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POINT Software Varaždin<br />
12 SVE<br />
016:323(497.1)"199<br />
1/1996"<br />
44 NEV<br />
061.2(497.11+497.1<br />
6)(094.5)<br />
49 THU<br />
SVETSKA bibliografija o krizi u bivšoj Jugoslaviji<br />
Svetska bibliografija o krizi u bivšoj Jugoslaviji / priredili Dobrila<br />
Stanković, Zlatan Maltarić. - Beograd : Međunarodna politika...[etc.], 1996. -<br />
319 str. ; 20 cm. -<br />
NEVLADINE organizacije<br />
Nevladine organizacije / [priredili] Biljana Kovačević-Vučo i Dejan<br />
Milenković. - Beograd : Komitet pravnika za ljudska prava, 2004. - 335 str. ;<br />
21 cm. -<br />
ISBN 86-83209-12-1<br />
1 <strong>FILOZOFIJA</strong>. <strong>PSIHOLOGIJA</strong><br />
1 <strong>FILOZOFIJA</strong>. <strong>PSIHOLOGIJA</strong><br />
THURSCHWELL, Pamela<br />
1 Sigmund Freud / Pamela Thurschwell. - London ; New York : Routledge,<br />
2000. - 158 str. ; 20 cm. -<br />
32 FEM 4<br />
ISBN 978-0-415-21521-3<br />
FEMINISTKINJE teoretiziraju političko<br />
141.72(082) Feministkinje teoretiziraju političko / [priredile] Džudit Batler i Džoan Skot<br />
; sa engleskog prevela Adrijana Zaharijević. - Beograd : Centar za ženske<br />
studije i istraživanje roda, 2006. - 503 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
35:47 MAR<br />
ISBN 86-902929-9-3<br />
2 <strong>RELIGIJA</strong>. <strong>TEOLOGIJA</strong><br />
2 <strong>RELIGIJA</strong>. <strong>TEOLOGIJA</strong><br />
MARKO, Davor<br />
2 Zar na zapadu postoji neki idrugi Bog? : stereotipi i predrasude u<br />
medijima prema islamu / Davor Marko Sarajevo : Media plan institut, 2009. -<br />
221 str. : graf. prikazi ; 21 cm. -<br />
MARS 227<br />
ISBN 978-9958-9736-9-7<br />
ALI, K[ecia]<br />
2 Sexual ethics and Islam : feminist reflections on Qur'an, hadith, and<br />
jurisprudence / K[ecia] Ali. - Oxford : Oneworld, 2006. - XXVIII, 217 str. ; 23<br />
cm. -<br />
MARS 228<br />
ISBN 1851684565<br />
HALLAQ, Wael B.<br />
2 A history of Islamic legal theories : an introduction to Sunni usul al-fiqh /<br />
Wael B. Hallaq. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997. - ix,294 str.<br />
; 24cm. -<br />
MARS 229<br />
ISBN 978-0-521-59986-3<br />
TURKISH Islam and the secular state<br />
2 Turkish Islam and the secular state : the Gülen movement / edited by M.<br />
Hakan Yavuz and John L. Esposito. - Syracuse : Syracuse University Press,<br />
2003. - XXXIII, 280 str. ; 24 cm. - (Contemporary issues in the Middle East)<br />
Created with XFRX, www.eqeus.com, commercial use prohibited.<br />
Created with XFRX, www.eqeus.com, commercial use prohibited.<br />
Str. 1
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
MARS 230<br />
ISBN 0815630158<br />
2 Religion, law, and tradition : comparative studies in religious law / edited<br />
by Andrew Huxley. - London : Routledge, 2002. - XI, 186 str. ; 25 cm. -<br />
MARS 231<br />
RELIGION, law, and tradition<br />
ISBN 0700716890<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Introduction Andrew Huxley<br />
Chapter 1 Judaism Bernard Jackson<br />
Chapter 2 Religious claims about Biblical Law Calum Carmichael<br />
Chapter 3 Canon Law Silvio Ferrari<br />
Chapter 4 Islam Lynn Welchman and Ian Edge<br />
Chapter 5 Hinduism: Once religious, always religious? Werner Menski<br />
Chapter 6 Buddhist Law Andrew Huxley<br />
Chapter 7 Law and religion in Han China Randall Peerenboom<br />
Chapter 8 Jewish and Roman Philosophies of Law David Daube<br />
Chapter 9 Religious systems Jacques Vanderlinden<br />
2 Contesting justice : women, Islam, law, and society / Ahmed E. Souaiaia.<br />
- Albany : State University of New York Press, c2008. - XIV, 195 str. ; 24 cm.<br />
-<br />
MARS 232<br />
