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CIS-00944; No of Pages 26<br />

Abstract<br />

Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials:<br />

Properties vs structure<br />

N.P. Berezina ⁎ , N.A. Kononenko, O.A. Dyomina, N.P. Gnusin<br />

Department of Physical Chemistry, Kuban State University, 149, Stavropolskaya St., Krasnodar, 350040, Russia<br />

This review focuses on the preparation, structure and applications of ion-exchange membranes formed from various materials and exhibiting<br />

various functions (electrodialytic, perfluorinated sulphocation-exchange and novel laboratory-tested membranes). A number of experimental<br />

techniques for measuring electrotransport properties as well as the general procedure for membrane testing are also described. The review<br />

emphasizes the relationships between membrane structures, physical and chemical properties and mechanisms of electrochemical processes that<br />

occur in charged membrane materials. The water content in membranes is considered to be a key factor in the ion and water transfer and in<br />

polarization processes in electromembrane systems. We suggest the theoretical approach, which makes it possible to model and characterize the<br />

electrochemical properties of heterogeneous membranes using several transport-structural parameters. These parameters are extracted from the<br />

experimental dependences of specific electroconductivity and diffusion permeability on concentration.<br />

The review covers the most significant experimental and theoretical research on ion-exchange membranes that have been carried out in the<br />

Membrane Materials Laboratory of the Kuban State University. These results have been discussed at the conferences “Membrane<br />

Electrochemistry”, Krasnodar, Russia for many years and were published mainly in Russian scientific sources.<br />

© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.<br />

Keywords: Ion-exchange membrane; Water content; Electroconductivity; Diffusion permeability; Electroosmotic transport<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Charged synthetic membranes with high conductivity and<br />

selectivity are used as separating films in various electromembrane<br />

devices: electrodialyzers, fuel cells and electrolyzers. Two<br />

characteristics of electromembrane processes are particularly<br />

important: (1) they are ecologically safe and (2) the electrical<br />

energy required for these processes is comparatively low. The<br />

efficiency of electromembrane processes depends on physicochemical<br />

characteristics and electrotransport properties of ionexchange<br />

membranes (Fig. 1) placed in the external electric<br />

field, when the electrolyte concentration and temperature are<br />

changed simultaneously [1–5].<br />

Recently, the substantial advances in synthesis and modification<br />

of ion-exchange polymeric membranes have been made.<br />

Nevertheless, the extensive studies are continued to develop<br />

novel materials and methods for membrane modification and to<br />

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +7 861 2199573.<br />

E-mail address: berezina@chem.kubsu.ru (N.P. Berezina).<br />

0001-8686/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

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produce more complex membrane structures with a wide range<br />

of functionalities and desired operating behaviors. The problem<br />

of membrane characterization has been broadly discussed in<br />

several reviews on the preparation and application of ion-exchange<br />

membranes [6–8]. Physicochemical properties of ionexchange<br />

membranes were extensively investigated by O.<br />

Kedem, P. Meares, A. Narebska, R. Paterson, C. Gardner, R.<br />

Buvet, B. Auclair and others [9–21]. The membrane characterization<br />

problem continues to attract attention in current research<br />

due to the recent significant expansion of the types of polymeric<br />

matrices [22,23] and development of composite membrane<br />

materials [24–28].<br />

Membrane characterization includes the comprehensive studies<br />

on equilibrium and physical–mechanical properties (exchange<br />

capacity, water content, sorption properties, thickness of<br />

films, thermal and chemical stability); those on transport properties<br />

(electroconductivity, diffusion and electroosmotic permeability,<br />

transport numbers of ions) and structural characteristics<br />

measured by various physical methods (X-ray, spectral and<br />

optical methods that allows for investigating the structure of<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


membranes at different length scales). These properties are<br />

commonly mentioned in the catalogs of commercially available<br />

ion-exchange membranes [29–34]. However, there remain several<br />

outstanding questions: is it possible to find a compromise<br />

between exchange capacity, water content, conducting properties<br />

and thermal–mechanical stability of a material? How to<br />

establish the relationships between the transport properties of<br />

membranes (selectivity, conductivity, diffusion and electroosmotic<br />

permeability)? How to measure the changes in electrotransport<br />

properties of membranes in separation process, when the<br />

membrane behavior is influenced by the electric and concentration<br />

fields? To answer these questions, which are very important<br />

for fabricating of membrane materials and controlling their<br />

properties, the approach to the characterization of membranes<br />

remains to be developed using the summarized data on membrane<br />

properties.<br />

The objectives of this review are as follows: (1) to summarize<br />

the results of experimental studies on physicochemical<br />

characteristics and electrotransport properties of ion-exchange<br />

membranes, (2) to sketch some of the important factors<br />

that contribute to the ion and water transfer mechanisms, and<br />

(3) to suggest a model approach that allows the characterization<br />

of electrodiffusion properties of structurally heterogeneous<br />

membranes.<br />

2. Membrane materials and pre-testing procedures<br />

The commercial ion-exchange membranes were obtained from<br />

different companies (Russia, Japan, USA and China). Laboratory<br />

samples were prepared from aromatic polymers (polysulphone<br />

and polyether-ether-ketone) and from perfluorinated materials<br />

(Table 1).<br />

The pre-testing treatment of polymeric membranes is a vitally<br />

important factor for the understanding of several aspects of<br />

these systems including (1) influence of synthesis conditions<br />

on some physicochemical properties of membrane material,<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

2 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of an electromembrane system.<br />

(2) influence of operating conditions on membrane properties,<br />

(3) reliability of model parameters, and (4) reproducibility of the<br />

experimental results. Membrane materials used with no additional<br />

pre-testing treatment are unstable and often contaminated<br />

with various (organic) substances.<br />

The pre-testing treatment of membranes is a stepwise procedure.<br />

The heterogeneous polymer membranes are first treated<br />

with ethanol for 6 h to extract the monomer residues and<br />

surfactant inclusions that remain in the material after the synthesis.<br />

Then the membranes are treated with the solutions of<br />

salts, acids or bases [46]. Finally, the membranes are rinsed with<br />

distilled water. Single processing step requires about 48 h.<br />

The structure of unlinked polymeric membranes based on<br />

perfluorinated matrices is very sensitive to pre-testing treatment<br />

protocol [47]. We used different methods to process perfluorinated<br />

membranes. For the “salt-based” method, the rinsing of<br />

membranes with 2 М NaCl solutions was followed by equilibrating<br />

with NaCl solutions of lower concentration (down to<br />

0.05 M) under isothermal conditions at 25 °C. In “thermalbased”<br />

procedure, the membranes were subsequently treated<br />

with boiling solutions of 3% Н 2О 2, Н 2О, 0.5 МНNO 3 or<br />

Н 2SO 4, and, finally, Н 2О (each single step required 3 h). The<br />

samples processed in this fashion were thermally equilibrated<br />

with water, and, finally, with NaCl or НCl solutions of various<br />

concentrations at 25 °C.<br />

3. Experimental section<br />

Several standard techniques have been used to test membranes<br />

[19]. The ion-exchange capacity (IEC) was determined<br />

for H + -form samples by titration of the H + -ions produced in a<br />

course of base neutralization [48]. The water was evaporated at<br />

105 °С, and the water content w was determined as the mass<br />

ratio of water to dry membrane by the gravimetric method [49].<br />

The membrane hydration capacity nm (average molar content of<br />

H 2O molecules/1 mol of functional groups) was calculated from<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />

Table 1<br />

Membrane materials<br />

Membrane/produced by Membrane type Fixed groups Application Reference<br />

MK-40 “Schekinazot” (Russia) Composites formed from the cation-exchange resins KU-2 (polystyrene<br />

(PS) matrix cross-linked with divinylbenzene (DVB) and fixed groups),<br />

polyethylene and nylon<br />

MK-41 “Schekinazot” (Russia) Composites formed from the cation-exchange resins KF-1 (PS matrix<br />

cross-linked with DVB and fixed groups), polyethylene and nylon<br />

−<br />

–HPO3 MA-41 “Schekinazot” (Russia) Composites fabricated from the anion-exchange resins AV-17 (PS<br />

cross-linked with DVB and fixed groups), polyethylene and nylon<br />

–N + (CH3)3<br />

MA-40 “Schekinazot” (Russia) Composites on the base of resin EDE-10P produced via condensation<br />

` N _ NH–N<br />

of diamine with epichlorhydrine, polyethylene and nylon<br />

+<br />

Neosepta СМ-1 Tokuyama Soda (Japan) Composites prepared by a former method on the base of PS and DVB and<br />

reinforced with polyvinylchloride; these membranes are interpolymer materials<br />

(CH3) 3 20%<br />

–SO3 −<br />

Neosepta АМ-1, АМ-Х, Tokuyama Soda (Japan) –N + (CH3)3<br />

CR 67-HMR-412 “Ionics” (USA) Composite prepared from vinyl monomer and acrylic fiber –SO 3 −<br />

AR 204-SZRA-412 “Ionics” (USA) –N + 3361-BW Shanghai (China) Composite fabricated from powder of cation-exchange resins (PS cross-linked<br />

with DVB) and polyethylene and reinforced with nylon<br />

(CH3)3<br />

–SO3 −<br />

3362-BW Shanghai (China) Composite from powder of anion-exchange resins and polyethylene and<br />

reinforced with nylon, membranes have blue or green color<br />

–N + (CH3) 3<br />

RALEX MEGA (Czechia) Composites formed from ion-exchange resins, polyethylene and<br />

polyamide as the reinforcing material<br />

–SO3 −<br />

RALEX MEGA (Czechia) –N + (CH3) 3<br />

KESD (Poland) Composites formed from the PS cross-linked with DVB and polyethylene –SO 3 −<br />

AESD (Poland) –N + Nafion 115, 117, 120, 425 Dupon de<br />

Films fabricated from polytetrafluorethylene and perfluorvinylether<br />

(CH3)3<br />

–SO3<br />

Nemoure (USA)<br />

with fixed charges<br />

−<br />

MF-4SK various modifications<br />

Films fabricated from polytetrafluorethylene and perfluorvinylether<br />

–SO3<br />

“Plastpolymer” (Russia)<br />

with fixed charges<br />

−<br />

SPS-1, 2 University of Twente (The Netherlands) Films fabricated from polysulphone matrix with varied degree of sulphurization –SO 3 −<br />

SPEEK University of Twente (The Netherlands) Films fabricated from polyether-ether–ketone matrix with varied<br />

degree of sulphurization<br />

Kaspion, Karpov Institute (Russia) Films fabricated from aromatic polyamides with varied phenylon content –SO3 −<br />

–SO 3 −<br />

–SO 3 −<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

processes, water desalination<br />

Bipolar electrodialysis<br />

separation processes<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

processes, water desalination<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

processes, water desalination<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

processes, water desalination<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

processes, water desalination<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

processes, water desalination<br />

[33]<br />

[33,35]<br />

[33,36]<br />

[33,36]<br />

[29]<br />

[31]<br />

[19]<br />

[36]<br />

Electrodialysis separation<br />

process, water desalination<br />

[34]<br />

Diffusion dialysis [37]<br />

Membrane electrolysis, fuel [8,30,38,39]<br />

cells, medicine, sensors and others<br />

Membrane electrolysis, fuel cells [40–42]<br />

and others<br />

Laboratory-made samples [22,43,44]<br />

Laboratory-made samples<br />

Laboratory-made samples [23,45]<br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

