2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs - Hackvalue

2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs - Hackvalue

2000+ Spanish Irregular Verbs - Hackvalue


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<strong>2000+</strong> <strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>Irregular</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong> - 2nd Edition<br />

trip tropezar 1o uproot desarraigar 1e<br />

trisect trisecar 1d upset indisponer 2p<br />

trivialize frivolizar 1c upturn embicar 1d<br />

trivialize trivializar 1c urge ahincar 1d<br />

truncate troncar 1d urge ahincar 1q<br />

truncate truncar 1d use utilizar 1c<br />

trust somebody fiarse 1a utter proferir 3h<br />

try on probarse 1i<br />

tuck up arregazar 1c<br />

tune into sintonizar 1c<br />

turn against it's user retrucar 1d<br />

turn black ennegrecerse 2c value avaluar 1b<br />

turn green enverdecer 2c value valuar 1b<br />

turn green verdecer 2c value valorizar 1c<br />

turn pale empalidecer 2c vaporize evaporizar 1c<br />

turn pale palidecer 2c vaporize vaporizar 1c<br />

turn white emblanquecerse 2c vaporize vaporizarse 1c<br />

turn yellow amarillecer 2c varnish barnizar 1c<br />

turn yellow enmarillecerse 2c varnish embarnizar 1c<br />

twist retorcer 2z velarize velarizar 1c<br />

twist torcer 2z vent desahogar 1e<br />

twist up abejucarse 1d vent desfogar 1e<br />

type dactilografiar 1a verbalize verbalizar 1c<br />

type mecanografiar 1a versify versificar 1d<br />

tyrannize tiranizar 1c victimize victimizar 1c<br />

vindicate vindicar 1d<br />

visualize visualizar 1c<br />

vitalize vitalizar 1c<br />

vitrify vitrificar 1d<br />

unblock desobstruir 3f vocalize vocalizar 1c<br />

uncross descruzar 1c voice sonorizarse 1c<br />

underestimate infravaluar 1b volatilize volatilizar 1c<br />

underexpose subexponer 2p volatilize volatilizarse 1c<br />

underlie subyacer 2w vomit debocar 1d<br />

understand entender 2f vomit trasbocar 1d<br />

understand sobreentender 2f vulcanize vulcanizar 1c<br />

under-use infrautilizar 1c<br />

undervalue minusvalorizar 1c<br />

undo destejer 2c<br />

undo desceñir 3u<br />

undress desvestir 3j wake despertar 1g<br />

undress desvestirse 3j wake up despertarse 1g<br />

unearth desenterrar 1g wake up recordarse 1i<br />

unfold desplegar 1s walk andar 1m<br />

unfold descoger 2b want querer 2s<br />

unionize sindicalizar 1c warble gorgorizar 1c<br />

unionize sindicar 1d warm oneself up calentarse 1g<br />

unite unificar 1d warm up recocer 2z<br />

unite coligarse 1e warn advertir 3h<br />

universalize universalizar 1c wash fregar 1s<br />

unload descargar 1e water aguar 1f<br />

unmask desembozar 1c waterproof impermeabilizar 1c<br />

unpack desempacar 1d weaken atenuarse 1b<br />

unscrew desenroscar 1d wear calzar 1c<br />

unstick despegar 1e weed desmalezar 1c<br />

unthread desenhebrar 1g weed desherbar 1g<br />

untie desliar 1a weigh down apesgar 1e<br />

untie desenlazar 1c weld soldar 1i<br />

untie desligar 1e westernize occidentalizar 1c<br />

untie deshacer 2q wheeze gañir 3g<br />

unwrap desenvolver 2g whine piar 1a<br />

unyoke desuncir 3a whip fustigar 1e<br />

update actualizar 1c whip zurriagar 1e<br />

upholster entapizar 1c whiten blanquecer 2c<br />

193<br />

© Copywright 2007

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