NetCOBOL for SPARC Architecture SAF Subroutines User's Guide
NetCOBOL for SPARC Architecture SAF Subroutines User's Guide
NetCOBOL for SPARC Architecture SAF Subroutines User's Guide
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<strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
User’s <strong>Guide</strong>
Ninth Edition: August 2008<br />
The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice. No part of this document may<br />
be reproduced or transmitted in any <strong>for</strong>m or by any means, electronic or mechanical, <strong>for</strong> any<br />
purpose, without the express written permission of Fujitsu Limited.<br />
© 1996-2008 Fujitsu Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Preface<br />
This manual explains how to generate a COBOL program using <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong><br />
<strong>Subroutines</strong> 3.1, as well as how to execute the program and debug it.<br />
See also "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>" <strong>for</strong> creation, compilation, and execution of COBOL<br />
programs.<br />
For debugging of COBOL programs, see “<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Debugging <strong>Guide</strong>”.<br />
See "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Language Reference" <strong>for</strong> syntax rules of COBOL.<br />
To generate a Web application that runs in Unicode, see also Appendix B in the<br />
"<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Web <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
Supported Environments<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 3.1 run in 32-bit mode in the following systems and<br />
provides 32-bit development and operating environments <strong>for</strong> applications running<br />
with Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6 with SP3 or later or iPlanet Web Server<br />
Enterprise Edition 4.0 or later.<br />
•<br />
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server operating system<br />
• Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server operating system<br />
Trademarks<br />
Trademarks mentioned in this manual are as follows:<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> is a trademark or registered trademark of Fujitsu Limited or its<br />
subsidiaries in the United States or other countries or in both.<br />
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the<br />
United States and other countries.<br />
Netscape, Netscape Navigator, and Netscape Enterprise Server are<br />
trademarks/registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation in the<br />
United States and other countries.<br />
Other company names and product names are trademarks/registered trademarks of<br />
each company concerned.<br />
Permission <strong>for</strong> using screenshots was obtained from Microsoft Corporation, U.S.<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 3
Product Names<br />
Names of products described in this manual are abbreviated as:<br />
Product Name Abbreviation<br />
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server operating system Windows® 2000<br />
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server operating<br />
system<br />
Windows® 2000<br />
Microsoft® Internet Explorer IE<br />
Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6 with SP3 NES<br />
4 <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>
Contents<br />
Chapter 1. <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> .......................................................7<br />
Overview of <strong>SAF</strong>................................................................................................. 7<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>................................................................................. 7<br />
Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>....................9<br />
Requirements....................................................................................................10<br />
What to Generate..............................................................................................10<br />
Using Assist Functions <strong>for</strong> Web Application Development ......................................13<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>....................................................15<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> Subroutine Functions...................................................................................15<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Interface..................................................................................23<br />
Set the Work Environment and Acquire Web Parameter........................................24<br />
Manipulate Web Parameters...............................................................................25<br />
Output Processing Results..................................................................................28<br />
Execute System Commands................................................................................45<br />
Free <strong>SAF</strong> Execution Environment Resources.........................................................45<br />
Get Request In<strong>for</strong>mation....................................................................................46<br />
Manipulate Cookie Data .....................................................................................49<br />
Manipulate Uploaded Files..................................................................................55<br />
Manage Sessions...............................................................................................60<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>-Specific <strong>Subroutines</strong>....................................................................................64<br />
Data Length Restrictions of <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>........................................................67<br />
Classes Provided by <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> ..................................................................67<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application...........................69<br />
Executing a Web Application ..............................................................................70<br />
Compiling and Linking........................................................................................70<br />
NES Settings .....................................................................................................71<br />
Defining the Web Application to the <strong>SAF</strong> Director .................................................71<br />
Executing a Web Application ..............................................................................77<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> Director Reference ......................................................................................77<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong> 5
Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application ...................................................81<br />
Referring to the Log In<strong>for</strong>mation ........................................................................82<br />
Checking Execution Using the Interactive Debugger .............................................82<br />
Displaying Errors Detected by <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> ....................................................84<br />
Displaying Working-Storage Data or Messages in a Web Page...............................85<br />
Chapter 6. Samples ....................................................................................87<br />
Program Files Provided ......................................................................................88<br />
<strong>Subroutines</strong> Used ..............................................................................................88<br />
Program Compiling ............................................................................................88<br />
Program Linkage ...............................................................................................88<br />
Environment Setup ............................................................................................89<br />
Sample Execution..............................................................................................89<br />
Explanation of Samples......................................................................................89<br />
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................97<br />
Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing...................................................105<br />
Appendix C. <strong>Architecture</strong> of a <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> Application ......................113<br />
Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong> .........................115<br />
Conversion from CGI to <strong>SAF</strong> .............................................................................116<br />
Application Form .............................................................................................117<br />
Web Pages <strong>for</strong> Invoking Applications.................................................................117<br />
Compilation and Linking Methods......................................................................118<br />
Unit of Execution.............................................................................................118<br />
Compilation Method.........................................................................................119<br />
Accessing Common Resources..........................................................................119<br />
Server Interface Area.......................................................................................119<br />
Environment Variable Operations ......................................................................120<br />
Operations of CGI Environment Variables ..........................................................122<br />
6 <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>
Chapter 1. <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Overview of <strong>SAF</strong><br />
<strong>SAF</strong> (Server Application Functions) is an application generated by using the NSAPI<br />
(Netscape Server Application Programming Interface).<br />
The NSAPI is an interface provided <strong>for</strong> extending the NES (Netscape Enterprise<br />
Server). <strong>SAF</strong> is included in the NES and runs as a thread so that it operates faster<br />
than CGI. It can save resource consumption including memory. Since <strong>SAF</strong> operates<br />
as a thread, however, the thread must be thread safe. If resources have not been<br />
released, you may not be able to use the resources until NES terminates, so caution<br />
must be taken.<br />
Browser<br />
Browser<br />
Request<br />
Response<br />
Request<br />
Response<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Process<br />
Thread<br />
<strong>SAF</strong><br />
Thread<br />
<strong>SAF</strong><br />
NSAPI<br />
The Web subroutines using NSAPI are called <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines (hereafter,<br />
called <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines). The environment in which Web applications are generated<br />
by using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines is called the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> director (hereafter, called <strong>SAF</strong><br />
director). The <strong>SAF</strong> director loads and executes Web applications generated by using<br />
the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines. The Web applications are loaded when NES is started or at<br />
initial request, and the application resides in memory after that. The applications are<br />
not unloaded until NES is terminated.
8 Chapter 1. <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Browser<br />
NES<br />
Loads into<br />
the start<br />
time<br />
<strong>SAF</strong><br />
Director<br />
Loads into the<br />
start or access<br />
time<br />
COBOL<br />
Application<br />
The <strong>SAF</strong> director and the Web applications to be executed run as <strong>SAF</strong>s so that<br />
features of <strong>SAF</strong> are inherited by the Web applications. Since the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines<br />
have higher-order compatibility than the CGI subroutines, Web applications that use<br />
CGI subroutines can be easily converted to Web applications under NES with some<br />
minor modifications.
Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
This chapter describes how to use <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines to create web applications. It<br />
includes these topics:<br />
• System requirements<br />
• Resource requirements<br />
• How to use assist functions in the COBOL Project Manager
10 Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Requirements<br />
The following are required <strong>for</strong> creating <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine applications.<br />
• Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6with SP3 or later or iPlanet Web Server Enterprise<br />
Edition 4.0 or later required <strong>for</strong> executing the Web applications<br />
• Fujitsu COBOL V61L10 or later or <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> V7.0L10 or later required <strong>for</strong><br />
compiling, linking, and executing the Web applications<br />
When operating it, the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> server operation package is necessary.<br />
Note: Ask the system administrator of your WWW server regarding the<br />
requirements of installing and setting up .<br />
What to Generate<br />
To generate <strong>SAF</strong> applications by using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines, the following must be<br />
generated .<br />
• COBOL program to which any entry-name is assigned by using the <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutines and a resulting .DLL generated with the entry-name as an export<br />
function<br />
See Chapter 4 "Compiling and linking" <strong>for</strong> explanations of compiling and linking<br />
these programs.<br />
•<br />
HTML document<br />
- Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking each application (<strong>for</strong> starting the Web application)<br />
- Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (<strong>for</strong> returning processing results, to<br />
be generated on demand)<br />
Explanations of these items are given in the following sections.<br />
COBOL Programs using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
It is possible to specify any name that can be specified in COBOL to the entry name<br />
of the COBOL program. To make this COBOL program operate as <strong>SAF</strong>, the <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutine must be used.<br />
Given below are requirements <strong>for</strong> generating COBOL programs that execute as <strong>SAF</strong><br />
applications.<br />
None<br />
None<br />
Include the <strong>SAF</strong> interface data area description by using a COPY statement.
COPY COBW3<br />
Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 11<br />
To use <strong>SAF</strong> specific functions, include the <strong>SAF</strong> specific data area.<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
COPY COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>. *>Interface with a <strong>SAF</strong> specific subroutine<br />
These libraries (COBW3.cbl and COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.cbl) are stored in the folder in which<br />
Fujitsu <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> has been installed.<br />
Define a pointer item <strong>for</strong> the interface with NES.<br />
01 <strong>SAF</strong>CTX POINTER.<br />
Write the following in order to con<strong>for</strong>m to the calling conventions of NES.<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>CTX obtained above is required <strong>for</strong> the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines to communicate with<br />
NES, so initialize COBW3-CONTEXT as follows.<br />
SET COBW3-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX.<br />
To use <strong>SAF</strong> specific functions, initialize COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-CONTEXT.<br />
MOVE LOW-VALUE TO COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
SET COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX.<br />
Given the sample settings above, the skeleton of this program would appear as<br />
follows:<br />
PROGRAM-ID. "<strong>SAF</strong>APL".<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
* COPY COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
01 <strong>SAF</strong>CTX POINTER.<br />
*<br />
* MOVE LOW-VALUE TO COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
SET COBW3-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX.<br />
* SET COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX<br />
*<br />
* Write the process on demand.<br />
*<br />
12 Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Web Page <strong>for</strong> Invoking Application<br />
Prepare a normal HTML document. To start the Web application, however, use the<br />
tag or tag.<br />
Example:<br />
When executing the generated dynamic link library <strong>SAF</strong>.dll in METHOD = "POST"<br />
<br />
Note: When the Web application is started by using an tag, the Web<br />
parameter list cannot be obtained by the program.<br />
Make a setting on NES so that the extension “apl1” would correspond to <strong>SAF</strong> .dll<br />
containing the application. For details, see "NES setup" in Chapter 4 .<br />
For explanations concerning other HTML documents, see Appendix A of "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong><br />
Web <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
Web Page <strong>for</strong> Processing Result Output<br />
The Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output is an HTML document <strong>for</strong> returning the<br />
result of the Web application to the WWW browser. It is not necessary to create a<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output because the response data, including the<br />
requisite HTML, can be returned directly from the Web application. If the Web page<br />
<strong>for</strong> processing result output is separate from the application program, however, then<br />
it is possible to change the layout of the output results without recompiling the Web<br />
application.<br />
To output the static HTML document (HTML document whose output data does not<br />
change due to process results), it is possible to use the HTML document generated<br />
with the HTML generation tool.<br />
It is also possible to dynamically change the <strong>for</strong>mat of the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing<br />
result output .<br />
Specifying the item name (conversion name) enclosed with "//COBOL//" on the<br />
output Web page enables dynamic data conversion . Since all data in an HTML<br />
document can be a target <strong>for</strong> replacement, it is also possible to replace a tag <strong>for</strong><br />
changing text or specifying the background color. For details, see<br />
"COBW3_PUT_HTML" in Chapter 3 "Processing result output."<br />
It is also possible to divide the title/statement/header into multiple HTML documents<br />
<strong>for</strong> output and to output the divided document in combination with plain text.<br />
Notes:<br />
• Do not use the following functions related to screen operation in the COBOL<br />
program to be used in the Web application. For details, see Chapter 21<br />
"Programs Running under a Service" in "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
- Presentation file module (Screen handling module)<br />
- Screen handling module<br />
- ACCEPT/DISPLAY function<br />
(Modules handling environment variables, dates, and time, however, can be<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 13<br />
Be<strong>for</strong>e using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines, the pointer item to be passed with the parameter<br />
must be set to COBW3-CONTEXT.<br />
The pointer item passed with COBW3, COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>, and the parameter must not<br />
be shared among multiple threads. NES may not operate normally.<br />
Do not specify REPLACING in the COPY statement that includes libraries<br />
(COBW3.cbl, COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.cbl) provided by <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines. Do not write any<br />
REPLACE statement that may make the COPY statement a target <strong>for</strong> replacing.<br />
Do not modify the value of the pointer item passed with the parameter. If<br />
changed, the operation is not guaranteed.<br />
When the data is initialized (VALUE clause) in the DATA DIVISION, the initial<br />
value assigned <strong>for</strong> multiple requests is not guaranteed in some operating<br />
environments. If it is necessary to guarantee the initial value in every request<br />
from the WWW browser, the data must be initialized in the PROCEDURE<br />
DIVISION .<br />
Using Assist Functions <strong>for</strong> Web Application Development<br />
The COBOL Project Manager provides assist functions <strong>for</strong> Web application<br />
development.<br />
A COBOL program using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines can be easily generated by using the Web<br />
application wizard of the COBOL Project Manager. Since the Web application<br />
wizard is linked to the Project Manager, it is also possible to compile/link/maintain<br />
the generated program.<br />
For details of assist functions <strong>for</strong> Web application development, see "Web<br />
Development Tools <strong>Guide</strong>."
14 Chapter 2. Creating Web Applications Using <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
This chapter lists and describes each of the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> Subroutine Functions<br />
The <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines provide functions as follows:<br />
Basic Functions<br />
These are the basic functions used in creating a <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> Web application.<br />
Function Subroutine name Usage<br />
Setting the work<br />
environment and getting<br />
the Web parameter<br />
Web parameter operation<br />
Processing result output<br />
COBW3_INIT Setting the work environment <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutines and getting the Web parameter<br />
COBW3_GET_VALUE Searching NAME in the Web parameter and<br />
getting VALUE<br />
COBW3_CHECK_VALUE Searching VALUE in the Web parameter<br />
COBW3_PUT_HEAD Header output<br />
COBW3_PUT_HTML Outputting the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing<br />
result output<br />
Setting the converted data in the Web page<br />
<strong>for</strong> processing result output<br />
Deleting the converted data in the Web page<br />
<strong>for</strong> processing result output<br />
COBW3_INIT_CNV Initializing the converted data in the Web<br />
page <strong>for</strong> processing result output<br />
COBW3_SET_REPEAT Setting the repeated conversion data in the<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output<br />
16 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Processing result output<br />
System command<br />
execution<br />
Releasing resources of<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> execution<br />
environment<br />
Getting request<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
Cookie data operation<br />
COBW3_DEL_REPEAT Deleting the repeated conversion data in the<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output<br />
COBW3_INIT_REPEAT Initializing the repeated conversion data in<br />
the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output<br />
COBW3_PUT_TEXT Data output (line feed code added)<br />
COBW3_SYSTEM Executing the system command specified<br />
COBW3_FREE Releasing resources obtained by the <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutine<br />
COBW3_RECEIVE_HEADER Getting the HTTP header<br />
COBW3_GET_REQUEST_INF Getting in<strong>for</strong>mation related to requests<br />
O<br />
COBW3_GET_AUTHORIZE Getting authorization in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
COBW3_SET_COOKIE Setting Cookie data<br />
COBW3_DEL_COOKIE Deleting Cookie data that has been set<br />
COBW3_INIT_COOKIE Initializing all Cookie data that has been set<br />
COBW3_GET_COOKIE Getting Cookie data with the Web parameter<br />
• It is necessary to use the following subroutines in an ASCII environment.<br />
• In the Unicode environment, use the following subroutines:<br />
•<br />
Subroutine name Explanation<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 17<br />
COBW3_xxxxx_XX Both NAME and VALUE parameters are regarded as alphanumeric<br />
data items.<br />
COBW3_xxxxx_NX NAME parameter is regarded as a national data item and VALUE<br />
parameter is regarded as an alphanumeric data item.<br />
COBW3_xxxxx_XN NAME parameter is regarded as an alphanumeric data item and<br />
VALUE parameter is regarded as a national data item.<br />
COBW3_xxxxx_NN Both NAME and VALUE parameters are regarded as national data<br />
items.<br />
COBW3_xxxxx_X The Input parameter is regarded as an alphanumeric data item.<br />
COBW3_xxxxx_N The Input parameter is regarded as a national data item.<br />
Any code system can use the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines not listed above.<br />
File Upload Function<br />
The file upload function transfers client-side-generated data (files) to the server.<br />
This function is valid in the following cases:<br />
• When a large amount of data which may cause timer expiration in online<br />
processing is to be entered.<br />
• When a mobile environment with meter-rate accounting is to be used.<br />
• When a data entry tool is already prepared at the client side and server linkage<br />
using the tool output data (files) is requested instead of a request to change the<br />
data entry tool into a Web tool.<br />
• When only the HTTP ports can be accessed in file transfer because of security<br />
conditions. (File transfer in conventional systems is done using FTP.)<br />
Using the file upload function, file transfer can be associated with applications.<br />
There<strong>for</strong>e, data can be checked and registered immediately after file transfer.
18 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Client<br />
File upload processing is shown below:<br />
File-A<br />
C:\ File-A Browse<br />
Registration<br />
completion!!<br />
Send<br />
Server<br />
Set of name of file to be transferred<br />
WWW<br />
Server<br />
: Processing flow<br />
Web Application<br />
Acquisition of upload<br />
file in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
Generation of file<br />
Extraction of data<br />
from file<br />
Registration of extracted<br />
data into DB<br />
Deletion of file<br />
:<br />
Uploaded File-A<br />
Database<br />
Function provided by Web<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking the applications<br />
:<br />
<br />
<br />
Send file:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
:<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 19<br />
Web application (COBOL source)<br />
:<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
*<br />
*<br />
USING COBW3.<br />
Error Processing<br />
END-IF.<br />
MOVE “File-A” TO<br />
USING COBW3.<br />
Error Processing<br />
END-IF.<br />
*************************************************<br />
*<br />
* Any processing <strong>for</strong> uploaded files<br />
*<br />
*************************************************<br />
USING COBW3.<br />
USING COBW3.<br />
20 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Web subroutines provide the following functions to easily create such application<br />
programs:<br />
Function Subroutine name Usage<br />
File upload COBW3_GET_UPLOADFILE_INFO Acquires the in<strong>for</strong>mation on an<br />
upload file.<br />
Generates an uploaded file on the<br />
server.<br />
COBW3_DEL_UPLOADEDFILE Deletes an uploaded file.<br />
To upload a file, the following values must be written on the Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking<br />
an application:<br />
Tag name Attributes Value<br />
FORM<br />
ENCTYPE multipart/<strong>for</strong>m-data<br />
INPUT TYPE file<br />
For details of these tags and attributes, see the “<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Web <strong>Guide</strong>” and other<br />
documents or home pages that explain HTML.<br />
The above tags can be used together with the INPUT tag of other types (that is,<br />
other than “file”) in the same FORM. The data that corresponds to these INPUT tags<br />
can be acquired by a subroutine such as COBW3_GET_VALUE regardless of whether<br />
the file upload function is used.<br />
Note: The NAME value specified in the INPUT tag (TYPE=”file”) <strong>for</strong> uploading files<br />
cannot be used in the INPUT tag of other types (that is, other than “file”).<br />
Otherwise, the normal operation of the Web subroutine is not assured.<br />
For example:<br />
:<br />
<br />
Do not specify<br />
Session Management Functions<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 21<br />
Using the session management functions enables Web applications to handle<br />
multiple requests from a specific client session (WWW browser).<br />
Function Subroutine name Usage<br />
Session<br />
COBW3_START_SESSION Starting the session<br />
management<br />
COBW3_END_SESSION Terminating the session<br />
COBW3_SET_SESSION_DATA Setting the session data<br />
COBW3_GET_SESSION_DATA Getting the session data<br />
OUT<br />
Changing the time of session timeout<br />
COBW3_GET_SESSION_INFO Getting the current session<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
The session management functions cannot be used with COBOL CGI subroutines.<br />
It is possible to maintain the connection status with a specific client (WWW browser)<br />
by using the session management functions <strong>for</strong> opening the session. In a single<br />
session, the data entered on a previous page can be inherited by a subsequent page<br />
using the session data functions.<br />
WWW Browser WWW Server<br />
Screen1<br />
Screen2<br />
Screen3<br />
Web<br />
Application 1<br />
Web<br />
Application 2<br />
Session data<br />
is inherited<br />
Session<br />
start<br />
Session<br />
end<br />
A session time-out occurs when the client session transmits no data <strong>for</strong> an extended<br />
period or when the transaction is interrupted due to some reason such as the WWW<br />
browser being closed be<strong>for</strong>e completing the session .<br />
A time-out occurs when the time counted from when the Web application returned a<br />
response to the WWW browser to when the next request is issued by the WWW<br />
browser in the same session has exceeded the specified time. When a time-out<br />
occurs, the session management terminates the session leaving the application’s<br />
resources in the same status as when the session was interrupted . To cope with<br />
such a status, the session management functions provide a registration mechanism<br />
of time-out processing.