SOUAIAIA, Ahmed E.<br />
ISBN 079147397X<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Legal absolutism and ethical relativism<br />
To know or not to know : the basis of acts<br />
Cognition through models and paradigms<br />
The domain of ethics and the law<br />
Chronology of Islamic thought<br />
Ethics, morality, and the law<br />
Determining God's position<br />
Core and marginal sanctions<br />
Emotion and law in the Qur'aŻnic discourse<br />
Threats, incentives, and piety<br />
Crime and punishment<br />
Basis for the practice of polygamy<br />
On the methodological and historical assumptions<br />
Methodological and disciplinary precedence<br />
Polygamy in the historical context<br />
The philology of polygamy<br />
Women in Islamic law of inheritance<br />
The Qur'aŻnic and interpretive dichotomy<br />
The legal and exegetical treatment of the verses on inheritance<br />
Women, justice, and interpretation : the principle of `Awl<br />
Explicitness, consensus, and interpretation<br />
Shares and heirs per blind survey<br />
Description of data collection<br />
Explanation and interpretation of data<br />
Women in modern times<br />
Discussion: Linking polygamy and inheritance : disadvantaging women by the numbers<br />
Discussing the status of women<br />
Other contested perspectives<br />
Bespoke justice versus tyranny of majoritism<br />
Inclusion and exclusion of women.<br />
HALLAQ, Wael B.<br />
2 The origins and evolution of Islamic law / Wael B. Hallaq. - Cambridge ;<br />
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. - IX, 234 str. ; 23 cm. -<br />
(Themes in Islamic law ; 1)<br />
ISBN 0521803322<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
1. The pre-Islamic Near East, Muhammad and Quranic law<br />
2. The emergence of an Islamic legal ethic<br />
3. The early judges, legal specialists and the search for religious authority<br />
4. The judiciary coming of age<br />
5. Prophetic authority and the modification of legal reasoning<br />
6. Legal theory expounded<br />
7. The formation of legal schools<br />
8. Law and politics: caliphs, judges and jurists<br />
Conclusion.<br />
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Str. 2
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
MARS 233<br />
2 Women's rights and Islamic family law : perspectives on reform / edited<br />
by Lynn Welchman. - London : Zed Books, 2004. - 300 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
MARS 234<br />
WOMEN'S rights and Islamic family law<br />
ISBN 1842770950<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Introduction Lynn Welchman<br />
Muslim Personal Status Law in Egypt: The Current Situation and Possibilities of Reform through Internal<br />
Initiatives Essam Fawzy Islamic Law and the Transition to Palestinian Statehood: Constraints and<br />
Opportunities for Legal Reform Rema Hammami and Penny Johnson and Fadwa Labadi and Lynn<br />
Welchman<br />
No Altars: A Survey of Islamic Family Law in the United States Asifa Quraishi and Najeeba Syeed-Miller<br />
Domestic Violence and Sharia: A Comparative Study of Muslim Societies<br />
2 Variant readings of the Qur'an : a critical study of their historical and<br />
linguistic origins / Ahmad 'Ali al Imam ; with a preface by Taha Jabir<br />
al-Alwani Herndon : International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1998. - XXVI,<br />
191 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
MARS 235<br />
IMAM, Ahmad 'Ali al<br />
ISBN 1565642317<br />
2 The Blackwell companion to sociology of religion / edited by Richard K.<br />
Fenn. - Oxford ; Malden : Blackwell Publishers, 2001. - xx, 485 str. ; 25 cm. -<br />
(Blackwell companions to religion ; 2)<br />
