Long and Marshall sub contract quality conditions

Long and Marshall sub contract quality conditions

Long and Marshall sub contract quality conditions


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L&M Sub-Contract<br />

Quality Conditions<br />

Doctrbetrt No. L&MSCQC0001<br />

It is nddatory thar the Snpplier cotrplies vnh lhe rcleva.t clauses ofthc L&M Subohiract Qualiiy<br />

Condilions shoM below. Any queslions Esddirs th€s r€qunenchh should be addressed ro fie<br />

Qualily depannent at Lons & MaBhaU Lrd. (t*M) b€forc come.cing vort.<br />

AN sp€cification rcferen..d or us€d in tb€ funhcmnce oI tbis oder sh![ be ro rbe ht€sr issue<br />

!g!! Clalses l) lo I 1) inc. shall apply to all puchase ordN pl&ed by L&M<br />

1) Acc€$ io Prennes & Tsh.ic.l Infonrriotr<br />

Witb pnor asEemcni, rne Snppli€r sh6ll allow authodsed epresmratives of L&M. its cuslomcr dd<br />

any rcnimt€d third paity access lo @s ofde suppliem pEniss where ay pan of$e work uder<br />

lh€ ordcr. is being perfomed to conducl <strong>quality</strong> Nslmce md co.tract proercssioh activ'ty. Also 10<br />

cxmine dy d.asings, sFEcifications or other docmmt! mnpnlei geneat€d @d naiolained dda<br />

or sotwde prcsrms us€d by the <strong>sub</strong>coniractor in snppon of $e contr&L<br />

They shall be .fforded lhe opponuily 10 vaify co.Iomnce lo lhe requi€nents oflh€ ord€r md the<br />

supplier shail nakc appropriat€ prcvhion at no addilional cost 1o L&M. such r€sonable<br />

accomodation facililies ed dsishnce d Equired. Such dcomodarion shal be adcqulely<br />

tumishcd, lighte4 hatd dd venrilaled <strong>and</strong> sball include suilable comuicalion equipnent 6<br />

2i Cotrlml of Fr€e l$tre Mlt€.ial<br />

AU nalenal used in pusnil of l6is order nut be in slict accordmce wilh lhe nalenal specincados<br />

st t€d on th€ mnponst drawing, pocess pld or in the L&M pu!c!6e order Any deviation frcn<br />

lhese specitcalions cd ody be lulho.ied by l,&M.<br />

Mere natdiel h supplied by L&M for incluion in, or lbe .mufactu€ ol prod@rs againsr this<br />

pushde order, ir is th€ respoNibiliiy oflh€ supplid ro acknosledge ils rceipr <strong>and</strong> mainr.in ir in a<br />

It shall nol b€ used, nodifiod, hpered wi$ or wo*ed upon in ay way other lh$ lhat for which it<br />

The seplier musl ensu!€ lhe bat h numbers of materials md pds de recorded Md no1 losl or<br />

Surplus maldial mst be €Lumed lo L&M upon completion of the ord€! unless olheMiF autholised<br />

3) Sub-Tier Suoolien<br />

L-&M rust be infomed when rhe supplier int€n& to <strong>sub</strong> mhrract my pan ofdis oid* md they<br />

EseFe the ns!1 ro pohibit thc usc of my suts@.tador at dy srage oftlr order.<br />

Wtren oders d€ placed oh sutstiq supplieG, lhe appliede clau$s ofthes Quality Conditions nusl<br />

bc now€d doM' 1o the <strong>sub</strong> tier supplier.<br />

.tl Slonee Packidc Md DeIiv.ry<br />

Conponmts are to be pack€d in snch a way N lo prevmt dmage oi deenorldon in sloEge dd<br />

tdsit. Delivery document tion nusr bc smuely anacbed. Pacting requi@enls to be ag@d wilh<br />

I-&M dd d€tailed in th€ MOP wheE Muir€d.

Docunctrt No, L&MSCQC000I<br />

L& Sub-ContractQualityConditions<br />

Q-Ise1i!c-&-Gacgi!s<br />

a) All toolinc. salsing & Gecialed equipnent turded, or spplied by L&M in aid ofrhis contrrc!<br />

didtly or indn€cdy. rcnain the pmpelty of L&M $d musl b€ Etun€d on conpletion of the<br />

<strong>contract</strong> o! shd requ*ted.<br />

b) All tooling gauging & dsociated equipnent supplied or tund€d by L&M in sid ofthis @ntlat is<br />

the popeny oflhe MOD ed nusl be Eorded in you Defcor 23 regisre.<br />

No L&M fiDded tooling sn ll b€ ued lo Ddenar€ wonq eitnd panially of s4olly, Dder my<br />

cncumiancs, on mnrract plmd by compmis olhef the L&M wiinou! wiilen pemission.<br />