3<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong>

Table 2<br />

Schematic drawings of the experimental set-up<br />

Cell schematics Calculation equation Experimental<br />

conditions<br />

Km ¼ l<br />

RS<br />

l, membrane thickness;<br />

S, area;<br />

R, resistance;<br />

Pm ¼ VlDc<br />

ScDt<br />

V, chamber volume;<br />

c, concentration;<br />

t, time;<br />

V ⁎<br />

W ¼<br />

Sit<br />

tw ¼ WF<br />

18<br />

i, current density;<br />

F, Faraday number;<br />

V⁎, volume of water<br />

transfer<br />

Graphic determination<br />

of limiting current and<br />

other parameters of<br />

current–voltage curve<br />

AC frequency<br />

200 kHz<br />

Reference<br />

[64]<br />

i=0 [19,70]<br />

Δc≠0<br />

Δp=0<br />

i≠0 [19,71]<br />

Δc=0<br />

Δp=0<br />

i≠0 [72]<br />

Δc=0<br />

Δp=0<br />

(1) Membrane; (2) measuring electrodes; (3) polarizing electrodes; (4) impedance<br />

meter; (5) potentiostat; (6) measuring capillaries; (7) ammeter; (8) stirrings;<br />

(9) mercury.<br />

the values of the water content and exchange capacity of the<br />

samples; the accuracy of the determination of nm was of 0.1 mol<br />

H2O/mol SO3 − [50–52].<br />

The porous structure of ion-exchange membranes was<br />

studied with various methods: electron microscopy, atomic<br />

force microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, mercury<br />

porosimetry etc [2,11,53–59]. The thermodynamic method of<br />

standard contact porosimetry allows the determination of water<br />

distribution in the pores [59–63]. This method has been<br />

developed at the A.N. Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry by<br />

Yu.M. Volfkovich and E.I. Shkolnikov. This method is useful<br />

for studying the properties of heterogeneous membranes<br />

with S-shaped isotherm of water desorption in a wide range of<br />

effective pore radii as well as that of homogeneous membranes<br />

MF-4SK and Nafion [59,60] with narrow distribution of pore<br />

sizes and low content of water.<br />

In the standard porosimetry method, the water content is<br />

measured for the membranes equilibrated with the standards of<br />

determined porous structure. The curves of integral distribution<br />

of pore volume on the pore radius were obtained for the<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

4 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

standards via independent techniques (mercury porosimetry or<br />

capillary condensation). The size of the molecules (about 1 nm)<br />

of the measuring liquid limits the use of this method.<br />

The specific internal surface area S (m 2 /g) and the distance<br />

between the fixed groups L (nm) were calculated from the<br />

porosimetry curves of the relative water content V (cm 3 Н2О/g)<br />

as a function of the effective radii of pores r (nm) in the<br />

membrane.<br />

Z l<br />

1<br />

S ¼ 2<br />

r2 0<br />

dV<br />

dlnr<br />

Z l<br />

dr ¼ 2<br />

0<br />

dV<br />

r<br />

; L ¼<br />

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

S<br />

;<br />

QNA<br />

ð1Þ<br />

where dV is the differential of water content, Q is the ionexchange<br />

capacity, NA is the Avogadro's number.<br />

Schematic drawings of the electrochemical cells, the<br />

equations used for calculations and some experimental parameters<br />

are summarized in Table 2. The membrane conductivity<br />

κm (S/m) is a common characteristic of electrochemical properties<br />

of these systems. A wide range of experimental techniques<br />

has been developed for the determination of materials<br />

conductivity [17,64–66]. The value of κm is commonly determined<br />

from the value of membrane resistance measured as an<br />

active portion of membrane impedance [64]. We used the mercury-contact<br />

electrode operating at 200 kHz AC. The mercurycontact<br />

method is very attractive for studying polymer films<br />

since this technique provides an ideal contact between the<br />

electrodes and a sample. Moreover, this method is not limited<br />

by the concentration of the equilibrium solution or by the water<br />

content which might vary in different polymer materials.<br />

The polarization effects in membranes translate into the<br />

discrepancy between the conductivity of ion-exchange membrane<br />

measured under alternating current (κ AC) and that measured<br />

under direct current (κ DC) [34,67]. The simple equation<br />

that establishes the relationship between these characteristics<br />

has been derived and confirmed by the experimental data for<br />

heterogeneous electrodialytic membranes [68]:<br />

jDC ¼ jACt f2<br />

i<br />

where ti is transport numbers of counter-ions in solution; f2 is<br />

the volume fraction of equilibrium solution in the membrane.<br />

For homogeneous membranes, when f2→0, it is however<br />

possible to neglect discrepancies between κAC and κDC.<br />

The diffusion of salt through a membrane is described by<br />

several quantitative parameters (the salt diffusion flux ( jm, mol/<br />

m 2 s), the integral (Рm, m 2 /s) and differential (P⁎) coefficients<br />

of diffusion permeability). The relationships between these<br />

parameters are defined by the following equations:<br />

R c<br />

Pm ¼<br />

0 P⁎dc Dc<br />

; jm ¼ Pm ; jm ¼ P<br />

⁎ dc<br />

: ð3Þ<br />

c<br />

l<br />

dl<br />

Several papers regarding the experimental methods for measuring<br />

these diffusion characteristics have been published<br />

[17,69,70]. We studied the diffusion of salt solution through a<br />

membrane to the “pure” water (Table 2). The rate of increase of<br />

the salt concentration in a chamber filled with water (dc/dt) was<br />

controlled via conductometry method.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


Electroosmotic permeability of the membranes in NaCl<br />

solutions W (m 3 /C) and the number of water transport t w (mol<br />

Н 2О/F) were measured in a two-chamber cell with reversible<br />

silver chloride electrodes by the volumetric method [19,71]<br />

(Table 2).<br />

The voltammetry curves were obtained in a cell equipped<br />

with platinum polarizing and silver chloride measuring electrodes<br />

[72]. The value of the electrodiffusion limiting current<br />

density i lim (A/m 2 ) was found graphically from the voltammetry<br />

curves.<br />

Testing of membranes was carried out in NaCl solutions,<br />

since this salt is one of the most abundant mineral component of<br />

natural waters, industrial and physiological solutions. For the<br />

electrodialytic membranes, the 0.1 М solution of NaCl was<br />

used as a standard. The membranes for other applications must<br />

be studied in more concentrated solutions of salts as well as in<br />

acid and base solutions (NaCl, HCl and H 2SO 4). Herein, the<br />

electrotransport characteristics of membranes were determined<br />

for a wide concentration range.<br />

The isothermal experiments were carried out at 25 °С. The<br />

measurement errors for all determined parameters amounted to<br />

3–5%.<br />

4. Results and discussion<br />

4.1. Structure of ion-exchange membranes investigated by<br />

standard porosimetry method<br />

Ion-exchange membranes are multiphase systems harboring<br />

polar and non-polar components in a polymeric matrix. Dry ionexchangers<br />

are dielectrics with a conductivity of 10 − 5 S/m. The<br />

conducting state of a membrane is induced by water or electrolyte<br />

solution that results in an abrupt increase in the conductivity<br />

of material (by 2–3 orders of magnitude) in a narrow<br />

range of water content values. This effect indicates the formation<br />

of ion and water transport channels in the membrane<br />

structure influenced by the external electric and concentration<br />

fields. The spatial distribution of water molecules and their<br />

specific concentration within the membrane both determine its<br />

structural, mechanical, thermodynamic and electrochemical<br />

properties. More recently, theoretical concepts regarding the<br />

ion aggregation in membranes have been suggested in several<br />

studies on the data obtained by modern physical methods<br />

[8,17,53,55,63,73–76].<br />

The analysis of the standard porosimetry data provides a<br />

rational picture of various interactions between the material and<br />

water. The model represented schematically in Fig. 2 includes<br />

energetic, hydration and geometrical parameters of membrane<br />

microstructure. The concept of “free” and “bonded” water in<br />

ion-exchangers allows simple calculations of the water capacity<br />

of a gel phase and hydration numbers of counter-ions [63].<br />

The “bonded” water confined in hydrate shells of ion–dipole<br />

associates fixed ion–counter-ion is immobilized in channels<br />

with effective radii ranging from 0.4 to 1.5 nm [77]. This water<br />

state is related to the hydrate capacity of a gel phase. The region<br />

of “bonded” water in the curve of water distribution on the pore<br />

radii corresponds to the energy of water bonding A≥1.7 kJ/mol<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

and to the effective value of pore radii r≤1.5 nm (A ¼ 2Vmr<br />

cos H<br />

r , where Vm is the molar volume of water, σ is the<br />

surface tension and Θ is the contact angle). This value of A is<br />

less by approximately two orders of magnitude than the hydration<br />

energy of ions that is comparable with the energy of<br />

hydrogen bonds [78]. The maximum in a region that corresponds<br />

to the macropores indicates that structural defects are<br />

formed at the interface between the resin and polyethylene<br />

particles.<br />

The method of standard porosimetry was successfully used in<br />

several studies of resin-based heterogeneous membranes with<br />

different porosities and degrees of DVB cross-linking. It is also<br />

useful for studying membranes with different chemistry of<br />

matrix, functional groups and counter-ions and for evaluating the<br />

degradation of membrane properties after freezing, sterilization<br />

etc [61,62,79]. The data presented in Fig. 3 confirm the high<br />

sensitivity of standard porosimetry with respect to the synthetic<br />

methods used for membrane fabrication. This sensitivity makes<br />

the standard porosimetry technique very convenient to determine<br />

the structural characteristics of new membrane materials.<br />

Currently, a wide range of Nafion-type perfluorinated membranes<br />

MF-4SK (Russia) is manufactured. The expansion of the<br />

class of novel membrane materials requires careful consideration<br />

of the relationships between cluster morphology and transport<br />

properties of membranes. The content and distribution of<br />

water in these materials are particularly important because they<br />

are commonly used as solid polyelectrolytes in fuel cells. The<br />

morphology of perfluorinated membranes and models of their<br />

structure are the subjects of continuing experiment and theorybased<br />

research. The generally accepted concept of water clusters<br />

(4–5 nm in diameter) connected by narrow channels of 1–<br />

1.5 nm has been extended recently to a new model of Nafion<br />

structure. This model suggests the formation of networked<br />

bundles of elongated polymeric aggregates and cylindrical<br />

channels in the membrane [80]. Fig. 4 shows the porosimetry<br />

Fig. 2. Integral (1) and differential (2) functions of water distribution on the pore<br />

radii and energy of bonded water (A, J/mol) for MK-40 membrane; V is the<br />

relative water content of the swollen membrane (cm 3 /g); r is the effective pore<br />

radius (nm); nm is the water capacity of the swollen membrane (mol H2O/site).<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

6 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 3. Integral (a, b, c) and differential (a, d, e) functions of water distribution on the effective pore radii (r, nm) and energy of bonded water (A, J/mol)<br />

for heterogeneous membranes with various counter-ions (a, b, c) and altered DVB content (d and e). The hydrate microstructures are drawn schematically (a, b, c).<br />

a) MK-40 in Li + (1), Na + (2) and K + (3) ionic form; b) MK-40 in Na + (1), Ni 2+ (2), Cu 2+ (3) and Zn 2+ (4) ionic form; c) MK-41 in Na + (1), Ni 2+ (2), Cu 2+ (3) and Zn 2+<br />