22 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
WWW Browser WWW Server<br />
Screen1<br />
Screen2<br />
Note: If multiple Web applications using the session are started by double-clicking a<br />
button <strong>for</strong> which SUBMIT is specified as the TYPE attribute of the INPUT tag, the<br />
applications will not operate properly. The programmer should prevent the<br />
inadvertent starting of multiple applications by using JavaScript in the WWW<br />
browser. See "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Web <strong>Guide</strong>" <strong>for</strong> general notes on WWW browser<br />
operation.<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>-Specific Functions<br />
After a long time<br />
passes, access to the<br />
Web application<br />
Web<br />
Application 1<br />
Web<br />
Application 2<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> specific functions enable getting in<strong>for</strong>mation specifically related to NES .<br />
Listed below are <strong>SAF</strong> specific subroutines.<br />
Function Subroutine name Usage<br />
Getting NES setting COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM Getting the parameter specified to<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NX<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XN<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NN<br />
the <strong>SAF</strong> director<br />
Getting request COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_BASENAME Getting the application name<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
specified to the URL<br />
Note: Use the following subroutine in an ASCII environment:<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARAM<br />
Session<br />
start<br />
Timeout<br />
processing<br />
Session data<br />
is <strong>for</strong>ced<br />
Session data<br />
cannot be<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Interface<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 23<br />
This section explains the calling interface <strong>for</strong> using the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
Note: It is possible to check errors and warning in the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines by referring<br />
to COBW3-STATUS, and those in <strong>SAF</strong> specific subroutines by referring to COBW3-<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>-STATUS.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Normal end<br />
Not zero Error number<br />
See Appendix B "Error Recovery Processing" <strong>for</strong> error numbers.<br />
Library<br />
The library file is a COPY member <strong>for</strong> use as a <strong>SAF</strong> data area. When calling <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutines, include the following library file in the Working-Storage Section with a<br />
COPY statement. This library file is stored in the folder in which Fujitsu <strong>NetCOBOL</strong><br />
has been installed.<br />
Library name: COBW3.cbl<br />
Format: Specify as follows:<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
To call <strong>SAF</strong> specific subroutines, include the <strong>SAF</strong> specific data area using the COPY<br />
statement. This library is also stored in the folder to which Fujitsu <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> has<br />
been installed.<br />
Library name: COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.cbl<br />
Format: Specify as follows:<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
COPY COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>. *> Interface with a <strong>SAF</strong> specific subroutine<br />
Note: Do not specify REPLACING in the COPY statement of a <strong>SAF</strong> data area or write<br />
a REPLACE statement that might make the COPY statement a target <strong>for</strong> replacing.<br />
If names in the <strong>SAF</strong> data area are changed, the operation is not guaranteed.<br />
Calling <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
In order to initialize the environment of the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines and to get the Web<br />
page parameter list, it is necessary to call COBW3_INIT be<strong>for</strong>e calling any other <strong>SAF</strong><br />
function. When terminating the processing <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines, COBW3_FREE must<br />
be called to release resources acquired by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
When calling other subroutines from a program that is not the one which called<br />
COBW3_INIT, the interface area (COBW3) defined in the program which called<br />
COBW3_INIT is shared among programs.
24 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Example: Calling COBW3_INIT by the parent program and calling COBW3_FREE by<br />
the child program B.<br />
Parent program<br />
PROGRAM-ID. "MainProc".<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
01 <strong>SAF</strong>CTX POINTER.<br />
MOVE <strong>SAF</strong>CTX TO COBW3-CONTEXT.<br />
:<br />
*<br />
Child program<br />
PROGRAM-ID. B.<br />
COPY COBW3<br />
:<br />
Set the Work Environment and Acquire Web Parameter<br />
COBW3_INIT<br />
Set the work environment <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines. Get a Web parameter and set it to<br />
the work area to be used by <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
Note: Initialize COBW3 in the interface area with LOW-VALUE be<strong>for</strong>e calling<br />
COBW3_INIT.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Call:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
COBW3-CONTEXT [required]<br />
Specify the Linkage Section pointer to the data work area with the <strong>SAF</strong> director.<br />
Do not change the specified value.<br />
COBW3-DMODE [optional]<br />
Specify error message output of <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
COBW3-DMODE is valid only when the operation code is ASCII.
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 25<br />
COBW3-DMODE-NODBG LOW-VALUE No error message is output.<br />
COBW3-DMODE-DBG "1" An error message is output to the browser.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None.<br />
Note: If COBW3_INIT is called more than once per connection, the Web data area<br />
obtained may be reinitialized and subsequent operations may fail.<br />
Manipulate Web Parameters<br />
Search a field name (NAME) from the Web parameter obtained in COBW3_INIT and<br />
return the value (VALUE) corresponding to the name.<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
Search the name (NAME) of an alphanumeric character-string and return the<br />
value (VALUE) corresponding to the name as an alphanumeric character-string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
Search the name (NAME) of an alphanumeric character-string and return the<br />
value (VALUE) corresponding to the name as an alphanumeric character-string.<br />
Search the name (NAME) of a national character-string and return the value<br />
(VALUE) corresponding to the name as an alphanumeric character-string.<br />
Search the name (NAME) of a alphanumeric character-string and return the<br />
value (VALUE) corresponding to the name as a national character-string.<br />
Search the name (NAME) of a national character-string and return the value<br />
(VALUE) corresponding to the name as a national character-string.<br />
Padding characters <strong>for</strong> storing the obtained value (VALUE) are blank.<br />
Format:<br />
26 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
•<br />
•<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:COBW3-SEARCH-DATA, COBW3-SEARCH-DATA-N<br />
Specify the name (NAME) to be searched. (The name is the value specified as a<br />
name in the HTML document that invokes the application.)<br />
Set to COBW3-SEARCH-DATA <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_VALUE, COBW3_GET_VALUE_XX<br />
and COBW3_GET_VALUE_XN.<br />
Set to COBW3-SEARCH-DATA-N <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_VALUE_NX or<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
To search a name (NAME) containing a valid space at the end, set this to the<br />
character-string length (byte length) of the name containing the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Search up to the last character that is not a space.<br />
1 to 1024 Search up to the length of the character-string specified.<br />
• COBW3-NUMBER [Optional]<br />
If two or more same names (NAME) exist in the web data area, set the<br />
occurrence number of the target name to be searched .<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-NUMBER-INIT 1 Search the first name that matches.<br />
- - - - - 2 to 9999 Search the specified occurrence of the name.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
-NON<br />
"0" The target name <strong>for</strong> searching is not found.<br />
-EXIST<br />
"1" The target name <strong>for</strong> searching is found.
•<br />
•<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 27<br />
The value (VALUE) corresponding to the name (NAME) is set.<br />
Set to COBW3-GET-DATA <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_VALUE, COBW3_GET_VALUE_XX and<br />
Set to COBW3-GET-DATA-N <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_VALUE_XN or<br />
The character-string length (byte length) of the value (VALUE) corresponding to<br />
name (NAME) to be searched is set.<br />
Search <strong>for</strong> a value (VALUE) in the Web data area obtained in COBW3_INIT. This<br />
subroutine is used <strong>for</strong> determining the presence of a selected check box item in the<br />
data area from the Web page<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
Search the value (VALUE) of an alphanumeric character-string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
Search the value (VALUE) of an alphanumeric character-string.<br />
Search the value (VALUE) of a national character-string.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a value to be searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Set the value in COBW3-SEARCH-DATA if it is COBW3_CHECK_VALUE or<br />
Set the value in COBW3-SEARCH-DATA-N if it is COBW3_CHECK_VALUE_N.
28 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
• COBW3-SEARCH-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a value with a valid space at the end to the number<br />
of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is checked.<br />
1 to 1024 Values of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
• COBW3-NUMBER [Optional]<br />
Set the sequential order of a value to be searched <strong>for</strong> if there are several<br />
equivalent values in the web parameter.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-NUMBER-INIT 1 The value found first is selected.<br />
- - - - - 2 to 9999 The value of the specified occurrence is<br />
searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
-NON<br />
"0" No applicable values exist.<br />
-EXIST<br />
"1" Applicable values exist.<br />
Output Processing Results<br />
This subroutine outputs a specified header.<br />
When an HTML document designed <strong>for</strong> processing result output (prototype file) is<br />
used, the header is output using the text/html <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. Thus, it is<br />
unnecessary to use this subroutine to output the header. Use this subroutine only to<br />
output an non HTML document file (such as a plane text) or application generated<br />
header.<br />
Note: Use this subroutine be<strong>for</strong>e using COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3 PUT TEXT.<br />
If it is used after COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT, the in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
becomes invalid as a header.<br />
Do not change the value after a non-default value is set in COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE<br />
Format:<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 29<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
• COBW3-PUT-HEAD<br />
Set a character string to be output to the header.<br />
• COBW3-PUT-HEAD-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the length of a character string with a valid space at the end to the number<br />
of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Character strings of any length, excluding terminating at the first space, are<br />
output. However, the character length is regarded as 0 (i.e., line feed<br />
character only) if COBW3-PUT-HEAD is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 512 Character strings of the specified character length are output.<br />
• COBW3- CONTENT-TYPE [Optional]<br />
Set a file type (Content-type) of response data.<br />
When this subroutine is called several times, the first file type is used.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
- - - - - LOW-VALUE An HTML document is output.<br />
-NON<br />
HIGH-VALUE Content-type is not output.<br />
-HTML<br />
“text/htm1” An HTML document is output.<br />
-TEXT<br />
“text/plain” A text file is output.<br />
- - - - - - - - Any character Any character string is set in Content-type<br />
string<br />
of the header.<br />
• COBW3-STATUS-CODE [Optional]<br />
Set status code.<br />
When this subroutine is called several times, the first status code is validated.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
- - - - - - - - LOW-VALUE The normal end code "200" is output to<br />
Status-code.<br />
-NON<br />
HIGH-VALUE Status-code is not output.<br />
–200<br />
“200” The normal end code "200" is output to<br />
Status-code.<br />
- - - - - - - - Any code Any status-code is output.<br />
Note: If possible, do not specify COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE-NON or COBW3-STATUS-<br />
CODE-NON . "-NON" is meaningful <strong>for</strong> CGI, which enables Content-type, etc. to be<br />
specified using a batch file. However, <strong>SAF</strong> or other DLL applications do not accept -<br />
NON specification. In addition, operation of <strong>SAF</strong> is indefinite if Content-type or<br />
Status-code is not set though -NON is specified.
30 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
This subroutine outputs a prototype HTML page <strong>for</strong> processing the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong><br />
result data area. It replaces conversion names enclosed in "//COBOL//" or<br />
"//COBOL_REPEAT//" in the Web page with character strings registered using the<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or COBW3_SET_REPEAT_XX subroutine<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Specify the file name of the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (prototype<br />
file).<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None.<br />
Specification of a Conversion Name in the Web Page (prototype file):<br />
Enclose the conversion field name in "//COBOL//" to indicate that the character string<br />
is a conversion name.<br />
Note: A set of "//COBOL//" must be written on a single line.<br />
···//COBOL// Conversion name//COBOL//···<br />
Format of the output depends on the conversion name specifications. For example:<br />
Examples:<br />
Conversion name specification Processing<br />
This is a<br />
If a conversion name "NAME" is specified,<br />
//COBOL//NAME//COBOL// test.<br />
"//COBOL//NAME//COBOL//" is converted into a<br />
registered conversion character string.<br />
This is a //COBOL// test. The conversion name is incorrectly specified and will<br />
result in an error.<br />
This is a //COBOL test. This will be output as plain text.<br />
This is a //COBOL//<br />
The conversion name is incorrectly specified (more<br />
NAME//COBOL// test.<br />
than one line)<br />
This is a<br />
The conversion name is incorrectly specified (second<br />
//COBOL//)<br />
This is a<br />
//COBOL////COBOL//<br />
The conversion name is missing, resulting in an error.<br />
This is a<br />
This will be output as plain text, due to the incorrect<br />
//cobol//NAME//cobol// .<br />
use of lower case in the flags.
Application example:<br />
[a.htm (Web page prototype file)]<br />
:<br />
<br />
<br />
Name: //COBOL//GET-NAME//COBOL//<br />
<br />
:<br />
[COBOL program]<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 31<br />
:<br />
* Specifying a name<br />
* Specifying conversion data to be repeated in the Wed page <strong>for</strong><br />
* processing result output (prototype file)<br />
:<br />
* Specifying the file name of the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result<br />
* output (prototype file)<br />
* Outputting the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (prototype<br />
* file)<br />
:<br />
[Output result on the WWW browser]<br />
:<br />
Name: FUJITSU TARO<br />
:<br />
Specification of a Repetition Range in the Web Page Prototype File:<br />
Write "//COBOL_REPEAT_START//" and "//COBOL_REPEAT_END//" be<strong>for</strong>e and after<br />
a part in the Web page prototype file to specify that the part should be repeated.<br />
The number of times of repetition is identical to the number of registered repetitive<br />
character strings to be converted.<br />
• Beginning of the repetition range<br />
Write "//COBOL_REPEAT_START//" at the beginning of the range.<br />
• Repetition data<br />
Write data to be output repeatedly. If data should be converted when the Web<br />
application is executed, specify conversion names.<br />
If a different conversion character string should be output in each separate<br />
repetition cycle, write "//COBOL_REPEAT//" be<strong>for</strong>e and after each conversion<br />
name. If a separate conversion character string should be output in every<br />
repetition, write "//COBOL//" be<strong>for</strong>e and after conversion name.
32 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
• End of the repetition range<br />
Write "//COBOL_REPEAT_END//" at the end of the range where data should be<br />
repeated.<br />
Note: Be sure to register each conversion character string corresponding to the<br />
conversion name enclosed in "//COBOL_REPEAT//" .<br />
If a conversion name enclosed in "//COBOL_REPEAT//" is not written as repetition<br />
data, the number of times of repetition is 1.<br />
"//COBOL//" or "//COBOL_REPEAT//" must be written on a single line.<br />
Each line containing "//COBOL_REPEAT_START" or "//COBOL_REPEAT_END//""<br />
indicating the beginning and end of a repetition range is deleted when data is output<br />
to the WWW browser. There<strong>for</strong>e, do not write anything else on such a line.<br />
The numbers of repetitive conversion character strings specified in a repetition range<br />
must match the number of repetitions of the data or an error occurs.<br />
If the beginning of a repetition range is not specified, data output is not repeated<br />
and descriptions other than "//COBOL//" are output as data.<br />
If the end of a repetition range is not specified, data up to the end of the Web page<br />
is output and an error occurs.<br />
· ·//COBOL_REPEAT// Conversion name//COBOL_REPEAT//· ·<br />
· ·//COBOL// Conversion name// COBOL//· ·<br />
Application example:<br />
[b.htm. (Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (prototype file)]<br />
<br />
<br />
Name<br />
Age<br />
Company<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
[COBOL program]<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 33<br />
:<br />
* Specifying a name<br />
* Specifying repetitive conversion data in the Web page <strong>for</strong><br />
* processing result output (prototype file)<br />
* Specifying the age<br />
* Specifying repetitive conversion data in the Web page <strong>for</strong><br />
* processing result output (prototype file)<br />
:<br />
:<br />
* Specifying the company name<br />
* Specifying conversion data to be repeated in the Web page <strong>for</strong><br />
* processing result output (prototype file)<br />
:<br />
* Specifying the file name of the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result<br />
* output (prototype file)<br />
* Outputting the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (prototype<br />
* file)<br />
:<br />
[Output result to the WWW browser]<br />
:<br />
Name Age Company<br />
34 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Each of these subroutines registers a conversion character string corresponding to a<br />
conversion name enclosed in "//COBOL//" specified in the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing<br />
result output (prototype file to be output by the COBW3_PUT_HTML subroutine. The<br />
appropriate subroutine must be called <strong>for</strong> each conversion name in the prototype file.<br />
Registered in<strong>for</strong>mation is referenced when COBW3_PUT_HTML is executed, and data<br />
in the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (prototype file) is converted according<br />
to the registered conversion data.<br />
These subroutines have the following meanings.<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
• COBW3_SET_CNV<br />
Registers a conversion character string corresponding to the conversion name of<br />
an alphanumeric character string as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
• COBW3_SET_CNV_XX<br />
Registers a conversion character string corresponding to the conversion nameof<br />
an alphanumeric character string as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
• COBW3_SET_CNV_NX<br />
Registers a conversion character string corresponding to the conversion name of<br />
a national character string as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
• COBW3_SET_CNV_XN<br />
Registers a conversion character string corresponding to the conversion name of<br />
an alphanumeric character string as a national character string.<br />
• COBW3_SET_CNV_NN<br />
Registers a conversion character string corresponding to the conversion name of<br />
a national character string as a national character string.<br />
Format:<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 35<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a conversion name used <strong>for</strong> conversion.<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME when COBW3_SET_CNV, COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_XN is used.<br />
Set a conversion name in COBW3-CNV-NAME-N when COBW3_SET_CNV_NX or<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_NN is used.<br />
• COBW3-CNV-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a conversion name with a valid space at the end to<br />
the number of bytes including the space.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is checked. However,<br />
the character length is regarded as 0 if COBW3-CNV-NAME or COBW3-CNV-<br />
NAME-N is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 30 Character strings of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Set the conversion result (conversion character string).<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-VALUE when COBW3_SET_CNV, COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_NX is used.<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-VALUE-N when COBW3_SET_CNV_XN or<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_NN is used.<br />
COBW3-CNV-VALUE-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a conversion character string with a valid space at the<br />
end in the number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is registered. However,<br />
the character length is regarded as 0 if COBW3-CNV-VALUE or COBW3-CNV-<br />
VALUE-N is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 1024 Character strings of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.
