June 1989 - Philippine Defenders Main

June 1989 - Philippine Defenders Main

June 1989 - Philippine Defenders Main


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•<br />

REVIEW<br />

(Continued from Fags 1)<br />

The Executive Board meeting was held<br />

Thursday. The general business meeting was<br />

held Friday to conduct the business of the organiution<br />

and thee1ection of new officers for<br />

the next year.<br />

Friday evening was given to the banquet<br />

at which time we honor the Gold Star<br />

Mothers and our nurses. The toastmaat.er,<br />

Art Bressi, as usuaJ had the nurses and the<br />

Gold Star Mother Mrs. Lura Brazeau hon·<br />

ored as they were escorted by Past Presidents.<br />

The new officers were sworn in at the<br />

banquet. John Brizzi, Jr., council for subcommitt.ee.<br />

Sonny Mongomery office was<br />

the speaker for the evening. He pledged to<br />

help where possible.<br />

Saturday, one of the highlights of the convention,<br />

8 time was set aside for a memorial<br />

service to call attention to those who passed<br />

away this past year.<br />

For those who came for tbe first time. we<br />

hope you will plan to attend nut year. For<br />

the old timers, we hope. to see you next year.<br />

1b the American <strong>Defenders</strong><br />

of Batun and Corregidor:<br />

I wish that r could be withyou tonight but<br />

poor health prevents me. It has been many<br />

years since we all went through the bsttles of<br />

Bataan and Corregidor together. My heart<br />

still swells with pride when I think of all you<br />

accomplished againat such overwhelming<br />

odds. Above all I grow sad when I remember<br />

all of those who were killed during the battles<br />

and as prisoners of theJapanese.. In memory<br />

of all of the defenders of Bataan and Corregidor,<br />

I would like to pau.!6 for a moment<br />

of silence.<br />

God Bless You All,<br />

Mr!. Douglas MacArthur<br />


Dear Joe:<br />

I was at Norfolk and thought it was. all in<br />

all. a very fine reunion. I meant to speak of<br />

the following to you then, but felt it better if<br />

I wrote. 1 would like to get. in touch with any<br />

surviVOr! who were atOsakazOUln steel roll·<br />

ing mill, andlor who were at Ashio Copper<br />

mine prison camps . .1 am especially keen to<br />

hear from anyone who helped make tbe nag<br />

behind which we marched out of the camp.<br />

proudly.<br />

I would also appreciate finding out how to<br />

obtain a copy of "The Story of t.he Oryoku<br />

Mareu," by Charles Brown.<br />

John M. Connor<br />

9782 Hedin Drive<br />

Silver Spring. Md. 20903<br />


SurviVOr! of Batun &'Corregidor will<br />

meet at Fontana Dam Aug. 19·24. Wayne<br />

Carringer is Chairman, 704·479·6205. For<br />

reservations caJl800·438·8080.<br />



I am delighted to extend my warmest<br />

greetinga to all those gat.hered in Norfolk,<br />

Virginia. for the 43rd Annual Convention of<br />

the American <strong>Defenders</strong> ofBataan and Corregidor.<br />

As you well know, the peace and libert.y<br />

our nation now enjoys have been won at im·<br />

mense cost.. All Americans owe a lasting<br />

debt of gratitude to those who have risked<br />

their lives to defend our way of life. Each of<br />

you defenders of Bataan and Corregidor has<br />

earned such a place of honor in history and<br />

in our hearts.<br />

Many of you proved your mettle not only<br />

in battle but also dUring the infamous<br />

Bataan Death March. Few can imagine the<br />

auffering and the atrocities you witnessed<br />

and experienced as your captors forced you<br />

to march more than 90 miles from the tip of<br />

Bataan Peninsula to San Fernando. You are<br />

heroic individuals, and I am proud to join<br />

with all Americans in saluting you for your<br />

service to our nation.<br />

We also remember those <strong>Defenders</strong> of<br />

Batean and Corregidor who did not survive<br />

that brutal march or the battles to defend<br />

"The Rock." They made the ultimate sacri·<br />

fice for their country and the cause of liberty.<br />

Today, I pause with you to honor them.<br />

May they rest in peace.<br />

Barbara joins me in sending best wishes<br />

for a most enjoyable convention. God bless<br />

you. and God Bless America.<br />

George Bush<br />


Mr. Weldon B. Hester, a retired American<br />

Red Cross and YMCA worker. served with<br />

the 34th u.s. Infantry at the ret.akingofCorregidor<br />

from the Japanese during February·<br />

March 1945. For many years he. has coUect.·<br />

ed magaz.ine and newspaper articles on<br />

World War I I in the Pacific. on the Bataan·<br />

Corregidor campaigns. and on General<br />

Douglas MacArthur. He visited the MacArthur<br />

Memorial to carry out research, he corresponded<br />

with numerous participants. high<br />

and low, in the campaigns, and he collected<br />

and read many books. and, of course, he "was<br />

there." In February, he gave his collection of<br />

newspaper, book and magazine articles con·<br />

cerning General Douglas MacArthur to the<br />

MacArthur Archives.<br />

This five volume collection of articles on<br />

the Bataan·Corregidor campaigns is being<br />

microfilmed. We are microfilming them for<br />

preservation and for ease of access. With Mr.<br />

Hester's assistance, the s taff will use these<br />

5 13 articles as II. foundation to develop a<br />

definitive bibliography of General Douglas<br />

MacArthur. A long time gestating, such a<br />

bibliogrtlphy will be of invaluable assistance<br />

to the Memorial and to all students of the<br />

General and of his times.<br />


'Ib The American <strong>Defenders</strong><br />

of Bataan and Corregidor:<br />

My wife Celeste and I wish to thank all of<br />

you for the warm reception we received during<br />

your convention reception and banquet<br />

on May 5 in Norfolk. In addition thesWfof<br />

the MacArthur Memorial wishes to thank all<br />

of you for visiting our museum and archives.<br />

Your comments both complimentary and<br />

critical were appreciated. We want all of The<br />