(4) ionic form; d) MK-40 (2. 4 and 8% DVB); e) MK-41 (4 and 8% DVB).<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


Fig. 4. Distributions of integral pore-volume (V, cm 3 H 2O/cm 3 membrane) on pore radii (r, nm) for (1) Nafion-115, (2) Nafion-112, (3) Nafion-117 and (4) MF-4SK<br />

membranes (a) [60], and the scheme of Nafion membrane structure (b) [80].<br />

curves for membranes Nafion and MF-4SK described in [60],<br />

and a model of Nafion structure which accounts for membrane<br />

heterogeneity scaling from nanometers to microns.<br />

The effects of water redistribution between structural elements<br />

are even more pronounced when the organic ions are<br />

introduced into the membrane material. Fig. 5 represents the<br />

integral functions of water distribution on the effective pore radii<br />

for membranes MK-40 and MF-4SK with varied degree of<br />

Fig. 5. Integral functions of water distribution on effective pore radii for the<br />

membranes MF-4SK (a) and MK-40 (b). The saturation (θ) of membranes with<br />

ТBА + ions varies as follows: (a) (1) 0, (2) 0.17, (3) 0.25, (4) 0.49, (5) 0.70,<br />

(6) 1.00 and (b) (1) 0, (2) 0.24, (3) 0.72, (4) 0.88.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

membrane saturation with tetrabutylammonium ions (TBA + ).<br />

The degree of saturation (θ) is the ratio of the number of absorbed<br />

organic ions q (mol/g) to the maximum IEC of a membrane<br />

with respect to organic counter-ions (Qorg): θ=q/Qorg<br />

[81]. The values of internal specific surface S, distance between<br />

the fixed groups L and the amount of TBA + ions on the internal<br />

surface in membrane cs (cs=q/S) calculated from porosimetric<br />

curves for various θ values are summarized in Table 3.<br />

Several suggestions regarding the localization of organic<br />

ions at the internal interfaces in charged membranes have been<br />

made on the basis of the experimental data. Different scales of<br />

heterogeneity in polystyrene and perfluorinated membranes<br />

results in the accumulation of organic ions at the interface<br />

between gel phase and internal solution in the macro- and<br />

mesopores (Fig. 6a). This hypothetical interface is somewhat<br />

discrete because 40% of the membrane volume is occupied with<br />

polyethylene [33], which does not interact with organic counterions;<br />

instead, it is involved in the formation of transport<br />

channels.<br />

The saturation of MF-4SK membrane with TBA + ions is<br />

accompanied by the polymer dehydration and structural reorganization<br />

that decreases the diameter of hydrophilic channels<br />

approximately down to that of organic ions (1 nm) (Fig. 6b). This<br />

Table 3<br />

Structural characteristics of sulphocationic membranes with a varied degree of<br />

saturation with TBA + ions<br />

θ V0,cm 3 /g S, m 2 /g L, nm cs10 6 , mol/m 2<br />

MF-4SK<br />

0 0.27 146 0.50 0<br />

0.17 0.24 129 0.47 0.9<br />

0.25 0.20 72 0.34 2.4<br />

0.49 0.16 55 0.31 6.0<br />

0.70 0.13 33 0.24 14.5<br />

1.00 0.05 12 0.14 55.3<br />

MK-40<br />

0 0.46 121 0.27 0<br />

0.24 0.36 113 0.27 3.6<br />

0.72 0.33 99 0.25 13.8<br />

0.88 0.30 96 0.24 17.3<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


decrease in the distance between functional groups indicates the<br />

shrinking of material that inhibits the hydrophilic transport and<br />

results in the complete loss of membrane conductivity.<br />

Overall, the consideration of water distribution within the<br />

equilibrated membrane provides a comprehensive understanding<br />

of changes in electrotransport properties of membranes<br />

influenced by various internal and external factors.<br />

4.2. Ion transport in ion-exchange membranes<br />

4.2.1. Membrane conductometry<br />

The electrochemical behavior of ion-exchange membranes is<br />

generally described by a number of macroscopic properties:<br />

conductivity, transport numbers of ions and water, diffusion and<br />

electroosmotic permeability, value of limiting current in the<br />

current–voltage curve. These properties depend on the concentration<br />

of equilibrium electrolyte solution, which concentrations<br />

are altered in a course of separation process (Fig. 1).<br />

The membrane conductivity thus depends on the solution<br />

concentration, exchange capacity, type of counter-ions, fixed ions<br />

and polymeric matrix [17,19,43,45,82–84]. The most important<br />

factor is the dependence of membrane conductivity on concentration.<br />

The measurements of membrane conductivity in a wide<br />

range of NaCl concentration revealed three different concentration<br />

regions for the Κ M−С dependence (Fig. 7). For diluted<br />

solutions with the concentration ≤0.5M,anincreaseoftheΚ M<br />

value has been observed for all measured samples. When the<br />

membrane conductivity (κ M) is equal to the equilibrium solution<br />

conductivity (κ), the “isoconductivity” point (κ iso) is a characteristics<br />

of conducting properties of membranes in diluted solutions,<br />

jisoujm ¼ j: ð4Þ<br />

In most cases, the conductivity increased at the medium<br />

concentrations ranging from 0.5 M to 1.5 M. For the con-<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

8 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the ТBА + ions immobilized in a heterogeneous cation-exchange membrane (а) and the ТBА + ions moving in cluster-channelcluster<br />

structure of a perfluorinated membrane (b).<br />

centrations exceeding 1.5 M, the extreme character of the Κ M−С<br />

function has been observed for some membranes [84]. The<br />

conductivity decrease in the concentrated solutions is related to<br />

the increase in the Donnan's sorption of electrolyte, membrane<br />

dehydration and ionic association. This study of conductivity VS<br />

concentration dependences (Figs. 7, 8) confirmed the key role of<br />

water molecules and their content in the membrane material on<br />

the conductivity of ion-exchange membranes.<br />

There are two different ways to vary water content in the<br />

membrane: (1) synthetically (by varying the degree of polymeric<br />

matrix cross-linking and the amount of inert component<br />

in heterogeneous membranes; by changing the conditions<br />

of alkaline saponification of sulphonyl fluoride groups or<br />

by varying the time of exposure in glycol at 110 °C for<br />

Fig. 7. Membrane conductivity vs concentration dependences obtained in<br />

equilibrium NaCl solutions: (1) MK-40 with 4% DVB, (2) MK-40 with 8%<br />

DVB, (3) MA-41, (4) MK-41 with 8% DVB, (5) MK-41 with 4% DVB, (6) BW-<br />

3361, (7) MA-40, (8) MF-4SK with nm=11.9, (9) MF-4SK with nm=36.5,<br />

(10) MF-4SK with nm=20.2, (11) MF-4SK with nm=7.1, (12) Kaspion.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


perfluorinated membranes), and (2) by post-synthetic processing<br />

of the already synthesized membranes (temperature treatment,<br />

pre-testing processing of perfluorinated membranes,<br />

immobilization of hydrophobic organic ions etc.) [19,41,43,<br />

47,63,71,85].<br />

The conductivity as function of water capacity for perfluorinated<br />

membranes preliminary rinsed with water is shown<br />

in Fig. 9. The nm value was varied both by changing the<br />

counter-ion type and by using different pre-testing procedures.<br />

The n m increased in the H + -form compared to that of K + -form,<br />

especially after successive boiling of membranes in acidic<br />

solutions and water [47]. The κm increases with nm (Fig. 9), that<br />

corroborates the general relationship between the hydrate characteristics<br />

and electrotransport properties of the ion-exchange<br />

membranes.<br />

The analysis of anion-exchange membranes conductivity has<br />

been described in details [36] and the type of functional groups<br />

and polymeric matrix have been suggested to be the key factors<br />

contributed to the ionic transfer.<br />

4.3. Percolation effects in ion-exchange membranes<br />

Studying the percolation transitions during the preparation of<br />

a polymeric composite is very important for the optimization of<br />

a composition of raw materials. The changes in conductivity are<br />

commonly observed when the ratio between the conducting and<br />

non-conducting components is varied for ion-exchange sticks<br />

(granulates), membranes from a resin and polyethylene, or<br />

membranes formed from sulpho-containing polyarylenamides<br />

(conducting component) dispersed in phenylone (inert component)<br />

[86].<br />

Percolation transition in the mixed system composed of<br />

swollen gel, solution and inert component particles is sche-<br />

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N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 8. Concentration dependences of the conductivity of electrodialytic membranes (a) and perfluorinated membranes reinforced with tetrafluoroethylene fibers (b): a)<br />

(1) Neosepta AM-1, (2) MK-40, (3) Neosepta CM-1, (4) CR 67-HMR-412, (5) MA-41, (6) AR 204-SZRA-412, (7) NaCl solutions; b) (1) Nafion-117, (2) Nafion-425,<br />

(3) MF-4SK, (4, 5, and 6) MF-4SK with fibers, (7) NaCl solution.<br />

matically represented in Fig. 10a. Fig. 10b shows a clear set of<br />

dependences of the relative conductivity value (κ m/κ) on the<br />

volume fraction of the conducting phase in the composite<br />

(factor fc).<br />

The equation proposed by S. Kirkpatrick on the basis of<br />

the percolation phenomena theory developed by S. Broadbent<br />

and J. Hammersly [87,88] has been used for the calculations of<br />

membrane parameters:<br />

jm ¼ j0 ð/ / jÞ<br />

t ; ð5Þ<br />

where κ0 is the parameter dependent on the mechanism of<br />

conductivity, which has been determined experimentally (the κ 0<br />

Fig. 9. Conductivity vs hydration capacity curve for perfluorinated membranes<br />

in various ionic forms.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


Fig. 10. 2D schematic representation of the swollen membranes as percolating<br />

systems (a). Percolation curves (b) for various membrane materials:<br />

1 — heterogeneous ion-exchange sticks (granulates), fabricated from extruded<br />

mixture of sulphocationic resin KU-2 and polyethylene; 2 — heterogeneous ionexchange<br />

membranes with the varied ratios of the resin KU-2 and polyethylene;<br />

3 — homogeneous cation-exchange films formed from sulphonate-containing<br />

polyaryleneamide.<br />

value is the same as electroconductivity of the conducting<br />

phase); ϕ and ϕ k are the volume fractions of conducting phase<br />

in the polymer and the critical value, at which the percolation<br />

transition isolator–conductor is observed; t is critical index of<br />

electroconductivity or universal constant.<br />

It has been found, that percolation transitions occur upon<br />

changing both water contents and the energetic state of water<br />

molecules in ion-exchange membranes. Fig. 11 (curve 3) illustrates<br />

percolation transition for the MK-40 membrane during<br />

freezing and thawing processes. We did not observe percolation<br />

effects for Neosepta СМ-1 and MF-4SK membranes under the<br />

similar experimental conditions [89].<br />

These observations suggest that the “free” water is responsible<br />

for the percolation nature of ion transport in hetero-<br />

Fig. 11. Time-dependent curve of the logarithm of specific membrane conductivity<br />

(κm, S/m) in a course of freezing–thawing processes: (1) MF-4SK,<br />

(2) Neosepta СМ-1, (3) МK-40.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

