Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index

Bare-Faced Messiah (PDF) - Apologetics Index


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teacher and put his butt into a waste-paper basket. Old A. J. Roberts, the principal, was a German<br />

from Heidelberg and a strict disciplinarian. Ron knew that he would never put up with such<br />

behaviour, so he didn't trouble to come back.'[7]<br />

Aunt Marnie explained it differently: 'He just got itchy feet. He wanted to see something new. He was<br />

an adventurer at heart. The wanderlust was in him and he couldn't see himself staying in a little<br />

town like Helena when there was adventure ahead. He went off to Seattle to stay with my sister<br />

Midgie and her husband Bob. They tried to talk him into staying with them, but he went south,<br />

hopped a ship and worked his way back to Guam.'[8]<br />

Whatever the truth, Ron never returned to Helena High. Two years later, he wrote two colourful<br />

accounts of the events leading up to his departure from Helena. Although they were only separated<br />

by a few pages in his journal, many of the details do not match; indeed some passages read<br />

suspiciously like the adventure stories he was constantly scribbling in his spare time.<br />

It seemed he was driving his friends home after the Vigilante Day Parade in his 'mighty Ford'<br />

(presumably his grandfather's Model T.) when someone threw a baseball at them and hit him on<br />

the head. He stopped the car, chastized the offenders and dealt with them so severely that he broke<br />

four 'marcarpals' in his right hand.<br />

'That was the beginning and the end. I couldn't wait and school faded from the picture. My hand was<br />

reset four times and life lost its joy. I sold the Ford and went West, taking Horace Greeley's [sic]<br />

advice.'<br />

He announced to his grandfather that he had decided on a 'change of scenery' and caught a train<br />

for Seattle, where he stayed with his aunt and uncle for a couple of days. On 7 June, trading on his<br />

'scout prestige', he moved to Camp Parsons for about a week, until it became too crowded and he<br />

decided to move on.<br />

'I set out at noon, hiking a swift pace under a heavy pack through the lofty, virgin Olympics. At nine<br />

o'clock that night I made camp about two miles down the trail from "Shelter Rock". Twelve hours<br />

later I was limp on top of a boulder pile, saved from a broken spine by my pack. I gazed at the blood<br />

pumping from my wrist and decided it was high time I went to visit herr Docteur.'<br />

No explanation is offered for this incident or for how he managed, in such a parlous state, to find<br />

his way back to Bremerton. It was there, while being treated by a Navy doctor, he was told that a US<br />

Navy transport, USS Henderson, was due to leave for Guam from San Francisco in a week's time<br />

(in the first account), or two weeks (in the second account). That night (first account), eight days<br />

later (second account), he was on a Shasta Limited overnight train heading south for California,<br />

apparently intent on rejoining his parents in Guam.<br />

By the time he got to the Transport Dock in San Francisco the Henderson had already sailed. With<br />

only twenty dollars left in his pocket, Ron invested a nickel in a newspaper and read on the<br />

shipping page that the liner President Pierce, bound for China, was moored at Dock 28. An hour<br />

later he was standing in line at the dock, waiting to sign on as an ordinary seaman. While in the<br />

queue, smoking to calm his nerves, he suddenly decided it would be worth a call to Twelfth Naval<br />

District to find out where the Henderson was. Perhaps, he thought, she had not yet sailed for<br />

Guam, but had just moved down the coast to another port. His hunch was correct - an officer at<br />

Twelfth District told him the Henderson was in San Diego. Within half an hour - he appeared<br />

remarkably lucky with connections - he was on a bus bound for San Diego, five hundred miles<br />

further south.

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