American <strong>Defenders</strong> of Bataan and Corregidor<br />

to know tbat they and their families<br />

will always be special to us and that we invite<br />

all of you to visit us again.<br />

One of the missions of the MacArthur<br />

Memorial is to educate students and visitors<br />

to our mU&eum and archives about the Second<br />

World War, especially the war against<br />

Japan. [f the MacArthur Memorial is to SIltcess<br />

fully carry out this vital task we will<br />

need the help of all of the veterans of the<br />

Pacific war, but especially those who fought<br />

at Bataan and Corregidor; as guerrillas in<br />

the <strong>Philippine</strong>s; and as prisoners of war held<br />

by the Japanese. Anything you can contribute,<br />

be it the questionnaire we passed outat<br />

the convention, memoirs, oral histories, and<br />

ot.her types of artifacts which can help us tell<br />

your story will begreauy appreciated. If you<br />

have any thing you wish to contribute please<br />

send it to:<br />

Mr. Joseph Judge<br />

Director<br />

MacArthur Memorial<br />

MacArthur Square<br />

Norfolk, Virginia 23510<br />

(804)441·2965<br />

The it.ems contributed will be used for ex·<br />

hibits; in our educational program; and will<br />

be made available to visitors and scholars<br />

conducting research concerning your experi·<br />

ences. As I said at the banquet it was your<br />

sacrifices which gave the names Bataan, Corregidor.<br />

and MacArthur meaning. The staff<br />

of the MacArthur Memorial believes your<br />

sacrifices should not be forgotten by future<br />

generations of Americans. Filipinos, and<br />

Japanese. Again I wish to say that it waa II.<br />

great honor to meet. all of you and your<br />

families.<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

J effrey Acosta<br />

Aasistant Arehivist<br />


Michael Kosar Pos t 778, Lyndora,<br />

honored SlMaj. Abie Abraham. US Army<br />

(Rec..), asurvivorof the Bataan Death March.<br />

by inducting him into the Post 's "Military<br />

Hall of Fame." The induction was at Post<br />

778'11. Legion Birthday dinner-dance held in<br />

the Vagabond Community Center.<br />

ARE YOUR<br />

DUES PAID?<br />

JUNE,<strong>1989</strong> 3

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

The Chaplain's Corner<br />

During the recent ADBC convention at<br />

Norfolk I was struck by the ways in which<br />

AWARENESS of God's presence was evident<br />

in our daily activities, not only in our<br />

formal prayers. invocat.ion!l and at. the Mass<br />

on Ascension Day, but frequently in ourcasual<br />

convenl&tions and activities. All of our<br />

teachings assure us of His reality in the<br />

world and in the lives of us, His children; we<br />

believe what we have been taught. BuLour<br />

AWARENESS is a sign that those belief!! are<br />

an integral part or our very being. We dOD'"<br />

just agree with catechism; we embrace its<br />

words and seek to live them out. in our lives.<br />

Perhaps because of our common experi·<br />

ence 8S J POW's we have learned tbat God is<br />

the ultimate reality, transcendent yet intimate.<br />

We could nOLhave8UTVived without an<br />

assurance that somehow His good would triumph<br />

over evil; we would "make it," thanks<br />

be to God.<br />

Prayer is one of the ways we exercise and<br />

strengthen our relationship with Him. I of·<br />

fer thls Prayer for all of the American<br />

Delenderso! Batftan and Corregidor: it is not<br />

very original but it is heartfelt. Perhaps you<br />

will join me in daily offering this prayer for<br />

each other.<br />

"Watch oYer thy Children, the Ameri·<br />

can <strong>Defenders</strong> of BaLaan and Cor·<br />

regidor, 0 Lord, as our days increase:<br />

bless and guide us wherever we may<br />

be, keeping us unspotted from the<br />

world. Strengthen us when we stand,<br />

comfort us when discouraged or sorrowful;<br />

raise us up if we faU; and in our<br />

hearts may Thy peace. which pa8!Jeth<br />

all understanding, abide all Lbedays of<br />

our lives."<br />

In thenelttissueofQuan I will look at our<br />

lives through t heeyesofGarfieki. Meanwlille<br />

I invite letters from any of you; allcorrespon·<br />

dence remains confidential. My address:<br />

The Rev. Fr. Robert W. Phillips, SSC.<br />

Chaplain. ADBC<br />

200 Seneca Trail<br />

Maitland, Florida 32751<br />

Phone: (407) 644·5543.<br />

God bless + us all,<br />

Fr. Bob Phillips +<br />



- What is the proper acronym for the new<br />

department? VA will continue to be used.<br />

-What is the total number of VA em·<br />

ployees? 245,000<br />

- Whatis the total number of living vets?<br />

27.3 million<br />

- When did the veteran's population<br />

peak? 1980 at 28.6 million.<br />

- How is the VA budget divided? The VA<br />

uses about 38 percent of budget for medical<br />

care: about 58 percent for benefits: and the<br />

balance for construction and general operat-•<br />

ing expenses.<br />

Mr. Michael J. Kane<br />

Director (00)<br />

Edith Nourse MVH<br />

200 Springs Road<br />

Bedford, MA 01730<br />

Dear Mr. Kane:<br />

Permit me first to acknowledge receipt of<br />

26 A pril 89 letter 85 of 29 A pril89 from Ms.<br />

Doris Krieger of which I am most apprecia·<br />

tive.<br />

It is my privilege and pleasure as N ationa!<br />

VAVS Representative & CO for the American<br />

<strong>Defenders</strong> of Bataan & Corregidor. Inc.<br />

(ADBC) to certify to your Medical Center the<br />

following fine people. I would also like to note<br />

that Mr. Wilayto&Mr. Ray are PastNation·<br />

al Commanders and with them and Mrs.<br />

Wilayto & Mrs. Ray accepting these appointments<br />

it is hope£ul that it will give our<br />

ADBCVAVS Program a needed. "shot in the<br />

arm."<br />

VAVS Representative:<br />

Mr. Henry J. Wilayto. PNC<br />

31 A Staffordshire<br />

Concord, MA 01742<br />

(508) 369·2696<br />

VAVS Deputy RepreseDtative:<br />

Mr. John F. Ray, PNC<br />

16 Parker Street<br />

Arlington, MA 02174<br />

(508) 648·0419<br />

VAVS RepreseDtalive. Ladles Auxiliary:<br />