O-S!4d!.s!!dd!e-D!vis$<br />

coods supplied aglinst tlis ordd whicb N *Nitive top eletro sblic di*hes€, nusl be hadl€d<br />

ed p&l€ged in accorddce with BS EN 61340-51:2001 'Pmle.tion of Electric Dflic6 from<br />

Electrosrstic Ph€nomena Cereral R4uirements'.<br />

A-BlElleapUalq<br />

11 is ! requiMent that all RoIIS conpliel itens re cltrly nnked. ?lese emur€ all inomin8<br />

papeNork inchdins prckasi4 &d quotations de cl*ly defin€d.<br />

8) Envircnn.ntd Is.u€s<br />

It is a ftqunenmi thal rhe slpplier povides rclevdt iitbmation on dy envtomental i$!es<br />

r€laling lo the del;vered pDducts along with the delivery docunenrarion.<br />

9l Crdmium Plrlinq<br />

Thc suppli€r nusl be awde oflhe r€leve1 Lrgal & Heal6 dd Safety Srdddds in the h&dline of<br />

Cadrbim of dy prcduct conrajning Cadmim.<br />

The us of Cadnim musl be avoided in &y prcducl suppli€d asainst ihis ord€r wherc the supplier<br />

AU delivery papeMork fton th€ supplier nut be cl€nly mdked accordinsly whe!€ Cadniun is in<br />

1!I-Np!-e9!&aiss-t!9C!!t<br />

Non-confoming product wiu not be ac@lled by L&M dd lhey r€ere the rieht to rejecl smh<br />

nrt€rial & rcquiE ine sulplier 10 rnore ii at ilieir d!..e.<br />

ln excepdonal circunslancB, requests fo! deviatio.s nay be nade 10 L&M. Only who lhe requesl<br />

h6 ben foma.lly &cepted od the suppliq fonaUy notified, may dy d€viatins nat€nal be<br />

!u!9s!9!-s!&!s!c!<br />

The supplier shall rctain QMliry ConlrcL4nspection Ecords !€laied ro dG puhse ordd for a<br />

penod of 10 yen min- ftom rhe conplction of all work udd rhe conFact md sholl male rhese<br />

@ords availlble on equesl. ,A1 ihe end of the releniion period. the slpplier shdl sek cornmadon<br />

fi!ft L&M dra! the Hords nay be destroyed, or ifrequiEd, deliveEd to L&M<br />

In the €venl ofrhe supplier ceaine lo lr.de the Mords will be delivded to L&M-<br />

Ilis rete.lion pdod nay be eodit€d d@ending oi the natue of th€ prine @nh&t<br />

The E@'ds shsll be naintained in a Eadilv r€trievable siat€ {d shau be sloEd in such a ltrlm€r s<br />

The haceabiliry eords rhai re to b€ mainrained re io i.clud€ those ltred below s applicaSle:

L&M Sub-Contract<br />

Quality Conditions<br />

Do.trn.nl No. L&MSCQC0001<br />

a) Matnal cerlilication, both chenical ed nechflical.<br />

b) Tesl Piees & dsciaied test Eports.<br />

d) Speciat process.(Heat<br />

lreatnent, X Ray, Platins eto<br />

e) Inspeclion resuhs. (FAIR elc)<br />

!qE! One or noE offie following clauses re appliqblc lo ou pmhse order s indiMt€d on th€<br />

U)-8!4!ei!c<br />

Any <strong>sub</strong> tier pmnse orde^ nied aginsl $is L&M oder nust flow doM appopnate clauses as<br />

shoM on th€ body of lhe L&M ord€r.<br />

a) ''fhis ordd is in aid of a UK Minishy ofD€f€nce (MoD) codract, md nay b€ <strong>sub</strong>je€t to qualiiy<br />

4sutuce &tivity at you worlc by lhc MoD or then au$orised r€pr$enlalive. You stould provid€<br />

dt no additional cosl lo this compmy or lo thc MoD such reasonable monnodalion, f&ilili€s md<br />

dsisbnce 6 the MoD nay rcquirc. Snch acconnodalion sball be adequately fmished, lightedl<br />

beat€d ed ve.tilared md shall include suilable cloakoon od tel@bone facilnies This clase nusr<br />

be applicd ro sy nfind snbconhcting placed in elation !o this oder.'<br />

b) All matcrials, pans Md pocesses pdchAed in suppon ofdis oder musl be plsced on conpmies<br />

wilh ISO 9001 :2000/459100 acciedilalion d

L&M Sub-Contract<br />

Quality Conditions<br />

Docubetrl No, L&MSCQC0001<br />

15) Ibiti.l Ssmble In.rectiotr Rcport aISIRI<br />

An ISIR is required prior lo prcduction for all deliveoble produds whe$er il is a disreel balch or<br />

sdial ploduclion. A copy of rhc bat€rinl c€rtiliotion is ro b€ included, The ISIR is 10 be epeded<br />

