Vernal Pool Restoration - American Society of Landscape Architects

Vernal Pool Restoration - American Society of Landscape Architects

Vernal Pool Restoration - American Society of Landscape Architects


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Verna al <strong>Pool</strong> Restorat R tion on the t Interrstate<br />

800<br />

and Caaliforniaa<br />

Highw way 113 Intercha ange<br />

Location n: Davis, CA A<br />

Client: Caltrans C<br />

Design Firm(s): F KJ Dawson Ass sociates<br />

Landsca ape architec ct/Project co ontact: Kerr ry J Dawsonn,<br />

ASLA<br />

Email: kj jdawson2@g gmail.com<br />

ASLA Ch hapter: Geo orgia<br />

Project t Specifica ations<br />

Project Description<br />

D n: This projec ct combined d stormwaterr<br />

managemeent,<br />

highwayy<br />

landscaping,<br />

endange ered species mitigation and a research h. An interchhange<br />

at thee<br />

intersectionn<br />

<strong>of</strong> Interstatte<br />

80<br />

and High hway 113 in Davis, Califo ornia was se elected becaause<br />

<strong>of</strong> the nneed<br />

to sloww<br />

stormwaterr<br />

drainage e entering the e Putah Creek<br />

Nature Reserve; R beccause<br />

Caltrans<br />

had startted<br />

a policy <strong>of</strong><br />

replacing g exotic highway<br />

landsca aping with na atives; becaause<br />

vernal ppools<br />

in Caliifornia<br />

contaain<br />

the great test concentration<br />

<strong>of</strong> (an nd more) end dangered floora<br />

and fauna<br />

than any oother<br />

native<br />

California a landscape;<br />

and because,<br />

being the<br />

first large scale installation<br />

<strong>of</strong> vernnal<br />

pools on a<br />

Caltrans project, ther re was a nee ed to docum ment design, constructionn<br />

and monitoor<br />

the projecct<br />

to<br />

determine<br />

the succes ss <strong>of</strong> new co onstruction techniques<br />

aand<br />

which sppecies<br />

were most succeessful<br />

in adapting<br />

to a cons structed land dscape and which w were least successsful.<br />

Project Type: T<br />

Transpor rtation corrid dor/streetsca ape<br />

A retr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong> an existin ng property<br />

Design features: f Bio oretention fa acility and bioswale.<br />

This pro oject was de esigned to meet m the fol llowing speecific<br />

requirrements<br />

or mandates:<br />

State sta atute, Federa al statute<br />

Impervio ous area ma anaged: gre eater than 5 acres<br />

Amount <strong>of</strong> existing green spac ce/open spa ace conservved<br />

or presserved<br />

for mmanaging<br />

stormwa ater on site: : greater tha an 5 acres

Case<br />

No. 038<br />

The regu ulatory envi ironment an nd regulator<br />

was suppoortive<br />

<strong>of</strong> the project.<br />

Did the client c reque est that othe er factors be b considereed,<br />

such ass<br />

energy savvings,<br />

usabble<br />

green sp pace, or pro operty value e enhancem ments? No<br />

Cost & Jobs Ana alysis<br />

Estimate ed Cost <strong>of</strong> Stormwater<br />

S r Project: $1 100,000-$5000,000<br />

(Public<br />

funding: SState)<br />

Was a green<br />

vs. gre ey cost analysis<br />

perfor rmed? No<br />

Cost imp pact <strong>of</strong> cons serving gre een/open sp pace to the ooverall<br />

costs<br />

<strong>of</strong> the sitte<br />

design/d developmen nt project: Surprisingly,<br />

S<br />

natives are more cost eeffective<br />

thann<br />

exotics even<br />

with a pro oject as com mplex as the <strong>Vernal</strong> <strong>Pool</strong>s<br />

