22.6 Volcanoes

22.6 Volcanoes

22.6 Volcanoes


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Section <strong>22.6</strong><br />

1<br />

FOCUS<br />

Objectives<br />

<strong>22.6</strong>.1 Describe the internal structure<br />

of a volcano and how<br />

volcanoes form.<br />

<strong>22.6</strong>.2 Relate the type of volcanic<br />

eruption to the characteristics<br />

of magma.<br />

<strong>22.6</strong>.3 Describe the different types of<br />

volcanoes and where they are<br />

typically located.<br />

<strong>22.6</strong>.4 Describe several types of<br />

igneous features and how<br />

they are formed.<br />

Reading Focus<br />

Build Vocabulary<br />

Venn Diagram Have students build a<br />

Venn diagram to compare the similarities<br />

and differences between composite<br />

volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and cinder<br />

cones. Ask students to incorporate terms<br />

from the vocabulary list.<br />

Reading Strategy<br />

690 Chapter 22<br />

L2<br />

L2<br />

a. Gases in magma expand rapidly and,<br />

depending on the characteristics of the<br />

magma, there is a quiet or explosive<br />

eruption. b. Lava and other types of<br />

volcanic material cool and solidify,<br />

building up layers of a volcano over time.<br />

<strong>22.6</strong> <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

Key Concepts<br />

How do volcanoes form?<br />

Why are some volcanic<br />

eruptions quiet and<br />

others explosive?<br />

Where are volcanoes<br />

found?<br />

What landforms are<br />

formed from lava<br />

and magma?<br />

690 Chapter 22<br />

Section Resources<br />

Print<br />

• Reading and Study Workbook With<br />

Math Support, Section <strong>22.6</strong><br />

• Transparencies, Section <strong>22.6</strong><br />

Vocabulary<br />

◆ volcano<br />

◆ magma chamber<br />

◆ pipe ◆ vent<br />

◆ crater<br />

Reading Strategy<br />

Sequencing Copy the<br />

flowchart. As you read,<br />

complete it to show how<br />

a volcano forms.<br />

◆ caldera<br />

◆ hot spot<br />

◆ shield volcano<br />

◆ cinder cone<br />

Magma<br />

forms and<br />

rises toward<br />

surface.<br />

◆ composite volcano<br />

◆ batholith<br />

◆ sill ◆ dike<br />

◆ volcanic neck<br />

a. ? b. ?<br />

From northern California through the state of Washington, a chain<br />

of snow-capped, cone-shaped mountains rises majestically above the<br />

surrounding evergreen forests. These peaks form the backbone of the<br />

Cascade Range, which is made up of volcanoes. A volcano is a mountain<br />

that forms when magma reaches the surface.<br />

Most of the time, the volcanoes of the Cascade Range are inactive.<br />

Occasionally, however, one of these volcanoes erupts with great violence.<br />

That’s what happened in May 1980, when<br />

Mount St. Helens in Washington exploded. This<br />

eruption blew away the top of the mountain. It<br />

flattened trees as far as 17 kilometers away, and<br />

spewed a cloud of ash more than 20 kilometers<br />

into the sky, as shown in Figure 38.<br />

Halfway across the Pacific Ocean, on the<br />

island of Hawaii, is another volcano called<br />

Kilauea. Unlike Mount St. Helens, Kilauea is often<br />

active. Lava bubbles out of the ground and quietly<br />

flows down gentle slopes. Although Mount St.<br />

Helens and Kilauea are both volcanoes, they are<br />

quite different from each other. <strong>Volcanoes</strong> can<br />

result from several different geological processes,<br />

and can take a variety of forms.<br />

Figure 38 When Mount St. Helens erupted, trapped<br />

gases caused the north side of the mountain to explode.<br />

Volcanic ash was ejected high into the atmosphere.<br />

Technology<br />

• Interactive Textbook, Section <strong>22.6</strong><br />

• Presentation Pro CD-ROM, Section <strong>22.6</strong><br />

• Go Online, Planet Diary, Volcano activity

Formation of a Volcano<br />

The process that leads to a volcanic eruption begins deep inside Earth.<br />

Under certain conditions, small amounts of mantle rock can<br />

melt, forming liquid magma. The magma rises upward through the<br />

crust, erupting at the surface as a volcano. Magma rises because it is<br />

less dense than the solid rock around and above it.<br />

How a Volcano Erupts What causes a volcanic eruption? The<br />

process is similar to what happens when you quickly open a bottle of<br />

soda that has been shaken. Like the soda in the bottle, magma is under<br />

pressure and contains dissolved gases. In the case of magma, the gases<br />

include carbon dioxide and water vapor. As magma approaches the<br />

surface, lower pressure allows the gases in magma to expand rapidly.<br />

An eruption occurs when the gases bubble out through a crack in the<br />

crust, propelling magma to the surface.<br />

Structure of a Volcano Before an eruption, magma often collects<br />

in a pocket called a magma chamber, shown in Figure 39. Magma<br />

slowly accumulates in the magma chamber until enough pressure<br />

builds up to start an eruption. Then, magma rises to the surface in a<br />

narrow, vertical channel called a pipe.<br />

An opening in the ground where magma escapes to the surface is<br />

called a vent. Often there is one central vent at the top of a volcano. Sometimes<br />

