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SILVAN EVANS: Dictionary of the Welsh Language (Geiriadur Cymraeg), by D. Silvan Evans (Carmarthen, 1888-), 387, 431, 539, 580,<br />

620, 621.<br />

" : Y Brython, a periodical in Welsh for Welsh antiquities and folklore, edited by the Rev. D. S. Evans, and published by Robert<br />

Isaac Jones at Tremadoc (in quarto for 1858 and 1859, in octavo for 1860-2), 40, 73, 86, 98, 34, 137, 141, 151-5, 158-60, 202, 321, 413,<br />

442, 456, 464, 470, 481, 690.<br />

p. xxx<br />

" : Ystên Sioned, by D. Silvan Evans (Aberystwyth, 1882), 271-3.<br />

SIMROCK: Die Edda, die ältere und jüngere, nebst den mythischen Erzählungen der Skalda, translated and explained by Karl Simrock<br />

(Stuttgart, 1855), 652.<br />

SINCLAIR: The Statistical Account of Scotland, drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes, by Sir John<br />

Sinclair (Edinburgh, 1794), 310.<br />

SKENE: Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots, and other Memorials of Scottish History, edited by Win. F. Skene (Edinburgh,<br />

1867), 374.<br />

SKENE: The Four Ancient Books of Wales, by Wm. F. Skene (Edinburgh, 1868) [vol. ii contains, besides notes and illustrations, the. text<br />

of the Black Book of Carmarthen, 3-61; the Book of Aneurin, 62-107; the Book of Taliessin, 108-217; and some of the poetry in the Red<br />

Book of Hergest, 218-308. These four texts are to be found translated in Vol. i], 226, 233, 269, 281, 387, 442, 541, 543, 550, 614-7.<br />

South Wales Daily News (Duncan, Cardiff), 376.<br />

SOUTHEY: Madoc, a poem by Robert Southey (London, 1815), 169, 171.<br />

SPEED: The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, by John Speed [not Speede] (London, 1611), 208.<br />

STEINMEYER: Die althochdeutschen Glossen, collected and elaborated by Elias Steinmeyer and Eduard Sievers (Berlin, 1879-98), 683.<br />

STENGEL: Li Romans de Durmart le Galois, altfranzösisches Rittergedicht, published for the first time by Edmund Stengel (Tübingen,<br />

1873), 438.<br />

STEPHENS: The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd, with an English translation and copious notes, by Thomas Stephens; edited by<br />

Professor Powel, and printed for the Cymmrodorion Society (London, 1888), 310, 543, 647.<br />

STEVENSON: The Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries, edited by J. H. Stevenson (Edinburgh, 1886-), 693.<br />

STOKES: Cormac's Glossary: see CORMAC.<br />

" : Goidelica, Old and Early-Middle-Irish Glosses, Prose and Verse, edited by Whitley Stokes (2nd ed., London, 1872), 295, 374.<br />

" : Irische Texte mit Uebersetzungen und Wörterbuch, edited by Whitley Stokes and E. Windisch (3rd series, Leipsic, 1891), 631.<br />

" : The Tripartite Life of Patrick, edited, with translations and indexes, by Whitley Stokes (Rolls Series, London, 1887), 535.<br />

" : Urkeltischer Sprachschatz von Whitley Stokes, übersetzt, überarbeitet und herausgegeben von Adalbert Bezzenberger, forming<br />

the second part of the fourth edition of Fick's Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der indogermanischen Sprachen (Gottingen, 1894), 671.<br />

p. xxxi<br />

<strong>Title</strong> <strong>Page</strong><br />

STRABO: Strabonis Geografihica recognovit Augustus Meineke STRABO: Strabonis Geographica recognovit Augustus Meineke<br />

(Leipsic, 1852-3), 654.<br />

STURLÆUS: Edda Snorrunis Sturlæi (Copenhagen, 1848), 652.<br />

TACITUS: Cornelii Taciti de Origine et Situ Germanorum Liber, edited by Alfred Holder (Freiburg i. B., and Tübingen, 1882), 271.<br />

Taliesin, a Welsh periodical published at Ruthin in 1859-60, 135-7, 269.<br />

TALIESSIN: The Book of Taliessin (see SKENE), 550, 614-7.<br />

TEGID: Gwaith Barddonol y diweddar barch. John Jones 'Tegid' [also called Joan Tegid], edited by the Rev. Henry Roberts (Llandovery,<br />

1859), 445.<br />

TRIADS: [The so-called Historical Triads, referred to in this volume, are to be found in the Myvyrian Archaiology (London, 1801), series<br />

i and ii in vol. ii, 1-22, and (the later) series iii in the same vol., 57-80. In the single-volume edition of the Myvyrian (Denbigh, 1870), they<br />

occupy continuously pp. 388-444. Series ii comes from the Red Book of Hergest, and will be found also in the volume of the Oxford<br />

Mabinogion, pp. 297-309], 170, 281, 326, 382, 429-31, 433, 441, 443-5, 498, 500, 501, 503-9, 565, 569.<br />

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