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<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />
<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Topics</strong><br />
Volume 45 / Issue 3 March 2013<br />
Henrietta Jackson<br />
Shares The Wealth
Larry and I just finished talking<br />
with Mark Anderson and Jesus<br />
Figueroa of M. Anderson Construction.<br />
They will be doing the<br />
work on the Arroyo Chico bicycle<br />
path. Construction has started so<br />
we need to be aware of how we<br />
park to ensure that we don’t hinder<br />
the work crews. They plan to use<br />
our back entrance on the South<br />
side of the property so they will<br />
limit the effect they have on our<br />
activities.<br />
On the cover of this month’s<br />
<strong>Topics</strong> is photo of Henrietta<br />
Jackson and our Bingo Workers.<br />
Henrietta won the $1000.00<br />
money ball at the Sunday Bingo<br />
Session on Feb 3 rd , she decided to<br />
share her good fortune will all the<br />
players on Feb 10 by buying each<br />
player a card for the guaranteed<br />
$1000.00 Coverall Jackpot Game<br />
at a cost of $151.00 out of her<br />
winnings. Henrietta is an<br />
example of some of the wonderful<br />
Page 2<br />
Ill. Sir Jeff Horton<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> Potentate 2013<br />
Ponderings of the Potentate<br />
people who play Bingo with us.<br />
Another player won $1000.00 on<br />
the Money Ball and donated<br />
$100.00 to the Transportation<br />
fund. Remember we always<br />
need workers for Bingo, please<br />
contact Ill. Sirs Gary Miller or<br />
Larry Bowers who will be happy<br />
to get you involved. Bingo is not<br />
hard work, it just takes a little of<br />
your time.<br />
I got to do my first Tele-Med<br />
with a patient from Mexico.<br />
Although I didn’t understand the<br />
interaction between the nurses at<br />
the LA Hospital and the young<br />
man, it was obvious to me that the<br />
care given was appreciated. The<br />
family seemed extremely grateful<br />
to us <strong>Shrine</strong>rs. The best thanks<br />
can come from the smiles on the<br />
faces of the family as they shared<br />
their joy with us. This really puts<br />
things in prospective when you<br />
personally participate in helping<br />
these kids.<br />
The Motorcycle Raffle is<br />
almost at an end. I want thank all<br />
who helped with this effort. All<br />
of us need to consider helping<br />
when any unit has a big project.<br />
The sad fact is that <strong>Sabbar</strong> is not<br />
as big as it used to be and we all<br />
need to work together as a <strong>Shrine</strong><br />
and not just in your unit. If you<br />
are not in a Unit you should<br />
consider joining one, it is the best<br />
way to get the full benefit of<br />
being a <strong>Shrine</strong>r.<br />
Don’t forget to sign up for our<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> Cruise to Catalina Island<br />
& Ensenada Mexico. This<br />
Mexican Baja trip should be a lot<br />
of fun and we are looking forward<br />
to a relaxing 5 days at sea. The<br />
ship sails from Long Beach (San<br />
Pedro) CA on July 22 nd and returns<br />
July 26 th . Please Call Melody<br />
Watts at AAA Travel (520-<br />
258-0501). The cost is $512 per<br />
person for an interior room and<br />
$572 for an ocean view. Melody<br />
will need a $150 deposit per<br />
person by March 29 th to reserve<br />
your room.<br />
We voted on 3 petitions at the<br />
February meeting 2 of which<br />
were made <strong>Shrine</strong>r during a short<br />
form ceremony in my office on<br />
Feb. 13. Welcome John Cayce<br />
and Jim Pokorny to <strong>Sabbar</strong> we are<br />
glad to have you as members. If<br />
we can get 3 or more petitions<br />
each month our Ceremonial on<br />
April 20 will be a chance to turn<br />
things around on the membership<br />
problem. All of us know of<br />
Masons in our Blue Lodges who<br />
should be <strong>Shrine</strong>rs lets work to<br />
bring them in.<br />
WSA is coming April 23 – 28<br />
in Albuquerque New Mexico.<br />
This is an 8hr drive from Tucson<br />
and a good opportunity for our<br />
