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Number 044 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 15-02-2008<br />

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.<br />

The PACIFIC SUN seen departing from Brisbane<br />

Photo : Jeroen Anneveld ©<br />



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Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11<br />

2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96<br />

The Netherlands E-mail: oceantowage.sales@svitzer.<strong>com</strong><br />

Ocean Tankers ELEOUSA TRIKOUKIOTISA seen moored at the Wartsila premises in the Wilhelmina harbour in<br />

Schiedam - Photo : Henk Wadman ©<br />

Gedenkplaat ‘Maassluis’ krijgt plaats in<br />

Groote Kerk te Maassluis<br />

Door : Rinus van de Ree - oud-directeur Nedlloyd Tankers<br />

Het motorschip ‘Maassluis’ was de eerste van een serie van vier chemicaliën- producttankers, met een<br />

draagvermogen van 38.000 ton. De schepen werden gebouwd door Van der Giessen de Noord in Krimpen. In 1982<br />

werd de ‘Maassluis’ overgedragen aan de rederij Nedlloyd Tankers.<br />

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Deze gebeurtenis ging niet onopgemerkt voorbij aan enkele Maassluizers. Want gedurende de overdracht vroeg de<br />

vader van Jan Steehouwer het woord en overhandigde een aandenken aan de kapitein. Het aandenken was een<br />

standaard waaraan de vier seinvlaggen van het internationale naamsein PFRA van de ‘Maassluis’ waren gehesen.<br />

Het schip heeft ruim zes jaren gelukkig gevaren totdat het noodlot<br />

toesloeg.<br />

De ‘Maassluis’ vertrok in februari 1989 in ballast van New York. Er was<br />

nog geen volgende lading voor haar. We spraken af dat het schip koers<br />

zou zetten naar Europa – meer in het bijzonder richting Lissabon – want<br />

dan kon, in geval van een volgend emplooi zonder veel omvaren, koers<br />

worden gezet naar het noordwestelijk continent of naar de Middellandse<br />

Zee.<br />

Eén dag voor de afgesproken positie ter hoogte van Lissabon spraken we<br />

met de kapitein. Op dat moment hadden we nog geen lading voor het<br />

schip, maar enkele uren later konden we een contract afsluiten voor een<br />

partij gasolie, te laden in Skikda, een haven op de noordkust van<br />

Algerije.<br />

Foto’s : Jan Steehouwer ©<br />

Op 14 februari 1989 om 18.38 uur meldde het schip aan de autoriteiten<br />

van de haven van Skikda dat het gereed was om te laden. Omdat even<br />

moest worden gewacht werd op de rede geankerd. Om 03.00 ’s nachts op<br />

de 15e februari ging de telefoon bij mij thuis in Maassluis. Peter aan de<br />

lijn. Peter Korsen, de eerste stuurman, sprak heel kalm en begon met de<br />

mededeling dat we de lading vanuit Skikda konden vergeten. Bovendien<br />

moesten we voorlopig niet aan een volgende lading denken. Op onze<br />

vraag hoe de toestand was vertelde hij het volgende:<br />

In de loop van de avond was het steeds harder gaan waaien. Er werd besloten zee<br />

te kiezen, maar ankerop gaan lukte niet. Met krabbend anker was het schip aan de<br />

buitenkant van de havenpier geraakt en lag nu op de buitenkant van de uit<br />

‘betonnen tetrapods’ opgebouwde pier. Alle ladingtanks aan bakboord en de<br />

dubbele- bodemtanks waren lek. Om dat te repareren zouden enkele weken nodig<br />

zijn. Er stond niet veel water onder de kiel dus als het schip eenmaal aan de<br />

grond zou zitten zou het wellicht iets rustiger liggen en was het wellicht mogelijk<br />

om verbinding met de pier te maken zodat de bemanning het schip zou kunnen<br />

verlaten. De inrichting om een lijn over te schieten was al klaargemaakt.<br />

Direct na het beëindigen van het telefoongesprek ben ik, mijn vrouw in<br />

onzekerheid achterlatend, naar het Nedlloydgebouw ‘Willemswerf’ aan de<br />

Boompjes gegaan. Enkele collega’s hadden zich hier reeds verzameld. We<br />

vernamen dat sleepboten uit Skikda zonder succes hadden geprobeerd om vast te<br />

maken. Ze waren onverrichter zake weer naar binnen gegaan omdat wind en zee<br />

vastmaken onmogelijk maakte.<br />

Ook een verzoek om helikopters uit te sturen om de bemanning van het schip te<br />

halen was op niets uitgelopen. De ‘Maassluis’ is nooit aan de grond gekomen. De<br />

waterdichte indeling, inherent aan een tanker, is zodanig dat er lange tijd<br />

voldoende drijfvermogen overblijft. We besloten om een snel klein vliegtuig te<br />

huren en naar Skikda te gaan. Toen we omstreeks vier uur in de middag boven<br />

Skikda aankwamen was geen spoor van het schip te zien. Omdat we dat niet<br />

konden geloven vroegen we de piloot om over de stukgoedhaven te vliegen. We<br />

konden daar eigenlijk niets verwachten, maar toch... ook daar was niets te zien.<br />