MARS 236<br />
BLACKWELL companion to sociology of religion, The<br />
ISBN 063121240X<br />
2 The Oxford illustrated history of Christianity / edited by John McManners.<br />
- Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1990. - xi, 724 str. : ilustr. ; 26<br />
cm. -<br />
MARS 237<br />
OXFORD illustrated history of Christianity, The<br />
ISBN 0198229283<br />
2 Approaches to the study of religion / edited by Peter Connolly. - London<br />
; New York : Continuum, 1999. - xv, 286 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
MARS238<br />
APPROACHES to the study of religion<br />
ISBN 0304337099<br />
2 Legal traditions of the world : sustainable diversity in law / H. Patrick<br />
Glenn. - 3rd ed. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - XXVI,<br />
395 str. ; 25 cm. -<br />
MARS239<br />
GLENN, H. Patrick<br />
ISBN 0199205418<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
A theory of tradition? : the changing presence of the past<br />
Between traditions : identity, persuasion and survival<br />
A Chthonic legal tradition : to recycle the world<br />
A Talmudic legal tradition : the perfect author<br />
A civil law tradition : the centrality of the person<br />
An Islamic legal tradition : the law of a later revelation<br />
A common law tradition : the ethic of adjudication<br />
A Hindu legal tradition : the law as king, but which law?<br />
An Asian legal tradition : make it new (with Marx?)<br />
Reconciling legal traditions : sustainable diversity in law.<br />
NEUSNER, Jacob<br />
2 Comparing religions through law : Judaism and Islam / Jacob Neusner<br />
and Tamara Sonn. - London ; New York : Routledge, 1999. - XII, 263 str. ; 24<br />
cm. -<br />
ISBN 0-415-19487-3<br />
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Str. 3
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
MARS240<br />
BERG, Yehudah<br />
2 The power of Kabbalah : this book contains the secrets of the universe<br />
and the meaning of our lives / Yehuda Berg. - San Diego : Jodere Group,<br />
c2001. - XXVI, 255 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
MARS241<br />
ISBN 158872008X<br />
GRIMMITT, Michael<br />
2 Religious education and human development : the relationship between<br />
studying religions and personal, social and moral education / Michael<br />
Grimmitt. - Great Wakering : McCrimmons, 1987. - 424 str. ; 21 cm. -<br />
MARS242<br />
ISBN 0-85597-401-X<br />
RAHNER, Karl<br />
2 Foundations of Christian faith : an introduction to the idea of Christianity<br />
/ Karl Rahner ; translated by William V. Dych. - New York : Crossroad, 1982.<br />
- XV, 470 str. ; 23 cm. -<br />
Translation of: Grundkurs des Glaubens.<br />
ISBN 0824505239<br />
MARS243<br />
HOLLENBACH, David<br />
2 The common good and Christian ethics / David Hollenbach. - Cambridge<br />
; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - XVI, 269 str. ; 23 cm. - (New<br />
studies in Christian ethics ; 22)<br />
MARS244<br />
ISBN 0521894514<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Preface<br />
Part I. Situations: 1. The eclipse of the public<br />
2. Problems tolerance cannot handle<br />
Part II. Frameworks: 3. Recovering the commonweal<br />
4. Religion in public<br />
5. Christianity in community of freedom<br />
6. Intellectual solidarity<br />
Part III. Directions: 7. Poverty, justice, and the good of the City<br />
8. The global common good.<br />
MOLTMANN, Jürgen<br />
2 The crucified God : the cross of Christ as the foundation and criticism of<br />
Christian theology / Jürgen Moltmann ; [translated by R.A. Wilson and John<br />
Bowden from the German]. - 1st Fortress Press ed. - Minneapolis : Fortress<br />
