The Urinary System Ch. 22 HBHD

The Urinary System Ch. 22 HBHD

The Urinary System Ch. 22 HBHD


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Urinary</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

<strong>Ch</strong>. <strong>22</strong> <strong>HBHD</strong>

<strong>Urinary</strong> <strong>System</strong> =<br />

Excretory <strong>System</strong><br />

We are focusing on the urinary system,<br />

but the following systems work<br />

interdependently to maintain homeostasis<br />

<strong>Urinary</strong> <strong>System</strong>: <strong>System</strong>:<br />

excretes water, salts, &<br />

waste products = urine<br />

Digestive <strong>System</strong>: <strong>System</strong>:<br />

excretes water, some<br />

salts, bile, & residue of digestion = feces<br />

Respiratory <strong>System</strong>: <strong>System</strong>:<br />

excretes CO2 & water<br />

(vapor)<br />

Integumentary <strong>System</strong>: <strong>System</strong>:<br />

water, salts &<br />

nitrogenous wastes = perspiration

Structures of the <strong>Urinary</strong><br />

2 Kidneys<br />

<strong>System</strong><br />

Extract waste from blood,<br />

balance body fluids, form<br />

urine<br />

2 Ureters<br />

Transports urine from<br />

kidneys to bladder<br />

<strong>Urinary</strong> Bladder<br />

Receives & stores urine<br />

Urethra<br />

Urethra<br />

Urine elimination

Lie against the<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kidneys<br />

muscles of the back<br />

in the upper<br />

abdomen. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

protected by the lower<br />

ribs & costal<br />

cartilages<br />

Located in the<br />

retroperitoneal space

Structure:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kidneys<br />

“Bean Bean” shaped<br />

Measurements:<br />

Measurements:<br />

Length: 4” 4<br />

Width: 2” 2<br />

Thickness: 1”<br />


External:<br />

Capsule<br />

Kidney Structure<br />

Capsule: : covers &<br />

protects the kidney; also<br />

has a protective fatty<br />

layer called an adipose<br />

capsule<br />

Hilus: : notch where the<br />

renal artery, renal vein,<br />

and ureters connect with<br />

the kidney<br />


Internal<br />

Kidney Structure<br />

Internal<br />

Cortex: Cortex:<br />

outer portion of the<br />

kidney<br />

Medulla: Medulla:<br />

interior portion;<br />

contains tubes that collect urine<br />

(urine formed here)<br />

Renal Pyramids: Pyramids:<br />

cone-shaped<br />

cone shaped<br />

structures – point toward the<br />

renal pelvis<br />

Renal Pelvis: Pelvis:<br />

“funnel funnel-shaped shaped”<br />

forms the upper end of the<br />

ureter<br />

Calyces (calyx): (calyx) : cuplike<br />

extensions that collect urine

Kidney Blood Supply<br />

Renal Artery: supplies<br />

the kidney with blood<br />

Branch of the abdominal<br />

aorta<br />

Branching of vessels to<br />

supply entire kidney<br />

Eventually reaches<br />

nephrons<br />

Nephron: functional unit<br />

of the kidneys<br />

Renal Vein: blood<br />

leaves the kidneys<br />

Carries blood to inferior<br />

vena cava

<strong>The</strong> Microscopic Kidney<br />

Nephron:<br />

Structure<br />

<strong>The</strong> basic unit of the<br />

kidney<br />

Most of the work done<br />

here<br />

Important Facts:<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are approx. 1 million<br />

nephrons in each kidney<br />

If all uncoiled and placed<br />

end-to end to-end end ≈ 75 miles

Structures of a nephron<br />

Bowman’s s capsule:<br />

Bowman<br />

A bulb at the end of the coiled tube of the nephron<br />

Surrounds a cluster a capillaries called the<br />

glomerulus<br />

Glomerulus:<br />

Glomerulus:<br />

A cluster of capillaries inside the Bowman’s Bowman s<br />

capsule<br />

Where water and impurities leave the blood<br />

Afferent arteriole = carries blood TO the glomerulus<br />

Efferent arteriole = carries blood AWAY FROM the<br />


Structures of a nephron<br />

Proximal convoluted tubule:<br />

<strong>The</strong> coiled portion leading from Bowman<br />

<strong>The</strong> coiled portion leading from Bowman’s s capsule<br />

Loop of Henle:<br />

<strong>The</strong> bottom portion of the nephron between the Proximal & Distal<br />

Convoluted Tubules<br />

Distal Convoluted Tubule:<br />

<strong>The</strong> coiled portion farthest from Bowman<br />

<strong>The</strong> coiled portion farthest from Bowman’s s capsule<br />

Excess water is reabsorbed & urine is concentrated<br />

Amount of water reabsorbed is controlled by ADH (antidiuretic<br />

hormone –produced produced by pituitary)<br />

Empties into a collecting duct, which then continues through the<br />

medulla toward the renal pelvis<br />

Juxtaglomerular apparatus:<br />

“near near the glomerulus”<br />

glomerulus<br />

Helps regulate kidney functions by releasing hormones

Kidney Functions<br />

Excretion of unwanted substances<br />

excess salts, toxins, & waste products<br />

from cells<br />

Maintain water balance<br />

pH balance (acids vs. bases)<br />

Production of Hormones<br />

Renin – helps regulate BP<br />

Erthropoietin – stimulates red bone<br />

marrow to produce RBCs in an effort to<br />

prevent anemia

Urine Formation<br />

Glomerular filtration allows all<br />

diffusible material to pass from<br />

the blood to the nephron.<br />

Tubular reabsorption moves<br />

useful materials back to the blood<br />

Tubular secretion moves<br />

additional substances from the<br />

blood to the nephron<br />

Countercurrent mechanism<br />

concentrates the urine and<br />

reduces the volume excreted.<br />

Hormone involved is ADH<br />

(antidiuretic hormone)