*heE production oflhe ir€n has nol been cdied oul in $e Iasl 12 nonths or in tlle cse of se al<br />

prcduction every 12 months. Ar ISIR wiU ale b€ cdied ou !h*l<br />

- Cbmgcs @ nade lo a slsilication defined within the draMns or other data necessdy lo<br />

- lh the evenL of impoianl chmses to lhe mmufactui.g proccss<br />

All chanctenstics re to b€ list€d individully wilh noninal md acrul values. Unless ofi€Mise<br />

insJucted in the oder or by lhe Qualily Mdagr, 5 smpl€s & to be checked. Tle ISIR ed the<br />

coftsponding €omporcnls must be available for approval by L&M beforc sies delivery,<br />

Apptuval can only be siven by th€ Quahy Assumce Depanmenl.<br />

Where mdiographic i.sp@lion is requned, tlE Xjay plates nusr b€ supplied wirh the delivery.<br />

whm xaay plales pedaidns to lhe delivery have pEviously b€er snppli€d, the delivery docmeni<br />

rcfcrchce qill be cledly indi€ted on th€ Cerlificat€ of Confomity.<br />

16l Fint Arti.l€ Irspeciion Reooft irAlRl<br />

All dEwirs cherclerinics re ro be individu,lly lbred wilh noninal dd &tua1 lalEs. Unle$<br />

oth€Mise stated in the puchde oider, a fedofrly slected smple is !o be checked. Fi6t anicle<br />

inspelion reporrs md dD idendfied poducts nusl be available for appoval by a l-&M repr€sertative<br />

pdor ro eries delivery @mneicioe.<br />

ai'sl article imp€ciion wiu be onduct€d wheE id€nrified in rhe pnh6e ordq in rhe wenr ofchds€s<br />

lo the specification laid don or imporlanl chss6 nr lhe neufactuins proc6sj a significml bEal in<br />

prcduction [+l y€d] ud as orheNis diEcred by L&M.<br />

ASq l02 r?ons m 6e prefeftd lo@t.<br />

ln D€tv€r Docunc atior<br />

All delivenes mde to L&M nusl be acconpanied by a C of C. cefii&ins thal tbe pnduct or *rvice.<br />

b6 in all Espets been ItMufoctured, iNpecled md tested in accordlnce wilh the ordd<br />

equiFnents, or s delailed in aulhoised producrion pemils or concessions srsred asainsl thlt<br />

rurchae order <strong>and</strong> vhich shall be hted on the C ofc.<br />

IE L&M PurchN Order nuber shau b€ slom on dre C of C<br />

Th€ C ofC will ref€r€nce all supportinC docm€nlalion, e.g. naterial, tesl €riificates, pro*ss<br />

cerlification, r€lcNc docmchtatioh from <strong>sub</strong>-contnctos, or ey s!€ial firctioning or lesi<br />

r€qnirene.$ called lor wilhin lie purchae orde! a appropnab.<br />

Anv Cure dales an or Shelflife reslliclions shall be ouoted on lhe C ofc.<br />

wlEn Equest€d,<br />

the orisimls of supportins C of Cs will be supplied to L&M with the soods-<br />

Where L&M have supplied marenal, the C of C nunb€r nust be quot€d.<br />

The C€nifimte of Cohfomny shall on6m lhat insF.clioh dd Flase bas bem <strong>sub</strong>Fct lo con&ol by<br />

you oM, or third pany i$peclion orgmisalion. shich conplies wilh thc rcquiEhchts ofyou<br />

aDDoval. as denned below.

L&Iil Sub-Co ract Quality Conditions<br />

Docuretrt No. L&MSCQC00or<br />

(5) R€l€se in accord&ft wllh you Messi* Do*ty appoval otler the tems md condilions of<br />

?RIDE<br />

(b) R€l€se in eorda@ with you ISO 9001:2000 apprcval.<br />

(c) R€le6e in eodm€ with you AS9l00 approval.<br />

(d) R€l€6e in eodd€ wifi yod NADCAT qpploEl<br />

(e) Relede in a€ode@ witn the Qulity As!fuce Stald.lds appreved by L&M<br />

l$ Acceptlnc. d Subplie6<br />

Delivery ofth€ eoods will only be rEde once a L&M rcpEsiarive hs apploved rhe delivery al the<br />

CC KimbtrQudity M$aEei

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