Press, 1993. - xiii, 346 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
MARS47<br />
ISBN 0800628225 (pbk)<br />
RAAB, Kelley A.<br />
2:305 When women become priests: the Catholic women's ordination debate /<br />
Kelley A. Raab. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2000. - X, 313 str. ;<br />
24 cm. -<br />
MARS 169<br />
ISBN 0-231-11335-8<br />
RORTY, Richard<br />
23/28"313" The future of religion / Richard Rorty and Gianni Vattimo ; edited by<br />
Santiago Zabala New York : Columbia University Press, 2005. - 91 str. ; 21<br />
cm. -<br />
MARS70<br />
ISBN 0-231-13495-8<br />
WORLD religions<br />
27/29(100) World religions : western traditions / edited by Willard G. Oxtoby. - 2nd<br />
ed. - Ontario : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 553 str. : ilustr., mape ; 24 cm.<br />
-<br />
ISBN 0-19-541520-55<br />
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Str. 4
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
MARS39<br />
List of Photographs<br />
List of Figures<br />
Acknowledgments<br />
A Personal Invitation<br />
1. The Ancient World, Willard G. Oxtoby<br />
2. The Jewish Tradition, Alan F. Segal<br />
3. The Zoroastrian Tradition, Willard G. Oxtoby<br />
4. The Christian Tradition, Willard G. Oxtoby<br />
5. The Islamic Tradition, Mahmoud M. Ayoub<br />
6. New Horizons, Willard G. Oxtoby<br />
7. Traditions in Contact, Willard G. Oxtoby<br />
Appendix: Islamic Terms and Names from Arabic<br />
Credits<br />
Index<br />
28-23 The Qur'an and its exegesis: selected texts with classical and modern<br />
Muslim interpretations / by Helmut Gatje ; translated and edited by Alford T.<br />
Welch. - Oxford : Oneworld, 1996. - XIV, 313 str. ; 23 cm. - (Oneworld<br />
Classics in Religious Studies)<br />
MARS173<br />
GATJE, Helmut<br />
ISBN 1-85168-118-3<br />
28-31:929Mohamed The life of Muhammad : a translation of Ishaq´s Sirat Rasul Allah / Alfred<br />
Guillaume. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 813 str. ;<br />
18 cm. -<br />
MARS21<br />
GUILLAUME, Alfred<br />
ISBN 0-19-636033-1<br />
Publisher description:<br />
Alfred Guillaume's authoritative translation of the Sira of Ibn Ishaq presents in English the complete<br />
history of the life of Prophet Muhammad. No book can compare in comprehensiveness, arrangement, or<br />
systematic treatment with Ibn Ishaq's work.<br />
291.12 Ritual and religious belief : a reader / Edited by Graham Harvey. - 1st ed. -<br />
New York : Routledge, 2005. - IX,292 str. ; 25 cm. - (Critical Categories in the<br />
Study of Religion)<br />
MARS73<br />
RITUAL and religious belief<br />
ISBN 0-415- 97448-8<br />
291.34 Violence and the sacred / Rene Girard ; translated by Patrick Gregory. -<br />
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. - VII, 333 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
MARS1<br />
GIRARD, Rene<br />
ISBN 0-8018-2218-1<br />
291.75 Terror in the mind of God : the global rise of religious violence / Mark<br />
Juergensmeyer. - 3rd ed., rev. and updated. - Berkeley : University of<br />
California Press, 2003. - XVII, 319 str. : ilustr. ; 23 cm. - (Comparative studies<br />
in religion and society ; 13)<br />
MARS60<br />
ISBN 0-520-24011-1<br />
ASAD, Talal<br />
291.7:297 Genealogies of religion : discipline and reasons of power in Christianity<br />
and Islam / Talal Asad. - Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. -<br />
335 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
ISBN 0-8018-4632-3<br />
Created with XFRX, www.eqeus.com, commercial use prohibited.<br />
Str. 5
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
16 WHE<br />
WHEELER, Nicholas J.<br />
3 Saving strangers : humanitarian intervention in international society /<br />