Mrs. Helen Wilayto<br />

31A Staffordshire<br />

Concord, MA 01742<br />

(508) 369·2696<br />

VAVS Deputy Representative,<br />

Ladies Auxiliary:<br />

Mrs.. Bertha Ray<br />

16 Parker St.reet<br />

Arlington, MA 02174<br />

(508) 648·0419<br />

These appointments are efCec:tive 30 April<br />

<strong>1989</strong> for an indefinite period.<br />

A 900 local number will have to be as·<br />

signed as we do not yet qualify for a Nation·<br />

al number from CO. Please send confirma·<br />

tion of appointments to me. I would also ap'<br />

preciate. it if I could continue receiving the<br />

Minutes of your Advisory Committee.<br />

In closing I respectfully request that you<br />

thank Ms. Krieger for us. I will be phoning<br />

her before long as I will Mr. & Mrs. Wilayto<br />

and Mr. & Mrs. Ray. Our VAVS family is ex·<br />

t remely pleased to have these four as<br />

Representatives.<br />

Sincerely,<br />


National VAVS Representative & CO<br />


JamesJ. Lance, 3777 Independence Ave..<br />

Apt. 148, Riverdale, NY 10463wishesinformationon<br />

Wm. "Heine" Price, Thrpedoman<br />

3rd Class of Cavite. His hometown was Brad·<br />

ford. PA. Can anyone give J im some informa·<br />

tionon " Reine."<br />



Anthony J . Principi of San Diego, a<br />

combat·decorated Vietnam veteran, was<br />

unanimously confirmed by the Senate on<br />

March 17 to beDeputy Secretary in the newly<br />

created Department of Veterans Affairs.<br />

Principi will assist VA Secretary Edward<br />

J. Derwinski in directing the activities of the<br />

Federal government's second largest Cabinet<br />

department responsible for a nationwide sys·<br />

tern of veterans' health--c.are services and<br />

benefits programs.<br />

Principi, 44, is a former chief counsel and<br />

staff director of the Senate Committee on<br />

Veterans' Affairs and from 1983 to 1984 was<br />

the Veterans Administration's associatedeputy<br />

administrator for congressional and public<br />

affairs..<br />

A 1967 graduate of the U.S Naval Academy,<br />

he saw combat duty in Vietnam in com·<br />

mand of a river patrol force. He was decorated<br />

with the BronzeStarwith Combat ';V",<br />

two Navy Commendation Medals with Com·<br />

bat "V", and the Navy Combat Action<br />

MedaJ.<br />

Principi earned a degree in law from Seton<br />

Hall University in 1975, and continued his<br />

Navy career in theJudge Advocate General<br />

Corps. Following several assignments in San<br />

Diego. he was transferred to Washington as<br />

• legislative counsel for the Navy Depart·<br />

ment.<br />

From 1980 to 1983, he served. as staff<br />

counsel to the Senate Armed Services Com·<br />

mittee.<br />

The Department of Veterans Affairs was<br />

established March 15, <strong>1989</strong>, following legis·<br />

lation elevating the activities of the Veterans<br />

Administration to Cabinet status.<br />


Dear Mr. Vater:<br />

I am a life member of the American<br />

<strong>Defenders</strong> of Bataan and COn1!gidor, Inc. I<br />

was on the USS Canopus and was taken pris-oner<br />

on Corregidor.<br />

About five years ago I started having violent<br />

post war dreams. I went to the Fort<br />

Mead VA center in Sturgis. SD for treatment,<br />

Dr. Otis Kennedy was my doctor.<br />

Along with hypnotic treatment.s, Dr. Kennedy<br />

persuaded me to WTite my memoirs of<br />

WWII as a form of therapy.<br />

If any of the Quan readers would like a<br />

copy of this book. send 54.95 (Include$I.OO<br />

for postage) to "Si..I More Months': Hc 41<br />

Box 223C. Rapid City, SD 57702.<br />

1 would also like to get an address fot<br />

Robert Dorsey Merrell.s. from West Virginia.<br />

He saved my life (See page 74 in my<br />

memoirs).<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Cletus W. Jaeger<br />

Moon Meadows Dr.<br />

Sub BOlt 223C<br />

Rapid City, SO 57702<br />

JUNE, <strong>1989</strong> - 7

8 - THEQUAN<br />

r r

•<br />

(Continued (rom Poge 10)<br />

Leon Lesner<br />

Arthur F. Carter<br />

Mary W. Kneeland<br />

Walter B. He1howski<br />

Dr. Samuel A. Goldblinth<br />

Co. Jack H. Heinzel<br />

Grover C. Bump, Jr.<br />

Col Jay B. Harrelson<br />

Dwight O. Woodall<br />

Major Ralph Levenberg PNC<br />

Elmer M. Roberts<br />

Merle E. Lype<br />

James O. BaB8<br />

Col. Doris A. Kehoe<br />

Col. John J . Brennan<br />

Dario G. Gerola<br />

Walter C. Lamm<br />

Robert R. Craig<br />

D r. Ward B. Meek (MD)<br />

Imogene K. Schmidt ANC<br />

John J . Moyer<br />

Donald S. Cook<br />

Joseph DiLella<br />

Valdemar O. Zialcita (MD)<br />

Robert E. Thompson<br />

Spero Dadaris<br />

Dr. Mark G. Herbst (M D)<br />

Stanley G. Sommers<br />

Donald M. Crago<br />

Charles E. Hunnings<br />

Charles A. Francis<br />

Capt. Francis J. Bridget<br />

Michael Maslak<br />

Luther F. Mayhue<br />

David A. lbpping<br />

Walter Pankratz<br />

William F. Peterson<br />

George Sholtis<br />



The Veterans Administration has an'<br />

nounced that the VA Medical Centerin Kan·<br />

su City, Mo.. has been designated by the Office<br />

of Management and Budget as a <strong>1989</strong><br />

Quality Improvement Prototype.<br />

The hospital is one of six selected from<br />

Among 58 nominees for initiating a Quality<br />

Management Program that will serve as a<br />

model of total quality management for the<br />

entire federal government.<br />

Initiated in 1987, the award is an out.growth<br />

of the President's Productivity 1m·<br />

provement Program. which identifies organizations<br />

that have developed specific programs<br />

for improving the qualit.y, timeliness<br />

and efficiency of government services to customers.<br />

The Kansas City Medical Center's program<br />

is a comprehensive and continuing<br />

process for monitoring and evaluating the<br />

quality and appropriateness of patient care,<br />

safety and clinical performance.<br />

The hospit.al will be recognized during the<br />

second annual Conference on Quality and<br />

Productivity Improvement. in Washington.<br />

D.c.. May 31-<strong>June</strong> 2, <strong>1989</strong>. As a !"e!Iult. of this<br />