there are other vents that open along a volcano’s side. At the top of<br />

the central vent in most volcanoes is a bowl-shaped pit called a crater.<br />

After an eruption, a volcano’s magma chamber and main vent may<br />

empty of magma, creating a hollow shell. If this shell collapses inward,<br />

it creates a huge depression, called a caldera, at the top of the volcano.<br />

Crater<br />

Lava<br />

Customize for Inclusion Students<br />

Learning Disabled<br />

For students with difficulty absorbing concepts<br />

by reading, use Figure 39 as a visual aid as you<br />

describe the path of magma through a volcano.<br />

Vent<br />

Pipe<br />

Figure 39 When a volcanic<br />

mountain erupts, magma under<br />

pressure is forced upward from<br />

the magma chamber. It passes<br />

through the pipe, and out the<br />

vent. Magma flows onto the<br />

surface as lava. Predicting What<br />

might happen to a volcano if its<br />

pipe became plugged with<br />

hardened magma?<br />

Magma chamber<br />

691<br />

Be sure students understand which part is which<br />

and the order in which magma travels through<br />

each part.<br />

2<br />


Formation of a<br />

Volcano<br />

Build Science Skills<br />

Using an Analogy Have students<br />

expand upon the soda bottle analogy<br />

presented in How a Volcano Erupts.<br />

Review the analogy to be sure students<br />

understand that the water in the<br />

magma is being compared to the<br />

carbon dioxide in the soda. The<br />

presence of water in magma can cause<br />

explosive, steam-filled eruptions. As<br />

magma erupts, the pressure drops. This<br />

drop in pressure allows the hot water to<br />

expand into steam. This expansion can<br />

cause very explosive eruptions. Ask,<br />

How does opening the bottle relate<br />

to magma rising to the surface?<br />

(The pressure drops in both cases.)<br />

Why does the gas expand when the<br />

pressure drops? ( , with<br />

temperature constant, as pressure<br />

decreases, volume increases) What<br />

volcanic rock is similar to the frothy<br />

part of the soda outburst? (Pumice)<br />

Logical<br />

FYI<br />

P1V1<br />

T1<br />

P2V2<br />

T2<br />

L2<br />

There is another similarity between a<br />

steam-filled, explosive volcanic eruption<br />

and a shaken bottle of soda. In both<br />

cases, what comes out is often frothy and<br />

filled with bubbles. When this molten<br />

volcanic froth is ejected, it cools and<br />

solidifies in the air before it lands on the<br />

ground. These bits of solidified froth are<br />

called pyroclastic deposits, and they have<br />

a large range in size and appearance.<br />

The most common pyroclastic deposit is<br />

ash, which has very small grains. Because<br />

ash is so small, it can be thrown high into<br />

the atmosphere, where it can be carried<br />

all around Earth.<br />

In some pyroclastic deposits, like<br />

pumice, the bubbles of the molten froth<br />

are retained as pockets of air called<br />

vesicles. Pumice has so much air trapped<br />

in vesicles that it will float on top of<br />

water. Some pyroclastic deposits contain<br />

a black glass called obsidian. This occurs<br />

when the magma cools so fast that<br />

crystals do not have time to form, and<br />

the atoms solidify in a random,<br />

amorphous structure.<br />

Answer to . . .<br />

Figure 39 Pressure will build up until<br />