Nicholas J. Wheeler. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. -<br />
xv, 336 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
19:43 REG<br />
ISBN 0-19-925310-2<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Introduction<br />
Humanitarian Intervention and International Society<br />
India as Rescuer? Order versus Justice in the Bangladesh War of 1971<br />
Vietnam's Intervention in Cambodia: The triumph of realism over common humanity?<br />
Good or bad precedent? Tanzania's Intervention in Uganda<br />
A Solidarist Movement in International Society? The case of Safe Havens and 'No-Fly' Zones in Iraq<br />
From Famine Relief to 'Humanitarian War'; the US and UN Intervention in Somalia<br />
Global Bystanders to Genocide: International Society and the Rwandan Genocide of 1994<br />
The Limit of Humanitarian Intervention from the Air: the cases of Bosnia and Kosovo<br />
A New Solidarity? Humanitarian Intervention and the Future of International Society<br />
REGIONAL cooperation, peace enforcement, and the role of the…<br />
3 Regional cooperation, peace enforcement, and the role of the treaties in<br />
the Balkans / edited by Stefano Bianchini ... [et al.]. - Ravenna : Longo<br />
Editore, 2007. - 282 str ; 24 cm. -<br />
29:49 NAT<br />
ISBN 978-88-8063-542-0<br />
NATION and narration<br />
3 Nation and narration / edited by Homi K. Bhabha. - London ; New York :<br />
Routledge, 1990. - viii, 333 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
32 ASS<br />
ISBN 0415014832<br />
ASSITER, Alison<br />
3 Pornography, feminism and individualism / Alison Assiter. - London :<br />
Pluto, 1989. - 166 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
43 MIK<br />
ISBN 0-7453-0521-0<br />
MIKKELI, Heikki<br />
3 Europe as an idea and an entity / Heikki Mikkeli. - New York : St. Martin's<br />
Press, 1998. - X, 263 str. ; 23 cm. -<br />
43:54 RUZ<br />
ISBN 0-333-67163-5<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
Introduction<br />
The Mythological and Geographical Roots of Europe<br />
Christendom and Europe in the Middle Ages<br />
The Balance of Power and the Quest for Peace<br />
Nationalism, Federalism and the United States of Europe<br />
A New Hope Emerging: the Interwar Period<br />
Towards Maastricht: the Realisation of the European Union<br />
The Border of Expansion: Europe and America<br />
The Border of Defence: Europe and Russia<br />
The Question of Central Europe: Europe In-between?<br />
The Historical Principles of European Identity<br />
European Political and Cultural Identities<br />
Writing European History<br />
Index<br />
RUZZA, Carlo<br />
3 Europe and civil society : movement coalitions and European<br />
governance / Carlo Ruzza. - Manchester : Manchester University Press,<br />
2004. - xi, 221 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm. - (Europe in change)<br />
ISBN 978-0-7190-7370-0<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
List of tables and figures p. vii<br />
Acknowledgements p. ix<br />
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POINT Software Varaždin<br />
47:54 CIV<br />
List of abbreviations p. xi<br />
1 Introduction p. 1<br />
2 The impact of movement coalitions on policy-making p. 26<br />
3 Environmentalism p. 56<br />
4 Anti-racism p. 85<br />
5 Ethno-nationalism p. 111<br />
6 Europe and movement advocacy coalitions p. 137<br />
Appendix A Methodological approaches p. 183<br />
Appendix B MACs and public opinion p. 202<br />
References p. 206<br />
Index p. 219<br />
CIVILNO društvo u jačanju socijalne uključenosti<br />
3 Civilno društvo u jačanju socijalne uključenosti / [autori Ana Abdelbasit<br />