10 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

geneous membrane (MK-40). Dehydrated heterogeneous<br />

membranes exhibit an abrupt dependence of conductivity on<br />

water content. We observed this so-called “antipercolation transitions”<br />

in successively dried Nafion-117 and heterogeneous<br />

membranes MK-40, MA-41 and MA-41⁎ (isoporous structure<br />

of resin) equilibrated with water (Fig. 12), and membranes MA-<br />

40 equilibrated with sodium, nickel (II), copper (II) and zinc (II)<br />

chloride solutions [90–92]. As indicated in Fig. 12, the conductivity<br />

changed by more than four orders of magnitude with<br />

increasing water content. For highly hydrated membranes, the<br />

conductivity values depend on a chemistry of co-ions because<br />

of their complexation with the membrane material.<br />

The accumulation of organic ions in membranes causes the<br />

formation of structural elements with lower conductivity. This,<br />

in turn, induces the changes both in the membrane hydrophilicity<br />

and electrotransport properties. The membrane conductivity<br />

decreases in a course of saturating of the material with<br />

low-mobility organic counter-ions. In fact, the membranes with<br />

θ≤0.4 generally exhibit similar behavior (Fig. 13a). However,<br />

the ТBА + ions somewhat decrease the conductivity of sulphocationic<br />

membranes MK-40 and MF-4SK, when the saturation<br />

exceeds θ=0.4. We hypothesized, that this decrease was caused<br />

by an influence of membrane structure.<br />

For the system TBA + /MF-4SK, the change of membrane<br />

hydration state induced by the corresponding change in saturation<br />

with organic counter-ions results in an abrupt decrease in<br />

conductivity. This effect might be attributed to the percolation<br />

conductor–dielectric transition. The calculations on the percolation<br />

theory equation confirmed that the experimental value of<br />

parameter ϕk for all membranes correlated well with the<br />

theoretical ones [86]. The calculated value of the conductivity<br />

critical index (parameter t) however exceeded those mentioned<br />

in the literature for typical percolation systems. This discrepancy<br />

follows, most likely, from an approximate character of<br />

calculating the volume fraction (ϕ) of conducting component in<br />

perfluorinated membranes. The parameters in percolation theory<br />

equation do not correspond well to an actual geometry and<br />

packing of conducting regions in the membrane [93,94]. We<br />

assumed that the volume fraction of water, which formed<br />

Fig. 12. Dependence of the membrane conductivity (κ m, S/cm) on the water<br />

content: (1) MA-41, (2) MK-40 and (3) MA-41⁎ membranes impregnated with<br />

water [90].<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


hydrophilic channels for ion transfer, corresponded to the volume<br />

fraction of the conducting phase. The ϕ value was determined<br />

using the experimental dependences of the water content<br />

on the degree of saturation with organic ions and on membrane<br />

density [95,96].<br />

In summary, the introduction of TBA + ions into membrane<br />

material provided an opportunity for direct observation of new<br />

percolation conductor–dielectric transitions related to the<br />

interplay between the membrane dehydration and formation<br />

of the phase with low conductivity in homogeneous membranes.<br />

The small value of the t parameter indicates the strong<br />

influence of membrane dehydration on the type of a conductivity<br />

decrease. We note, that the similar effects were not<br />

observed for heterogeneous МK-40 membranes under the same<br />

experimental conditions.<br />

The experimental data on the conductivity of ion-exchange<br />

membranes in dry and swollen states in a wide range of electrolyte<br />

concentrations provide a basis for a clear set of most<br />

important factors for understanding polymer behavior: (1) critical<br />

value of water content corresponding to the percolation<br />

conductor–dielectric transition, (2) “isoelectroconductivity”<br />

point corresponding to the equilibration of the conductivity of<br />

membrane and that of solution, and (3) membrane conductivity<br />

maximum.<br />

4.4. Water electrotransport and selectivity of membranes<br />

The transport of ions through membranes under external<br />

electric field is accompanied by the transport of solvent molecules.<br />

The mechanism of water electrotransport depends on the<br />

membrane hydrophilic properties as well as on the degree of ion<br />

hydration [71]. The electroosmotic permeability of ion-exchange<br />

membranes has been studied systematically in several<br />

works [19,41,71,97,98].<br />

The concentration dependences of water transport numbers<br />

in a wide range of NaCl concentration for electrodialytic and<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

perfluorinated membranes are presented in Fig. 14. For diluted<br />

solutions, water transport numbers (t w), which depend strongly<br />

on the water content, remain constant for the majority of the<br />

investigated membranes. When the concentration of solution<br />

decreases, the tw increases substantially (up to 10 mol H2O/F) in<br />

strongly swelling membranes (MF-4SK, N M=36.5 mol H2O/<br />

mol SO3 − , KESD N M=19 mol H2O/mol SO3 − ). For the higher<br />

values of concentrations (from 0.5 M to 1.5 M of NaCl), this<br />

value remains stable in electrodialytic membranes. However,<br />

the decrease of t w was observed for some perfluorinated membranes.<br />

For the concentrated solutions, the t w value approaches<br />

the number of primary hydration of ions (4 for Na + and 3 for<br />

Cl − ) for all investigated membranes.<br />

The type of counter-ions may have an essential influence on<br />

the electroosmotic permeability of membranes. The high numbers<br />

of water transport by tetrametylammonium and trimethylbenzylammonium<br />

cations have been found in [98]. A similar<br />

effect has been described in [99] for Nafion-117 membrane<br />

saturated with alcylammonium cations (the number of hydrocarbon<br />

radicals varied from 1 up to 4). The authors hypothesized<br />

that electroosmotic flow increased because of hydrodynamic<br />

conditions that induced “the pumping effect”, i.e., the transport<br />

of the excessive amount of solvent. However, the detailed<br />

mechanism for this type of water transport has not been proposed.<br />

High electroosmotic flow has been also observed for<br />

dicarboxylic acids [100] and amino acids [101,102] transferred<br />

through membranes.<br />

Herein, we studied the transport of water by TEA + ions<br />

through perfluorinated MF-4SK membrane. The anomalous<br />

electroosmotic transport as compared to NaCl solution was<br />

observed. For tetraethylammonium chloride (TEACl), the tw<br />

value reached 22 mol of H2O/F that correlated well with the data<br />

obtained in [98,99]. To determine the contribution of “the<br />

pumping effect” to the overall water transport, we studied the<br />

electroosmotic transport in mixed NaCl and TEACl solutions by<br />

the method of isonormal series. A total electrolyte concentration<br />

Fig. 13. Conductivity vs saturation degree curves for membranes with immobilized organic counter-ions TBA + and DDS − : (1) MK-40, (2) MA-41, (3) MF-4SK<br />

(a). Graphical determination of the parameters of percolation theory (b). (The parameter κm refers to the membrane conductivity after saturation with the TBA + ions<br />

and parameter κm 0 refers to the same characteristic of initial membrane).<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


Fig. 14. Concentration dependence of the water transport numbers in NaCl solutions for (a) electrodialytic and (b) perfluorinated membranes: a) (1) MK-40 with<br />

8% DVB, (2) MK-40 with 4% DVB, (3) MK-41 with 8% DVB, (4) MA-41, (5) MA-40, (6) BW-3361; b) (1) MF-4SK with nm=11.9, (2) MF-4SK with nm=20.2,<br />

(3) MF-4SK with n m=36,5, (4) Nafion 425, (5) Nafion 117, (6) MF-4SK with n m=9.8, (7) MF-4SK with n m=10.1.<br />

was kept constant (0.1 M). The experimental results are shown<br />

in Fig. 15. The convex dependence of tw on the equivalent<br />

fraction of organic ions in the mixture indicates that, unlike<br />

individual NaCl and TEACl solutions, the t w values obtained<br />

for the mixture of Na + and TEA + ions are not additive ones The<br />

conservative value of tw can be related to the membrane selectivity<br />

toward organic counter-ions [103,104]. For the mixture of<br />

the TEA + ions with hydrophilic Na + , there are two parallel<br />

flows transferring ions through the membrane.<br />

Table 4 summarizes the equilibrium and dynamic hydration<br />

characteristics for the MF-4SK membrane (Na + -form) saturated<br />

with TEA + ions. The t w/n m coefficient [105] facilitates the<br />

comparison between dynamic and equilibrium hydration characteristics.<br />

The transport number of water, tw, characterizes the<br />

flow of solvent through the labyrinth of transport channels in a<br />

Fig. 15. Dependences of (1) the water transport numbers and (2) conductivity of<br />

the MF-4SK membrane on the equivalent fraction of TEACl in 0.1 M NaCl<br />

solution.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

12 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

membrane. The water capacity nm is determined by the amount<br />

of water absorbed by the membrane upon swelling under equilibrium<br />

conditions.<br />

As evidenced by the data given in Table 4, the t w/n m coefficient<br />

for Na + is smaller than 1. This value indicates that the<br />

water is only partially involved into electroosmotic transport<br />

with Na + ions. Here, the transport of water immobilized in the<br />

hydration shells of ions is the primary mechanism of electroosmotic<br />

process. For the TEA + , the tw/nm coefficient increases<br />

to 1.93 that suggests the additional mechanism of water trans-<br />

port. The electroosmotic transport in perfluorinated membranes<br />

is, most likely, induced by the pressure gradient ( dP)<br />

promoting<br />

dx<br />

the opening of additional channels that are highly selective to<br />

the transport of Na + ions [78].<br />

The formation of aqueous clusters around tetraalkylammonium<br />

ions in a free solution thus manifests itself in the electromigration<br />

of TEA + ions through the membrane. The proposed<br />

mechanism of water transport with Na + and TEA + ions through<br />

ion-exchange membrane is drawn schematically in Fig. 16. We<br />

suggest, that the ‘pumping effect” ( dP ¼ 0) does not occur during<br />

dx<br />

the translational motion of Na + ions when the water molecules<br />

are transported only in immobilized form, that is, in ion hydration<br />

shells.<br />

The function of the equivalent fraction of TEA + ions obtained<br />

by conductometry measurements for the membranes in<br />

a mixed Na + -TEA + form is shown in Fig. 15. Even small<br />

amounts of TEA + ions cause a considerable decrease in the<br />

Table 4<br />

Hydration characteristics of the MF-4SK membrane<br />

Ions Ion radius, nm n m, mol Н 2О/mol SO 3 −<br />

Na +<br />

TEA +<br />

t w, mol Н 2О/F t w/n w<br />

0.095 16.6 10.60 0.64<br />

0.41 11.4 22.92 1.93<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


membrane conductivity. This might be attributed to the membrane<br />

selectivity toward organic counter-ions. The degree of<br />

membrane saturation by TEA + ions tends to unity (θ→1) after<br />

the contact of the membrane with the TEACl solution of<br />

minimal concentration. A similar loss of conductivity was<br />

observed also for Nafion-117 membrane in NaBr and TMABr<br />

solutions [42]. The anomalous water transport through MF-<br />

4SK membrane and the simultaneous decrease in membrane<br />

conductivity can be therefore explained by specific interaction<br />

between tetraalkylammonium ions and water and by the pressure<br />

gradient acting as an additional force in the electromembrane<br />

system.<br />

The characteristics of water electrotransport are directly<br />

related to the selectivity of ion-exchange membranes. This<br />

parameter is especially important for the membranes used as<br />

ion-selective electrodes in electromembrane processes (e.g.<br />

water desalination, concentrating of electrolyte solutions etc.).<br />

The transport numbers of ions (ti ⁎) are quantitative and complex<br />

characteristics of the selectivity of membranes. This parameter<br />

represents the fraction of current transferred by certain ions and<br />

depends strongly on the experimental conditions. In fact, the<br />

effective transport numbers of ions [17] are “apparent” (t+app)<br />

because ion transport is accompanied by water transport. For<br />

this reason, some authors argue that these characteristics should<br />

not be used in technical data sheets. Nevertheless, the development<br />

of new methods to measure actual transport numbers still<br />

continues since these values are important for calculating the<br />

electric energy required for the electromembrane processes. A.<br />

Narebska et al. [4,106] analyzed the dependences of transport<br />

numbers of counter-ions on concentration and electric current<br />

density and suggested that this parameter as well as electroosmotic<br />

permeability might be included into the set of six<br />

“compulsory” properties for membrane characterization. The<br />

following equation suggested in [107] provides yet another<br />

approach for calculating transport numbers using the values of<br />

conductivity, diffusion and electroosmotic permeability coefficients:<br />

t ⁎ i ¼<br />

z2 þL⁎þ c ðÞ<br />

z2 þL⁎ þðÞþz c 2 L⁎ ; ð6Þ<br />

ðÞ c<br />

Here, the electrodiffusion coefficients Li ⁎ (с) are defined in the<br />

following equations using the values of the specific conductiv-<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 16. Schematics illustrating the mechanism of water transport with Na + and TEA + ions in ion-exchange membrane.<br />

