lake management – aeratIon aIrmax - Water Landscape Supply

lake management – aeratIon aIrmax - Water Landscape Supply

lake management – aeratIon aIrmax - Water Landscape Supply


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pond tIps<br />

128<br />

to calculate lIner lengtH:<br />

l = max length + twice depth + 3’<br />

to calculate lIner wIdtH:<br />

w = max width + twice depth) + 3’<br />

Volume for average pond:<br />

wIdtH x lengtH x deptH = cubic Feet<br />

cubic Feet x 7.5 = gallons<br />

Volume for circular pond:<br />

rad x rad x 3.14 x deptH = cubic Feet<br />

cubic Feet x 7.5 = gallons<br />

knowIng gallons Helps wItH:<br />

• sizing pump • sizing Filter<br />

• adding treatments • stocking Fish<br />

components:<br />

• underlayment, liner<br />

• submersible pump<br />

• skimmer<br />

• waterfall Filter<br />

estImate gallons<br />

estImate rock tonnage In constructIon<br />

Boulders In pond<br />

pond length x pond width ÷ 65 = ________tons<br />

rocks In pond<br />

tons of Boulders x .45 = ________tons<br />

optIons:<br />

• underwater lights & transformer<br />

• UV Clarifier • Plants<br />

calculatIng lIner<br />

typIcal garden pond<br />

If average depth is greater than 2’, consIder one oF tHe FollowIng:<br />

• Bottom suction • Bottom drain • Vacuum Bottom drain<br />

pond openIng: 10’ long, 8’ wide, 2’ deep:<br />

calculate length: 10’ + 2(2’) + 3’ = 17’<br />

calculate width: 8’ + 2(2’) + 3’ = 15’<br />

allow approximately 1.5’ of overlap around<br />

the pond’s perimeter. 3’ included in l & w.<br />

perFect rectangle<br />

ex: 11’ x 16’ x 2’ = 352 cu. Ft.<br />

352 (cubic ft) x 7.5 gal = 2640 gallons<br />

estimated gallons doesn’t take rock displacement<br />

into consideration. a perfect rectangle<br />

pond is estimated to have 2640 gallons, but<br />

with gravel only has approx. 900 gallons.<br />

most accurate method:<br />

water meter (see page 7)<br />

Boulders In stream<br />

every 10’ = 3/4 ton<br />

rocks In stream<br />

every 10’ section = 1/2 ton<br />

Because rocks vary in size, use these formulas as general guidelines.<br />

• Surface of pond is constantly skimmed of floating debris<br />

graVel allows For: colonization of bacteria, hiding man-made<br />

items for a natural look, & allows you to place water plants<br />

Falls<br />

skimmer<br />

pump<br />

aVg. waterFall Flow<br />

a good rule of thumb is to try to achieve<br />

150 gallons per inch of width.<br />

weIr wIdtH x 150 gpH = pump sIze*<br />

ex: 36” weir x 150 gpH = 5400 gpH<br />

Formula to determIne pump sIze<br />

*consider vertical lift and tubing length.<br />

• Basin matrix can replace up to 90% of<br />

gravel that is traditionally placed in pond<br />

free reservoirs<br />

• they have up to 3 times more storage<br />

capacity than gravel<br />

• allows for smaller reservoir<br />

• easier to maintain water levels<br />

BeneFIts oF BasIn matrIx<br />

dIsappearIng waterFall & stream<br />

enjoy a Backyard waterFall w/o tHe pond<br />

disappearing waterfalls and streams can be any size!<br />

since there is no standing water at the base, maintenance<br />

needs are minimal.<br />

• Biological filtration is less important<br />

• Mechanical filtration is less important<br />

• algaecides may be added to keep water clear<br />

• not required to run pump 24 hours a day<br />

• Ball valves added to tubing to control stream flow<br />

• Basin matrix allows for more water in reservoir<br />

• water plants can be planted in gravel<br />

sIze waterFall reserVoIr<br />

water Volume In stream Bed<br />

stream example: 3’ wide x 20’ long<br />

3’ x 20’ x .33 x 7.5 = 148.5 gallons<br />

approximately 150 gallons in stream.<br />

Basin matrix<br />

pond Vault<br />

2009 www.waterlandscapesupply.com<br />

toll Free 877.266.8181 • Fax 515.266.8999<br />

Falls<br />

pump<br />

rule oF tHumB<br />

reservoir should hold 2 to 3 times<br />

amount of water in stream & falls.<br />

water In a pump Vault<br />

rule of thumb: 40% water, 60% rock<br />

Increase<br />

your water<br />

capacIty!<br />

matrIx Boxes can<br />

easIly Be stacked to<br />

use eVen less rock<br />

growIng In<br />

popularIty<br />

components:<br />

• underlayment<br />

• liner<br />

• pump Vault<br />

• submersible pump<br />

• matrix Box(es)<br />

• waterfall weir<br />

optIons:<br />

• underwater lights<br />

& transformer<br />

• Autofill Valve<br />

• plants<br />

pond tIps<br />


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