O - The Badlands Newsletter - Maquis Forces International

O - The Badlands Newsletter - Maquis Forces International

O - The Badlands Newsletter - Maquis Forces International


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From the Center Seat<br />

Gary Davis - <strong>International</strong> Coordinator Page 2-3<br />

Second Thoughts<br />

Laura Casey - Vice <strong>International</strong> Coordinator Page 4-5<br />

Behind the Curtain<br />

Rob Johnson - Chief of Staff Page 6<br />

Commandant's Corner<br />

Samuel Cummings - Academy Commandant Page 7<br />

Zone Reports:<br />

Zone 3<br />

Larry French, Sr - ZC3 Page 8-9<br />

Zone 4<br />

Christina Doane - ZC4 Page 10-12<br />

Zone 5<br />

Charles Parks - ZC5 Page 14-15<br />

Zone 9<br />

Mary Kerns - ZC9 Page 16-17<br />

A Rewarding Experience<br />

Logan Andrews - Director, Awards Dept Page 18-19<br />

Book Reviews Page 20-21<br />

Force Admiral Retires from US Navy Page 22-23<br />

Charity Events Page 24-25<br />

Technological Advances Page 26-28<br />

Funny Page Page 29<br />

Shore Leave 26 Page 30-31<br />

Day of Honor Page 32-37<br />

Tales of the Computer Cave Page 38-39

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 2<br />

From the Center Seat:<br />

<strong>International</strong> Coordinator<br />

Greetings from MFI HQ. WOW... A great deal has transpired from the last time<br />

we had an issue. Foremost, we have a new team bringing you these words<br />

and the material within this publication. <strong>The</strong> BADLANDS is now being brought<br />

to you by a guest editor-in-chief, Captain Gary Hollified. Thanks for picking up<br />

the ball and running with it, Gary, it is very appreciated. We're going to hold off<br />

appointing a permanent Chief of Communications until such time as we've had<br />

the chance to "audition" some editors and see what they are capable of. If only<br />

one person steps up to the plate, then we'll go from there. Until then, enjoy this<br />

offering for more to come.<br />

I'd like to take this time to address the change over in the Vice <strong>International</strong><br />

Coordinator (VIC) position. We have a new VIC, a name that everyone is<br />

familiar with. In fact, the new VIC even had that seat for many years before.<br />

Admiral Laura Casey rejoins the Coordinator Council and the VIC office after<br />

she was nominated and confirmed by a combined vote of the Coordinator<br />

Council and the <strong>Maquis</strong> Advisors. Our constitution calls for a vote from the CC,<br />

however, I felt that since the <strong>Maquis</strong> Advisors, comprised of our Special<br />

Interest Department Heads, the Admin Council, as well as the Zone<br />

Coordinators, all of who play integral liaison roles with the VIC, that they<br />

should have a say as to who filled that spot. Overwhelmingly they agreed that<br />

Laura, or "Goody" as some of us affectionately know her as, would be the<br />

person for that job. WELCOME back, Laura, your counsel and your ideas into<br />

the makeup of our organization have been sorely missed!<br />

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Admiral Tom Donohoe who took a<br />

short leave of absence from MFI after choosing to step aside from the VIC<br />

position. Tom has been with us from beginning of MFI and he has shaped and<br />

influenced this club's direction and advancement for many years. Tom has<br />

decided to return to MFI after that leave of absence and has accepted my offer<br />

to fill in the Senior <strong>Maquis</strong> Advisor position. This position is an important<br />

position as he will be privy to the conversations and discussions by the CC in<br />

order to advise us on matters pertaining to the organization. Tom will be the<br />

sort of viewpoint from the outside to guide us and serve as liaison for the<br />

membership to the CC as the <strong>Maquis</strong> Advisors do. We thank Tom for taking<br />

on this responsibility to continue to help shape MFI's growth into the future.<br />

WOW. Again. A LOT of change. However, what does NOT change is that what<br />

this club is and what she stands for, a free exchange of ideas and a place for<br />

camaraderie and FUN! MFI continues to provide that and will do so as long as<br />

the membership desires it.<br />

NOW on to MORE news. I'd like to announce that the Coordinator Council has<br />

voted on a round of promotions for some well deserved and hard working<br />

members of MFI. I'm being VERY tricky by putting this in the END of my article

Page 3<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

since I'd like to see just HOW many folks actually READ this publication (big<br />

grin). From the date of this publication, I'd like to announce the promotion of<br />

the following members:<br />

Admiral Jonathan Cone<br />

Rear Admiral Warren Price<br />

Lieutenant General Larry (K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK) French, Sr.<br />

Commodore Charles Parks<br />

Commodore Duncan Robinson<br />

Brigadier General Paul Williams<br />

Congratulations to these members and new Flag and General Officers in<br />

some cases. We voted on these promotions a MONTH ago, but wanted to<br />

save the announcement for the newsletter (big grin). I will await the chatter on<br />

the listserv to gauge the response (bigger grin). Until next time, folks...keep<br />

up the good work, and remember, MAQUIS FOREVER!<br />

FADM Gary Davis<br />

MFI <strong>International</strong> Coordinator

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 4<br />

Second Thoughts:<br />

Vice <strong>International</strong> Coordinator<br />

Editor's Note: This issue's Second Thoughts will be an interview of the new<br />

VIC by Lt. Col. Hunter Cage<br />

Meet the New VIC,<br />

Name: Laura Casey<br />

Rank: Admiral<br />

Current Assignment: Vice Fleet Admiral (VIC), Webmaster, CO of the<br />

Blackfire, and the First Officer aboard the USS Nebula, and now in disguise as<br />

a barmaid aboard the MFS Scorpion.<br />

Hunter: Welcome Laura... And thanks for taking the time to chat.<br />

Laura: Thank you.<br />

Hunter: Tell the readers a little bit about yourself.<br />

Laura: I am a single mom of three, a web mistress, and a fan of sci-fi and<br />

fantasy. I grew up on navy bases in Florida, Tennessee, California, and<br />

Hawaii. When my father retired to Jacksonville, Florida, I went along and lived<br />

there until 2001 when I moved here to the Pacific Northwest.<br />

Hunter: How did you hear about <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>?<br />

Laura: I was a member of the USS Nebula, a Starfleet ship under the<br />

command of Gary Davis. We were wanting something different; we wanted a<br />

club that was based on less rules, more fun, so Gary came up with the idea to<br />

start a new organization, one based on FUN, so we did.<br />

Hunter: When did you join the M.F.I.?<br />

Laura: I am one of the founding members of MFI. I was there from the<br />

beginning. I registered maquis.com with internic, and Gary started throwing<br />

ideas at me. I converted those ideas into HTML.<br />

Hunter: So Laura you regained the reins of the VIC, What do you bring to<br />

the Table for the M.F.I.?<br />

Laura: Being one of the founding members of MFI, I have a lot of experience<br />

with running of the club itself. I am a web mistress and bring those talents as<br />

well. My real life career experience has taught me the value of teamwork, and<br />

my three children have given me amazing amounts of patience and<br />

endurance.<br />

Hunter: What would you say folks don't know about you?<br />

Laura: Well, some of you know this, but most...hmm...probably not - I dance<br />

hula, I speak some Spanish, and I have 7 birds. *grin* I am a very open<br />

person, there is very little about me that I keep to myself. Online I tend to be<br />

very open and outgoing, but in person, I can be quite shy.

Page 5<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Hunter: What is your best quality that you bring with you as far as being<br />

a CC member goes?<br />

Laura: Being a founding member of MFI, I am in tune with the ideals this<br />

organization was founded on. MFI is my baby, and I want to help my baby<br />

grow. I want to be very involved in its growth, being a active member of the<br />

CC is but one way I can do that.<br />

Hunter: What is your biggest pet peeve?<br />

Laura: Unnecessary rules.<br />

Hunter: Where do you see M.F.I. five years down the road?<br />

Laura: Bigger, better, more organized activities, and an awesome website.<br />

Hunter: Any major changes that you'd like to announce to the M.F.I.?<br />

Laura: None that I can say at this time.<br />

Hunter: What is your favorite thing about Star Trek?<br />

Laura: <strong>The</strong> dream, the exploration... the idea that we CAN see new worlds,<br />

new beings, new cultures and that mankind will overcome many of the<br />

diseases and social illnesses that we now face.<br />

Hunter: Favorite Star Trek Series? Why?<br />

Laura: TNG, followed VERY closely by DS9. In TNG, I loved the character<br />

play between Picard and Q, and Ricker and Deanna. In DS9, *grin* I loved<br />

the <strong>Maquis</strong>, and the Founders. Both of those stories enthrall me.<br />

Hunter: You are replacing Tom Donohoe... Anything you'd like to say to<br />

him?<br />

Laura: Thank you for taking such good care of the office.<br />

Hunter: What is the biggest problem in M.F.I. that you would like to help<br />

correct?<br />

Laura: Right now, I honestly can say I think MFI is running pretty smoothly. I<br />

am open to hearing anyone's complaints though, and I will do the best I can<br />

to rectify them. I know that there is no way to please every single person, but<br />