36 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
• COBW3-CNV-MODE [Optional]<br />
Set a conversion type.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
–ADDREP<br />
–REPLACE<br />
–ADD<br />
LOW-VALUE The conversion data is added if the specified<br />
conversion name is not registered.<br />
“1” Data is converted. If the specified conversion<br />
name is not registered, an error is output and<br />
data is not converted.<br />
“2” The conversion data is added. If the specified<br />
conversion name is registered, an error is<br />
output and data is not added.<br />
• COBW3_SANITIZE_CNV [Optional]<br />
If characters that are vulnerable to a cross site scripting attack are found in<br />
conversion data, those characters are automatically replaced. This process is referred<br />
to as “sanitizing”.<br />
For more details on cross site scripting, refer to Appendix P, Security, in the<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong>.<br />
COBW3_SANITIZE_CNV is valid when either COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_NX is used. However, if the code set is Unicode,<br />
COBW3_SANITIZE_CNV is also valid when COBW3_SET_CNV_XN or<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_NN is used.<br />
Condition name Value Explanation<br />
COBW3-SANITIZE-CNV-OFF LOW-VALUE Does not sanitize.<br />
COBW3-SANITIZE-CNV-ON "1" Sanitize.<br />
NOTE:<br />
The sanitization procedure replaces the five characters that are vulnerable to a cross<br />
site scripting attack (&, , “, ‘) with the following escape characters:<br />
& → &<br />
< → <<br />
> → ><br />
" → "<br />
' → '<br />
As a result, a single character is being replaced with 4-6 characters, increasing the<br />
length of the sanitized data. This means that, depending on the content of the<br />
unsanitized data, sanitizing data may cause the maximum data length (1024 bytes)<br />
set in the Web parameter VALUE to be exceeded. If this happens, the sanitized data<br />
is truncated automatically at 1024 bytes.<br />
It is also possible that the escape characters themselves may be truncated. In this<br />
case, the vulnerable character is deleted, not replaced. An example is given below.
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 37<br />
Example: The unsanitized data area is 1021 bytes long. The first 1020 bytes<br />
contain n characters that do not require sanitizing, but the last character is an<br />
ampersand ( & ).<br />
38 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a conversion name to be deleted.<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME when COBW3_DEL_CNV or COBW3_DEL_CNV_X is<br />
used.<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME-N when COBW3_DEL_CNV_N is used.<br />
•<br />
COBW3-CNV-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a conversion name with a valid space at the end to<br />
the number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is checked. However, the<br />
character length is regarded as 0 if COBW3-CNV-NAME or COBW3-CNV-NAME-N<br />
is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 30 Character strings of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None<br />
This subroutine initializes all conversion data specified using COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or<br />
other subroutines.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
None<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 39<br />
Each of these subroutines registers the repetitive conversion data of a conversion<br />
name enclosed in "//COBOL_REPEAT//" specified in a Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result<br />
output (prototype file) to be output by the "COBW3_PUT_HTML" subroutine.<br />
Registered in<strong>for</strong>mation is referenced when COBW3_PUT_HTML is executed. The<br />
conversion name specified in the repetition range in the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing<br />
result output (prototype file) is converted according to the number of repetitive<br />
conversion character strings registered <strong>for</strong> the same conversion name.<br />
Each subroutine has the following meaning:<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
Registers the conversion character string corresponding to an alphanumeric<br />
character string conversion name as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
Registers the conversion character string corresponding to an alphanumeric<br />
character string conversion name as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Registers the conversion character string corresponding to a national character<br />
string conversion name as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Registers the conversion character string corresponding to an alphanumeric<br />
character string conversion name as a national character string.<br />
Registers the conversion character string corresponding to a national character<br />
string conversion name as a national character string.<br />
Note: Register a repetitive conversion character string <strong>for</strong> each conversion name by<br />
calling "COBW3_SET_REPEAT_XX" or other subroutines.<br />
The conversion character strings are converted in repetitive conversion in the order<br />
of registration using "COBW3_SET_REPEAT_XX" or other subroutines.<br />
Specify the same number repetitive conversion character strings as conversion<br />
names in the same repetition range.<br />
Format:<br />
40 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a conversion name used <strong>for</strong> conversion.<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME when COBW3_SET_REPEAT,<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME-N when COBW3_SET_REPEAT_NX or<br />
COBW3_SET_REPEAT_NN is used.<br />
COBW3-CNV-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a conversion name with a valid space at the end to<br />
the number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length up to the last character, excluding the space, is checked. However,<br />
the character length is regarded as 0 if COBW3-CNV-NAME or COBW3-CNV-<br />
NAME-N is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 30 Character strings of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong><br />
Set a conversion result (conversion character string).<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-VALUE when COBW3_SET_REPEAT,<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-VALUE-N when COBW3_SET_REPEAT_XN or<br />
COBW3_SET_REPEAT_NN is used.<br />
COBW3-CNV-VALUE-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a conversion character string with a valid space at the<br />
end to the number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is registered. However,<br />
the character length is regarded as 0 if COBW3-CNV-VALUE or COBW3-CNV-<br />
VALUE-N is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 1024 Character strings of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Specify a space as the conversion character string, 0 as the conversion character<br />
string, and register the repetitive conversion data, if it is necessary to specify a space<br />
as the conversion result.
• COBW3_SANITIZE_CNV [Optional]<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 41<br />
If characters that are vulnerable to a cross site scripting attack are found in<br />
conversion data, those characters are automatically replaced. This process is referred<br />
to as “sanitizing”.<br />
For more details on cross site scripting, refer to Appendix P, Security, in the<br />
<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong>.<br />
COBW3_SANITIZE_CNV is valid when either COBW3_SET_REPEAT_XX or<br />
COBW3_SET_ REPEAT_NX is used. However, if the code set is Unicode,<br />
COBW3_SANITIZE_CNV is also valid when COBW3_SET_ REPEAT_XN or<br />
COBW3_SET_ REPEAT_NN is used.<br />
Condition name Value Explanation<br />
COBW3-SANITIZE-CNV-OFF LOW-VALUE Does not sanitize.<br />
COBW3-SANITIZE-CNV-ON "1" Sanitize.<br />
NOTE:<br />
The sanitization procedure replaces the five characters that are vulnerable to a cross<br />
site scripting attack (&, , “, ‘) with the following escape characters:<br />
& → &<br />
< → <<br />
> → ><br />
" → "<br />
' → '<br />
As a result, a single character is being replaced with 4-6 characters, increasing the<br />
length of the sanitized data. This means that, depending on the content of the<br />
unsanitized data, sanitizing data may cause the maximum data length (1024 bytes)<br />
set in the Web parameter VALUE to be exceeded. If this happens, the sanitized data<br />
is truncated automatically at 1024 bytes.<br />
It is also possible that the escape characters themselves may be truncated. In this<br />
case, the vulnerable character is deleted, not replaced. An example is given below.<br />
Example: The unsanitized data area is 1021 bytes long. The first 1020 bytes<br />
contain n characters that do not require sanitizing, but the last character is an<br />
ampersand ( & ).<br />
42 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
This exceeds the 1024-byte limit, but truncating the data to 1024 bytes would<br />
interrupt the escape character string (&). For this reason, the ampersand is<br />
deleted instead of being replaced.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a conversion name to be deleted.<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME when COBW3_DEL_REPEAT or<br />
COBW3_DEL_REPEAT_X is used.<br />
•<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 43<br />
Set it in COBW3-CNV-NAME-N when COBW3_DEL_REPEAT_N is used.<br />
COBW3-CNV-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a conversion character string with a valid space at the<br />
end to the number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is checked. However,<br />
the character length is regarded as 0 if COBW3-CNV-NAME or COBW3-CNV-<br />
NAME-N is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 30 Character strings of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
44 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
This subroutine initializes all repetitive conversion data specified using<br />
COBW3_SET_REPEAT_XX or other subroutine.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
None<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None<br />
This subroutine outputs a specified character string and a line feed character to the<br />
WWW browser.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a character string to be output.<br />
• COBW3-PUT-STRING-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Set the character length of a character string with a valid space at the end to the<br />
number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Character strings of any length, excluding the space, are output.<br />
However, the character length is regarded as 0 (i.e., line feed<br />
character only) if COBW3-PUT-STRING is filled with spaces only.<br />
1 to 1024 Character strings of the specified character length are output.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None<br />
Outputting Character String Data (including a line feed character) to the<br />
WWW Browser:<br />
The following example shows how to output " Thank you <strong>for</strong> your<br />
cooperation. " to the WWW browser.
Application example:<br />
[COBOL program]<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 45<br />
:<br />
00036 * Setting the character string to be output<br />
00037 MOVE “ Thank you <strong>for</strong> your cooperation.”<br />
00038 TO COBW3-PUT-STRING.<br />
00039 * Outputting the character string data<br />
:<br />
[Output result on the WWW browser]<br />
:<br />
Thank you <strong>for</strong> your cooperation.<br />
:<br />
Execute System Commands<br />
This subroutine executes a system command from the Web application.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Set a system command to be executed and its parameters.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None<br />
Note: Due to the extreme risk to the integrity of the operating system, we<br />
recommend that you never create a web application that permits execution of a<br />
command string input to the browser.<br />
Free <strong>SAF</strong> Execution Environment Resources<br />
COBW3_ FREE<br />
This subroutine frees resources obtained by a <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. To prevent<br />
exhaustion of system resources, call this subroutine at the end of every connection<br />
of the Web application.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
46 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
None<br />
Get Request In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
This subroutine acquires the HTTP header of a request.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
•<br />
Set a header name to be acquired.<br />
Set the character length of a header name with a valid space at the end to the<br />
number of bytes including the space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The length to the last character, excluding the space, is checked.<br />
1 to 64 Header names of the specified character length are searched <strong>for</strong>.<br />
Note: Specify 0 since header names normally have no spaces at the end.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
The header value corresponding to the requested header name is set.<br />
The character length (byte length) of the header value corresponding to the<br />
requested header name is set.<br />
This subroutine acquires in<strong>for</strong>mation concerning a request.<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Specify the in<strong>for</strong>mation to be acquired:
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 47<br />
COBW3-URL “1” Request URL<br />
“2” Server type<br />
COBW3-VIRTUALPATH “3” Virtual path name of a request<br />
COBW3-PHYSICALPATH “4” Physical path name corresponding to the<br />
virtual path of a request<br />
COBW3-QUERYSTRING “5” Web parameter<br />
COBW3-LANGUAGE “6” List of languages which the WWW browser<br />
can receive<br />
COBW3-ENCODING “7” List of encoding which the WWW browser<br />
can receive<br />
COBW3-REQMIMETYPE “8” MIME type of a request<br />
METHOD<br />
“9” Request method<br />
COBW3-PATH-INFO “A” Extended path name sent by the WWW<br />
browser<br />
COBW3-PATH-<br />
“B” Physical path name corresponding to the<br />
extended path<br />
COBW3-REMOTE-ADDR “C” IP address of the client<br />
COBW3-REMOTE-HOST “D” Host name of the client<br />
“E” Revision of the support CGI<br />
COBW3-SERVER-NAME “F” Host name of the server<br />
COBW3-SERVER-PORT “G” Connection port No. of the server<br />
“H” Protocol used by the server<br />
COBW3-SERVER-PORT “I” "1" is returned during secure<br />
–SECURE<br />
communication. "0" is returned otherwise.<br />
Note: No server type may be acquired.<br />
If the extended path is specified, it may be impossible to acquire correct request<br />
URI, request URL, MIME type of the request, virtual path name of the request, and<br />
physical path name corresponding to the virtual path of a request.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
Acquired request in<strong>for</strong>mation is set.<br />
The character length (byte length) of the acquired request in<strong>for</strong>mation is set.
48 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
This subroutine acquires authorization in<strong>for</strong>mation from the WWW browser. The<br />
authorization in<strong>for</strong>mation includes the ID and password of the user and the IP<br />
address of the client.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
None<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
The acquired user ID is set.<br />
The character length (byte length) of the user ID is set.<br />
The acquired user password is set.<br />
The character length (byte length) of the user password is set.<br />
The acquired client IP address is set.<br />
The character length (byte length) of the IP address is set.<br />
The acquired authorization type is set.<br />
The character length (byte length) of the authorization type is set.<br />
Note: This subroutine cannot acquire any in<strong>for</strong>mation of an anonymous<br />
authorization except the IP address.<br />
It may acquire any type of in<strong>for</strong>mation of a basic authorization. "basic" is set as the<br />
authorization type.
Manipulate Cookie Data<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 49<br />
Register the Cookie data to be sent to the WWW browser. The registered Cookie<br />
data is used <strong>for</strong> header output.<br />
Each subroutine has the following meaning.<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
Registers the alphanumeric Cookie name and the corresponding Cookie value as<br />
an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
Registers the alphanumeric Cookie name and the corresponding Cookie value as<br />
an alphanumeric character string.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Registers the national character Cookie name and the corresponding Cookie<br />
value as an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Registers the alphanumeric Cookie name and the corresponding Cookie value as<br />
a national character string.<br />
Registers the national character Cookie name and the corresponding Cookie<br />
value as a national character string.<br />
Note: Use this subroutine be<strong>for</strong>e calling COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT.<br />
The Cookie character code sent to the WWW browser is always ASCII regardless of<br />
the COBOL operation code system.<br />
Formats:<br />
50 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Data setup during call:<br />
Sets a Cookie name you wish to register.<br />
Specify “COBW3-COOKIE-NAME” <strong>for</strong> the COBW3_SET_COOKIE,<br />
COOKIE-NAME-N” <strong>for</strong> the COBW3_SET_COOKIE_NX or<br />
• COBW3-COOKIE-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Sets the length of Cookie name character string (in bytes) including spaces if the<br />
Cookie name has a valid space at the end .<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Registers the Cookie name consisting of a character string including the last<br />
character except <strong>for</strong> a space. However, if the COBW3_COOKIE-NAME or<br />
COBW3_COOKIE-NAME-N consists of only spaces, the length of character string<br />
is considered to be zero (0).<br />
1 to 64 Register the Cookie name consisting of the specified number of characters.<br />
Set a Cookie value.<br />
Specify “COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE” <strong>for</strong> COBW3_SET_COOKIE,<br />
COBW3_SET_COOKIE_XX or <strong>for</strong> COBW3_SET_COOKIE_NX.<br />
Also, set “COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE-N” <strong>for</strong> COBW3_SET_COOKIE_XN or<br />
Sets the length of the Cookie value character string (in bytes) including spaces if<br />
a Cookie value having a valid space at its end is specified.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Registers a Cookie value consisting of a character string including the last<br />
character except <strong>for</strong> a space. However, if the COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE or<br />
COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE-N contains of only spaces, the length of character<br />
string is considered to be zero (0).<br />
1 to 1024 Register a Cookie value consisting of the specified number of characters.<br />
• COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES [Optional]<br />
Use this subroutine to specify the Cookie expiration date. The expiration time<br />
must be set in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).<br />
- COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES-YEAR (Year) (1582 to 9999)<br />
- COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES-MONTH (Month) (01 to 12)<br />
- COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES-DAY (Day) (01 to 31; with the last day depending<br />
on the month)
- COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES-HOUR (Hours) (00 to 23)<br />
- COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES-MIN (Minutes) (00 to 59)<br />
- COBW3-COOKIE-EXPIRES-SEC (Seconds) (00 to 59)<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 51<br />
Note: If the expiration date is omitted, the Cookie data is deleted when the browser<br />
is terminated. The Cookie data that the browser currently has is deleted immediately<br />
if a clock time is specified that is already past.<br />
Specify an expiration date after October 15th of 1582. If you specify an earlier date<br />
, the expiration date is will not be correctly set, due to failure of the automatic day of<br />
week calculation.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
COBW3-COOKIE-DOMAIN [Optional]<br />
Sets a domain where the Cookie is valid.<br />
COBW3-COOKIE-PATH [Optional]<br />
Sets a virtual path where the Cookie is valid.<br />
COBW3-COOKIE-SECURE [Optional]<br />
Sets the security. If the security is on, the Cookie data is sent from the WWW<br />
browser only when SSL is used.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
LOW-VALUE Allow any method to transport the cookie<br />
-SECURE-ON<br />
“1” Allow only SSL to transport the cookie<br />
• COBW3-COOKIEMODE [Optional]<br />
Sets a registration type of Cookie data.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
–MODE-ADD<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
None<br />
LOW-VALUE Adds Cookie data if the specified Cookie name is<br />
not registered.<br />
“1” Replaces the Cookie data. If the specified Cookie<br />
name is not registered, an error is output and the<br />
name is not registered.<br />
“2” Adds Cookie data. If the specified Cookie name is<br />
already registered, an error is output and the data<br />
is not added.
52 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Delete Cookie data which has been registered by COBW3_SET_COOKIE_XX or<br />
others.<br />
Each subroutine has the following meaning.<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
Deletes the Cookie data corresponding to the alphanumeric Cookie name.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
Deletes the Cookie data corresponding to the alphanumeric Cookie name.<br />
Deletes the Cookie data corresponding to the national character Cookie name.<br />
Note: Use this subroutine be<strong>for</strong>e calling COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT.<br />
Formats:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Sets a Cookie name to be deleted.<br />
Specify “COBW3-COOKIE-NAME” <strong>for</strong> the COBW3_DEL_COOKIE or<br />
•<br />
Also, specify “COBW3-COOKIE-NAME-N” <strong>for</strong> the COBW3_DEL_COOKIE_N.<br />
Sets the length of Cookie name character string (in bytes) containing spaces if a<br />
Cookie name having a valid space at its end is specified.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Deletes up to the end of character string except <strong>for</strong> a space. However, if the<br />
COBW3-COOKIE-NAME or COBW3-COOKIE-NAME-N consists of only spaces, the<br />
length of character string is considered to be zero (0).<br />
1 to 64 Deletes the specified length of character string.
Process result data:<br />
None<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 53<br />
Initializes the Cookie data that has been registered by the COBW3_SET_COOKIE_XX<br />
or others.<br />
Note: Use this subroutine be<strong>for</strong>e calling COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT.<br />
Format:<br />
Data setup during call:<br />
• COBW3-COOKIE-INIT-MODE [Optional]<br />
Sets an initialization type of Cookie data.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
LOW-VALUE Initializes all Cookie data.<br />
“1” Initializes the requested Cookie data to the<br />
initial value.<br />
Process result data:<br />
None<br />
Search any Cookie name in the requested Cookie data collected by the<br />
“COBW3_INIT.” Each subroutine has the following meaning.<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
Searches <strong>for</strong> a Cookie name consisting of an alphanumeric character string, and<br />
returns the corresponding Cookie value in an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
Searches a Cookie name consisting of an alphanumeric character string, and<br />
returns the corresponding Cookie value in an alphanumeric character string.<br />
Searches a Cookie name consisting of a national character string, and returns the<br />
corresponding Cookie value in an alphanumeric character string.