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We zijn geland, de piloten bleven op het vliegveld en wij zijn met z’n vieren naar Skikda gegaan. Toen we daar<br />

aankwamen bevestigden de autoriteiten ons vermoeden: van het schip zou niets meer te zien zijn. Twee leden van de<br />

bemanning waren ‘s nachts van het schip gespoeld en over de pier op de ernaast liggende weg terechtgekomen, waar<br />

zij door het personeel van de haven waren opgevangen. Het was inmiddels donker en de autoriteiten vonden het niet<br />

verantwoord dat we de pier opgingen. Er lag een weg aan de binnenkant van de pier op een lager niveau, maar het<br />

was niet bekend of die weg nog begaanbaar was. Omdat de pier zelf opgebouwd was uit tetrapods kon daar in het<br />

donker ook niet over gelopen worden.<br />

De volgende dag moesten we constateren dat er maar heel weinig van het schip was overgebleven. De tetrapods<br />

hadden de 10.000 ton staal bijna geheel vermalen. Een stukje voorschip, drijvend op de voorpiek en een stukje<br />

achterschip, drijvend op de achterpiek, was al wat we zagen. De stuurboordsankerketting stond dwars op in zee en<br />

van de schroef was alleen de knoop overgebleven: alle bladen waren weg. Het gesprek met de twee overlevenden<br />

kwam heel langzaam op gang.<br />

Aanvankelijk werden slechts vier lichamen teruggevonden. Na identificatie zijn de lichamen door de nabestaanden<br />

opgehaald en naar Nederland gevlogen. De aankomst op Schiphol was een aangrijpende gebeurtenis. Onder de<br />

dragers van de kisten bevond zich de kapitein die bij de overdracht het naamsein in ontvangst had genomen.<br />

Later werden nog vijf slachtoffers geborgen, waarvan twee lichamen naar Nederland en drie lichamen naar Indonesië<br />

werden gebracht.<br />

We beseffen dat onze gevoelens niets zijn in vergelijking met wat de nabestaanden doormaakten en nog doormaken.<br />

Onder de slachtoffers was de stuurmansleerling die zijn eerste reis maakte. Zijn ouders hebben het verdriet over het<br />

verlies van hun enige kind nooit kunnen verwerken. Zij zijn beiden overleden.<br />

Veel jonge mensen zijn gebleven waarvan sommigen een vrouw en jonge kinderen achterlieten. Anderen verloren hun<br />

enige kind. Twee echtparen vonden de dood. De lichamen van één echtpaar zijn gevonden en konden in Nederland<br />

worden begraven. Het andere echtpaar is, zoals vele anderen, nooit gevonden. Hun drie dochters bleven alleen achter.<br />

Veertien van de zevenentwintig slachtoffers hadden de Indonesische nationaliteit. Tot op deze dag is er iedere dag een<br />

moment dat flarden van die dagen bij me langskomen.<br />

Een maand later, op 14 maart 1989, vond een geweldige explosie plaats op de ‘Maasgusar’, een schip dat we op time<br />

charter hadden en op het fatale moment bijna volgeladen ten zuiden van Japan voer. Het schip brandde geheel uit en<br />

zonk. De gehele Engelse bemanning ging mee in de golven. Van meet af aan heeft de rederij contacten onderhouden<br />

met de nabestaanden van de ‘Maassluis’. Elk jaar op 15 februari bij de gedenkplaat in de ‘Willemswerf’ en tijdens de<br />

jaarlijkse koopvaardijdienst in de Laurenskerk in Rotterdam.<br />

Vandaag, vrijdag 15 februari 2008, 19 jaar later, zijn we bij elkaar om de gedenkplaat een tweede plaats<br />

te geven in de Groote Kerk van Maassluis.<br />


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"Hanni Theresa" to be Cleared Off<br />

The salvage operation to set afloat the m/v "Hanni Theresa" most likely will be started today, told SeaNews director<br />

of Baltic basin salvage administration Leonid Hasiev.<br />

The "Hanni Theresa" was making a voyage from Saint-Petersburg to Vyborg to load liquid mineral fertilizers, when it<br />

grounded early in the morning on February 11 north off the Vysotsk island in the Vyborg gulf.<br />

The incident occurred under the conditions of poor visibility because of the thick fog. The vessel was pilotaged. The<br />

attempts of the vessel's master to float off ended in failure.<br />

According to the North-West regional center of the Emergency ministry, the crew of the vessel, which consists of 11<br />

people, was not harmed. The spillage of oil products (there was 90 t. of fuel aboard the vessel) was avoided.<br />

The SVITZER CELINE seen anchored off Singapore<br />

Photo : John Bruinsma ©<br />

RWS Zuid Holland neemt Observer in de vaart<br />

Op 31 januari jl. heeft Rijkswaterstaat formeel de snelle Rigid Inflatable “RWS OBSERVER” in gebruik genomen. Met<br />

het vaartuig wordt een nieuwe weg ingeslagen voor wat betreft ‘geel op het water’. De snelle boot (maximumsnelheid<br />

80 km per uur) is al enige maanden in de vaart en in die tijd is veel ervaring opgedaan met de inzet van het vaartuig.<br />

De kracht van het vaartuig ligt in de grote snelheid waardoor de vaartijd aanmerkelijk bekort wordt. Rijkswaterstaat<br />

Zuid-Holland slaat hiermee een nieuwe weg in aangaande het nautisch toezicht.<br />

Martin van Dijk, voorzitter van afdeling Drechtsteden van Koninklijke Schuttevaer, was getuige van de doop van het<br />

nieuwe vaartuig. Bij de plechtigheid overhandigde hij zowel een “Schuttevaer vaantje” voor het nieuwe vaartuig, als<br />

de PR-award 2007 aan het Waterdistrict Merwede en Maas. Het vaantje symboliseert het feit dat Koninklijke<br />

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Schuttevaer veel belang hecht aan het inzetten van vaartuigen als de RWS Observer ten bate van de veiligheid. De<br />

vereniging waardeert de medewerking van de medewerkers van het Waterdistrict Merwede Maas zeer bij de promotie<br />

van de binnenvaart, daarom kregen zij de PR-award 2007. Source : Koninklijke Schuttevaer<br />