MFI is set up so that a member can be as involved or as uninvolved as they<br />

like, and the individual cells control themselves. That leaves a lot of leeway<br />

for every member to have fun their own way, but still be part of the<br />

organizational umbrella of MFI.<br />

Hunter: In closing... is there anything you'd like to say to M.F.I.?<br />

Laura: Have fun! <strong>Maquis</strong> Forever!<br />

Interviewed By: LtCol Hunter Cage (Howard Knapp)<br />

XO- MFS Scorpion<br />

Marine Liaison to <strong>Maquis</strong>.com<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 6<br />

Behind the Curtain:<br />

Chief of Staff<br />

This has been an interesting couple months...<br />

We've had top members and some ships leave the group, some key people<br />

were shuffled around and a new Vice <strong>International</strong> Coordinator was elected<br />

and a key member returned. Whew!!<br />

Congratulations to Adm. Laura Casey on her promotion to VIC, a position she<br />

started in 10 years ago! Welcome back to Adm. Donohoe. Tom has taken over<br />

as MFI's Chief Advisor (not to be confused with a Councilor [Grin]). Also,<br />

welcome to our new <strong>Badlands</strong> Staff. I'm sure they will be able to pick up where<br />

Adm. Brooks left off.<br />

Also, congratulations to everyone receiving promotions this period. All the<br />

recipients are doing their jobs extremely well and deserve recognition. This<br />

goes to prove that if anyone goes above and beyond our general membership<br />

requirements to promote the organization, they will be recognized.<br />

Well done, everyone!<br />

"Doc" Rob Johnson, Adm (aka Dr. Robert J McCoy)<br />

Chief of Staff, MFI Dean, MACOM<br />

rjohnson@maquis.com ICQ UIN# 357736<br />

MSN Messenger: maquis53@hotmail.com

Page 7<br />

Commadore's Corner<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> Academy<br />

Greetings Fellow <strong>Maquis</strong>! Commodore Cummings here.<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

MFI has seen some changes in the last couple of months, no? I’d like to say<br />

“Thanks and Good Luck!” to one of my best friends in fandom, Kimberly<br />

Brooks, aka Kimara Cha’Suran. Kimberly was the one who first got me<br />

interested in the Academy Commandant position with one of our first phone<br />

calls in November. Past that point, we became friends – talking at least once<br />

or twice a week since then. My job with the mortgage company that I am<br />

currently with has me working evenings, so Tom and I would trade IM’s during<br />

the day; with just about any subject in mind. Sometimes, I’d be talking to Tom<br />

online, and Kimi would call me from work – and I would act as the bridge<br />

between them, trading remarks between the two; sometimes getting quite<br />

humorous!<br />

One more thing of a more personal interest, my mother Dr. Angela Riley has<br />

come aboard my ship (MFS Constellation) as my Chief Medical Officer.<br />

Welcome Aboard, Dr. Mom! J<br />

Well, with the summer season upon us that can only mean one thing: SHORE<br />

LEAVE! Shore Leave 26 is well on its way! It’s been a few years since I’ve<br />

been to a convention, as they don’t seem to get over to Detroit that often, but<br />

it’s gonna have to be pushed back for another year – which kind of stinks.<br />

BUT – <strong>The</strong>re’s always Shore Leave Twenty-next! (laughing)<br />

Until next time, I’ll see you about the force…<br />

Academy Awards<br />

Major General Larry French Law 101 with Honors,Law 102<br />

Force Colonel Michael Anderson – Archeology, Eng 101, Eng 201, Eng 202,<br />

Eng 203<br />

Lt. Cmdr James Robinson – Archeology, Law 201, Law 202 with Honors<br />

Crewman Trina Scott – Archeology<br />

Fcapt Charles Parks – Eng 101, Eng 201<br />

Major Robert Torres – Eng 101<br />

General Brian Jewitt – Eng 201, Eng 202

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 8<br />

Greetings, one and all,<br />

Zone 3<br />

Here we are again with a brand new issue of the Heghnach news. <strong>The</strong><br />

Command Staff had a fairly busy month .<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> Update<br />

No Zone 3 or MFMC units reported in this month. I had had applied to become<br />

the new Vice <strong>International</strong> Coordinator for <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>. I didn't<br />

know if I had any chance of being selected, but I gave it my best shot for the<br />

opportunity to serve MFI at a higher level. I always say that if you don't show<br />

an interest, you won't get the opportunity. I feel prepared and ready to tackle<br />

this job if given the opportunity than I ever have before. My chances were slim<br />

that I would get the position, but I felt I had to try.<br />

Klingon / STARFLEET Joint Operations Update<br />

<strong>The</strong> USS Inferno/ICV Heghnach had their membership meeting on April 3rd.<br />

David Ferber also became a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose on April<br />

3rd by attending their Enrollment Ceremony. We gained some new members<br />

for the USS Inferno at least one new member for the ICV Heghnach.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CO and XO had an away mission to visit Ksimka's human family near<br />

Chicago on Earth from April 10th until April 18th. We visited the Museum of<br />

Science and Industry in Chicago, feasted at a restaurant called Ed Debevic's<br />

and Portillo's, saw a historical log called a movie about <strong>The</strong> Alamo, and<br />

participated in a karaoke party with the IKV HoS tam of the Klingon Armada<br />

<strong>International</strong>.<br />

In the House Ki'RK/Cha'ouw Empire, Colonel K'moghjIH sutai-Ki'RK and<br />

Commander Ksimka vestai-Ki'RK have both been submitted for promotions to<br />

General and Captain, respectively. David Ferber is still undergoing House<br />

initiate training for entry into the House Ki'RK as a warrior. Ferber's House<br />

Warrior Ceremony and promotions for all three SHOULD be finalized at Beach<br />

Bash in November.<br />

I have designed a new website for the Klingon Armada <strong>International</strong>'s Tosach<br />

Station. <strong>The</strong> ICV Heghnach, USS Inferno, the Inferno's 740th Marine Strike<br />

Group, and the SFMC's 6th Battalion 7th Brigade websites have all undergone<br />

change, birth, or rebirth. Some of them are really fantastic. Please take a look<br />

at them at your earliest convenience. <strong>The</strong> URL's are as follows:<br />

http://www.angelfire.com/trek/tosach/index.html<br />

http://www.geocities.com/ldfsr/index.html<br />

http://www.angelfire.com/trek/ussinferno/index.html<br />


Page 9<br />

http://www.angelfire.com/trek/6bn7bde/<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

<strong>The</strong> only upcoming events that we know of right now are:<br />

Civil War events<br />

June 4-6th Phillipi, WV encampment<br />

June 12th Soldier's Fair, Pittsburgh Aviary<br />

Sept 19-25 Civil War Days<br />

Nov. 20 Remembrance Day, Gettysburg<br />

Ship events<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

May 1st Monthly Meeting at Cindy Sanner's House 556 Stephen Street<br />

Ambridge, PA 15003<br />

Pittsburgh Race For <strong>The</strong> Cure on May 8-9, 2004 in Pittsburgh, PA.<br />

http://www.pittsburghraceforthecure.org/<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> Gras on October 1-3, 2004 in Valparaiso, Indiana.<br />

http://www.maquis.com/mfa/gras1.htm<br />

Hampton Inn, 1451 Silhavy Rd., Valparaiso IN 46383<br />

219-531-6424 Reservations taken from now thru Sept. 1, 2004. Tell them<br />

you're with the "Star Trek Convention".<br />

Beach Bash on November 12-14, 2004 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.<br />

http://www.newnanbiz.net/exclusivelyyours/Beachbash.htm<br />

Camp Dover Peace Conference on April 29 and 30/May 1st, 2005 at the<br />

Holiday<br />

Inn, New Philadelphia, OH. http://www.tasigh.org/dover/index.html<br />

Camp Dover Peace Conference on April 28-30, 2006 at the Holiday Inn, New<br />

Philadelphia, OH. http://www.tasigh.org/dover/index.html<br />

Qapla!<br />

K'moghjIH (Pronounced "Ka-MOE-JEE")(Larry D. French, Sr.)<br />

CO, ICV Heghnach<br />

Trivia Byte:<br />

In the United States Navy, the rank of Commodore was changed for the last<br />

time to Rear Admiral (Lower Half) in what year?