<strong>The</strong> Ureters<br />

Long, Slender muscular tubes<br />

that extend from the kidneys to<br />

the bladder<br />

Length is dependent on individual<br />

structure, but it ranges from 10- 10<br />

13” 13<br />

~1” ~1 of the lower ureter enters the<br />

bladder by passing obliquely<br />

through the bladder wall.<br />

Causes a full bladder to compress the<br />

ureters and prevent backflow of urine<br />

Urine is moved from the kidney to<br />

the bladder by gravity &<br />


<strong>The</strong> Bladder<br />

Temporary storage pouch for urine<br />

Moderately full bladder holds about 1 pint<br />

Contains rugae which allow the bladder<br />

to stretch<br />

Empty bladder is firm due to thick<br />

muscular wall<br />

As the bladder fills the muscle wall<br />

becomes thinner and the organ may<br />

increase in size<br />

increase in size<br />

Can stretch 2-5” 2<br />

Has an internal sphincter (which<br />

contracts to prevent urine from escaping<br />

from the bladder involuntarily<br />

Voluntary Control – extrenal sphincter<br />

around the urethra, located below<br />

internal sphincter<br />

Urination: Urination:<br />

(micturition) – the<br />

process of expelling urine from the<br />


<strong>The</strong> Urethra<br />

<strong>The</strong> tube that extends from the bladder to the<br />

outside of the body<br />

Means by which the bladder is emptied<br />

Male & Female differ<br />

Male: part of both urinary & reproductive systems<br />

Much longer than females<br />

~8 inches : passes through the prostate<br />

Female: ~ 1.5 inches long<br />

Separate from reproductive system<br />

Opens in front of the vagina

Disorders<br />

Can be acute or chronic<br />

Acute: : typically result from infection.<br />

Imflammation of nephrons. Run course in a<br />

few weeks and heel completely<br />

Acute<br />

<strong>Ch</strong>ronic: : arise slowly and can result in<br />

eventual loss of kidney function<br />


Kidney Disorders<br />

Acute Acute glomerulonephritis:<br />

glomerulonephritis<br />

Most common disease of the kidneys.<br />

Usually occurs in children about 1-4 1 4 weeks after a strep<br />

infection<br />

Antibodies injure the glomeruli so that blood and protein<br />

filter into urine<br />

Usually treatable, but can be chronic<br />

Pylonephritis:<br />

Pylonephritis:<br />

Inflammation of renal pelvis and kidney tissue<br />

May be acute or chronic<br />

Cause: passed on by a urinary tract infection<br />

Treatment: antibiotics, fever control, rest, and adequate fluids

Kidney Disorders<br />

Hydronephrosis:<br />

Distention of the renal pelvis and calyces with<br />

accumulated fluid caused by obstruction of urine<br />

flow.<br />

Pregnant women, enlarged prostate, kidney<br />

stones, tumor<br />

Treatment: prompt removal of the obstruction<br />

Polycystic Kidney:<br />

Many fluid-containing fluid containing sacs develop in the active<br />

tissue and gradually destroy functioning parts<br />

Runs in the family<br />

Treatment: transplant or dialysis

Tumors:<br />

Tumors:<br />

Kidney Disorders<br />

Typically slow growing<br />

Signs:<br />

Signs:<br />

Blood in urine<br />

Dull pain in kidney region<br />

Treatment:<br />

Treatment:<br />

Surgical removal of the kidney<br />

<strong>Ch</strong>emo and radiation are not effective

Renal Failure<br />

Acute renal failure:<br />

Sudden, serious decrease in kidney function – may be<br />

fatal<br />

Occurs as a complication of other serious illnesses<br />

<strong>Ch</strong>ronic renal failure:<br />

Due to gradual loss of nephrons resulting in loss of<br />

normal kidney function<br />

Signs & Symptoms: Dehydration, edema, electrolyte<br />

imbalance, hypertension, anemia, uremia<br />

Causes: uremia: accumulation of nitrogenous waste<br />

in blood or renal insufficiency

Kidney Disorders<br />

Kidney Stones:<br />

Kidney Disorders<br />

Calculi: Made of Calcium salts<br />

or uric acid. Precipitate out of the<br />

urine instead of staying in<br />

solution<br />

Calculi:<br />

Formation site: renal pelvis or<br />

bladder<br />

Causes: dehydration, stagnation of<br />

urine, urinary tract infection<br />

Size: variable<br />

Many are impassable so surgery is<br />

required.<br />

Lithotriptor: “stone stone-cracker cracker”

Finish reading pages 408-411, 408 411, beginning with<br />

treatment of kidney failure<br />

Classwork pg 450-451 450 451 # 16-23 16 23

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