honor. the medical center aisois now eligible<br />

for the President's Award for Productivity<br />

and Quality Improvement .<br />

Ramon V. Dias<br />

Col Roy L. Bodine<br />

Hal Memmler<br />

George Wonneman<br />

Herbert R. Shelton<br />

Robert F. Augur<br />

Charles A. Cook, Jr.<br />

Arnold A. Bocksel<br />

Stephen H. Alex<br />

Buford E. Thurmon<br />

Cdr. Zemo C. Tarnowski<br />

Eiloon H. Callen<br />

James K . Cavanaugh, PNC<br />

Albert L . Allen<br />

Charles G. Riedmiller<br />

Eileen H. Callen<br />

James K. Cavanaugh<br />

Albert L. Allen<br />

Charles G. Riedmiller<br />

Harold R. Kipps<br />

Earl E. Ellsworth<br />

Wayne W. Niemon<br />

Ann A. Bernatitus<br />

Charles B. Brehm<br />

V. Jackson Dorset<br />

James P. Ford<br />

Thomas L. Aitken<br />

Michael C. Dec<br />

Royce Talmadge Webb<br />

Harry V. Carrarini<br />

Col. Lloyd H. Goad<br />

Climith W. Roger<br />

Gene Boyt<br />

Graham H. Andrews<br />

James H. Cowan<br />

John E. Bowler<br />

Louis A. Roark<br />

Lee E. Broussard<br />

lrvin C. Scott. Jr.<br />

CWO Charles O. Wilber<br />

Edward J . Paul \<br />

Pat.rick A. Davie<br />

Clark E. Willerup<br />

John Banach<br />

Jerqo Lambasio<br />

John W. Yancik<br />

Clare W. Nielsen<br />

Niles R. Thompson<br />

A.lex Benishake<br />

CWO William G. Troy<br />

Burchard A. Hays<br />

John R. Wertenberger<br />

Stanley D. Woody<br />

Joseph H . GutierT6z<br />

Elmer J . Bensing, Jr.<br />

Joseph F. Fragale<br />

Jack 'E. Brady<br />

Mary Wohfeld<br />

William L. Eldridge<br />

Laurent L. Martel<br />

Earl M. Richwine<br />

Ralph J . Down<br />

Romie C. Gregory<br />

Frank J . Dice<br />

Dorothy A. Troy<br />

Henry R. Vara<br />

Charles F. Snyder<br />

Ralph H. Laster<br />

Dr. Adriano S. Olivar, Jr.<br />

JohnJ. Mackowski<br />

Louis B. Read<br />

Viola F. Wright<br />

Wanda K. Woodall<br />

Benny Aquilina<br />

Joseph W. Filko<br />

Frank T. Calvage<br />

Delbert. E. Lynn<br />

Robert C. Crawford<br />

Frederick Roth I II<br />

Mildred Roth<br />


Dear Mr. Bressi:<br />

I got your name and address from Elmer<br />

Long. He says you are the man with knowl·<br />

edge of photos and other materials relating<br />

to Bataan.I'm a member of the Company of<br />

Military Historians; a group interested in<br />

American military history. They issue a<br />

quarterly and a series of full color uniform<br />

illustrations called Military Uniforms in<br />

America (MUlA).<br />

After a recent chat with Ernie, Doc Irvin,<br />

I relt that the Naval Bn. on Bataan should be<br />

in a MUlA plate. The editor agreed so I'm<br />

now tracking material to support the MUlA<br />

effort. We want the plate to be accurate so<br />

the emphasis is on period photos. the gear<br />

used and personal recollections. So I natura]·<br />

ly tum to the Historian for advice and assistance.<br />

The MUlA plate. which also appears in<br />

the Quarterly without color, usually has 3·5<br />

figures. I'd like to show Doc Irvin, a recalled<br />

PI mess steward, two more USN and proba·<br />

bly a member oft.he PS unit that supported<br />

the Naval Bn. at Marvieles against the J ap<br />

landing force.<br />

My primary need is for photos or written<br />

material that describes what t he Naval Bn.<br />

wore. used or carried when they went after<br />

that landing part.y. Ernie said that the<br />

whites were dyed with coffee. Is there any<br />

AlbertJ. Bland<br />

Frank Smith<br />

Raymond P. Perez<br />

Hilda Osborn<br />

Nickolena T. Reuter<br />

Capt. Louis E. Duncan<br />

Capt. Harold M. Ferrell<br />

Austin L. Andrews<br />

James K. Bateman<br />

William Galos<br />

L./Cdr. S.B. Riggs<br />

Ishmael W. COX<br />

Robert Gilbert<br />

Philip Arslanian<br />

Thomas W. Rabenold<br />

Richard P. Beck<br />

Peggy Flaitz<br />

Paul Trujillo<br />

Irene McWilliams<br />

Robert Franklin<br />