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 10<br />

Zone 4<br />

MFS Liberty:<br />

Well the MFS Liberty is alive and well, the big event for us is the <strong>Maquis</strong> Gras<br />

Convention in Oct. Beyond that, my crew and I are getting things around for<br />

our new website for our ship in zone 4, with the Zone 4 Compops Chief, of<br />

course. :D.<br />

Current Charity Works by Liberty Members:<br />

Civil Air Patrol Service<br />

Recycling<br />

Environmental Support<br />

Community Choir<br />

I do have a couple of members interested in an online RPG for Star Trek of<br />

some sort but need to await more interest, whether from within or outside the<br />

ship. Well that's all from me I guess :).<br />

Currently working on creating our new website when we actually get a moment<br />

of free Real Life time :D. 1Lt. JacQuline "<strong>The</strong> Q" Kleinsmith, Chief of the Ship<br />

Tactical <strong>Forces</strong> Unit will be acting as Jr. Webmaster. More on the website as it<br />

develops.<br />

Please note Liberty XO Brevet Lt. Commander Korel Res is confirmed as a Lt.<br />

Commander. Congrats! :D. Members of this ship along with members of the<br />

KFV Outlaw and Antares II attended Dover Con in Ohio in April where<br />

members of MFI and MFA(<strong>Maquis</strong> Freedom Alliance) Carried the <strong>Maquis</strong> Flag<br />

during the Opening Ceremony. Much fun and friendship was had. Side project<br />

is bantering about activities and recruitment ideas.<br />

Gen. Christina Doane<br />

MFS Liberty, Commanding Officer.<br />

--------------------------<br />

New Units:(this is their report).<br />

MFS wIch (Klingon for 'Myth') (Still in membership processing)<br />

CO: Brevet Commander Tammy Larrabee (taj@fantasygrafix.com)<br />

XO: LT S.Elaine Wild<br />

Ship's Email: doqtaj@netscape.net<br />

<strong>The</strong> MFS wIch Marine Detachment:<br />

OIC: 1st LT Steven D. Larrabee<br />

DOIC: 2nd LT Amber L. Larrabee<br />

MNAS-Detroit (Please note the below is a base with attached ships and/or<br />

personnel.)<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> Naval Aviation Starbase-Detroit MI<br />

CO: FCOL Liam Collins (ad4489@wayne.edu)

Page 11<br />

MFI MARINES Company MNAS Detroit<br />

XO/OIC: 1Lt. Dave Anderson das_ubergoose@hotmail.com<br />

MFI MARINES Company MNAS Detroit<br />

Attached Units:<br />

MFS Galaxy NCC 70637 GALAXY class starship<br />

CO: Captain Lissa Southwell-Collins (tacgal2002@yahoo.com)<br />

XO: Lt.CMDR Elaine Dennehy (emd127@psu.edu)<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

'Death or Glory' Company MFI Marines attached to the MFS GALAXY<br />

OIC: MCAPT Ben Goldberg n/a<br />

DOIC: 1Lt James Peterson jimP@hotmail.com<br />

Platoon 1 2Lt Susan Peterson<br />

Platoon 2 1Lt James Peterson<br />

NCO: Gunnery SGT Paul Crawford<br />

LP Ferndale, Ferndale MI(Still in membership processing)<br />

OIC: ENS John Hunter Jonno@hotmail.com<br />

-----------------------------------------------------<br />

MFS Nelson CO: Brig. General Allen<br />

CO status: Still overseas in sunny Italy.<br />

XO status: Preparing for upcoming Vulkon on Cleveland<br />

Ship's status; all conditions normal.<br />

BGEN Dave Allen<br />

----------------------------------------------------<br />

Outpost KONDOR-<br />

CO: Colonel Koloth aka Matt Biggs<br />

Sorry for the late report still alive here in Wooster.<br />

Colonel Koloth<br />

----------------------------------------------------<br />

MFS Nebula<br />

CO: FADM Gary Davis<br />

You talk to me all the time...consider NEBULA as reported. (grin)<br />

------------------------------------------------------<br />

MFS Galaxy<br />

CO: Captain Lissa Southwell-Collins<br />

We're working with MFS Constellation on something for the Detroit Comic-Con<br />

this summer, possibly. A former member is coordinating with the other Detroit<br />

cells as 'MNAS Detroit' and our Marine Honor Guard is all set to participate in<br />

the Ann Arbor, MI 4th of July parade again, along with the KFI's Klingon Honor<br />

Guard and Insult Detail. <strong>The</strong>y had a great response from the crowd last year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Drill team also wants to 'maybe' tenatively schedule for <strong>Maquis</strong>-Con this<br />


<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 12<br />

Charity projects:<br />

USMC Toys for Tots XMAS 2003 campaign<br />

Karmanos Cancer Center Benefit<br />

MFI-MC Servicemen's Letter writing Project<br />

Selfridge ANG base Family Support Benefit<br />

Women's Sports Foundation<br />

MFI Projects:<br />

Zone 4 issues<br />

MNAS Detroit integration<br />

2 new cells (Runabout Angel for the teenagers (sub-unit attached to the MFS<br />

Galaxy) and LP Ferndale) founded in 2004<br />

5 new members recruited, detail on monthly report sent to 'lord knows whom'<br />

5 Academy graduates (6 if you count Liam)<br />

Tendered by<br />

Lissa Southwell-Collins<br />

----------------------------------------------------<br />

Starbase Kalamazoo-<br />

CO: VADM Chad Etter<br />

Starbase Kalamazoo: 5 ships. Antares II, Maelstorm II, Outlaw, Stealth,<br />

Ma'Veq.<br />

Mission: To take over the <strong>Badlands</strong> and the Delta and Alpha Quadrants, in<br />

that order.<br />

Antares is out on an extended away mission.<br />

Maelstorm II & Stealth are in the <strong>Badlands</strong> searching for Antares II.<br />

Ma'Veq is in refit.<br />

Outlaw is in Delta Quad wreaking havok.<br />

Log from KFV Antares II<br />

Chad Etter, V.Adm, CO<br />

----------------------------------------------------<br />

RN Wayfarer<br />

CO: Captain Elvin Holloway<br />

<strong>The</strong> crew of the Wayfarer is currently on a membership drive. Other than that<br />

we have nothing new to report.<br />

Cpt. Elvin Holloway<br />

Cmndr. Shawn Bale<br />

RN Wayfarer<br />

Monmouth, IL<br />

------------------------------------------------------<br />

LP Pontiac,<br />

All is quiet in our area of the <strong>Badlands</strong>. CO doing some reconnaissance in the<br />

area to see if the locals would be interested in joining the cause. However, no<br />

takers yet. Helping MOCC (Designated charity/community service group) with<br />

Mother's day event for Carriage Circle. We will be serving free dinners for 30-<br />

50 female residents. Also donating 42 dollars to Score Ministries to send 4<br />

homeless people to a Detroit Tigers game on June 21. Also working on guide<br />

for choosing or creating a charity.<br />

Kai Fleis Davies (David A. House)<br />

CO LP Pontiac

Page 13<br />


<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 14<br />

Zone Five Breaking News:<br />

Zone 5<br />

Please join me in welcoming the MSS Gre'thor. <strong>The</strong> Gre'thor has gone from<br />

Listening Post to <strong>Maquis</strong> Space Station. Yes, that's correct, the LP Gre'thor<br />

was once a single man chapter, and is now the MSS Gre'thor with a<br />

membership of 119.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Space Station Gre'thor, a Klingon Marine Chapter, is under the Command<br />

of Force Colonel Michael D. Anderson (mIgh zantai SalHov) who is also<br />

serving as the Officer in Charge of the MSS Gre'thor Marine Detachment-<br />

Springfield, Missouri Company.<br />

Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks, will be serving as the Executive Officer,<br />

and also happens to be the <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong> Zone Five<br />

Coordinator. He is also the only Non-Marine stationed on the MSS Gre'thor.<br />

At a regular membership meeting of the Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>' Anpu Attack<br />

Wing, Saturday, May 15th, 2004, Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks<br />

(serving as <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>'s Ambassador to the Imperial Klingon<br />

<strong>Forces</strong> and as the <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>'s Zone Five Coordinator)<br />

addressed the membership of the Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>' Anpu Attack Wing<br />

with the proposal of dual membership in the <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong> and<br />

the Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>. Negotiations with Admiral mIgh zantai SalHov<br />

(Michael D. Anderson) of the Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong> High Council,<br />

Commander of the IKF Special Operations Division, Commander of the IKF<br />

Mok'Nil Sector, and Commander of the IKF Anpu Attack Wing, had been<br />

ongoing for several months.<br />

With the encouragement of Admiral mIgh zantai SalHov, the membership of<br />

the IKF's Anpu Attack Wing, accepted the proposal made by Force Captain<br />

Charles Thomas Parks, and elected to join Force Colonel Michael D.<br />

Anderson (mIgh zantai SalHov) on the Gre'thor and to have dual membership<br />

in both organizations.<br />

As the <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>'s Ambassador to the Imperial Klingon<br />

<strong>Forces</strong> and as the <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>'s Zone Five Coordinator, I ask<br />

that you join me in welcoming the MSS Gre'thor to the <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y are a very active membership within the Imperial Klingon<br />

<strong>Forces</strong>, and I anticipate that they will be anything but unnoticed within the<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>.<br />

------------------------------------<br />

Zone 5 Units:<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> Springfield, MO - MSS Gre'thor<br />

Force Colonel Michael D. Anderson (mIgh sutai SalHov), Commanding Officer<br />


Page 15<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks (ruvmIgh gin'tak SalHov), Executive<br />

Officer<br />

zone5coordinator@juno.com<br />

Flag Chapter for Zone Five.<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> Hutchinson, KS - MFS Lafayette<br />

Rear Admiral Dennis K, Cross, Commanding Officer<br />

CDR Beverly J. Cross, XO<br />

MFS-LAFAYETTE@cox.net<br />

504 W. 13th<br />

Hutchinson, KS. 67501<br />

http://www.members.cox.net/mfs-lafayette/<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> Slater, IA - LP Kiowa<br />