on Interstaate<br />

80. Beccause<br />

nativees<br />

are adapteed<br />

to<br />

the local environmen nt, their cost t, energy inp puts and envvironmental<br />

iimpact<br />

are rreduced<br />

bothh<br />

short term m and long term. t Althou ugh a grassland<br />

ecosysttem,<br />

vernal ppool<br />

speciess<br />

are low<br />

growing and a don't ne eed mowing. . The casca ading drainagge<br />

system shown<br />

in the LAM article for<br />

the pools s serve to slo ow and store e stormwater<br />

without thee<br />

need for neew<br />

drainagee<br />

systems noor<br />

irrigation.<br />

Exotics do o not slow or r store storm mwater and, tthey<br />

requiree<br />

massive ammounts<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

irrigation.<br />

In addition n, exotics typ pically requir re fertilizer, hherbicides<br />

aand<br />

landscappe<br />

managemment<br />

such as pruning p and disease con ntrol. The California C nattives<br />

<strong>of</strong> these<br />

vernal poools<br />

require no<br />

environm mental or ma aintenance in nput.<br />

Cost imp pact <strong>of</strong> cons serving gre een/open sp pace for stoormwater<br />

maanagementt<br />

over<br />

tradition nal site design/site<br />

dev velopment approaches<br />

a<br />

(grey infrastructure)?<br />

? Significanttly<br />

reduced costs (10% or greater savings).<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> jobs cre eated: 5<br />

Job hours<br />

devoted to project:<br />

Planning P and Design: 300 0<br />

Construction:<br />

C : 600<br />

Annual A Maint tenance: 0<br />

Other: O 9,000 (research an nd education n)<br />

Perform mance Me easures<br />

Stormwa ater reduction<br />

perform mance analy ysis:<br />

20%<br />

Commun nity & economic<br />

benef fits that hav ve resulted from the prroject:<br />

<strong>Restoration</strong> R te echniques now n applied state-wide s<br />

Pagg<br />

e | 2

Case<br />

Training T work kshops for engineers<br />

<strong>Vernal</strong> V pool ecosystem e in nside the Davis<br />

communnity<br />

for enjoyyment<br />

and edducation<br />

Minimal M long term mainte enance costs s<br />

Preservation<br />

P<br />

<strong>of</strong> Endangered<br />

Flora an nd Fauna<br />

Project t Recognit tion<br />

Research h Merit Award,<br />

ASLA (19 989); Resea arch Honor AAward,<br />

Califoornia<br />

Counccil<br />

<strong>of</strong> ASLA<br />

(1989)<br />

No. 038<br />

Additio onal Inform mation<br />

Pagg<br />

e | 3<br />

Links to images: La andscape Ar rchitecture Magazine M (LAAM).<br />

Americcan<br />

<strong>Society</strong> o<strong>of</strong><br />

Landscappe<br />

Architect ts. Washin ngton, D.C., Vol. 79, No.<br />

9, Novembber<br />

1989. p. 106.<br />

Last Fall,<br />

I took an ea arly retireme ent incentiv ve as Vice PPresident<br />

withh<br />

the Hudsoon<br />

River Park<br />

Trust in Manhattan M (N NYC). Prev viously, I was<br />

a pr<strong>of</strong>essoor<br />

for twentyy<br />

years at at number <strong>of</strong><br />

universiti ies, mostly the<br />

Univers sity <strong>of</strong> Califor rnia (UC). Thhe<br />

project toook<br />

place in the late 19880s<br />

and early y 1990s while<br />

I was wit th UC. I apologize<br />

that I don't have immediate<br />

aaccess<br />

to prooject<br />

information<br />

but can provide p prov vide more de etails, imagess,<br />

updates, etc if the prooject<br />

is seleccted.<br />

This project<br />

has prov vided 25 yea ars <strong>of</strong> outstanding<br />

stormwwater<br />

management;<br />

aessthetics<br />

for tthe<br />

Interstate e 80; habitat t for endange ered species s; and, counntless<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> educationn,<br />

research and<br />

public se ervice opport tunities for K-12, K univers sity, adult annd<br />

communitty<br />

members. . The Vernaal<br />

<strong>Pool</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the Interstat te 80 and Highway<br />

113 interchange look and peerform<br />

beauutifully<br />

thesee<br />


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