the volcano erupts explosively.<br />

Earth’s Interior 691

Section <strong>22.6</strong> (continued)<br />

Quiet and Explosive<br />

Eruptions<br />

Build Reading Literacy<br />

Identify Main Idea/Details Refer to<br />

page 98D in Chapter 4, which provides<br />

the guidelines for identifying main ideas<br />

and details.<br />

Have students read Quiet and Explosive<br />

Eruptions. Ask them to read the key<br />

concept aloud. Then, have students find<br />

the details that support this key concept.<br />

Ask, Which characteristics of the<br />

magma determine how the volcano<br />

erupts? (Temperature, water content, and<br />

silica content)<br />

Verbal<br />

FYI<br />

692 Chapter 22<br />

L1<br />

Magma melts for different reasons in<br />

different regions. Beneath hot spots, the<br />

upwelling rock comes from deep within<br />

Earth and may be a few hundred degrees<br />

hotter than surrounding rock, causing it<br />

to melt more easily. Beneath mid-ocean<br />

ridges, the opening plates pull up rock<br />

from below to fill the void, and the<br />

release of pressure causes melt to begin<br />

to form. The magma trickles upward,<br />

forming small magma chambers directly<br />

beneath the ridge. Subduction zone<br />

volcanoes occur because of water. The<br />

subducting plates carry water down into<br />

the mantle with them. Much of this<br />

water dehydrates off of the slab at a<br />

depth of about 100 km, and rises up into<br />

the overlying wedge of mantle rock. This<br />

water lowers the melting point of the<br />

rock, causing magma to form, which rises<br />

up to form subduction zone volcanoes.<br />

Figure 40 Lava may flow in the<br />

form of rough chunks called aa,<br />

or smooth coils called pahoehoe.<br />

Formulating Hypotheses<br />

Develop a hypothesis to account<br />

for the difference in texture<br />

between pahoehoe and aa.<br />

Figure 41 Mt. Kilauea in Hawaii<br />

erupts quietly, producing lowviscosity<br />

lava flows.<br />

692 Chapter 22<br />

pahoehoe aa<br />

Facts and Figures<br />

Pyroclastic Flows Under certain conditions,<br />

volcanic eruptions can be very dangerous.<br />

One of the most deadly volcanic hazards is a<br />

pyroclastic flow, which is a hot cloud of gas<br />

and dust that rushes down the sides of a<br />

volcano at speeds of up to 150 kilometers per<br />

Quiet and Explosive Eruptions<br />

A volcanic eruption like that of Mount St. Helens has the force<br />

of a powerful explosion. But in other volcanic eruptions, lava<br />

flows gently over the surface. <strong>Volcanoes</strong> erupt explosively<br />

or quietly, depending on the characteristics of the magma.<br />

Magma can vary in viscosity, the resistance to flow.<br />

Magma with high viscosity is thick and resists flowing.<br />

Magma with low viscosity is thin and flows easily.<br />

There are three main factors that determine the viscosity<br />

of magma: temperature, water content, and silica<br />

content. Higher temperatures lower the viscosity of magma,<br />

so it flows more easily. The presence of water in magma also<br />

helps it flow more easily. Magma that is high in silica has high<br />

viscosity. The silicon and oxygen atoms in silica are held together with<br />

strong bonds. The silica in magma acts like glue, preventing the<br />

magma from flowing easily.<br />

Quiet Eruptions <strong>Volcanoes</strong> that have very hot, low-silica magma<br />