54 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
•<br />
•<br />
Searches a Cookie name consisting of an alphanumeric character string, and<br />
returns the corresponding Cookie value in a national character string.<br />
Searches a Cookie name consisting of a national character string, and returns the<br />
corresponding Cookie value in a national character string.<br />
When the collected Cookie value is stored, it is padded with blanks.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Sets a Cookie name to be searched.<br />
Set a Cookie name in COBW3-COOKIE-NAME <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_COOKIE,<br />
COBW3_GET_COOKIE_XX or COBW3_GET_COOKIE_XN. Set a Cookie name in<br />
COBW3-COOKIE-NAME-N <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_COOKIE_NX or<br />
• COBW3-COOKIE-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Sets the length of Cookie name character string (in bytes) containing spaces to<br />
search a Cookie name which ends with a valid space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Searches a Cookie name of the entire character string except <strong>for</strong> spaces.<br />
However, if the COBW3-COOKIE-NAME or COBW3-COOKIE-NAME-N consists of<br />
only spaces, the length of character string is considered to be zero.<br />
1 to 64 Searches a Cookie name in the specified length of character string.
Process Result Data:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 55<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-FLAG–NON “0” The specified name is not found.<br />
COBW3-SEARCH–FLAG-EXIST “1” The specified name has been found.<br />
Set a Cookie value corresponding to the Cookie name to be searched.<br />
The Cookie value is set in COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_COOKIE,<br />
It is set in COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE-N <strong>for</strong> COBW3_GET_COOKIE_XN or<br />
Sets the length of Cookie value character string (in bytes) corresponding to the<br />
Cookie name to be searched.<br />
Manipulate Uploaded Files<br />
These subroutines acquire the in<strong>for</strong>mation on an uploaded file. Details of these<br />
subroutines are as follows:<br />
ASCII environment<br />
Retrieves the name of the uploaded file (alphanumeric character string specified<br />
in NAME), and acquires the in<strong>for</strong>mation about the found uploaded file.<br />
Unicode environment<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Retrieves the name of the uploaded file (alphanumeric character string specified<br />
in NAME), and acquires the in<strong>for</strong>mation about the found uploaded file.<br />
Retrieves the name of the uploaded file (national language character strings<br />
specified in NAME), and acquires the in<strong>for</strong>mation about the found uploaded file.<br />
Format:<br />
56 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Data setting <strong>for</strong> calling:<br />
Set the name (NAME) of the upload file to be retrieved (The name specified in<br />
“name” of the HTML document (Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking application) must be set<br />
instead of the file name).<br />
set the name to COBW3-SEARCH-DATA.<br />
•<br />
For COBW3_GET_UPLOADFILE_INFO_N, set the name to COBW3-SEARCH-<br />
DATA-N.<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-LENGTH [optional]<br />
If the name (NAME) has a valid blank at the end, set the string length (byte<br />
length) of the name including the blank.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 Searches the upload file name using the length up to the last character<br />
excluding the blank. However, if COBW3-SEARCH-DATA or COBW3-SEARCH-<br />
DATA-N is completely blank, the string length is set to zero <strong>for</strong> processing.<br />
1 to 1024 Searches the upload file name using the specified string length.<br />
• COBW3-NUMBER [optional]<br />
If multiple entities with the same name (NAME) exist in Web parameters, set the<br />
order of appearance of names to be searched.<br />
Condition name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-NUMBER-INIT 1 Searches the name that matches first.<br />
- - - - - - - - - - 2 to 9999 Searches the names in the specified order of<br />
appearance.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Condition name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-FLAG-NON "0" The name to be searched does not exist, or<br />
size of the uploaded file is 0.<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-FLAG-EXIST "1" The name to be searched exists.<br />
Sets the path name of the upload file in the client which corresponds to the<br />
retrieved name (NAME).<br />
Sets the character string length (byte length) of the path name of the upload file<br />
in the client which corresponds to the retrieved name (NAME).
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 57<br />
Sets the file name of the upload file in the client which corresponds to the<br />
retrieved name (NAME).<br />
Sets the character string length (byte length) of the file name of the upload file<br />
in the client which corresponds to the retrieved name (NAME).<br />
Sets the character string that indicates the Content-type of the upload file that<br />
corresponds to the retrieved name (NAME).<br />
Sets the character string length (byte length) of the character string that<br />
indicates the content type of the upload file that corresponds to the retrieved<br />
name (NAME).<br />
Sets the uploaded file size (byte length) .<br />
Note: When “\” is included in the uploaded file name when the client is UNIX, the<br />
file name and the path name cannot be correctly received.<br />
Example:<br />
[c.htm (Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking application)]<br />
:<br />
<br />
<br />
Your Name:<br />
Send file 1:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
:<br />
[COBOL source program]<br />
:<br />
* Name setup<br />
* Acquisition of upload file in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
:<br />
* Setup of name of file to be generated<br />
* File generation<br />
:<br />
* File data processing<br />
:<br />
* Deletion of generated file<br />
END-IF.<br />
58 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
These subroutines generate an uploaded file by using a specified file name. The<br />
details of these subroutines are as follows:<br />
ASCII environment<br />
Searches the name (NAME) of an alphanumeric character string, and generates<br />
the found uploaded file by using the specified file name.<br />
Unicode environment<br />
Searches the name (NAME) of an alphanumeric character string, and generates<br />
the found uploaded file by using the specified file name.<br />
Searches the name (NAME) of a national character string, and generates the<br />
found uploaded file by using the specified file name.<br />
Note: Uploaded files must not be generated as executable files because of the<br />
threat to security. Especially, uploaded files must not be generated as files that can<br />
be automatically executed by the system.<br />
Format:<br />
Data setting <strong>for</strong> calling:<br />
Set the name (NAME) of the uploaded file to be searched (The name specified<br />
in “name” of the HTML document [Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking application] must be<br />
set instead of the file name).<br />
For COBW3_GEN_UPLOADFILE_N, set the name to COBW3-SEARCH-DATA-N.<br />
• COBW3-SEARCH-LENGTH [optional]<br />
If the value (VALUE) has a valid blank at the end, set the string length (byte<br />
length) of the value including the blank.
Value Meaning<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 59<br />
0 Searches the name using the length up to the last character excluding the<br />
blank.<br />
1 to 1024 Searches the name using the specified string length.<br />
• COBW3-NUMBER [optional]<br />
Sets the order of appearance of NAMES to be searched when there are multiple<br />
NAMES with the same name in the Web parameters.<br />
Condition name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-NUMBER-INIT 1 Searches the name that matches first.<br />
- - - - - - - - - - 2 to Searches the name in the specified order of<br />
9999 appearance.<br />
Specify the name of the file to be generated on the server.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
Condition name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-FLAG-NON "0" The name to be searched does not exist.<br />
COBW3-SEARCH-FLAG-EXIST "1" The name to be searched exists.<br />
This subroutine deletes an uploaded file that was generated using a subroutine such<br />
This subroutine can delete a file that was generated using<br />
COBW3_GEN_UPLOADFILE_N within the same request. File generation or deletion<br />
among two or more requests (two or more pages) cannot be per<strong>for</strong>med.<br />
Format:<br />
Data setting <strong>for</strong> calling:<br />
Set the name of the file to be deleted.<br />
Processing Result Data:<br />
60 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Manage Sessions<br />
Starts a session. Also, it sets a data type and timeout value <strong>for</strong> the session.<br />
Notes: Call this subroutine be<strong>for</strong>e using the “COBW3_PUT_TEXT,”<br />
“COBW3_PUT_HTML” or “COBW3_FREE.” Once any of these subroutines is used, no<br />
session can be started even when the COBW3_START_SESSION subroutine is called.<br />
If a session has already been started, an error is returned when this subroutine is<br />
called.<br />
The data type cannot be changed after a session is established. To change the data<br />
<strong>for</strong>mat, terminate the session by calling the “COBW3_END_SESSION” And then start<br />
a new session.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Sets a session data type.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3–SESSION-DATA-GROUPITEM “0” Uses a group item as the session<br />
data.<br />
COBW3-SESSION–DATA-OBJECT “1” Uses an object reference item as the<br />
session data.<br />
Specifies a session timeout (in seconds). This is the maximum waiting period<br />
allowed, from the time when “COBW3_FREE” is called to the time when<br />
“COBW3_INIT” is called in the next thread of the same session, be<strong>for</strong>e<br />
automatic session termination occurs.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
1 to 999999 Timeout processing is executed when the specified time (in seconds) has<br />
passed.<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 61<br />
Terminates the current session. Also, it deletes in<strong>for</strong>mation set during session<br />
establishment.<br />
Notes: Call this subroutine be<strong>for</strong>e using the “COBW3_PUT_TEXT,”<br />
“COBW3_PUT_HTML” or “COBW3_FREE.” Once any of these subroutines is used, no<br />
session can be terminated even if the COBW3_END_SESSION subroutine is called.<br />
If the session has already been terminated, an error is returned when this subroutine<br />
is called.<br />
Formats:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
None<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
None<br />
Registers session data to be used in the current session. The registered data is<br />
shared within the same session.<br />
Note: Call this subroutine when the session has been established. No session data<br />
can be registered if it is called be<strong>for</strong>e or after the session.<br />
The session data <strong>for</strong>mat cannot be changed when a session is established.<br />
Formats:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Specifies a session data length (in bytes). It is valid only if the COBW3-<br />
SESSION-DATA-GROUPITEM has been set in the session data <strong>for</strong>mat during<br />
session startup.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
1 to 999999999 Registers a session data in the specified length (in bytes).<br />
• Session data<br />
Specifies session data to be registered. It can be a group item or an object<br />
reference item, depending on the session data <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />
Notes: When specifying a group item in the session data, you cannot specify an<br />
object reference item or pointer data item as a subordinate elementary item.
62 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
When an object reference item is specified in the session data, the object class<br />
identified by the object reference item must inherit the COBW3-SESSION-ADAPTER<br />
class.<br />
If you have specified an object reference item in the session data, always assign a<br />
NULL object to the object reference item be<strong>for</strong>e its thread ends. If the NULL object<br />
is not assigned, the object may remain in memory after the session has ended. This<br />
may cause a memory shortage.<br />
If the session data to be registered differs from the session data <strong>for</strong>mat which has<br />
been set during session startup, the Web application operations are unreliable.<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
None<br />
Gets session data registered in the current session.<br />
Notes: Call this subroutine when the session is established. No session data can be<br />
obtained if this subroutine is called be<strong>for</strong>e startup of a session or after the end of the<br />
session.<br />
The session data <strong>for</strong>mat cannot be changed after the session is established.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Specifies a group item length (in bytes) to store the obtained session data. It is<br />
valid only if COBW3-SESSION-DATA-GROUP has been set as the session data<br />
<strong>for</strong>mat during session startup.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
1 to 999999999 Gets the specified length of session data. If it differs from the session<br />
data registered in the session, an error is returned.<br />
• Session data<br />
Specifies a data item to store the session data obtained. It can be a group item<br />
or an object reference item, depending on the session data <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />
Notes: If an object reference item has been registered in the session data, the<br />
object reference item must be initialized by the NULL object and set in the calling<br />
parameter of this subroutine. If not initialized by the NULL object, no session data<br />
can be obtained. When specifying an object reference item in the session data,<br />
specify the object reference item with the USAGE OBJECT REFERENCE clause and<br />
specify no other items.<br />
If the session data obtained differs from the session data <strong>for</strong>mat which has been set<br />
during session startup, the Web application operations are unreliable.<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 63<br />
Alters the current session timeout (in seconds).<br />
Notes: Call this subroutine when the session is established. No session timeout can<br />
be altered if the subroutine is called be<strong>for</strong>e or after the session.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
Specifies a session timeout (in seconds). This is the maximum waiting period<br />
from the time when the “COBW3_FREE” is called to the time when the<br />
“COBW3_INIT” is called in the next thread of the same session.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
1 to 999999 Timeout processing is executed when the specified time (in seconds) has<br />
passed.<br />
Process result data:<br />
None<br />
Gets the current session in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
Format:<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
None<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
Gets the timeout (in seconds) <strong>for</strong> the current session.<br />
Gets the current session identification (ID) value.<br />
Gets the data length (in bytes) of the current session. It can be obtained only<br />
when COBW3-SESSION-DATA-GROUPITEM has been set <strong>for</strong> the session data<br />
<strong>for</strong>mat during session startup. Zero (0) is set if COBW3-SESSION-DATA-OBJECT<br />
is set <strong>for</strong> the session data <strong>for</strong>mat.<br />
Sets a data type of the current session.
64 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-SESSION-DATA–GROUPITEM “0” A group item is used as the session<br />
data.<br />
COBW3-SESSION–DATA-OBJECT “1” An object reference item is used as the<br />
session data.<br />
Sets the current session status.<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-SESSION-STATUS-NON “0” The session is not started yet or<br />
already ended.<br />
COBW3-SESSION–STATUS-STARTED “1” The session has been started up.<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>-Specific <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM, COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX,<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NX, COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XN,<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NN<br />
Search <strong>for</strong> an NES parameter name in the NES parameter in<strong>for</strong>mation and get the<br />
parameter value corresponding to the NES parameter name.<br />
Each subroutine has the following meaning.<br />
ASCII environment:<br />
• COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM<br />
Searches <strong>for</strong> an NES parameter name consisting of an alphanumeric character<br />
string, and returns the corresponding NES parameter value in an alphanumeric<br />
character string.<br />
Unicode environment:<br />
• COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX<br />
Searches <strong>for</strong> an NES parameter name consisting of an alphanumeric character<br />
string, and returns the corresponding NES parameter value in an alphanumeric<br />
character string.<br />
• COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NX<br />
Searches <strong>for</strong> an NES parameter name consisting of a national character string,<br />
and returns the corresponding NES parameter value in an alphanumeric<br />
character string.<br />
• COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XN<br />
Searches <strong>for</strong> an NES parameter name consisting of an alphanumeric character<br />
string, and returns the corresponding NES parameter value in a national<br />
character string.
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 65<br />
• COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NN<br />
Searches <strong>for</strong> an NES parameter name consisting of a national character string,<br />
and returns the corresponding NES parameter value in a national character<br />
string.<br />
Padding characters <strong>for</strong> storing the obtained NES parameter value are blank.<br />
Note: As the NES parameter name is case-sensitive, the ALPHAL (WORD) or<br />
NOALPHAL compiler option must be used if necessary.<br />
Formats:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM" USING COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX" USING COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NX" USING COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XN" USING COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NN" USING COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME, COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME-N<br />
Set a NES parameter name to be located.<br />
Specify the NES parameter name in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME <strong>for</strong><br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM, COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX or<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XN.<br />
Specify it in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME-N <strong>for</strong> COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NX or<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NN.<br />
COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME-LENGTH [Optional]<br />
Sets a length of NES parameter character string (in bytes) <strong>for</strong> search of a NES<br />
parameter name if it ends with a valid space.<br />
Value Meaning<br />
0 The NES parameter name of the entire length of character string except <strong>for</strong><br />
spaces. However, if the COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME or COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-<br />
NAME-N is only spaces, the length of character string is considered to be zero.<br />
1 to 64 The specified length of NES parameter name is searched.
66 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Process Result Data:<br />
• COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-SEARCH-FLAG<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Condition-name Value Meaning<br />
COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM–FLAG-NON “0” The specified NES name is not found.<br />
COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM–FLAG-EXIST “1” The specified NES name has been found.<br />
COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE, COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE-N<br />
Set an NES parameter value corresponding to the NES parameter name to be<br />
located.<br />
The NES parameter value is set in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE <strong>for</strong><br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM, COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX or<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NX.<br />
Set it in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE-N <strong>for</strong> COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XN or<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_NN.<br />
COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-LENGTH<br />
Sets a length of character string of NES parameter value (in bytes)<br />
corresponding to the NES parameter name to be searched.<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_BASENAME<br />
Gets an application name to be set in the URL.<br />
Note: As an application is identified by its MIME type (extender) in NES, the<br />
application name can be used as part of input data <strong>for</strong> process switching. The<br />
application name can contain any character. However, the operations are unreliable<br />
if a character other than “a” to “z,” “A” to “Z,” “0” to “9,” “-“ (hyphen) or “_”<br />
(underscore) is included.<br />
Format:<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_BASENAME " USING COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
COBW3 Data <strong>for</strong> Calls:<br />
None<br />
Process Result Data:<br />
• COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-BASENAME<br />
Gets an application name.<br />
•<br />
COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-BASENAME-LENGTH<br />
Gets the length the application name (in bytes).
Data Length Restrictions of <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
The data length is limited as follows in <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> 67<br />
Item Value<br />
Maximum length of Web parameter (*1) 1073741822bytes<br />
Maximum length of character string of Web parameter NAME 1024 bytes<br />
Maximum length of character string of Web parameter VALUE 1024 bytes<br />
Maximum record length of result output page (file) to be specified<br />
in COBW3-HTML-FILENAME (*2)<br />
Length of a single line of result output page after updating of<br />
conversion data<br />
1024 bytes<br />
3072 bytes<br />
*1 The data <strong>for</strong>mat of the Web parameter is different according to the specification<br />
of ENCTYPE of the FORM tag. The data of the file up-loading etc. besides NAME and<br />
VALUE are included in the Web parameter. Moreover, when the memory which can<br />
be used is a little, data might not be able to be received even when the size of data<br />
does not exceed the fixed quantity limitation because the Web parameter is acquired<br />
on the memory of the machine with WWW Server. There<strong>for</strong>e, you should display the<br />
size of the file which can be up-loaded to the Web page <strong>for</strong> the invoking application,<br />
or display not to up-load the file which exceeds the limitation Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking<br />
application if it is necessary. Refer to the book or the homepage, etc. to explain<br />
HTML <strong>for</strong> details of the data <strong>for</strong>mat of the Web parameter.<br />
*2 If an HTML document is created by use of a commercial HTML editor, the length<br />
of a line may exceed 1024 bytes. For use with <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines, rearrange the HTML<br />
to reduce the maximum line length to 1024 bytes, using a text editor.<br />
Classes Provided by <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
The <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines provide the following classes <strong>for</strong> use by session management<br />
functions.<br />
Used to manage an object registered as the session data. The object to be<br />
registered in the session data must be generated from a class that inherits this class.<br />
Also, timeout processing must be written in the method which has overwritten the<br />
SWEEP-SESSION method of this class by use of OVERRIDE clause.<br />
Note: Timeout processing can be used only when an object reference item is<br />
registered in the session data.<br />
No <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine can be called by timeout processing.<br />
Factory method:<br />
68 Chapter 3. How to Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Object method:<br />
This method is called when a session is timed out. It is used to per<strong>for</strong>m<br />
processing such as file closing and database (DB) commitment/rollback.<br />
Method argument:<br />
None<br />
Method return in<strong>for</strong>mation:<br />
None<br />
Note:<br />
• If a session is timed out, the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine calls the SWEEP-SESSION method<br />
and assigns a NULL object to the object reference item which has been<br />
registered in the session data.<br />
• If the default SWEEP-SESSION method is not replaced by a user-written method,<br />
nothing is executed by the SWEEP-SESSION method.<br />
• The COBW3-SESSION-ADAPTER class inherits the FJBASE class.<br />
Example:<br />
[COBOL program]<br />
:<br />
OBJECT.<br />
:<br />
:<br />
:<br />
* Write down timeout processing if necessary.<br />
:<br />
:<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web<br />
Application<br />
This chapter explains the basic method <strong>for</strong> compilation, linkage, and execution of<br />
Web applications using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
For details of compile options and link options that are not explained in this chapter,<br />
refer to the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>.<br />
This section gives basic explanations of how to compile, link, and execute the Web<br />
application. For compile options and link options that are not explained in this<br />
section, see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>."