Major Tom Webster<br />

421 Main St.<br />

Slater, IA 50244<br />

515-685-3976<br />

trekfan30@yahoo.com<br />

http://www.geocities.com/mfs_kiowa/<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> Saint Louis, MO: LP Excalibur MCC-74214<br />

Commanding Officer: Captain Jeff Weber<br />

524 Coppinger Dr<br />

Ferguson, Mo 63135<br />

jmweber63135@yahoo.com<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> Springfield, MO - LP Asar<br />

Captain Loretta Parks, Commanding Officer<br />

909 West Elm Street #2<br />

Springfield, Missouri 65806<br />


<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 16<br />

Zone 9<br />

HI Everybody,<br />

Here are some pictures of Bob and I at this last weekend's trail competition<br />

that our horse club puts on twice a year.<br />

It was a success as usual. Every one had a good time and we are really tired.<br />

I was the judge for the 5th (last obstacle) on the course and Bob was the prize<br />

ride official for check point 5.<br />

On Saturday we got to ride the (2 hour-plus) course after it was set up. (We<br />

rode horses that other people brought...not our own).<br />

We had scads of fun and are looking forward to doing it again in the fall.<br />

We were out in the boonies (desert) at the far end of the Horn Rapids area.<br />

Not much out there!<br />

Admiral Mary Kerns<br />

Zone 9 Coordinator<br />

Here comes the<br />

Bob at the Check Point

Page 17<br />

Out in the Boonies!<br />

One of the Riders<br />

A relaxing ride<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Hanging out<br />

Looking Official

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 18<br />

An Awarding Experiance<br />

Awards Dept is moving along nicely. We've just issued a new ribbon type, with a<br />

ribbon to go with it. MFI now allows Campaign Ribbons. Our first international<br />

campaign ribbon is for Operation Pen Pal. As a refresher, the MFMC held a letter<br />

writing campaign for those troops in the mid-east who were not getting any letters.<br />

Since it was opened to MFI as a whole it was decided that this would be an<br />

<strong>International</strong> ribbon. Only those who participated in the Campaign are eligible.<br />

Other than that the Dept has been pretty quiet. We have a few nominations in the<br />

queue, but are holding the names back because some of them (hopefully) will be<br />

awarded at Shore Leave.<br />

Please be sure to visit the Hall of Honor (www.maquis.com/awards/hallofhonor.html)<br />

as it has been recently updated and revised. If there are any corrections, feel free to IM<br />

me or email me at awards@maquis.com.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following are the most recent Ribbon recipients. Congratulations to everyone<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> Achievement Medal<br />

Colonel David Scheffner<br />

Colonel Tanya Femrite<br />

Colonel Kevin D. Brower<br />

Colonel Joe W. Ryan<br />

Colonel Talitha Anderson<br />

Colonel William Osborne<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Robin Wittenberg<br />

Colonel Christina Anderson<br />

Colonel Bill Cole<br />

Colonel Lee V. Schmidt<br />

Colonel Dirk DeJong<br />

Marine Captain Robert Meriwether<br />

Marine Captain Julie Auiler<br />

Major Jennifer Lawrence<br />

Lieutenant Colonel John Hall<br />

Marine Captain David Sanders<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Tim Orr<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Brandon Wilson<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Patti Hobbs<br />

Major James Landolph Junior<br />

Marine Captain James Murray<br />

Colonel George Ordog<br />

Colonel Kevin Ordog<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Amy Hill<br />

Marine Captain Daniel Smith<br />

Marine Captain David Zumwalt<br />

Marine Captain Sue Zumwalt<br />

Marine Captain Mark Culbertson<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Barry Burch<br />

Force Colonel Michael D. Anderson<br />

Major Mike Morell<br />

Major Sandra Wright<br />

Colonel Laura Mitts<br />

Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks<br />

Commodore Samuel Cummings

Page 19<br />

Special Security Division Achievement<br />

Medal<br />

Colonel David Scheffner<br />

Colonel Tanya Femrite<br />

Colonel Kevin D. Brower<br />

Colonel Joe W. Ryan<br />

Colonel Talitha Anderson<br />

Colonel William Osborne<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Robin Wittenberg<br />

Colonel Christina Anderson<br />

Colonel Bill Cole<br />

Colonel Lee V. Schmidt<br />

Colonel Dirk DeJong<br />

Marine Captain Robert Meriwether<br />

Marine Captain Julie Auiler<br />

Major Jennifer Lawrence<br />

Marine Achievement Medal:<br />

Lieutenant Colonel John Hall<br />

Marine Captain David Sanders<br />

Force Colonel Michael D. Anderson<br />

Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks<br />

Military Service<br />

Force Colonel Paul Williams<br />

Major Harold Roehm<br />

Force Colonel Paul Williams<br />

Civilian Service, 2 nd Convention Service<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Lieutenant Colonel Tim Orr<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Brandon Wilson<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Patti Hobbs<br />

Major James Landolph Junior<br />

Marine Captain James Murray<br />

Colonel George Ordog<br />

Colonel Kevin Ordog<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Amy Hill<br />

Marine Captain Daniel Smith<br />

Marine Captain David Zumwalt<br />

Marine Captain Sue Zumwalt<br />

Marine Captain Mark Culbertson<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Barry Burch<br />

Force Colonel Michael D. Anderson<br />

Major Mike Morell<br />

Major Sandra Wright<br />

Colonel Laura Mitts<br />

Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks<br />

Operation PenPal:<br />

Captain Jeff Webber<br />

Lt. j.g. David Armbruster<br />

LnCpl Jackie Sloan<br />

2 nd Lt Ben Goldberg<br />

Cmdr. Lisa Southwell-Collins<br />

FCol Liam Collins<br />

Capt(M) Paul Williams<br />

Capt. Marc Gishvind<br />

<strong>The</strong> Crew of the MFS Resolute<br />

1st Lt Christina Jones<br />

General Christina Doane<br />

FCol John Garner<br />

BGen Logan Andrews

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 20<br />

Book Reviews<br />

Deny Thy Father (ST: <strong>The</strong> Lost Era Series)<br />

I must admit, I wasn't really expecting much from this book, mostly because I<br />

was not a big fan of either Riker characters from Seasons 1 & 2 and because<br />

of how plodding "Well of Souls" was. I was happily surprised by this book! <strong>The</strong><br />

storyline moves well and the characters develop well without getting too much<br />

background at one time (like "Well of Souls").<br />

"Deny Thy Father" has several facets and sub-plots to it. One storyline covers<br />

the lives of Kyle and Will Riker during Will's years at Starfleet Academy, 7<br />

years prior to the launch of the 1701-D. What was the suave and debonair Will<br />

Riker like at the academy? Who were his friends at the academy? Learn what<br />

wedge was driven between Will and his father that left him so bitter. Why did<br />

Kyle Riker disappear from Will's life for three years? How did he come to know<br />

Dr. Kate Pulaski and how do these two seemingly unconnected stories come<br />

together?<br />

Unlike "Well of Souls", "Deny Thy Father" was a very quick and enjoyable<br />

read and, like all the Lost Era books, you'll see characters from TNG, DS9 and<br />

Voyager laced throughout the book.

Page 21<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Catalyst of Sorrows (ST: <strong>The</strong> Lost Era Series)<br />

What do Uhura, Ben Sisko and Tuvok have in common? At one time, they all<br />

worked for Starfleet Intelligence. Admiral Uhura is now head of SFI and has<br />

received some disturbing information from her long time contact on Romulus.<br />

An unknown plague is starting to sweep across the Neutral Zone, heading for<br />

Federation territory. While enlisting the help of an old friend (and my dad<br />

*grin*), Dr. McCoy, and two younger Doctors (Crusher and Selar), she has to<br />

define this antigen and find a cure without alarming the entire Federation. To<br />

investigate the origin of this antigen, she puts an away team together,<br />

comprised of a young Ben Sisko, a Vulcan SFI operative named Tuvok, and<br />

Dr. Selar goes along as their Field Medical Officer, and since they're going into<br />

Romulan territory, a Romulan girl (the executive assistant to Uhura's Romulan<br />

contact).<br />

This book read like a combination of two of my favorite TV shows... CSI and<br />

Navy NCIS. Medical information without getting bogged down in facts,<br />

undercover investigations, with a bit of cloak and dagger thrown in. <strong>The</strong> only<br />

rough part (for me) was recognizing the "flashback" sections of some of the<br />

book (something that translates better on screen). This was a very well done<br />

medical/espionage mystery. Although it wasn't as easy of a read as "Deny Thy<br />

Father", it wasn't too bogged down with background and medical information.<br />