generally erupt quietly. In a quiet eruption, lava erupts in a stream of<br />

low-viscosity lava, called a lava flow. Lava flows from a quiet eruption<br />

can travel for great distances. Quiet eruptions produce two different<br />

kinds of lava, as shown in Figure 40. Hot, fast-moving lava with a<br />

ropelike surface is called pahoehoe (pah HOH ee hoh ee). Cooler, slowmoving<br />

lava with a chunky, crumbly appearance is called aa (AH ah).<br />

Explosive Eruptions High-silica magma produces explosive<br />

eruptions. Thick magma can clog a volcanic pipe, causing enormous<br />

pressure to build up. Trapped steam inside the volcano adds to the<br />

pressure, as was the case in the eruption of Mount St. Helens. When<br />

the volcano finally explodes, lava and hot gases are hurled outward. The<br />

lava solidifies very quickly and shatters into pieces of different sizes.<br />

These particles range in size from fine dust and ash, to pebble-sized<br />

cinders, to bombs—chunks of lava that can be the size of a small car.<br />

hour. With temperatures of up to 700C, a<br />

pyroclastic flow can burn everything in its<br />

path. One of the most famous pyroclastic<br />

flows destroyed the town of Herculaneum<br />

during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79.

Eurasian Plate<br />

Indo-Australian<br />

Plate<br />

KEY<br />

Convergent boundary<br />

Divergent boundary<br />

Transform boundary<br />

Uncertain plate boundary<br />

Volcano<br />

Philippine<br />

Plate<br />

Juan de Fuca Plate<br />

Pacific Plate<br />

Cocos<br />

Plate<br />

North American<br />

Plate<br />

Nazca<br />

Plate<br />

Caribbean<br />

Plate<br />

Location and Types of <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

Most volcanoes occur along plate boundaries or at hot spots in<br />

the crust. <strong>Volcanoes</strong> often form along a converging plate boundary<br />

where an oceanic plate is subducted into the mantle. As it sinks<br />

through the mantle, the plate causes melting. Magma forms and rises<br />

to the surface. As Figure 42 shows, many volcanoes have formed along<br />

the trenches that rim the Pacific Ocean. This region is called the “Ring<br />

of Fire.” <strong>Volcanoes</strong> also form along a diverging plate boundary where<br />

magma rises to fill the gap between two separating plates.<br />

Some volcanoes occur at hot spots, as shown in the Concepts in<br />

Action pages. A hot spot is a region where hot rock extends from deep<br />

within the mantle to the surface.<br />

Different types of volcanic eruptions produce different types of volcanoes.<br />

Each type is named for its shape or interior structure. The<br />

three major types of volcano are shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and<br />