Units to make the trip and show<br />
the WSA what <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> is<br />
capable of. We might even take<br />
our bus if enough are willing to<br />
make the trip. (a wet bus would<br />
make the trip easier) I hope each<br />
unit considers this as a needed<br />
function.<br />
I hope that the Gun Safety<br />
Class is effective. It’s a shame<br />
that in these times in America that<br />
so many of us feel that we have to<br />
carry a weapon for protection.<br />
Mike Manning did an excellent<br />
job with the class and we didn’t<br />
even have to shoot up the hall to<br />
qualify.<br />
Pam and I are expecting a<br />
“Barking” good time at the Dog<br />
Show and Easter Egg Hunt on<br />
March 30 th . We are hoping for a<br />
good turnout. Most of us have<br />
dogs of some sort, bring your<br />
pooch down and lets have fun with<br />
the dogs.<br />
I have asked our editor Rod<br />
Wagoner to reduce the size of the<br />
<strong>Topics</strong> to cut printing cost so I<br />
better end my ramblings now.<br />
Yours in faith,<br />
Jeff Horton<br />
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
From the First Lady<br />
Lady Pam Horton<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> First Lady 2013<br />
This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />
The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />
is virtually endless. You can include<br />
stories that focus on current technologies<br />
or innovations in your field.<br />
You may also want to note business or<br />
economic trends, or make predictions for<br />
your customers or clients.<br />
I must apologize for missing the<br />
Sweetheart Dance and Green Valley<br />
OV. My job sometimes takes me out<br />
of town for many days at a time. I<br />
can’t believe it’s March already. It’s<br />
time to get ready for the Dog Show<br />
on March 30. We are expecting<br />
participation from many groups from<br />
the Girl Scouts to Eastern Star.<br />
We also will be having an Easter<br />
Egg hunt for the kids in the dining<br />
room. It should be a family fun day<br />
with lots to do and a “Barking” good<br />
time in the big room.<br />
Also, regarding the Cruise in July—<br />
we will be welcomed in Ensenada<br />
Mexico by the local <strong>Shrine</strong> club! Pam Horton—1st Lady, 2013<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs International will have its next<br />
Stated Meeting If on the newsletter March is distributed 11, internally, 2013 @ 7:00pm at<br />
you might comment upon new proce-<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Center<br />
450 S Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85716.<br />
Current <strong>Shrine</strong> AND Current Blue Lodge<br />
Dues Cards are both required for admission<br />
Attested: Jeff Horton, Potentate<br />
Page 3
Name<br />
GEORGE BUGEN 3/1<br />
ENRIQUE CRUZ 3/1<br />
ROBERT GARN 3/3<br />
ROY GETTLE 3/5<br />
ERNEST DYKES 3/6<br />
JACK DONA 3/7<br />
DALE WUERTZ 3/9<br />
GENE WICKEY 3/9<br />
JAMES MILLER 3/11<br />
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong>rs International Float at the 2013 Tournament of Roses Parade in California<br />
This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />
The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />
is virtually endless. You can include<br />
stories that focus on current technologies<br />
or innovations in your field.<br />
March Birthdays<br />
Name<br />
You may also want<br />
Name<br />
to note business or<br />
economic trends, or make predictions for<br />
JAMES HEWETT your customers 3/12 or STEPHEN clients. HARCZAK 3/19<br />
TED CONNELL If the newsletter 3/13 is DAVID distributed MAIDA internally, 3/19<br />
CHARLES STODDARD you might 3/13 comment C.A. upon RANSLEM new proce- 3/20<br />
BEN BAILEY 3/13<br />
PERRY HEATH 3/15<br />
JAMES MYERS 3/16<br />
GILBERT BEACH 3/16<br />
LIONEL JACOBS 3/17<br />
FRANCIS KING 3/19<br />
JAMES STITH 3/20<br />
JOHN MACY 3/21<br />
JAMES MOLINE 3/23<br />
NORMAN MYERS 3/24<br />
CALVIN CLAFIN 3/25<br />
EARL SHAMBO 3/27<br />
Name<br />
MIKE SUBA 3/29<br />
MYLIN SARFF 3/29<br />
JACK PULIS 3/30<br />
Page 5