RNLI's oldest lifeboat <strong>com</strong>ing to Hastings<br />

By : Richard Morris<br />

The Queen Victoria, an oar and sail powered lifeboat, will join the ex-Hastings lifeboat Fairlight in a spectacular<br />

display of historic boats in celebrating the 150th anniversary of the RNLI in Hastings.<br />

The historic Victoria spent her working life at Bembridge on the Isle of White. Built in 1887 she was named in honour<br />

of Queen Victoria on the occasion of her Silver Jubilee. The Queen had been asked to choose a place for a new boat to<br />

be stationed and she selected Bembridge.<br />

After 16 years service she was sold in 1902 to one of the lifeboat crew, and renamed The Ark, eventually be<strong>com</strong>ing a<br />

houseboat in Bembridge Harbour. Abandoned and in a derelict condition, she was purchased in 1989 by Martin<br />

Woodward, the ex-Coxswain of the Bembridge Lifeboat. After nine years of fund raising and almost a year of hard<br />

work the Queen Victoria emerged in 1998 looking absolutely superb, lovingly restored to her original condition and<br />

preserved in the Bembridge Maritime Museum.<br />

RNLI lifeboats had already been operating for nearly 30 years in Hastings by the time the Queen Victoria was built.<br />

The boat in Hastings at that time was the Charles Arkcoll which arrived in 1881, at a cost of £363, looking exactly<br />

like the Queen Victoria does today. The Charles Arkcoll served at Hatings for twenty years between 1881 and<br />

1901.<br />

Commenting on the eagerly anticipated arrival of the Queen Victoria, the present Hastings lifeboat coxswain Martin<br />

Phillips said: "It's absolutely fantastic to have this unique piece of lifeboat history in Hastings for our 150th<br />

celebrations.<br />

"The boat reminds us of the generations of volunteers who have put to sea to save the lives of others, and I hope the<br />

public will take the opportunity to <strong>com</strong>e and see her." Hastings RNLI 150th celebrations will run from April 5th until<br />

April 13. A series of events are planned in and around the lifeboat house and a full programme will be published in<br />

March.<br />

Keep an eye on the Observer and the website, www.hastingsobserver.co.uk , for regular updates.<br />

In the Shipping newsclippings 036 the newbuilding TOR CORONA was mentioned, alert reader, Aart van der<br />

Lelij, spotted Tor line latest newbuilding during yard trials in China<br />

Photo : Aart van der Lelij ©<br />

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Bid to shift stranded lifeboat<br />

Salvage experts are to use a barge fitted with crane in a bid to hoist the stranded Portrush Lifeboat off the rocks at<br />

Rathlin Island, it was revealed tonight. The roll-on roll-off Terra Marique from Ellesmere Port, south of Liverpool has<br />

been brought in as part of plans to mount a new rescue operation on Friday.<br />

The #2m lifeboat has been stuck on the rocks since January 29 when it went to the aid of a ferryman whose boat got<br />

into trouble close to the harbour entrance during gale force winds. The top part of the lifeboat as well as the two<br />

engines and gear box have already been removed as part of the preparations for Friday`s lift.<br />

There have been a number of failed attempts to free the vessel, and a major investigation is under way to find out<br />

what happened the night it was blown unto the rocks by a freak wave.<br />

Some lifeboat men fear the vessel is already a virtual write off, but officials from the RNLI Ireland believe there is still<br />

a chance of it being made seaworthy again.<br />

A spokesperson said: "Obviously the hull is badly damaged, but until we get the lifeboat in place and have a proper<br />

look we will not know what the future holds.<br />

"Its still too early to say if it`s a write-off. The superstructure is still intact and who knows, it may still be possible to<br />

rebuild. But until the marine and technical people have a good look, we don`t know." Source : u.tv<br />

Carnival in ‘slavery’ spat<br />

Life onboard a cruiseship has proved to be far from plain sailing for one disgruntled Carnival Corp employee who has<br />

filed a lawsuit against her employer – for “forced labour, slavery and human trafficking”.<br />

Reshma Harilal, a 33-year-old South African, claims she was given a position and salary below what she signed up for<br />

and has been force to stay onboard ship “against her will”. Cruise giant Carnival has laughed off the claims as<br />

“<strong>com</strong>pletely false” and “baffling".<br />

In papers filed to a court in Miami, Florida, Harilal is demanding the return of her passport so she can return home as<br />

she “refuses to work in a lower position at a lower rate of pay”.<br />

Harilal’s legal team said: “Forcing someone to work under terms they did not agree to – we believe these<br />

circumstances give rise to violation of federal statutes that prohibit forced labor, human trafficking and slavery."<br />

"It's our belief this happens to a lot more people than you would think. We're doing this for people who can't stand up<br />

for themselves,” it added.<br />

Carnival counters that Harilal has worked for the <strong>com</strong>pany since 2000 and has signed several contracts in that time.<br />

“The allegations contained within the suit are not only <strong>com</strong>pletely false, but baffling, and the <strong>com</strong>pany looks forward to<br />

vigorously defending itself," Carnival said. Harilal previously had a spat with the <strong>com</strong>pany after developing a rash from<br />

cleaning chemicals used onboard a vessel. Source : Tradewinds<br />

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The newbuilding hull Nan Tong 0701 seen getting lifted by the sheerlegs MATADOR 1 and MATADOR 2 in<br />

Rotterdam-Waalhaven<br />

Photo : Frans Sanderse ©<br />

Greek bulker rescues 14<br />

A Greek bulk-carrier rescued 14 passengers after their vessel capsized in heavy seas off the Philippines. The crew of<br />

the 51,600-dwt Ioannis K (built 2002) spotted six people in the water in the Sulu Archipelago in the southwest of the<br />

country on Monday.<br />

After the master and crew of the Cyprus-flagged supramax, which is operated by Marmaras Navigation of Piraeus, had<br />

plucked the six from the water they launched a rescue operation in which eight others were picked up.<br />