70 Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application<br />
Executing a Web Application<br />
To execute a Web application, follow the procedure below.<br />
1. Compile and link the program.<br />
For details, see "Compiling and Linking".<br />
2. Set the environment.<br />
- Set up the environment <strong>for</strong> the NES. For details, see "NES Setup".<br />
- Set up the environment <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines. For details, see "Environment<br />
Variable Setup <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>".<br />
3. Execute the Web application.<br />
Display the Web page that invokes the application (HTML document) and start<br />
the application.<br />
For details, see "Executing a Web application".<br />
Compiling and Linking<br />
A program created that uses <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines is compiled and linked as shown below.<br />
In the example, the file name is MainProc.cob and the entry-name is <strong>SAF</strong>-MAIN. If<br />
the Project Manager is used, use the build utility of the project manager <strong>for</strong><br />
compiling and linking.<br />
• Compile the COBOL source program.<br />
Two methods of compiling the COBOL source program are provided: By<br />
executing the WINCOB command from the Project Manager and by using the<br />
compile command at the command prompt. This section shows an example<br />
using the compile command .<br />
For details of compiling using the WINCOB command and compiling commands,<br />
see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
COBOL32 –WC, "THREAD(MULTI)" MainProc.cob<br />
Notes: <strong>SAF</strong> is a multi-thread application, so the compile option THREAD (MULTI)<br />
must be specified. In order to distinguish upper-case letters/lower-case letters of an<br />
application entry-name, or NES parameter name accessed by a subroutine such as<br />
COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM_XX, specify the compile option ALPHAL (WORD) or<br />
NOALPHAL .<br />
• Link the COBOL object program. (.DLL generation)<br />
Two methods of linking the object program are provided: By executing the<br />
WINLINK command from the Project Manager and by using the link command at<br />
the command prompt. In this section, an example of linking by using the link<br />
command is given. For details of linking by using the WINLINK command and<br />
link commands, see "Net COBOL <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
The .DLL generated in this example is <strong>SAF</strong>SMPL.dll.<br />
The link operation is as follows:
NES Settings<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application 71<br />
LINK /DLL /OUT:<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL.dll MainProc.obj<br />
The initialization file (COBOL85.CBR) can be allocated in the same folder as the .DLL,<br />
regardless of the current folder, by linking F3BICBDM. obj and<br />
specifying/ENTRY:COBDMAIN. It is very useful that the initial file can be allocated in<br />
the same folder as the .DLL since the current folder of the application under the<br />
server such as an NES is undefined. For details, see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>.<br />
The following items must be set <strong>for</strong> NES when executing the Web application.<br />
• Define the <strong>SAF</strong> director to NES.<br />
• Define the Web application to the <strong>SAF</strong> director.<br />
• Register the MIME type of the application with NES.<br />
Defining the <strong>SAF</strong> Director to NES<br />
Note: Modification of the obj.conf file is not reflected to NES until NES is restarted.<br />
Initialize the <strong>SAF</strong> director in NES by editing obj.conf file in the folder where NES is<br />
installed.<br />
Open obj.conf file by using an adequate text editor. Locate lines starting with “Init”<br />
near the beginning of the file. Add the following description at the end of lines. In<br />
this example, the folder in which the COBOL is installed is set to C:\COBOL. The <strong>SAF</strong><br />
director is in that folder.<br />
Init fn= "load-modules" shlib="C:/COBOL/F3BIN<strong>SAF</strong>.dll"<br />
funcs="COBOL_Init,COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m"<br />
Notes:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Normally, a setting is written on a single line. When writing it over multiple<br />
lines, a space or tab must be written at the beginning of each continuation line.<br />
Do not edit other lines starting with Init . NES may fail to initialize.<br />
Backup of obj.conf file be<strong>for</strong>e editing is recommended.<br />
Defining the Web Application to the <strong>SAF</strong> Director<br />
In order to execute the Web application in NES, define the Web application to the<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> director.<br />
When NES is started, the <strong>SAF</strong> director loads the Web application and executes the<br />
loaded Web application in response to each request.
72 Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application<br />
• Load specification of Web application when NES is started<br />
Add the following description after the <strong>SAF</strong> director definition in obj.conf file.<br />
Init fn="COBOL_Init" load=" dll name, entry-name [;dll name, entry-name]…"<br />
[env="environment setup file"]<br />
[sev="log output severity of <strong>SAF</strong> director”]<br />
In the following example, settings are as follows:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
The folder to which the Web application is allocated is C:\COBAPL.<br />
The Web application name and entry-name are <strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.DLL, SAMPLE 1, and<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL2.DLL, SAMPLE2.<br />
The environment setup file is C:\COBAPL\SETUP1.BAT and log output severity of<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> director logging is set to 1.<br />
Init fn= "COBOL_Init"<br />
load="C:/COBAPL/<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.dll,SAMPLE1;C:/COBAPL/<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL2.dll,SAMPLE2"<br />
env="C:/COBAPL/SETUP1.BAT" sev="1"<br />
Note: For descriptions of the environment setup file, see "COBOL_Init".<br />
• Specifying Web application execution<br />
Specify the Web application to be started in response to each request. Add the<br />
following description to an adequate position in lines starting with “Service” in<br />
obj.conf.<br />
Service type="MIME type" fn="COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m" app="DLL name, entry-name"<br />
[sev="log output severity of <strong>SAF</strong> director"]<br />
Note: Add the description above to the position enclosed with tags and . When using another object tag, see the NES<br />
manual. Moreover, if two or more Web applications can be started, the description<br />
above of each application is added. At this time, the MIME type specifies the one<br />
different in each Web application.<br />
In the following example, settings are as follows:<br />
• MIME type is "magnus-internal/cob-app1."<br />
• The folder to which the Web application is installed is C:\COBAPL.<br />
• The Web application name and entry-name is C: \COBAPL\<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.DLL,<br />
SAMPLE 1.<br />
• The log output severityof the <strong>SAF</strong> director is set to 1.<br />
service type="magnus-internal/cob-appl"<br />
fn="COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m" app="C:/COBAPL/<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.DLL,SAMPLE1"<br />
sev="1"<br />
Note: A character-string "magnus-internal/" must be registered with the NES as a<br />
MIME type.
MIME Type Setup<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application 73<br />
Register the MIME type using the NES administration page. First open the "Netscape<br />
Server Administration" page.<br />
Pressing the Web site button ("cobol-svr" button in the figure above) on this page<br />
displays the "Server Preference" page. Click "MIME Types" and "Global MIME Types"<br />
page is displayed.
74 Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application<br />
Set a new MIME type on this page. Specify the MIME type used in Section "Defining<br />
the Web application to the <strong>SAF</strong> director." Specify "magnus-internal/cob-app1." Also<br />
set the File Suffix in order to specify the Web application. Specify "cobap1" here.<br />
Any character-string may be used as the file suffix as long as it does not duplicate a<br />
previous suffix.<br />
The “type” must be specified to a category.<br />
Pressing "New Type" button after entering the data displays the "Save and Apply<br />
Changes" page. Then, press the "Save and Apply" or "Save" button to save the<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application 75<br />
Environment Variable Setup <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> Subroutine<br />
In order to execute the Web application using the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine, it is necessary to<br />
set the following execution environment in<strong>for</strong>mation in an environment variable, or in<br />
the <strong>SAF</strong> director environment setting, or initialization file (COBOL85. CBR) . When<br />
using an initialization file , link each application with F3BICBDM.obj so that an<br />
initialization file in the application folder can be referenced. The use of an<br />
environment setup file of the <strong>SAF</strong> director is recommended, since an initialization file<br />
(COBOL85.CBR) is not validated until the COBOL program is executed <strong>for</strong> the first<br />
time. For description of the environment setup file, see "COBOL_Init" in Chapter 4.<br />
Notes: The NES deletes system environment variables which the NES does not<br />
require from the environment variable block. Thus, environment variables needed by<br />
the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine and the Web application cannot be accessed even though they<br />
are set as system environment variables. For this case, use environment setup file of<br />
the <strong>SAF</strong> director or initialization file (COBOL85.CBR) <strong>for</strong> the environment variables<br />
that are required by the application. For environment variables used by the NES, see<br />
the NES manual.<br />
When the environment variable specified that system environment variable,<br />
environment setup file of the <strong>SAF</strong> director and initialization file (COBOL85.CBR)<br />
overlaps, the priority level becomes as follows.<br />
Initialization file (COBOL85.CBR) > environment setup file of <strong>SAF</strong> director > system<br />
environment variable<br />
The one to be set in System environment variable or environment setup file of the<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> director
76 Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application<br />
PATH<br />
Include the path of the dynamic-link library (.DLL) used by the Web application.<br />
The one to be set in environment setup file of <strong>SAF</strong> director or<br />
initialization file (COBOL85.CBR)<br />
@CBR_ATTACH_TOOL=TEST [Start parameter]<br />
Specifies whether to start (TEST) the debugger at the time of application execution.<br />
If there is a debugger start parameter, it can be specified after "TEST" in this<br />
variable.<br />
Please refer to Chapter 5, "Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application" <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
@MessOutFile = file name<br />
Specifies the name of the file to which the execution message to be output from the<br />
COBOL run time system is stored. This specification suppresses the message box<br />
being output to the screen. Use the absolute path <strong>for</strong> the file name. If the file<br />
already exists, messages are added to the end of file .<br />
@WinCloseMsg = OFF<br />
Specifies whether to display the confirmation message (ON) or not (OFF) when<br />
closing the window. When executing the application on the Web application, elect<br />
not to display the confirmation message (OFF).<br />
@CBR_<strong>SAF</strong>_LOGFILE = log file name<br />
Specifies the <strong>SAF</strong> log file output by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. It is useful when debugging<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> failures. Use the absolute path <strong>for</strong> the file name. If the file is not specified, no<br />
log is output.<br />
@CBR_<strong>SAF</strong>_SEVERITY = severity<br />
Specifies the severity of log in<strong>for</strong>mation to be output by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. The<br />
following values can be specified. If any other value is specified, or when nothing is<br />
specified, 0 is assumed.<br />
0 Only fatal error messages are output.<br />
1 In addition to fatal errors, severe error messages are output.<br />
2 In addition to severe errors, an warning messages are output.<br />
3 In addition to warnings, a trace of the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine is output.<br />
Notes:<br />
As more logging is enabled, the slower the application runs . Specify the value<br />
needed to log only as much detail as required. We do not recommend specifying 3<br />
unless all other options are insufficient.<br />
For other execution environment in<strong>for</strong>mation , see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>."
Executing a Web Application<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application 77<br />
Place the MIME extension used by the Web applicationin the ACTION attribute of the<br />
FORM tag in the Web page that invokes the application as follows:<br />
<br />
<br />
sample <br />
<br />
<br />
:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Allocate this Web page (HTML document) in an appropriate document directory of<br />
NES and start the application by using it.<br />
Note: Web applications may be frequently modified during testing. In operation<br />
environment, however, NES keeps the first copy of the application that it loads in<br />
memory, so that NES must be stopped and restarted to load the modified version. It<br />
is possible to stop and restart the NES from the NES administration screen.<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> Director Reference<br />
COBOL_Init<br />
Specify the Web application to be loaded by NES and the environment setup file <strong>for</strong><br />
the application.<br />
Format:<br />
Init fn="COBOL_Init"<br />
[load="DLL name1, entry-name 11 [, entry-name 12]…[;DLL name 2, entry-name<br />
21 [, entry-name 22]…]…"]<br />
[env="environment setup file"] [sev="log output severity of <strong>SAF</strong> director"]<br />
Parameters:<br />
• load<br />
Target DLL names <strong>for</strong> loading and entry-names scheduled <strong>for</strong> execution are<br />
listed. Use an absolute path <strong>for</strong> the .DLL name. Use commas <strong>for</strong> delimiting<br />
entry-names belonging to the .DLL. Specify at least one entry-name <strong>for</strong> a .DLL.<br />
To specify multiple .DLL names, use a semi-colon.<br />
•<br />
env<br />
Specify an absolute path <strong>for</strong> an environment setup file. In the environment<br />
setup file, specify variables as follows:<br />
SET environment variable name = environment variable value<br />
Given below is an example of environment setup file description when the Web<br />
application is stored in "C:\COBAP."
78 Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application<br />
set PATH=C:\COBAP;%PATH%<br />
rem **For COBOL setting **<br />
set @WinCloseMsg=OFF<br />
set @MessOutFile=C:\COBAP\LOG\cobol.txt<br />
rem ** For <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines settings **<br />
set @CBR_<strong>SAF</strong>_LOGFILE=C:\COBAP\LOG\safap.txt<br />
set @CBR_<strong>SAF</strong>_SEVERITY=0<br />
To write a comment line, write REM at the beginning of the line.<br />
The difference between uppercase and lowercase letters is not significant in the<br />
“SET” and “REM” keywords, But they are in environment variable names and<br />
environment variable values.<br />
Notes: To write COBOL_Init over multiple lines when specifying an environment<br />
setup file <strong>for</strong> env, write the environment setup file only <strong>for</strong> the first COBOL_Init or<br />
write the same environment setup file <strong>for</strong> multiple lines. If environment setup files<br />
written in multiple COBOL_Init lines are different, results are not guaranteed.<br />
• sev<br />
Specify the severity of log in<strong>for</strong>mation to be output by the <strong>SAF</strong> director. The<br />
following values can be specified . If any other value is specified, or if nothing is<br />
specified, 0 is assumed.<br />
0 Only fatal error messages are output.<br />
1 In addition to fatal messages, severe error messages are output.<br />
2 In addition to severe messages, warning messages are output.<br />
3 In addition to warning messages, a trace of the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine is output.<br />
The log in<strong>for</strong>mation that is output by the <strong>SAF</strong> director is recorded in the same place<br />
as the error log of NES. To view the <strong>SAF</strong> director and NES error logs, use the<br />
administration page of the NES <strong>for</strong> reference.<br />
Notes: Each specification of severity by sev is valid in each COBOL_Init. This<br />
specification has nothing to do with the severity (env) specified in COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m<br />
The severity of log in<strong>for</strong>mation to be specified here does not have any effect on the<br />
log in<strong>for</strong>mation that is output by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. For the log in<strong>for</strong>mation that is<br />
output by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine, see "Environment Variable Setup <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>".<br />
As more logging is enabled, the slower the <strong>SAF</strong> Director runs . Specify the value<br />
needed to log only as much detail as required. We do not recommend specifying 3<br />
unless all other options are insufficient.<br />
Notes: NES deletes environment variables in the system, except what NES requires.<br />
Thus, use the environment setup file <strong>for</strong> the environment variables that are required<br />
by the application.<br />
COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m<br />
Execute the Web application. If the Web application has been loaded by<br />
COBOL_Init, the application is executed. If it has not been loaded, it is loaded at this<br />
time. After the application is loaded, it stays in NES while being loaded.
Format:<br />
Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application 79<br />
Service [type="MIME type"] fn="COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m" app="DLL name,<br />
entry-name"<br />
[sev="log output severity of <strong>SAF</strong> director"]<br />
Parameters:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
app<br />
Specify the .DLL name and an entry-name of the COBOL application to be<br />
executed. Specify an absolute path as a DLL name in the same way as in<br />
COBOL_Init.<br />
sev<br />
Specify the severity of log in<strong>for</strong>mation to be output by the <strong>SAF</strong> director. The<br />
following values can be specified. If any value besides those is specified, or<br />
when nothing is specified, it is regarded as 0 specified.<br />
0 Only fatal error messages are output.<br />
1 In addition to fatal messages, severe error messages are output.<br />
2 In addition to severe messages, warning messages are output.<br />
3 In addition to warning messages, a trace of the <strong>SAF</strong> Director is output.<br />
The log in<strong>for</strong>mation that is output by the <strong>SAF</strong> director is recorded in the same place<br />
as the error log of NES. To view the <strong>SAF</strong> director and NES error logs, use the<br />
administration page of the NES <strong>for</strong> reference.<br />
Notes: Each specification of severity by sev is valid in each COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m. This<br />
specification has nothing to do with the severity (env) specified in COBOL_Init.<br />
The severity of log in<strong>for</strong>mation to be specified here does not have any effect on the<br />
log in<strong>for</strong>mation that is output by <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. For the log in<strong>for</strong>mation that is<br />
output by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine, see "Environment Variable Setup <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>".<br />
As more logging is enabled, the slower the <strong>SAF</strong> Director runs . Specify the value<br />
needed to log only as much detail as required. We do not recommend specifying 3<br />
unless all other options are insufficient.<br />
Note: For other parameters that can be specified on “Service” lines, see the NES<br />
80 Chapter 4. Generating and Executing a Web Application
Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application<br />
The following resources are provided <strong>for</strong> checking the execution of a <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
during testing or when an error occurs.<br />
• Log in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
• The Interactive Debugger<br />
• Displaying errors detected by <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines on the Web page<br />
• Displaying Working-Storage data or messages on the Web page<br />
The following sections explain the use of each method.
82 Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application<br />
Referring to the Log In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> subroutines contain a logging feature that may be turned on or off by an<br />
environment variable. For setting this feature, see "Environment variable setup <strong>for</strong><br />
<strong>SAF</strong> subroutine" in Chapter 4. Since it is the log in<strong>for</strong>mation of <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines, it is<br />
not a program trace, but it provides a record of the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine calls made by the<br />
program. The log file record <strong>for</strong>mat is as follows:<br />
Process ID thread ID year-month-day hour:minute:second severity message<br />
A concrete example of the configuration is given below.<br />
0000000188 0000000187 1999-02-02 11:48:07 02 COB-06310: COBW3: The specified<br />
conversion name has already been set. The conversion in<strong>for</strong>mation that has already<br />
been set is validated.<br />
0000000188 0000000181 1999-02-02 11:48:10 01 COB-04470: COBW3: The conversion<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation specified could not be changed because it has not been set.<br />
To collect trace in<strong>for</strong>mation from an application, itself, use the TRACE function of<br />
COBOL. For details of the TRACE function, see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Debugging <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
For details of the log output by <strong>SAF</strong> Director, see " <strong>SAF</strong> Director Reference" in<br />
Chapter 4.<br />
Checking Execution Using the Interactive Debugger<br />
The debug the Web application generated in the COBOL, by using the debugger, use<br />
the method of starting the debugger from the program to be debugged.<br />
The Web application can be remotely debugged from the client which starts a WWW<br />
browser by using a remote debugger. Please refer to “<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Debugging <strong>Guide</strong>”<br />
<strong>for</strong> the usage of a remote debugger.<br />
The following must be noted when debugging an application by using the interactive<br />
debugger because NES reads all Web applications into the same memory space.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
If a Web application operates incorrectly, not only the application being<br />
debugged but also other Web applications loaded at the same time and NES<br />
itself may fail. We recommend using the interactive debugger only when other<br />
Web applications are not in use. If this is successful, then you can check<br />
operations when other Web applications are active.<br />
The debugger debugs not only the Web application being tested, but also other<br />
Web applications and NES itself. If the debugger terminates, other Web<br />
applications and NES will also terminate and it will be necessary to restart NES.