Visit for updated information<br />
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
Coming Events Letters<br />
Meetings:<br />
Mar 11—Stated Meeting<br />
Mar 25—Unit Heads<br />
Parades:<br />
Mar 9—Marana Founder’s Day—CALL OUT!<br />
9AM Lineup @ Marana Jr HS<br />
Mar 17—St. Patrick’s Day—CALL OUT!<br />
9AM Lineup @ Pennington & Stone<br />
Official Visits:<br />
Mar 6—Aaron #49—6:00 pm<br />
Mar 12—Oasis #52—6:00pm<br />
Mar 27—NW <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
Apr 6—Mt Graham <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
Upcoming Events:<br />
Mar 2—Gun Safety Class<br />
Mar 23—Olana <strong>Temple</strong> Installation, Nile<br />
Mar 30—Easter Egg Hunt / Dog Show<br />
Apr 6—Director Staff Casino Bus Trip<br />
Frank Rothman 90th Birthday<br />
Apr 7—Motorcycles Poker Run<br />
Black Camel<br />
Noble Donald Sailers<br />
Noble Jeffrey Allen<br />
Noble Holly Callahan<br />
Noble Cecil Durr<br />
Noble Estill Skinner, Jr<br />
Sahuaro<br />
High Twelve #523<br />
Meets Every Thursday 8:00 AM at<br />
Village Inn 6251 N. Oracle Rd.<br />
This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />
To the Nobles of <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>:<br />
The Ladies of the WAOUM Committee of Ladies<br />
Oriental <strong>Shrine</strong> would like to take this opportunity to<br />
thank you for allowing us to cook for Bingo and Taco<br />
Tuesday at the <strong>Shrine</strong> Center.<br />
We had a great time and got to meet so many new Nobles.<br />
We had a lot of fun cooking and were sad to see<br />
December 31st come when our contract with the<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong> expired. Again thank you for the chance to<br />
help the <strong>Shrine</strong>, the transportation fund and LOS.<br />
We wish the new cooks the very best and want you to<br />
know that if we are ever needed to help with something,<br />
all you have to do is call.<br />
Fraternally,<br />
The Ladies of the WAOUM committee<br />
The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />
is virtually endless. You can include<br />
stories that focus on current technologies<br />
or innovations in your field.<br />
You may also want to note business or<br />
economic trends, or make predictions for<br />
your customers or clients.<br />
If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />
you might comment upon new proce-<br />
Page 7
Are you receiving your issue of Dream Partner<br />
e-News? If not you can signup at<br /><br />
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
Page 9
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
For a complete listing of all<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 21<br />
Monday July<br />
3 - 7 - Imperial<br />
Denver<br />
Colorado<br />
Saturday<br />
July 9 - Boxing<br />
Page 11
Noble Allan Morgan<br />
Assistant Rabban 2013<br />
Assertions of the Asst. Rabban<br />
In my last article I said<br />
I was going to review<br />
sections of the <strong>Shrine</strong><br />
Creed since I feel that<br />
it is important that we<br />
remember why we became<br />
members in the<br />
first place. Some of us<br />
have been members for<br />
a great many years and<br />
have undertaken a lot<br />
of projects, and functions<br />
in support of the<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong>, and may have<br />
not thought about the<br />
Creed in a while. Over<br />
the years, personality differences, demands from our<br />
jobs, and families may have distracted us from the<br />
reasons we entered into this brotherhood.<br />
Personally, I find it helpful to re-read the creed when<br />
the normal stresses of life make it a difficult choice,<br />
of whether to participate in support of the<br />
organization or take the easy way out and stay home.<br />
As a beginning, the <strong>Shrine</strong> Creed states that<br />
“<strong>Shrine</strong>rs believe in God, and that He created man to<br />
serve His purposes, among which is service to others<br />
in His name. We believe that care for the less<br />
fortunate, especially the Children who suffer from<br />
burns and crippling diseases, is our institutional<br />
