能源转型和可持续发展 - Europe-China Clean Energy Centre

能源转型和可持续发展 - Europe-China Clean Energy Centre

能源转型和可持续发展 - Europe-China Clean Energy Centre


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EU <strong>Energy</strong> Policy 欧盟能源政策<br />

The Actors 相关方<br />

EU Parliament 欧盟议会<br />

Lisbon treaty gives more power: simple majority is sufficient 里斯本条<br />

约授予其更多权利:简单多数通过原则<br />

Member States (MS) 成员国<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> ministers and heads of state determine general direction of<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> policy 能源部长和国家元首确定能源政策大方向<br />

EU can only act when given the competence to do so by the MS 只有成<br />

员国授权后欧盟才能执行<br />

Not always in short term interest of MS to do so 并不总是根据成员国的短<br />

期利益采取行动<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> mix is MS competence 能源结构是成员国的竞争力<br />

(Inter-)national energy companies 国际/国家能源公司<br />

Via Associations and lobby groups 通过协会和游说团体<br />

National champions have influence via national politics 国家领军企业<br />

可以通过国家政治产生影响<br />

Are needed to invest in infrastructure → Important players! 需要投资<br />

基础设施建设→ 是重要参与者!<br />

Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel

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