Starting the Debugger<br />
To start debugging, follow the procedure below:<br />
Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application 83<br />
1. Compile and link the Web application.<br />
Specify the compile option and the link option <strong>for</strong> debugging and generate the<br />
Web application. For methods of compiling and linking <strong>for</strong> debugging, see<br />
"<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Debugging <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
2. Set the run-time environment variables.<br />
Be<strong>for</strong>e starting the debugger from a program to be debugged, you need to set<br />
the following run-time environment in<strong>for</strong>mation. For in<strong>for</strong>mation on setting the<br />
run-time environment in<strong>for</strong>mation, see "Environment variable setup <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutine" in Chapter 4.<br />
@CBR_ATTACH_TOOL = TEST [start parameter]<br />
Specify whether to start (TEST) the debugger at the time of application<br />
execution. It is possible to specify the debugger start parameter, if any, after<br />
specifying "TEST." For an explanation of the start parameter, see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong><br />
Debugging <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
3. Log on to the computer on which the Web application to be debugged is to be<br />
executed.<br />
4. Start the web application from a WWW browser. The WWW browser need not<br />
run on the computer on which the Web application is to be executed.<br />
5. When the Web application is started, the debugger is automatically started.<br />
When the debugger is started, specify the debugging in<strong>for</strong>mation file storage<br />
folder and necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation, and then start debugging.<br />
Debugging<br />
You can debug a Web application just like any regular COBOL application using the<br />
debugger. For instructions on using the debugger, see "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Debugging<br />
<strong>Guide</strong>." Be<strong>for</strong>e starting debugging, however, note the following:<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
The debugger automatically interrupts the execution at the entry to the Web<br />
application to allow setting breakpoints or other options. Subsequent calls to the<br />
application are not interrupted unless at least one breakpoint is set. To interrupt<br />
the execution of a Web application loaded by the next request, specify the name<br />
of the program to be loaded at a command or in a dialog box to specify a<br />
breakpoint. For details, see "Debug functions <strong>for</strong> dynamic structured programs"<br />
in "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> Debugging <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
After responding to the WWW browser, the program remains running in a wait<br />
state <strong>for</strong> the next request. To per<strong>for</strong>m a debugging operation such as setting a<br />
breakpoint, select the “Break“ command from the debugger menu to interrupt<br />
program execution <strong>for</strong> debugging.<br />
When debugging, note also the followings.<br />
When using the debugger, the application takes longer time than the normal<br />
time <strong>for</strong> operation. Thus, a timeout may occur during debugging depending on<br />
the WWW browser. If it is possible to specify a timeout in the browser, change<br />
the value to an adequate value. Also change the timeout value in NES to an<br />
adequate value.
84 Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Normally, when NES is fails, it is automatically restarted. When using the<br />
debugger, change NES setup if it is unnecessary that NES restart automatically.<br />
Terminating the Debugger<br />
When terminating the debugger first<br />
When the debugger terminates, NES also terminates. Thus, it is necessary to<br />
restart NES.<br />
When terminating the Web application first<br />
Stop NES. To stop NES, use the WWW browser "Netscape Server<br />
Administration" page. When you stop NES, the Web application must be running<br />
until the process is terminated.<br />
Switch the Web application as follows:<br />
Stop NES and switch the Web application, then restart NES.<br />
To stop and start NES, use the WWW browser from “Netscape Server<br />
Administration” page. When you stop NES, the Web application must be running<br />
until the process is terminated.<br />
Displaying Errors Detected by <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
To display errors detected by <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines, set the debug mode just be<strong>for</strong>e<br />
calling COBW3_INIT in the program.<br />
If an error is detected in a <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine , an error message is displayed in the<br />
WWW browser.<br />
If the setting <strong>for</strong> header output is not COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE-NON, it is regarded as<br />
COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE-HTML and COBW3_INIT declares the content-type.<br />
Supplements<br />
To set the debug mode, it is necessary to modify the program and regenerate the<br />
Web application. Setting the debug mode enables referring to an error message to<br />
be displayed on the WWW browser even in the log in<strong>for</strong>mation. So, we recommend<br />
using the log in<strong>for</strong>mation if you want to refer to an error message without changing<br />
the application.<br />
Notes: The COBW3-DMODE-DBG setting can not be used in a Unicode<br />
environment. Check the operation by means such as referring to the log in<strong>for</strong>mation.
Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application 85<br />
Displaying Working-Storage Data or Messages in a Web Page<br />
To display your own messages or data on the browser screen, use<br />
Notes: COBW3_PUT_TEXT can display only character data. Moreover since repeat<br />
operations of compiling and executing frequently occur, the operation becomes less<br />
efficient. There<strong>for</strong>e, in such a case, we recommend debugging by using the method<br />
of referring to the data in progress of execution by an interactive debugger.
86 Chapter 5. Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application
Chapter 6. Samples<br />
This chapter explains the sample programs.<br />
Each example uses <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines to pass data between Cookie applications and to<br />
exchange in<strong>for</strong>mation with the server and the browser.
88 Chapter 6. Samples<br />
Program Files Provided<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
<strong>Subroutines</strong> Used<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>MAIN.cob (COBOL source program)<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>START.htm (Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking application)<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY1.htm (Web page <strong>for</strong> processing output)<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY2.htm (Web page <strong>for</strong> processing output)<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>ERROR.htm (Web page <strong>for</strong> processing error output )<br />
COBOL85.cbr (Initialization file <strong>for</strong> program execution)<br />
The following <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines are used in the examples.<br />
• COBW3_INIT<br />
• COBW3_SET_CNV<br />
• COBW3_PUT_HTML<br />
• COBW3_FREE<br />
Program Compiling<br />
The following shows how to compile a program using COBOL32 commands. If you<br />
have already copied the library file (COBW3.cbl) used by <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines to the<br />
sample folder, you can omit the “-I” option. The COBOL installation folder is<br />
“C:\COBOL” in the following examples.<br />
Program Linkage<br />
COBOL32 – IC:\COBOL –WC, "THREAD(MULTI)" <strong>SAF</strong>MAIN.cob<br />
Link and create a .DLL as follows.<br />
link /dll /out:<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.dll <strong>SAF</strong>MAIN.obj<br />
kernel32.lib libc.lib/ENTRY:COBDMAIN
Environment Setup<br />
Chapter 6. Samples 89<br />
Modify the “COBOL85.cbr” initialization file depending on your operating<br />
environment. Set up NES <strong>for</strong> execution of Web applications. For NES setup details,<br />
see “NES setup” in Chapter 4.<br />
Register the MIME extension used in the ACTION attribute of the FORM tag of the<br />
calling page in NES or modify the calling page according to the extension you have<br />
registered in NES.<br />
Sample Execution<br />
Make sure that the NESis started and display the Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking the<br />
application (<strong>SAF</strong>START.htm) in the WWW browser. Then, follow the on-screen<br />
instructions and press the “Execute” button.<br />
Supplements:<br />
If you wish to convert sample operation codes into Unicode, add the “RCS (UCS2)”<br />
compile option during program compiling and convert all HTML documents into<br />
Unicode.<br />
Note: This sample does not operate correctly if you have set the WWW browser not<br />
to accept Cookies.<br />
Explanation of Samples<br />
The following paragraphs show the Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking the application<br />
(<strong>SAF</strong>SART.htm), Web pages <strong>for</strong> processing output (<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY1.htm, <strong>SAF</strong>RPLY2.htm)<br />
and the COBOL program (<strong>SAF</strong>MAIN.cob) .<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking the application (<strong>SAF</strong>START.htm)<br />
<br />
<br />
Start screen <br />
<br />
<br />
This is a sample which is used <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. <br />
If you confirm the operation, please press “Execute” button. <br />
If you exit, please close this browser. <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
90 Chapter 6. Samples<br />
First Web page <strong>for</strong> processing output (<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY1.htm)<br />
<br />
<br />
First Access Screen <br />
<br />
<br />
Thank you very much <strong>for</strong> having the first time<br />
<br />
If you use continuously, please press “Execute” button. <br />
If you exit, please close this browser. <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Second Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output (<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY2.htm)<br />
<br />
<br />
Screen since first time <br />
<br />
<br />
Current situation is as follows. <br />
<br />
<br />
Hostname <strong>for</strong> accessed host <br />
Browser name<br />
Access count <br />
<br />
<br />
COBOL program (<strong>SAF</strong>MAIN.cob)<br />
Chapter 6. Samples 91<br />
000010*---------------------------------------------------------*<br />
000020* All Rights Reserved, Copyright© FUJITSU LIMITED 2000-2002 *<br />
000030* *<br />
000040* Filename: <strong>SAF</strong>MAIN.cob *<br />
000050* Abstract: Example demonstrating the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine *<br />
000060*---------------------------------------------------------*<br />
000070 identification division.<br />
000080 program-id. <strong>SAF</strong>-MAIN.<br />
000090 environment division.<br />
000100 data division.<br />
000110 working-storage section.<br />
000120 copy COBW3.<br />
000130*<br />
000140 01 HTMLFilename pic X(64).<br />
000150 01 pathName pic X(256).<br />
000160 01 pathSize pic 9(05).<br />
000170 01 copyStartPos pic 9(05).<br />
000171 01 leftLength pic 9(05).<br />
000180 01 AccessCount pic 9(05).<br />
000190*<br />
000200 linkage section.<br />
000210 01 safCtx pointer<br />
000220*<br />
000230 procedure division using safCtx.<br />
000240*<br />
000250 SafSample1-Start.<br />
000260*<br />
000270* Initialize the work area <strong>for</strong> the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine<br />
000280 move low-value to COBW3.<br />
000290 set COBW3-CONTEXT to safCtx.<br />
000300*<br />
000310* Initialize the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine work environment and obtain<br />
000320* a Web parameter.<br />
000330 call "COBW3_INIT" using COBW3.<br />
000340*<br />
000350 move space to pathName.<br />
000360*<br />
000370 move "Your Access Counter" to COBW3-COOKIE-NAME.<br />
000380 call "COBW3_GET_COOKIE" using COBW3.<br />
000390 if program-status not = zero then<br />
000400 move "<strong>SAF</strong>ERROR.htm" to HTMLFilename<br />
000410 per<strong>for</strong>moutputScreenProc<br />
000420 else if COBW3-SEARCH-FLAG-NON then<br />
000430 move 1 to COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE<br />
000440 per<strong>for</strong>m entryAccessCounterProc<br />
000450 move "<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY1.htm" to HTMLFilename<br />
000460 per<strong>for</strong>m outputscreenProc<br />
000470 else<br />
000480 per<strong>for</strong>m outputContinuousScreenProc.<br />
000490 end-if.<br />
000500*<br />
000510 Finish-Pos.<br />
000520*<br />
000530* Release the resource obtained by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine<br />
000540 call "COBW3_FREE” using COBW3.<br />
000550*<br />
000560 SafSample1-End.<br />
000570*<br />
000580 exit program.<br />
000590*<br />
000600 outputContinuousScreenProc section.<br />
000610* Registration of various conversion data<br />
000620* Get the Cookie data <strong>for</strong> AccessCounter<br />
000630 compute AccessCounter = function NUMVAL(COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE).<br />
000640 add 1 to AccessCounter.<br />
000650 move AccessCounter to COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE.<br />
000660 move zero to COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE-LENGTH.<br />
92 Chapter 6. Samples<br />
000680* The access counter value is registered in conversion data.<br />
000690 per<strong>for</strong>m entryAccessCounterProc.<br />
000700 move “Access Count” to COBW3-CNV-NAME.<br />
000710 move AccessCounter to COBW3-CNV-VALUE.<br />
000720 per<strong>for</strong>m entryConversionDataProc.<br />
000730*<br />
000740* Get and register remote hostname.<br />
000750 set COBW3-REMOTE-HOST to true.<br />
000760 call "COBW3_GET_REQUEST_INFO" using COBW3.<br />
000770 if program-status not = zero then<br />
000780 move "<strong>SAF</strong>ERROR.htm" to HTMLFilename<br />
000790 per<strong>for</strong>m outputScreenProc<br />
000800 go to Finish-Pos<br />
000810 end-if.<br />
000820 move “Hostname” to COBW3-CNV-NAME.<br />
000830 move COBW3-REQUEST-INFO to COBW3-CNV-VALUE.<br />
000840 per<strong>for</strong>m entryConversionDataProc.<br />
000850*<br />
000860* Get and register the browser name.<br />
000870 move "User-Agent" to COBW3-HEADER-NAME.<br />
000880 call "COBW3_RECEIVE_HEADER" using COBW3.<br />
000890 if program-status not = zero then<br />
000900 move <strong>SAF</strong>ERROR.htm" to HTMLFilename<br />
000910 per<strong>for</strong>m outputscreenProc<br />
000920 go to Finish-Pos<br />
000930 end-if.<br />
000940 move “Browser Name” to COBW3-CNV-NAME.<br />
000950 move COBW3-HEADER-VALUE to COBW3-CNV-VALUE.<br />
000960 per<strong>for</strong>m entryConversionDataProc.<br />
000970*<br />
000980* Output the prototype HTML file.<br />
000990 move "<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY2.htm" to HTMLFilename.<br />
001000 per<strong>for</strong>m outputscreenProc.<br />
001010*<br />
001020 outputContinuousScreenProc-End.<br />
001030 exit<br />
001040*<br />
001050*<br />
001060 entryAccessCounterProc section.<br />
001070* After the browser exists the content of the access counter can be<br />
retained by setting<br />
001080* an expiration. However, if the browser is different, it is not<br />
significant.<br />
001090 call "COBW3_SET_COOKIE" using COBW3.<br />
001100 if program-status not = zero then<br />
001110 move "<strong>SAF</strong>ERROR.htm" to HTMLFilename<br />
001120 per<strong>for</strong>m outputScreenProc<br />
001130 go to Finish-Pos<br />
001140 end-if.<br />
001150 entryAccessCounterProc-End.<br />
001160 exit.<br />
001170*<br />
001180 entryConversionDataProc section.<br />
001190 call "COBW3_SET_CNV" using COBW3.<br />
001200 if program-status not = zero then<br />
001210 move '<strong>SAF</strong>ERROR.htm" to HTMLFilename<br />
001220 per<strong>for</strong>m outputScreenProc<br />
001230 go to Finish-Pos<br />
001240 end-if.<br />
001250 entryConversionDataProc-End.<br />
001260 exit.<br />
001270*<br />
001280 outputScreenProc section.<br />
001290* Get the physical path of the application and<br />
001300* edit the HTML document name.<br />
001310 if pathName = space then<br />
001320 per<strong>for</strong>m getPhysicalPath<br />
001330 end-if.<br />
001340 move space to COBW3-HTML-FILENAME.<br />
001350 move pathName(1:pathSize) to COBW3-HTML-FILENAME.
Chapter 6. Samples 93<br />
001360 compute copyStartPos = pathSize + 1.<br />
001370 move "\" to COBW3-HTML-FILENAME(copyStartPos:1).<br />
001380 compute copyStartPos = copyStartPos +1.<br />
001390 compute leftLength = 256 – copyStartPos.<br />
001400 move HTMLFilename to COBW3-HTML-FILENAME(copyStartPos:256).<br />
001410*<br />
001420* Output HTML document.<br />
001430 call "COBW3_PUT_HTML" using COBW3.<br />
001440*<br />
001450 outputScreenProc-End.<br />
001460 exit.<br />
001470*<br />
001480 getPhysicalPath section.<br />
001490 move space to pathName.<br />
001500 set COBW3-PHYSICALPATH to true.<br />
001510 call "COBW3_GET_REQUEST_INFO" using COBW3.<br />
001520 if COBW3-STATUS = zero then<br />
001530 move COBW3-REQUEST-INFO to pahtName<br />
001540 move COBW3-REQUEST-INFO-LENGTH to pahtSize<br />
001550 end-if.<br />
001560*<br />
001570 getPhysicalPath-End.<br />
001580 exit.<br />
This sample program per<strong>for</strong>ms the following<br />
processing.<br />
• Get the Cookie data sent from the WWW browser.<br />
• Register the Cookie data.<br />
• Output the Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result.<br />
Select the output Web page<br />
according to the Cookie data contents. Register the<br />
conversion data and edit the output Web page<br />
if necessary.<br />
The following diagram shows the progress of the transaction:<br />
WWW Browser<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>START.htm<br />
WWW Browser<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY1.htm<br />
WWW Browser<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>RPLY2.htm<br />
Only the first<br />
time<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.dll<br />
Repeats after<br />
the first time<br />
The following outlines the purpose and application of each function.
94 Chapter 6. Samples<br />
Getting Cookie Data<br />
Thi s sample uses a Cookie name of “Your access counter.” To get the Cookie data,<br />
enter this Cookie name in the COBW3-COOKIE-NAME and call<br />
“COBW3_GET_COOKIE” (lines 370 to 380).<br />
This sample uses the Cookie data to detect the first access (from “<strong>SAF</strong>START.htm”)<br />
and to hold the access count data. There is no Cookie data in the first access.<br />
There<strong>for</strong>e, the Cookie data is not found when COBW3_GET_COOKIE is called. In<br />
such case, initial processing is executed (lines 4 20 to 460).<br />
In the second or subsequent access, the Cookie data is always sent (lines 470 to<br />
480). The counter is set to one (1) during initial processing, and it is incremented by<br />
1 during subsequent processing.<br />
Registering Cookie Data<br />
Set the desired Cookie name in the COBW3-COOKIE-NAME, and set its contents in<br />
the COBW3-COOKIE-VALUE. Then, call COBW3_SET_COOKIE. The registered<br />
Cookie data is sent to the WWW browser during HTML file output.
Getting Request In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
Chapter 6. Samples 95<br />
To get the request in<strong>for</strong>mation, set the condition name of the desired in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
and call COBW3_GET_REQUEST_INFO. After getting the request in<strong>for</strong>mation, the<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation will be in COBW3-REQUEST-INFO.<br />
This sample gets two sets of request in<strong>for</strong>mation. One is the physical path<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation of the virtual path. It is used to determine the path name of output Web<br />
page which is stored in the same path as the application (<strong>SAF</strong>SMPL1.dll). (See lines<br />
1490 to 1550.)<br />
As the current directory is insufficient <strong>for</strong> applications locating under NES control, the<br />
path name must be determined based on this in<strong>for</strong>mation. Otherwise, the absolute<br />
path must be specified. The second in<strong>for</strong>mation request gets the host name where<br />
the WWW browser is running (lines 750 to 810). It is displayed on the screen.<br />
Getting Header In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
To get the header in<strong>for</strong>mation, set the desired HTTP header name in COBW3-<br />
HEADER-NAME and call COBW3_RECEIVE_HEADER. After getting the http header<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation, the header in<strong>for</strong>mation will be in the COBW3-HEADER-VALUE.<br />
This sample uses the header to get the WWW browser in<strong>for</strong>mation to be displayed<br />
on the screen. The WWW browser in<strong>for</strong>mation can be obtained from the “User-<br />
Agent” header (lines 870 to 930).
