2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs - Hackvalue

2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs - Hackvalue

2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs - Hackvalue


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<strong>2000+</strong> <strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>Irregular</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong> - 2nd Edition<br />

asurcar plough 1d averiarse have a breakdown 1a<br />

atacar attack 1d averiguar establish 1f<br />

atafagar suffocate 1e averiguarse manage 1f<br />

atañer concern 2e avezar accustom 1c<br />

atapuzar fill 1c avezarse become accustomed to 1c<br />

atapuzarse stuff oneself 1c aviar prepare 1a<br />

atardecer get dark 2c azocar pack tightly 1d<br />

atarragarse overheat 1e azogar cover with silver 1e<br />

atarugar stuff 1e azogarse be fidgety 1e<br />

atascar plug 1d azumagarse rust 1e<br />

ataviar dress up 1a azuzar incite 1c<br />

ataviarse dress up 1a<br />

atemorizar frighten 1c<br />

atenazar grip 1c<br />

atentar attempt 1g<br />

atenuar attenuate 1b balbucir stutter 3e<br />

atenuarse weaken 1b balizar mark with buoys 1c<br />

aterrar demolish 1g barnizar varnish 1c<br />

aterrizar land 1c bautizar baptize 1c<br />

aterrorizar terrify 1c bazucar stir 1d<br />

atesar tighten 1g beatificar beatify 1d<br />

atestar pack 1g becar award a scholarship to 1d<br />

atestarse stuff oneself 1g bendecir bless 3n<br />

atestiguar testify to 1f besucar cover with kisses 1d<br />

atezar tan 1c bienquerer like 2s<br />

atezarse become tanned 1c bifurcarse diverge 1d<br />

atingir concern 3b biografiar write a biography of 1a<br />

atizar poke 1c bisecar bisect 1d<br />

atizarse smoke marijuana 1c bizcar wink 1d<br />

atomizar spray 1c blanquecer whiten 2c<br />

atorozarse choke 1c bogar row 1e<br />

atosigar poison 1e bonificar improve 1d<br />

atrabancar rush 1d bostezar yawn 1c<br />

atrabancarse get into a jam 1d bregar struggle 1e<br />

atracar mug 1d brezar rock 1c<br />

atracarse stuff oneself 1d brincar skip 1d<br />

atraer attract 2n bruñir polish 3g<br />

atrancar bar 1d brutalizar brutalize 1c<br />

atravesar put across 1g brutalizarse become brutalized 1c<br />

atreguar grant a truce to 1f bullir boil 3g<br />

atreguarse agree to a truce 1f buscar look for 1d<br />

atribuir attribute 3f buzar dip 1c<br />

atronar deafen 1i<br />

atterazar terrace 1c<br />

autenticar authenticate 1d<br />

autentificar authenticate 1d<br />

autoanalizarse self- analyze 1c cabalgar ride 1e<br />

autoconvencerse convince oneself 2c caber fit 2k<br />

autodestruirse self destruct 3f cablegrafiar cable 1a<br />

autoexcluirse exclude oneself 3f caducar expire 1d<br />

autogobobernarse govern oneself 1g caer fall 2m<br />

autografiar autograph 1a caerse fall over 2m<br />

autoincluirse include oneself 3f cagar shit 1e<br />

automatizar automate 1c cagarse shit oneself 1e<br />

autoprotegerse protect oneself 2b calcar trace 1d<br />

autorizar authorize 1c calcificar calcify 1d<br />

autorrealizarse feel fulfilled 1c calentar heat 1g<br />

autosostenerse be self supporting 2j calentarse warm oneself up 1g<br />

avaluar value 1b calificar describe something 1d<br />

avanzar advance 1c caligrafiar write in a stylish hand 1a<br />

aventar fan 1g calofriarse feel chilly 1a<br />

aventarse fill with air 1g calzar wear 1c<br />

avergonzar shame 1p canalizar channel 1c<br />

averiar damage 1a canonizar applaud 1c<br />

159<br />

© Copywright 2007

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