calling.” In our cases, that means supporting the<br />
efforts of <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> to serve the children and<br />
families by seeing to it that they are able to get to<br />
the medical care which they need and which is<br />
available at the <strong>Shrine</strong> hospitals. I don’t know of a<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong>r that doesn’t believe that the work we do in<br />
support of the hospitals is not an important part of<br />
God’s work. If the children are not protected,<br />
nourished, and provided with the care they need to<br />
make them whole, and imbue them with desire to<br />
pass that caring attitude forward to next generation<br />
then we are destined to become a nation of uncaring<br />
takers, instead of a nation of caring givers. In my<br />
mind, it starts with the children. If we cannot<br />
make a difference in our own generation, then we<br />
have to make the effort to give them the<br />
wherewithal so they can make a difference in the<br />
next generation. We as adults, practicing<br />
Masons, and <strong>Shrine</strong>rs have to be able to put aside<br />
our personal differences to support the <strong>Temple</strong> in<br />
it’s work.<br />
I ask that, as a <strong>Shrine</strong>r and a Mason, you<br />
examine your actions and see if you can find a way<br />
to participate in the great work we do for the Children.<br />
Actions do speak louder than words, and<br />
every action you take to help the <strong>Shrine</strong>,<br />
particularly <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Temple</strong>, to succeed is<br />
welcomed and encouraged. Every action, no matter<br />
how small, whether it be of time, money, assisting<br />
in the activities of the <strong>Temple</strong>, or<br />
encouraging members of your Blue Lodge who<br />
may be interested in the <strong>Shrine</strong>’s work to<br />
participate, speaks loudly of the type of man you<br />
are, and I am sure will be rewarded by the<br />
Supreme Being in some way, shape, or form.<br />
My own experience has been that, contrary to the<br />
old saying that “No Good Deed Goes<br />
Unpunished” in that my life has been better, and<br />
the struggles more easily weathered by my Faith,<br />
Hope and small amount of Charity I have been<br />
able to provide others in worse circumstances than<br />
myself.<br />
With respect to all Brother Nobles,<br />
Allen P. Morgan, Asst. Rabban.<br />
M A R T o p I c s<br />
D e a d l I n e<br />
M A R 1 8 !<br />
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
Units and Clubs<br />
Director Staff<br />
The February meeting started with Brats prepared<br />
by Keith and Marilee Krasny, cooked by President<br />
Harold Walton and eaten by all us. Desserts were<br />
brought by Norma Walton and Jeanie Moyer. We<br />
sure have good cooks in the unit.<br />
Later, Chief Rabban Larry Bowers came to the<br />
meeting informing our group of some of the<br />
events that the Divan hopes to have for <strong>Sabbar</strong>.<br />
Larry also gave some insights into what he hopes<br />
to accomplish in 2014.<br />
Remember—The Director Staff is planning a<br />
Casino Trip to Wild Horse Pass Casino in<br />
Chandler. Watch for the ad in this issue. Come<br />
have fun with us. Questions?? Call Norma<br />
Walton—885-3087 or Marcy Grover—885-1205.<br />
--Harold Walton, President<br />
Huachuca S.C.<br />
The Club had our meeting on Feb 16 th , with 21<br />
members and their Ladies attending. We are sad<br />
to hear that Noble Victor (Bill) Watson has been<br />
having health issues. Lady Roberta sends us frequent<br />
updates on his positive rehab. We proceeded<br />
on with meeting and the Vidalia onion presales<br />
lists were passed out. I’m glad to report that the<br />
Club will commit to 1300 pounds of onions. The<br />
Club also voted to make Noble Charles Fortner<br />
(CHUCK- A-LUCK) and Noble Al Walz<br />
(FREDDY), life members of the Huachuca <strong>Shrine</strong><br />
Club. Both of these Nobles are a true credit to the<br />
<strong>Shrine</strong>.<br />
Until next month travel safe.<br />
Tom Jones, President<br />