... et al. ; prevod Aleksandra Davidović ... et al.] 1. izd. - Sarajevo : Švicarska<br />
agencija za razvoj i saradnju, 2007. - 262 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
47:54 CIV<br />
CIVILNO društvo<br />
3 Civilno društvo : prilozi za izradu strategije za uspostavu stimulativnog<br />
okruženja za razvoj civilnog društva u Bosni i Hercegovini / [Zarije<br />
Seizović... et al.] ; [prevod sa engleskog Andrea Žeravčić]. - Sarajevo :<br />
HTSPE Ltd. : Kronauer Consulting, 2009. - 168 str. ; 25 cm. -<br />
47:54 ŠTA<br />
ŠTA da se radi<br />
3 Šta da se radi? : socijalna uključenost i civilno društvo : praktični koraci /<br />
[urednica Ranka Ninković-Papić]. - 1. izd. - Sarajevo : Nezavisni biro za<br />
humanitarna pitanja, 2009. - 233 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
54 DVO<br />
3 Actors without society : the role of civil actors in the postcommunist<br />
transformation / a study by Srđan Dvornik ; edited by the Heinrich Böll<br />
Foundation. - Berlin : Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2009. - 152 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
54:22 LES<br />
DVORNIK, Srđan<br />
ISBN 978-3-86928-016-5<br />
3 Lessons (not) learned with regard to human rights and democracy : a<br />
comparation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia / editor<br />
Wolfgang Benedek ; contributions by Besa Arifi, Valon Murati and Miroslav<br />
Živanović. - Antwerp ; Berlin ; Vienna : European Academic Press, 2009. -<br />
222 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
32:29 GEN<br />
305-055.2(1-12)(08<br />
2)<br />
32 ROD<br />
305-055.2:001](063)<br />
(082)<br />
LESSONS not learned with regard to human rights and democracy<br />
ISBN 978-3-8305-1740-5<br />
GENDER and identity<br />
Gender and identity : theories from and/or on Southeastern Europe /<br />
editors Jelisaveta Blagojević, Katerina Kolozova, Svetlana Slapsak. -<br />
Belgrade : Women´s Studies and Gender Research Center, 2006. - 472 str. ;<br />
21 cm. -<br />
ISBN 86-86513-00-X<br />
ROD i nauka ; Sarajevo (2008)<br />
Rod i nauka : zbornik radova sa Konferencije, Sarajevo, 4. i 5. septembar<br />
2008. godine / uredništvo Jasminka Babić-Avdispahić, Jasna Bakšić-Muftić i<br />
Ugo Vlaisavljević. - Sarajevo : Centar za interdisciplinarne postdiplomske<br />
studije, 2009. - 271 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
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Str. 7
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
MARS59<br />
ISBN 978-9958-704-24-6<br />
305:28-23 Women in the Qur'an, traditions, and interpretation / Barbara Freyer<br />
Stowasser. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. - VIII, 206 str. ; 25<br />
cm. -<br />
32 BOŽ<br />
316.622-055.2(497.<br />
1)<br />
MARS24<br />
STOWASSER, Barbara Freyer<br />
ISBN 0-19-508480-2<br />
BOŽINOVIĆ, Neda<br />
Žensko pitanje u Srbiji : u XIX i XX veku / Neda Božinović. - [Beograd] :<br />
Devedesetčetvrta : Žene u crnom, 1996. - 282 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
ISBN 86-82449-09-9<br />
316.642.3:291.1 The sociology of religion : theoretical and comparative perspectives /<br />
Malcolm Hamilton. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2001. - IX, 308<br />
str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm. -<br />
36 MED<br />
316.774:37.013.78(<br />
082)<br />
36:51 PUB<br />
316.774:654.197]:0<br />
44(497.1/.6)(082)<br />
43 DEV<br />
32(4-014/-015)"198<br />
9/..."(082)<br />
HAMILTON, Malcolm<br />
ISBN 0-415-22667-8<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
Introduction 1<br />
2 Religion and reason 25<br />
3 Magic 37<br />
4 Religion and emotion 55<br />
5 Buddhism 82<br />
