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Caine<br />

Cain/Kanu/Kane/Kaen/Caen/Khayyin/H'kneuw/Kanw etc.<br />

Current Generation: 1st<br />

Embraced Generation: N/A<br />

Date of Birth: Unknown<br />

Date of Embrace: Unknown<br />

Current Stat<strong>us</strong>: Unknown<br />

Progeny of: Adam and Eve (He-he-he)<br />

Sex: Male<br />

Sect: N/A<br />

Title: Grand Sire Caine, All Father Caine, ... the Wanderer, ...the Damned etc.<br />

Location: Unknown<br />

History: Biblically the son of Adam and Eve, slayer of Able, brother to Seth. According to The Book<br />

of Nod, he slew his brother in sacrifice to YAVH-Yahweh-Jehovah-Allah-God-etc. And in this act of<br />

sacrifice damned himself and reality. In WoD terms this absolute sacrifice ca<strong>us</strong>es The Shattering;<br />

whence reality was split and the planes (Umbra) were separated. When one considers the ancients<br />

such as Caine one m<strong>us</strong>t think in Mage terms as according to most of the writings everyone and yes I<br />

mean everyone was Awakened (aka. a Mage) to a degree. So when a Willworker, wills something to<br />

cease existing it does. As no restrictions such as Paradox existed it does soin an absolute fashion.<br />

As if it had never existed. Such was the case with Able.<br />

Additional tales surround the likes of Caine. The genuine Cainite religion believes Caine lays<br />

sleeping deep in the earth for the coming times. And they all claim to be descended from him (yes,<br />

this is true and there is a Cainite religion, it has nothing to do with vampires). In WoD terms this is<br />

not unlikely as Caine himself never died the True Death he could very much be a Living Vampire (or<br />

perhaps Kuei-Jin). His powers were supposedly awakened unto him by Lillith first wife of Adam.<br />

Who depending on how you look at it could be all things as well. In any event the concept of Caine<br />

and Lillith is as Demigods. However in my mind the idea of eternal damnation Caine is supposed to<br />

suffer excludes the concept that Caine could sleep the Long Sleep of the Kindred with any kind of<br />

peace. Therefore he in all likelihood walks among <strong>us</strong> to this very day.<br />

The Children of Caine... though blasphemo<strong>us</strong> as it may sound Caine is said to hold regency<br />

of two lines that of Kindred and that of Kine. It is also rumored that Caine had a twin sister known as<br />

Calomena. There is also the theory set forth known as the Conspiracy of Caine which states Caine<br />

was not the evil of the two brother but the good and Able was slain as a heroic act. The Undeath is<br />

but a symptom of the blessing of God upon Caine for this act.<br />

When reading theological or game texts in WoD terms keep in mind much is pseudometaphorical<br />

in nature so his children may be both or neither, his child or childe. As is the case with<br />

many whom are sighted as of the Children of Seth only to be embraced into Caine's get. And further<br />

still many are labeled as his childer when they are not, such as the case of Saulot. Who is said to<br />

have been the most favored of Caine's childer. But "All are of Caine" th<strong>us</strong> they all are of him. The joy<br />

of rhetoric. It is also interesting to note in the line of Seth many of the children have the same or<br />

similar names to those of Caine. In a fashion White Wolf/The World Of Darkness would have you<br />

beleive these children are one in the same. Th<strong>us</strong> Enoch scion of Seth is also the Sion of Caine.<br />

Caine is said to be master of all the Disciplines and hold the ability to create new powers at<br />

will. Caine is Caine he may do as he wishes. Though in none of the texts does it say Caine knows<br />

any of the clan specific disciplines such as Obtenebration or Necromancy... he holds mastery over<br />

the primary powers alone. Caine is said to have had only three Childer this is wrong, and of course<br />

excludes the supposed mortal children of his. His get include; Enoch who is both in the text his<br />

mortal and his vampiric childe, Zilliah his bride and mother to Enoch depending on what you read,<br />

Irad his other son and biblically son of Enoch, but even this is conflicted.<br />

Those are the ones known. But there are and were others... As books like Kindred of the East<br />

can attest. The Crone is one of his childer. A Mage in life she Blood Bound Caine to become

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