A statement from the US Coast Guard Amver Centre, whom crew had informed of the rescue operation, said the 14<br />

were the only surviving passengers of a vessel which capsized with 95 onboard.<br />

However, other media reports indicated that the Philippines Coastguard and police service rescued a further 13 people<br />

after the unidentified vessel capsized in bad weather off Sibuto, Tawi Tawi province. The wooden vessel was en route<br />

to Tawi Tawi from Malaysia. Source : Tradewinds<br />

Wandkleden ss Rotterdam in Maritiem<br />

Museum<br />

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Het Maritiem Museum Rotterdam stelt vier nieuwe wandkleden tentoon die in het voormalige cruiseschip ss Rotterdam<br />

komen te hangen. De oorspronkelijke wandkleden uit het beroemde stoomschip uit 1959 werden in 2004 tijdens<br />

werkzaamheden gestolen.<br />

De nieuwe, die vanaf maandag in het museum hangen, zijn gebaseerd op de ontwerpen uit 1959. Het schip komt deze<br />

zomer uit Duitsland terug naar Rotterdam. Vanaf 1 september dient het als onder meer hotel, restaurant en<br />

vergaderuimte. Bron : PZC<br />

Computer problem blamed in LNG<br />

tanker power loss<br />

An AP report is quoting unnamed Coast Guard sources as saying "a problem with the <strong>com</strong>puters that control a tanker's<br />

boilers" caused the loss of power that left the LNG tanker Catalunya Spirit drifting off Cape Cod.<br />

Yesterday, a Unified Command statement said only that technicians on the ship restored full electrical power to the<br />

vessel's switchboards Tuesday night and had continued to make progress toward resuming the ship's propulsion.<br />

The ship is at the future site of the Neptune Offshore LNG facility off Eastern Point Light near Gloucester, Mass.<br />

The Coast Guard Cutter Escanaba remains with the Catalunya Spirit enforcing a safety zone around the tanker.<br />

The Unified Command at Coast Guard Sector Boston is monitoring and managing the tanker's safety and ongoing<br />

repairs. The vessel has not suffered any structural damage or released any product.<br />

The Maine Responder, currently on scene with the Catalunya Spirit, has 2,640 feet of boom on board. The New<br />

Jersey Responder is en route carrying an additional 2,640 feet of boom.<br />

There are 17 additional spill-response boats in the area that could respond to a fuel oil leak in three to four hours.<br />

Another 150 spill-response boats could be on scene in eight to 10 hours.<br />

The Catalunya Spirit regularly delivers LNG to Boston. The Coast Guard is overseeing the vessel's repairs that will be<br />

certified and approved by the Captain of the Port of Boston prior to any future deliveries to Boston Harbor.<br />

Every LNG ship that enters the Port of Boston undergoes an extensive pre-arrival check by a Coast Guard marine<br />

inspector. State, local and Coast Guard security boats meet the ship at the harbor entrance and ensure safe passage<br />

to the LNG terminal in Everett, Mass. Source : MarineLog<br />


Schip vlotgetrokken bij Saeftinghe<br />

Het containerschip MSC Eyra, dat woensdagmiddag vastliep aan de oostkant van het Land van Saeftinghe, is<br />

vlotgetrokken.<br />

Vier sleepboten van de Unie van Redding en Sleepdienst trokken het schip, dat door dichte mist vastliep, rond vier uur<br />

los. Het schip de MSC Eyra is geladen met veertienhonderd containers waarvan veertien gevaarlijke stoffen bevatten.<br />

Hulpdiensten waren 's middags in staat van paraatheid gebracht. In Middelburg was een regionaal beleidsteam<br />

ingericht onder leiding van de Hulster burgemeester J.F. Mulder.<br />

De MSC Eyra - varend onder Panamese vlag - wordt door twee slepers van de reddingsunie via de Berendrechtsluis<br />

naar Antwerpen begeleid.<br />

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Kitty Hawk leads list of ships going away<br />

The Navy plans to say goodbye to an aircraft carrier and three amphibious ships in the next fiscal year.<br />

The Austin-class amphibious transport dock ships (LPDs) Juneau and Nashville, amphibious assault ship Tarawa<br />

(LHA 1) and the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk are slated to leave the fleet in fiscal 2009.<br />

Based in Yokosuka, Japan, Kitty Hawk was built by New York Shipbuilding Corp. in New Jersey and <strong>com</strong>missioned in<br />

April 1962. The carrier was the first of three super carriers and is the last conventionally-powered carrier in the fleet.<br />

The Japan-based Juneau was constructed by Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co. in Seattle and <strong>com</strong>missioned<br />

in 1969. The ship went on five separate deployments to Vietnam in the early 1970s and earned five battle stars for<br />

efforts during the Vietnam War, according to the ship's Web site. The "Mighty J" was the first ship on station after<br />

the Exxon Valdez oil spill off the coast of Alaska, supported the deployment of Marines to Somalia, made multiple<br />

Persian Gulf deployments and helped in cyclone relief efforts in Bangladesh.<br />

The Norfolk, Va.,-based Nashville was also built by Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction. The ship was<br />

<strong>com</strong>missioned in 1970. The Navy is now building San Antonio-class ships to eventually replace the older LPD ships.<br />

The Tarawa was built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries in Pascagoula, Miss., and was<br />

<strong>com</strong>missioned in 1976. The amphibious assault ship has spent its life in the Pacific Ocean and in the Middle East,<br />

where the ship is currently operating in the 5th Fleet area of operations.<br />

MSC Ships Deliver Supplies to Antarctic<br />

Research Station<br />

Military Sealift Command dry cargo ship MV American Tern transfers fuel to Swedish icebreaker Oden at McMurdo<br />