ity and diffusion permeability coefficient at certain concentration<br />

of the solution:<br />

L ⁎ þ c ðÞ¼j⁎ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

ðÞ c<br />

2P<br />

⁎ 1 þ 1<br />

zþF 2 ⁎ðÞcF c 2<br />

RTj⁎ " s<br />

#<br />

; ð7Þ<br />

ðÞpF c ðÞ c<br />

L ⁎ ðÞ¼ c<br />

j⁎ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

ðÞ c<br />

2P<br />

⁎ 1 1<br />

z F2 ⁎ðÞcF c 2<br />

RTj⁎ " s<br />

#<br />

: ð8Þ<br />

ðÞpF c ðÞ c<br />

where π ±(c) is the function accounted for the non-ideality of<br />

equilibrium solution:<br />

pFðÞ¼1 c þ dlngF=dlnc: ð9Þ<br />

The data on the ti ⁎ value calculations for membranes with<br />

various structures are summarized in Table 4. Herein, the t+ ⁎<br />

values were obtained using the well-known Scatchard equation<br />

[108]:<br />

t ⁎ þ ¼ tþapp þ 0:018mFtw; ð10Þ<br />

This equation establishes the relationship between “true” and<br />

“apparent” transport numbers of counter-ions and it accounts<br />

for the additional contribution of water transport. We used the<br />

experimental data obtained in our laboratory and those published<br />

in [43] for our calculations. The transport numbers calculated<br />

from the concentration dependences of specific conductivity and<br />

diffusion permeability of counter-ions are in very close agreement<br />

with those estimated from the experimental data with Eq.<br />

(10); the discrepancy amounted to 3–5% (Table 5). The concentration<br />

dependences of conductivity, diffusion and electroosmotic<br />

permeability provides enough data for calculations of<br />

ion transport numbers, and the experimental determination of<br />

these latter parameters is therefore not required.<br />

We successfully used this approach in [107] for perfluorinated<br />

membranes (MF-4SK) with various contents of water and<br />

for heterogeneous membrane МK-40 on polystyrene matrix.<br />

Our results as well as those of A. Narebska et al. for Nafion-120<br />

membrane [109,110] were used in a recent work [13] for the<br />

calculation of ion transport numbers. The authors suggested an<br />

equation, which was proposed earlier by R. Paterson and O.<br />

Kedem [9,10], though in different mathematical form.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


Table 5<br />

Transport numbers of counter-ions and water transport numbers for sulphocation<br />

membranes with varied type of polymer matrix in 0.5 M NaCl solution<br />

Membrane t + ⁎ calculation<br />

by Eq. (6)<br />

t+app<br />

tw, mol<br />

Н 2О/F<br />

SPEEK-1 0.99 0.97 4.8 0.99<br />

SPEEK-2 0.93 0.91 9.0 0.95<br />

SPS-2 0.99 0.96 4.0 0.98<br />

Nafion-117 0.97 – 4.0 –<br />

MF-4SK 0.98 0.94 10.3 0.99<br />

t+ ⁎ calculation<br />

by Eq. (10)<br />

Fig. 17 demonstrates the concentration dependence of the<br />

“true” transport numbers, which was calculated with Eq. (6) for<br />

sulphocationic membranes formed from polysulphone and polyether-ether-ketone<br />

matrix. The t+ ⁎ values indicated by dots were<br />

calculated from the experimental data on the water transport<br />

numbers and “apparent” transport numbers of ions for the same<br />

membranes [43]. Overall, this method enables, in principle, the<br />

determination of the “true” transport numbers of counter-ions for<br />

ion-exchange membranes with various structures.<br />

The concept of simultaneous water and ion transfer allows<br />

calculations of the hydration characteristics of ions from the<br />

concentration dependences of water transport numbers. It has<br />

been found that the dependence of transport number of water<br />

(transporting through a gel zone) on “true” transport number of<br />

ions is linear for many membranes when the transport number<br />

of counter-ions is below 0.9 [97]. The experimental results can<br />

be plotted in tw−t+ ⁎ coordinates according to the equation<br />

jw ¼ jþw þ j w ¼ t ⁎ þ hþ t ⁎ h i=F: ð11Þ<br />

The dynamic hydration numbers can be therefore found<br />

graphically: h − as an intersection point of the linear function<br />

with the ordinate axis (tw), and h+ as a tangent of the linear<br />

function slope to the x axis (Fig. 18). In Eq. (10), jw is a density<br />

of the water flow across the membrane, j+w and j−w are the<br />

densities of the water flow transferred by cations and anions, i is<br />

the current density, and F is the Faraday constant. The dynamic<br />

Fig. 17. Concentration dependence of the ion transport numbers in ion-exchange<br />

membranes with a varied degree of sulphurization (1) SPS-2 with nm=7.0, (2)<br />

SPEEK-1 with nm=13.7 and (3) SPEEK-2 with nm=20.0 mol H2O/mol.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

14 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 18. Water transport number vs transport number of counter-ions (Na + )<br />

correlation for various membranes: (1, 3) MF-4SK with nm=(1) 36.5 and<br />

(3) 20.2 mol H2O/mol, (2) SPEEK-2 and (4) MK-40.<br />

characteristics h+ and h− consist of two parts: (1) volume of<br />

water involved in hydration, and (2) volume of water, which<br />

participates in the electrotransport process.<br />

The calculated values of the dynamic hydration numbers of<br />

counter-ions and co-ions for sulphocationic membranes with<br />

different polymeric matrices and water capacity nm are presented<br />

in Table 6. The dynamic hydration numbers of counterions<br />

somewhat depend on the nm factor. The h+ values range<br />

from 7 to 11 mol Н2О/mol Na + , while the differences between<br />

the dynamic hydration numbers of co-ions Cl − are more pronounced.<br />

We note that the dynamic hydration numbers of<br />

counter-ions Na + listed in Table 5 are in agreement with those<br />

calculated with the model equations for the electroosmotic<br />

permeability [40,66]. In summary, the values of dynamic hydration<br />

numbers of ions depend on the water content in a<br />

membrane and therefore they must be mentioned among other<br />

technical characteristics.<br />

4.5. Diffusion permeability of membrane materials<br />

The concentration field induces the diffusion transfer of the<br />

electrolyte solution in a course of ion separation, which, in turn,<br />

influences the membrane behavior. The data on the salt diffusion<br />

into the chamber filled with distillate water are shown in<br />

Fig. 19. The integral coefficients of diffusion permeability as<br />

Table 6<br />

Dynamical hydration numbers of ions in membranes<br />

Membrane nm, mol<br />

Н2О/mol SO3 −<br />

hNa+, mol<br />

Н2О/mol Na +<br />

МK-40 13.0 6.9 7.0<br />

МF-4SK 36.5 11.4 29.2<br />

МF-4SK 20.2 7.0 11.2<br />

SPEEK-2 20.0 8.5 6.0<br />

hCl<br />

− ,mol<br />

Н2О/mol Cl −<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


Fig. 19. Concentration dependences of the integral diffusion permeability<br />

coefficient for various membranes in NaCl solution: (1) MK-40 with 8% DVB,<br />

(2) MA-40, (3) BW-3361, (4) Neosepta AM-1, (5) Neosepta AM-X, (6) MF-<br />

4SK with nm=11.9, (7) MF-4SK with nm=20.2, and (8) MF-4SK with<br />

nm=36.5.<br />

well as other transport characteristics of different membrane<br />

depend strongly on the concentration. The interpolymeric<br />

KESD membrane generally used for the diffusion dialysis exhibited<br />

the highest Р m value in all measured solutions (Р m of<br />

KESD membrane is 10 times higher than those of electrodialytic<br />

membranes). In the case of membranes with high water capacity<br />

(e.g., MC-3361 type), a pronounced maximum of Рm was<br />

observed in the concentration range from 0.5 to 1.5 M. These<br />

data suggest that the average water content and, importantly, the<br />

state and location of water molecules are the factors that<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

dominate the dependences of conductivity and diffusion permeability<br />

on concentration (Fig. 7). Fig. 20a shows the dependences<br />

of the diffusion flow j on concentration of NaCl<br />

solution for electrodialytic membranes. The similar curves of<br />

the integral coefficient of diffusion permeability for perfluorinated<br />

membranes filled with reinforcing fluorethylene fibers are<br />

shown in Fig. 20b.<br />

The concentration dependences of the diffusion permeability<br />

of about 40 membrane types have been studied systematically in<br />

[70]. The logarithm of j m value depends linearly on the logarithm<br />

of electrolyte concentrations. The tangent of these linear<br />

functions (β=dlnjm/dlnc) varies from 0.5 up to 1.5 depending<br />

on a type of membrane and chemistry of co-ions, which thereby<br />

influences the β value. For βN1, the concentration profile in a<br />

membrane is a convex function, and for βb1, it is of concave<br />

character (Fig. 21) — the inference, that has been supported by<br />

the results of theoretical calculations [65]. In the case of poorly<br />

hydrated membranes (SPS, SPEEK or Kaspion), the β value lies<br />

near 1. The similar β values were measured for MF-4SK membrane<br />

with ultra-low content of water (nm≈5 mol H2O/mol) and<br />

reinforced with thick fluorethylene network (Fig. 20b). The<br />

concentration profiles and the β parameter can be therefore used<br />

for the membrane characterization.<br />

For all membranes, the specific conductivity and diffusion<br />

permeability increase up to maximal critical value in concentrated<br />

solutions, while the activity of water and mobilities of<br />

counter-ions and co-ions decrease. Similarly, the water transport<br />

numbers and ion transport numbers decrease simultaneously<br />

with increasing concentration. For cb1 M, there is a defined<br />

region of stable tw values in tw−c curve. The threshold character<br />

of these curves is due to the difference in the physical<br />

properties of conducting phases in structurally heterogeneous<br />

membranes, e.g. viscosity.<br />

Fig. 20. Concentration dependences of diffusion flow for electrodialytic membranes (a) and integral diffusion permeability coefficient (b) for perfluorinated<br />

membranes in NaCl solution: a) (1) AM-1, (2) Neosepta СM-1, (3) МА-41, (4) MK-40, (5) CR 67-HMR-412, and (6) AR 204-SZRA-412 membranes; b) (1) Nafion-<br />