Ruth Ann Caster<br />

PNC Henry J. Wilayto<br />

Baselio Zon.anello<br />

Dale Frantz<br />

Arthur Rice<br />

Floyd F. Laster<br />

Norman J . Cbesser<br />

Dr. Sidney J. Stewart<br />

LLfCoI. Hattie R. Brantley<br />

CWO Andrew Wiley<br />

Margaret. E. Rapkin<br />

Francis R. Mosher<br />

GMSgt. John J . McCann<br />

Rufus D. Adams<br />

Florence Crago<br />

Noah G. Davis. Jr.<br />

Dolores Bennett<br />

Norman R. Christ<br />


Name of Outfit:<br />

Us.s. JOSEPH T. DICKMAN - APA 13<br />

U.s. COAST GUARD<br />

Reunion scheduled:<br />

OCTOBER,<strong>1989</strong>.<br />

Location of reunion:<br />


Chairman of reunion:<br />



ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI 63123<br />

314·631·3838<br />

record of whites being worn in jungle com·<br />

bat11 f not dyed thst is. What. other clothing<br />

did the USN people wear in the jungle? I assume<br />

they used whatever was at hand. but.<br />

photos are best, cause the artist can soo the<br />

gear. But. written info is also helpful<br />

I think you can see the sort of material I 'm<br />

looking for to support this plate. Any comments,<br />

advice or assistance is most helpful<br />

We want to get it right. so the input of t.he<br />

participants is most. desirable. I'd appreciate<br />

anything you care to ofter especially other<br />

people who might have info. Thanka for your<br />

time and consideration. Art. asked this to be<br />

printed in Quan. If you can provide any infOJ"<br />

mat.ion. write to Mr. Ed Milligan, Box: 10028.<br />

Alexandria. VA 22310.<br />

JUNE, <strong>1989</strong> - 11



Joan & Rufus O. Adams<br />

Francis & Marlene Agnes<br />

Barbara Aitken<br />

J sck Aldrich<br />

John Aldrich<br />

Albert & Nancy AUen<br />

Arthur & Agnes Akullian<br />

Joseph & Norma Aleunder<br />

H.M. Amos<br />

Bob Altman<br />

Austin & Mary Andrews<br />

Ben & Rose Aquilina<br />

Connie Arazaga<br />

Ed & Dorothy Arnold<br />

Philip & Millie Arslanian<br />

E. Arzaga<br />

J. Balcer<br />

Ernest Bales<br />

Bert Bank<br />

John Banach<br />

J .L. & EUe Barna<br />

Luke & Betty Barnhart<br />

Danny Barton<br />

Brian Barton<br />

Pam Barton<br />

J .P. Barton<br />

Raymond & Mary Jane Barry<br />

Sue Bass<br />

James Bateman<br />

J .C. & Lilla Baxter<br />

Art-hur G. & Wilma Beale<br />

Jennifer Beale<br />

Richard P. Beck<br />

Clayton N. Beliveau<br />

Alcide & Margie Benini<br />

Alex & Marion Beniahake<br />

George & Mrs. George Bennet<br />

Ann Bernat.itus<br />

Frank & Mariam Bigelow<br />

AJbert J . & Alberta Bland<br />

N.H. & Madeleine Blanton<br />

Michael Blatt<br />

Thm Blaylock<br />

Charles & Annette Bloskia<br />

Arnold Bocksel<br />

Mary Bosko<br />

J .L. & Iduna Soudolf<br />

James T. & Esther M. Boyce<br />

Mrs. Lura Braz.eau GSM<br />

Walter & Kathryn Brazeau<br />

Evelyn Belivean<br />

GeneBoyt<br />

Matthew Braun<br />

<strong>June</strong>C. Bradley<br />

Betty Bradley<br />

Art & Ann Bressi<br />

Talmage & Rose Bridges<br />

James Brennan<br />

Leslie 1.. & Betty Brown<br />

James E. & Pauline Brown<br />

Robert A. Brown<br />

John & Betth Brownwell<br />

Henry & Elsie Brunet<br />

Edward W. & Dorothy Buchner<br />

William Arlene Bulit<br />

Mary Lou Bunch<br />

Emily Burneson<br />

Bill & Hazel Butler<br />

12-THEQUAN<br />

Charles Butterworth<br />

J amea A. & Anna Caire<br />

lbm C. & Karl Calderone<br />

Cullen E. & Julie Calkins<br />

E ileen Callen<br />

Frank T. & l.ydia H. Calvage<br />

David L. Capps<br />

Don & Fran Carabine<br />

Harry & Lillian Carrarini<br />

H,W. & Joyce Carrington<br />

Alytonio & Mary P. Casanova<br />

John & Ruth Caster<br />

James Cavanaugh<br />

Lewell F. & Sino Chandler<br />

Thm S. & Sarah Chandler<br />

Doris & Maurice Chartoff<br />

John Chernitsky<br />

Norman J . & E rma Chesser<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Christ<br />