6 Religion and ideology: Karl Marx 91<br />
7 The coming of the millennium 98<br />
8 Religion and solidarity: Emile Durkheim 109<br />
9 The birth of the gods 122<br />
10 Religion and solidarity: the functionalists 130<br />
11 Taboos and rituals 140<br />
12 Religion and rationality: Max Weber 165<br />
13 The Protestant ethic debate 165<br />
14 Religion and meaning 177<br />
15 Secularisation 185<br />
16 Religion and rational choice 215<br />
17 Sects, cults and movements 229<br />
18 Conclusion 272<br />
MEDIA literacy and civil society<br />
Media literacy and civil society / [edited by Nada Zgrabljić Rotar]. -<br />
Sarajevo : Mediacentar, 2006. - 336 str. ; 17 cm. -<br />
ISBN 9958-9417-5-9<br />
PUBLIC service television in the digital age<br />
Public service television in the digital age : strategies and opportunities<br />
in five South-East European countries / [edited by Miklós Sükösd and Adla<br />
Isanović]. - Sarajevo : Mediacentar, 2008. - 324 str. ; 17 cm. -<br />
ISBN 978-9958-9417-7-1<br />
DEVELOPMENTS in Central and East European politics<br />
Developments in Central and East European politics 3 / edited by<br />
Stephen White, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis. - New York : Palgrave<br />
MacMillan, 2003. - XIX,320 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
ISBN 0-333-94877-7<br />
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Str. 8
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
MARS78<br />
329.11:316.2 Conservatism : dream and reality / Robert Nisbet ; with a new<br />
introduction by Brad Lowell Stone. - New Brunswick : Transaction<br />
Publishers, 2002. - 130 str. ; 23 cm. -<br />
52:49 MUR<br />
NISBET, Robert A.<br />
ISBN 0-7658-0862-5<br />
338.2 An anticlassical political-economic analysis : a vision for the next<br />
century / Yasusuke Murakami ; translated with an introduction by Kozo<br />
Yamamura. - Stanford : Stanford University press, 1996. - X, 476 str. ; 24 cm.<br />
-<br />
43:48 IDE<br />
MURAKAMI, Yasusuke<br />
ISBN 0-8047-3519-0<br />
339 TRGOVINA<br />
339.923:061.1EU The idea of Europe : from antiquity to the European Union / edited by<br />
Anthony Pagden. - Washington ; Cambridge : Woodrow Wilson Center<br />
Press : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - 377 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
45 STA<br />
IDEA of Europe, The<br />
ISBN 0-521-79171-5<br />
Acknowledgments page xi<br />
Introduction 1<br />
Anthony Pagden<br />
1 Europe: Conceptualizing a Continent 33<br />
Anthony Pagden<br />
2 Some Europes in Their History 55<br />
J. G. A. Pocock<br />
3 "Europe" in the Middle Ages 72<br />
William Chester Jordan<br />
4 The Republican Mirror: The Dutch Idea of Europe 91<br />
Hans W. Blom<br />
5 The Napoleonic Empire and the Europe of Nations 116<br />
Biancamaria Fontana<br />
6 Homo Politicus and Homo Oeconomicus:<br />
The European Citizen According to Max Weber 129<br />
Wilfried Nippel<br />
7 The European Self: Rethinking an Attitude 139<br />
Michael Herzfeld<br />
8 European Nationalism and European Union 171<br />
Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia<br />
9 From the Ironies of Identity to the Identities of Irony 191<br />
Luisa Passerini<br />
10 Muslims and European Identity: Can Europe<br />
Represent Islam? 209<br />
Talal Asad<br />
11 The Long Road to Unity: The Contribution of Law<br />
to the Process of European Integration since 1945 228<br />
Philip Ruttley<br />
12 The Euro, Economic Federalism, and the Question<br />
of National Sovereignty 260<br />
Elie Cohen<br />
13 Identity Politics and European Integration:<br />
The Case of Germany 287<br />
Thomas Risse and Daniela Engelmann-Martin<br />