117, (2) Nafion-425, (3) MF-4SK, (4, 5, and 6) MF-4SK with tetrafluoroethylene fibers as the reinforcing material.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


Fig. 21. Concentration profile in membranes with varied β parameter: c is the<br />

solution concentration, c 1≈0, c 2 is the electrolyte solution concentration in the<br />

chamber of a cell, x is the transport axis and l is the thickness of membrane.<br />

The data on concentration dependences of electrotransport<br />

properties and those on critical values of physicochemical properties<br />

provide, in principle, a set of guidelines for the optimization<br />

of membranes testing protocols, membrane composition<br />

and concentration ranges corresponding to more efficient electrochemical<br />

separation.<br />

4.6. Polarization phenomena in electromembrane systems<br />

4.6.1. Membrane voltammetry<br />

The membrane voltammetry method is capable of measuring<br />

the properties of polarized membranes under the conditions<br />

approximating those of actual membrane operating. The<br />

literature on testing of membranes via current–voltage measurements<br />

(CVC) is however limited by only a few works [111–<br />

117]. This is due to the difficulties related to the correct interpretation<br />

of measured CVC signals, which are influenced by the<br />

variety of factors.<br />

The current, which reaches certain limiting value and then<br />

increases sharply, and the following system transition to the socalled<br />

“overlimiting” state are the distinguishing characteristics<br />

of CVC curves of ion-exchange membranes. Each portion of the<br />

voltammetric curve provides information about the electrotransport<br />

properties of the membrane. The ohmic portion helps to<br />

determine the membrane resistance. The value of the limiting<br />

electrodiffusion current (ilim) depends on the membrane selectivity,<br />

concentration and chemistry of the electrolyte solutions<br />

as well as on hydrodynamic conditions, which influence the<br />

thickness of the diffusion layer on the membrane surface. The<br />

increase of a current above i lim is caused by the coupled effects<br />

of the concentration polarization inducing the electro-, termoand<br />

gravitational convective flows. These effects are the generation<br />

of H + ,OH − ions and formation of the macroscopic spatial<br />

charge in solution at the membrane/solution interface, and the<br />

limiting current exaltation [118–128]. Hydrodynamic and structural<br />

features of the membrane surface dominate the behavior of<br />

the membrane at the overlimiting currents.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

16 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

In the case of cation-exchange membrane, the characteristics<br />

of hydrodynamic instability, which is proportional to the length<br />

of a CVC plateau and to the ratio of “overlimiting” resistance to<br />

“underlimiting” one, depend on the cation radii [129]. The<br />

intensity of hydrodynamic instability decreases when the<br />

Stokes' ion radius increases. The coupled convection, which<br />

manifests itself in the electrochemical noise on CVC curves,<br />

depends on the ratio of counter-ion/co-ion diffusion coefficients<br />

[130]. The parameters of CVC curves to be used for testing of<br />

membrane materials are as follows: the slope of the ohmic<br />

portion, the limiting current value, the length of limiting current<br />

plateau, and the potentials, at which the transitions into limiting<br />

and overlimiting state occur.<br />

It is well-known fact that the shape of current–voltage curves<br />

and the value of limiting current density (ilim) substantially<br />

depend on the amount and chemistry of surfactants [95,131–<br />

133]. The addition of amphiphiles alters significantly the<br />

properties of the external membrane/solution interface<br />

[134,135]. The effect of water redistribution within thin surface<br />

layers of membranes modified with surfactants has been found<br />

in [136] using the contact angle measurement and corresponding<br />

calculations of wetting energy. The adsorption of such<br />

compounds on a membrane surface can, in principle, favor the<br />

decrease as well as the increase of the limiting current compared<br />

to that for non-modified membrane in the NaCl standard<br />

(Fig. 22). We now have an original “scaling bar” based on<br />

Fig. 22. Current–voltage characteristics of (1, 3, 5) MK-40 and (2, 4, 6) MA-41<br />

ion-exchange membranes in (3, 4) 0.05 M NaCl solution and in the same<br />

solution containing various organic surfactants: (1, 2) camphor, (5) tetrabutylammonium<br />

iodide, and (6) sodium dodecyl sulphate.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


Fig. 23. Schematically drawn structure of a membrane/solution interface with<br />

adsorbed camphor. The drawing illustrates an effect of adsorbed substance on<br />

the diffusion layer thickness (from δ′ to δ″).<br />

limiting current values in the current–voltage curves that helps<br />

to evaluate the activity of organic surfactants in membranes<br />

[95,131].<br />

The presence of organic counter-ions decreases the value of<br />

ilim and diminishes the slope of ohmic portion of the CVC curve<br />

with respect to x axis. This is so, because the interactions<br />

between surfactants and ion-exchange membranes are accompanied<br />

by the Coulomb's forces thereby increasing the membrane<br />

resistance. The continuous loss of i lim observed in a<br />

course of membrane saturation with organic ions is related to<br />

electrostatic shielding effect. The membrane selectivity however<br />

decreases at large θ values and in surfactant solutions<br />

concentrated over CCM threshold. This selectivity loss translates<br />

into degeneration of the CVC dependencies, which become<br />

linear [137].<br />

The organic counter-ion can be immobilized in a membrane<br />

either at the equilibrium [72,95,135] or under applied electrical<br />

field [135,138]. The degree of membrane saturation might be<br />

controlled through changing the time, for which the membrane<br />

is exposed to surfactant solution, or by altering the amount of<br />

electrical charge transferred through the membrane. The chemistry,<br />

geometry and activity of organic ions contribute significantly<br />

to the electrochemical response of modified membranes;<br />

for instance, the measured values of the limiting current are<br />

different in a presence of TBA + and DDS − ions, respectively.<br />

Some substances cause, however, a significant increase in the<br />

ilim (Fig. 22). These substances belong to the class of camphorlike<br />

compounds (non-electrolyte) with high attraction constant<br />

[131,133,139]. Camphor itself is capable of assembling into 2D<br />

“islands” (or layers) on a membrane surface (Fig. 23).<br />

The role of the membrane surface on the coupled effects of<br />

concentration polarization remains an open question [134,140–<br />

145]. Nevertheless, modern physical methods confirmed that<br />

chemical and mechanical modification of the membrane surface<br />

changed its properties and behavior [124,143]. The cluster-like<br />

adsorption of camphor molecules on membrane surfaces results<br />

in strong electrical heterogeneity and, consequently, in hydrodynamic<br />

instability at the interface (Fig. 23). These effects are<br />

responsible for corresponding decrease in thickness of diffusion<br />

layer [146] that favors the enhancement of mass transport.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

These effects (so-called the Marangoni–Gibbs effects) are a<br />

well-known phenomena for the mercury electrode system<br />

[147,148]. We note, however, that the adsorption of camphor<br />

molecules on a polymer surface leads to the formation of specific<br />

discrete layer, which dimensions are comparable to those<br />

of electrical double layer.<br />

To establish the relationship between CVC parameters and<br />

physicochemical properties of membranes, we studied the<br />

properties of different MF-4SK membranes. Several methods<br />

were used to modify membranes:<br />

(a) various chemical pre-testing protocols,<br />

(b) immobilization of tetrabutylammonium cations,<br />

(c) polymerization of aniline in perfluorinated matrix.<br />

The shape of CVC curves and the value of ilim of MF-4SK<br />

membranes are both sensitive to pre-testing treatment protocol<br />

(Fig. 24). Thermal pretreatment causes an increase in i lim while<br />

the potential corresponding to the transition into the overlimiting<br />

state decreases. Several factors can affect the limiting<br />

current. Specifically, the water content increases in membranes<br />

after thermal processing that, in turn, induces an increase in<br />

conductivity and diffusion permeability [47]. Backward diffusion<br />

of the electrolyte solution can increase the ilim value in<br />

accordance with the following equation [149]:<br />

ilim ¼ DcF<br />

t⁎ ð i tiÞd<br />

þ P⁎cF t⁎ : ð12Þ<br />

ð i tiÞl<br />

where l is the membrane thickness, δ is the thickness of<br />

diffusion layer.<br />

The decrease in overlimiting potential is directly related to<br />

increased amount of water in the membrane. The data obtained<br />

with porosimetry method indicate that the number of pores with<br />

radii more than 100 nm is about 38% greater in thermally-<br />

Fig. 24. Current–voltage curves of MF-4SK membrane in 0.05 М HCl solutions<br />

after different pre-testing treatments: (1) thermal pretreatment and (2) salt<br />

pretreatment.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


treated membrane compared to that in membranes after the<br />

treatment with salt. These cavities in membrane material<br />

provide a free volume for unbound water which readily dissociates<br />

under applied electrical field.<br />

The current–voltage characteristics of the MF-4SK membranes<br />

variously saturated with the TBA + ions are represented<br />

in Fig. 25a. An increase in saturation degree θ results in the<br />

decrease in limiting current by two orders of magnitude. The<br />

slope of ohmic portion with respect to the x axis in CVC curve<br />

is also decreased thus pointing to the loss of the conductivity.<br />

Fig. 25b demonstrates the dependences of the limiting current,<br />

water transport number and conductivity on the saturation<br />

degree. The specific conductivity values obtained graphically<br />

from the ohmic portion of the curves correlate well with those<br />

measured by the contact technique using the alternating current.<br />

The conductivity decreases with the increasing θ (other memrane<br />

properties changes similarly) and the transition to the nonconducting<br />

state occurs at the θ=0.7. The i lim value decreases<br />

abruptly and the membrane becomes electrochemically inactive.<br />

Therefore, there is a clear percolation-overlimiting transition<br />

correlation in the perfluorinated MF-4SK membranes<br />

containing TBA + ions. Both effects are firmly related with the<br />

polymer dehydration induced by the immobilization of TBA +<br />

ion in the membrane cavities. The standard porosimetry results<br />

(Fig. 5) confirmed this suggestion. The change in saturation<br />

degree also causes the decrease in potential of overlimiting<br />

conductivity. This is so, because the TBA + ions act as catalytically<br />

active nitrogen-containing centers that form bipolar<br />

contacts [123]. The more pronounced transition of the system<br />

into the overlimiting state might arise because of the electroconvection<br />

resulted from electrical heterogeneity of the membrane<br />

surface [118,119].<br />

The development of the polymers with mixed electron-ion<br />

conductivity is important for fabricating technologically rele-<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