Brownell & Florence Cole<br />

John & Alyce Conner<br />

John M. Cook<br />

Mary & Lee Cordo<br />

Walter 1.. & Marion Cess<br />

Raymond & Mae Counter<br />

John & Johnsie Cowgill<br />

I.W. & Dnnie V. Cox<br />

John & Florence E. Crago<br />

Robert Crawford<br />

John & l.ibby Cross<br />

Bill & l.iIlian Crowder<br />

Madflyn Clarke<br />

Dan & Marie Crowley<br />

Kenneth & Mary Curley<br />

Ferron & Lora Cummins<br />

Dr. A.P. Curtin<br />

Dorothy Still Danner<br />

Judy Dawson<br />

Spero Dardaris<br />

Coy E. & Mildred Daugherty<br />

Curtis G. Davis<br />

George Defibaugh<br />

Serina Delk<br />

Chester G. & Frances Deller<br />

Victor DengeJegi<br />

Bill & Vi Dietch<br />

Floramund Fellmeth-DifIord<br />

Renshaw & Paula Dilford<br />

Wallace Difford<br />

Joe DiLella<br />

Hayne W. & Peggy Dominick<br />

John & Elizabeth Diubaldo<br />

Thny & Lucy Diubaldo<br />

Gary & A ngie Downey<br />

James & Frances Downey Jr.<br />

Charles & Ann Dragich<br />

Louis E. & Clara Duncan<br />

Tim & Gloria Downey<br />

LyleW. Eads<br />

George & Ruth Eddlemon<br />

George & Caroline Edwards<br />

Jim & Ruth Edwards<br />

Lewis & Glenda Elliott<br />

Earl & Evelyn Ellsworth<br />

Jim & Helen Emanuel<br />

John M. & Theresa Emerick<br />

William & Edna Eldridge<br />

Cleo & Doris Ely<br />

Ken Fackender<br />

AI & Margaret Fangmaiy<br />

Edward J . & Gloria Fanning<br />

Chester & Janie Fast<br />

Harold Feiner<br />

Dick & Betty Fellows<br />

Harold Ferrell<br />

Joseph W. Filko<br />

Alen & Vivian Flesher<br />

Jim & Peggy Flaitz<br />

Cecil & Mary M. Forinash<br />

James P. & Dorothy Ford<br />

Ralph & Margaret Forth<br />

Jim Fos8ey<br />

Harold & Marguerite Fowler<br />

Robert & Encar Franklin<br />

Dale & Peg Frantz<br />

Bob & Jane Fredrickson<br />

Mary Ann Fuller<br />

Fred Fullerton<br />

Thomas Gage<br />

Thomas R. & Sue Gagnet<br />

Leroy Galbraith<br />

C.c. & Betsy Gallegos<br />

Alfred H. & Lena Galler<br />

William & Naomi Galos<br />

GeorgeT. & Rose Gardner<br />

Joe & Pearl Gasparovic<br />

Roy Gentry<br />

Arie & Barbara Geurtz<br />

Dom & Lauriel Giantonio<br />

Joseph A. & Angelina Giardina<br />

Robert C. Gilbert<br />

John Dolly Goodrow<br />

Bill Goodwin<br />

William Goodwin<br />

Richard M. & Jean Gordon<br />

En08Gould<br />

Sam & Devonia Grasblo<br />

Charlet! H. Graham<br />

Mary R. Grayson<br />

Bill & Edna Gurule<br />

Joseph Gutierrez<br />

Thm Hacket<br />

LB. & Janet Hagins<br />

Allen Hancock<br />

Mary Hank<br />

Clarence Hartwill<br />

John & Dorothy Hassler<br />

Frank & Lorraine Heath<br />

Jack H. & Win Heimel<br />

Walter B. & Helen Helhowski<br />

Mark G. & Ginney Herbst M.D.<br />

Ralph Hibbs. M.D.<br />

Ron Hiebert<br />

Pat & Helen Higdon<br />

Carl & Joyce Hill<br />

Edward L. & Alice C. Hill<br />

Nick & Ann Hionedes<br />

Rose Hogge<br />

Wilber L. & Elsiea Houser<br />

William L. Hubrecht<br />

Leonard P. & Mary Hudson<br />

James E. & Alta Huff<br />

Isaiah K. & Rosa Huffman<br />

Andrew & Virginia Henry<br />

Neal Harrington<br />

Edward & Henrietta Jackfert<br />

Harold Jerschefske<br />

Vincent & Mildred B. Jesuele<br />

Earl & Evelyn Johnson<br />

Harry & Virginia Johnson<br />

Lionel R. & Dorothy.Johnson<br />

R.F. & Margie Joder<br />

Chet!ter & Vivian Kazmierczak<br />

Raymond & Margaret Knight<br />

Samue1 D. Knight<br />

Ralph KnOll:<br />

John S. & Ann Koot<br />

Stanley & Katherine Korczyk<br />

Paul Keralla<br />

Joe W. Keever<br />

Louis F. Lachman<br />

Jenro & Evelyn l.ambalso<br />

Walter & Ruth Lamm<br />

Floyd & Maggie Laster<br />

John R. Lawrence<br />

John & Mary Leclair<br />

Eleanor Leeser<br />

Reginald B. & Elizabeth E. Leighl<br />

Ann Landrum<br />

Mary & Ida Leonard<br />

Charles Lester<br />

Ralph & Kathy Levenberg<br />

Robert E. Levis<br />

Dorothy N. Long<br />

Elmer E. & Charlotte Long<br />

Joseph & Veronica Lower<br />

Delbert E. & Doris Lynn<br />

Merle E. & Ella Lype<br />

Walter & Vi Macarovich<br />

Francis & Gladys Macey<br />

John J. & Opaline Mackowski<br />

Richard & Elms Manuel!<br />

Norman Martin<br />

Robert R. Martindale<br />

John & Faye Marynski<br />

Thny & Norma Mascavage f<br />

Walter & Scott Mason<br />

Joe & Shirley Matheny<br />

Norman R. & Jean Matthews<br />

Frank & Dmsha Mayhue<br />

Robert & Mary Merchant<br />

Andy & Ginny Miller<br />

Jack & Leda Miller<br />

Loyd E. & Charlie Mills<br />

Dale Minger<br />

Galen 1.. Martin<br />

I rene Minier<br />

Betty Minniear<br />

AI & Ruth J. Mitro<br />

Dr. AI6J: Mohnac<br />

Louis & Joann Molaro<br />

Howard & Sue Morgan<br />

Peg Mau<br />

J ohn & Caroline Moyer<br />

George & Gladys Mullen<br />

Jerry & Rosemary Munson<br />

Melene & Carrie Murdock<br />

Steve & Janie Mutson<br />

James H. & Lena McCarthy<br />

Landys McClamma<br />

J ames McEvoy<br />

Omar l.ucy-McGuire<br />

George McHale<br />

B.D. McKendree<br />

Michael & Betty McMullen<br />

Larry & Kay McQueeney ..<br />

Irene McWilliams ,<br />

Thxie & Lena Nicholson<br />

C.W. & Doris Nielsen<br />

Dave Oestreich<br />

Jerome Okonski<br />

(Continued on Page 13)