14 Nationalisms in Spain: The Organization<br />
of Convivencia 317<br />
Andr´es de Blas Guerrero<br />
15 The Kantian Idea of Europe: Critical and<br />
Cosmopolitan Perspectives 331<br />
James Tully<br />
Contributors 359<br />
Index 363<br />
341.645(4-627EU) Pojedinac pred Sudom evropskih zajednica / Maja Stanivuković. -<br />
Beograd : Službeni glasnik, 2007. - 236 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
ISBN 978-86-7549-670-0<br />
Created with XFRX, www.eqeus.com, commercial use prohibited.<br />
Str. 9
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
19 FIR<br />
342(497.1)(075.8) Enciklopedija ustavnog prava bivših jugoslovenskih zemalja. - Tom 1 :<br />
Ustavno pravo Savezne Republike Jugoslavije : univerzitetski udžbenik /<br />
Aleksandar Fira. - Novi Sad : Agencija Mir : Cvetnik, [1993]. - 317 str. ; 24<br />
cm. -<br />
SLC 337<br />
FIRA, Aleksandar<br />
ISBN 86-82295-02-4<br />
POLITIKE ljudskih prava<br />
342.7 Politike ljudskih prava / editor-in-chief Obrad Savić. - Beograd : Belgrade<br />
Circle, 1996. - 363 str. ; 28 cm. - (Belgrade Circle, 0354-625X)<br />
14 EUR 04<br />
342.7+321.7(4-12)(<br />
043)<br />
MARS14<br />
EUROPEAN regional master's degree in democracy and human…<br />
European regional master's degree in democracy and human rights in<br />
South - East Europe : MA theses selected for publishing : A.Y. 2004 - 2005 /<br />
[Editors - in - chief Zdravko Grebo, Stefano Bianchini]. - Sarajevo : Center<br />
for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, 2006. - VII, 570 str. ; 24 cm. -<br />
342.7:2 Religious human rights in global perspective : religious perspectives /<br />
Edited by John Witte and Johan D. van der Vyver. - The Hague : [Kluwer<br />
Law Intenational], 1996. - XXXV, 597 str. ; 25 cm. -<br />
36 MAR<br />
RELIGIOUS human rights in global perspective<br />
ISBN 90-411-0179-9<br />
MARTIN, Dannie M.<br />
343.8(73)(0:82-94) Počinio sam novinarstvo : zatvorski zapisi Crvenog Prasca / Dannie M.<br />
Martin i Peter Y. Sussman ; [prijevod Nikolina Jurjević... et al.]. - 1. izd. -<br />
Zagreb, Profil international, 2003. (Zagreb : Profil international). - 357 str. ;<br />
21 cm. - (Biblioteka Profil proza)<br />
Prijevod djela: Committing journalism.<br />
ISBN 953-200-822-5<br />
MARS182<br />
35 Freedom and authority in religions and religious education / edited by<br />
Brian Gates. - London : Cassell, 1996. - xv,206 str. ; 25cm. - (Cassell<br />
education)<br />
MARS186<br />
FREEDOM and authority in religions and religious education<br />
ISBN 0304324191<br />
35 Religious human rights in global perspective : legal perspectives / edited<br />
by Johan D. van der Vyver and John Witte, Jr. - The Hague ; Boston :<br />
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers , c1996. - xlvii, 670 str. ; 25 cm. -<br />
MARS117<br />
RELIGIOUS human rights in global perspective<br />
ISBN 9041101780<br />
COPLEY, Terence<br />
371:2 Indoctrination, education, and God : the struggle for the mind / Terence<br />
Copley. - London : SPCK, 2005. - XVII, 173 str. ; 22 cm. -<br />
ISBN 0-281-05682-X<br />
Iz sadržaja:<br />
1 'Say What You Mean': The Meaning of Indoctrination,<br />
Secularization and Education 1<br />
Created with XFRX, www.eqeus.com, commercial use prohibited.<br />
2 The Choking Cradle?: Religion Under Threat in English<br />
Society 21<br />
Str. 10
POINT Software Varaždin<br />
3 'I've Got a Dog Now': The Death and Life of<br />
Christianity after 1945 45<br />
4 Spiritual Fruits, not Religious Nuts: Replacing 'Religion'<br />
with 'Spirituality' 83<br />
5 Education or Catastrophe? 105<br />
6 Fighting a Vapour?: Secularization, Religion, Education<br />
and the Future<br />
Str. 11