Huachuca <strong>Shrine</strong> Club<br />
Noble Bill Burkel<br />
Chief Recorder’s<br />
Aide 2013<br />
This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />
The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />
is virtually endless. You can include<br />
stories that focus on current technologies<br />
or innovations in your field.<br />
You may also want to note business or<br />
economic trends, or make predictions for<br />
your customers or clients.<br />
If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />
you might comment upon new proce-<br />
Nine of us traveled to Green<br />
Valley for the Official Visit<br />
on February 16th. This is the<br />
1st OV of the year. Green<br />
Valley received us well.<br />
There was great camaraderie.<br />
After a great meal there were<br />
presentations to the club and<br />
the club in turn gave the<br />
Potentate a check for the <strong>Shrine</strong>.<br />
Green Valley is in the process of<br />
making plans to sell the onions.<br />
They sell several pounds of onions each year.<br />
Rentals are going well. Let's keep promoting our<br />
building. It helps to keep us going!<br />
We still need more good workers for Bingo. Hope<br />
you can help. --Let's talk again later<br />
Bill Burkel<br />
Burkel’s Bits<br />
Page 13
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat<br />
3<br />
12:45p BINGO<br />
10<br />
12:45p BINGO<br />
17 St. Patrick's Day<br />
9a ST PATRICK<br />
PARADE<br />
12:45p BINGO<br />
24<br />
12:45p BINGO<br />
31 Easter<br />
12:45p BINGO<br />
4<br />
11<br />
3:30p TEMPLE<br />
GUARD<br />
6p DIVAN<br />
6p LEGION OF<br />
HONOR<br />
7p STATED<br />
18<br />
7p SHEIKS<br />
25<br />
5:30p BAND<br />
7p UNIT HEAD<br />
Notes:<br />
5<br />
7p DIRECTOR<br />
STAFF<br />
12<br />
6p OV OASIS<br />
#52<br />
7p DRUM &<br />
BUGLE<br />
19<br />
26<br />
7p DRUM &<br />
BUGLE<br />
6<br />
6p OV<br />
AARON #49<br />
6:45p BINGO<br />
13<br />
4p CABIRI<br />
6:45p BINGO<br />
20<br />
6:45p BINGO<br />
27<br />
11:30a<br />
6p OV NW<br />
6:45p BINGO<br />
7<br />
7p CLOWNS<br />
Page 14 T E M PLE TOPI CS<br />
14<br />
21<br />
6:30p VAN<br />
DIVAN<br />
28<br />
1<br />
7p<br />
8<br />
12p ORIENTAL<br />
BAND<br />
15<br />
22<br />
12p ORIENTAL<br />
BAND<br />
29 Good Friday<br />
7p MASTERS &<br />
2<br />
9a GUN SAFETY<br />
CLASS<br />
9<br />
9a MARANA<br />
PARADE<br />
10a BLUE<br />
ANGELS<br />
BR - Wedding<br />
16<br />
BR - Wedding<br />
Reception<br />
23<br />
BR - NILE<br />
30<br />
DOG SHOW<br />
11a Aaron #49<br />
Chili Cookoff
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />
The subject matter that appears in newsletters<br />
is virtually endless. You can include<br />
stories that focus on current technologies<br />
or innovations in your field.<br />
You may also want to note business or<br />
economic trends, or make predictions for<br />
your customers or clients.<br />
If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />
you might comment upon new proce-<br />
Page 15
Page 16<br />
Blue Lodge Stated Meetings<br />
Organization Address Stated Meeting Website<br />
Tucson #4 3900 N Country Club, Tucson 1st Wed<br />
King Solomon #5 4th & Freemont, Tombstone 1st Mon<br />
Willcox #10 114 W. Manley, Wilcox 2nd Thu<br />
Nogales #11 1620 N Royal Rd, Nogales 2nd Wed N/A<br />
Perfect Ashlar #12 89 W. Main St, Bisbee 1st Thu<br />
Chandler-Thunderbird 88 W Erie St, Chandler 2nd Tue<br />
Safford #16 1421 S. 2nd Ave, Safford 1st Tue<br />
Mt Moriah #19 931 G Ave, Douglas 2nd Tue<br />
Pinal #30 1140 E Florence Blvd, Casa Grande 1st Thu<br />
Epes Randolph #32 3959 E Mabel St, Tucson 2nd Wed 7:30 PM<br />
Ajo #36 241 La Mina Ave, Ajo 3rd Tue N/A<br />
Adobe #41 160 S. Scott Ave, Tucson 1st Tue 6:30 PM<br />
Eloy #46 714 N Main St, Eloy 3rd Thu N/A<br />
Aaron #49 160 S. Scott Ave, Tucson 1st Wed N/A<br />
Oasis #52 450 N. Pantano Rd, Tucson 2nd Tue 7:30 PM<br />
Huachuca #53 219 S. Garden Ave, Sierra Vista 1st Wed<br />
San Pedro #55 Foothill & Arledon, Benson 4th Mon<br />
Marion McDaniel #56 3959 E Mabel St, Tucson 1st Mon 7:30 PM<br />
Builders #60 450 N. Pantano Rd, Tucson 2nd Wed<br />
Jerusalem Daylight #66 3959 E Mabel St, Tucson 2nd Sat 10 AM<br />