Station in Antarctica Feb. 11. One of two MSC ships to travel to McMurdo this month, American Tern arrived at the<br />

research station's ice pier Feb. 8 and delivered 12m lbs. of equipment and supplies.<br />

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The AMERICAN TERN (T-AK 4729) seen moored at McMurdo station<br />

MSC ice-strengthened tanker USNS Lawrence H. Gianella was at McMurdo Jan. 28 - Feb. 3 delivering nearly 6<br />

million gallons of fuel to power the station's generators, vehicles, helicopters and research boats. MSC ships deliver<br />

more than 70 percent of the supplies and equipment and 100 percent of the fuel that the station receives each year.<br />

Military Sealift Command (MSC) dry cargo ship MV American Tern left the National Science Foundation’s McMurdo<br />

Station in Antarctica after delivering a year’s worth of equipment and stores as part of Operation Deep Freeze, the<br />

research station’s annual replenishment of supplies. MSC ice-strengthened tanker USNS Lawrence H. Gianella also<br />

participated in the operation.<br />

Gianella arrived at McMurdo’s ice pier Jan. 28 and delivered nearly 6 million gallons of fuel to power the station’s<br />

generators, vehicles, helicopters and research boats before departing Feb. 3. American Tern arrived Feb. 8 and, as<br />

soon as its brow dropped, 59 Sailors from a Navy cargo handling battalion began working around the clock to offload<br />

12 million pounds of equipment and supplies for the 1,500 researchers and support personnel who work on the<br />

continent each year.<br />

MSC delivers more than 70 percent of the dry cargo and 100 percent of fuel that is taken to the continent each year.<br />

Equally important, however, is the cargo that MSC takes off of the continent. This year nearly 5 million pounds of<br />

items ranging from precious ice core samples to all the waste that McMurdo Station has accumulated over the past<br />

year were loaded onto American Tern before it departed.<br />

On its last day in port, American Tern successfully transferred fuel to the Swedish icebreaker Oden, which arrived in<br />

the area in advance of the two MSC ships and broke a channel through about 18 miles of ice that blocked the ships’<br />

access to McMurdo.<br />

New generation nuclear sub put on the water<br />

The first vessel of Russia’s fourth generation of nuclear submarines, the “Yuri Dolgorukii”, was 12-02-2008 night put<br />

on the water at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast.<br />

The submarine was taken out of the dock at the Sevmash construction plant in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, the<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany reports in a press note<br />

The launch of the new sub marks the opening of a new chapter in Russian submarine history. The vessel is the first in<br />

the of the Project 955 “Borey” class, the most hi-tech of all Russian subs.<br />

The planning of the vessel was initiated in 1978 and construction started in 1996. The vessel will be equipped with<br />

“Bulava” missile system. It remains not clear, however, whether the vessel already now will carry the new missiles.<br />

The “Yuri Dolgorukii was last April taken out of the construction hall in the presence of First Deputy Prime Minister<br />

Sergey Ivanov.<br />

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The "Yuri Dolgorukii", which takes its name from a Slavic prince who is credited with founding Moscow, can descend<br />

to a depth of 450 meters and carry 107 sailors. The new submarine is part of a plan approved by President Vladimir<br />

Putin to upgrade the core of the country's undersea nuclear attack forces, the Moscow Times reports. Currently,<br />

another two Borey-class subs are under construction at Sevmash, the "Vladimir Monomakh" and the "Aleksandr<br />

Nevskii".<br />

Navy Cargo Ship Assists at-Sea Rescue<br />

Military Sealift Command large, medium-speed, RoRo ship USNS Seay conducted an at-sea rescue operation February<br />

9 in the Straits of Gibraltar. At 12:50 a.m. the 950-ft. military cargo ship was notified by the Tarifa Rescue<br />

Coordination Center in Tarifa, Spain, that a small craft in their vicinity had issued a distress signal and needed<br />

assistance. With 12-ft. seas and winds blowing up to 30 knots, Seay’s master Capt. Tom Madden and the ship’s crew<br />

began the search. Twelve minutes later, they spotted the 25-foot wooden fishing vessel and its four passengers –<br />

three adults and one child.<br />

For the next hour, Seay maneuvered to shield the vessel from high winds until a rescue craft from the Tarifa Rescue<br />

Coordination Center arrived on-scene to pick up the fishing vessel’s four passengers. The following day Seay arrived in<br />

port in Rota, Spain, to load helicopters and equipment used by the U.S. Army’s 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade in<br />

Afghanistan. The equipment is being redeployed to the United States. USNS Seay is under long-term charter to the<br />

U.S. government and is crewed by U.S. merchant mariners. Source : MarineLink<br />

Ark Royal makes special visit to Poole in<br />

support of the RNLI The Royal Navy's fleet flagship<br />

HMS Ark Royal has made a<br />

special visit to Poole to<br />

celebrate its support for the<br />

RNLI's Train one, save many<br />

campaign.<br />

The crew of the famous<br />

aircraft carrier have been<br />

raising funds for the<br />

campaign, which aims to raise<br />

£10M in 5 years to support<br />

the training of the RNLI's<br />

volunteer lifeboat crews.<br />

The Ark Royal met lifeboat<br />

crews on a training exercise at<br />

the entrance to Poole bay.<br />

The Trent class all-weather<br />

lifeboat and B class and D<br />

class inshore lifeboats<br />

practised their techniques<br />

while RNLI National Campaigns and Events Manager Andy Whyte went onboard the Ark Royal to be presented with the<br />

funds raised.<br />

Andy says: ‘We're absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to carry out our training exercise alongside HMS Ark<br />

Royal and feel very privileged that its crew continue to support the RNLI and its Train one, save many campaign.'<br />