(Co"ri,,/Ud (rom pag' 12J<br />

John & Mary Oleksa<br />

Adriano S. Olivar<br />

John H. Oliver<br />

Ken & Marge Olson<br />

ArleneO'Loughlin<br />

Hilda Osborn<br />

Benny & Helen Osecky<br />

Leo & Muy Padills<br />

cm Pait<br />

Raymond Patehande<br />

Austin & Dorothy Patrizio<br />

Ralph E. & Anna Patton<br />

Raymond D. Pere:!:<br />

John & Jean Perkowski<br />

Robert & Elaine Ping<br />

John & Betty Phelps<br />

Robert & Audrey Phillips<br />

Paul & Nicki Reuter<br />

Don & Violet Reyes<br />

Art Min Rice<br />

Bert & Kathleen Riggs<br />

James Riley<br />

Ann Roberts<br />

Muy E. Robinson<br />

Harold Roger!<br />

William Spizziro J oseph & Alice Ward<br />

Frank & Bernice Stecklein \ Edwin & Mildred Warfield<br />

J .H. & Dollie Stad Daniel N. & Phyllis Weib:er<br />

Christine Stevens W. Gunner & Dorothy Wells<br />

Curtis R. Stevens Royce T. Webb<br />

Warren R. & Bertha A. Stewart Ralph & Elsie Wheeler<br />

Dan Stoudt Henry & Helen Wilayto<br />

Alverta Strauss CD. "1M" & Ruth E. Wilber<br />

Jack Rogers Bill Subo Charles Willerup Jr.<br />

Nat & Camille Roman:!:o<br />

James M. & Anita Ross<br />

Fred & Mildred Roth<br />

Donald G. & Judy Roulett<br />

Harry & Peggy Roulett<br />

John & Virginia Rowland<br />

Bill Rowe<br />

Stinky TardiU Earl M. & Dorothy Williams<br />

Richard & Helen Taylor Lucy Jopling Wilson<br />

Paul & Ruby Thacker Lowell S. & Hazel Winfrey<br />

Francis Thompson William 0. & Claire White<br />

Niles Thompson Brill & Audrey Whitton<br />

R.E. & Fern Thompson Ira L. Wofrord<br />

lIeen Thorson Marie Wohlfeld<br />

Helen Roy Philip D. & Yvette '!bland Frank Wolfsheimer<br />

Paul & Susan Sales<br />

Eloise Tbole George & Irene Wonneman<br />

John & Kay Sandor<br />

David A. & Margie 'Ibpping Ina Wood<br />

Ralph & Mary Poness Bernard & Margaret Saunders Zemo & Lois 'Ibrnowski Dwight & Wanda Woodall<br />

Ken & Mary Ellen Porwoll Jack O. & Viola M. Saunders Hilton & Glera Travis Raymond Woolfe<br />

John & Margaret Posten Dorothy Schaefer<br />

Dolly Trimble Viola Wright<br />

Joseph & Helen Poster Roscoe & Vilma Sellers William G. & Dorothy Troy William M. & Sadie Yount<br />

Mario & Katherine Po:!::!:ani AI & Helen Senna Paul Trujillo Herb Zincke<br />

Buck & Mary Prewett Agapitp F. & Socorro Silva Eunice Hatchitt 1yler Joe & Dixie Zito<br />

Charles & Jean Pruitt Enid Slattum<br />

Madeline Ullom J . & Margaret Zorzanello<br />

Henry & Hester Quick Alva E. & Anna C. Smith AnOOn F. & Marie Urban The list was compiled hom the typewrit-<br />

L.L. Raines<br />

Frank & Jessie Smith David Van Hook ten list placed on the bulletin board at the<br />

'Ibm W. & Myrtle 1. Rabenold Robert & Muie Smith Larry & Janet Van Liere convention. No doubt there may be &ome<br />

George C. & Donna Ray Dewey Smithwick<br />

Henry R. Vara miatakes because the convention bureau<br />

John T. & Bertha Ray Bill Snyder Joe & Helen Vater girls weren't familiar with the membership<br />

Louis B. Read<br />

Charles F. & Joyce L. Snyder Teo & Tita Victorio names. lfyou find a mistakeand wish to have<br />