Green Valley #71 17990 S La Canada, Green Valley 3rd Tue<br />
Nelson C. Bledsoe #74 4830 S. 6th Ave, Tucson 2nd Tue<br />
Camp Stone #77<br />
Caiman Tundra & Calle Segued,<br />
Huachuca City<br />
2nd Sat 9:30 AM<br />
Anahuac #81 160 S. Scott Ave, Tucson 3rd Mon<br />
All Stated Meetings begin @ 7:00 pm unless otherwise indicated. Dinner, if served, will generally begin 1 hour earlier.<br />
Please check with the organization or on their website for other events and times.<br />
If your Masonic organization is having an event, submit the information to the <strong>Topics</strong>. There is no charge for Masonic<br />
postings. Send information to, Note: space is limited, so inclusions will be on a first come<br />
first served basis.<br />
V OLU ME 45 / IS SU E 3<br />
For a complete listing of all<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> Events please see the<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> Calendar on page 17<br />
Monday<br />
Jan 3 rd<br />
Stated<br />
Meeting<br />
Monday<br />
Jan 10 th<br />
Page 17
Friends of the <strong>Topics</strong><br />
Name Month Year Name Month Year<br />
Dick & Vickie Bernier MAR 2013 Nicholas A. Chizewsky SEP 2015<br />
Earl Saylor MAR 2013 Lou Metz NOV 2015<br />
Harriet Abrahamson MAR 2013 Mitch. Tonia. Ben. Deb. Sammy Kagen JAN 2016<br />
E. David & Shirley Hobbs MAR 2013 Peter & Mairi Gray MAR 2016<br />
Jim Moline MAR 2013 Raymond & Joyce Poulsen FEB 2017<br />
Carolyn Schuler MAR 2013 Steve J. & Bernadine Foges JUN 2018<br />
George & Alice Steiner MAR 2013<br />
Robert West, PP APR 2013<br />
Ken & Ann Byrum JUN 2013<br />
Roland & Michalene Carlson JUN 2013<br />
Rich & Ellie Hall JUN 2013<br />
Bob & Mary King JUN 2013<br />
Harmon & Mary Harrison JUN 2013<br />
Katy Willins AUG 2013<br />
James & Roberta Miller OCT 2013<br />
Bill and Posy Piper OCT 2013<br />
Jim & Jill Thomas OCT 2013<br />
Juanita Toennes NOV 2013<br />
Les & Di Skates DEC 2013<br />
Jeff & Pam Horton JAN 2014<br />
Andrew Suite FEB 2014<br />
Vern Cottrell MAR 2014<br />
Chuck & Joy Mabee APR 2014<br />
Margaret & Woody Wood APR 2014<br />
Al & Marian Tripp JUN 2014<br />
Art Faust AUG 2014<br />
Marv Gast SEP 2014<br />
Elliott and Mildred Koeppen OCT 2014<br />
Salvatore Picerno, PP NOV 2014<br />
Floyd Sedlmayr NOV 2014<br />
John Trexel NOV 2014<br />
Chuck “Chuckles” Maddalozzo DEC 2014<br />
Harris & Virginia Burrow JAN 2015<br />
Sid & Iva Spurgeon MAY 2015<br />
Roy & Jane Taylor MAY 2015<br />
Carl & Mary Lou Cartlon AUG 2015<br />
Bill & Peggy Schildmacher AUG 2015<br />
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450 S. Tucson Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716<br />
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HOSPITAL COMMITTEE—624-2509 Ext. 122 Hospital@<strong>Sabbar</strong><strong>Shrine</strong><br />
This story can fit 100-150 words.<br />
Van Elrod (Sherry) 744-2974 ............................................ Chairman / Governor to LA Hospital<br />
Bill Kershaw (Martha) ................................................................................................... The subject matter that appears in news- Chairman Emeritus<br />
Bruce Rick (Evelyn) 408-1700 .................................. letters is virtually Asst endless. Chairman You / Governor can in- to L.A. Hospital<br />
Rex Lee (Carole) 979-9758 .............................................................. clude stories that focus on current Governor techto<br />
L.A. Hospital<br />
nologies or innovations in your field.<br />
Vacant ....................................................................................... You may also want to note business Editor or / Webmaster<br />
Vacant ......................................................................................................... economic trends, or make predictions for Graphics<br />
Vacant ................................................................................................... your customers or clients.<br />
Photography<br />
All Committee Chairman, Unit & Club Heads (or Representatives) ................................................................. Writers<br />