I hope some of you take the time to pick up some of the Lost Era books. Most<br />

of them have been VERY enjoyable to read. <strong>The</strong>re are many series of Trek<br />

books out there and now that I'm finished with Lost Era, I'm looking for<br />

another series to get into. Let's hear what some others are reading!<br />

Rob Johnson, Adm (aka Dr. Robert J McCoy)<br />

Chief of Staff, MFI Dean, MACOM

YN1 Davis recives<br />

his Fleet Reserve<br />

Certificate from CDR<br />

Baily, CO, NRD<br />

Ohio<br />

YN1 Davis receives<br />

his "Shadow Box'"<br />

from LT VonHeone,<br />

Officer Programs<br />

Officer<br />

YN1 Davis<br />

accompanies his wife<br />

as they are "piped<br />

ashore" by his<br />

shipmates<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 22<br />

Force Admiral Retires<br />

from US Navy<br />

On April 22nd 2004, FADM Gary Davis, otherwise known as Yeoman First<br />

Class Gary Davis, United States Navy, retired after 21 years of faithful and<br />

honorable service. <strong>The</strong> Retirement Ceremony was conducted by his<br />

commanding officer, Commander Rhetta Baily at the Military Entrance<br />

Processing Station (MEPS) in Columbus, OH. He was joined by his wife Judy<br />

and his children Jeremy, Christopher, and Daniele. In attendance were his<br />

parents, William and Vicki Davis, brother Matt as well as his in-laws, coworkers<br />

from his last Navy Office and his new office "shipmates" from PMD<br />

Furniture, his current employer in Columbus, Ohio.<br />

His duty stations include basic training at Recruit Training Command in<br />

December of 1983 in Orlando, FL. After graduation he reported to Naval<br />

Training Command in Meridian Mississippi where he received his primary<br />

rating training in administration as a Navy Yeoman. Upon graduation he<br />

reported to the United States Commander in Chief Atlantic in Norfolk, VA. He<br />

served from 1984 to 1987 as Flag Administration for the Director of Joint<br />

Interoperability providing admin, outer office, and flag driver support for two<br />

Marine and one Air Force General Officer.<br />

From 1988 to 1990 he was stationed aboard Patrol Squadron TWENTY-FOUR<br />

(VP-24), the "Batmen", in Jacksonville, FL. He was the Operations Yeoman,<br />

Admin Assistant Leading Petty Officer, Awards Yeoman and Directives<br />

Yeoman. He was deployed to Bermuda and Sigonella Sicily in support of antisubmarine<br />

warfare efforts in the Atlantic theater of operations. During this time<br />

there he was advanced to Second Class Petty Officer through the Command<br />

Advancement Program (CAP).<br />

From 1991 to 1992 he was assigned to the Commander Naval Activities<br />

Jacksonville. He was the Flag Administrative Yeoman and Assistant Leading<br />

Petty Officer. He provided administrative support for the command and<br />

outlying aviation squadrons. He was personally tasked with a major<br />

reorganization presentation when the then Commander Helicopter Wings<br />

Atlantic transitioned to Commander Naval Activities Jacksonville. Along with<br />

the command's Admin Officer, he designed slides, presentation material, and<br />

background material for this major transition briefed to Commander Naval Air<br />

Atlantic. He also devised a new communications system to delivery electronic<br />

message traffic via disc to commands and staff thus saving countless hours<br />

each day. He was named Military Member of the quarter and selected as<br />

Sailor of the Year.<br />

From 1993 to 1994 he was a student at Florida Community College at<br />

Jacksonville after being selected as one of 300 applicants Navy-wide for<br />

participation in the Enlisted Education Advancement Program whereby active

Page 23<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

duty members are detailed to 2 year or 4 year colleges for the pursuit of<br />

Associates or Bachelor Degrees. He studied Computer Information Systems<br />

Analysis and received his Associates Degree in 1994. He made the Dean's<br />

list three times in the two years assigned to the program.<br />

From 1995 to 1998, was stationed aboard USS DOYLE (FFG-39) as Ship's<br />

Secretary, Yeoman Leading Petty Officer, and Awards Yeoman. He was<br />

responsible for the administrative efforts aboard ship and worked directly for<br />

the Commanding and Executive Officers. He was deployed to Persian Gulf in<br />

support of Maritime Interception Operations and the Caribbean for Drug<br />

Interdiction Operations. He had the opportunity to transit both the Panama<br />

and Suez Canals during his time aboard.<br />

He reported to his last command in 1998 until his retirement in 2004 at Navy<br />

Recruiting District, Ohio. Initially assigned to Military Entrance Processing<br />

Station Cleveland, OH first as a military processor, MEPS Liaison Petty<br />

Officer, then eventually the Senior Liaison and the Enlisted Programs<br />

Department Supervisor. He conducted Navy entrance determination<br />

interviews and personally oversaw the shipping of over 6000 men and women<br />

to basic training. He personally trained processors, liaisons and his relief as<br />

Senior Liaison over a three-year period. Efforts significantly contributed to<br />

MEPS Cleveland receiving the award of Region South's runner-up for "Team<br />

of the Year" and NRD Ohio's "MEPS Of the Year". He then transferred to<br />

Officer Program's team as the Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps<br />

(NROTC) Coordinator. Although his first time as a production recruiter, he<br />

finished in top 5 of 31 districts the first year, finishing up at 117% of 4 Year<br />

and 142% Nurse NROTC applications. His second year he finished up again<br />

in top 5 and exceeded 4 Year at 114% and again at 142% for Nurse NROTC<br />

applications.<br />

Over his 21 year career in the Navy his personal awards include the Joint<br />

Service Achievement Medal, four Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medals,<br />

five Good Conduct Medals, two National Service Medals, the Armed <strong>Forces</strong><br />

Expeditionary Medal, six Flag Letters of Commendations and a total of 10<br />

Gold Wreath Letters of Commendation for recruiting excellence. He was also<br />

awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation, two Navy Unit<br />

Commendations, two Overseas Deployment Ribbons, and the Coast Guard<br />

Special Operations Ribbon.<br />

After his retirement, Gary along with his family have purchased a house in his<br />

hometown of Newark, Ohio, and he works as a Administrative Assistant for<br />

PMD Furniture in Columbus, OH.<br />

YN1 Davis and CDR<br />

Baily<br />

YN1 Davis, Mrs.<br />

Davis, and CDR<br />

Baily<br />

YN1 Davis and his<br />

shipmates from the<br />

Officer Programs<br />


<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 24<br />

Charity Events<br />

Race for the Cure<br />

First, photos from our away team to Chicago are located at:<br />

http://www.angelfire.com/trek/tosach/Chicago_trip.htm .<br />

I put them there so that they wouldn't take up so much space on my other<br />

websites. K'moghjIH and Ksimka had an away mission on Saturday, May 8th<br />

where they donated their time to get Pittsburgh, PA prepared for the Pittsburgh<br />

Race For <strong>The</strong> Cure, sponsored by the <strong>The</strong> Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer<br />

Foundation. This Foundation is one of the Charity/Community Service Projects<br />

that the ICV Heghnach and 740th MSG of the USS Inferno have chosen as<br />

their primary project. <strong>The</strong>se two warriors helped out the race by setting up<br />

tents, chairs, and tables. <strong>The</strong>n they proceeded to unloading trucks of<br />

merchandise and supplies. This project lasted 2.5 hours. On May 9th, Chris<br />

Hindman, Ksimka, K'moghjIH, and David Ferber worked the day of the race.<br />

K'moghjIH, David and Chris were Course Marshals that provided crowd control<br />

for the event. Ksimka worked in the registration booth. <strong>The</strong> 5K Race/Walk and<br />

Fun Walk had well over 38,000 participants and well over 2200 breast cancer<br />

survivors participating. This project took 5 hours. Photos and official report are<br />

attached.<br />

Qapla!<br />

K'moghjIH (Pronounced "Ka-MOE-JEE")(Larry D. French, Sr.)<br />

Scouting For Food<br />

I have been coordinating the Scouting For Food project at my job the<br />

entire month of April. It is a standard community service project that I do every<br />

year. <strong>The</strong> project got started late and then I was out of town for a week, so<br />

I, personally, have not collected many items so far. Most of my coworkers wait<br />

until the end to donate anyway.

Page 25<br />


(I want those tabs ASAP!)<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> House Ki'RK pop tab collection for charity is going well. I, as Commander<br />

of the ICV Heghnach, ask that if you are not collecting these pop tabs, please<br />

start. Send them to the XO or I so that we can turn them into the Empire<br />

Quadrant Commander on behalf of this crew, so that we can increase this<br />

fundraising effort. If we spread the word that we are doing this, we could<br />

easily increase the amount that the House Ki'RK raises. <strong>The</strong> Challenge has<br />

been issued by Quadrant Commander K'Hergh for each quadrant to collect as<br />

many tabs as possible. K'Hergh and I would like to see the Ohio-PA Quadrant<br />

reign supreme in the amount of tabs collected. K'Hergh wants all tabs turned<br />

into him by Klingon Year Games in July.<br />

According to the Ronald McDonald House, "one pound of pop tabs is worth<br />

$.04 more than one pound of pop cans. Depending on the present value of<br />

aluminum, the value from pop tabs averages 50 cents to 55 cents per pound.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are approximately 1,300 tabs in a pound. <strong>The</strong> Ronald McDonald House<br />

currently raises $500 a month from the recycling of pop tabs. This amount<br />

could easily double or triple if everyone who reads this article starts to<br />

recycle."<br />


<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 26<br />

Technological Advances<br />

WiFi: <strong>The</strong> Wireless Internet<br />

You've probably all heard about wireless home networking and seen the<br />

commercials about Intel's wireless technology being incorporated into the new<br />

notebook/laptop computers. You may say to yourself "I don't network. Why<br />

should this impress me?". Well, if you live in a metropolitan area and frequent<br />

certain coffee houses or malls, having a wireless network card could gain you<br />

access to the World Wide Web anywhere in town.<br />

More and more areas are going "WiFi" compatible. Cafes, coffee houses,<br />

campgrounds, nationwide truck-stops and hotels are all signing up with one of<br />

the new WiFi networks and selling access on an hourly, daily, weekly and<br />

monthly basis. For those who travel on a regular basis (contractors, engineers,<br />

truckers, etc.), they can now subscribe to one of these networks and log on<br />

wherever they find a "Hot Spot" provider around the country. Some towns are<br />

said to be wiring every downtown lamp post as a WiFi antenna for people who<br />

need to log on during their lunch hour, but like to eat lunch outdoors.<br />

Some of the organizations I've found so far this summer are: <strong>The</strong> KOA<br />