96 Chapter 6. Samples
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions<br />
The following are answers to typical questions about the use of <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
Q1.<br />
Why is an error message displayed by the WWW browser?<br />
A1.<br />
Check the following points.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
The MIME type you have set <strong>for</strong> WWW server setup and <strong>for</strong> Web application<br />
startup by “obj.conf” must match the MIME type that corresponds to the<br />
extension written in the FORM tag (ACTION) of HTML document.<br />
The WWW server setup, the program name, and the HTML document storage<br />
location must be correct. Also, the compiler options must be correct.<br />
Q2.<br />
Is it necessary to protect data from external access?<br />
A2.<br />
Data may be read or modified by an unauthorized person during communication<br />
between client and server. We recommend to use appropriate security such as<br />
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to protect data from unauthorized access. Consult to the<br />
server manager or administrator.<br />
Q3.<br />
File I/O of a Web application is incorrect.<br />
A3.<br />
Each user must be authorized to read/write files when executing a Web application<br />
that does file I/O.<br />
Q4.<br />
How can I change the display dynamically in a Web application?<br />
A4.<br />
1. Use the COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or others.<br />
Write the “//COBOL//conversion-name//COBOL//” in the variable section of the<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> processing result output. Register a character string (a conversion<br />
character string) to be converted by the conversion name using the<br />
COBW3_SET_CNV_XX or others, and convert it into the conversion character<br />
string by the COBW3_PUT_HTML. This can change the page dynamically.<br />
2. Use the COBW3_PUT_TEXT.<br />
Usually, data stored in an output file such as HTML document can be written by<br />
98 Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions<br />
Prepare the data of COBW3_PUT_TEXT <strong>for</strong> each of program conditions, and<br />
specify the desired data name in the COBW3_PUT_TEXT. This can change the<br />
page dynamically.<br />
3. Divide a single page into two or more files.<br />
An output file can be divided into two or more files.<br />
Prepare several files which write the second half of the page in the desired<br />
<strong>for</strong>mat. Call COBW3_PUT_HTML, specifying a file name that identifies the first<br />
half of output page. Then change the output file name according to the program<br />
conditions, and call the COBW3_PUT_HTML again.<br />
You can also change the second half of the page dynamically eliminating the<br />
preparation of multiple similar files. Also, you can create pages to satisfy various<br />
situations by combination of solutions (1) to (3).<br />
Q5.<br />
Why does the Web application not operate after its startup?<br />
A5.<br />
Make sure that you have specified “COBW3_INIT” at the beginning of the Web<br />
application.<br />
If OK, collect the error in<strong>for</strong>mation or debug the program by referring to Chapter 5<br />
“Debugging a <strong>SAF</strong> Application.”<br />
Q6.<br />
Why does the following message appear?<br />
“Server Error<br />
The server encountered an internal error or mis-configuration and was unable to<br />
complete your request.”<br />
The specified Web application returns only a part of Web header.<br />
A6.<br />
The “Content-type” may be incorrect. Review the COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE value you<br />
have specified in the COBW3_PUT_HEAD.<br />
1. To output an HTML document:<br />
Do not call COBW3_PUT_HEAD, omit the COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE value (LOW-<br />
VALUE), or call COBW3_PUT_HEAD by specifying COBW3-CONTENT-TYPE-HTML.<br />
2. To output text data:<br />
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions 99<br />
Q7.<br />
Why does the WWW browser display the “Content-type” declaration?<br />
A7.<br />
If the COBW3-DMODE-DBG is specified in COBW3_INIT, the “Content-type” and<br />
other header in<strong>for</strong>mation is displayed by the WWW browser as debug in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
It is not displayed if COBW3-DMODE is not specified.<br />
Q8.<br />
Why does the message of the file download appear when I execute the Web<br />
application?<br />
A8.<br />
This type of message may be output if the “Content-type” declaration is incorrect in<br />
the Web application. Check the “Content-type” declaration <strong>for</strong> an error.<br />
Q9.<br />
Do you have any caution when writing a COBOL program during creation of Web<br />
application?<br />
A9.<br />
You can use almost all COBOL functions directly in a Web application. However, you<br />
cannot use the following screen operation functions.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Presentation file module (screen handling module)<br />
Screen handling module.<br />
ACCEPT/DISPLAY function (However, you can use the environment variables and<br />
date and time control functions.)<br />
For details of Web parameter reception, reference, and process result output, see<br />
Chapter 3 “How To Use <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong>.”<br />
Q10.<br />
How can I set up environment variables required <strong>for</strong> WWW server startup?<br />
A10.<br />
Add the required environment variables to the environment setup file, and specify<br />
the environment setup file name in the “env” parameter of the line where<br />
“COBOL_Init” is set in the “obj.conf” file. Then, restart the NES.<br />
Otherwise, store the initialization file <strong>for</strong> execution (COBOL85.CBR) which defines the<br />
required environment in<strong>for</strong>mation in the same folder as the Web application (.dll).
100 Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions<br />
Q11.<br />
Is it impossible to use a COBOL debugger?<br />
A11.<br />
You can use a COBOL debugger in the Web environment. See”Checking Execution<br />
Using the Interactive Debugger” in Chapter5.<br />
Q12.<br />
The “Status-code” is displayed by the WWW browser. What does it mean?<br />
A12.<br />
Refer to Appendix A of “Web Linkage <strong>Guide</strong>.”<br />
Q13.<br />
Can I control the timeout period while the Web application returns the browser the<br />
processing result?<br />
A13.<br />
This is a WWW server function. Refer to the “WWW server manuals”.<br />
Q14.<br />
Can I use an HTML document having frames in a Web application?<br />
A14.<br />
You need not specify special setup or processing of frame functions in the Web<br />
application. You can use the frames in an HTML document if the WWW browser<br />
supports frame functions.<br />
Q15.<br />
Why is the VALUE not searched correctly if the tag is set in the<br />
COBW3_CHECK_VALUE, etc?<br />
A15.<br />
If the NAME is omitted in the INPUT tag, the WWW browser may not enter the<br />
INPUT tag VALUE in the Web data area. Always specify the NAME in the INPUT tag<br />
if the VALUE is required.<br />
Q16.<br />
Why is a Web parameter not searched correctly if COBW3_GET_VALUE or<br />
COBW3_CHECK_VALUE is set?<br />
A16.<br />
If the length of search character string exceeds the limit in the Web parameter, it is<br />
truncated by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine. There<strong>for</strong>e, you may not have the expected result.
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions 101<br />
Q17.<br />
Why does access to a file fail when I specify its absolute path?<br />
A17.<br />
Specify the COBOL file storage location according to the drive configuration of the<br />
server machine you use when you use the file during execution of Web application.<br />
Q18.<br />
Why is error message “The document has no data at all” displayed by the WWW<br />
browser?<br />
A18.<br />
Always insert a linefeed be<strong>for</strong>e the tag of a Web page that is output by the<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> COBOL Web application.<br />
Example:<br />
↓<br />
↓<br />
...<br />
↓<br />
↓<br />
↓<br />
...<br />
↓<br />
↓<br />
Q19.<br />
The COBOL debugger has started but no debugging starts.<br />
A19.<br />
Make sure that [Debugging in<strong>for</strong>mation file storage folders] has been set correctly in<br />
the [Debugging In<strong>for</strong>mation] page of [Start Debugging] dialog.<br />
Q20.<br />
Why is an incorrect value collected by the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine?<br />
A20.<br />
If the extension path is set in the request URL, the following invalid values may be<br />
collected.<br />
• COBW3-URL: URL of request<br />
• COBW3-URI: URI of request<br />
• COBW3-MIMETYPE: MIME type of request<br />
• COBW3-VIRTUALPATH: Virtual path of request<br />
• COBW3-PHYSICALPATH: Physical path corresponding to the request virtual path<br />
• A value collected by COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_BASENAME
102 Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions<br />
Q21.<br />
Why does error message “No F3BIPRCT.DLL is found” appear on the server?<br />
A21.<br />
Make sure that the COBOL run-time system has been installed correctly. The USER<br />
environment variables you have set are invalid <strong>for</strong> the operation of Web applications.<br />
First, place the name of the COBOL run-time system install folder in the PATH<br />
environment variable of the server machine. You must restart the system to validate<br />
the system environment variables.<br />
Q22.<br />
Why does the access to network environment resources fail?<br />
A22.<br />
The network drive configuration may not be valid <strong>for</strong> the Web application when you<br />
log in.<br />
Specify the UNC during access to the resources of network environment that you use<br />
during application execution. For details, refer to “Fujitsu COBOL User’s <strong>Guide</strong>” in<br />
Chapter 21.<br />
Q23.<br />
What can I do if the server does not respond?<br />
A23.<br />
The server may be waiting <strong>for</strong> an input in a window or a message box.<br />
When executing a COBOL program on the Web server, write the following<br />
environment variable in<strong>for</strong>mation in the initialization file <strong>for</strong> execution or set the<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation in the system environment variables.<br />
If you have specified the environment variable in<strong>for</strong>mation, the windows and<br />
message boxes are not displayed and you can avoid an operator input wait status.<br />
Environment variable in<strong>for</strong>mation Meaning<br />
@MessOutFile=file-name When the COBOL program is executed, its<br />
messages are output to the specified file.<br />
@WinCloseMsg=OFF The window closing message is not displayed.<br />
For details of the environment variable in<strong>for</strong>mation, refer to the “Fujitsu COBOL<br />
User’s <strong>Guide</strong>.”<br />
Also, do not use the following window display functions from the COBOL program.<br />
• Presentation file module (Screen handling module)<br />
• Screen handling module<br />
• ACCEPT/DISPLAY function (However, you can use the environment variables and<br />
date and time control functions.)<br />
For more in<strong>for</strong>mation, refer to Subsection 23.1.3 of “Fujitsu COBOL User’s <strong>Guide</strong>.”
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions 103<br />
In addition, you may have incorrect NES and ODBS setup (if you are using the<br />
ODBC). Check them <strong>for</strong> an error.<br />
Q24.<br />
Why does COBOL debugger not start?<br />
A24.<br />
Check the following points:<br />
• The @CBR_ATTACH_TOOL=TEST environment variable in<strong>for</strong>mation must be set.<br />
• The COBOL Tool Attaching Service must have started.<br />
Q25.<br />
Is it better to back up the “obj.conf” file be<strong>for</strong>e changing it?<br />
A25.<br />
We recommend to have a backup of “obj.conf” file as you may fail to restart your<br />
NES after your modification.<br />
Q26.<br />
If the Web application that uses session management functions is started twice, it<br />
may not operate correctly.<br />
A26.<br />
The operation of such Web application is unstable if started twice. To avoid this<br />
problem, use Java script on the WWW browser to prevent duplicate application<br />
startup. For general notes on WWW browser operations, refer to Appendix A of<br />
“Web Link <strong>Guide</strong>.”
104 Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing<br />
If an error is detected while a <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine is being executed, the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutine<br />
executes error recovery processing.<br />
An error message is output in the following <strong>for</strong>mat:<br />
COB message No.: COBW3: Message text<br />
• COB message No.: The serial number of the message is displayed.<br />
• Message text: The error detail is displayed.<br />
The displayed error content is also output to the log file if logging of <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines<br />
is enabled.<br />
The message numbers and message texts displayed are shown below.<br />
Message Message text<br />
number<br />
00100 The Processing was not able to be continued. Because, the value was not set<br />
in COBW3-CONTEXT.<br />
01100 It is thought that the work area or the object was destroyed. Check the<br />
object of the Web subroutine and the usage of the area.<br />
01500 The Web subroutine cannot operate correctly in the calling COBOL application<br />
operation code system.<br />
01501 The operation state of the calling application is abnormal. The Web<br />
subroutine cannot operate normally.<br />
02050 Search character string length specified as a negative value. The processing<br />
continues as if 0 was specified.<br />
02051 A value was specified that exceeds the limit <strong>for</strong> the character string length of<br />
the search string. The processing continues assuming that the maximum<br />
length was specified.<br />
03000 Web application was called by a method without GET or POST.<br />
03001 COBW3_INIT was called two times or more. Please call COBW3_FREE a<br />
second time be<strong>for</strong>e the call.<br />
03002 The work area of the Web subroutine could not be acquired.<br />
03020 The data that was passed by POST or GET was not acquired successfully.<br />
03030 Failed in the acquisition of the work area of the Web subroutine.<br />
03040 Uploaded file in<strong>for</strong>mation could not be acquired.<br />
03041 The Web parameter can't be processed because failed to acquire header<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
03042 multipart/<strong>for</strong>m-data is specified <strong>for</strong> ENCTYPE of the FORM tag though the<br />
method is things except POST. The Web parameter and uploaded file<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation could not be acquired.<br />
03045 An error in processing the output to the browser.<br />
03065 Environment variable @CBR_WEB_OUT_CODE was set incorrectly. It is<br />
assumed that the conversion code was not set<br />
03200 Conversion from UTF-8 to UCS-2 failed.
106 Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing<br />
03201 Conversion from UCS-2 to UTF-8 failed.<br />
03700 A code was specified that could not be recognized as a character. Processing<br />
continues.<br />
03701 EUC and SJIS character strings are intermingled. Processing continues.<br />
03850 Cookie was not acquired successfully.<br />
04000 There is no Web parameter.<br />
04001 The Web parameter length is 0.<br />
04006 A negative value or “0” was specified <strong>for</strong> COBW3-NUMBER. The processing<br />
continues as if 1 was specified.<br />
04008 The length of VALUE data exceeds the limit. The string is truncated to the<br />
supported length.<br />
04009 The data passed with POST or GET method was nothing.<br />
04400 The conversion name is not specified. Please set the conversion name.<br />
04401 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> character string length of the conversion<br />
name. The processing continues as if 0 was specified.<br />
04402 A value was specified that exceeds the limit <strong>for</strong> character string length of the<br />
conversion name. The processing continues assuming the maximum length<br />
was specified.<br />
04450 Failed to delete the variable name specified in COBW3-CNV-NAME because it<br />
could not be found in the registered in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
04470 Failed to change the variable name specified in COBW3-CNV-NAME because it<br />
could not be found in the registered in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
04480 Failed to delete the variable name specified in COBW3-CNV-NAME.<br />
05000 Failed in the execution of the system command.<br />
05001 The system command is not specified.<br />
05500 The file name is not specified. Please set the file name.<br />
05501 There is no uploaded file in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
05510 Failed to acquire the path name in the client of the uploaded file.<br />
05511 The character string length of the path name in the client of the uploaded file<br />
exceeded the limitation. The string is truncated to the supported length.<br />
05520 Failed to acquire the file name in the client of the uploaded file.<br />
05521 The character string length of the file name in the client of the uploaded file<br />
exceeded the limitation. The string is truncated to the supported length.<br />
05530 Failed to acquire the content type of the uploaded file.<br />
05531 The character string length of the content type of the uploaded file exceeded<br />
the limitation. The string is truncated to the supported length.<br />
05550 The file was not generated because the specified file name had already<br />
existed.<br />
05551 Failed to generate the file.<br />
05552 Failed to generate data in the subroutine. The generated file can't be deleted<br />
05580 The specified file name is not a file generated in the same thread. The file was<br />
not deleted.<br />
05581 Failed to delete the specified file.<br />
06100 An I-O error occurred in the OPEN process of the specified HTML document<br />
Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing 107<br />
06101 An I-O error occurred in the READ process of the specified HTML document<br />
file.<br />
06102 The length of the specified HTML document file is 0.<br />
06105 A conversion name in the HTML document was not registered using<br />
COBW3_CNV_SET. Please register the conversion data using<br />
COBW3_CNV_SET.<br />
06106 Failed in the output because the output work area of the HTML document was<br />
insufficient. Please confirm the conversion data length corresponding to the<br />
conversion name.<br />
06107 Failed in the output because an error was found in the specified <strong>for</strong>m of the<br />
conversion name within the HTML document.<br />
06108 The string length of the specified conversion name is too long. Check the<br />
conversion name.<br />
06120 Failed to output the HTML document to the WWW server.<br />
06130 The number of characters in one line of the HTML document exceeds the limit.<br />
The string is truncated to the supported length.<br />
06300 The conversion name is not specified. Please set the conversion name.<br />
06301 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> character string length of the conversion<br />
name. The processing is continued regarding <strong>for</strong> 0 to have been specified.<br />
06302 A value was specified that exceeds the limit <strong>for</strong> character string length of the<br />
conversion name. The processing continues assuming the maximum length<br />
was specified.<br />
06303 The conversion character string is not specified. Please confirm the<br />
conversion character string.<br />
06304 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> character string length of the conversion<br />
character string. The processing continues assuming 0 was specified.<br />
06305 A value was specified that exceeds the limit <strong>for</strong> character string length of the<br />
conversion character string. The processing continues assuming the maximum<br />
length was specified.<br />
06310 The specified variable name has already been registered. The old conversion<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation remains effective.<br />
06320 Failed in registration because the registration work area <strong>for</strong> the conversion<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation was insufficient. Please register again after calling<br />
COBW3_CNV_INIT and initializing conversion in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
06330 Failed to delete conversion in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
06502 Unexpected error occurred in writing data on standard output.<br />
06503 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> the length of the string to be output. The<br />
processing continues assuming 0 was specified.<br />
06504 A value was specified that exceeds the limit <strong>for</strong> output character string length.<br />
The processing continues assuming the maximum length was specified.<br />
06700 COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT has already been called. The<br />
output request <strong>for</strong> the header is invalid.<br />
06702 COBW3-PUT-HEAD contains no colon (:). The specified COBW3-PUT-HEAD is<br />
ignored.<br />
06704 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> COBW3-PUT-HEAD-LENGTH. The<br />
processing continues assuming 0 was specified.<br />
06706 A value was specified that exceeded the limit <strong>for</strong> COBW3-PUT-HEAD-LENGTH.<br />
The processing continues assuming the maximum length was specified.<br />
06708 The object output as a header was not specified.
108 Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing<br />
06710 A value that had already been output and a different value were specified <strong>for</strong><br />
06714 A value that had already been output and a different value were specified <strong>for</strong><br />
06730 An error not anticipated in the declaration of Content-type occurred.<br />
06734 An error not anticipated in the declaration of Status-code occurred.<br />
06736 Unexpected error occurred in declaration of specified header.<br />
06742 Failed in the output of the specified header.<br />
06746 The output of the header could not be completed.<br />
07010 The user name was not able to be acquired.<br />
07011 The character string length of the user name exceededthe limitation. The<br />
maximum length is made effective.<br />
07020 The password was not able to be acquired.<br />
07021 The character string length of the password exceeded the limitation. The<br />
maximum length is made effective.<br />
07030 The IP address was not able to be acquired.<br />
07031 The character string length of the IP address exceeded the limitation. The<br />
maximum length is made effective..<br />
07040 The authentication type was not able to be acquired.<br />
07041 The character string length of the authentication type exceeded the limitation.<br />
The maximum is made effective.<br />
07500 Session not started.<br />
07510 Unable to start a session because COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT<br />
already invoked.<br />
07520 Unable to end a session because COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT<br />
already invoked.<br />
07558 Unable to start the timeout monitoring.<br />
07562 Failure in the timeout monitoring <strong>for</strong> some reason.<br />
07566 Failure in interrupting the timeout monitoring.<br />
07570 Unable to prepare <strong>for</strong> the timeout monitoring <strong>for</strong> some reason. Unable to start<br />
a session.<br />
07580 Unable to interrupt the timeout processing.<br />
07584 Incorrect session ID got from Cookie data.<br />
07588 Failure in getting the session in<strong>for</strong>mation management area.<br />
07590 Failure in executing the timeout monitoring.<br />
07600 Session already started.<br />
07602 Unable to start a session because the timeout time is specified as 0.<br />
07604 Value exceeding the restriction specified <strong>for</strong> the timeout time. The processing<br />
is continued assuming that the maximum length is specified.<br />
07606 Unable to start a session because an invalid value is specified in the session<br />
data type.<br />
07608 Unable to start a session because of a failure in creating Cookie data <strong>for</strong> the<br />
session.<br />
07610 Unable to register session data because 0 was specified <strong>for</strong> the session data<br />
Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing 109<br />
07614 Value exceeding the restriction specified <strong>for</strong> the session data size. The<br />
processing is continued assuming that the maximum length is specified.<br />
07618 Incorrect object specified <strong>for</strong> the session data.<br />
07650 Unable to get session data because a mismatch exists between the specified<br />
and registered session data sizes.<br />
07660 Unable to get session data because a value other than null is set in the<br />
session data.<br />
07670 No session data registered.<br />
07680 Unable to change the timeout time because 0 was specified <strong>for</strong> the timeout<br />
time.<br />
08004 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> COBW3-HEADER-NAME-LENGTH. The<br />
processing continues assuming 0 was specified.<br />
08005 The script-name could not be acquired.<br />
08006 A value was specified that exceeded the limit <strong>for</strong> COBW3-HEADER-NAME-<br />
LENGTH. The processing continues assuming the maximum length was<br />
specified.<br />
08008 COBW3-HEADER-NAME is not specified.<br />
08010 Failed to acquire the HTTP header.<br />
08020 The length of COBW3_HEADER_VALUE exceeds the limit. The string is<br />
truncated to the supported length.<br />
08024 The HTTP header specified <strong>for</strong> COBW3_HEADER_NAME could not be found.<br />
08030 The character string length of the script-name exceeds the limit. The<br />
maximum length is used.<br />
08500 COBW3_PUT_HTML or COBW3_PUT_TEXT has already been called. Operation<br />
to cookie is invalid.<br />
08510 The cookie name is not specified. Set the cookie name.<br />
08512 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> the string length of the cookie name. The<br />
processing continues assuming 0 was specified.<br />
08514 A value was specified that exceeded the limit <strong>for</strong> the string length of the<br />
cookie name. The processing continues assuming the maximum length was<br />
specified.<br />
08520 The cookie value is not specified. Set the cookie value.<br />
08522 A negative value was specified <strong>for</strong> the string length of the cookie value. The<br />
processing continues assuming 0 was specified.<br />
08524 A value was specified that exceeded the limit <strong>for</strong> the string length of the<br />
cookie value. The processing continues assuming the maximum length was<br />
specified.<br />
08530 Failed to change the specified cookie data because it was not registered.<br />
08532 The specified cookie name has already been registered. The old cookie data<br />
remains effective.<br />
08540 A date be<strong>for</strong>e Oct 15, 1582 is not valid as a cookie period. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08541 The year <strong>for</strong> the cookie period is not specified correctly. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08542 The month <strong>for</strong> the cookie period is not specified correctly. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08543 The day <strong>for</strong> the cookie period is not specified correctly. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.