James Renshaw<br />

Stanley & Peggy Sommers DOD Vidal it corrected notify, the ed..iOOr.<br />

Peter & Betty Retterath Ken & Doloraa Stanford Ben D. Waldron<br />



In the event of your death. your wife or<br />

family will need certified copies of discharge<br />

papers, marriage license. birth certificates<br />

and divorce decrees. 'Ib assist family members<br />

in applying for benefits we suggest you<br />

do the following:<br />

1. Reproduce in triplicate, and havecertified,<br />

originals of your discharge. marriage<br />

license, birth certificates. divorce papers. and<br />

all decrees pertaining t.o helpless children.<br />

Certifications may be obtained at the VA,<br />

clerk of court or your National Service Officer.<br />

2. Place originals and copies of all those<br />

documents plus insurance policies in a safe<br />

place known to the family and/or your atOOrney.<br />

S. Havea will drawn-up regardless of t he<br />

size of your estate.<br />

4. Keep insurance numbers and beneficiariea<br />

up to date.<br />

5. Discuss funeral expenses and cost<br />

limits with your wife and/or family. Be sure<br />

to read and understand the "fine print" and<br />

avoid e.ztra cost features. Don't sign anything<br />

y.ntil it is fully explained.<br />

. 6. If a service organization holds your<br />

Power of AtOOrney for VA benefits, inform<br />

your wife and family so that they know<br />

where to find assistance.<br />

7. List your social security and VA claim<br />

numbers on a sheet of paper and place it with<br />

other important documents.<br />



In theeventyour husband precedee you in<br />

death, the information provided below will<br />

help ease you through that time of emotional<br />

crisis:<br />

1. Call the funeral director and make sure<br />

you have Military Discharge(s) and social<br />

security number.<br />

2. If the veteran is a military retiree noti·<br />

fy the parent service. Army, Navy, Marines.<br />

Air Force. Coast Guard.<br />

S. Notify the service organization of your<br />

choice: Many will supply pall beaten.<br />

4. Furnish a certified copy of your husband's<br />

discharge t.o the funeral director as it<br />

will be required for the following:<br />

A. A nag for the casket.<br />

B. Burial space in a National or State<br />

owned Cemetery IIf available).<br />

C. Th reserve a space for you at your husband's<br />

gravesite.<br />

D. Burial allowance, social security. and<br />

veterans' benefits.<br />

E. A Military Service if desired.<br />

5. Should you prefer a service organi2:ation<br />

funeral service. notify the Chapter Commander<br />

or Chapter Adjutant.<br />

6. After a reasonable time, not before 45<br />

days but no later than one year from date of<br />

death, take the foUowingdocuments to your<br />

service organization for assistance in applying<br />

for VA benefits:<br />

A. Certified copy of your husband's dis·<br />

charge.<br />


While a POW in 'Ibyama. Japan a crew of<br />

6 men and a photographer came to our camp.<br />

The man asked if there were any members of<br />

theSlst. Inf. Reg't. in the camp. Since there<br />

were only 5 of U8 at the camp he selected 5<br />

Japanese soldiers and had u8line up face t.o<br />

face.. I'm not sure of how many pictures were<br />

taken, butitdid show the soldiers surrendering<br />

their rifles t.o us. I have tried vainly to<br />

find out where the photographer is located.<br />

I sent a letter to the National Archives in<br />

Washington and they state there is no record<br />

of such photos taken.<br />

The camp I waa in was commanded by Col<br />

Stubbs. I'm not 8ure of his unit.. I would<br />

appreciate any assistance in locating these<br />

phow!! for me.<br />

If you have any knowledge of this camp<br />

write A.M. Petrosa, Sr .. P.O. Box 77, Von<br />

Ormy, TX 7801S-0777.<br />

B. The death certificate (Original onlYI.<br />

C Certified copy of your marriage license.<br />

D. Certified copies of your divorce papers<br />

or any papers pertaining 00 previous marriages.<br />

E. Certified copies of birth certificates for<br />

minor children in your custody.<br />

NOfE: AU Purple HeartMedalrecipienta<br />

are eligible for borial at Arlington National<br />

Cemetery. Arrangements caD be made only<br />

upon death of the veteran.<br />

JUNE, <strong>1989</strong> - 13


Please let us know silt weeks before you<br />

move what your new address will be. Be sure<br />

to supply us with both your old and new ad·<br />

dress, including the address label from your<br />

current issue. Copies we mail to your old ad·<br />

dress will not be delivered by the Post Office<br />

and we must pay 39 cents for ealn returned<br />

Quan.<br />


My new address will be;<br />

NAME _________ _<br />

ADDRESS ________ _<br />

CITY _________ _<br />

American <strong>Defenders</strong> of<br />

Bataan & Corregidor. Inc.<br />

18 Warbler Dr.<br />

McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136<br />

Address Correction .<br />

DUES<br />

ARE<br />

DUE<br />

JUNE!<br />

EACH<br />

YEAR<br />

$8.00<br />

STATE _________ _ Please Send Correct Address When Moving<br />

ZIP<br />

Mail to:<br />


Editor, the Quan<br />

18 Warbler Drive<br />

McKees Rocks, PB. 15136<br />

JOIN THE<br />

CLUB<br />

"GOLD" THAT IS<br />




DUES - $8.00 PER YEAR Return to:<br />


LIFE MEMBERSHIP RATE: National Secretary<br />

P.O. Box 2052<br />

60 or over ....... .... $25.00 New Bern, NC 28561 ·2052<br />

Name __________________________________________________ ___<br />

Address ______________________________________________________ _<br />

Clty _ ___________ _ State ______ Zip _______ _<br />

Organization and rank In the <strong>Philippine</strong> Islands ____________________________ _<br />

POWCamps ______________________________________________ __<br />

Wife's Name ________________________ _ Telephone No. ______________ __<br />

Membership New ___ Renewal ___ Associate __ _<br />

White Web Belt w/buckle . .. . .. . .. . . 10.00<br />

Caps w/Logo .......... . .. . .. . ...... 5.00 Life Membership P.in . . . ....... 9.00<br />

Tee Shirts: S·M·L·XL . . .. . . . .......... 6.00 Bumper Decal ..................... 2.00<br />

Belt Buckles ...................... 10.00 Window Decal ..................... 2.00<br />

Ties - Black·Blue .........•....... . 2.00 Ladles Pin ....................... .. 7.00<br />

Tie Bar ................ . .. _ ........ 7.00 Ladles Earrings - Pierced ......... . . 7.00<br />

Patch lor Hat ..... . .... _ ........... 2.00 Ladies Earrings .................... 7.00<br />

Cull Links ......................... 7.00 Blazer Patch . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 3.00<br />

Lapel Pin ........... . .. . . . .. . ...... 7.00 Hal- Size ...................... 15.00<br />

Tie Tacks . .... . .. . .. ............... 7.00 Bumper Decal - logo & Name . . . . 2.00<br />


SO·60 . .. . . . .. . . ... .. . ........... $35.00 60 or over . . ................... . $25.00<br />

16-THEQVAN<br />

2990<br />

Ed wa r d J dc kfe r t<br />

10-201 Hil l c r est Dr<br />

We llsbu r g , WV 26070<br />

Non-Profit Org.<br />

U.S. POSTAGE<br />

PAID<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Permit No. 2648<br />



A true narrative by Sergeant Waldron.<br />

who risk his life in keeping a day by day<br />

diary, for three and a half years as a Prisoner<br />

of War under the Japanese.<br />

He tells about the capture of Corregidor<br />

and how some 12,000 men survived<br />

the first twenty-one days at "BOT·<br />

TOM SIDE':<br />

Sergeant Waldron was among 1,600 •<br />

prisoners on an old Cansdian freighter,<br />

who spent 62 days of un believable horror<br />

en route to Japan.<br />

He vividly writes how men survived<br />

against the odds of digease. Malnutrition,<br />

lbrture and Despondency through the in·<br />

ner WILL POWER to live.<br />

This book covers five years, a hllrd<br />

cover. Price 118.95 includes taxes, shipping<br />

and handling. Send check or money<br />

order for your autographed copy to:<br />


P.O. Box 827<br />

Shingle Sprngs. CA 95682<br />

<strong>1989</strong> REUNION<br />

NOTICE<br />

WHERE: Red Lion Inn<br />

Omaha, Nebraska<br />

WHEN: August al·September 4, <strong>1989</strong><br />

WHO: All Hands who served in U.s. Navy<br />

PI' Boat Squadrons, Bases, Tenders.<br />

Supply, Communications, FEMU,<br />

Medical or were in any way connect·<br />

ed with WW II PT Boat operations,<br />

family and friends.<br />

Completeinform&tion may be obtained from<br />

P.T. Boats, Tenders and P.O. Box<br />

38070, Memphis.. TN 38183·0070,<br />


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