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Ark Royal's crew started fundraising for the RNLI last year. Captain Mike Mansergh says: ‘HMS Ark Royal greatly<br />

values the close link between the RNLI and Royal Navy in the safety of life at sea. The fleet flagship is a strong<br />

advocate of the RNLI's Train one, save many campaign. We wel<strong>com</strong>ed the opportunity to train together with volunteer<br />

RNLI lifeboat crews as we passed Poole harbour on the ship's return from training in the North Sea, testing the boat<br />

handling skills of the brave RNLI coxswains.' Source : BYM Marine & Maritime News<br />


Birds eye view of the Keppel-Verolme shipyard in Rotterdam-Botlek<br />

Photo Elmer Bosma ©<br />

Shipbuilding Company Returns to New Orleans<br />

United States Marine Inc., a shipbuilding <strong>com</strong>pany that moved its headquarters to Gulfport, Miss. after Hurricane<br />

Katrina, has returned to the New Orleans. In November 2007, the <strong>com</strong>pany leased space along the Industrial Canal in<br />

New Orleans from Trinity Yachts Inc. The <strong>com</strong>pany now is using the New Orleans yard to construct a line of military<br />

vessels bound for the Middle East nation of Bahrain.<br />

United States Marine's headquarters will remain in Mississippi while its new Industrial Canal space will serve as a<br />

second location. The <strong>com</strong>pany shares Trinity's equipment and work force, which it is using to <strong>com</strong>plete a $22m<br />

contract with the U.S. Navy to build two vessels that will ultimately be used by Bahrain.<br />

However, the <strong>com</strong>pany plans by the end of the year to build its own shipbuilding operation on the Trinity Yachts land<br />

and hire between 50 and 75 employees to work on the Navy ships and other watercraft, Dreyfus said. The two<br />

<strong>com</strong>panies share a co-owner, John Dane III. Source: AP<br />

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wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings,<br />

lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc.<br />

Nijverheidsweg 21 3161 GJ RHOON The Netherlands<br />

Telephone: (+31)105018000<br />

(+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.)<br />

Fax : (+31)105013843<br />

Internet & E-mail<br />

www.vlierodam.nl<br />

info@vlierodam.nl<br />

Seen from the top the test barge CT-UB of Heerema Marine Contractors <strong>com</strong>pletely rigged to execute the test lift<br />

for both cranes onboard the BALDER, The test barges are having an empty weight of 521 short tonnes and fully<br />

loaded a weight of 4400 short tons.<br />

Photo : Willem Poot (c)<br />

Damen Dredging Equipment delivers new<br />

automation system for Mercator Lines<br />

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Damen Dredging Equipment reports that it delivered a new dredging automation system for the 5,400m3 trailing<br />

suction hopper dredger Triloki Prem in just three weeks.<br />

The vessel, owned by Mercator Lines, was built in China in 2006, and had been fitted with dredging automation<br />

entirely in the Chinese language. The new owner chose a <strong>com</strong>pletely new software package as it could be delivered far<br />

quicker than the existing package could be translated.<br />

Mercator Lines, the new Indian owner of the vessel, provides marine transportation services and has recently taken up<br />

dredging activities. Triloki Prem is the <strong>com</strong>pany's first hopper dredger. It is currently at work dredging the main<br />

shipping route between India and Sri Lanka. Source : Dredging news online<br />



Alphatechnique BV is Alphatron Marine’s new subsidiary. The new <strong>com</strong>pany is formed by former employees of<br />

Progress technique, the Dutch specialist in cargo monitoring and bulk handling systems for the Marine Industry.<br />

Alphatron Marine is a solid and successful producer and system integrator of navigation, <strong>com</strong>munication and integrated<br />

automation solutions for deepsea, megayachting and inland vessels. Alphatron Marine is part of the Alphatron Group<br />

which has 28 years of experience in professional electronics and employs over 200 people divided over 14 subsidiaries<br />

around the world.<br />

The <strong>com</strong>bined expertise of former Progress Technique and Alphatron Marine can now be used in order to extend their<br />

business outlet from navigation, <strong>com</strong>munication and dynamic positioning systems to alarm monitoring and cargo<br />

control systems. This cooperation provides one-stop shopping bridge concept solutions for all kinds of vessels,<br />

including the engineering and service back-up during the lifetime of the vessel. Luuk Vroombout, Director of Alphatron<br />

Marine BV said: “We are very excited about the formation of Alphatechnique, this will be a huge step forward for the<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete bridge concept solutions that we deliver.” The new <strong>com</strong>pany will be able to provide a full concept, all from<br />

one source, with exciting new integrated products for offshore, sea and river vessels.<br />

For more information about the new subsidiary, please contact Alphatron Marine at +31(0)10 453 4000 or e-mail<br />

Alphatron at deepsea@alphatronmarine.<strong>com</strong> or contact Alphatechnique at +31 (0) 181-454609 or e-mail<br />

Alphatechnique at strik@alphatechnique.nl<br />



Holland America Line is set to travel Down Under in 2009 with nine select voyages throughout Australia and New<br />

Zealand aboard the 1,432-passenger ms Volendam, a ship new to this region. Iconic landmarks such as the Sydney<br />

Opera House and Auckland’s Sky Tower will greet guests as the ship explores the varied landscapes and exotic<br />

cultures of Australia and the North and South islands of New Zealand through several unique ports of call.<br />

Departing from Auckland, New Zealand; Sydney, Australia, or Singapore, the exclusive 14- to 19-day sailings bring<br />

guests to striking locales and allow for spectacular scenic cruising and pre- and post-cruise tours to some of world’s<br />

most renowned destinations.<br />

“For many of our guests, a cruise to Australia and New Zealand is a dream <strong>com</strong>e true,” said Richard D. Meadows, CTC,<br />

executive vice president, marketing, sales and guest programs for Holland America Line. “The itineraries we offer are<br />

unlike any others, and that ensures we’re giving our guests the most extraordinary experiences possible.”<br />

