-mode system would also provide for more<br />

constant mineralogy-defining conditions, which might improve arsenic immobilization.<br />

In the present experiment, abruptly changing chemical and mineralogical conditions<br />

caused by the addition of NFC and growth media might result in transformation of<br />

possibly arsenic-carrying mineral precipitates to another form with different sorptive<br />

properties, which could result in the release of already once immobilized arsenic as<br />

reported by Courtin-Nomade et al. (2003).<br />

8.3 The Role of Bacteria in Arsenic Speciation and<br />

Immobilization<br />

The shake-flask experiment with arsenite, ferrous sulfate, MSM and TES was<br />

performed with the view to assess the fate of arsenic and its speciation as well as the<br />

role of microorganisms in the immobilization of arsenic in bioleaching. Two different<br />

starting <strong>pH</strong> values (1.7 and 2.5) were studied with no <strong>pH</strong> control during the experiment.<br />

The results indicated that as no microorganisms were present, most of the arsenic added<br />

as arsenite was chemically oxidized to arsenate but remained in solution. This is<br />

unsurprising as the hypothesized mechanism of arsenic immobilization is adsorption on<br />

iron precipitates. As there was no bioleaching activity, also no iron (sulfate) precipitates<br />

formed, which left the arsenate without an adsorbent.<br />

In the flasks inoculated with bioleaching microorganisms, the amount of arsenic in<br />

solution was markedly decreased in the flask with the starting <strong>pH</strong> 2.5 and less so in the<br />

flask with the starting <strong>pH</strong> 1.7. In both cases, however, most of the arsenic found in<br />

solution was present as arsenite. This is probably the result of microbial extrusion of intaken<br />

arsenate as arsenite (for a review, see Slyemi & Bonnefoy 2011). The<br />

immobilized arsenic was likely adsorbed. The adsorbent could have been either the iron<br />

(sulfate) precipitates formed as a result of bioleaching or the microbial cells themselves<br />

(Yan et al. 2010), or both. Arsenic levels dropped dramatically in the abiotic solution<br />

with the starting <strong>pH</strong> of 2.5 after its microbial contamination. It is not distinguishable,<br />

whether the reason for the sudden drop in arsenic concentration was the introduction of<br />

biomass or iron sulfate formation due to biooxidative activity. Whether or not the<br />

microbial cell surface can act effectively as an adsorbent or a nucleation site for arsenic<br />

precipitation, it is clear that the presence and bioleaching activity by these<br />

microorganisms is elemental to the immobilization of arsenic.<br />

Arguably the most interesting result received from the experiment was the effect of<br />

starting <strong>pH</strong>. The amount of arsenic in solution was significantly lower in the flask with<br />

the starting <strong>pH</strong> of 2.5 than in the flask with the starting <strong>pH</strong> 1.7. After 6 days of<br />

incubation, probably even sooner, the <strong>pH</strong> in all biotic flasks was more or less equal,<br />

meaning that the effect of starting <strong>pH</strong> had to be rather swift. As the difference between<br />

the initial <strong>pH</strong> values is quite small, its effect on the selection of the microbial population<br />

is not likely to have made a significant difference. However, as the microbial<br />

populations were not characterized, nothing can be said for certain. One possibility<br />


explaining the different arsenic immobilization results could be that the initial <strong>pH</strong> might<br />

have a marked effect on mineral formation. A higher <strong>pH</strong> could promote the formation of<br />

iron precipitates of different structure (Ramesh Reddy & DeLaune 2008) with better<br />

arsenic adsorption capacity and stability (Asta et al. 2009). Yet, no mineralogical<br />

characterization of the precipitates was performed, which leaves matters open for<br />

speculation.<br />



- Selective bioleaching of nickel flotation concentrate (NFC) for nickel and cobalt<br />

and effective immobilization of arsenic can be maintained at <strong>pH</strong> 3.0.<br />

- The high pyrite and pyrrhotite content of NFC results in high acid production<br />

and thus base addition costs when <strong>pH</strong> is controlled. The maximum base<br />

consumption obtained was 90 g-NaOH/kg-NFC with 15 % pulp density. The<br />

possibility of partial pyrite and pyrrhotite removal from NFC at NFC production<br />

stage should be assessed and its costs compared to the base addition costs in<br />

order to improve economical viability.<br />

- The highest pulp density studied, i.e., 15 % p.d., showed the highest maximum<br />

nickel and cobalt leaching rates. The use of even higher pulp densities should be<br />

assessed in order to minimize costs related to reactor volume.<br />

- Sufficient mixing to keep all NFC particles in suspension must be provided in<br />

future experiments and reactor designs for efficient extraction of precious<br />

metals.<br />

- A retention time of 10 d was too short for a 20 L semi-continuous mode reactor<br />

where mass exchange was performed once a day. However, with continuous and<br />

stable material flow, an effective retention time possibly even shorter than 10 d<br />

could be achieved. The possibilities of continuous-mode reactor configurations<br />

should be studied in the future.<br />

- Operating a bioleaching reactor in semi-continuous mode compared to batch<br />

more resulted in a significant increase in goethite formation, which promotes<br />

more efficient arsenic immobilization.<br />

- Biotic and abiotic shake-flask experiments with arsenite and ferrous sulfate<br />

demonstrated that bioleaching microorganisms play an important role in the<br />

immobilization of arsenic. The exact mechanism(s) of arsenic immobilization in<br />

the studied conditions remain, however, yet to be identified.<br />



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