Campground Network, Flying J Truck/Travel stops and Best Parks In America<br />

Camping Network. I'm sure there are many more already out there and more<br />

are sure to be popping up over the next year or so.<br />

What do you need to link into the WiFi craze? Nothing more than an 802.11b,<br />

or an 802.11g wireless networking card, the same used in a home wireless<br />

network system, a subscriber's name & password, the same as any internet<br />

subscription and (possibly) a "handshake" software routine (supplied by the<br />

network provider).<br />

If you do a lot of traveling for your job, are on the road a lot, or just want to be<br />

able to log on while on vacation, check into WiFi. It may be the solution you<br />

were looking for when you need to keep in touch.<br />

Rob Johnson, Adm (aka Dr. Robert J McCoy)<br />

Chief of Staff, MFI Dean, MACOM

Page 27<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

You may see Admiral Rob Johnson's article elsewhere in this newsletter, and I'd<br />

like to expand on his article with such a good prospect. Before I get too far<br />

into this, I'll warn you all, I'm bias. In my off time, I work as a<br />

contractor for Intel, and I get my fair share of exposure there.<br />

My first real exposure to wireless was in downtown Portland, Oregon at an<br />

internet cafe called Backspace ( www.backspace.bz ) where they advertised "Free<br />

Wireless Internet" on a big whiteboard behind the counter. Of course they sold<br />

coffee and even time playing games on their machines. But this was my first<br />

real encounter, and opened my eyes to look out for others.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many places that are opening up, giving out free wireless. I went for<br />

Ribbs at Hot Daddy's BBQ in SE Portland the other day, there were three...<br />

count them one, two, three differen't choices of free wireless networks I could<br />

connect to run by local businesses.<br />

On another day, catch a bus, go to a Bar to hear some soft blues from my<br />

friend's dad's big blues band, and what do I see on the front of the bar, but<br />

"Free Wireless Internet" a quick boot of my laptop inside proves this true.<br />

In addition to businesses running wireless, I've seen neighbors sharing their<br />

broadband connection via wireless. If you do this, and try to track them down<br />

and ask them as a courtesy before borrowing their internet. I have been known<br />

to do this on a limited basis, if I'm somewhere and need to check something<br />

real quick, I don't hesistate.<br />

Now if you are setting up an wireless access point, please make sure you get your<br />

local techie to secure your access point. Although if you want to provide this<br />

service to the community, that's fine. Though be aware, sometimes there can be<br />

legal troubles if someone uses your connection for something illegal. If<br />

someone does use your connection for illegal usage, remember you are<br />

effectively an ISP, there are clauses in the DMCA (Digital Media Copyright Act,<br />

What RIAA is using to prosecute file sharers) that protect you, be sure to get<br />

a good lawyer, and you'll be fine. For most people however, you'll want to be<br />

able to control that access. That's fine, if you don't keep any records, the<br />

RIAA can't subpeona them from you.<br />

Moving on to the actualities of wireless, WiFi which is one of the most common<br />

versions of wireless, has three different standards that they go by: 802.11a,<br />

802.11b, 802.11g. <strong>The</strong> reason they have these names is because those are the tags<br />

used to identify their standards specification. This is a specification that<br />

engineers have agreed on, and is what keeps one company from taking all the<br />

profits from it. For you as a consumer, that is very good, that means that if a<br />

company goes out of business, there are fifty others that make compatible<br />

products, so your Intel Wireless Access Point works with the Netgear Wireless<br />

card you installed in your PC, or whatever setup you do choose.<br />

As for the history of wireless, as Admiral Johnson originally asked me to<br />


<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 28<br />

I was unable to find much of it. So you'll have to wait until I can find more<br />

on that. For your benefit, I have put down the pros and cons below of each<br />

standard of wireless, even though 802.11g sort of beats them all.<br />

802.11a - Speed: 54mbps - Security Features: None - Frequency Range: 5 Ghz<br />

This wireless has a decent throughput, even good for you gamers, but it has a<br />

couple major flaws. First it is the most expensive of wireless options. Also,<br />

it is rather short range, indoors depending upon the material of the house;<br />

often is between 25-75 feet.<br />

802.11b - Speed: 11mbps - Security Features: WEP - Frequency Range: 2.4Ghz<br />

802.11b is not as fast and A-type wireless, in fact it is about one fifth as<br />

fast, which really is fast enough for most people. This goes for you gamers as<br />

well, 11 mbps really is fast enough for you all. As a side note, over a cable<br />

modem you can typically get a maximum of 5 mbps, but lower speeds are quite<br />

common. B-type wireless also has the advantage of an increased range, which<br />

generally is from 100-150 feet. Also, B-type wireless is the most inexpensive<br />

type of wireless, and has encryption so the transmissions between your computer<br />

and the access point have some security. This type of wireless has no real<br />

downsides (other than its speed, which is minor), and is widely adopted in<br />

various public “hot spots”. Other than the decreased speed B-type wireless has<br />

one additional downside, some other wireless devices broadcast on the same<br />

frequency range. This can cause interference with devices like cordless<br />

phones.<br />

802.11g - Speed: 54mbps - Security Features: WEP - Frequency Range: 2.4Ghz<br />

G-type wireless is a very good choice for someone wanting to have wireless in<br />

their home or business. This type is as fast as A-type (54 Mbps), and has the<br />

range of B-type (100-150 ft). Its not as expensive as A-type wireless, but cost<br />

a bit more than B-type. Most importantly, however, G-type wireless interpolates<br />

with B-type networks. G-type has not hit public “hot spots” for the most part<br />

as of yet, but it is expected to soon. <strong>The</strong> only real downside of this type of<br />

wireless is that is broadcasts on the 2.4Ghz frequency range, so that it<br />

suffers from the same interference problem as B-type. It should be noted that<br />

not all people suffer from this problem while using wireless (either B type or<br />

G type).<br />

(note: most of this information can also be found at<br />

http://www.linksys.com/products/wirelessstandards.asp or is the opinion of the<br />

authors)<br />

Regards,<br />

Rear Admiral Will Robertson<br />

MFI Chief of Computer Operations<br />

wrobertson@maquis.com<br />

Steven Cottingham<br />

“Hired Gun” for Admiral Robertson

Page 29<br />

Funny Pages<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Reasons Why Captain Janeway Is Better Than Captain<br />

Picard<br />

• One word: hair<br />

• Drinks coffee, not that sissy "Earl Grey" stuff.<br />

• Beams down to the planet like real Captains should.<br />

• Mutes the doctor when the doctor gets out of line.<br />

• Commanded ships blown up: Picard: 2 Janeway: 0<br />

• Voyager needs a female Captain. Its Captain must be willing to<br />

admit they're lost and pull over for directions.<br />

• Picard likes to talk his way through. Janeway likes to punch her<br />

way through.<br />

• Looks better in sleepwear.<br />

• When Janeway lands her ship, it can take off again.<br />

• Janeway says "I don't like you!" to her enemies instead of trying to<br />

convince them to behave better.<br />

• Janeway has a First Officer with a tattoo.<br />

• Three words: Compression Phaser Rifles.<br />

• Acknowledges freely when she breaks the Prime Directive instead<br />

of trying to weasel her way out of it with philosophical ramblings.<br />

• Janeway has never worn green tights and frolicked about in<br />

Sherwood Forest. However, if she did, she would look fantastic!<br />

• Kirk looked good in ripped shirts; Picard looked good without a<br />

shirt; Janeway would look... no, they can't do that on network<br />

television.<br />

• Slouches in her chair even in critical life-threatening moments.<br />

• Her telepath only lives nine years.<br />

• Janeway heard the words "boldly go where no man (er, woman)<br />

has gone before" and took them to the extreme.<br />

• Picard tells alien cultures, "I hope our two cultures will one day<br />

come to a greater understanding." Janeway threatens them with<br />

"the deadliest of force".<br />

• Maintains an elaborate hairdo that would baffle even Princess Leia.<br />

• Has mastered facial expression understood by all to mean, "Boy,<br />

Paris, are YOU ever stupid."<br />

• Has a more manly voice.<br />

• Has a dog and a significant other, not some damn fish!<br />

• Her CONN officer actually went through the Academy.<br />

• Q asked Janeway to run away with him and she refused. Q asked<br />

Picard's girlfriend to run away with him and she accepted.