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15- and 19-day itineraries sail the Great Barrier Reef and Asia<br />

Volendam’s two new Great Barrier Reef itineraries are firsts of their kind among major cruise lines in the region. On<br />

these select sailings, guests enjoy four days of cruising the Great Barrier Reef, including two days of daylight cruising<br />

through the world’s largest coral reef system. Scenic highlights in the reef include viewing the sunrise or sunset —<br />

depending on itinerary — while anchored off Lizard and Bobby Islands, an overnight anchorage in the reef near<br />

Sherrard Island and cruising Torres Strait. Several interesting ports also will be visited in Indonesia, including Komodo<br />

Island, part of the Komodo National Park; Padang Bai, Bali, with its abundance of shopping opportunities, and<br />

Semarang, a bustling city teeming with ancient temples. The 19-day itinerary from Auckland to Singapore departs<br />

March 16, 2009, and the 15-day Singapore-to-Sydney cruise departs Nov. 21, 2009.<br />

Discover the many wonders of New Zealand on a 14- or 16-day cruise<br />

Guests are treated to a picturesque backdrop and extraordinary ports of call on 14-day voyages throughout Australia<br />

and New Zealand. Volendam brings cruisers from Sydney’s famous harbor to Auckland’s bustling city with calls along<br />

the way at Burnie, Australia; and Christchurch, Tauranga, Dunedin and Picton, New Zealand. The verdant landscape of<br />

New Zealand wel<strong>com</strong>es guests as they encounter breathtaking sights while cruising through Fiordland National Park, a<br />

UNESCO World Heritage Site.<br />

The lush forests and enchanting waterways will continue to charm guests, even as they sample the region’s many<br />

culinary delights including Picton’s wine country, Tauranga’s kiwi farms and Burnie’s Lactos Cheese Factory. Additional<br />

adventures can be experienced on Picton’s waterways, which are perfect for kayaking, and Tauranga’s bubbling hot<br />

springs. Itineraries between Sydney and Auckland depart January through March, and December 2009, and a special<br />

16-day holiday sailing departs Dec. 20, 2009.<br />

Starting fares (per person, double occupancy) for the 14-day cruises are $1,999 and for the 16-day holiday voyage,<br />

$2,999; also, $2,249 for the 15-day Great Barrier Reef journey, and $2,599 for the 19-day Great Barrier Reef<br />

experience. Guests can make the most of their time down under by adding a pre- or post-cruise tour to further explore<br />

sites such as the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock or the Waitomo Caves.<br />

Lectures in Holland America’s Explorations Speaker Series further enhance the experience by providing guests the<br />

opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the region. When in port, guests can choose from a multitude of diverse<br />

shore excursions including the exclusive Medallion Collection featuring Overland Adventures; Signature Collection<br />

private-car touring; visits to natural, architectural and technical masterpieces from the Wonders of the World<br />

Collection; and rare and unusual experiences with the Encore Collection excursions.<br />

Holland America Line also will feature a selection of unique voyages to the Asia Pacific region in 2009, including a new<br />

round-trip Hong Kong itinerary. For the first time next fall through spring of 2009, Volendam will sail to destinations<br />

throughout the Pacific, calling at exotic locales in China, Southeast Asia, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam and Russia.<br />

For a 2009 Australia/New Zealand and Asia/Pacific cruise brochure or for more information, consult a professional<br />

travel agent, visit www.hollandamerica.<strong>com</strong><br />

Offshore Runner Vessel Launched<br />

The Offshore Runner vessel (Yard No 358) for Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd, Mumbai was launched on February 11 at<br />

Dempo Shipbuilding and Engineering Pvt Ltd, Old Goa. Among the dignitaries present were, Mr Naushir Mehta, director<br />

of Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd, Ms Mehta, Mr Dilip Sawant, design consultant, Mr Yatish S Dempo, director, Mr Sanjeev<br />

A Kanekar, general manager (works), Mr Vivek Phadte, works manager and other members of staff and contractors.<br />

source: Navhind Times<br />

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Seen on the Clyde the tidy little Dutch tug EN AVANT 7 with the STEMAT crane barge DINA-M in tow for work in<br />

the Clyde area.<br />

Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND ©<br />

Höegh Autoliners moves to Norway<br />

Höegh Autoliners will relocate its ship-owning activity to Norway. Following the move, 43 car carriers will be held by its<br />

Norwegian ship-owning entity. By 2012 Höegh Autoliners plans to have at least 61 car carriers under Norwegian<br />

ownership.<br />

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The new Norwegian shipping tax regime announced at the end of 2007 introduces general conditions in line with those<br />

in the EU. This will provide internationally <strong>com</strong>petitive tax rules for Norwegian shipping. Höegh Autoliners has<br />

therefore decided to move its ship-owning activities from Bermuda to Norway.<br />

"We have decided to move to Norway because the new Norwegian tax scheme is attractive and will provide an even<br />

more efficient base for our global business" says Thor Jørgen Guttormsen, CEO of Höegh Autoliners.<br />

Key <strong>com</strong>mercial and technical management activities are already located in Oslo with 268 employees. Another 320<br />

employees operate from 30 locations world-wide.<br />

"The Norwegian maritime cluster provides a unique base for collaboration with experienced resources in all maritime<br />

related fields," says Guttormsen. "Maritime <strong>com</strong>petency of a very high standard is available here."<br />

22 vessels in Höegh Autoliners' fleet are registered in the Norwegian International Ship Registry (NIS). All newbuildings<br />

are entered into NIS when they are delivered from the yard.<br />

While the new Norwegian shipping tax regime is attractive as outlined, the Government has proposed a scheme for<br />

terminating the existing regime which will seriously affect the industry negatively. By forcing payments of tax<br />

retroactively calculated on earnings since 1996, Norwegian shipping <strong>com</strong>panies have been told to pay a huge bill in<br />

accumulated tax. The legality of this demand has been disputed by the industry.<br />