composite volcanoes. A quiet eruption of low-viscosity lava produces<br />

a wide, flat volcano called a shield volcano. If an eruption is entirely<br />

ash and cinders, the result will be a small, steep-sided volcano called a<br />

cinder cone. A volcano that forms from explosive eruptions that produce<br />

a combination of lava and ash is called a composite volcano.<br />

What is a shield volcano?<br />

South American<br />

Plate<br />

Scotia<br />

Plate<br />

Eurasian Plate<br />

Arabian<br />

Plate<br />

African<br />

Plate<br />

Antarctic Plate<br />

Figure 42 Except for hotspot<br />

volcanoes, most of the<br />

world’s volcanoes form near<br />

plate boundaries.<br />

Relating Cause and Effect Why<br />

are there volcanoes in the middle<br />

of the Atlantic Ocean?<br />

For: Activity on volcanoes<br />

Visit: PHSchool.com<br />

Web Code: ccc-3226<br />

Earth’s Interior 693<br />

Location and Types<br />

of <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

Use Visuals<br />

Figure 42 Point out that most<br />

volcanoes occur at the boundaries<br />

between plates. Mid-ocean ridges are<br />

not marked by individual volcano<br />

symbols on this diagram, but are places<br />

where magma erupts at Earth’s surface,<br />

forming oceanic crust. Ask, Which<br />

volcanoes are formed from melting<br />

slabs of subducting oceanic crust?<br />

(Students should point to volcano symbols<br />

at convergent boundaries.) Where are<br />

volcanoes located in the United<br />

States? (Alaska, Hawaii, the west coast)<br />

Visual<br />

FYI<br />

L1<br />

Most volcanoes are inactive during a<br />

single person’s lifetime. However, most of<br />

these volcanoes are considered dormant,<br />

or sleeping, and not extinct. They will still<br />

erupt again, but not during our lifetimes.<br />

This is another reminder that geologic<br />

events occur over much longer time<br />

scales than humans normally experience.<br />

Find links to additional activities and<br />

have students monitor phenomena<br />

that affect Earth and its residents.<br />

Answer to . . .<br />

Figure 40 The difference in texture<br />

between pahoehoe and aa is mainly due<br />

to the different temperatures of the two<br />

lavas and the speed at which they flow.<br />

Pahoehoe is hotter and faster moving<br />

than aa. Also, escaping gas within aa<br />

helps to produce a rough surface.<br />

Figure 42 Many of these volcanoes<br />

are located along the Mid-Atlantic<br />

ridge, a divergent boundary where<br />

magma is rising from the mantle to<br />

form new oceanic crust.<br />

A wide, flat volcano<br />

produced by quiet<br />

eruptions of low-viscosity lava<br />

Earth’s Interior 693

Types of <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

Background<br />

Composite and cinder cone volcanoes<br />

form when magma is rich in silicates,<br />

the primary source of which is melting<br />

continental crust. These types of<br />

volcanoes are often found above<br />

subduction zones, where magma from<br />

the melting wedge of mantle above the<br />

subducted slab must travel through a<br />

thick wedge of continental crust to<br />

reach the surface, contact melting<br />

occurs, and silica-rich magma becomes<br />

incorporated in the volcanic arc.<br />

Similarly, when hot spots are located<br />

beneath continental crust, cinder cones<br />

and composite volcanoes again result.<br />

However, hot spots in the ocean melt<br />

only silica-poor oceanic crust. In these<br />

cases, shield volcanoes are produced.<br />

Build Science Skills<br />

694 Chapter 22<br />

L2<br />

L2<br />

Inferring<br />

Purpose Students will<br />

infer the type of volcano<br />

based on the characteristics<br />

of the rock it produced.<br />

Materials several samples of<br />