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 30<br />

Shore Leave 26<br />

MFI <strong>International</strong> Conference<br />

Greetings, fellow rebels. Shore Leave 26t is rapidly shaping up to be our<br />

biggest event internationally...or at least on the East side of the Mississippi.<br />

First off, of course, is our Annual <strong>International</strong> Conference. This year we<br />

SHOULD be graced by FAdm Gary Davis, the <strong>International</strong> Coordinator (hmm,<br />

where have I heard that one before). In addition, the MFMC Commandant and<br />

myself will also be putting in our annual appearances. Plus our newly<br />

appointed VIC, Adm Laura Goody has recently confirmed her attendance. Add<br />

in our talented Chief of CompOps as well as a couple of ships that have<br />

already confirmed and you have the makings for a great year for MFI at the ol'<br />

Con.<br />

This year as well we will be having a recruiting table! We will have a computer<br />

set up available to process applications and run a presentation on MFI. We<br />

have plans to create Membership cards at the convention for all attending<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong>, and for those joining.<br />

We are also working with the Convention Committee to get a <strong>Maquis</strong> guest as<br />

the Klingons have worked with in the past to get Klingon guests there every<br />

year. Regardless of a star there is also the idea of holding a charity raffle, so<br />

any items donated to this cause will be greatly appreciated. Please contact me<br />

off list for directions on how to donate items. I could really use someone to<br />

spearhead this project as I already have so much on my plate.<br />

An excellent convention to be sure. Shore Leave 26 runs from Friday, July 9<br />

until Sunday July 11. Details and guests can be found at http://www.shoreleave.com<br />

Please be sure to visit the site at least once a month as the guest list will be<br />

constantly updated. Below is the current listing, but that can change at any<br />

time.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are several hotels in the immediate area. <strong>The</strong> Con Hotel is SOLD OUT.<br />

If you are in need of a roommate, email me off list and I will work on a list. My<br />

first recommendation is for the Embassy Suites across the street. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

rooms that can sleep 6 before you start looking at floors and a free FULL<br />

breakfast every morning. By full, I mean cereal, eggs, bacon, waffles and/or<br />

pancakes, hashbrowns and much more.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are only 6 berthing spaces left so if you want in you have to move fast.<br />

Priority will be given to those who confirm as opposed to saying "maybe".<br />

Finally we do need people to work the recruiting table, so if you plan to attend<br />

and have not already done so then contact off list and volunteer and we'll<br />

place you on the schedule.<br />

One last note, as there are three things that you could be contacting me off list<br />

for, make sure you place the appropriate item in the subject line so that the<br />

filters don't eliminate your message. MAQUIS FOREVER!<br />

BGen. Logan Andrews<br />

Commanding Officer, MFS Trinity (trinityco@maquis.com)<br />

Commander, MFI Special <strong>Forces</strong> (specops@maquis.com)<br />

Director, MFI Awards Dept. (awards@maquis.com)

Page 31<br />

Cirroc Lofton -<br />

Jake Sisko in<br />

ST:DS9<br />

Brian<br />

Thompson - Lt.<br />

Klag in TNG,<br />

Alien Bounty<br />

Hunter in X-<br />

Files, other roles<br />

in DS9 and<br />

Buffy<br />

Chase Masterson<br />

ST:DS9's Leeta<br />

Nicole deBoer -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dead Zone's<br />

Sarah<br />

Bannerman;<br />

Deep Space<br />

Nine's Ezri Dax;<br />

Other roles in<br />

Tek Wars and<br />

Forever Knight<br />

Michael Welch -<br />

Joan of Arcadia's<br />

Luke Giardi;<br />

Artim in ST:<br />

Insurrection;<br />

O'Neill's clone in<br />

Stargate SG-1<br />

Clint Howard -<br />

Balok in TOS,<br />

Ferengi in<br />

Enterprise, other<br />

roles in DS9<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Mercedes<br />

McNab Buffy<br />

and Angel's<br />

Harmony<br />

Kendall<br />

Thom<br />

Christopher -<br />

Hawk in Buck<br />

Rogers Carlo<br />

Hesser in One<br />

Life to Live<br />

Also with us this year are the following artists, authors, scientists, and<br />

other special guests:<br />

Lucy Albert, Ilsa J. Bick, Charles Blue, Kirk Borne, Kelly Cairo , John<br />

Coffren, Greg Cox, Ann C. Crispin, Peter David, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Kevin<br />

Dilmore, Michael Jan Friedman, Dave Galanter, Christian Grainger, Robert<br />

Greenberger, Helen Hart, Glenn Hauman, Heather Jarman, Robert T. Jeschonek,<br />

Jim Johnson, Kevin Killiany, Jeffrey Lang, Kevin Lauderdale, Gerri Leen,<br />

David Mack, Stephen Maran, Susan McCrackin, Terri Osborne, Marco Palmieri,<br />

S.D. Perry, Roberta Rogow, Lawrence Schoen, Josepha Sherman, Susan Shwartz,<br />

Amy Sisson, Frank Summers, Kevin G. Summers, Ray Villard, Dayton Ward,<br />

Howard Weinstein, Joan Winston, Susan Wright, Norbert Zacharias<br />

Teryl Rothery<br />

Stargate SG-1's<br />

Dr. Fraiser; Other<br />

roles in X-Files<br />

and Dragon Ball<br />

Z<br />

Greg Evigan - Tek<br />

Wars' Jake<br />

Cardigan; My<br />

Two Dads' Joey<br />

Harris;BJ and the<br />

Bear's BJ McKay

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 32<br />

Day of Honor<br />

Klingon Days of Honor<br />

Saturday, March 20th, 2004; 2:00pm, Fassnight Park, Springfield, Missouri:<br />

Several members of the Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>' Anpu Attack Wing, guests of<br />

the Anpu Attack Wing membership, attended the event, including FCOL<br />

Michael D. Anderson (mIgh sutai-SalHov) Commander of the Anpu Attack<br />

Wing, Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong> and Commanding Officer of the LP Gre'thor,<br />

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>. Also attending was FCapt Charles Thomas<br />

Parks (ruvmIgh gin'tak SalHov), the Zone Five Coordinator, Commanding<br />

Officer of the RN Asar, Dean of the Law College (MFIA) and the <strong>Maquis</strong><br />

<strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong>'s Ambassador to the Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event began with some padded bat'leth training and the rules of padded<br />

bat'leth competition. Mike served as instructor and mediator of the training.<br />

After proper instruction in the use of the bat'leth, several members of the Anpu<br />

Attack Wing, as well as the Ambassador engaged in some bat'leth<br />

competition.<br />

Mike and Charles had a total of 22 matches, with Mike victorious in all but<br />

three. Mike also competed against Kevin (Commanding Officer of the I.K.V.<br />

Heru's Vengeance, Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>) winning three out of three<br />

matches, Bill (Commanding Officer of the I.K.V. Sutekh's Bloody Wrath,<br />

Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>), winning one out of one match, and Mike S., AKA<br />

Chris, (Commanding Officer of the I.K.V. Jolly Ra, Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>)<br />

winning one out of one match.<br />

Charles competed against other members of the Anpu Attack Wing and was<br />

victorious at total of five times. Chris had a total of two victories.<br />

Black Hearts were awarded to Mike, Charles, Chris and Kevin for injuries<br />

sustained in competition to areas consider to be vital, and Mike and Charles<br />

also received Purple Hearts for injuries sustained to less vital areas.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was one competition between Mike and a non-member of either group,<br />

which resulted in a knee injury to Mike, an incident report has been filed on<br />

this injury as it did require medical attention, however, Mike earned the Red<br />

Tri-foil for his skills and courage in battle.<br />

Dillon (Executive Officer of the Bes' Revenge, Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>) did not<br />

participate in a competitive match, but did learn some of the maneuvers and<br />

safety precautions of the bat'leth, as did Angie (guest of Kevin).<br />

Chris and Heidi (Commanding and Executive Officers of the I.K.V. Jolly Ra,<br />

Imperial Klingon <strong>Forces</strong>) provided food items such as hamburgers, chips,<br />

potato salad, and drinks; Bill also provided food items of hamburgers; Charles

Page 33<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

provided the charcoal and Mike provided the music entertainment (a collection<br />

of Pirate Songs) for the event.<br />

Following lunch, Charles was inducted to the House SalHov as ruvmIgh gin'tak<br />

SalHov in the R'uustai (Klingon Bonding Ritual). Kevin, serving in his role as<br />

proctor of the House SalHov, presided over the ceremony, while Charles and<br />

Mike (head of the house) became brothers, formally making Charles a<br />

member of the House SalHov, utilizing a modified version of this script:<br />

Saturday, March 20th, 2004, 2:00pm<br />

Fassnight Park, Springfield, MO<br />

R`uustai (Klingon Bonding Ritual)<br />

Props:<br />

3 Klingon Warrior Sashes<br />

3 Candles (2 identical, 1 different)<br />

2 Incense Sticks (1 Anpu, 1 Asar)<br />

1 Lighter (or book of matches)<br />

1 Klingon Knife<br />

1 Cord<br />

2 Ketchup packets (optional)<br />

Begin:<br />

Kevin standing center, Mike to Kevin's right and Charles to Kevin's left.<br />

Kevin, Mike and Charles in Klingon Warrior Sashes.<br />

Kevin: (from center position, facing forward): Members of the House SalHov,<br />

other Klingon warriors and honored guest, gather around for the R`uustai.<br />

Mike: (standing to Kevin's right, facing the guest): I am mIgh sutai-SalHov,<br />

head of the Klingon House SalHov. <strong>The</strong> R`uustai is a solemn ceremony in<br />

which two individuals bond together to become brothers or sisters.<br />

Charles: (standing to Kevin's left, facing Mike, and silent).<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ceremony:<br />

(Kevin, facing the guest. Mike faces Charles. Charles faces Mike).<br />

Mike: (facing Charles): Are you willing to take your Klingon name and become<br />

a member of the House SalHov?<br />

Charles: (facing Mike): My heart burns as a Klingon. I will serve as advisor to<br />

you and your House. <strong>The</strong> House SalHov is of Great Honor. Qapla`!