"It is a paradox that <strong>com</strong>panies established outside Norway will be better off than those who remained within the<br />

Norwegian shipping tax regime introduced in 1996," says Guttormsen. "We will also be affected because we have<br />

maintained a presence in Norway all along. However, our evaluation of the new scheme is independent of these<br />

termination rules."<br />

Under the provisions for terminating the existing tax regime Höegh will be liable for around NOK 1.3 billion (about USD<br />

240 million).<br />

In January Höegh Autoliners announced that it acquires a fleet of car carriers from A.P.Moller-Maersk and that the<br />

Danish <strong>com</strong>pany will be<strong>com</strong>e a shareholder in the Norway based <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

With A.P.Moller-Maersk as a partner, Höegh Autoliners has further strengthened its platform for broad based growth<br />

and enhanced customer service.<br />

Höegh Autoliners started its Ro/Ro car carrier operation in 1969 and now deploys some 67 vessels in its global trade<br />

systems. Vessels already ordered will grow the Company's carrying capacity by 45 per cent to 85 ships in 2012.<br />

Main customers are major manufacturers of new cars, heavy machinery and rolling goods. In 2008 Höegh Autoliners<br />

expect to carry about 2.2 million car equivalent units (CEU) making close to 3 000 port calls. The Company estimates<br />

2008 revenues of about USD 1.4 billion and a balance sheet of close to USD 3 billion. Source : Höegh<br />

Pipavav Shipyard Wins $1.06b Order<br />

Pipavav Shipyard has won an order worth $1.06bn to build 26 Panamax bulk carriers, making it India's largest<br />

shipbuilding order to date. The orders are from Golden Ocean Group, Norway; SETAF, France; and AVGI Maritime,<br />

Greece. Source: Money Control<br />

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Seaway Heavy Lifting<br />

Offshore installation<br />

Platform installations and removals<br />

Globally available<br />

5000 mt crane capacity<br />

Seaway Heavy Lifting<br />

c/o Chroomstraat 30, 2718 RR Zoetermeer<br />

Mechel to Build New Port?<br />

Mechel Group is planning to build a port for coal handling in the Russian Far East, reports Interfax with a reference to<br />

a source in the <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

The exact location of the port, the stage of the project realization and the volume of investment are not reported.<br />

Currently an appropriate site is being selected and the feasibility study of the project is being prepared.<br />

It is assumed that the new port will be used for coal export to the countries of Asian-Pacific Ring. Source : SeaNews<br />

Port of Savannah receives super-sized<br />

cranes<br />

Four new environmentally friendly cranes that can handle the larger cargo ships of the future have made it to the Port<br />

of Savannah, where they will help the port's Garden City Terminal more than double its capacity by 2015.<br />

The super post-Panamax cranes from Konecranes are about 480 feet long, weigh 1,369 tons and rise 367 feet above<br />

the water with a 34-degree incline -- they are the largest of their kind in the world. The cranes can handle super post-<br />

Panamax vessels the size of 22 containers wide. Electric, they will cut the use of 500,000 gallons of diesel, the<br />

emission of 690 tons of nitrogen oxide, four tons of particulate matter and 12 tons of hydrocarbons every year.<br />

"The new cranes will play a major role in enhancing productivity and capacity necessary to handle the growing volume<br />

of cargo at Savannah," said Doug J. Marchand, Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) executive director. "They represent the<br />

promise of future growth and opportunity for our <strong>com</strong>munity and the state of Georgia." Source : Atlanta Business<br />

Chronicle<br />

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Above seen Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System m/v Kennicott, laid up in Ketchikan for the winter.<br />

Photo : Robert Kuikhoven ©<br />

Swire Orders New Offshore Vessels<br />

Swire Pacific Offshore Holdings (SPO) has signed an agreement with Qingdao Qianjin Shipyard, Qingdao, to build eight<br />

new "P" Class Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (AHTS) for delivery in 2010 and 2011. The agreement was signed<br />

on 24th January by SPO's Managing Director.<br />

The new 4,800 hp, IMT957-design vessels will be 57 metres long, with a bollard pull of 60 metric tons; the first pair of<br />

AHTS is scheduled for delivery in August 2010, with the remaining pairs of vessels delivering at four-monthly intervals<br />

thereafter. The contract, which is worth in the region of US$100 million, <strong>com</strong>pletes the major part of an ongoing fleet<br />

replacement program, and when the last of these eight new vessels is delivered in 2011, the wholly owned Swire<br />

Pacific subsidiary will have replaced 24 of its older vessels, and increased its fleet size to 86 vessels, with an average<br />

age of 11. Source : MarineLink<br />

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The ELEKTRA seen passing the Caland Bridge enroute the Brittanie harbour<br />

Photo : Henk Dekker ©<br />


Inbound on the sunny River Clyde in Scotland was the PETUJA a fine example of the modern day feeder style<br />

containership.<br />

Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND<br />

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…. PHOTO OF THE DAY …..<br />

For the third time Curacao's biggest bank MCB (Maduro& Curiel's Bank) organized a trip on the clipper Stad<br />

Amsterdam to say thank you to the local media. General manager Lionel -Chicu- Caprilles wel<strong>com</strong>ed more than one<br />

hundred TV and radio makers, journalists and photographers on board for a five hour sunset trip to the western part<br />

of the island. Clipper Stad Amsterdam was build by Damen Oranjewerf in Amsterdam in 2000. The full rigged three<br />

mast clipper has a tonnage of 698 GT.<br />

Photo : Els Kroon ©<br />

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