pumice, obsidian, ropy basalt, and<br />

angular rhyolite per group<br />

Class Time 15–20 minutes<br />

Procedure After reading the Concepts<br />

in Action feature, have students work in<br />

groups to study volcanic rock samples.<br />

For each rock, ask, What type of<br />

volcano do you think this rock most<br />

likely came from? (Basalt is most<br />

associated with shield volcanoes, rhyolite<br />

with cinder cones or composite volcanoes.)<br />

Expected Outcome Using the<br />

information about pumice and obsidian<br />

on p. 695, students can deduce that<br />

these samples came from near the<br />

surface of a lava flow. The contact with<br />

air caused quick cooling in both cases.<br />

Students can infer that the ropy basalt<br />

came from the type of runny basaltic<br />

flow associated with shield volcanoes.<br />

Rhyolite has a higher silica content than<br />

the basalt, and is much lighter in color<br />

and “ashier” in appearance. Many<br />

rhyolite samples also contain vesicles.<br />

The gases trapped in viscous, silica-rich<br />

magma produce the explosive eruptions<br />

associated with composite volcanoes<br />

and cinder cones.<br />

Kinesthetic, Logical<br />

Types of <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

<strong>Volcanoes</strong> have different types of magma. The viscosity<br />

of the magma plays a large part in determining a<br />

volcano’s ultimate shape and appearance.<br />

<strong>Volcanoes</strong> most commonly occur at three major<br />

locations on Earth—mid-ocean ridges,<br />

subduction zones, and hot spots. Each type of<br />

volcanic region produces a different kind of<br />

volcano because of the type of magma<br />

that exists there. The three main types of<br />

volcano are shield volcanoes, composite<br />

volcanoes, and cinder cones. Most<br />

volcanoes that form above subduction<br />

zones, for example, are composite<br />

volcanoes. In contrast, many volcanoes that<br />

form above hot spots are shield volcanoes.<br />

Shapes of <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

Each type of volcano has a different shape. The<br />

shape is determined by the kind of lava, ash, and<br />

cinders that erupt from the volcano’s vent, and<br />

especially the viscosity of the lava.<br />

Shield volcano<br />

Shield volcanoes are broad,<br />

gently sloping volcanic mountains.<br />

Their eruptions consist of hot,<br />

flowing basaltic lava that travels<br />

a long way before it solidifies.<br />

694 Chapter 22<br />

Facts and Figures<br />

Yellowstone Hot Spot A special case of hot<br />

spot volcanism occurs when the hot spot is<br />

beneath a continent. One such hot spot is<br />

located in Yellowstone National Park. The<br />

continent acts like a thick lid, and it is hard for<br />

the hot spot to break through. When this does<br />

happen, a lot of continental rock gets melted as<br />

well, giving the magma a composition rich in<br />

silica. The result can be very explosive eruptions.<br />

Composite volcano<br />

Composite volcanoes are tall with<br />

steep sides that are built up from<br />

layers of viscous lava, ash, and<br />

volcanic bombs. They often have<br />

secondary vents.<br />

Cinder cone<br />

Cinder cones are small with<br />

steep sides. They form from<br />

ash and cinders that are<br />

ejected into the air and fall<br />

back onto the volcano.<br />

Gigantic eruptions at Yellowstone 2.1, 1.35, and<br />

0.64 million years ago blanketed the western<br />

half of North America with ash. Fortunately,<br />

these giant explosions are very rare, and most<br />

hot spot activity at Yellowstone consists of hot<br />

springs of water. However, Yellowstone is still<br />

geologically active and will likely have another<br />

large explosion in the future.