110 Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing<br />
08544 The hour <strong>for</strong> the cookie period is not specified correctly. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08545 The minute <strong>for</strong> the cookie period is not specified correctly. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08546 The second <strong>for</strong> the cookie period is not specified correctly. The period is<br />
assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08550 An invalid value was specified <strong>for</strong> the cookie security. The security is assumed<br />
not to have been specified.<br />
08560 An invalid value was specified <strong>for</strong> the cookie registration type. The<br />
registration type is assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08570 Failed in registration because the registration work area <strong>for</strong> the cookie data<br />
was insufficient. Please register again after calling COBW3 _INIT_COOKIE to<br />
initialize conversion in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
08580 Failed to encode Cookie data.<br />
08610 Failed to delete the specified cookie data because it was not registered.<br />
08620 Failed to delete the specified cookie data.<br />
08710 An invalid value was specified <strong>for</strong> the initialization type of cookie in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
The initialization type is assumed not to have been specified.<br />
08720 Failed in initialization of the request data by cookie in<strong>for</strong>mation because the<br />
registration work area <strong>for</strong> the cookie in<strong>for</strong>mation was insufficient.<br />
08810 The length of the cookie value exceeded the limit. The string is truncated to<br />
the supported length.<br />
08820 Cookie data was not sent from the client.<br />
09001 The correct value is not specified <strong>for</strong> COBW3_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE.<br />
09010 Failed to acquire the request.<br />
09020 The length of COBW3_REQUEST_INFO exceeded the limit. The string is<br />
truncated to the supported length.<br />
09500 COBW3_CNV_SET can't be used in the Unicode environment.<br />
09501 COBW3_CNV_DEL can't be used in the Unicode environment.<br />
09502 COBW3_NAME can't be used in the Unicode environment.<br />
09504 COBW3_VALUE can't be used in the Unicode environment.<br />
09520 This subroutine can't be used in the ASCII environment.<br />
20000 Failed to load the COBOL application.<br />
20001 The specified environment setting file does not exist.<br />
20002 No COBOL application to be executed is specified.<br />
20003 Failed to acquire the start address of the COBOL application processing to be<br />
executed.<br />
20004 An error of unknown origin occurs in the director.<br />
20005 Environment setting ends abnormally in the director.<br />
20006 Failed in memory allocation.<br />
20007 Environment setting descriptions are erroneous.<br />
20008 The environment setting file name is incorrect.<br />
20009 No COBOL application to be freed is specified.<br />
21000 COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-CONTEXT is not set.
Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing 111<br />
21100 No character string is set in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME or COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-<br />
NAMEN.<br />
21102 A negative value is set in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME-LENGTH. The Web<br />
application regards the value as 0 and continues processing.<br />
21104 A value over the limit is set in COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME-LENGTH. The Web<br />
application regards the value as the maximum value and continues<br />
processing.<br />
21106 COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME could not be found.<br />
21110 Failed to acquire COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE.<br />
21112 The length of COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE exceeds the limit. The length up to<br />
the maximum length is valid.<br />
21210 Failed to acquire COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-BASENAME.<br />
21212 The length of COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-BASENAME exceeds the limit. The length up to the<br />
maximum length is valid.<br />
99999 Can’t open message catalog.
112 Appendix B. Error Recovery Processing
Appendix C. <strong>Architecture</strong> of a <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong><br />
Application<br />
Commodity subscription<br />
screen<br />
Unit price 200<br />
A 1<br />
Unit price 300<br />
B 3<br />
Unit price 100<br />
C 4<br />
Submit Cancel<br />
Confirmation screen<br />
Application data has been<br />
registered.<br />
Name Quantity Sum<br />
A 1 200<br />
B 3 900<br />
C 4 400<br />
Return<br />
NES<br />
<strong>SAF</strong><br />
Director<br />
PROGRAM-ID. <strong>SAF</strong>MAIN01.<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
:<br />
01 <strong>SAF</strong>CTX POINTER.<br />
SET COBW3-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX.<br />
*<br />
*Acquisition of data<br />
:<br />
*Registration of data<br />
MOVE “Quant i t y1” TO COBW3- CNV- NAME.<br />
:<br />
*Setting path of result page<br />
MOVE "/" TO<br />
*<br />
*<br />
*<br />
…<br />
Application data has been<br />
registered.<br />
<br />
<br />
Name<br />
Quantity<br />
Sum<br />
<br />
<br />
A<br />
//COBOL//Quantity1//COBOL//<br />
//COBOL//Sum1//COBOL//<br />
114 Appendix C. <strong>Architecture</strong> of a <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> Application
Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong><br />
Conversion <strong>Guide</strong><br />
The following describes how to convert Web applications using <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> CGI<br />
subroutines into Web applications using <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.
116 Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Conversion from CGI to <strong>SAF</strong><br />
In principle, <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines (hereafter referred to as <strong>SAF</strong> applications)<br />
guarantee upward compatibility in source <strong>for</strong> COBOL CGI applications (hereafter<br />
referred to as CGI applications). There<strong>for</strong>e, it is easy to modify Web applications<br />
created using CGI subroutines into Web applications using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
However, some modifications in the programs, compilations, and the linking methods<br />
are required, since the <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines have their own unique functions. This<br />
chapter describes the matters that require attention <strong>for</strong> the conversion from CGI to<br />
<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
First, the table below shows the difference between Web applications created using<br />
CGI subroutines and Web applications using <strong>SAF</strong> subroutines.<br />
No. Item CGI applications <strong>SAF</strong> applications<br />
1 Application <strong>for</strong>m Main program (EXE) Subprogram (DLL)<br />
2 Unit of execution Process Thread<br />
3 Server interface area Unnecessary Inevitable<br />
4 Environment variable operation Arbitrary Restricted<br />
5 CGI environment variable Enabled using supplied Enabled using supplied<br />
operation<br />
subroutines or<br />
statements.<br />
subroutines only.<br />
To implement a conversion from CGI to <strong>SAF</strong>, the above-noted items must be<br />
modified. Details of these modifications are described in the following chapters.<br />
The subroutines shown below only work in an environment where Web applications<br />
run in the ASCII code system, though they are included in the supplied <strong>NetCOBOL</strong><br />
<strong>SAF</strong> subroutines <strong>for</strong> the sake of compatibility.<br />
We recommend implementing corrections <strong>for</strong> the substitute subroutines, when<br />
per<strong>for</strong>ming a conversion from CGI to <strong>SAF</strong>.
Application Form<br />
Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong> 117<br />
Old Subroutine name New Substitute subroutine name<br />
COBW3_NAME<br />
CGI applications and <strong>SAF</strong> applications have different executable <strong>for</strong>mats. CGI<br />
applications execute as a main EXE file, whereas <strong>SAF</strong> applications execute as<br />
subroutine in .DLL files. Thus, it is necessary to make alterations in the following<br />
manner:<br />
• Descriptions of the Web applications started on the Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking<br />
applications<br />
• Compilation and linking methods<br />
Web Pages <strong>for</strong> Invoking Applications<br />
Change the extension “.EXE” of the Web applications on the invoking Web page into<br />
the extension (MIME type) used by the applications on NES. Be<strong>for</strong>e changing the<br />
extension, it is necessary to correct the obj.conf file and to register the MIME type.<br />
For details, refer to the Chapter2 or Chapter3.<br />
For example, a CGI application "CGI.EXE" and a <strong>SAF</strong> application "<strong>SAF</strong>.DLL" should be<br />
changed as shown below.<br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking the CGI applications<br />
<br />
...<br />
118 Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Web page <strong>for</strong> invoking applications modified <strong>for</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> applications<br />
<br />
...<br />
<br />
Note: NES checks the extensions to identify applications. Thus, each application<br />
name need not be identical to the .DLL name, but will be the name of extension<br />
(MIME type) registered on NES.<br />
Compilation and Linking Methods<br />
Compilation Method<br />
In the case of CGI applications, there are no particular options <strong>for</strong> compiling<br />
programs. The only exception is the compilation option "MAIN", which the user has<br />
to set in the main program. On the contrary, the user must not set the compilation<br />
option "MAIN" in a <strong>SAF</strong> routine because each <strong>SAF</strong> application must be created in<br />
a.DLL <strong>for</strong>mat. In addition, <strong>SAF</strong> applications require the compilation option shown<br />
below. For details of the compilation option, refer to the "<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
• THREAD (MULTI)<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> applications are designed <strong>for</strong> multi-threaded operation. Set the compilation<br />
option THREAD (MULTI) in every source program.<br />
Linking Method<br />
In CGI applications, object files are linked to make .EXE files as shown below.<br />
LINK Main-program.obj F3BICIMP.lib LIBC.lib F3BICWSR.lib /OUT:<br />
Execution-<strong>for</strong>mat-name.exe<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> applications, however, must be created in .DLL <strong>for</strong>mat. In addition, linked the<br />
import library are different from CGI application program as follows.<br />
Unit of Execution<br />
LINK /DLL Initial-program.obj Work-program.obj End-program.obj<br />
/OUT:Execution-<strong>for</strong>mat-name.dll /ENTRY:COBDMAIN<br />
Changing CGI applications into <strong>SAF</strong> applications means changing process-based<br />
applications into thread-based applications. The user should pay attention to the<br />
following:<br />
• Compilation method<br />
• Accessing common resources
Compilation Method<br />
Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong> 119<br />
It is necessary to set the compilation option THREAD (MULTI) <strong>for</strong> creating multithread<br />
objects.<br />
Accessing Common Resources<br />
A CGI application runs as one execution thread (single thread) in a dedicated process<br />
of the CGI application itself. Thus, there are no resources shared by several threads<br />
in a single process.<br />
A <strong>SAF</strong> application runs as several threads (multi-threads) within the process of NES<br />
itself. There<strong>for</strong>e, several threads may share resources.<br />
It is necessary to control synchronization in order to prevent competition when <strong>SAF</strong><br />
applications share common resources. Two types of synchronization controls are<br />
available <strong>for</strong> resource sharing: Automatic synchronization control by the COBOL runtime<br />
system, and synchronization control conducted by the <strong>SAF</strong> application itself<br />
using the "thread synchronization control subroutine" supplied by COBOL.<br />
For details, refer to the following sections in Chapter 24, Multithread Programs in the<br />
"<strong>NetCOBOL</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong>."<br />
• Resource Sharing among Threads<br />
• Thread Synchronization Control Subroutine<br />
Server Interface Area<br />
Users of CGI applications need not pay particular attention to the interface with the<br />
WWW server, with the exception of the environment variables. An <strong>SAF</strong> application is<br />
called by the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> director initiated by NES and receives an interface<br />
(parameter) area <strong>for</strong> transferring data with the <strong>NetCOBOL</strong> <strong>SAF</strong> director. Thus, it is<br />
necessary to modify the LINKAGE SECTION and PROCEDURE DIVISION when<br />
changing a CGI application into a <strong>SAF</strong> application. In addition, it is necessary to set<br />
the address of the interface area into COBW3, which is the interface with <strong>SAF</strong><br />
subroutines. For example:<br />
Contents of the CGI application<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
120 Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Modified contents of the <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
* COPY COBW3<strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
01 <strong>SAF</strong>CTX POINTER.<br />
* MOVE LOW-VALUE TO COBW3<strong>SAF</strong><br />
SET COBW3-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX.<br />
* SET COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-CONTEXT TO <strong>SAF</strong>CTX.<br />
Note: Delete the comment indicators when using a <strong>SAF</strong> specific function.<br />
Environment Variable Operations<br />
An environment variable block is assigned to each process. Since CGI applications<br />
run as separate processes, each is responsible <strong>for</strong> its own environment variables and<br />
it will not interfere with other processes. However, an <strong>SAF</strong> application runs as<br />
several threads in NES process. Thus, the <strong>SAF</strong> application may affect NES or other<br />
applications if it modifies environment variables. Thus, it is necessary to make<br />
alterations in order to remove the use of environment variables when converting an<br />
application from CGI to <strong>SAF</strong>.<br />
It is not safe to assume that the current folder is unchanged when a <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
is called. Thus, the user must pay attention to functions that use the current folder<br />
in the background, <strong>for</strong> example, a file operation specifying a relative path from the<br />
current folder. To avoid trouble, the following methods are recommended:<br />
• Specifying a file in an absolute path<br />
Contents of the CGI application<br />
Modified contents of the <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
• Specifying a file position using the physical path corresponding to the virtual path<br />
Use COBW3_GET_REQUEST_INFO to acquire the physical path corresponding to<br />
the virtual path.<br />
Contents of the CGI application<br />
Modified contents of a <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong> 121<br />
• Using a value specified by the <strong>SAF</strong> director<br />
It is possible to acquire a set of a name and value specified with<br />
COBOL_Per<strong>for</strong>m in the obj.conf file, using COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARM etc.<br />
Then, append path which Web application uses and the file name of the<br />
required file.<br />
Contents of the CGI application<br />
Modified contents of the <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
MOVE "APPPATH" TO COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-NAME.<br />
CALL "COBW3_<strong>SAF</strong>_GET_PARAM" USING COBW3<br />
IF COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-FLAG-EXIST THEN<br />
COBW3-HTML-FILNAME(COBW3-<strong>SAF</strong>-PARM-VALUE-LENGTH + 1:13)<br />
ELSE<br />
END-IF.<br />
Setting of the <strong>SAF</strong> director in the obj.conf file<br />
Service method=(GET|POST) type="magnus-internal/cob-app"<br />
sev="0" APPPATH="C:/COBAPL/APP"<br />
File specification in the run-time initialization file (COBOL85.CBR) is related to this.<br />
<strong>SAF</strong> applications cannot use relative paths, whereas either an absolute path or a<br />
relative path may be set <strong>for</strong> a CGI application. No substitute method is available, so<br />
the run-time initialization file must be modified to allow absolute paths to be set.<br />
COBOL85.CBR of the CGI application<br />
[Program name]<br />
Access-name=SEQFILE.DAT<br />
COBOL85.CBR modified <strong>for</strong> the <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
[Program name]<br />
122 Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Operations of CGI Environment Variables<br />
A CGI application can reference the "CGI environment variables" using the<br />
environment variable operation function of COBOL. On the contrary, an <strong>SAF</strong><br />
application cannot reference them. Thus, it uses three subroutines shown below:<br />
This subroutine acquires an HTTP header.<br />
This subroutine acquires various types of in<strong>for</strong>mation related to a request.<br />
This subroutine acquires authorization in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />
In addition, a CGI application can set or reference Cookie data using the<br />
environment variable operation function of COBOL. An <strong>SAF</strong> application cannot<br />
handle Cookie data using the environment variable operation function of COBOL.<br />
Use the subroutines <strong>for</strong> handling Cookie data shown below.<br />
• COBW3_SET_COOKIE, etc.<br />
This subroutine registers Cookie data.<br />
• COBW3_DEL_COOKIE, etc.<br />
This subroutine deletes registered Cookie data.<br />
This subroutine initializes Cookie data to be sent to the client.<br />
• COBW3_GET_COOKIE, etc.<br />
This subroutine acquires Cookie data contained in a request.<br />
For example, modify processing <strong>for</strong> acquiring in<strong>for</strong>mation from the HTTP header as<br />
shown below.<br />
Contents of the CGI application<br />
DISPLAY "HTTP_USER_AGENT” UPON Environment-variable-name.<br />
ACCEPT Browser-in<strong>for</strong>mation FROM Value-of-the-environment-variable<br />
MOVE "Error" TO Browser-in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
Modified contents of the <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
MOVE "User-agent" TO COBW3-HEADER-NAME.<br />
MOVE COBW3-HEADER-VALUE TO Browser-in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
ELSE<br />
MOVE "Error" TO Browser-in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
Modify Cookie operation as shown below.<br />
Contents of the CGI application<br />
Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong> 123<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
01 COOKIEDATA.<br />
02 PIC X(19) VALUE "Sample+cookie+data=".<br />
02 COOKIEVALUE PIC X(32).<br />
:<br />
DISPLAY "HTTP_COOKIE" UPON Environment-variable-name.<br />
ACCEPT COOKIEVALUE FROM Value-of-the-environment-variable<br />
Modified contents of the <strong>SAF</strong> application<br />
COPY COBW3.<br />
01 COOKIEVALUE PIC X(32).<br />
:<br />
:<br />
MOVE "Sample cookie data" TO COBW3-COOKIE-NAME.<br />
ELSE<br />
END-IF.<br />
Note: The user must execute URL encoding and URL decoding of Cookie data when<br />
handling the Cookie data by means of environment variable operation. To avoid<br />
such encoding and decoding, use Cookie data consisting of alphanumeric characters<br />
only.<br />
For example, an en-size space becomes a "+" as a result of URL encoding.
124 Appendix D. CGI To <strong>SAF</strong> <strong>Subroutines</strong> Conversion <strong>Guide</strong>