Frankenstein Study Questions - Bibb County Schools

Frankenstein Study Questions - Bibb County Schools

Frankenstein Study Questions - Bibb County Schools


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3. Vacillating – fluctuating, wavering<br />

The poor woman was very vacillating in her repentance.<br />

4. Salubrious – [suh-loo-bree-uhs] adj. healthful<br />

We passed a fortnight in these perambulations: my health and spirits had long been restored, and they<br />

gained additional strength from the salubrious air I breathed, the natural incidents of our progress, and the<br />

conversation of my friend.<br />

5. Carnage – destruction of life<br />

Alas! I had turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery; had he<br />

not murdered my brother?<br />

6. Ignominious – [ig-nuh-min-ee-uhs] disgraceful; discreditable; humiliating<br />

Justine also was a girl of merit, and possessed qualities which promised to render her life happy: now all<br />

was to be obliterated in an ignominious grave; and I the cause!<br />

7. Timorous – fearful<br />

….but fear, and hatred of the crime of which they supposed her guilty, rendered them timorous and<br />

unwilling to come forward.<br />

8. Obdurate – [ob-doo-rit] unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn;<br />

unyielding<br />

He threatened excommunication and hell fire in my last moments, if I continued obdurate.<br />

9. Perdition – damnation, complete ruin<br />

Dear lady, I had none to support me; all looked on me as a wretch doomed to ignominy and perdition.<br />

10. Inexorable – [in-ek-ser-uh-buhl] relentless; unyielding; unalterable;<br />

…happy beyond his hopes; if this inexorable fate be satisfied, and if the destruction pause before the peace<br />

of the grave have succeeded to your sad torments.<br />


1. Precipitous – [pri-sip-i-tuhs] extremely or impassably steep<br />

The ascent is precipitous, but the path is cut into continual and short windings, which enable you<br />

to surmount the perpendicularity of the mountain.<br />

2. Commiserate – [kuh-miz-uh-reyt] – verb with an object - to feel or express sorrow or<br />

sympathy for; empathize with; pity; verb without an object – to sympathize with<br />

Listen to my tale: when you have heard that, abandon or commiserate me, as you shall judge that I deserve.<br />

3. Slaked – [sleyk] - to allay (thirst, desire, wrath, etc.) by satisfying.<br />

I slaked my thirst at the brook; and the lying down, was overcome by sleep.<br />

4. Debilitated – [di-bil-i-teyt d] to make weak or feeble<br />

He turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran across the fields<br />

with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable.<br />

5. Inclemency – storminess; severe, rough, or harsh weather, the elements not kind or<br />

merciful.<br />

Here than I retreated, and lay down happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency<br />

of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.

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