Volcanic Rocks<br />

The silica and water content of magma<br />

help to determine whether an eruption is<br />

quiet or explosive and how viscous the<br />

lava is when hot. When the lava cools,<br />

different types of rock are formed.<br />

Pumice<br />

Pumice is a light, spongelike<br />

rock usually found at<br />

the surface of a lava flow.<br />

It consists of a mass of gas<br />

bubbles frozen in fragile<br />

volcanic glass and minerals.<br />

Hot-spot <strong>Volcanoes</strong><br />

A hot spot is a rising column of hot<br />

rock that extends from deep within<br />

the mantle to the surface. Hot spots<br />

often exist in the middle of plates.<br />

Because the hot spot stays in one<br />

place while the plate moves over it,<br />

a chain of volcanoes is formed over<br />

time.<br />

A very ancient hot spot under<br />

the Pacific plate has, over millions of<br />

years, produced the Hawaiian<br />

Islands.<br />

Kilauea erupting<br />

A shield volcano,<br />

Kilauea is the<br />

youngest volcano<br />

on the island of<br />

Hawaii and one<br />

of the most active<br />

in the world.<br />

Video Field Trip<br />

Mountains of Fire<br />

Extinct volcanoes form<br />

chains of islands<br />

Plate carries active<br />

volcanoes away and they<br />

become extinct as new<br />

island begins to form.<br />

After students have viewed the Video Field Trip,<br />

ask the following questions: Where do the most<br />

violent volcanic eruptions typically occur? (Near<br />

Going Further<br />

Lava bombs<br />

Lava bombs form from a glob<br />

of magma that is blown explosively<br />

into the air. Bombs are<br />

usually at least 10 cm in diameter,<br />

and can be much larger.<br />

Vent<br />

Rising<br />

magma<br />

Obsidian<br />

Obsidian is a dense,<br />

volcanic glass formed<br />

from lava that has<br />

cooled too quickly for<br />

minerals to crystallize.<br />

Volcano erupts<br />

over stationary<br />

hot spot and<br />

creates an island.<br />

■ Use library or Internet resources to research a<br />

volcano located on another planet or moon.<br />

Write a one-page report<br />

describing the volcano that<br />

you select. Include an<br />

explanation of how this<br />

volcano compares with<br />

volcanoes on Earth.<br />

■ Take a Discovery Channel<br />

Video Field Trip by watching<br />

“Mountains of Fire.”<br />

Video Field Trip<br />

Earth’s Interior 695<br />

subduction zones, where Earth’s tectonic plates are<br />

pushed together and one plate slips under another.)<br />

What is a composite volcano? (A volcano with<br />

alternating layers of different materials.) What is a<br />

shield volcano? (A wide, flat volcano that produces<br />

quiet eruptions of low-viscosity lava.) Name a third<br />

major kind of volcano. (Cinder cone volcanoes.)<br />

Going Further<br />

L3<br />

<strong>Volcanoes</strong> occur on several planets and<br />

moons in the solar system besides Earth,<br />

including Venus, Mars, Io, and possibly<br />

Triton. In addition, there is evidence of<br />

ancient volcanic activity on Mercury and<br />

Earth’s moon. Some of the most wellknown<br />

volcanoes include Olympus<br />

Mons, Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons,<br />

Ascraeus Mons, and Elysium Mons on<br />

Mars; Theia Mons, Sif Mons, and Maat<br />

Mons on Venus; and Pele, Ra, Loki, and<br />

Prometheus on Io. Have interested<br />

students research volcanoes on other<br />

planets or moons and present photos to<br />

the class.<br />

Visual<br />

Earth’s Interior 695

Section <strong>22.6</strong> (continued)<br />

Other Igneous<br />

Features<br />

Many students have the misconception<br />

that the only way igneous rocks are<br />

formed is when molten lava flows onto<br />

Earth’s surface. After students read Other<br />

Igneous Features, have them work in<br />

groups to create a visual describing five<br />

ways igneous rocks can form. (In lava<br />

flows at the surface, dikes, sills, batholiths,<br />

and volcanic necks)<br />

Visual, Group<br />

ASSESS<br />

3<br />

Evaluate<br />

Understanding<br />

Using Figure 41, ask students what type<br />

of volcano most likely produced this<br />

type of lava. (Shield volcano)<br />

Reteach<br />

Use Figure 39 to explain the main<br />

features of a volcano.<br />

Students have many eruptions to choose<br />

from, including Mt. Mazama (Crater<br />

Lake), Oregon, around 5000 B.C.; Mt.<br />

Vesuvius, Italy, in A.D. 79; Mt. Fuji, Japan,<br />

in 1707; Tambora, Indonesia, in 1815;<br />

Krakatoa, Indonesia, in 1883; Mt. Pelée,<br />

Martinique, in 1902; Mt. Katmai, Alaska,<br />

in 1912; Mt. St. Helens in 1980;<br />

Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines, in 1991;<br />