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 34<br />

Mike: (facing Kevin): As proctor of the House SalHov, are you willing to join<br />

me in accepting this petition?<br />

Kevin: (facing Mike): He has claimed that his heart burns as a Klingon. He<br />

honors our House within the <strong>Maquis</strong>. Qapla`!<br />

Mike: (facing guest, placing his hand on Charles' shoulder): From this day<br />

forward, he shall be known by this House and the Empire as ruvmIgh gin`tak<br />

SalHov. Let his name be spoken.<br />

Charles: (facing guest): I am ruvmIgh gin`tak SalHov.<br />

Mike/Charles: (face Kevin).<br />

Kevin: (facing the center, lights the different candle): This fire represents the<br />

burning within the hearts of all Klingon warriors of the House SalHov. Our<br />

House is a glorious and honorable House. By lighting your candle you<br />

acknowledge your loyalty to the House SalHov.<br />

Mike: (lighting his candle from Kevin's, then facing Charles): Lighting this<br />

candle represents my honor and loyalty to my House. By lighting your candle,<br />

you pledge your honor and loyalty to the House SalHov.<br />

Charles: (lighting his candle from Kevin's, then facing Mike): <strong>The</strong> House<br />

SalHov shall have my honor and loyalty.<br />

Mike/Charles: (light incense, Mike Anpu and Charles Asar, then blow out their<br />

candles, and set them aside).<br />

Kevin: (blows out his candle once both incense are lit and then sets candle<br />

aside).<br />

Mike: (facing Charles): As the smoke from our incense merges as one, let it<br />

represent our bonding as one family.<br />

Charles: (facing Mike): One family.<br />

Mike/Charles: (set burning incense aside).<br />

Kevin: (pick up Klingon Knife).<br />

Kevin: (holding the Knife and facing the guest): As the incense merges to<br />

become one, so shall they. With the joining of your blood, you become<br />

brothers.<br />

Mike: (grasping the blade with his right hand): I mIgh sutai-SalHov declare that<br />

ruvmIgh gin`tak SalHov is my brother.

Page 35<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Charles: (grasping the blade with his right hand): I ruvmIgh gin`tak SalHov<br />

declare that mIgh sutai-SalHov is my brother.<br />

Mike/Charles: (face each other and grasp right hands, ketchup to signify blood<br />

optional).<br />

Kevin: (set Knife aside and pick up cord, then bind their grasped hands): mIgh<br />

sutai-SalHov and ruvmIgh gin`tak SalHov are brothers.<br />

Mike: (facing Charles still bound): My mother is now your mother. As of this<br />

day, you are a member of an honorable heritage and proud family.<br />

Charles: (facing Mike still bound): Being your brother and a member of you<br />

House has done my mother proud.<br />

Kevin: (unbind the hands of Mike and Charles).<br />

Mike, Kevin, and Charles: (face guest).<br />

Mike: (facing the guest): Members of the House SalHov, welcome our brother<br />

ruvmIgh gin`tak SalHov.<br />

(Greetings and welcome from House SalHov family members and other<br />

guest).<br />

End of Ceremony:<br />

Charles Thomas Parks (ruvmIgh gin'tak SalHov)<br />

MFI Zone Five-Coordinator/Commanding Officer LP Asar<br />

Dean, Law College, MFIA<br />

MFI Ambassador to the IKF

Mike, Bill, Charles,<br />

Heidi, Angie and<br />

Kevin<br />

Kevin and Mike<br />

engaged in<br />

competition.<br />

Bill and Chris ready<br />

the pit for cooking<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 36<br />

Charles and Mike in<br />

bat’leth competition Mike teaches Angie<br />

some bat’leth<br />

maneuvers.<br />

Charles and Chris go<br />

into competition<br />

Bill checks to see if<br />

the meat is cooking<br />

Charles looking for a<br />

rematch with Mike<br />

Bill looks on to a<br />

bat’leth competition<br />

wondering if the<br />

looser will need that<br />

burger<br />

Dillon learns some<br />

basic blocks from<br />

Mike<br />

Mike looking for his<br />

next victim<br />

Mike, Kevin and<br />

Angie discussing if<br />

they were ready to<br />


Page 37<br />

Mike, Kevin and<br />

Charles prepare for<br />

the R’uustai<br />

Charles proclaims his<br />

honor and loyalty to<br />

the House SalHov<br />

Mike and Charles<br />

being bound by<br />

Kevin<br />

Mike and Kevin<br />

discuss if Charles is to<br />

be accepted to the<br />

House SalHov<br />

Mike pledging his loyalty<br />

and honor to House SalHov<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Mike calls Charles<br />

by his Klingon<br />

Name: ruvmIgh<br />

gin’tak SalHov<br />

Mike and Charles declare each other<br />

brothers and mIgh sutai-SalHov and<br />

ruvmIgh gin’tak SalHov<br />

Charles prepares to<br />

become the brother of<br />

Mike in blood<br />

Kevin prepares the<br />

candle of the House<br />

SalHov<br />

Mike prepares to<br />

accept Charles as his<br />

brother<br />

Mike addresses the members<br />

of House SalHov and other<br />

guest and asks them to<br />

welcome their new brother

<strong>Badlands</strong> Page 38<br />

Tales of the Computer Cave<br />

Well, it's that time again, another two months have passed. We over here at<br />

CompOps have been sufficiently distracted. Admiral Laura Casey and Rear<br />

Admiral Will Robertson met in Portland, OR with many of Will's local friends.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crew included, Rev. Nate Conner, our fine organizer, Ethan Berleman, the<br />

local pub master, Chris Connor, the man who Laura describes as the "Crazy<br />

Intellectual" and also Will's best friend, and last but note least Nadia, Chris'<br />

Girlfriend, and local head with sense.<br />

<strong>The</strong> party went into the wee hours at Sam's Billiards with many "Scooby<br />

Snacks" and more than one pitcher of beer consumed. We had a great time,<br />

and with Ethan taking a quick sabbatical to pay a visit to the Moon and<br />

Sixpence, we stumbled up the hill to Will's place where all crashed merrily on<br />

any available (sometimes) soft surface.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next morning, Laura was given a small tour of the city, including a view of<br />

the only basketball court we know of, sitting inside of an dormant volcano's<br />

crater. Lasting into Sunday evening, was Easter Dinner, unfortunately Laura<br />

could not stay, as she had to be back home by Monday morning. However,<br />

we still managed to have fun, if you can believe that, with a good glass of<br />

water, and a very nice dinner courtesy of Janet Jump.<br />

Regards,<br />

Rear Admiral Will Robertson<br />

MFI Chief of Computer Operations<br />

wrobertson@maquis.com<br />

Will foreground.. Laura<br />

background<br />

Will at the laptop

Page 39<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong><br />

Laura Will again...<br />

Nate...<br />

(Starting left) Ethan, Chris,<br />

Nadia<br />

Ethan and Nate raiding will's<br />

computer<br />

Ethan<br />

Ethan Elbow, Chris, Nadia,<br />

Nate half

<strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong><br />

c/o:<br />

Vol 4 Issue 1<br />

April-May Edition<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong> Staff<br />

Editor in Chief - Will Robertson<br />

Articles Editor - Rachel Berlimen<br />

Layout - Logan Andrews<br />

Asst Layout - David Breland<br />

Reporter - Hunter Cage<br />

Graphics - Ben Kokochak, Hunter<br />

Cage<br />

Place<br />

Postage<br />

Here<br />

<strong>Badlands</strong> and it's layout is ©2004 <strong>Maquis</strong> <strong>Forces</strong> <strong>International</strong> (MFI) and all articles and graphics within are copyright to their<br />

creators. <strong>Badlands</strong> and MFI are not for profit fan organizations. Star Trek, in its various forms, is a trademark of Paramount<br />

Pictures Corporation registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This publication is in no way affiliated with<br />

or authorized by Paramount Pictures. Certain graphical images featured at this site are based on elements from Star Trek<br />

and remain the property of their respective copyright holders.

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