D--048966 - CALFED Bay-Delta Program - State of California

D--048966 - CALFED Bay-Delta Program - State of California

D--048966 - CALFED Bay-Delta Program - State of California


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(Slotten et al. 1995). The heavy metal is readily trapped in River Basin near Monitor Pass was started by the Anaconda<br />

reservoir sediments, and lower concentrations have been Copper Company in 1953. Overburden was dumped in the<br />

measured below reservoirs than above (Slotten et al. 1995). stream channel, causing the water to percolate through the<br />

Mercury concentrations exceeded 0.5 rag/kg in sediment material. Below the stream blockage, the water is highly acidic<br />

samples obtained from Camp Far West Reservoir, Lake Wild- and polluted with toxic materials. The stream was sterile bewood,<br />

Lake Amador, and Moccasin Reservoir (Central Val- low the mine during the 1950s. In 1969, an isolated populaley<br />

Regional Water Quality Control Board 1987). Certain tion <strong>of</strong> rainbow trout still existed in the unpolluted portion <strong>of</strong><br />

bacteria can convert metallic mercury to a methylated form Leviathan Creek above the mine. Below the mine, fish and<br />

that can be incorporated in tissue. Mercury tends to accumu- macroinvertebrates were absent from 18 km (11 mi) <strong>of</strong> stream<br />

late in the food chain. Although the opportunity for bacterial affected by the mine drainage. The effects <strong>of</strong> the pollution<br />

mercury methylation is minimized in cold, swift streams, the even extend for 3 km (2 mi) in the East Fork <strong>of</strong> the Carson<br />

process can occur in the calm waters <strong>of</strong> reservoirs (Slotten et River below the confluence with the contaminated creek<br />

al. 1995). However, the reservoirs do not appear to be net ex- (Davis 1969; Hammermeister and Walmsley 1985). Attempts<br />

porters <strong>of</strong> bioavailable mercury. Instead, they seem to be sinks at revegetating the spoils began in the 1970s (Everett et al.<br />

for both bioavailable and inorganic mercury (Slotten et al.<br />

1995). Tissue samples <strong>of</strong> fish caught in the Yuba River con-<br />

1980).<br />

tained more than 1 mg/kg, and samples exceeding 0.5 mg/<br />

kg were found in fish caught in Pardee, Don Pedro, and<br />

Reclamation<br />

McClure Reservoirs (Central Valley Regional Water Quality <strong>California</strong>’s Surface Mining and Reclamation Act <strong>of</strong> 1975 and<br />

Control Board 1987). A National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences report amendments should prevent future disasters (Pomby 1987),<br />

suggests that mercury amounts in tissue exceeding 0.5 mg/ but remediation <strong>of</strong> past problems requires massive investkg<br />

may be injurious to animals, ments. Even ascertaining the location <strong>of</strong> abandoned mines<br />

The Penn mine near the lower Mokelumne River has been remains problematic (Desmarais 1977). Sealing <strong>of</strong> much <strong>of</strong> the<br />

considered one <strong>of</strong> the worst abandoned-mine problems in the Walker mine, a notorious problem in Plumas County, in 1987<br />

Sierra Nevada. The mine was opened in 1861 and operated significantly lowered copper concentrations in receiving wacontinuously<br />

until 1919 and then sporadically until the 1950s. ters and allowed partial recolonization <strong>of</strong> formerly sterile<br />

Copper and zinc were the primary products <strong>of</strong> the mine (Heyl reaches by macroinvertebrates (Bastin et al. 1992). There is<br />

et al. 1948). More than 16,000 m (55,000 ft) <strong>of</strong> tunnels and the also a major question <strong>of</strong> liability in cleanup efforts. Current<br />

associated spoil provide the opportunity for percolating law holds those attempting remediation to be liable for any<br />

ground water to become acidic and leach zinc, copper, and damage caused by their activities or, presumably, failure <strong>of</strong><br />

cadmium from the mine. Flushing <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the mine shafts the project to solve the problem. Therefore, under the cloud<br />

in 1937 killed fish for 100 km (60 mi) downstream. A series <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal liability, little action is undertaken by private or pubretention<br />

ponds were constructed and other attempts were lic agencies (<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> Lands Commission 1993). Scores<br />

made to restrict movement <strong>of</strong> the contaminants into the river <strong>of</strong> small mines have been established under the terms <strong>of</strong> the<br />

in the 1980s, but they have had limited effectiveness (Califor- antiquated 1872 Mining Act. In many cases, the properties<br />

nia <strong>State</strong> Lands Commission 1993). Until 1929, water drain- are sources <strong>of</strong> sediment and toxic chemicals. Reform <strong>of</strong> poring<br />

from the mine into the Mokelumne River was diluted by tions <strong>of</strong> the Mining Act could finally alleviate some major land<br />

the large volume <strong>of</strong> discharge. However, after the construc- and water management problems associated with mining.<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> Pardee Dam by the East <strong>Bay</strong> Municipal Utility District Conversely, legislation has been introduced in <strong>California</strong> to<br />

and export <strong>of</strong> up to one-third <strong>of</strong> the annual volume <strong>of</strong> the weaken the state’s regulations regarding reclamation <strong>of</strong> mined<br />

river upstream <strong>of</strong> the mine, concentrations <strong>of</strong> contaminants<br />

in the Mokelumne increased (Slotten et al. 1994). The dam for<br />

land.<br />

Camanche Reservoir just downstream <strong>of</strong> the mine was cornpleted<br />

in 1964. Toxic materials leached from the mine are<br />

Future Prospects<br />

stored in sediments trapped by the dam. The potential for Changes in mineral economics and technology and new disresuspension<br />

<strong>of</strong> the metals is minimal as long as water levels coveries may lead to new mines. Reactivation <strong>of</strong> a large unare<br />

kept relatively high (Slotten et al. 1994). In December 1993, derground gold mine near Grass Valley has been proposed.<br />

the Environmental Protection Agency ordered the East <strong>Bay</strong> Water pumped out <strong>of</strong> that mine would probably require thor-<br />

Municipal Utility District to control pollution from the mine. ough treatment before it could be discharged. In the eastern<br />

However, the utility contends that it is not responsible for the ¯ Sierra Nevada, the tungsten mine in Mt. Morgan on Pine Creek<br />

mine, which was last operated by the federal government has been maintained on a standby basis awaiting an increase<br />

during the Korean Wan in the price <strong>of</strong> the metal. Reactivation <strong>of</strong> gold mines at Bodie<br />

The Leviathan mine provides another example <strong>of</strong> a water and Independence Creek have been explored in recent years.<br />

quality problem resulting from an abandoned operation. A A disseminated gold deposit in Long Valley near Mammoth<br />

copper and sulfur mine on Leviathan Creek in the Carson Lakes has been identified through exploratory drilling in<br />

D--048996<br />


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