Dry bean researcher in finals Droëboonnavorser in pylvak

Dry bean researcher in finals Droëboonnavorser in pylvak

Dry bean researcher in finals Droëboonnavorser in pylvak


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<strong>Dry</strong> <strong>bean</strong> <strong>researcher</strong> <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>als<br />

Dr Andries Liebenberg, dry <strong>bean</strong> specialist at ARC-Gra<strong>in</strong> Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)<br />

was nom<strong>in</strong>ated by Agricultural Writers SA (North) as one of the f<strong>in</strong>alists for<br />

“Agriculturalist of the Year”.<br />

Dr Liebenberg was born <strong>in</strong> Porterville <strong>in</strong> the Western Cape, where he also<br />

matriculated. He obta<strong>in</strong>ed a B Sc and senior Educational Diploma at the University of<br />

Stellenbosch, M Sc at the University of the Orange Free State and his Ph D at the<br />

University of Natal.<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce his <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> dry <strong>bean</strong> research <strong>in</strong> 1977, he released 14 different<br />

cultivars, of which 10 red speckled sugar <strong>bean</strong>s, 1 small white cann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>bean</strong>, 1<br />

yellow haricot <strong>bean</strong>, 1 carioca <strong>bean</strong> and 1 large white kidney <strong>bean</strong> cultivar.<br />

For 30 years now dr Liebenberg coord<strong>in</strong>ates the National <strong>Dry</strong> Bean Cultivar Trials. A<br />

Pamphlet conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g cultivar recommendations is released to the dry <strong>bean</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustry<br />

annually, accord<strong>in</strong>g to which producers can plan orders for seed and also seed<br />

companies can plan seed productions accord<strong>in</strong>g to the best perform<strong>in</strong>g cultivars.<br />

He was responsible for the production of the first disease free breeder seed of the<br />

available dry <strong>bean</strong> cultivars, which led to the implement<strong>in</strong>g of the Disease Free<br />

Certified Seed Scheme, which is currently the corner stone of the dry <strong>bean</strong> seed<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustry.<br />

Dr Liebenberg also carried out extensive trials on spac<strong>in</strong>g, plant<strong>in</strong>g date, and<br />

nitrogen fertilisation of dry <strong>bean</strong>s. This <strong>in</strong>formation forms the base of the <strong>Dry</strong> Bean<br />

Production Manual, of which he was the compiler and editor.<br />

He was <strong>in</strong>strumental <strong>in</strong> the establish<strong>in</strong>g of the dry <strong>bean</strong> disease resistance-breed<strong>in</strong>g<br />

programme, which led to two Ph D’s – for dr Merion Liebenberg (fungal diseases)<br />

and Deidré Fourie (bacterial diseases)<br />

Dr Liebenberg is a familiar speaker at farmer’s days and <strong>in</strong>formation days, while<br />

popular articles are published regularly <strong>in</strong> agricultural magaz<strong>in</strong>es.<br />

For 21 years he is <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> <strong>bean</strong> research <strong>in</strong> southern Africa, first through<br />

SARCCUS and later via SADC and he also served on the managerial committees of<br />

both organisations. Dr Liebenberg also has close contact and cooperation with CIAT,<br />

the <strong>in</strong>ternational centre for <strong>bean</strong> research <strong>in</strong> Columbia and Africa.<br />

<strong>Droëboonnavorser</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>pylvak</strong><br />

Dr Andries Liebenberg, droëboonspesialis van die LNR-Instituut vir Graangewasse<br />

(LNR-IGG) op Potchefstroom, is pas deur die Landbouskrywers SA (Noord)<br />

aangewys as een van die f<strong>in</strong>aliste as Landboukundige van die Jaar.<br />

Dr Andries Liebenberg is ‘n boorl<strong>in</strong>g van Porterville <strong>in</strong> die Wes Kaap, waar hy<br />

gematrikuleer het. Hy behaal die B Sc-graad (1968) en ‘n Senior Onderwysdiploma<br />

(1971) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, die M Sc-graad (1976) aan die<br />

Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat en Ph D-graad <strong>in</strong> 1990 aan die Universiteit van<br />


Sedert dr Liebenberg se betrokkenheid by droëboonnavors<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> 1977, het hy 14<br />

droëboonklultivars vrygestel, waarvan 10 rooi gespikkelde suikerboon-, 1 kle<strong>in</strong>wit<br />

<strong>in</strong>maak-, 1 geel haricot-, 1 carioca- en 1 grootwitnierboonkultivar.<br />

Dr Liebenberg koörd<strong>in</strong>eer die Nasionale Droëboon Kultivarproewe reeds die<br />

afgelope 30 jaar. ‘n Pamflet met kultivaraanbevel<strong>in</strong>gs word jaarliks aan die bedryf<br />

beskikbaar gestel, waarvolgens produsente hul saadbestell<strong>in</strong>gs kan beplan en<br />

saadfirmas beplan hulle saadproduksies volgens die beste presteerders.<br />

Hy was verantwoordelik vir die produksie van die eerste siektevrye telersaad van die<br />

beskikbare droëboonkultivars, wat aanleid<strong>in</strong>g gegee het tot die implementer<strong>in</strong>g van<br />

die Siektevrye Gesertifiseerde Saadskema <strong>in</strong> terme van die Plantverbeter<strong>in</strong>gswet<br />

(Wet 53 van 1976) - tans die hoeksteen vir die sukses van die bonesaadbedryf.<br />

Dr Liebenberg het ook uitgebreide akkerboukundige proewe oor spasiër<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

plantdatum en stikstofbemest<strong>in</strong>g op droëbone gedoen. Hierdie <strong>in</strong>ligt<strong>in</strong>g vorm die<br />

basis van die Droëbone Produksiehandleid<strong>in</strong>g, waarvan hy die samesteller en<br />

Redakteur was.<br />

Hy was <strong>in</strong>strumenteel <strong>in</strong> die totstandkom<strong>in</strong>g van die droëboon<br />

siekteweerstandstel<strong>in</strong>gsprogram, waaruit twee doktorsgrade vir drs Merion<br />

Liebenberg (swamsiektes) en Deidré Fourie (bakteriese siektes) voortgevloei het.<br />

Dr Liebenberg is ‘n bekende spreker tydens boeredae en <strong>in</strong>ligt<strong>in</strong>gsdae, terwyl<br />

populêre artikels gereeld <strong>in</strong> bedryfs- en ander landboutydskrifte gepubliseer word.<br />

Hy is reeds vir 21 jaar betrokke by bonenavors<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Suider-Afrika, eers deur<br />

SARCCUS en later deur SADC en dien op die bestuurskomitees van beide<br />

organisasies. Hy het oor ‘n lang tydperk ook noue kontak met CIAT, die<br />

<strong>in</strong>ternasionale sentrum vir bonenavors<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Colombië en Afrika, gehandhaaf.<br />

Dr Andries Liebenberg with the<br />

trophy of Agriculturalist of the Year<br />

for the Agricultural Writers SA (North)<br />

Dr Andries Liebenberg met die trofee<br />

as Landboukundige van die Jaar van<br />

die Landbouskrywers SA (Noord)

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