The Skunk River Review - DMACC

The Skunk River Review - DMACC

The Skunk River Review - DMACC


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<strong>The</strong> Measure of a Friend<br />

Everybody has memories of special friends in his/her life; many of mine happen to be of<br />

the four-legged variety. My special friends were always there for me when I needed them and<br />

could always make me feel better. Although there have been many companions over the years,<br />

there are those few who stand out in my memory and always will. Unfortunately, special friends<br />

cannot stay with us forever; nonetheless, I have no doubt that I will always keep in my heart he<br />

memories of Mitzi, Chipper Kealy Cat and Izzy.<br />

I have so many memories about Mitzi; after all, she was my first dog. We had her for<br />

as long as I can remember. She was nearly all black with a little bit of white on her<br />

chest and was a rather small dog; however, she had a big and very brave heart. One<br />

of the things that I remember most about Mitzi is how protective she was. Everyone<br />

got a kick out of how she would react when our dad would get mad at one of us.<br />

Now and then he would tease Mitzi by pretending that he was going to spank one of<br />

us. However, as one might imagine, this did not go over so well with her. She<br />

would growl, bark and even try to sometimes bite him. Mitzi, who was with us until<br />

she was about 14, was always a faithful friend, but like all good friends we had to say<br />

good-bye to her.<br />

A few years before we had to say good-bye to Mitzi, I was lucky enough to find Chipper;<br />

she was a beautiful six-month-old German Shepherd/Collie mix. I was outside in the front yard<br />

when I first saw her wandering around across the street; she almost had been hit by a car. We had<br />

an immediate connection, and I knew she was meant to be a part of our family.<br />

Unfortunately, getting our dad to realize this was a completely different matter. Our<br />

mom, however, was very helpful. In fact, she helped us hide Chipper in the backyard for a couple<br />

days, just until our dad could be convinced she should be our dog. Once we had taken care of that<br />

little problem, Chipper fit right in, and with a little help from Mitzi, she learned all the rules of the<br />

house. Finding her that day was a gift, and one that we never took for granted. Chipper was about<br />

thirteen years old when we found out that she had cancer. Since my mom did not want to see her<br />

suffer, we all gave her a kiss and said good-bye to our beautiful girl.<br />

Growing up, we had many family pets, but when I was about twelve years old my mom<br />

took me out to the Animal Rescue League when I met Kealy Cat. He wasn’t even old enough to<br />

be away from his mother yet. He was so tiny that all you could see was the tip of his little black<br />

tail sticking out over the top of the litter box. Kealy came home with met hat day, and for the first<br />

time I had a kitty that was all mine. In the beginning, he was a little black ball of pure energy,<br />


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