18 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

vant materials (e.g. those for electrocatalysis, fuel cells, sensors<br />

etc.) [150–152]. Electrochemical behavior of composite membranes<br />

(MF-4SK/polyaniline) has been investigated by the<br />

membrane voltammetry [153]. The shift of overlimiting transition<br />

potential was clearly observed Fig. 26). In this particular<br />

case, the slopes of the ohmic portion of CVC curve and the ilim<br />

values are similar for the common membranes and composite<br />

ones.<br />

The observed effect might be attributed to the specific energetic<br />

state of water in the membrane structure. The experimental<br />

data obtained with standard porosimetry and those found in<br />

literature suggest that the water is immobilized in the structural<br />

cavities of a composite. The aromatic nature of polyaniline<br />

chains promotes the assembling of water molecules into clusters<br />

that inhibits the proton transfer. The polyaniline forms nanosize<br />

interpolymer complexes with ion–dipole associates in these<br />

cluster zones. This change in energetic state of water (water<br />

dissociation), most likely, hinders the transition of the system<br />

into the overlimiting state. The CVC parameters as well as all<br />

electrotransport properties therefore depend on the state of<br />

water.<br />

The analysis of electrochemical behavior of MF-4SK/<br />

polyaniline composites evidences the enhanced properties of<br />

this material when compared with common membrane matrices<br />

[154–156]. The composite membranes have high specific conductivity<br />

and selectivity and low diffusion permeability; the<br />

water immobilized in the interpolymer network, which is<br />

formed in such materials, is stable with respect to dissociation<br />

under applied electrical field. These properties make composites<br />

operationally more efficient for fuel cell systems and separation<br />

processes than the comparable non-composite systems.<br />

In summary, we believe, that the membrane voltammetry<br />

method has conclusively proven very useful for membrane<br />

testing and characterization.<br />

Fig. 25. Current–voltage curves for MF-4SK membrane with varied saturation with TBA + ions measured in 0.05 M HCl solution (a). Saturation dependences of<br />

dimensionless parameters: (1) water transport number, (2) density of limiting current, (3) conductivity from CVC (DC), and (4) conductivity under AC (b). (The<br />

parameter f refers to the membrane property after saturation with the TBA + ions and parameter f0 refers to the same characteristics of initial membrane): a) (1) θ=0,<br />

(2) θ=0.2, (3) θ=0.3, (4) θ=0.5.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


4.7. Theoretical modeling of electrotransport in heterogeneous<br />

membranes<br />

The behavior of membranes operating in real separation<br />

processes is influenced by the electric, concentration, and temperature<br />

gradients when the circulating flows of electrolyte<br />

solution pass through the inter-membrane space. Theoretical<br />

models of the electrotransport processes in membranes should<br />

therefore rely on an approach provided by the nonequilibrium<br />

thermodynamics which define the fluid flows as linear functions<br />

of generalized forces. Nonequilibrium membrane processes are<br />

accompanied by various cross-effects and associated phenomena<br />

(electro-, thermo-, barodiffusion, electro- and thermoosmosis<br />

etc.) [4,17,106,109,110,157–160]. The well-known Nernst–<br />

Planck equation<br />

ji ¼ L ⁎ i dA i=dx ð13Þ<br />

can be used as the differential transport equation for i-type ions<br />

that move under the electrochemical potential gradient (dµi/dx).<br />

The ji characterizes the ionic flow and the Li ⁎ is the coefficient<br />

of proportionality between the ionic flow and the force acting on<br />

the ion. Phenomenological coefficients Li ⁎ are the electrodiffusion<br />

characteristics of the ion mobility in heterogeneous<br />

medium. It has been suggested [161] that these factors are the<br />

functions of conducting properties of membrane “pseudophases”<br />

and of membrane geometry.<br />

The theoretical analysis of some known equations (Kedem–<br />

Katchalsky, Onsager and Nernst–Planck) in [13,17] evidences<br />

that the consideration of the structural heterogeneity of membranes<br />

is more important with respect to estimating transport<br />

values than the calculations using cross-coefficients — a traditional<br />

nonequilibrium thermodynamic approach to the description<br />

of trans-membrane transport [71,107].<br />

The studies on the transport properties vs solutions concentration<br />

that have been carried out for various membranes<br />

Fig. 26. Current–voltage curves of (1) MF-4SK membrane and composites<br />

formed from MF-4SK and polyaniline in the emeraldine form (2) and overoxide<br />

form (3) measured in 0.025 М H2SO4 solution.<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

supported the assumption that the heterogeneity of membrane<br />

structure translated into the specific character of these dependences<br />

[17,19,65,71,84,162,163]. The Nernst–Planck equation<br />

was therefore extended to account for Li ⁎ coefficients — the<br />

functions dependent on the solution concentration. The mathematical<br />

form of the equation remains unaltered, while the Li ⁎<br />

coefficients are now considered as the kinetic electrodiffusion<br />

characteristics in the structurally heterogeneous medium.<br />

The closed system of the Nernst–Planck equations defines<br />

each ion with a charge z i participating in the ion transport and<br />

accounts for electroneutrality of membrane system. The<br />

theoretical model therefore relies on the determination of the<br />

flow values at certain parameters and boundary conditions in<br />

the system [149,164–167]. When Li ⁎ coefficients are defined as<br />

functions of concentration, they account for the structural properties<br />

of material. The values of Li ⁎ coefficients are determined<br />

from the experimental data on the concentration dependences<br />

of membrane conductivity (κ m) and salt diffusion flow ( j). The<br />

κ m−c and j−c dependences represent the power functions:<br />

jm ¼ Ac a<br />

ð14Þ<br />

jm ¼ Bc b : ð15Þ<br />

The parameters A, a, B and b are constants that depend on a<br />

membrane morphology and solution type. The electrodiffusion<br />

coefficients are expressed as follows [149,166]:<br />

L ⁎ ðÞ¼ c<br />

Bblzþ<br />

RTðzzþÞz cb<br />

ð16Þ<br />

L ⁎ þ c<br />

A<br />

ðÞ¼<br />

z2 ca<br />

ð17Þ<br />

2<br />

þF<br />

where l is the membrane thickness.<br />

This approach, which is based on concentration dependences<br />

of electrodiffusion coefficients of counter-ions and co-ions,<br />

provides an adequate description of electromasstransfer in the<br />

membrane system. The conductivity values, differential coefficients<br />

of diffusion permeability (P⁎) and the transport numbers<br />

of ions at certain concentration (с) are calculated with the<br />

following equations [149,166]:<br />

jm ¼ F 2 z 2 þL⁎þ c ðÞþz2L ⁎ ðÞ c<br />

ð18Þ<br />

P ⁎ ¼<br />

RTðz zþz c<br />

zþÞ<br />

t ⁎ i ¼<br />

1<br />

z 2 þ L⁎ þ c<br />

ðÞþ<br />

1<br />

z2 L⁎ ðÞ c<br />

ð19Þ<br />

z2 þL⁎þ c ðÞ<br />

z2 þL⁎ þðÞþz c 2 L⁎ : ð19:aÞ<br />

ðÞ c<br />

This approach has been recently corrected for a non-ideality<br />

of solution [168]. The authors suggested a set of equations to<br />

calculate the electrodiffusion coefficients L i ⁎ (с) from the data on<br />

κ m and P⁎ at randomly varied concentrations.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


However, the model based on the set of physically relevant<br />

parameters instead of concentration dependences of electrodiffusion<br />

coefficients L i ⁎ of the counter-ions and co-ions remains<br />

to be developed. In this respect, the charged membranes<br />

are now generally considered as the phase-separated systems in<br />

which transfer processes occur. The membrane harbors several<br />

structural fragments which number depends on the preparation<br />

protocol.<br />

For instance, the heterogeneous polymeric compositions for<br />

electrodialysis consist of ion-exchange resin, reinforcing polyethylene<br />

or polyvinylchloride and equilibrated solution distributed<br />

in membrane cavities. Perfluorinated ion-exchange<br />

membranes contain the hydrophobic matrix, charged groups<br />

and chains of side segments. The hydration of charged entities<br />

promotes the formation of ion-water clusters connected by<br />

narrow channels [8,53,78,169]. To model transfer phenomena<br />

in such heterogeneous structures, the number of structural<br />

elements is commonly considered as a single conducting phase<br />

[73,170,171]. The combination procedure varies in different<br />

studies. In some cases, the certain volume fraction of polymer is<br />

defined as a portion impermeable for the diffusion of particles<br />

[17,172]. The so-called winding factor is used to estimate the<br />

decrease in diffusion coefficient in a membrane when compared<br />

to that in a free solution. However, this model considering<br />

separate conducting and non-conducting phases helps to understand<br />

the decreasing conductivity alone, while the dependences<br />

of these properties on concentration of equilibrated solutions<br />

remain largely uncharacterized.<br />

The theory of generalized conductivity for heterogeneous<br />

system [161,173] provides a basis for quantitative characterization<br />

of the electrochemical properties of membranes. The effective<br />

properties are defined as the characteristics of separated<br />

phases by the interpolating function (Eq. (21)):<br />

L ⁎ m ¼ f1L a 1 þ f2L a 2<br />

1=a<br />

ð20Þ<br />

where Lm is the coefficient of generalized conductivity (electroconductivity<br />

or diffusion permeability coefficient); L 1, L 2 are<br />

the properties of individual phases; f 1 and f 2 are the volume<br />

fractions of phases; α is the parameter characterizing the arrangement<br />

of phases in the material (α=+1 for parallel orientation<br />

of conducting phases, α=−1 for serially orientated<br />

phases). The parameters f and α are related with the geometry of<br />

the dispersion.<br />

The structure of two conducting “pseudophases” is dictated by<br />

the mechanism of conductivity. The hypothetical phase I<br />

comprises: (1) gel phase with high conductivity, that is, gel/<br />

cluster structural fragments representing the ion–dipole associates<br />

fixed ion–counter-ion, and (2) inert, uncharged fragments<br />

(polyethylene and reinforcing material in heterogeneous membranes<br />

or microcrystallites of fluorocarbon chains and hydrophobic<br />

segments in the perfluorinated membranes). The ion<br />

transport in phase I is a flow of counter-ions. The volume fraction<br />

of this phase in the swollen membrane is equal to f 1=V 1/V sw.m.<br />

Phase II represents an internal “free” solution distributed in<br />

structural cavities and pores of the swollen membrane. This<br />

solution is not influenced by the local electrical fields of charged<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