and Montserrat in 1995.<br />

If your class subscribes to<br />

the Interactive textbook, use it to review<br />

key concepts in Section <strong>22.6</strong>.<br />

Section <strong>22.6</strong> Assessment<br />

L2<br />

L2<br />

L1<br />

1. Magma is formed from melted rock within<br />

the mantle. The magma is under pressure and<br />

less dense than the solid rock around it. The<br />

magma is forced upward through the crust,<br />

erupting at the surface.<br />

2. Magma with a low silica content results in<br />

gentle eruptions. Magma with a high silica<br />

content can lead to explosive eruptions.<br />

3. <strong>Volcanoes</strong> form above converging plate<br />

boundaries (where a plate is subducted into<br />

the mantle) and at diverging boundaries<br />

696 Chapter 22<br />

Figure 43 Ship Rock in New<br />

Mexico is a volcanic neck. It<br />

formed when the soft rock<br />

around a volcano’s pipe wore<br />

away, revealing hard, igneous<br />

rock. The long ridge extending<br />

from the volcanic neck is a dike.<br />

Section <strong>22.6</strong> Assessment<br />

Reviewing Concepts<br />

1. Describe the process that leads up to the<br />

eruption of a volcano.<br />

2. How does the silica content of magma<br />

affect how explosive an eruption is?<br />

3. Explain why volcanoes form in certain<br />

regions of Earth’s surface.<br />

4. Describe four types of intrusive igneous<br />

rock features.<br />

Critical Thinking<br />

5. Relating Cause and Effect What condition<br />

must exist in a volcano for a caldera to form?<br />

696 Chapter 22<br />

(where magma rises to fill the gap left by two<br />

separating plates). Hot spot volcanoes form<br />

from columns of hot rock that have risen up<br />

through the mantle to the surface.<br />

4. Batholiths are large rock masses that form<br />

the core of many mountain ranges. A sill is<br />

hardened lava squeezed into a crack that is<br />

parallel to existing rock layers. A dike is<br />

hardened lava in a crack that cuts across<br />

existing rock layers. A volcanic neck is an<br />

igneous structure formed from lava that<br />

hardened in a volcano’s pipe.<br />

Other Igneous Features<br />

Sometimes magma does not reach the surface, but<br />

cools and hardens in the crust. This magma forms<br />

intrusive igneous rock that may eventually be forced<br />

upward and exposed at Earth’s surface. Igneous<br />

features formed by magma include batholiths,<br />

sills, dikes, and volcanic necks. Lava plateaus are<br />

features formed of extrusive igneous rock.<br />

A batholith is the largest type of intrusive<br />

igneous rock mass. Batholiths often form the core<br />

of a mountain range, such as the Sierra Nevada<br />

range in California. Magma sometimes squeezes into a crack between<br />

layers of rock and then hardens. If the crack is parallel to existing rock<br />

layers, the magma hardens into a structure called a sill. If the crack<br />

cuts across rock layers, the hardened magma forms a dike. When<br />

magma hardens in a volcano’s pipe, a structure called a volcanic neck<br />

may form, as shown in Figure 43.<br />

The largest lava flows don’t come from individual volcanoes.<br />

Rather, large amounts of easily-flowing lava sometimes erupt from a<br />

cluster of long, thin cracks in the crust. This lava may spread out over<br />

an enormous area before solidifying. After many years, layers of hardened<br />

lava may form a high, level area called a lava plateau. An example<br />

is the Columbia Plateau, which has an average thickness of more than<br />

1 kilometer and covers an area of nearly 200,000 square kilometers in<br />

the Pacific Northwest.<br />

6. Predicting What would eventually happen,<br />

as a result of plate movement, to a volcano<br />

that formed over a hot spot?<br />

7. Comparing and Contrasting What is the<br />

difference between a dike and a sill?<br />

Descriptive Paragraph Use library or<br />

Internet resources to research a major volcanic<br />

eruption. Write a paragraph about the<br />

eruption including when and where it took<br />

place and the type of volcano involved.<br />

5. The magma chamber and main vent must<br />

be empty after an eruption, creating an empty<br />

shell that can collapse inward.<br />

6. As the plate moves, the volcano would be<br />

carried away from the hot spot, and the<br />

volcano would no longer be active.<br />

7. Both are structures formed from magma that<br />

hardens in cracks in layers of rock. If the crack is<br />

parallel to existing rock layers, the structure is<br />

called a sill. If the crack cuts across rock layers,<br />

the structure is called a dike.

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