If the newsletter is distributed internally,<br />
you might comment upon new proce-<br />
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<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />
www.<strong>Sabbar</strong><strong>Shrine</strong><br />
ELECTED DIVAN—(520) 624-2509<br />
Jeff Horton (Pam) x 118 - ................................ Illustrious Potentate<br />
Larry Bowers, PP x 124 - ............................................... Chief Rabban<br />
Allen Morgan (Angie) x 125 - ...................................... Assistant Rabban<br />
Abe Rodriguez (Mica) x 126 - ............................... High Priest & Prophet<br />
Rod Wagoner (Annette) x 127 - ............................ (Pro Tem) Oriental Guide<br />
Steve Wood x 113 - .......................................... Treasurer<br />
Van Elrod (Sherry) x 115 - ........................................... Recorder<br />
Pam Horton (Jeff) 624-2509 x 118 -<br />
Vacant .................................................................................................. Ad Chairman<br />
Gary Miller, PP (Judy) 289-9720. ............................................................................................ Bingo<br />
David Haynes (Alice) 490-6036 ................................................................Chaplain / Black Camel<br />
Delmar “Smitty” Smith (Judy) 296-9631 ................................................................................. Chief of Staff<br />
John Tilley (Julia) 296-1928 ......................................................................................... Director<br />
Bill Burkel (Marcy) 747-2058. .................................................. Events / Unit Head Coordinator<br />
Van Elrod (Sherry) 744-2974. ........................................................... Housing / Transportation<br />
Nicole Lowery (Shawn) 907-7957. .......................................................................... Lounge Manager<br />
Van Elrod (Sherry) 744-2974. ................................ Marketing / Promotions / Donor Relations<br />
John Tilley (Julia) 296-1928. ................................................................. Master of Ceremonies<br />
Randy Jager (Lynn) 405-6098 ........................................... Blue Lodge Visitation / Membership<br />
Keith Kransy (Marilee) 747-9611. ........................................................................ Onion Promotions<br />
Marcy Grover 444-2137. ......................................................................................... Rentals<br />
Fred Lohman (Lynndell) 743-8650 .................................................................... <strong>Temple</strong> Maintenance<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />
450 S. Tucson Blvd.<br />
Tucson, AZ 85716<br />
Business Office<br />
(520)624-2509<br />
(520)798-3800 Fax<br />
<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Topics</strong> is published<br />
monthly to inform our Nobles and<br />
Ladies of events and news<br />
happening at <strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong><br />
Center and our extended<br />
Masonic family.<br />
This publication is directed<br />
towards the interests of <strong>Sabbar</strong><br />
<strong>Shrine</strong> Center Nobility, <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />
International, Masonic Fraternity<br />
and affiliated orders. The<br />
opinions and statements<br />
expressed herein do not<br />
necessarily reflect the policies of<br />
<strong>Sabbar</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> Center nor of the<br />
Imperial Council of the <strong>Shrine</strong>rs<br />
International.<br />
Reporters and Photographers are<br />
appointed representatives of<br />
each club or unit. All Nobles are<br />
invited to submit articles and<br />
photos for publication. These<br />
articles will be used at the<br />
discretion of <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Topics</strong> Staff<br />
and with space permitting.<br />
Due dates for articles and<br />
pictures will be published each<br />
month.. Submissions should be<br />
sent vial email to:<br /><br />
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