20 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

polymer matrix. Both cations and anions are responsible for the<br />

charge transfer in phase II. The volume fraction of this phase is<br />

defined as f 2=V II/V sw.m. Consequently, both phases constitute a<br />

single integrated conducting structure ( f1+f2=1).<br />

When influenced by electric potential and concentration<br />

gradients, the properties of such system depend on the interplay<br />

between the spatial arrangement of both phases and the directions<br />

of electrical current or diffusion flow. The conducting<br />

phases can be assembled in parallel, serially or chaotically; the<br />

model accounts for the phase arrangement by using a specific<br />

parameter α. Eq. (20) represents the interpolation between the<br />

conductivity of the selected pseudophases.<br />

The first model representations of ion-exchange membrane as a<br />

biphase system have been published in the monographs [174,175]<br />

aimed to interpret correctly the conductivity of heterogeneous<br />

membranes. Similar approach has been used to describe conducting<br />

properties of the perfluorinated membranes with cluster<br />

morphology and those of membranes from aromatic polymers<br />

[41,43,71]. Fig. 27 shows the two-dimensional structural image of<br />

the membranes applied in electrodialysis. The volume fraction of<br />

phase I and an equilibrium solution (phase II) are also indicated.<br />

In the case of 1:1 electrolyte, the resulting membrane conductivity<br />

and diffusion permeability coefficients can be expressed<br />

as follows:<br />

jm ¼ f1j a iso þ f2j a 1=a ; ð21Þ<br />

P ⁎ ¼ f1ðGCÞ a þf2D a<br />

½ Š 1=a : ð22Þ<br />

Here κ iso and κ are specific conductivities of the solution<br />

and of phase I, respectively; c¯ −, c are co-ions concentrations in<br />

Fig. 27. Schematically drawn structure of a heterogeneous electrodialytic cationexchange<br />

membrane.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


Fig. 28. The data from the computer processing of the dependences of<br />

dimensionless characteristics Y and X at various solution concentration for<br />

membranes (1) Neosepta CL-25T, (2) MK-40, (3) SPEEK, (4) SPS, (5) CR 67-<br />

HMR-412, (6) MF-4SK (7) Nafion-117: ● — electroconductivity data<br />

(Yj ¼ jm<br />

jiso ; Xj ¼ j<br />

jiso ), ○ — diffusion permeability data (YP ¼ P⁎<br />

Gc ; XP ¼ D<br />

Gc ).<br />

phase I and in solution, respectively; D is the electrolyte diffusion<br />

coefficient. G is the complex parameter [176] which<br />

contains the Donnan constant (kD), the co-ion diffusion coefficient<br />

in the phase I (D¯ −) and the membrane exchange capacity<br />

P<br />

G ¼ kDD<br />

=Q: ð23Þ<br />

The G parameter plays the same role in the diffusion as does<br />

the κ iso parameter the conductivity. The κ iso is a characteristic<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

of the counter-ions transfer and the G is that of the co-ions<br />

transport in phase I.<br />

Using the conductivity and diffusion permeability functions<br />

normalized on the corresponding characteristics of phase I, the<br />

(21) and (22) equations can be generalized and represented as<br />

uniform function [177],<br />

Y ¼ f1 þ f2X a<br />

½ Š 1=a : ð24Þ<br />

For conductivity, we have the following equations:<br />

Yj ¼ j⁎<br />

juMj<br />

; Xj ¼ j<br />

juMj<br />

; ð25Þ<br />

and for diffusion permeability, the relationships are expressed as<br />

follows:<br />

Yp ¼ P⁎<br />

Gc ; Xp ¼ D<br />

: ð26Þ<br />

Gc<br />

These Eqs. (24)–(26) confirm the close similarity between<br />

the conductivity and diffusion transport.<br />

Fig. 28 shows the dependencies of the Y-function on the X<br />

for the number of ion-exchange membranes in logarithmic<br />

coordinates. The shape of the curves depends on some<br />

transport-structural parameters (TSP): f, κiso, α and G.<br />

To describe electromasstransfer in membrane systems correctly,<br />

the model must account for the electroosmotic phenomena.<br />

The transport of water is expressed by the dynamic<br />

transport numbers of water and ionic flows. Resulting set of<br />

TSP contains also the dynamical hydration characteristics of<br />

ions h+ and h− [107,178]. Membrane characterization based on<br />

Fig. 29. Scheme of calculation procedure for transport-structural parameters of ion-exchange membrane.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


Fig. 30. Dependencies of the transport-structural parameters on the water capacity for the set of membranes MF-4SK: κiso (a), G (b), f2 (c), α (d).<br />

concentration dependencies of specific conductivity, salt diffusion<br />

flux and electroosmotic permeability has been described in<br />

details in [179,180]. Fig. 29 represents a scheme for the determination<br />

of TSP-set of ion-exchange membrane. We note that<br />

the approach discussed here is based on the large set of our<br />

experimental data obtained for various membranes.<br />

The aforementioned method has been recently used to test<br />

new membrane materials. In [82], the polyamidoacid membranes<br />

have been characterized using f2 and κiso, parameters;<br />

similarly, the membranes fabricated from fibrous materials<br />

[181] and the heterogeneous membranes pre-treated with polycharged<br />

ions have been studied [182]. The behavior of MF-<br />

4SK/polyaniline composites, which comprises the properties of<br />

ionic and electronic conductors, has been broadly investigated<br />

with the TSP-set [155]. Yet another approach has been suggested<br />

in [183,184] to simplify calculations.<br />

The TSP-set is sensitively influenced by an average content<br />

of water and its distribution within the membrane. The dependences<br />

of the TSP of perfluorinated sulphocationic MF-4SK<br />

membranes on the water capacity are shown in Fig. 30. The<br />

water content was altered by changing the type and concentra-<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

22 N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

Fig. 31. Dependence of transport-structural parameters ( f2 and α) on a<br />

membrane structure.<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


tion of base in a course of alkaline saponification of sulphonyl<br />

fluoride groups [85]. An increase in the water content enhances<br />

the transport of counter-ions (Na + ) and that of co-ions (Cl − )<br />

through phase I; these types of transport are related with the κiso<br />

and the G parameters, respectively (Fig. 30). Importantly, the<br />

enhanced transfer of co-ions can be accompanied by the loss of<br />

selectivity (Fig. 30b).<br />

In our model, the f2 parameter changes in the same manner<br />

as the κ iso and G parameters (Fig. 30c), while the dependence of<br />

the α parameter on the n m (Fig. 30d) exhibits an opposite trend.<br />

This behavior suggests an evolution of structural morphology<br />

from more or less regular arrangement to the chaotic one<br />

(α→0). The relationship between f and α parameters illustrated<br />

by Fig. 31 has been established using the database of the<br />

Membrane Materials Laboratory of Kuban State University.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

This review summarized the state of field and general<br />

understanding of the physicochemical behavior of charged ionexchange<br />

membranes for a wide range of applications. In particular,<br />

we emphasized some of the important questions regarding<br />

structural and dynamic properties of ion-exchange<br />

membranes and discussed the theoretical and experimental elements<br />

that expanded the commonplace representation of these<br />

systems.<br />

Charged polymers and composite materials are the essential<br />

components of many developments related to rapidly advancing<br />

and demanding technological fields (fabrication of fuel cells,<br />

water purification and separation, analytical and medical<br />

sensing etc.). The outstanding progress in polymer synthesis<br />

during past decades considerably expands the types of materials<br />

used in electrochemical devices and the variety of functions<br />

exhibited by membrane structures. The development of common<br />

approach to optimize membrane structure and composition<br />

and to test its operating properties is therefore a significant<br />

challenge for modern analytical chemistry and material science.<br />

One strategy that provides a convenient experimentally-based<br />

data-set for comprehensive and reliable analysis of membrane<br />

properties has been described here in details. Further work will<br />

be, however, needed to generalize membrane handling protocols<br />

and to find a common guideline for rationalizing the diversity<br />

of structures used in electrochemical processes.<br />

Future progress of the technologies utilizing ion-exchange<br />

membranes will also depend on theoretical advancing the<br />

understanding of structural and dynamic aspects of existing<br />

systems and new types of membrane materials, especially those<br />

representing nanocomposites. The theoretical consideration of<br />

nanoscale structures must account for the interactions and<br />

processes at the multiple inner and external interfaces formed in<br />

hybrid (organic/inorganic) composite membranes.<br />

We believe that our approach for theoretical modeling of<br />

electrotransport in membranes makes it possible to characterize<br />

adequately the relationship between the structure and electrochemical<br />

properties of membrane materials. In this method, which<br />

is based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics consideration, the<br />

membrane structure is modeled with two conducting pseudo-<br />

<strong>ARTICLE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

N.P. Berezina et al. / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science xx (2008) xxx–xxx<br />

phases thus accounting for different mechanisms of ion transport.<br />

The structure–properties correlations and the proposed mechanisms<br />

of conductivity of heterogeneous membranes rely on the<br />

hypothesis that the phenomenological coefficients are the functions<br />

of polymeric structure. The model enables the characterization<br />

of electrochemical processes with a set of structurally-related<br />

parameters and provides a reasonably clear understanding of<br />

subtle interplay between the colloidal-scale structure and macroscopic<br />

properties of various membrane systems.<br />

Finally, we believe, that the development of new nanostructured<br />

materials will significantly encourage the theoretical<br />

and experimental progress in this field in coming years and that<br />

it will have a large impact on the way the research on ionexchange<br />

materials approach technologies.<br />

List of symbols<br />

A Energy of membrane-bonded water<br />

c Concentration of electrolyte solution<br />

c¯ − Co-ion concentration in phase I<br />

cs Amount of TBA + ions on the internal membrane surface<br />

Di Ion diffusion coefficient in solution<br />

D¯ − Co-ion diffusion coefficient in phase I<br />

F Faraday's constant<br />

f1 Volume fraction of phase I<br />

f2 Volume fraction of the inner solution phase<br />

G Gnusin's parameter, characterizing the diffusion properties<br />

of phase I<br />

h+ Dynamical hydration numbers of counter-ions<br />

h− Dynamical hydration numbers of co-ions<br />

i Current density<br />

ilim Electrodiffusion limiting current density<br />

ji Density of ionic flow<br />

jm Density of salt diffusion flow<br />

jw Density of water flow across membrane<br />

j +w Density of water flow transferred by cations<br />

Density of water flow transferred by anions<br />

j−w<br />

kD<br />

Donnan constant<br />

L Distance between the fixed groups<br />

Li ⁎ Phenomenological coefficients (electrodiffusion characteristics<br />

of the ion mobility in heterogeneous<br />

L m<br />

membrane)<br />

Membrane generalized conductivity coefficient (electroconductivity<br />

or diffusion permeability coefficient)<br />

L1, L2 Conducting properties of individual phases<br />

l Membrane thickness<br />

NA Avogadro's constant<br />

nm Membrane water capacity<br />

P⁎ Differential coefficient of diffusion permeability<br />

Integral coefficient of diffusion permeability<br />

Р m<br />

Q Ion-exchange capacity (IEC)<br />

Q org<br />

Ion-exchange capacity of membrane with respect to<br />

organic counter-ions<br />

q Amount of absorbed organic ions<br />

r Effective radius of pores<br />

S Area of the internal specific surface<br />

t Critical index of conductivity, or universal constant in<br />

the percolation theory<br />

Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cis.2008.01.002<br />


ti Transport number of counter-ions in solution<br />

ti⁎ Transport number of counter-ions in membrane<br />

t +app “Apparent” transport number of counter-ions in<br />

membrane<br />

tw Electroosmotic transport number of water<br />

V Relative water content<br />

Vm Molar volume of water<br />

W Electroosmotic permeability<br />

w Water content<br />

zi Ion charge<br />

α Parameter characterizing the spatial arrangement of<br />

membrane phases<br />

β Slope of the concentration dependences of the salt<br />

diffusion flow in logarithmic coordinates<br />

δ Diffusion layer thickness<br />

θ Membrane saturation with organic ions<br />

Θ Contact angle<br />

κ Conductivity of electrolyte solution<br />

κ0 Parameter of the percolation theory (conductivity)<br />

κm Conductivity of membrane<br />

κiso Conductivity of phase I and at isoelectroconductivity<br />

point<br />

κAC Conductivity measured under alternating current<br />

κDC Conductivity measured under direct current<br />

µ i Electrochemical potential<br />

π ±(c) Function accounted for non-ideality of equilibrium<br />

solution<br />

σ Surface tension<br />

ϕ Volume fractions of conducting phase in the polymer<br />

Critical value of volume fraction of conducting phase<br />

ϕk<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

We gratefully thank the Russian Foundation for Basic<br />

Research for the financial support (projects N 06-08-01424 and<br />

N 06-03-96675) and to Professor Victor Starov for the kind<br />

invitation in contributing to this special issue of the Journal.<br />

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Please cite this article as: Berezina NP et al, Characterization of ion-exchange membrane materials: Properties vs structure, Adv Colloid Interface Sci (2008),<br />


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